The Brussels Post, 1901-6-27, Page 8Change a Business
Mad ase f
s d l D B d bussu o
4 to nlaila a the 1a 44k n
&v *
g g
e d an e w d sohait ro is mel 8ustomsrs
,Dam w cul trona Mr, G. A
Mealy M
he patronage he ha been falterediG and
oontinuapae at k p nag khat s n With
Ilial We may have the pleasure of welcoming many new ones We.
Will endeavor to uphold the reputation of the attire by being careful
to supply only the beet geode gbtaineble,
Referring t0 the above we would say that Mr, Harvey comes
to us with over eight years' experience in dispensing of Drage, and
who recently hod Omega of a store in West Lorne, We thank our
many customers for the patronage go liberally given ns and hope
that one suopeaeor may have a ooutiuuaooe of the sante and also
have many new outdomers• We expect to meet many from time to
time at the old stand and will weloome them there.
G. A_ D P .A. I:D iNi. A 1..V .
50UTHEEN ExmExerer+ W. a. & E.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
Go1NG Sonya. GOING NoB1w. •
tlaprees 7:18 a.m, t Mail 2.10. p.m
Mixed 9:46 a.m. I Express 8:17 p.m
rn l ,CtG13aftems.
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll print it,
Copia to Braeeels on Friday.
Demmer Day next Monday.
HAAR the 48th Highlanders' Band,
• THA Poem subscription list oontinues to
PALDrEnsTON has invited Brussels Base
Ball club for Dominion Day.
JAMES Comm hag taken a situation as
engineer in the Cober Carriage Faotory.
1T is hardly necessary to remark that
the weather has been slightly -roasting
Tas stone work for basement of J.
Leckie's new residence will be completed
in the 000155 of a taw days.
Town Council meeting will be held on
Tuesday evening instead of Monday next
week owing to the holiday.
NEST Monday BrneeeM Obsess factory
will ebip the first half of June make. It
was sold to Ballantyne & Son at 9$ oents.
C. H. BAwaipr•'s tender for the hay on
the Agricultural Park was accepted. He
pays $12.00 and ante the weeds inside the
THE anneal meeting of the Palmerston
Pork Packing Factory will be held on
Friday of this week. Several from this
looslity will attend.
GALT and Begonia play Football in the
latter town on Friday in the Western
Mao. series. Galt defeated 8eeforth on
Wednesday by a more of 4 to 1.
THE POST Editor was presented on
Thursday of last week with an elegant
baguet of roses and sweet peas by Miss
May Skene. They were oboiae.
IT ie reported that P. Bitable, of Grey
townsbip, bag purobaeed the house and
lot on John street owned by Thos. New-
some and will take possession next Fall.
Tan Supreme Court of Kentucky bag
decided that a wife may recover money
lost by bee husband at gambling. That
i5 more than the husband can do for him-
THE rongb oast cottage, earner of John
oh streets, and Chnrreets, bas been bongbt by
Robs. Williamson, $450 being :the price.
Mrs. E. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, was
tbs former owner.
NExs Monday will be Dominion Day,
and a Pnblia Holiday. The Standard
Bank will be closed and the post office
open from 9 to 10 in the morning ; an
boor after arrival of afternoon mail and
from 6 to 6.30 o'clock.
A Qan of hogs was shipped on Tuesday
by W. F. Vapstone.
505 the 48111 Highlanders' program in
tbie Mane of Tim Pon,
J. HAMILTON shipped a oar of oattle to
Alma from Brussels this week.
Altmann business ohmage in town is
mooted. A prospective buyer was here
lees week.
Ouse to a broken hind axle the water.
ing part was off duty on Monday afternoon,
Operations were resumed on Tuesday.
LARGE quantities of etrawberriee have
been brought to town this week. They
sold as low as 15 boxes for one dollar.
Tae plank is ready for the new °over.
ing on bbe iron bridge over the Maitland.
Dan, McNaughton has the job of putting
it down.
$10 AND coals. -Polios Magistrate
Seager, Goderioh, imposed a fine of $10
and ousts, payable in 10 lays in each of
the three oases brought before him lest
week for peddling without Ranee. There
are others in the Oonnty wbo will also be
brought to book for the same neglect we
So. Joan's A. F. & A. M. -Monday even.
lag the officers for the current term in
connection with Sb. John's Lodge, e, A, F.
& A. M., No, 284, Brussels, were installed
as follows :-W. M., Jac. Wright ; S. W..
Jas. Fox ; J. W., J. H. Cameron ; Seo.,
J. Irwin ; Trane., A. Outstay ; Chap., I.
C. Richards ; S. D., 8, H, Jackson ; J.
D,, C. MoQuarrie ; S. S., 0. Dodds ; J.
