HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-4, Page 5"MINUS GAOL
ON,[+#i r.00 LOAN AT .0 PER
(mut. 1', s, 800TT, Brussels,
I Y • racuer of Marring', Lioem�1eni, of.
flea at Grocery, .2 alrnbor'ry street, Jtrueeole,
1.0 a 7!oneorlal Artist, shop -Next, door
North of the Standard Bank, Ladles anti
Uhlidrau'e hair nutting g epoolattv,'
. lssner of Marriage Licenses,
Will -TON,, ONT.
L. O. M„
Acadomio graduate of London Couoerve.
tory of Music, oleo Member of tbo Associated
Musiolane of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for 11)01,4000n
on the piano. Qualified : to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form In the Conservatory of
Brussel;, Ontario,
blork of the Fourth Divieton Court,
Co. Baron ; conveyancer, Notary Pubho,,
Land, Loan t and instrranee Agent; Auction-
eer, Fonds Invested and to"loan. Collec-
tions made.. Moe in Grabam'olBlook, Bruit -
• nen, will sell for bettor prices, to
batter men in lose time nand lees ebargee
than any other Auctioneer in. Past Hurou or
he won't Charge anything. Dittos and orders
ran alwaye bo arranged at this office or by
personal applioetlou.
(a'onganns or 0EAPOBTH)
Graduate of R, O. D. 8„ Toronto ; Pont Grad.
nate course at Basket's School, Ohioago, in
Drown and bridge work. ra-Prioeo same ea
In surrounding towns. 21•
Office over A, R. Sneitb'e store, Brunets.
J . ill. WARWIOK-
Honer Gtaduato of. the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, Is prepared to treat all din•
0asee of domesticated animals tin a comp et.
eat manner. Fartieular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. 011lce and Infirmary -Four doors
North. of bridge, Turnborry et., Brussels.
IIarrister, Solicitor, tOoaveyanoer,
Notary Publio, .bo. OMo o -S tewart'e Block
2 door Nor th of Central Hotel.,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Olnoe over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
•HtrSlmr,,GbCameron) ar Barrister ocitooderlo
Ont. Ofdeo-Hamilton street, opposite Col.
borne Hotel.
M. D., G. 016,
College, University, Clleleo of RPhysiciansdand
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001-
leie of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery,Bdinburgb, r8-Tolopbone No.14,
Residence -Mill Street, Brueeeie.
System nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rear.
algia, Loos of Memory, Bronohitie, Con-
sumption, Gan Stones, Jaundice, Xidoey
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dame,
Female Irregularities and Geueral De.
Prop. and Mannfooturer.
Sad by Jas, Pox, Druggist, Brussels
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND ---
North Shore
Pule and Cedar
:Brussels Planing Mills
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
terns on bond or made to order
at Short Notice.
Eat'rmatee Furnished for an
kind' of Buildings. Workman.
fillip and Material Guaranteed,
PO A,f.Y.4EJ.`I T,
Wool !
I will pay the 'fligheat
market price in easli fop any'
riuall tity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alfred Backer.
II ri:t Ithro.
W. and Mre, Snell, of Exoter, visited at
J. K. Baked,.
E. Hoar, of Clinton, Bold a beautiful
Wood piano"to J. K. Baker.
Jae. and Mre. Longmire attlinded the
wedding of Miss Beeefe' Rowland, of
Jae. Longmire hen purohated the prop.
arty on whioh,tlie H E eneryq hotel former.
ly etood.
Mies Laura Sims, of Crediton, ie the
guest of her aunts, Meadow's Luke and
Gyrus Luaus.
L. and Mrs.:Luo s attended the wed.
ding of Mre. Lofts' brother, at Orediton.
They, also enjoyed a pio ole at Grand
Wm. and Mee. Stevenson drove 60
Olintoa to visit friends. Pretty good for
the old couple, bot of them being over
80 years •of age.
Gorr lfo.
Mrs. W. H. Clegg, of the Sop, Mtoh.,
is at present renewing old acquaintances.
