HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-7-4, Page 2WRECK 0 - -- Five-Hundred Passengers on Board the Steamer hut No Lives were Lost. LUSITANIA 11$ M deepateh teem St. Sohn's, Nfid , sore The steanier Lusitatia with 500 eassengere tan beaked, was wreck. ed on 'Tuesday night ofr Cape. Bale lard. The steamer originally be - 'Mined to the Orient Steam Naviga- tion Company and Nvati bund from Liverpeol for Montreal in charge of Cleptain IlteNay. The Elder -Demp- ster flempany own the veSSel, Ina at preeent it is ehartered by the 1'r4.1.11. 00-Caimeliae Steainship Company, 'The passengers of the Limitania had ri, terrible experience. The first knowledge %tench they had of the die - aster Was when, owing to the ship raising ovee the reeks, they evere all hurled frora their bads by the slue*. Many of them were inensed and they all hurrieel on (leek in their night clothes. A seem) of great excitement ensneci. Five hundredpeople were clamoring to eeceme when the crew tried to pacify them, and Jaiinnh the boats. The male passengers in their attempts to seize the boats trampled the women under foot and freight the crew with knives Some of the more clear-headed of the passengers assist- ed the crew in their efforts to get out the boats. The women arid chil- dren rose u ed were a I most naked. Drenched with spray they were pull- kravee. rhe women and ehildren ed up the Mill's by the coast people. were landed first and the men follow - Some of the boats were dernolishod ed. The crew stood by the ship. in the snrf while attempting to land rt is expected that the large cargo arid their haif-drowned occupants of the Lusitania will be ealvaged. held On to reeks shiverleg with ealet until rescued. PASSENGERS REACT,/ SHELTER, Wecineaday Damming the unhappy paeeengers, after shivering for houre on the hill top, tramped weer weary miles in their endeevor to reach the 11611See ot the fishernien, whieh they eventually sueceeeled in &Ong, and Where they are now sheltered. Pre- vious to reathieg the Mille the pass- engers passed two hours of terrible anxiety on the wreck. •There is hope of saving the eirents of the passen- gers, as, where possible, tlriey were stowed above decks. A LARGE CARGO, The Lusitania, was bound round Cape RAMA for Montreal with a. Wee (wee and a shiplead of passengers. She mistook her 00111.50 in a dense fog and went ashore near Renews, 20 mace north of Cape Race,. beano daybreak. The Reap ran over a reef and Menge againea a elite The pas- sengers, raestly inmilgrents. were panic-stricken They stzunpedocl and fought /or the boats, hut were over- roo.e hy the oinicere and crew, who secured control after a prolonged struggle with the rcmgher elements 'among the passengers, who used' FA 110112FiEllff LA PPLAID nbacutiirwssleAtctesiu;),!p2 their years' stores by this means (treat trailing fairs are held at ten - A TOURIST'S SILE,TCH WITT-ITN' ere, jcikknioick_.8cAn8,4 rAmti4 THE ARCTIC CIRCLE. and reteitornont illuminated by the northern lights. when the day cif An Almost Entirely zerese coup._ bareiy ske hours is clone. So !sod- enly does the fre.sr. ileum 110071pon try -Most Wonderful Falls d ! the land tiler the, Stonrner on the In Zur ope. .1caver river, ELS the co/actin told its, The extrome north of Fmropo 15 is qt•Ifletillif'S Pil,zght. in the reidAt of most,ly forr.si-._.1,..ppland is ,lourney. :led most tin run Ashore So. Von roost journey eterriaity where she is, and surrounded with a. through pines! nr.,. and saw,. preteeting 0/ logs, to lie -there a lovely er.runination-hionotonealti, od winter. perhaps, hut wlrh the e-ve.r.tharadng 1 NO INTOKIGANTS 7TIET1E. monotony td Sie sea. The fore,t air 1 ,p,.kkinokk is the tient, eeyeee ie eineenteiled many and eleereese, 1 tPeoe4unti,tre1ts1ete. i,la'a ig,".,.,ler, Ii wwtte., thiricehs .tonariehiinr,to!t chienntas imaly 13 itak-eittns.threky of the Sofeor, andMknd- ;neyorlit,there : drookrimess, ft is a. criminal 14-Agust, know my (511(7- 11(11 tgive liquor to Lapp AnyA fine hiaht 171,pp1e,4 drunken mart niay torn to fightngahot tr15, lOrg,ftn skyofot with Lapp often nuirclrs. .iokk-clos from blue nd green to ookk hag one ether interestieg fca-And the trees and otittntr2- t EY perched in thatnit in hiack-chiSeled eilenee• streetnd paeticty empty of"16"fr"°f l"PPI",d, to . stadthe Wit,unnatiG sweet- driOtorI 1;11;• a 81107081 trave,im• in the Valleyn. 