HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-27, Page 4THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1901. COUNTY' COURT, The.O0gntICourt opened 0n Tee8da June 11th, Wore Hie Honor Judg Doyle. le. The 8e as ie Brat c w Go r e 1 ON v t a , va. Govier, nn notion on tour promissory nettle. Hen, J. T. Darrow, I{, 0., for plffe, • W. Proudfoot for daft. Verdiot for defendant with nets, Qu Wednesday the case of Passmore vs. Andrews et al., .also en action on a promisaory note, wee postponed to the December sittings of the county Court Davidson ve, Township of Umiak et al., was an action for injuries caused to the plaintiff through the alleged negligence of defendants. A brid;fo in the town/tip of Howiok was being repaired and to guard the approaob to it a '!'adder wan placed with one end on a railing over a culvert and the other end ou the groond, The plaintiff drove ou this ladder in the dark and wee thrown cif hie rig and sustained certain injuries. Hon. J. T. Garrow, K. C., and R. Vanetone (Wing. ham) for pill. ; E. L. Diokineon (Wing. hem) for township of Howiok • Aneon. Spotter) (Harrietm:) for titled parties. A large number of witneeeee were examined tied the ease was not concluded onti Thursday noon, when judgment was given for plaintiff for $100 and costs, the de• fendaut, Robert Jamieson, jr., one of the oontraotore, being made responsible for judgment. Walters vs, Dane was another anion on a.pronilesory note or in the alternative pretension of the note. R. Vanetone for p ff. ; E. L. Dickinson for deft. Jndg went reserved. The Court adjourned Thursday even ing until Saturday, when Gundry ve. Mo Donell, an action for the price of two buggies, wee taken up. Wm. Proudfoot for plff. ; Hon. J. T. Garrote, K. 0., and L. H. Dickson (Exeter) for deft. Judg- ment was reserved. Tbe Court did not sit on Monday. On Tu,eday Strachan vs. Brown, an nation for the pride of a horee, was heard. G. F. Blair (Brussels) for peel.; J. P. Mabee, X. 0., (Stratford) for deft. Judgment was reserved. The Oourt eat again on Saturday ab 11 o'o'ock a. m. 8.0 that tae money paid by the municipal• itY for read impreeement, ibethed of be, tug Re in former yeere, paid to 9uteide 0ontraetore, now goes bank into the pookete of the ratepayere, In the opinion of our epanoil we tenander that had we been able to have availed ourselves of t Portion of the million dollar grant for the purpose of pnrphaeing rood maobincry it Would in our opinion have been of material advantage. To the Spring of the year we bed Intended purchasing another greater, betk tieing a trapti 11 engine in connect. tion with our grader we have boon en- abled to a000mplieh an excellent semen's wont, Reepeotfully yours, J. H. JAilEmeN, Clerk Townehip of Blanehard, M/SHTER GROGAN. Tolle all About the Goderiob Berbeerto,. "Dld ye bear about th' grand barbyooe at Gatberidge laeht Sathurda'," eaye Olney 10 me th' other day ? "I did not," I eaye. Did they have a viehit from some Iv th' Ottaway pobintatee 9" I [aye "New. thing iv Ill'koiud,' eaye Olanoy. "'Twee a military function intoirely, sodgere an' military taoties, an spathes, au' ib wound up veld a geaud benquit. 'Twaa a day tang to be remimbered inpishally by th' valenteere," he save. "Let's bear th' woeful tale," eaye I. "I wasn't there l meellf," eaye Olanay, ''but me nivvy Jimmy Finnerty who belanged to number Tree Comp'ny tould me all about it. Ye see they lift Loudon somewhat hurriedly an' they had a koind iv a fooroed brik. faeht. T'rough the koindneee iv Carnet Verooe an' Ea' Powers that be in Ottaway th' byes war treted to a free thrip to Gatheridge. Ye mnsht understand Grit. gan," he says, "they kape all kb' roid.s in Gatheridge now in tit' county Armory, so that in nade iv a roil in Sayfort' or Broaeele or any other plane in the county all they'd have to do wud be to diad to Gatheridge fur th, guns inebtid iv havin' thin handy at home, date see 7 Well, befoor they raohed Clinton th' lade wur beginnin' to fate tb' nade iv some Bustin. ante. "I'll tell ye what I'll do," pays Aeaiehteat Grand Paymaehter Bradfut, "I'll go to th' runnel an ex him iv we can't have a lunch at Clinton," eo aff he goes and made known tq' ehtate of affairs to his nibs th' Oarnel. "Twnd be an impassibility," eaye th' Carnet, ''an' more than that, 'Mend ehpoi! their appy.. toites for th' sumpchue repaaht that'll be dished np to thim in Gatheridge. Whin they git to Gatheridge," be eaye 'they'll have a faehte ehprid befoor thim that'll putt Dimanioy to th' bineh." So th' byes had to hang onto their appytoitea till they arroived at their dietynatioo. Whin they got aff at th' ehtation th' Cornet made thim a ehort addriss in eomething of this ehtoyle—'Attintion 1 Min iv th' Thorty Timed Babtillon I Ye are now in th' County Sate, an' I naden't st x ye o drab oo t 1 areilvee ' P ma fit an' Y proper manner," he eaye. "I am tould," be eaye, "that yer appetites are some- what ixpanded by yer lang faeht, but bear up," he says, 'fur ye won't bave more than an hour or eo to wait, an' ye'll be all the more adequate to do kith. tineto th' collation that ye'Il be palled upon to ahtuff yereilvee wid. I'm goin' to march ye up to th' ebquare an 1'11 put ye t'rnugh a coarse iv ehprouta, an' thit we'll have a few short epaohee!rum some iv th' big guns jiat to whit yer appytoitea an' thin ye can gorge. I won't say how mtny aoureea there'll be," he eaye, "but it'll be eomet'ing ye haven't bin aaoueh• toured to fur manny'e th' lang day. "Odda hap 1" he Bays. " Shadda bap I Motch 1" an away they wint wid all th' pomp an' panoply iv war, th' band playin', colors floyin' an' all th' loike iv that. 