The Brussels Post, 1901-6-27, Page 5JaNN 27, 1001
Wool r
.LYL oeut. -. V, H. HOU1T, Brusaols,
IH, MOORAU [ L+ N•-�-
Y • leaner of 11iat'rlage ldoonseg, OP.
tine 00r000ry, Tulnberry street, Braaools.
L% , Touaarlal Artist, Shop -Noxi door
North of the Standard 1l auk, Ladles' and
Childreir'e hail' gutting a apeeitl by,
[suer of Marriage Licenses,
sry psEzs. oma .
L. O. M.,`
Academia graduate of London Conserva-
tory of nude, oleo Member of the Assoolwtod
ane of Ontario io prepared to reooive
a limited number of o pupilel for instruction
ou the piano. Qualified to prepare - Dunne for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Brussels, : Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co,Huron;. Conveyancer, Notary Pubho,
Laud,Loan • and toenrauao Agent ; Auobion-
oar. Funds iaveeted and to'loau. Collec-
tions made. Omcein Cra1tom'e'Blook,Brue-
eels. •
1 • nun, will soil for batter prices, to
better men In leas time and leas charges
than any other'Auetinrear 10 East Huron or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged et this Mike or. by
personal application, - '
(mamma or saavon0a)
Graduate of It. 0, D 8., Toronto ; Post Grad -
nate course at Hnakol's School, Chicago, in
crown and bridge work, Ra -Prices same as
in surrounding towns. 21.
Mee over A, R. Smith's store, Biu000ls.
• Honor Gin:Maio of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College. is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals .in a compet-
entmanner. Portioular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calle promptly at-
tended O. Office and infirmary -Pour doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
V • Barrister, Solioltor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &•o. Oface-H lewart'e Block
1 door North of Central Hotel
.Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
VI • Solicitor,. 'dm 011100 over Stand-
atd Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
1/1 Q•. OrAMEB,ON
(Formerly 01 Onmeron, Holt .
Cameron) Barrister and 8olioltor. Goderioh
Ont. .0/R oe—ldnmritoo street, opposite Col.
borne Hotel.
11i, If.,
C. N.,
Trinity University Fellow Trinity I tedioal
College, Member College of PhyOioiane and
SurgeonOut. Lioentlate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. 1O'llelephoue No.14,
Boeidenoe-Mill street, Brussels.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and 'Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleooneee,'Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con-
sumption, Gall Stenos, Jaundice, Kidney.
0u 'Urinary d II y
ear Diseases St. Vitus Dance
Female Irregularities es and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brneeele
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
Mile on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of 13nildhlgee Workman.
ebip and Material Guaranteed.
I will pay the highest
market price in . cash for any
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alfred Baleker,.
1)izfri t nth
"Wee ciaXaelater .'
Mies Pearl Ireland, of Durham, le visit.
ing bar aunt, hire. F. V. Dickson.
Mrs. L, Barnard who has been very
dangerously ill hoe recovered euffiefenily
to be able to sit up.
The piece oR oidewallt from the Bakery
to the bridge hart been renewed and the
new walk lowered w a foot or two.
Little Geo. Frenoh, who had his leg'
badly broken early fo the Spring, ie again
able to be out and walked up street.
Rutherford Bold tie grey driver
and outfit to Riole. Gilkiepn and loft for
Tileonburg where he will be employed for
some time.
A horee belonging to Mrs. It, Laing got
the bridle off while left tied on the road.
side and made a lively run, wreaking the
buggy whioh will require a new box and
other repairs.
Senator -ale.
Poatmaeter Diokson had new potatoes
oat 01 hie own garden for dinner on
Tbureday, 13th inet.
Mre, A. Bnueiaugh, of Winnipeg, and
formerly of Bruesels and Seafortb, 7e
visiting friends here.