13i00; sensrr 004 efore,weosesght,Of r4ht4JHn'.74 ad"'Yt 1. worst of Swedish faults - IP that thero ore 80 V.W Some 1, Bt„rkhoiro h., a. typical upland Rtf1... aro eropl,,yod 60 the roffl'o': Tbe dwelling bruises 41 and 1 Swedish scatter, who form tho soon- ' tr.'ither bad< from the water ors thrO, tr Porallotion 01 tho country, but the •,,.; grmnit1 h a pi e turesque mad camps far up in the retemtelns hoW end stern drawn 11 on the rest are herding their reindeer in 10'. forrgroond of boats, high -peaked at Wh° art' 1141 "" gl'n"r"itv ! shore. end fisfarig nets hanging' on life. They nr. ktrongety Pfed in A t long coat and Jegodngs of reindeer pion, with hoots turning HP 100 a point At the for, and bound at the ankle with cloth bands. A high - peaked hat id completes the picture, end men and women Are dressed alike. ss.ve that thn (Misr - ,`0," marked Ine the color of the boot -bezels. A widow. however, as - stouts Mose of her dead husband. The 1(7(1(15 /who till Swedes) must ('((1(31(54 nil their farm work 7)1)1(710 the noel up 141 the very ers, who cannot bear the wandering 1„,,,x poieh. The people great fishermen-noleed, you must live on fish, "knerkeebrod"- either thin and crisp like Norwegien Mkt -broil, or hard end thicic, and (111(1(4in great rollnd flat cakes with a hole by which they may be/114044 from the ceiling by stringing them on a stick- -potatoes, excellent coffee and milk. arid A little dried reindeer -- this fest of the consistency of In- dia ;libber, 11.141 quite undesirable. ('131118 ern oeldom if ever kept. A11 int" iiunini"r• 714441(714441(1141'k"9 doors. are corn fields 'When the it tii".1.0"4-151" corn is cot the 01-0.71.W,7 111'r ! RI,J151:1d on -Eh get Men to act, as drivers or fan poles 474'l. 0, the ground, givi•ng boatmen; though the natives are a very curious appearance. On one bound by the flovernment to provide cam -renal we were 'forced to rouse the Carriages ((0hot.t.R. raid btrOffA RIA, • - hoim too, their kepi. at the voriona stations in go?" Pit '1!"P 05 ri"" Win. for We errived et half past width the traveller ;IMO eider hie eight in the evening, and reeelved the name and the number of horses or 1(041141 hnll-hearied welcome in the rowers that ho nig 01-5(1 great kilt -hen, where a fire was kin - proteins the. (('817111 ((10 the OPPOroilf, (11,11 fee ns on the open corner iniutsatialltY rd the lallabitaals; hearth. while the doors cif whet en - they never MM. 04/1i 1.0 welcome a guest, or seem 411510114 to keep him, yet their kindness nod 10 tenflon When their 111t,),,s1, in won nro ftnrpttOsNi_ keemuneelni nt 5117, anatler sialionn 19 sconly, nod 11, Witty 01 three is the gees tan, 1111/11 - her that can be mintomiently neer/in- ./nod:OM In (1," holmos. aokkIllOhlt is the ,ti, -1 ropollo the valley, and stands above 1. ((1)1 571! double fell et the riven 1,5,0 loW ie a division. end 14 1111 tho lossar (wand; that. wo F104. now making our way. 'Ille 01 11N. tininhabited. lett it contains the mighty liar -spring or Njominel- sesks, mild to be the 55I141,14.1' leALLS 114 ALL width they enly be eppreneheil by a lattly telly El N.011 l'f4 for eamping. ,Ilikkemek is (1(1 1111103111111, 1111 1)14') NM 1r1041 Loppland up-Mornity towns stet i41 a forenaelertrIng. IIhes, ie ewever, quote ft nretrni Inijs (41181.- glfvoregarrl or inn. twit rekkirehee._ kind a melee! '((1, new nlid larger cluirell JR /1 Pirritrqui.dy 1111110118 1)10:.1,,P. 0011471 01 light yellow 'World rind ground glass, told regarded by the tin 1 Ives I no el OS Wo ('01(14 '4! West - 1)114181er /1 libey. in the 1111,10, of Ulla Imam 01111 4E1 /1111r1.0111 1-41 155 n high blunts Woodcut enclosing n tiny spoke, end resembling nothing so ((111011 ns an mooted (4 '('('(41101)1(1 boarding. I'M 11111 13151411 1 1111-, /101./41 II 11/1, root rods the prison- a spare almal. 1,51071455 55(11(1' stintivi.1 T111. 0111 011111,11 Is 01.1 with 111530-10 4 '1(75 roof rind pal welle- when the Idippland Swedes pain1 their bulelinge et all. 11. ie gekekeniee Jo this rich Wallin led Color. width leteld a Very teley reppearenee e, eratlentefil. Nene 11. Is n chador of low, IlllaShopett 1111114, WI 1 11011 1. 311(41- 4111515, /MO 011(1). 14(1 tithey alp where Ile, Lamm live in whiter, 'xylem they tome Mewl' feom litrointultis to barter memento hien. boxes of woke( and leech bark, Judea,' with litninhiglyeetteval hone handlee, tied White not. Whet it tline, by 1,110 Way, Wham. inma 1111 to this 111t141tr,V1 Prost Mid MEOW reign. ettpreine-by Noveinbee peered to be huge cupboards ranged round the operas], and sleepy mom women and chiltiron looked mit, revealing the feet that, 1,103110 wkre beds, 111 tiers like the berths on a stelluter, Only the mar- ried 5,1,01111‘ and Children 1.11118 share the near, roran.