Clarke Horton hae left for Kincardine
where he has soured a eitoation in a
Tile annual pfo•nic of St. Stephen's
thumb will be held in Maitland Grove on
Friday afternoon,
We have to record the sadden taking
away of Mre. Samuel O. Wilson, of the
12th non., Howlett, which took place on
Sabbath morning, Jane 23rd, at 5.30 a.
m. Damaged had only been ailing for a
Couple of days and it wits thought would
recover her usual health in a few Jaye.
Mre. Wilson was a daughter of the late
Jae. Strong, and leaves behind to mourn
her lose, a loving and kind mother, a hue.
band and daughter, two etagere, Mrs.
Alex. Laird, of the 12th con., and Mre.
W. H. Clegg, of the Soo, Mich., two
brothers, J. A., who resides jaet North
of town, and W. G., who le an organizer
for Canadian Order of Foresters. The
funeral took place on Tuesday 'from her
late residence to the Gorrie Cemetery and
the cortege wan a very large one.
'W7-oJICc ter.
Rev. 1. A. McKelvey preached, in the
Metbodiat obnroh here last Sunday. We
welcome him to Wroxeter.
The marriage on Wednesday of Jaet
week of Mies Annie L. Sanderson and 0,
0. Stuart was largely attended and the
presents numerous.
W. 0. Hazelwood and wife are taking
io the Pan•Amerioao at Buffalo and also
visiting friends at Dundee, Hamilton
and Brantford.
Mrs. Rodgers, of Warwick township,
and her daughter, Mrs. McKenzie, and
two children, of Leadville, Col., were
visiting their mother, grandmother and
greatgrandmotber, Mrs, S. Playford fa
Mrs. Thos. Gibson and daughter, Mise
Edith, of Maitland Terreoe, have left for
o few weeks' visit with friends at Ithioa,
N. Y. T. W. Gibaoo'o family from Tor-
onto will 0000py the residence and visit
friends here during the owner's abeanoe,
Harris Hamilton, of the Standard
Bank, Toronto, formerly of Broeeele, and
sou of Ino. Hamilton, near town, got bie
jaw broken by a base ball while catching.
The injury was not very 8816008 and be
will likely soon be out after the ball
Since the 3rd of February last John
Hamilton has purchased from the farmere
and shipped to various points iu the 13.
S. and Manitoba some 2,870 steers,
Some of these he has driven from Ford.
with to Brains for ehip meat as he
claims b0000ld not get eetiefactory terms
from the 0. P. R.
Li w:r to w el.
The A. 0. 17. W. pio•nio whioh was
announced to take place on July let, has
been postponed,
The Dairy bneinees owned by Mr.
Wakeford hae recently been pnrohaeod
by N. Vernon of Hedge Bower Farm,
Principal Beckett, of the Public school,
was preeented with on appreciative od•
dress after prayer meeting at Knox
church Wednesday night of last ,week.
The pastor and membere epoke highly of
his services and oharaoter, Mr. Beckett
leaves to attend Knox College.
The wedding of Mies Dorothy Marjory
Rogers to Roy M. Nichol, M. D., took
place at 12 o'olook noon on Wednesday,
June 26th, in Obriet church, the cere-
mony being performed by Rev. A. P.
Moore, The bride entered the church
with her father ae Mise Godfrey played
6110 Wedding March. Mise Beatrioe and
Miele Mabel Rogers noted as brideemaide
and D, L. 8006t ae groomsman. Earl
Kidd, Elgin Roy and Arthur Tatham
aoted as ushers.
The friends in Lletowel of Mrs. Strain,
wife of Samuel Strain, emotion foreman
on the Port Dover division of the G. T.
It at Burgeesvillo, and formerly of this
town, were very eorry to learn of that
lady'; death, which occurred on Satur-
day morning, June 22nd, after an illneee
of ten daye. Her death wee eaueed by
inflammatory rheumatism reaching the
heart, The deoeaeed was ib ber 89th
year, and leaves three Children, who
with Mr. Strain have the sympathy of
their friend', in their unlooked for be.