S., Geo. Olean ; I. G., M. Bleck ; Tyler,
3.Y. S. Kirk. I. P. 111. Barrett will be
the repreaentative to the Grand Lodge.
1310.11310.R v
Awn ha a
( )
Aaatus in bloom. It was a beautiful
A Warman of 1370esell688 attended the
Meg at Lietowol and Wingham 4n Wed'
needay and Thursday of 11118 week,
CoDntaxG Bows women le like digging a'
n 1
ea la i
Well, It ie hard and d0 On g g went
4ietene5 the
n. a8 p go
some t .a
C but P
at ,
venters gash out and meat you,
I, 0, G. 1`. Distriot Lodge Was held iu.
Wingbam on Tuesday afternoon 0f dee
week, A. MOGaire mad Rebt, Johnston
were in attendance from Western Star,
Reeve Rosa will oniaia6e act umpire at
the Wroxeter Base Ball match 011 Mon
day, Ha's an old hand at the business
and acted to play a beetling garne at god
base and at the bat.
Bums= A. 0, U. W. sent a wreath for
the oaaliet of the late Pare. Henry Bata.
than, of Grey, wbo was buried not week,
A letter, of eympkaby was dratted to Bro.
Bateman by the Milne Lodge,
ENTIIAN0tt,-There are 00 oandidatss
writing et Brussels this week on the
Eobranoe Exam. Inspector Bobb is
preeiding over the 29 boys and Miss Bit.
oble is in °barge of 37 girls. The Mere,
so far, are Bard to be very lair.
Saturday afternoon Jack, Bob and
Charlie, the stirring young sons of Jao,
Leckie Bromide, were doing the Nimrod
VIOTOOLI Park ie in readiness for the
Demonstration on Friday. Several of
those to take part in the program have
IT is said a iiet of bicycle riders wbo
use the sidewalk with regularity is being
prepared and an example will be made of
Bylaw breakers.
Mns. J..LEan1E entertained the mem.
bens of Melville charoh choir last Friday
evening in a most hospitable style. The
vooaliete say they had a "glorious" time.
A SPECIAL meeting of Huron Co. Conn•
ail will be bald at Goderioh on Wednesday
of next week, commencing at 11 o'clock,
for the purpose of accepting plans, re.
oeiving tenders and awarding the same
for the new re8idenoe for Jailer Griffin.
Tan briok house and lot oorner Turn•
berry and Queen streets, the property of
Alex. MoLennan, 'of Seaforth, formerly
of town, was pnrohasedby Jno. B. Mo
Lanohlio, of Grey, at $800. It is well
Iooated. Mr. Mao. will not occupy it in
the meantime at least as he has an A.1
farm 1k miles North of town.
CAaa-Daa0LAs.-A quiet wedding took
piece at St. Pante, Ont., et 4.30 p. m. on
June 201h, when Mies Liza Douglas,
daughter of Wm. and Mrs, Douglas, of
that plane, was united in marriage to
Robert Carr, of Brunetti. The ceremony
was performed by Rev, E. N. Baker, of
Stratford, in the presence of immediate'
relatives only, after whiob the happy
aoaple left for their future home in Brus-
NEW Booire.-Tbe following new books
have been recently planed on the Poblio
Library abelves:-
The Great World's Farm
Tbe Inlander
The Eternal Quiet
Nibelogen Tied
East Lynn
Plaoe of Death
Life of a Butterfly
Good Red Earth
Days like These
act in the Maitland, near the flax mill.
A small specimen of the finny tribe bad
been captured when all of a sudden
Charlie felt a tug at Iia line with a
threatened indication that line, pole and
boy would Boon be in for a bath. He
shouted for Jaok's aeeMtanae and together
they landed a fine black base, 1 foot 4
inches in length and weighing a pound
and 7 DIMOee. Any mors fishing for that
day was out of the question and with
great excitement the lads aommnnioabed
to the neighbors their achievement and
it will no doubt abide with them for
many a day. To bear them tell how the
deed was aoaomplished was amusing
WA1cE-Bneane,-The Owen Sound Ad.
058615er says :-"Another of those inter-
esting events -a wedding -took place on
Wednesday evening, lune 12, at 8 o'olook,
at the residenoe of Jno. and hire Bryant,
45 Sutherland at. This was the marriage
of their dangbtsr, Mise Lily, to Wm.