-the rest, old men, yenta; (WM end maidenke sleep apart, Peril P11/95 111 1 11 elr red luiti. (Mr -wnlrolno Wos kind 111 ever.v re - sprat but, thee of mouth -1111y. Sum we mat Mir boatmen were drinking coffee, the prelude 14) n larger teen!, 151111,1 the geese fin another 11,i/I444) were hastily prepared, tool 510 left the people to their early elmoberie after W4r11111lf thelfl 011410 wo requirod rowers in Um morning. A (Arlene habit they hey° le 1.11111 (15 pulling sugar in ilitUr mouths and dr (1ilt) et 4111, coliee, 1114 It were, lo,,' gh the Sugar. 'rho Latium even 11111 their tilled meal, into 11,n bole tem of cop, 11151117 the collie!, and lima mit the meet.. beerkene Ilie ',rtioi, la lie 9 Who'n (3',i '(14' ile 1138 000rl. (108 11111 olvn looter. A f 11-11111,ory grn loie IN or. Salliziliff 11 11(1130 fOrCli of 1101101'q 117)44 11194111 Isfled 011Ineo51 Le ntipote the roller:lion of the indemnity. lax 111 l'rolrilire, (1441111, /1 young Indy (-,1 Berlin reached the tei, rif thilitterhories, neer 1.1171 'Rhone We. ler, In envIlverleine the first the motioltdo hes 0501' been an- cendod. It le 10,5m4 feet, high, Newly-Marrierl Thielkend ((1ome late forIli,, fine. lime) -I 17111151 P111 11 11).- 111 title Alice, deer, You (Telly shmotin't ell, up nen well. slipper for oinaling, Newly-Mereled Wife (w)th withering worn) - Supper, di -slyest; 1114 ton kite rim supper, I've Inid the brenkfaig teblel A ein 1 ek r Veriher,Arv, d'mont 1,110141 Seelllo (1, he mitilettillig Segtolut tile Midler 09(5(1 lite !imam 1 tonight of yoti yesterday, Ite cremate mul Munroe, 111/4treemlierly, mild 1 preemie!, he Is whirl. brolont would you titivate inn to do? lioekie Peeler (promplav) - hint lei gilleicly as 55011 ate, Jell' like 1 did, Dm vont LATEST NM ALL THE WORLD OVER. 114101'08'0W nettles Aleault Ger Oeen Country, Great Britain, the Grated $tateen and All Parts Of the Globe, CollIdelleed and AesOrteil for Eesly Peadleg,, CANADA. Boring for oil will be eonernenced at once near Belleville. Rufus Pope, IM.P„ is moving his herds to a new rattle ranch 50 melee from Calgary, Justice of Peteee Edwards wen fun ed 510 and eosin for illegal netting in the Thome& near London. Miss Lizzie Jaime:ton, o.f Samford, is dead as a result of taking poison in mistake fer a powder for head. athe. The vote on the questien of repeal- ing the Dunkin act in Rh:lemon& Que., resulted in a, maeority of 5041 for repeal. An Americen surgeon will inspect immigrants at Quebec thls summer, destined Mr points hi the United .States. A cyclone visited Itrumbri on Sett matey. demolishing the residence of Mr. James Clatter and 40 numeer at other buildings. Two boys, .sona of Mr. Descrochers, lost their lives by a fire then des- troyed their father's stable et Sher- brooke, Que. The eignal corps of the Governor - General's Foot Guards at Ottawa, suecessfully hellographed a message for a distance of 20 miles. An illuminated and engroseed ad- drese of the Legislature of British Columbia, has been received by the Department of State at Ottawa, to be forwarded to the Ring, Track Inspeetor Markley and Road - master Itierdan, of the C. P.. It., ware seriously injured east of Sol- lcirk, through their motor cite collid- ing with a heap of stones. Mr. M. P. D133101 of Ottawa. and Mr. 116. J. ITanny, Toronto, have do - meted $5,000 eAch for tho erection and equipment of the new Scientific Hail of Ottawa UniNersity. The Ottawa grand jury has recom- mended thet an enclosed walk be- tween tile Ottawa, jatl and the court- room be constructed to secure the safety of prlsoners pending trial. The Fourth of July dinner to be held in London this year will be un- usually large and important, and representatives of every self-govern- ing British Colony will have seats of honor. The Art Committee of the Central Canada Exposition, Ottawa, has de- cided to purchase from the exhibits 8500 worth of pictures each year, to be hung in a building In the Exhible tion grounds, and to form the nuc- leus of e, gallery there. GREAT BRITAIN. Hon. Joteph Chamberlain, IS ill with an attack of gout. Xing Edward, 11ke the late Queen, will pay income tax. Several Americen bronze turkeys have been presented to Xing Edward. The leing's civil iist bill hue pass- ed its third reading ln the lIotifte of 00Mmons. There is a small decline in British shipping, according to a blue book !anted at London, Rear -Admiral Lord Beresford says( that the 11rlt,1h fleet in the Mediter- ranean Is below the proper strength. Mr, Chrette, the United States .Am- bmksticlor In London, who has been minoring from 41, eunaner cold,, Is all right again, The