There was a large attendance et the
Methodist prayer meeting Tuesday night
of twit week whioh partook of the nature
of a farewell to 3. E. and Mrs. Carson,
who, after 25' years in ooaneetioo with
this ohnroh end this town, are removing
to. London. Benjamin Bothwell read an
address and Jae. 1.40e presented Mr, and
Mre, Caron with a beautiful writing
dealt and olook. Mr. Carson made a feel-
ing and appropriate reply, reviewing hie
30 years in Lietowel and expreseing hie
+love for hip °biiroh aeeoolatauITend hie
approelation Of the tangible proof of
their esteem for blln and for dire, per•
0011. A98,0010t11;o addreaeae were then
Made by Jae. t,ee, W. A, Pbilfip., 13. A.,
J, W, Soots, Tbomgo 8gdmap, Benj,
llolhwoll, WM. Bradley, and the pastor,
a, Irvine.
Five (medidatog Prem Atwood Public
aohool wrote at the Iffgh aohool Eotranee
erratna, at Llebowol this week, viz., Annie
Switzer, Emma Boyd, Albert'1'bompsou,
Wm, Porter and John Inglis.
Joe. Gilkineon; 14111 con,, had a euo.
armful barn raieiug on Wedncedayof
last week. The building 50x70 feet, with
cement wall under it, and when mom•
plated it will be one of the hoeet barna in
the township.
At the meeting of the Independent
Furestere. Monday evening of last weep,
John Carle was appointed, Fioanoial
Secretary for the ensuing six months In
the stead of 17. Turnbull, resigned, A.
M. Sweeten wee appointed delegate to
the High Goat, whioh meets in Hamfi,
ton oo'Ang, 13th. 3, A. Kiump was ap.
pointed eiltnrnute delegate. 0. H. Merry.
field, High Auditor, Addressed the Court
at considerable length, his remarks being
well received,.
It le hinted that 3, M. Thompson, or
Fergus, has an attroetioa here.
The ladies of Trinity obnro)) held e
lawn motel at Joseph Hainotook's on
Monday evening.. •
Nies Jauet Cook, who hae been attend.
ing the Conservatory of Music in Toron.
to, bas returned to her home.
Thomas Downey bee made a big ire
provement on hie tailor shop and red -
deuce by giving it a double Coat of paint.
The brink work of Geo. Johnston's new
r9eideneade nearing completion, and will
make a good showing as it ie in a prom.
anent plane and a tine banding.
We oongratulate W. R. Cooly and D,
R, Dunlop to passing their final exam. to
entitle them to practice their profession
as mediooe. We wish them euooeee.
Rev. Mr. Hooking hae removed thio
week to 7tipiey to which plane he was ap.
pointed by the Methodist Conference,
He leaves a host of friends in Fordwiob
and vieinity..
Next Sabbath, Rev. D. Rogers, chair.
man of the Wiogham Dietriot, will preach
his initial sermons as the new pastor of
the Methodist church, We welcome him
to Fordwieh moves have heard good things
both of himself and family.
Clinton -
Jacob Taylor was eleoted District
Deputy for the ensuing term for the I. 0,
0. F.
Mies Tana Matheson leaves for Galt
Hospital, where the takes a coarse in
training as a nurse.
Mien Manie Houton hae returned home
from Toronto Conservatory of Music for
9 nmmer vacation.
D. A. Forrester sold and shipped the
old flax mill maohioery to a Dresden
firm who will nee it for flax mill there.
The other day Dr, Shaw bought the
thoroughbred clocker spaniel dog whioh
Lieut, S. Kitt bought from the London
M. McLean, Pot Matter of Clinton
Lodge, will represent hie Maeonie
brethern at the Grand Lodge meeting to
be held in Hamilton.
While playing football at Kinborn,
Will Butt, son of Eph. Butt, of the base
line, had the misfortune to get his leg
broken above the ankle.
The bowlers can enjoy their popular
game all the evening ae they have the
lawn and the Club home now lighted by
nine iocandeeoeot lights.
There are now 99 telephones in use here
and Mr. Rumball San only aeoommodate
one more without getting a new ewitoh•
board, se 1001e the limit thereon.
At the meeting of Synod J. Bamford
W88 elected a delegate to the Provincial
Synod. and also a member of the Exacta.
tive committee. Rev. 0. R, Guiana was
also Bleated a member of the Executive.