Wake, s young man well known to many
in town. The bride was attended by
Miss Amy Wallace, and looked charming
in a dress of white organdie, with Valen.
oiennes lace and silk trimmings, and
parrying a baguet of oream roses. The
bridesmaid was attired in a pale blue
dimity muslin gown, trimmed similarly
to the bride's, and wore roses. The
groom was supported by Frank Bryant,
Dr. Langford
he bride. Rev. brother oft g
performed the ceremony in the cosy par-
lor, in the presence of about twenty
guests, mostly relatives of the oontreoting
particle. The *upper, which was par.
taken of after the ceremony, was a dainty
spread, the prominent lettere being the
three story wedding cake, presented to
the bride by her former employees, Mo•
Lanohlib & Sons. The presents reoeived
by the bride were numeroue, tasty and
useful, one being a handsome upholstered
obearfrom her fellow employees. Mr.
and Mrs. Wake will reside on Sutherland
et." Mr. Wake was a former Brueeelibe
and his old friends here wigh him and
bis bride many bappy years,
JNO. GaEWA$ A BRNEDIOT.-We take bbe 1
following notice concerning a former
Brasselite from the Rookland (Minh„)
Reporter of M'ay 81st :-"J. A. Grower,
of Rockland, and Miss Victoria 'Ziegler,
of Han000k, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony at the Epieaopal
parsonage, Houghton, Monday evening,
May 271h, by the Bev. Mr, Curzon, pat -
for of the oharoh. Tbe wedding was a
quiet affair, only the parties immediately
interested and one or two others being
present at the ceremony. The bride was
attended by Miss May Mullook, of
Houghton, and the groom by Walter
Range, of Hancock. Mr. and Mas,
Grewar arrived in Rockland Tneeday
noon, where they will make their future
home, baviog rented the Richards ebb.
tags. Mr, Greaser ie proprietor of Rook•
land's leading tonsorial parlor, is a young
man of exemplary character, and is high.
ly respected as a basinese man and oiti•
zen. The bride was one of Hancock's
best known and honored young ladies,
and both ebe and Mr. Grewar have the
beet wittbeg of the Reporter and a host of
friends for & life of happiness and pros.
petty." Mr. Grewar is the third eon of
Mrs. Jno, Grewar, of Bruaeele. Our
"Billy” 15 going to oat -de them all if he
don't watob out, "Jack's" many old
friends in and about town will be a unit
in extending oongratulabions to himself
end bride.
THE LATE P. 0, MADDocx.-The death
of Pittman 0. Maddock, formerly of Bras.
eels, occurred at his mother's residence,
Guelph, London Road, on Sunday even-
ing, May 9th. The demented was a son
of the late E. H. Maddock, and for some
r where
time peat has resided in Toronto wh
he was bead of one of the departments in
the T. Eaton Co's. store. He was 32
years of age and has been ill due Easter
time, tang trouble being the omega of
death. He leaves a wife and three obild.
ren, two boys and one girt, the eldest 11
yeare and the youngest 4 years of age.
Mre. Maddock is a daughter of Mr. Mat-
thews, postmaster at Aoton, and the
young coapts have a host of friends in
the latter place. Mr. Maddooll was a
deacon in the Parkdale Congregational
church, Toronto, and President of the
Obriatian Endeavor Society. He was
always an aotivo oboroh worker, and in
his death many warm friends in ohnroh
and lateness cantles will sin.
oerely mourn. The funeral tock plane
Wednesday afternoon at 8 O'olook to the
Union cemetery. The pall bearers were
Messrs. Waters, Baily, Skinner, Law.
ranee, Tatham, Goodeve. ;rhe services
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hindley and
Rev. Mr. McCaig. There were many
floral offerings from friends in Guelph,
Aotoo and Toroute. Deemed was a
brother to H. E. Maddock, formerly of
Brunie, now a merobant atNewmarket.
AoaunrMO$741lx,• Q Denote enbsoriber
in renewing for Tire Post who :--".TIN
Posr le the agent paper I kala ever owe
aor0ae. Itis se good ae a latter 11001.
borne end 5onlalimes bettor. The Sun.
slay gelled lesson le vary nips in i6 tea"
Auother subeoriber fti the sante Bete
says a,-,iTa
Poen is a t
raoi e
d 1u oer
contains u s f l
neva 0
home eat 6 Aiwa a
4 i Y
Vtt a nuc Mende we know and lova,
ette+ find enolosed 92,"
PAtnr, MI5TAIi1,-Mise Lizzlu Johnston,
a very estimable youpg lady, daughter of
J, J, Jobnston, late Mayor of Mealord,
and armee to Robb. Jobaeten, of Cools.
rune & Johnston, Bruaeele, died Saturday
morning frpm {its *hoots of a dose of
poison taken in mistake for beadaohe
powder about 10 days ago. Although an
emetic was administered,end the poison
thrown off within a few memento, it had
done lie work and Miss Johnston passed'
$10,000 ACTION DI1OPPED.---3408515. MO.