Dean end Chapter have con - 0141110(1 to the erection in the Exeter cathedritl of a memorial to the ftu- thor of '.Lorna DrrOnle." To VieW Of the preeont position played in the world by China, a de- partzrume of practical ,ChIneee 411110 be started in Loaeon University. ettelco ie the iron trade of South Staffordshire, 011 for 16 weeks 51014 01111011 b,y the nem neempLing 10 per cent, mini:e'en Iii wagee, lespechil care will be taken in Eng - hind le, prevent the lemortetIon from Ilia Gelled Sad US Or borsmt 111 with any illsettee, eepecially pink nye. Annan:km Connie 1103411, aL Liver- pool, one's that Nova Scotla. is send" ing well peeked mid graded apples to Liverpool, and that Clietinflit's thipments al fresh grapes have ar. rived In melamine condiLlon. Lally Cerzott 011 her way to eittnich Mine her pertain, painted by Profeseor Volenbucli. 111 ,July mho will g0 10 Scotland, where she will fnlien 11011SO, 1111(1 will return 10 In- dia in September with lice thildren. 11 le (TED 1-4TA TES. Three permotte wove killed by light. filen rit indinnepolle, Iluttnio will Mine le 135 (I Study Comertasi July 17 to 01, 1111., 0 tunes A, Mame the netoe, left en retitle valued et 5211,600. 01150 31,1111 1417e511 by 11, Cyelone 131(117111 (levered 11. 1111(414 100 feet Wide and 9 11111+44 ineg, Omaha Dotted of Vanes:Mon deereee Mande/ea for any WOInall 001.100511 Who merry, A etev Leolley nonmeny Mei been fOrmed airmen Chicago end Mil. Waukee lly tut electric road, Marautlere looted Atignelk Helmut- edlin'tt invent et Alpine, 111,, while he wan nevay gelling married, A teolley 11117 07111 ho 11111151 7101(1)4101- 114)5 Iledwoeta N,Y,, with ,AleXah. dein bey, oil the eite Lewrence, 'rho 81111la 111 phoning In Weave extensive immigattlen of ‚)111ll 44(144 to Califtemin, Texag, and etlier nein tie fl. T t0,\1llllj, 411 Vellren Syringe, 0., Went to Chlettgo to bey (kettle. Ite tell In nave mid married Gerteude 5(111741 5(4 tWo dart, IVaelitrigton has been aeked to ape propriete 5111,080 tor the edgention of eity Filipino 500.011,01,13 355110 Will study in the NoemaO 814110010 ot .4713, •eriine. ' &Mend Garnen has been arrested 1751 Billinge, Want.. eharged With eomplicity in stealing 5180)0 worth of cattle from the Creek Tu. diens. At the convention of the Episcopal, Memel of Vermont amiouneeinent was made et a gife of $10,000 tee the nueleue of a fund for providing pen - 51431341 tor aged elergyme0 of the di,- - Zlbnlol Riehared, aged 20; of Greene ridge, Pa., was foetid dead on the porch of the home of his intended bride with e bullet hole In hie head. Police think lie was murdered and earrted there. Although worth between 515,000e. 000 ad 520,000,000. W. S. Strinte ton, of Colorado, Springs, a one- time earpenter, has applied for ad, iniseion to the loren union of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joineni of America+. A certifleate of the increase of the stocie of the American Locomotive Company of Sehenectady from 550,- 000 to 550,000,000 has been filed with the Secretary of State of Mew York at Albany. The total capi- tallzatien will consiat of $25,000,- 000 preferred end 525,000,000 come nion stock. At Cornell commeneeneent Presi- dent Scherman said: "Let me speak With tho utmost franknees. Apnre from the domain of politica and in- vention, America, has not produced a single man or Wenlan WhOSe narne Will shine in the intellectual 110705- 10731(1 with Raphael, Shakespeare, Copernicus, Newton, La Place, Goe- the and Darwin:" GENRRAL. /lemony's peat° array W111 bo In- creased by 25,000 men. In August, so it is reported, the lealeer will visit Frence. Russia, is said to be considering further duties on American imports. Poet is plague -infected, save Port Said arid the Suez Cantle district. Cuban schools increased from 812 In 1890 to 8,567 at the present time. A. free fight took place in Bucher - 050 City Rail veld 18 corabatents were injured. Because street car fares were In- creased there is serious rioting in Rio de Janeiro. Seven hundred and fifteen came of plague and 842 denths have been re- ported at Cape Town. Five hundred native converts have been killed in the Island of Quelpart, at the entrance of the Yellow Sea, The prolonged stagnaLion in the Itheniski erkd Westphalian iron mar- ket has reached a. critical state. Lord Methuen Is popular with the South Australian bushmen, who are wilting to serve under hirn anywhere. Admiral Sir Anthony Miley Rose kins, Britesh navy, la dead. IIe was born in 1828. Next 551114.0 14 conference will he held to revise the Geneva Convention -to help sick and vrounded