A lady left a perambnlater, in which
was a baby, in front of Mr. Mullett's
hardware store while she stepped into
the store. There is a slight incline in
the walk at that point, and the vehiole,
with ite precious freisht, etarted running
bnohwares and ran off the walk, throwing
tbe child ander a horee that was tied to
a post. Fortunately the animal showed
a spirit of commendable docility, and did
not, get frightened, or it might'' have
trampled on the infant to its serious in-
jury. The yonngeter, however, war
promptry rescued and was none the wore°
for its miehap.
Alf. Brown bag returned home from
Manitoba. It is rumored that he will
have a partner to accompany him on the
return trip.
Edwin James has joat completed a
floe new brick addition to hie already
handsome residenoe wbioh makes a
marked improvement.
As J. S. Nioholl'e, botcher of Ford••
wiob, was driving down the hill on the
9th eon:, on Saturday the horee beoeme
ugly and began to.kiak and smashed the
wagon up pretty badly. Fortunately the
occupants of the rig eeoaped unhurt.
When Jas. King, who is driving Ham-
mond Bros.'
am -mond -Bros.' team, was coming into town
the other day with a large load of lumbar
the froni Axle x e of theagoi
w tb
broke jun '
]u t o0
the grade North of town. Mr. 'King and
Edwin Day were on the load and had it
narrow escape from being killed as the
whole load of lumber turned upside down
ou the road.
The Orangemen will celebrate the 12th
of Jelly in Stratford thio year.
Mre. 0. W. Herren, of Neepawa, Mao.,
is visiting her parents, A. H. and Mrs.
Wynn, Newry.
. bandeome ornamental Page fence
adorns the front of the. Presbyterian
church groonde..
The beelines men and oitizene gener-
-ally have decided to celebrate Dominion
Day in royal style in Atwood Cale year.
The football match played between the
Munkton and Atwood teams reenited in
an easy victory for the latter by a eaore
of 8 to 0.
The Perth County "Connell at ite re
oent meeting deoided: to pay a reward of
$10 for the oonviation of any person
peddling through the townships without
a lioeuee.
Atwood foot bailers defeated Listowel
tenth by a Boone 018 to 0 in favor of At-
wood. The local team are covering
themselves with glory these days. The
re!urn matoh will be played here on
Dominion Day.
3, G..Heyd and family left last week
for Heepelor, where Mr. Heyd has been
appointed•sgont of the G. T. It. He will.
be ouooeeded here by J. H. Moore, of
Bruoefleld• Mr. and Mre. Heyd's many
friends in town will be sorry to learn of
their removal.Sti
e took an saliva inter-
est in ohnrah
wont, also int the Chosen
Friends order, while Mr. Heyd is an en-
thusiastic) Odd Fellow.
A. A. Sohenk has sold his share in the
livery stable to R. Warner.
Mies Bessie March has: been re-engaged
in the Wellesley Publio'eohool at an in-
0r0asein salary ot: 450,
Oo Saturday morning,151Ia inn, two
of J. Cololough's ohildren were in the
field next to the railway treble and had
a rather narrow ethane. They were
Watching the 10,80 train going past when
ono of the volunteers wbo 0006 on the
train levelled a rifle and fired a shot at
the two children, the shoo striking with.
in a foot and a half of the young lad'e
A sad drowning agoident tools place at
the residenoe of Mr. Paelmer, of 81. Jos-
eph attest, on Sunday afternoon, 16th
nista 'about the hour of 4 80. Albert
and Mrs, Whiteside and little son Guy
had driven up that morning from their.
hams in Heiman to visit at Mr, Parl•
mar's, On in the afternoon the abeeuoe
of the little boy waa negated by his mother
and'112re. Parlmer went to the door to
satisfy het mind but caw the boy was
not with the men, who were asleep on
the grass. Looking to her left she
noticed the lid off the oietern and on go-
ing over eaw it fionting in the water and
pealing the meaning uttered a 00ream
which awoke the two men. Mr. Pail.
trier ermined 10 rape and to the horror of
those ',regent the body of little
Ony was bron'eht to tato eerfaoe• All
that woe penile 0 wee done to reotore 1 f
bot the vital spirit had fled. Tte cistern
watt full of water 100,15 it lo auppoaed that
the IitIle follow litter getting the lid off
had been playing in the water with lite
Mode and had lost bis balance, Tae waa
a bright little hoy, only one year and
nine menthe of age. The bereaved per
eine telt on Honday morning far Honsall,
taking with them the last earthly re•
mains of their only child, The funeral
tool; p'aoe that same afternoon, 345't',
Parimer a0oompanied the remains to
Tameal b tory.