Pharaon & Davidson, of Stratford, bays
notified Dr. J, &. Robertson that the
notion brought by J. 0. Henry, of Toren.
to, against Drs,. Graham, Gann apd
Shaw, of Clinton, and Robertson, of
Stratford, bad been diecontioued, The
eaten was for $10,000 damages for allege
ed breaoh of °entrant. The plaintiff's
solioitore first asked for an 'extension of
time until the Fall, and tide being refused
by Messrs. McPherson St Davidson the
proceedings were dropped.
Outran OF BvSINEse. After a 5000555.
ful tenure of 22 years, G. A. Deadman
disposed of his drug business thle week
to L. B. Harvey, a young gentleman of
St. Tbomas, who is now in possession.
He comes highly recommended and we
welcome bin+ to the businese carols of
Brunets. We are glad to report that
Mr. Deadman will not be removing from
Brussels, at least for a time, but will
enjoy outdoor work with his Jeraeye and
DEaonsmot,-Monday evening 24 mem.
bare of Western Star Lodge, 1, 0, 0. F.,
=robed out bo Brnsesle cemetery to take
part in the annual floral decoration of
the grsvee of demand brethren. The
flowers, designed in varied forms, were
beautiful, no small amount of oare being
taken In the preparation. On arrival at
the silent oily of the dead the following
was the order of deooration -Mra. 3. M.
O'Connor, Jno. Parker, Geo. and Mrs.
Hayoroft, Mies Addie Beet, Jas. Wilson,
Mee. H. B. Elliott, A. Good, W. Boddiok,
W. Cornish, A: Hamilton, Geo. Becker,
D. A. Swale, Doneld Soots, sr., Donald
Soott, jr., Mrs. D. Scott, Alex, Stewart,
P. and Mrs. Tbomeon and A. Webster.
The 11. G., Prank Lambie, delivered the
oration and W, H. Kerr took the
Obaplain'e,pe'rt after "Nearer My God to
Three,' was Bang. Tbe graves were
marked with neat red banners on whiob
were Worked in old gold tbeemblemabio
three links. Owing to the absence of a
large.quoto of :members from town on
Monday the number in the march was
boob *mailer than usual. TnE POST
woaldsuggeet that next year all Om So.
Males in town federate for this interest.
ing 0erent0ny;
BANE BALL.-Brne55le Baseball team
drove to Listowel on Friday last and play-
ed a game of ball, the first of the Beason,
with the team of that town. Listowel
presented a patobed up team having
Pitcher Sbea, ot Palmerston, and catcher
Nichol, of Guelph; while Bruaeele played
a purely local team, Walter Roche on
let base and Frank, at short stop and
pitching being the stars. Brussels scored
in the first four and the last innings while
Listowel only snaceeded in getting men
over the plate in the 6th and 61b. Thom•
eon pitched the first six innings and
kept the batters guessing while Boobs in
the last three innings bad them oomplete-
ly at bis mercy. The game was fast
throughout taking only one boar and
foarty floe minutes to play the nine in.
nings. Will. Grower, of Braseels, umpired
the game and although he received some
good humored roasting he let them know
he had clean a game of ball before and big
decisions were aooepbed without any
parleying. The more. -
HaaoN OLD Bose,-Tbe people of Clin-
ton are making great preperatioae for
the reception of the Old Boys and Old
Girls of the oonnty on, their limns 0010.
ing on July G. The Clinton Committee
of whiob Wm. Jackson is Ohairmau and
3. W. Treleaven Secretary, aunoanoe
that on the arrival of the train from
Toronto at about 11 a. en. the Citizen's
Reception Committee will escort the ex.
0nrei0niet5 up town, where a banquet.
will be given and a formal reception
tendered them. Ia the afternoon a pro.
gram of Bporte will be carried out in the
park, which will consist of baseball and
lacrosse matches, foot rases, tug-of-war,
eta. Throughout the performauoe of the
above•mentioned program music will be
furnished by brass bands. THE Pon re-
turns thanks for a complimentary badge.
STANDARD Bono.-Tbe statement pre-
sented at the meeting of the Standard
Bank 'shareholders showed a year of ex.
lepbional prosperity. The profits were
suf'ooieut, with the balance u1 459,808
from last year, to pay a dividend of 11100,-
000, 10 per cent, on the paid up stook, to
add 460,000 to the reserve fund, making
the total reserve $750,000, and to write
$58,193 off bank premises and offices aa.
count, Tbie addition to the reserve land
melee it equal to 75 per Dent. of bbe paid-
ap capital The note circulation is $848,•
680, and the total deposits 48,281,•
655, Of the latter 46,545,594 are
bearing interest. Current loans and
discounts aggregate $7,271,801, and the
loans on oall on Government, municipal
and other first-olass bonds $723,003.