Mise Ethel Doherty returned from
Havergal Hall Ladies' College, Toronto.
She oarried off the gold medal in the
eeoior year for general proflefenoy,the
highest honor in the gift of her Alma
The 12th of July will not be celebrated
iu Clinton this year as has been stated ;
at the eemi•annuai meeting of the Huron
county lodge it was decided that the
Orangemen join with the brethren at
Leel now.
D. 0. Taylor visited the Pan-Amerioa
in Buffalo last week,
Rumor has it that a large Cement be
bas been disoovered in Greenock town
At the Wingham roes on Wednesda
of last week, "Amelia," owned by P. Ma
Devitt, of this village, took first money
In the 2.50 oleoin 2,29t.
88 oandidateo wrote as the High eohool
Entrance examinations in the Lnoknow
Poblio school last week and Mr. Norrie,
of Kinoardine ae Presiding Examiner.
The Dintriot lodges of Huron and
Brune have united ou s monster oelebra•
tion on 121h of July. Among the epeak-
ere to be present are Geo. Fowler, M. P.
Seeeex, N. B., and Alex. Moir, author of
"Maple Leaf Forever." Railway arrange.
menta have been made for epeoial train°
from Clinton, Palmerston and Kincardine
to arrive in Luglinow about 10 a. m., and
leave about 7 p. m, in the evening:
The large briok store on Campbell
Most 000npied by M. Corrigan has been
raised to the required height, and the
difficult work has been a000mpliehed
without the slightest trilobata. So
thorough woe the work done by the eon -
testator, 0. N. Wooden, of Burford, that
not even a single pane of glass was
broken in the building or the slightest
oraok noticed even in the plaster.
°MedaY, -• In the death of Mro.
Somerville,' widow of the late Jamas
Somerville, ex M. P. for West Bram, on
Sunday morning, June 28rd, there paeeed
away the oldest and one of the moat
highly esteemed eitizene of the village.
The deoeaeed lady wag stricken with
paralysis about a week ago and never
folly regained ooneoiousnese till ler
death. Mre, Somerville was born in
Dnmfermline, Flfeehire, Soatland, in
1826, and, when only four years of age
came to Canada with her parents and
settled in Dundee in 1880, Here' obe
grew to womanhood and in 1849 was
married to Jae, Somerville. They re.
maiued in Dundee till the year 1982,
when they removed to the Township of
West Wawanosh, and six years later, in
1858, they owe to Lnoknoty, The de.
0e44 was an earnest and d
011rletian and a life•Jpog member o
Presbyterieu (Menlo. She always t
keen interest in everything that pre
eel to the metal welfare of the pla0e,
was g Charter member of the W.
U. She bad oeoupled the Presid
;hair apo at the time et ber death
Vfoe.P'reeidnt of the 000iety, and
Moment Moe and kindly manner
long be remembered by diose with w
she aeeopiated, Among the many be
fal floral odderinge 0806 was it hand
wreath 01 white rosea, oarnatiope
maiden Bair ferns from the loaf
T. U, and a benutilnl wreath from
Epworth ,Longue of the Methodist oh
She leaves a grown up family of t
sone and two daughlere, being Bober
the Boo, Hpranee apd $ugh Of Sup
Oity, and Mre, R. L, Bunter, of Supe
City, 9Nia„ and Mre, Wm. Oonnel
Laokuow. Tho funeral to the Kin
cemetery on Mgnday wan very lar
attended, the services at the house
grave being oondnoted by the Rev.
f the
C. P,
ee me
W, o,
t of
1, of
Thomas Stephen,, of the Qneen'e h
10 now rnnn(oe the River hotel. Beyfi
T'hi cht6ua for 'he Seato'th roes
Tuesday and 1t•e:1 (05 ey July 9th
Airs, Kirkman tied ,Nies Tyler int
moving to Toronto, where they will t
up their reeid nae.
Programa 'are out announcing the
not bowling tournament of the Seafo
bowling club, on July 10th and 17th.