in time of War. Emperor William, in an address at Cuxhnveri, urged his subjects to seek ?hoee sdeavelopment of their country on Miss Portia Knight's suit against the Duke of Maricheater, tor alleged breech of promise, Ilan been formally listed for trial. A thousa.nd Mormon famines from the United States will settle in 1410X1C0 011 lands formerly occupied by Yaqui inclines. A Swedish sailor at Copenhagen threw a package of dynamite Into re garden and calmed much consternae tion, slutking tho city. An additional lortification is to be constructed in the Kingston, Jamai- ca, harbor, with a. battery of mode ern, quick-nring guns. While Abbe Fouchard was kneel- ing at 1111 1tar in Paris an ex -nun Marie Airmen, struck him senseless, with a hammer in revenge for, Mc- pulsioh. A prisoner name] 13ourselet, in Paris, who had been ,banished for theft, stabbed his nestrcee three dime in the back before the investi- gating magietrate, 500 BOERS CAPTURED. Three Lending Commandants Among - the Prisoners. A despatch from Natal 1111.yst-De- 1.11 118 have been received here of the highly successful engagements of Xilchener's Fighting Scouts in the Northern Trfunevatti during the past few weelce, On May f) they ceptured Command a n P011 Tri chard , and BOO men anal, women, a Krupp gun, 1,000 simile, 80,000 rounds of small ammunition, and considerable stock. On May 19 they eapLured Venter's Jaeger ot 60 men, 25 wugons, 12,- 000 lentil of elentit, and considerable arum end routnunitIon, and on the 21st a. small Mager of 11 warm. On May 28 Commandants Van itensburg and Deprocz surrendered to Oen Clrennell, who brotight 10 wagente and a liege quantity of army euppilem 011 .11100 1 Me Serene capatieed 240 men and women, 80 wegime, 1.00 teflon, n, Maxim gun taken from Dr, jalnesoll during the raid, 3)3,000 route's of mean men nminunttioh, and a large quantity of tdook. 011 .1 11110 (1 5110 1 100114 111(1903100 dead on the field, mut • abandoned three wegone and 300 Itenel of stocic. Up to the MAL reporte the Scouts had mily one man killed. FRENCH WHEAT CROP. cold Weather 'WM Din11111111 the Yield by 6,000,00(1 BUSheln hdespatch from Park eays)-lt, 114 estlinitteti that the cold Weather will molt In dimielehing the French wheat crop by more then five mil- lion buehole, as compared with that Of 11)00. It 154 11051 calcillated that it Will be liceeernery for Prance to im- port 110,000,000 bushelst DE ON THE RAIL. 15151,1117339 Killed 111 55Wre 011 the Waleaale, A deepetelr front Peru, Tad., sere -Sixteen pereeee were killed end about) fifty seriously injured in a wreek of trein No„ 3, the westbound Wiebeith 1117110001 nine miles west of tine city et 1.2:10 14. ne on Wedreta, day. The dead are all Italian Minn - grants 011 route to Colored*. Matey of the injured undoubtedly will die. 'late injured inelutie Mrs. WM. Cot- ten, wife al' the genera temerintene dent of the Iron ilfountoin Railway, badly bruieed, and three children, flannel unknown, severely bruimed. 51510 meetions of the trate, one 7031117155 from Detroit and the other from Tolede, were eonsolidated 151 tine city illt0 a Grain Of eleven ears, making' up the llyer for ite journey to St, Louis. It aninisted of a combination baggage and sraokee, /MY thach, inlinigrant coach, three chair ears', three sleepers and the pri- va(e 41(111 of General Superintendent Wm. Cotten of the Roe, Mountain Railway. Having left this city one hour late, the train WAS epeeding westward at hip,th speed, when at a point nine miles west the engine' plunged through 11 trentle, which Ilan been undermined by the recent heavy raine, The embankment on both sides of the little ,etream drop- ped at a. sharp degree, a distance of 40 feet. Owing to the momentum of the train, the engine leaped across the abyss, plunged into the eoft earth on the opposite side, and fell back to the bottom. Engineer But- ler and Fireman Adams were thrown from the cab, but not seriouslY hurt. The express ear and' the first chair car were telescope.d. The immigrant car followed by twee chair cars went down en the Met side of the track, and the first sleeper pitched forward upon the mass of wreckage. Its NVindOWs and trucks were broken, but none of the occupants were injured. The remaining cars also left their trucks, but were not badly damaged. It. was in the Immigrant and in the dey coaches thnt most of the deaths and injuries occurred. Heavy foliage lined the banks on both sides of the culvert, the ap- proach to which was over a, reverse curve. There was no means by which the engine crew could see the irnpending danger. In fact, the