Tbe bank bolds Dominion Government
and other bonds to the value of $1,820,861.
These records show that the bank' bas
eujoyed a full share of the general pros-
perity of the Dominion and the growth
of its business is tboroughly substantial.
The Standard Bank bas 19 branches in
operation in this Previews, of which
Brussels is by no means the most ineig•
oifiaenb, J. N. Gordon is the Agent here
and is assisted by Meeere. Bryans and
13nuesBLS n a E LI5TO1VEL R 11 E
Thomson, p ...... 8 2 0 Rogers, lb 1 1 2
F. Roche,es 11 1 Baker, 2b ......,.. 0 0 1
Gilpin, 2, 1 0 0 Gillies, 0f
Arden 8b 11 2 Kidd. lb
Wright, o 1 1 0 Nichol, o
A. Kerr, of 01 0 znorbes, es
W. Roche, lb ... 1 1 0 Shea, p
L. Herr, rt 0 1 0 Brooks, if
Downing, 1r,,.... 1. 1 0 Hemphill, rf
Totals 9 9 8 4 6 8
Summary :-Innings pitched, Shea 9•;
Thomson 6 ; Raabe 3. Hits, off Shea, 9 ;
off Thomson, 4; off Rohe, 1. Bases on
balls, off Shea, 1 ; off Thomson , 1 ; off
Bootle, 1. Home run, Thomson. Double
plays, Thomson to W. Roche bo Arden;
W. Roohe to Gilpin ; Rogers, unassisted.
Time, 1,45. Attendance, 400. Umpire,
Jim, 00, 1901
.. .. R l w. :aidexwfv °'w t`.. -..m...: ",...'..
Ia,/4p7� ,p py A •�� ,e� �y �} �7i/� A ry•�
r.4�i✓•4�.D .'4VfI Q2 04YY4.?4,
•.0'Z'A,75)=4017Z1Mn1 7.w707. '
0AP1TAL PAID UP (One 141111011 Dgliare) 01,000,000
REST • 4700,000
497010168 In all prtoafortpoints to Q to o. 4
uaGSo fa71dt ba,
Crafted S
at*r `1Pi'1°1511114AS' I eemnR,
making 13neiness 'Trensaoted, Palmers' Netee Dieoopnbed,
Draf64 Issued and Colleotione made on all points,
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and npward8 and compounded hell yearly.
8770110 ATTENTION GINEN TO THE Coa,LEotios a11` FaaaisaS' RALE NOTES,
E00r3 0a0iliby afforded 0056omare living at a distance,
�l payable at any bank iegood Under $10,,,, 80, $20 tp $80.,,.120
cosy Orders ab bltefollowing roto* :- $10 bo 920,...100. 30. to 40,,,,140
J. N. GORDON, Acme,.
A 'General
HIGHLAND BAND Ooxosnr.-This Friday
evening, in commotion with the Demon.
titration In Brnesels, the celebrated 48th
Highlanders' Band will give a grand Oen.
oert, intereper1ed by some of the epeeist
features of the afternoon's program, that
no one should miss. The Band is under
the direction of Mr. Stetter and will pre.
sent the following program :-
1, Patriotic March -"With Sword and
Lance" Starke.
2. Overbore-"Tbe King's Lieutenant"
3. Cornet Solo -'Flow Gently Sweet
Afton". ,. ,,., J, Blotter.
(By Masioian Andrew Voss.)
4. Grand National Fantasia -"Robert
Bruce" Bonnisean.
(Introducing Patriotio airs of Bonnie
5. Vocal Selection -"Boys of the Old
Brigade" Barri.
(Male Choir.)
6. Desoriptive piece-"Marob of the
Guard" Eilen1erg.
7. Trombone Solo - "Queen of the
Earth." Pinsoto
(By Maeieian H. Haws)
8. Hnmorene Piece - "Warblers Sere.
node" Perry.
9, Vocal Solo-"Seleoted"
(By Musioian 3. Ooetes Lockhart)
10, Grand Patriotic Selection -"Albion"
"Tbe Maple Leaf Forever."
God Save the King.
The admission fee to the Park is platted
at the low price of 10 Dents ea that the
entertainment will be within reach of all
loaor5 of good mueio.
Mies May Deadmanie home from the
Business College, Woodetook, for the heli,
day term.