At the repent examinations io mane
ion with the Conservatory of Maio
Toronto, Mies Beatrice Scott, dough
of James Scott, of this town, posed tin
honors in vocal music and theory.
Mr. Mo1ay who hae taken J. Lath
land's plaoe'in the Stark &Lethlandfir
is froni Toronto. He has had thirte
years experience in the tailoring amine
on Sing street, in the beet eetabliehmem
St, James Church was the centre
interest on Tuesday morning of last we
the 000aeion being the marriage of Patric
Mulcahy, a prosperous your man
town, and Mire Margaret young
daughter of John McQuade.
At a anion meeting of the direotore
South Huron and Taokeremith Argicnl
ural Socitiee, held at Brnoefield, it we
decided to hold the union fall show on th
due new grounds in 8eaforth on Taub,
end Wednesday, September 24 and 25.
Galt Foot Ball team visited Seafort
on Friday afternoon and played the re
torn match with the "Europe" for th
Western League championship, Th
home team won by 2 to 1 in a oleo wel
played game. The results were aotrnte
in goals not matches so Galt's victo
the week previous of 4 to 1 atilt gem
them the aooeedanoy by 5 to 2 and the
ooaeegoently have the pennant for th
Code rich..
W. T. Mornay is preparing to baild a
residence at the Corner of Bayfield sad
BrittaooIa roads,
At the annual meeting of the Ontario
Medical Aseoofation at Toronto, Dr. J. L.
Tarubafl, of Goderioh, was elected one of
the vine Presidents.
At the meeting of the Women'eMieeion•
ary Auxiliary of North street Methodist
church, Mre. Turner was presented by
the members with a certificate of life
memberebip in the 000fety.
J. G. Emigh has Bold his restaurant
bueineee to W. G. Brown, of Stratford,
and is retiring to private life. He bee
leased a house on Colborne street, where
he and hie family will reside daring the
Summer at least, Mr. Brown will con-
tinue the laminae in the old stand.
We have to record this week another
visitation of the grim reaper. Everett
McKenzie, son of R. W. and Mre. Mc-
Kenzie, was oalled away early Tuesday
morning of last week, at the age of 28
years. He had been io poor health for a
long time, but was nnally able to be
about and never complained of hie illness.
He went on an expended to Detroit last
week and was bright and cheery as genal
during the trip, bat on Friday, the day
after hie return, be broke down, and hie
offerings were intense until death. The
armee of death, as revealed by a poet
mortem examination, wat it stricture of
the intestines. The deceased young man
was a lawyer by profession, having been
oalled to the bar in 1897. He praotised
with Mr. Scott, of Clinton, and after.
wards with the late R. H. Collins, of
Exeter, and two years ago, thinking the
Western climate might benefit his health,
he went to Indian Head, N. W. T., and
opened an office there. He wee forced to
give up
s work in a few months, home, ens then
every effort hae been made to restore his
broken health, bat in vain. His sympa.
thetio, affectionate nature endeared him
to many whose deepest sympathy goes
out to the grief.etrioken parents in their
great Borrow. He will be missed and
mourned in many circles. The funeral
took plane from the family resident's,
Thursday afternoon at 3 o'olook.
L. 0. L. exonreion to Sarnia and De.
troit about the latter part of Angaet.
Wm. Roes, M. P. for South Ontario, ie
visiting his eider, Mre. M. H. M'Indod.
Rerriotoo and Wingham baseball club
played a game on the park here. Soore
10 to 10.
Bert Roes hae left for Winnipeg,
where he will be in the employ of the 0,
P. R. as operator.
Mrs. H. 13. Elliott be visiting with her
sister, Mrs, (DO Morrie in Can Oity,
Mich. Mre. Morels Ileo been in poor
health for some time.
D. Stewart was in Toronto teat week
attending the Grand Oemp meeting of
the Sons of Scotland. He was the dela.
gate from Oamp Caledonia.
Rev. W. Lowe, Mr, and Mre. Shore,
Mise Ella Sadler, Mine Lizzie Plenty and
Miss Houghton attended the S. 8. non-
vention in Bayfield on Thursday of last
The excursion to Sarnia and Detroit
was quite euooeeatal and 10 reported very
enjoyable, and the members of Minerva
Encampment are accordingly pleased at
the re0alt,
Albert Doublodee's hand cisme in con-
tact with a sharper in oneof the factorise
and as a result he is parrying it in a oling,
He loot one finger, and had a oonple others
badly torn.