(Intended for last week.)
John Rae spent Sunday in Bornholm,
vielting friends,
Mrs. DeMill, of Toronto, ie visiting her
oonoio, Mrg,: D. . Boyd, 14th line, this
Several people from Leadbury and
violuity took in the Exoureien to Guelph
last Saturday.
MoICbIIop will be well represented ' at
Brneeele' Annual Demonstration' on the
28th inch, The bills get out a big day's
sport. _
Mre. Arch, MoNab has gone to Bad
Ago, ;!tint., to attend the fanent' of her
bre her, Alexander Ross, who was killed
in a railway aooident in letinneeota last
The annual1'
p o 0,i o of Sr S. No. 0 will
be held in Deniile' grove on Tuesday, June
2511. Besides the usual amusements an
exoelleni'mhsisal and literary program
will be run off, Addresses will be deliv-
ered by Rev, P. kluegrave and Rev, Mr,
Just about this Beason of the year when
ordinarily the roads' ebould be in excel-
lent aonditiou for wheeling and driving,
the Statute Labor begins and they are
spoiled with fresh gravel for the next two
months. Why could the Statute Labor
not be done in the Fall.
A number of the farmers of this looality
have purchased oream separators this
Spring. These machines economize labor
and money as well as there is a large
waste in the old process of butter making.
This ie pre-eminently the age of 00ienoe
and saieotifie application to all the modes
of production and manufacture, and tbe
2011a century farmers must be alive to this
OnIT,—With the passing away of Mrs,
J. Patrick wbo died at the residenoe of
her eon -in-law, Andrew Doig, eon. 0
Howiok, on June 10tb, another of the
oouneating links between the far past and
the present was broken. Born in 1808
she has lived under 5 reigning British
sovereigns and had it very vivid resolleo•
tion of the rejoicings after the Battle of
Waterloo. She was born and married
in Govan on the Clyde and oame to thin
000nkrywith her hothead in 1843, when
theeetook tip land in the township of
Peel which they cleared and sold, and
moved into Galt where her husband
worked for some time nt his trade. Im.
payed, however, by, that land hunger
which seems characteristic of all old
country people they again took up land
in Wellesley township which they cleared
and tired on for some time until the
opening 0p of the "Queen's Bush" in.
dcoed them to take up lots 28, 24 eon. 0,
Hawick, to which they finally moved in
1858, and whioh 1e now in possession of
their grandchildren, She waa inmany
respeote a very remarkable woman and
had a wonderousmemory (nob, only for
the pact bat for the present) which re-
mained unimpaired t'
p until ber .death, and
there waa nothing she enjoyed mitre tban
a "crack" with her old friends; her hos-
pitality woe unbounded, and if the tea
kettle was not on the stove whenn friend
went in it soon was and kindly welcome
was ever in her heart and on her lips.
She was the very type of a class that le
hast dieappeariug. The thrifty judos -
brans "anld Scotch wife" who with her
clean "mutoli" (cap) with its frilled bor.
der surrounding her smiling Noe as she
sob spinning at her little wheel carried
one's thoughts book to the Scotland of 75
or 100 years ago. A ebauuoli Presby-
terian she attended the Molesworth
oburoh until about 10 months ago and
0,p and falling over baokwarde upon film,
Ho, bowever, managed to e0oape without
anything mora eer,o00 than it eprelned
anl!le aad'several brai•oe,
Dr, Lindeay wag in Toronto atteldi
the Ontario Medical As000iation meati
8. Graney and Alice Della Greeley I
on Monday morning of last week
Buffalo to vielt the I?an•Amerloan
A garden party will be held on t
Preobyterian church lawn on Frid
evening, duce 280h, under the Revioee
the Indies' Aid Sooiety.