en- gine ran out upon the trestle before the structure gave way. The night was intensely dark. For a moment after the fatal plunge and dreadful roar of crashing timbers a death- like stillnesa prevailed. Then there broke out the cries of the injured. Trainmen caught up their lanterns and rushed to the neighboring farm houees foe aseistance. The farmers, with their wives and children, bear- ing torches, hastened to the scene, and all efforts were bort. to giving first aid to the injured. SAVED BY SISTER'S SCREAMS. Young Oxford Farmer Makes a Desperate Attempt at Suicide. A despatch from Woodstock, Ont., says: Armour Potter, aged 26, eon 01a respected farmer near Eastwood, made a determined but unsuccessful attempt to take his own life on Tuesday night. Two implement men were in the barn on his father's place, when they heard screams. Running into the house, they found Potter struggling with his sister, who was trying to get a four -ounce brittle labelled "Paris green" away from him, Potter had taken the °entente in full view of his sister. He probably took an overdose. A doctor from Woodstock was summon- ed, and the young man will probably recover. Family troubles are be - recover. Family troubles are be- lieved to tarve been responsible for the young man's rash act. RELICS OF CANNIBAL FEAST. Missionaries Carved into 1118e0 and Flesh Sent Around 04 01117 verioua A deepanch from Cologne eays: The Gazette's account of the recent mas- sacre of 1111S51011a11014 j71 the British part of NeW Minco states that they had hardly set foot ashore -when they were seized mid carried off. A Government veasel afterward landed a. strong police force, which burned the villagee and killed a number of natives. In one of the native arsen- als e,100 skulls were found. It was ascertidned that the missionaries and 11 companions wete murilered and their bodies cut to pieces. The pieces of the bodies were sent around to the varlotiii villages and oaten by the natives with great ceremonial rites. CANADA GOT $2,000,000. Thls Sum Expended by War Office fot Hay, Jams, Etc. A. despatch from Ottawa mays: The recent addiLionta order from the nom° twthoritiee for tiny for South Africa means that Including the An- gina, ehipments, 5(0,000 tone wIll bane lo be sent from the Dominion, tlp 00 the present Sines the outhroalc of the wee the Home Government hoe expended in Cantata eerie $2,e 000,000 for hey, hone, Mate, ere- laievecl vegetablee, etc, THEIR ADVANCE AGENT, Great allIUS01110.111., has berm caused in le carttlin district of Lancallhiee, where a, very 1)01)1114i' ellrnte (on leaving foe otfier preferment) lately preached ri, feemvell eermon, by the text °homer; tinconeclously by the revermied geetlemen, II0 15508 a 112101101105014)d Gimlet', had all the 1191114g (labs of the Magner - hood attended, by regiteet, to bear 11111 fareWell, Ile preached from 1 go to prepitre a place for you, 11)41 new theme 511111 the cimplainey at one of 111/1 Majeatyal gimlet You look thoughtful to -night, Smith, remarked Drown, rts he stretched 1111neelf on the luel, Sane sighed Meath: I have just got 5 note from the Medially, 1Vhat (Mee elle say? She says 1111181 pay my beak board at ooce. 01 Iler daughter Will 114(0 11110 fOr breath of promise, I'm thinking 51(1051 :54 better do, .31AEXEDfl Eat. WILD Priee$ Of Cattle, 0111317, Grain, iee 111 the Leading Market% Toronto, ;Ally 2. -Wheat -The mere 'kat ematinnes quiet, with very little business, but the feeling is a. trifle better. No. 2 red and white sold at 645e on low rete to dontestie 03111048 Exportees are quotieg 63 to 64e middle freight. 8*. A g00% is nom- inal ee 61. to Gee middle freight, end No. 1 spring at 66 to 665e on Midland. Manitoba wheat; Is limner, with No. 1 nerd quoted at 81371 grind, ing in transit; No. 2' hard at 81.c, and No. 3 hard at 76e. For Toronto and west 2 to 8c lower, nallifeed-The marltet is quiet with bran (meted at 511 to 511.50 west. Offerings enmee mud prices high for this season of yew. Shorts, $13 to 513.50 west. Corn -The merket is unchanged, with sales of Canadian yellow' at 301e west, and of mixed at 390 west, On tame here yellow is (1110004 00 f4nominal. at 47 ta 48c, middle caightt, o45c. , Rye -The 030(151(151 in dull, with prie- ee Buckwheat -Market dun at 51 to 53e middle freight. Peas -Market quiet and firm, with No. 2 quoted at 68 to 69c middle freight, Ilariey--Market Is dull, with prices nominal in absence of buslnese. Oats -The market is quiet with, No. 2 white, for expert qUOted. at 29 to 291e high freights; No. 2 offere at 334c on track here. Flour -There is a