Mrs. Crawferd, of Hallett, eager to
Mre, James Ballantyne, was taken ill'
after the funeral of Mies Boberbon last
week and was detained ander medical
Tan Pose oongratulabee Dr. J. M.
Moore, formerly of Brussels, in suttees-
fully passing the Medical Connell Exam.
He is now legally qualified to practice
the healing art, We wieb him enemas.
Peter Bishop left Brussels on Thursday
of last week for Sault Ste, Marie whore
be expects to spend afew months, He
bas tiaras sons there. Mrs. Bishop and
children will continue to reside'in town.
We are pleased to hear that Miss
Hazel Johnston, of Wingbam, who is
undergoing medical treatment at London,
is reported on favorably by her physician
although she is in a very weakly condi.
Albert Gerry left on Tuesday for bis
home at Indiian Head, N. W. T., after an
enjoyable visit in Ontario among relatives
and friends, Mr. Gerry is in the bard.
ware business and also owns a farm near
by and has done well in his 12 years'
residence in the West. He's a level bead•
ed, agreeable going man and knows how
to get along with the public. Last Fri.
day evening a social gathering was held
at the home of B. and Mrs. Gerry, owing
to the presence of their son. W. R. and
Mrs. Willis, of Seaforbh ; and N. B. and
Mrs. Gerry, of Blyth, were among those
wbo enjoyed a pleasant evening.
Tbe Exeter Advocate says of a gentle.
man well known to a number of readers
of THE POST :-"Dr. Anderson bas not
spent hie time in Chicago doing nothing,
as bis many samples of work will fully
bear cub. As returned on Tneeday of
this week with hie Poet gradnate diploma
and samples of all the work he did while
in the Windy City. For lightness, tbin•
nese and lasting qualitiee allaminum
plates stand in the foreground. Tbeee
as well as gold plates the Dootor is pre.
pared to maks. His prates will snit the
public." Dentist Alton Anderson was a
former teacher in Button'* School, Mor-
rie township and is evidently working bis
way to the front in the profession of bis
Business Locals.
Mies Sadie Forbes is borne from De-
Mrs. E. Rogers is on the sick list this
Mies Rills Hunter was visiting in
Mies H. Barton, of Toronto, is the guest
of Mise Franois,
Dalby Kendall, of Mitabell, was in
town last Sunday.
H. L. Jaoksoa baa been bothered with
an attack of bronchitis.
Druggist Fox was visiting at Guelph
and Galt for a few days.
Mrs. Downing bas been visiting relm-
tives in Malt•,illop township.
Mise Downey was in Listowel for a
oonple of days visiting friends.
T. Friendehip was off duty for a few
days this week through sickness.
Heber Gilpin, of Wiarton, is visiting
hie cousin, Fred. Gilpin, in town.
Hilton Hunter has been sway on a
wheeling tour to London and Petrolea.
Mrs, Zillias and Miss Ida were visiting
at Listowel on Wednesday of this week.
J. M. Thompson, of Fergus, was in town
over Sunday visiting ander the parental
Mrs, Dailey Rendall is visiting her
brother, Ono. Dennison, MoKillop, this
Miss Maggie Meadows, of London, wee
home on a wait to her mother, Jobn street,
Wm. and Mrs. Haddie, of Los Angeles,
California, are visiting at 300. Taib's
this week.
Mrs, W, Richardson and son Robert,
of Walkerton, are visibors at john Thom.
son's, Tnrnberry street.
Mee. S. Beattie and W. Clark, of the
Amerioan Hotel, where visitors in Lon.
don during the peat week.
Mrs, and Miss. Muir, of London, are
visiting Mrs. Sant. Beattie. Mee. Beat-
tie is Mrs. Muir'* daughter.
Miss M. L. Brook left town on Wed.
needay for her home at Sandridge, where
sbe will spend her vaoat)On.
I. 0. and Mrs. Riohards took in the
exoarsion to Detroit during the past
week and report a fine time.
Alex, and Mise Lizzie Bird have been
visiting at Detroit, Mies Lizzie intends
to stay there a month or two.
D. C. Ross represented Brussels at the
Sons of Scotland celebration at Kinser.
dine on Thursday of last week.
Rev, D. L. McCrae, of Donau), bus
been elected Grand Chaplain of the
Grand Camp Sons of Scotland.
W. F. Stewart bee reoeived an invite•
tion to attend the Woodstock Old Boys'
Re -union, to be held oa Dominion Day.
Soo. Ferguson and his uncle, Barrister
Ferguson, of North Dakota, were visitors
at D. Ferguson's Teeswater, for a oonple
of days.