Mies Hattie Reynolds has arrived home
from a live months' Getty with her brother
in Superior, Wig. She was accompanied
home by hire. Arthur Reynolds and her
two little girls, who will pay an extended
grtle e obsanrnleeatttorditt PxyterjOole
Toronto. alae examination mete were
el/emelt/4 pealed, bringing her ._first-
Elate 110nor0 on t110 37pgllah euhleote,
Sbe boitd0d her Claes 00 all eubjeole ax,
ospt 008. Iu kfpele a eimllarfy 85ep555.
lu exam. was paeeed,
>;eons, -The 511000 here Wednesday of
lags week were au un0ualified 8000800,
terse field,, exoitipg t7nighee and no DO.
eidente to tsar the sport of epeetatorg.
The 2.50 and 2.28 claimer+ were woe in
etritight lkes
reopeot voly is To 2.20 010,00 WaAmelia mid g
of the day, the heate being epli(, Erin R.
getting fleet god eeoond, Annie D. third,
fourth, fifth and race. The attendee
wee 2,500, The betting was brisk, the
talent beating the hook badly in the
first heat of the 2 28, when Nellie Wilkes
won pulled up. Summary:-
2.50 class-
Amelia,b m„ MoDeivitt 1 1 1
Bobby ann,, b.g„ McBride2 2 2
Sidney ?Muter, b.g., Boseenberry 3 8 8
Nellie B. b,m., Buxton 5 44 4
Tommy Mack: Johpeton 6 6 4
Tanteea, b,m., Brownridge 0 p 0
Time, 2.20Y, 2.20, 2.01.
'•2.28 01000
Nellie Wilkes, ban 3. 2 2
May 383
ud b,m
Pat Merton, b.g 9 4 4
Lewte L„ h, g
Time, 2.80, 2.80, 2,81.
2.20 close -
Annie D. 421
2 1 1 1
Urfa 4 „
T mAppleuy - 6 4 8 4 4
Nano li'illros
Time, 2.20, 2.1034, 2.1934, 2.2134, 2 N1, :12
1'4oreday sixthousandpeople filled e
larwns stand
over the
of the Wingham Turf Club to Bee
the game little gelding, Harold H., owned
by that doe sportsman, J. E. Swartz,
lower the troth reeord, doing the trick
with ease in 2,121. The cheering crowd,
after the performance, swarmed on to the
traok and oarried his driver, Al. Floater,
on their shoulders in triumph. The races
were very Iteenly contested, the first heat
of the 2.24 Class being a dead heat be-
tween Nellie Wilke and Prioevale in the
feet time of 2.231. Summary
285 class -
Lewis L., b.g..Brownridge 0 1 1 1
Master LRoy Peters
Amelia b. m. McDevitt 8 2 2 2
Bobby. 0fook b.R , McBride 4 8 4 0
Sidney Pointer, b. g„ Bessenberry 2 4 0 0
Time 2.28, 2.20, 2.2734, 2.29.
2.24 class-
NellllfeeWilkes, b. m., Goodall 2 Martin 1 1 8
Superior Lilly oh. m., Wilkins 8 2 2 2
Darke7 Boy, blk, g., Smith 4 4 4 4
Romola, b. 01., Mo0a11
Time, 2.2834, 2.21%, 2.2934, 2.28 is
Harold H., b• g., Swartr. 1 1
Two Strike, g,g., Swartz 2 2
The Ottawa sheet metal workers agreed
to aooept the oompromiee offer of 10 per
cant. increase.
All the Wool in the Country
wanted at the
Where the highest price will be paid
in Cash or Trade.
I have in stook a good line of Blan-
keting, Sheeting, Yarns (single and
double), Tweeds, etc. All pure wool and
no shoddy.
You can have your own wool made
into rolls or exchanged. Don't Bell your
Wool or have it manufactured till you
call at the Brunie Mill and get prices.
im lane=
Barred, Buff and
White Brooks.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in Season.