4. G. and Airs'. Ethigh, et Goderio
wore in tbe village on Wedueeduy of I
week. Mr. Bniigh diepoeed of We bu
Hese in Goderioh on Tueeday and will
tire to private life. The family will to
up their residenoe in the county town.
The annual meeting of the West Her
Farmers' Institute was held at tbe Nile.
Frank Mineola,' A, H. Jacobs and A. E.
Bradwin were elected directors for Blyth,
John MOElroy, of Morrie, and Mr
Dobie, of East. Wawanoeh, left lily
station Tuesday morning of last week f
Manitoba, where they will spend sever
weeks visiting with old friends.
Joh0, Barrett left on Monday of la
week for Walkerton where be has eeoure
a good situation in a large dry good
store. For the pact eix years be wit
employed with MoKinnon .8 Co. an
proved bim0elf to be a careful, willio
and faithful employee, He was' a dil
kine, ni Gorrle, in Itis afilielion, and eta
pl'ec,ation of bio eoevie00 for ep many
yelt1a ,0 County Master,
p TboTownsbipOounoilMat atthe Albion
pg Hotel in town on Wedneeday pf loot week.
aft Lemli° Owner hod the misfortune to
for give the index Anger on bin left hand A
ex, bind gash witb a drawing knife.
P00001en, George Williams, and hie
gang. of eeotion men, Jose, Meatus and
Lewitt Arotntroog, ere oat on strike with
the rest of the 0r P, R, roadmen,
Forllwich 00 flail No. 282, C. 0..0..F,
attended Divine eorvioe on Sunday, in the
Methodist Olrurob ae 2 80 p. m., .when
Rev. R, I. hoofing preached the annual
sermon to them.
Al the regular 0emi•0uri0al meeting of
the Presbyterian Endeavor Sooiety bald
in the Manse the following olioera were
appointed :—President, D. M. Litt!, john ;
Vioe Pros. Mice Maggie Beechen ; Reo,
ESeo'y. A, A. Dobson ; Cor, Seo'y. 3,
Rogere ; Treat, Mies Maggie Johnston,
Kr. Davidson, the egg buyer, of Wing.
bar, who was hurt at the bridge ., lila
time ago, won hie suit against the Twee.
ehip Council getting $100 and all coats.
The costs will be bigh. The U. uaoil
winning the ease against Robert Jamison,
jr., they look to him to pay the 4100 and
costs but it i0 bard to say where this
matter will end ae Mr. Jamison to talkir
of appealing the orae of the 00000118
i• against him oe the ground that it was 0,r t
gent and oopeoientious worker in o0nnee
tion with St. Andrew's church and Sun
day school and will bo much missed b
hie oo.Iaborero there.
a contract, but that he did the work 'by
tbe .d
a on thebridge
and was not Ya o bound
a to have proper guards to the approaches
of it.
The' annual meeting of the Fordwioh
Union Seale 00., was held in Sothern'e
Hall and the annual business transacted.
The shareholders were not all present but
were fairly well represented. The
auditor's report was read which showed
the. antes to be a good money-maker.
Last year's Board of Management, con•
sitting of Alex. Gibson, Richmond Fallia
and James Downey, was re.eleated for the
ensuing year, and Thos. Gibson re elected
Secretary. Treasurer. Isaao Wade was
re -appointed. atfditor. The dividende,
whiob,amounted to 42 ciente per share, or
28 cents on the dollar,,were paid to all
ehareholdere. present.
The annual Fall Fair of the East
Wawanoeh Agricultural Sooiety will be
held at Begrave on October let and god.
The enlargement of the Ashfield Metho-
dietParsonegeis so far complete' that
the pastor's tonally (Rev. F. J. Oaten)
were settling in the new part last week.