limited trade and prices arc unchanged. Millers quote straight rollers at 52.613 te buyers' Covers for export, and ship- pers quote 00 per cent, patents at 52.60 middle freight. For shipment In bbls. to Lower Provinces 58.10 le quoted. Manitoba, patents, 54.15 to 54.20, and strong bakers' 58.99. Oatmeal -Market quiet and steady, Car lots at 85.65 1/1 begs, and at 58.75 In wood; email lots, 20e ex- tra. DATRY MARKETS. Butter -The market continues steady, with the demand good. Pound rolls job at 16 to 17m large rolls, 14 to 151e; good to choice tubs, 14 to 167; inferier, 10 to 12c; creamery, boxes, 18 to 18ec; and rolls, 19c to 20c. Eggs -The market Is steady, with good to choice stock selling at Ina to 125 c per dozen in case Jots. Cracked eggs, 9c. Cheese -Market quiet and prices firm. Full cream, September, 10c; do., new, 91 to 10c,. TYRESSEDD ROOS Je PROVISIONS. Dressed hogs unchanged at $9.50 to 59.75 for small lots. Hog pro- ducts firm, as fellows: -Bacon, long clear, loose, in car lots, 101c; in case Iota 105c to 11c. Short cut pork, 5310 to 520.50; heavy mess pork, 519 to 519.50 Smoked lefeals--Flains, 134c; break- fast bacon, 1451 to 15e; rolls, 111 to 12c; backs, 14/ to 15c; and should- ers, 11c. L111e; tubs, 11e; tierc- es, BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 2. -The grain mar- ket wae weaker today. Wheat, rye and barley have dropped two or three cents from yesterday's price. Other products are principally un- changed. The demand for eggs is falling off, and cheese is very dull, though prices are unchanged. Grain -No. 1 Ontario spring wheat, afloat May, 73c; peas, 76 to 765c afloat; No. 1. oats, 350; No. 2 do., 845 to 85e; buckwheat, 61e; rye, 55c; and No. 2 barley, 50c. Flour -Manitoba patents, 54.20; strong bakers', 53.90 to 54; straight rollers, 63.20 to 53.40; in bags, 31.60 to 51.65; On- tario patents, 53.75 to 34. Feed - Manitoba bran, at 513.50 to 514; shorts, at 816; Ontario bran, in bulk, 513.50 to 514; shorts in bulk, at $15.50 to 516. Rolled oats -Mil- lers' prices to jobbers, 58.70 to 53.80(14(11 barrel; cued $1.7755n bags. Provisions-fleavy Canadian short cut mese pork, 510.50 to $20; selett- ed heavy short cut mess pork, bone- less, 520,50 to $21; frunily shortcut back pork, 519.50 to 520; heavy short cut clear porlc, 519 to 519.50; pure Canadian 111rd, in 875 -lb tierc- es, 114c; parclunent lined 500-1b boxes, 11e0; parchment lined pails, 20 lbs 12ce tin pails, 115c; tins, 3, 5, and 10 lbs, 12 to 123c; compound refined lard, in 575 -lb tierces, 750; parchment lined wood pails, 20 Ibs, Sc; tin pails, 20 lbs, 71e; hams, 125 to 14c; and bacon, 14 to 1571 per lb; fresh killed hogs, 50.50 to 510 per 100 lbs, Butter -Choice creamery, at 20 to 204e; seconds, 18 to 19c dairy, Western, 16 to 161e; Eastern townships, 18c to 19c. Eggs -Good sized lots of No. 1 at 11 to 110; No, 2, 9 to 90. Cheese- Ontario and Quebec, fle to 10c; strong. Maple produels-New syrup, at 647 per lb, in wood; 70 1.0 75c per tin; sugar, 0 to 10c per lb. Potatoes - 58 to 60c in caeloacl lots; jobbers' prices 80 to 850, UNITED STATES mAnicnTS. Duluth, 311155 2.-Whern. elosed-No. 1 hard, cash, 691e; No, 1 Northern, cash, 66ec; J14y, OSIC; September, 66.1c; No. 2 Northern, 61e0. Corn - None. 0101e -e27.1 to 27e, minfloapolis, 3 uly 2. -Wheat close ed -Cash, 645c; July, 68 to 6850; September, 645c; on track, No. 1 bard, 665c; No. 1 Northern, 634c. Tolove-lcirm; first petents, 58.70 to $8,80; first clears, 52,60 to 52.70; second clo., 52, Bran -In bulk 510.- 50. Buffalo, July 2,-11lour-Dull, easy, Spring wheat -Spot Mill; No. 1 Northern, old, carloads, 7547; do., new, 72ec. Winter wheat -No, 2 of- fered 74e, through billed. Corn - Strong; No. 2 yellow, 4610; No. 8, Mee; No. 2 core, 45ec; No. 8, do„ 453e. Oats -Firm; No, 2 while, 132c; No, 8, doe 81, to 8140; N. 2 mixed, 800; No. 8 do,, 201e, Barley - Small MU eold within range 58 to 58c, 1eye--1M11; 11, in slew° anti on track 567 risked. ' Beteole, Jelly 2,e -W1 -eat elosed-No, 1 white, cash, 70c; No, et red, meth, 69c; July, 651115 September, 603e. '0AILBLING- 11T. TEE, NAVY' MORE OF n BONE TS= LS GE11ERADI,7 SUPPOSED, Carrie, Dominoes, Gimes, ;peek qttoits Are Cfned,-193055ey11 ea Played in PEot Climates. Gaeabliug in tile navy, though ilia - 'gal', le 0011 carried on to e, greeter enaeirt than is generally imagleed,, Nor is this surprisimg when it iti 0071- sidered that etemle Tar has no manna of speeding 11141 money wbile at see, and 01311(251 18 certainly not hie great- est virtue. Betting, ongieneti of chaace chlee. 