Wm. Cameron, wife and daughter,
have gone to Tottenham where 'they
expeotto sojourn for a few wake with
Mies Elleanor Ainley, of Listowel, is
visiting Mrs, Wm, Ainley, town. We
hope the latter's health will soon be fully
Mimeo Clare Oluff and Maud Flshleigb,
of Obiaago, and Thos. Noweome, of town,
intend going to Buffalo next Monday to
etre the Pan.Atnerioan,
AArEDIOn121.-»In Morris, on Jane 14th,
Eliza Bedford, wife of Jae, Cane•
more, aged 40 years and 4 months.
HAnEm,-In Morrfe, on June 28, Annie,
beloved wife of Michael Haley, aged
28 years.
JAalcLni.--Iu Grey, on June 25111, Eliza
Jane Attwood, beloved wife of Rufns
Junta in her 24th year.
SEooNn hand baby buggy for elate at a
bargain. Apply at THE POST.
Roue lost, 4th line, Morris. About 60.
feet long. 3.AWRENOE WHEELER.
A NUMBER of seoond.hand organs for
sale or rent, Good as new.
JEnsEv heifer calf for sale. Apply to
NOBMA11 SMITH, at McKay & Oo's Hard.
Ware Store, Brusaels.
Gomm dos, 0 months old, brown in
color, lost. He has bob tail. Any lnform-
ationleading to its recovery may beleft
With M. H.'A100RE, V. S„ Brussels.
Rcqllis1i ion
16e BaIli
Wanted, suitable for ran oh purposes,
Apply to CEO. BES!', Brussels.
Monza to loan on farm security.
Apply at Tim P.osT.
WORMING horse for sale. Obeap,
Joan Lona, Brussels.
Hoose and lot for sale, good cellar,
stable. Corner lot, Apply at THA POST.
Urine= piano for sale. Best United
States make, little used and nearly new.
WANTED. -500 tubs butter, mash or
trade. Get into that 19a and 20o batter
race. Eggs Inc. G. E. IInio,
TDB BUTTER,- Farmers baviog tub
hotter to sell oall at my Prodaoe Em.
porinm and I will pay you the bighest
oaeh price for good tube.
Rom. Tuaarson.
GAMIER PLANTS. -Mise Relly•bae any
quantity of garden plants tor sale inolnd-
ing :-Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and
celery, Also a large and fine collection
of flowering plaute. Floral designs made
to order and at reasonable prides.
on William street, Por particular*
apply to BORT. ME N ZIES , Brussels. 44-0
'1.J .lighted and convenient rooms to .let in
the Leckie bleak over G. A. Deadm an's end
Mrs, Rogers' stores. Apply to P, 13.8005T.
ATn1G and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on short. notice.
Have bad three yeare' experience in city
work. Terme W,3 T HNS' ON Walton.
TAMIL-90000.00 will buy the McCau-
ghey Block in lbs Village of Brussels. These
two fine stores must be sold to olose out the
McCaughey Estate. intending purchasers
should investigate at 00oo.. Apply t01'. S.
SCOTT or G. P. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont.
03R-ra'SS"7..Z.S a,6.6.M.F•n'rm,
Fall Wheat .. • • 63 68
Barley 86 36
Peas 61 62
Oats 28 29
tube aud rolls
14 15
Eggs per
dozen 9 10
Flour per cwt. 4 00 6.00
Potatoes (per bag) 25 25
Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 2 00
Sheep skins, each 76 1 00
Lamb skins eaoh 25 25
Salt per bbl, retail1 00 70
Hay per ton .,.. 6 00 6 60
Hides trimmed 0 61}
Hides rough 5 6
Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00
Wool 12 18
undersigned will 'keep for service at
N4 Lot 10, con:8, Morris, a well bred Poland
China bog. Terms, 51.80, to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if
necessary. OEC. 13. HEADMAN,
604. Proprietor.
Bath Brushes,
Sea Salt,
Toilet Waters,
Soo,, deo..
A Nice Assortment
AT' a ----
Fox's Drug Store
14, East Wawauoab, one red steer two
yeare old. Ain, information leading to his
805070ry will he fully rewarded..
00 Wal. 1iIYANT,B1yth P.O.
I / rens of the undersigned. Lot 0, Con. 12,
rod andwlii e waith st27 ar au 4 oe arT e
owner is requested t0 prove property, pay
expenses and take him away.
DANI151. SHINE, 13ruesel5 P.O.
for 8, 8, No. 5, Grey township, duties
to commence after Summer vacation, Ap-.
pli0nnte to enclose testimonials and state
oulvedfup to! July 10011 B A. 9 EWART re,
Box 274 Secretary.:
80.1 `,Brussels, .Huron .CO.
Teacher Wanted.