Rev. F. J. Oaten, formerly pastor here,.
having pursued for several years a grad
uate course ib mental Philosophy,
Theism and Eoonomios has been grouted
the M. A. degree by his university.
Though the Teeswater Methodist church.
sent a request to Conference for hie ap-
pointment to that charge he hag been re•
turned to the Aebfield circuit for a second
MATRIMONIAL. — A very interesting
event was witnessed in Trinity choral,
Belgrave,on Wednesday of last week,
when Miss Ellen MoOrea, daughter. of. C.
McCrea, of Morris, was united in mar-
riage to Dr. Albert Perdue, V. S., of
Clifford. The bride is a most popular
and estimable young lady, and the groom
to well and. favorably known, having
spenthisearlier. days in this vloinity,
but is now praotiarng his profession on
Clifford. Promptly at 5.30 p. in., the
bridal party entered the church, the bride
leaning^o0, the arm of her father. The
Wedding Meath was played by Mise Mo•
Orea, sinter of the bride. The bride
was assisted by Miee Lena Perdue, and
the groom by Mr. McCrea, brother of the
bride. The bride was prettily attired in
whits muslin, wi=h long bridal veil, and
handsome wreath of flowers. The brides-
maid wore a gown of blue mu -lin and
carried a boquet of flowers. The oere-
mooy was performed by Rev. Mr. Mo.
Quillen, of Blyth. After the ceremony
the. guests were conveyed to the residenoe
of the bride's father in oarriagee provided
by tbe groom's brother, Dr, J. N. Per.
doe, V. S., of Blyth. About 120 guests
enjoyed the sumptuous
bnuobaoo. The presentwere abundant
and choice, several tables being required
to hold them ; the groom's gift to the
bride was a handsome gold watch and
ohaio. Among those from a distance
were—Mr, and Mrs. Bryan, Gollioter ;
Mia. Kramer, Detroit; Mre. S. Adamson,
Sandwieb; Mise F. Wray, London ;
Misses IC. and M. Earngey, Gorrie ; 0.
and Kra. Burney, Exeter ; A. and Mre.
Linklater, Clifford. Tan POST extends
Wine tram.
The trackman on the 0. P. R. are on
her preeenoe will be missed by many. strike.
R. Nixon left on Tuesday of 'last week
Li otowel.
to fill a situation in Edmonton, N. W. T.
About seventy members of Wingham
Fall Show, October lab and and. Epworth League paid Luoknow League a
John Hetherington of this town has re. fraternal visit on Monday evening of last
oeived his Fenian Raid medal, week,
Oswald and Bert. Scott visited Buffalo John Bugg .k Son will install the furnace
and the Pan,Amerioan last week. in the new oburab. The Trustee Board
Listowel Gourb of Revision will be held deoided to a000pt the offer of Olare Bros.,
on Friday evening, 28th inst., 10 the Preston.
Council Chamber. - Will. Robertson has returned home
The family of J. A. Hacking have taken from Winnipeg, and will leave for Ottawa
up their Summer residenoe at Goble'° to commence tie duties as olerk in the
grove on Lake Huron, near Port Elgin. '.Department of the Interior.
The Bricker hardware stook, Bold in A terrific hailstorm passed over this
London on the 18th inst., waa pnrahaeed section Saturday afternoon. It was the
byJell, Grant, of this town, at 47}o. on worst of its kind ever experienced, and
the dollar. carried great deetruotion with it. The
At the eemi-aounal meeting of North orope suffered severely and general
Porth County L. 0. L., it woe deoided to damage was inflicted.
aooept the invitation to celebrate the The young ladies interested in Tennis
Boyne Aonivereary at Stratford. . have organized with the following omcere
The practice of bioyole ridingon the President, Mies I. Gordon ; Secretary,
granolithio walks is 'still indulged in to Mies Greta Corbould ; Treasurer Mies
some extent, notwithstanding that a Vanetooe. • Monday, ednesday and Sat
number of persons have been up before =day have been chosen as the days for
the P. M. and fined lately. • practice. Connoiilor Maokenzie'e ;, fine
Rev. A. • P. Moore, rentor of Christ tennis court has been kindly planed at the
church, and A. J. Collins and J. H. Gun, cervine of the new organization.