Eggs $1.00 per setting.
Correspondence seamed.
Now that the Buggy aeaeon is at
hand and we are ready for it we would
like to inform our numerate feiende and
Customers that we have the finest lot of
Buggies on hand at the
Old Reliable
Carriage Factory.
that can be found anywhere. Should
yon think of buying a Braggy or Baggies
(au we anpply wholesale an well fib retail)
by all meana Call and 000 0051 stook before
pnrohaeing me we know we oan snit yon
with a first.olaee article and the pride is
right. We also keep Wagon;, Track
Wagone and Field Rollers on hand or
made on short notioe.
:no. Oober $t Sots
This is certainly a "White" Season. White Waists
are in the lead, but our Colored Waists are so dainty and
stylish that they are going almost as fast as the White
ones. We have so many different Patterns, Styles and
Prices that you will be sure to be suited,
Quality Print
Dainty Patterns
Our Prettiest Waist
White Lawn with Insertion. d 7$
Einar Lawn with Lace Yoke ..,... 1 0D
Fine Lawn, alj.over llmbroidery
Fronts 1 86 .,
Linen Lawn, "
fronts 1 30
Very fine Linen Lawn, Embroidery
Trimming 2 00
(Panay stripes in light bine, pink,
mauve, dark blue and white,
bias or straight front and baok,. 50
(Pink, blue, mauve and grey stripes,
1 Ineerten down Front... .. 75
'Dark blue with White Insertion -
Light Stripes with Laoe Yokes
-Fanny Stripes, brae Totted
Front and Baok-six different
lines to obooae from, all for1 00
Very Pretty Patterns, in pink, green
and blue, Balero Front with
Embroidery Trimming ....., 1 25
1Fine Quality Muslin, in pink, blue
1 and mauve Stripes, Soft Collar 1 35
Light Colored Muslin, with l+enoy
Silk Stripes, in mauve, green,
( bine and pink 1 50
/Light Blue with Polka Dot, also
dark blue and mauve with white
Stripe, Balero Front trimmed
i with Flue White Embroidery,
l very Full Muslin 1 60
New Patterns in Foulards and Merlawns just opened out.
Julyhand. Standard Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sheets to
Patterns kept in stock -5o to 25c.
Designers for sale at 10c each,
Fashion Sheets free to those who call for one,
This is the Season for
Get S. ® P.
on your house and you'll get satisfaction. Made in all
colors and for all purposes that paint is used.
di=) .- w� b Jo -wasp tl
iArchitects Specify S. W. P.
on all
Large Contracts.
n a �"g- „. s. CE:`Ar -„--.-sow- sv..,J,
SCEMEM 30000,215
We have a large stock of Screen Doors of all styles,
prices from $1.00 to $2.00, complete with hinges,
Window Screens from 20c each up.
EWA ■ 0005
Are ready to ,apply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig as they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, is
addition to their own maks, all sold at CLOSE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a epeoialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being pot.
on your own buggy wheels while you wait, or we Can supply both wheeie and
tyre et very low prioeo, Every owner of a good buggy should have the Dunlop
put on by Ewan & Oo. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but
firat.olaee workmen,
D. Ewan will devote a good share of his time is attending to the sale roomejas the
Co. hae soared a firet•olaes Horse Sheer for the blaokomith shop,
All wood work in one line and general bleokemithing done on our premiere and at as
low figuree as oan be obtained anywhere.
Ont own make of Baggier; this year are all 8t• inoboo longer in the body than other
Bnggiee and for STYLE and COMFORT Cannot be beaten,
We 1308 the long dietanee, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oiling, in a season ie all they
It will pay anybody who wants a Ilret.olaee rig to Dome 25 mites to gee our Slow
Rooms this season beforebuying fie our assortment is large and good and we are
alwaye well pleaeed to have people call and examine oar stook which ie the
largest ever shown in Brussels. t'We mean butineee.
0arriago Makers, &o.,
sw �J� . , Brutnel0,
Buggies, Wagons, Carte and Wbeelbarrcwe alwaye on hand,