S. NO. 1, Grey, holding a 200 Claes
Vote saional sertideabe, ditties to 5001•
mimeo after Summer vacation. Engage-
ment to be for balance of 1001.AppIleenbs
give osperienae, testimonials and
stats salary expected, ApplioOtfous reoely.
ed up to June 29th, Address ;NO. GRANT,
Secretary -Treasurer, Brussels P.O.
Tenders for Drain.
Tenders for toe MoTaggart Drain will be
received by the undersigned up to 2 o'clock,
July 6bb, o601 at the Township Hall, Ethel.
Plans, specifications, &°.,may be Beau at my
office. A deposit of 550,00 will be required
with sash tender, also sufficient security for
completion of the work.
WM. SPENCE, Clerk,
Ethel P. O.
DER510NED offers for sale his fine 100
acre farm, being 8 4 Lot 17, 00n. 4, Morris,
There ie a house, 2 good barns, 40x02 feet
enoh,2 good wells! orchard ;-well fenced ; 70
acres cleared, balance good bush. Posses.
*ion given to suit pnrehaser, Farm le 1n
good locality,. 4 miles from Belgrav0 and 6
to Br118Eel13. W111 also sell a Waterloo
Steam Begice and a Clinton "Monarch"
senarntor, two grain grinders and a crusher.
Per place and trine apply on the premises
or if by letter to JAMES OLOA5EY,
60.4 BrneselS P, 0.
S S.d.1�R.iF19,
CARR-DODonAe.-Ab St, Pants, Ont., on
Jane 20, by Rev. D. N. Baker, M.A.,
of 'Stratford, Mr. Robt. Oarr, of
Brunets, to Mise Liza, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Douglas, of St.
Dueoox-DaVideon.- At the Methodist
parsonage, Wingham, by Rev. 11.
Hobbs, on Jame 20, Mr. Samuel
Deacon, of East Wawanoeb, to Mies
Maggie Davidson, of Bayfield.
FAngnnAneON-HaesaN.- In Wingham,
on June 19, at the residence of the
bride's father, Mr. Andrew Hogan,
by Rev, A. 11. Prior Mr. W. 3. Far.
quhareon,to Mine Mary.Huggan,
Dow -His we. -At the Methodist parson.
age, Belgrave, on Jane 6th, by Rev.
A. I. Browny Mr. John Dow, to Ida
youngest daughter of Geo. Henry,
all of But Wawanosb.
Knlu0L0N0-EeoEne•-At the latethodist
pareobage, Blybb, on June 18th, by
Rev. Wm. Penile', Me. Ed. Kerala.
ling, of Morrie, to Mee, Wm, Eggert,
of Blyth,
M°Fanzs&N-Honor,- At the reaidenoe
of the bride's father, Grey, on June
19, by Rev. Dr. King, of Galt, Mr.
James Ma3adzean, to Miss Lingle,
daughter of Mr. Andrew Hisiop,
both of Grey township,
RgnaoerrAN,-Io Morrie, on June 27, Jas.
2ernaghan, aired 69 years.
This is certainly a "White" Season. White Waists .
are in the lead, but our Colored Waists are so dainty and
stylish that they are going almost as fast as the White
ones. We have so many different Patterns, Styles and
Prices that you will be sure to be suited.
Good Quality Print
Dainty Patterns
Our Prettiest Waist
White Lawn with Insertion $ 75
Finer Lawn with Late Yoke 1 00
Fine Fronts Lawn, allover Embroidery
1 86
Linen Lnwn, "
Very fine Linen Lawn,
t 2 00
1. 60
Fanny stripes, in light blue, piolt,
mauve, dark blue and white,
bias or straight front and book,50
(Pink, blue, mauve and grey stripes,
1 Ineerton down Front 75
Dark bine with White Ineertion-
Light Striper( with Laos Yokes
-Panay Stripes, bias Teaked
Front and Baok-Six different
lines to obooes from, all for. , ., 1 00
Very Pretty Patterns, inpink, green
and blue, Baler° Front with
Embroidery Trimming 1 25
(Fine Quality Muslin, in pink, blue
t and menus Stripes, Soft Collar 1 85
Light Colored Muslims with Panay
{Silk Stripe, in mauve, green,
blue and pink 1 50
Ligbt Blue with Polka Dob, ale°
dark blue and mauve With whits
Stripe, Bolero Front trimmed
with fine White Embroidery,
very Fall Muslin 1 00
New Patterns in Foulards and Merlawns just opened out.
Slily Standard Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sheets to
Patterns kept in stock -5e to 255c.
Designers for sale at 10c each.
Fashion Sheets free to those who call for one.
A. STR.AC'ffiA.L1T.