Cher, lay delegates, were in London last Reports have been current for some
week attending the annual meeting of the time to the effect that a new and erten.
dioaoean Synod. sive furniture factory will be erected in
Dr. C. O. Tatham, son of Wm. Tat. Wingbam, by a company oompoeed oP'
ham, who has been spending a abort time Jerome A. Cline and other looal oapitaliete,
at hie home in town, left last weak for We understand that negotiations are in
Providence'Bay, Manitoulin island, :progress for the porches° of a faotory in
where he is opening an office. Berlin ; should those negotiations fail,
Listowel lodge A. 0. U. W. has decid. then the prospects are that a new factory
ed to hold a pie-nio on Dominion Day, will be built here, bot so far there is noth.
which will take plane on the. Public) ing really definite announced,
school grounds in the afternoon, It lo Conlin L. 0. L.—The semi-annual
expected that a reprooentative from the, meeting of the county lodge of North
Grand Lodge will bo preeenl and deliver Huron was held in Wingham on Tose-
an address. day,' 18th ioet. Where was a large repro'.
Considerably over 100' horses were aa- eentation present. Atter routine boob.
eepted ent of the large number inepeoted nese, Bro. Dane reported that :the Grand
here on Friday and Saturday, 141h and ,Organizer would soon visit the oonuty
15th Meta, by the:odicers of the Imperial for organization and insurance bueineee,
army, for eorvioe in South Africa, Alto. Brussels reported having aanoelled their
gethor the horses were e. floe' 10t, and we oelebrabion in favor of Laaknow, Btoe,
anderetand brought better prices than Davidson and Moore from Lnaknow were
any former Welt taken Prom here. One present to extend a cordial invitation to
or two oar loads of horee°that did trot the Iodgee of North Huron to ootebrate
aume within the requirements "for army the Twelfth in Looknow, and promised
purposes were shipped to Montreal by every a000mmodation poseible, On
Mr, Kidd. Something over $10,000 in motion, it woe advised that 6o far ae pos-
value wee the home that sibie the lodgee aelsbrate in Laoknon,.
changed halide diving the two days. County Piaster Greer' and County Seo.
Frank Dnagen, the Montreal jookey who Clarke were requested to draw up a rem.
accompanies the army camera, was War. lntton,01 eympethy and oc1d0le000 with
ed somewhat in emoting fraotione ani• the family of the late Bea. Woodman, of
mole [het had never been brolten to the Londeebero': A resolution paaaed ex.
Middle, on one 000nsion is heron raaring pressing sympathy with Bro. floury Pari
60 Day
to the
At Return Fares28
Hamiota .,.....,.1
Swan River ..,
Regina 3 A
Mo tonw i. 1
Yorlokton ) $, V
Prince Albert
ReamontoDearn �,f $40
Going Juno 1015, Returning until. Aug. lath
Gong July 1011bail or ,8 Returning until Sept,1515
(All Rail or S. S. Alberta)
Going July 28r4, Returning until Sept. 22nd
(A11 Rail or 8. S. Alberta)
Asst. Gaul. Passenger Agent,
1 Ring Street East Toronto.
All the Wool in the Country
wanted at the
Where the bigheet price will be paid
in Cash or Trade.
I have in stook a good line of Blan-
keting, Sheeting, Yarns (single and
double), Tweeds, oto, All pure wool and
no shoddy.
You oan have your own wool made
into rolls or exobanged. Don't sell your
Wool or have it manufactured till you
oall at the Brunets Mill and get prioe0.
50,000 lbs. Wanted.
price paid,
delivered at my Storehouse,
No. 1, Brussels.
Robb. Graham.
L'ROL'Itili't'OR, BRUSSELS, Ont.
Barred, Buff and
White Rooks.
Eggs and Fowl for
n Season.
Eggs $1,00 per setting.