117 10310004, and pock of cards .forms "me of the remit cherished poems-, Mons of every salt. The men are permitted to play ae much ae tbey please in their leisure hours, but it Is not until after ten, o'clock at night, the hour for "turning -in," that they are able to gamble witbe • out detection by the olfieere. Then hammocks are discarded for seats round a wooden chest, and by the light of au old lantern "loo," "gtl,P," 171131 "bankee" are kept up oftan into the small hours of the movninge or until a, lucky player suc- ceeds 1, breekieg She bank. This, however, renely happens, because the stakes played for are never more serious than a few pence; neverthe- less, by the time the next monthly pay-day comes round 10 is not un- usual for a, man to find that he has mortgagell the whole of the Wages due tO But cards by 110 1310621S" exhaust Jack's gambling repertoire, kbe stakes heavily upon dominoes, chess, deck quoits, antil any other game that lends itself to c.hance, though of course, leis transactions have to be CONDUCTED IN SECRET. Sant when, in a hot climate a. game known. as "bogey" Is as popular as any, and has the distinction of being seldom played outside the navy. We will presume tbat five men propose to indulge in a friendly gamble, and having agreed that the stakes shall be a penny for each player, ±1e-. (1011(40 in all, they take their places round a table and put down their .coins. Then a sixth man who acts as umpire lays upon each penny a few graiee of sugar, and the game begins. The climate being hot, the room will doubtless be full of flies, which will immediately begin ta buzz round the sugared pennies, though for some time, with the casua1 per- versity of their race, they refuse to pitch on any individual one, which naturally adds to the excitement; for 'the ilfan whose coin is distinguished by a By first settling upon it pockets the stakes, Pitch and toss with halfpennies, though still played, has lost much of its old popularity, because nauti- cal ingenuity has devised many games better suited to gambling, and almost every ship ha.s one par- ticular mode of gaming quite apart froze that of any other -nese/. •Ilacking the stranger" is a common amusement- on the high seas, and consists on betting on the national- ity of the next vessel sighted, the winner, of course, CLEARING STAKES. Even racing is not overlooked, for men will bet on a forthcoming horse race before Maying port, and settle up at the first opportunity of ascer- taining the winner. Sailordo not always gamble with money, but will give slips of paper entitling the holder to a share of their "shot" at the canteen. Every m81 ratty have goods on credit from the canteen, and this is 'called his "shot." ER is not permitted to leave the ship uatil he is out of the canteen's debt, so creditors \Till ac- cept a share of a comrade's "shot" as readily am they would a cheque on a bank. ln. other words, this method is equivalent to incurring one debt in order to clear MT an- other. It is seldom that a. sailor turns out to be an inveterate gambler, bel cause his opportunities for parting with his spare cash in this manner are not so numerous as they were in. the days when gambling was carried on above deck and under the eyes of the officers, who looked on and said nothing, Moreover, such things as card-sharping and cheating are un- known, for the subsequent existence of him who tried swindling his mates would be unbearable; so if a. sailor loses heavily by gambling he at least knows that he has done se in fair play. THE PLAGUE IN EGYPT. Cases at Alexandria and In the Interior. A. despatch from Paris sayse-The eteaniship Orenoque, which arrived at Marseilles on Wednesday, confirms the report of the prevaleece of the bubonic plague at Alexandria. The captain says the dieease is also pre- valent to a greater extent in, the in- terior of Egypt. LaWYer-X shall heve to charge you $20 for my services in the case, Client -But the amount sued for is only $10, Lawyer -Well nutke it $16 them I am nlways willing to do the Mir Now, sir, began the attorney .for the defence, knitting his brows and peeparing to anelhilate the witness whom he was about to cross- ex - amble, you say your mune is W11- 1±011112. Can you prove that to be your real name? Is there anybody in the court -room who can stymy that, you haven't assumed it foe the purpose of fraud and deceit? I Veldt you can identify Me your - melt answered the witness, II Where did 1 eVer SOO you before my friend? put that scar over your right eye twenty-five years ego, when yeti were stealing pectchee out of my father's orchard!, I'm the same Wile