,_.�^ VOrreopettdenee Solicited,
c in o CsatASH
Hot Weather Goods . ,
Our buyer spent last week in Toronto among the wholesale houses Ry
and found it a very favorable time to 000nre 50050 in all: linos of geode, 4411
Owing to the oold wet weather this season, Summer goods did not move ant
as rapidly a8 the wholesalers would wish, and to gash buyers they were
willing to make big reduotione in pram to sell the gentle. We took advan-
tags of the situation and bought largely in all linea of goods at reduced
Primes. The new goods have arrived acid have been passed into stool; and
oo Thursday tteoroing we will ran them off at the following low prang!:
New Prints, in white grouutla, in Orion, epnte and floral
designs, regular price 1270, for 8}o.
Organdy Motilins in white, bunk and .col vs, wide width, fine
textares, regular 25o, for 20e,
Dimities in white and floral designs at 8o, 100 and 15e.
Printed Mullin, and Lawns in stripe.; epees and floral designs,
at 50, 8o, ler and 121o.
Biaok Grenadines in tine laoey effects, 75a,
Blaok Drees Goode 40 inches wide, small figures, feat blank,
good value at 850, for 20o.
White Quilts, 2 by 271 yards, regular $1 85, for $1.
Ladies' Embroidered Oollars in all the latestetylee, at 8o, 100,
120, 15o and 2
Lrdise' Bleak Meraerized Sabana Waist, regular price 42, for
$1 50.
Ladies' Blaolt Patent Leather Bette, assorted, worth 80o to.your ur of a for 25
o cholas a.
Highest market price paid for
Wool in cash or trade.
We have a large assortment
of Woollens, Tweeds, Yarns,
Blankets, Sheotings, &c.
Such as Carding, Spinning,
Weaving and Knitting promptly
attended to at the
Woollen Mill Store,
2 doors South of McKay & CO's
Eggg, Butter or Hides taken in exchange
for goods or as pay for work.
Now that the Boggy season is at
hand and we are ready for it we would
like to inform our numerous friends and
onatomere that we bavo the finest lot of
Buggies on hand at the
OId Reliable
Carriage Factory,
that can be found anywhere. Sbauld
you think of baying a Boggy or Boggles
(as we supply wholesale as well as retail)
by all means call and see oar stook before
purobasing as we know we cum suit you
with a first-class article and the price is
right. We also keep Wagooe, Track
Wagons and Field Roliers on hand or
made on abort notice.
Jnoa Cober 8c Sons
This is the Season for
Get S.
on your house and you'll get satisfaction. Made in all
colors and for all purposes that paint is,--az:_—_.-,,---.2--ab--------_,cp'
Architects Specify S. W. P.
on all Large Contracts,
t(wo= sb. a• a _nes"- =ii 1 :
We have a large stock of Screen Doors of all styles,
prices from $1.00 to $2.00, complete with hinges.
Window Screens from 20c each up.
Are ready to supply the demand of the pablio for any hind of wheeled rig Be they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in
addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put
On your own baggy wheels while you wait, or we oan supply both wheels and
tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good buggy should have the Dunlop
Anton by Ewan do Go. Work guaranteed all right ae we keep nothing but
first oleos workmen.
D. Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the sale rootne ae. the
Gm has secured a firet•olasa Horse Shoat for the blaokemith chop;
All wood work in our line and general binokemithing done on our promisee and at ae
low figures as oan be obtained anywhere.
Our own make of Bnggiee this year are all 8a inches longer in the body than other
Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT cannot be beaten.
We nee the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two pilings in a Ban0on is all they
It will pay anybody who wants a Arst•daes rig to come 25- mike to see our Show
Rooms thio eeaeon before buying 00 ear assortment i0 large and good and we: are
always well pleased to have people Gall and examine our stook whittle is the
lancet ever Shown in Brussels. ta-Wet mean baeini mm,
CarriaA € Coad I3ruseale,Tbtmtkob0,.tko1
]Suggteo, Wagooe, °arts and Whoelbarrowe always on band,