'Twee an inehpoirin' soigbt, Grogan, an' whin they got to th' Stemma th' Carnet made thim foremen Poore, an' foivee, an' oyes roight, an' allyman lift, an' balance all, an' alt tb' usual military ivolotione which have made oiviloized armies /amens, an' th' lack iv it has kipt uuaiviloized armies loike th' Boors fram beta' oblitherated long ago, bedad I Thio tb' Mayor etharted th'enpontin' wid a short addriee. 'I'm no apache -maker', he eaye, 'but I'll jiet say I bid ye witcome in tb' name iv tb' oibizens iv Gatheridge, an' asye'll nodoubt be in nade iv some refriehmeuts efther yer long faeht I wad ax th' ebpaokers who will follow -roe to make tbeir remarks as short as possible. Long dinners no doubt will be more in yer line than long apaches," be eaye, "an' I'll call upon Misbter Jae. T. Garrow, Ex. M. P. P„ to addriee ye," ('Whin I used to know Mlehter Garrow some yeore ago,' eaye Clancy," the seined hie name plain James T. Garrow, M. P., but now I see he's added another let. tber to his toitle—th' letbher X. It's a terror th' ehtoyle eosin payple do be an these toimee, se it ie.') Miehter Gar. row said be felt hoighly honored to have bb' privylige iv addresein' eloh a remark. ably foine body iv min. 'Th' citizens iv Gatheridge wid wan accord have turned out to wiloome ye," he eaye, "an' we bave prepared a faehte fur yez put th' fetes iv th' Anotert Romana to shame. Long dinners will no doubt be more in yer loins than long apaches an' I'll draw me remarks to a close by wiehin' ye an' appytoite iv suffinient calibre to do joah- tioe to th' good tinge ye are about to sur- round: Thin Miebter Holt tuk th' ehtand. Blighter Holt loike iv'rybody ileo iv army censer/nines in Gatheridge, ie a lawyer. He began bio remarks by hon. grathylatin' th' min on their remarkably foine appairanoe, en th' tactility an' pre- oieion they manifested in goin' trough their inthrioete manoovure. 'Bat, he eaye, 'I have no doubt yell be enj'yin' th' pangs iv hunger either yer long long faeht an' a8 long dinnure will be more in yer loine than long epaohes I will draw Inc remarks to a alone.' Thin me (rind Dan. MoGiliiaaddy, who manages to pike hub a livin' by rennin, a noosepaper an' an 000aesional Governmint oonthraot, rose to his fate an' in a torrid iv iloquince be lauded eh' officers an' th' rein to th' skates 'Yee jiet dandies,' be eaye, 'Yer Jim clan. ilea n ' a Idonttinkt , here's aneY Jim - mer dandies to be found in Antairy , be says. Im 110 spoke[,' he says, 'an' me tOlme an'tit i a nt on is more taken up wid palitioal taotiee than wid military entice but Iwud add to kb remarks iv th' gintle. min who have preceded me that long din= nure wad no doubt be more acoiptab'e to yez than long apaches, an' I will olcee by fnnkin' ye fur th' remarkablepatienee ye have neenifeehted in liehtenin' to moy rambtin' remarke inehtid ivbraekin' loose 80' raicliu' tb' furebt hotel kitchen ye come to.' Miebior A. td. Todd, th' genial editor iv th' Gatheridge Star was tb' uixt slipekr. Fin praised Eh' &Mears an' he informed kb' h Inde that their ' r a atrance aeonly aquiled by their ability." 'I Blanshard's Good Roads. Judge Barron, of Strafford, who is e very strong advooate of the good roads movement, recently asked the Clerk of Blanehard township, J. H. Jamieson, to give him a statement regarding the towo- ebip'e experience under the statute labor eyetem of maintaining public roads and since the abolishing of that eyetem. The following is the letter he received in reply : Io compliance with your request through our County Representative, W. F. Sendereon, I am asked for a writ- ten statement, Betting forth the condition of the township of Blanehard at the pres. eat time under its entirely abolished Statute Labor System. Before doing so I wish to say a few words in reference to the fleet steps that were taken in our township towards the doing away of Statute Labor. A few years ago the council then were in favor of commuting it and nob wishing to do so without an expression of opinion tram the ratepayers they eubmitted a Bylaw for the commu- tation of the same to the ratepayers. I am sorry to nay that the By-law was de- feated tbere being a large vote recorded against it ; although the By-law was de- feated I am pleased to say it had a good effect. The ratepayere aft« rwarde became very much interested iu the matter, die. cussing the question more freely amongst tbemeelvee, so mach eo that a very great number of them regretted having voted against the By-law. The question again name up at the annual meeting of the ratepayers in Deaember 1899 and was thoroughly dismissed at that meeting and the feeling was eo strong in favor of abolition that the new connoil elected for the following year at their firer meeting in Jenny, unanimously passed a resolu- tion abolishing Statute Labor in its en- tirety and on the second day of April, 1900, finally passed a Bylaw fn B000rd- anoe with said resolution which aleo en- acted that the roads, bridges and aalverte hereafter be made, built and kept in re- pair by general tax levied by an equal rate upon all property in said township according to the oseeseed value thereof. I find a great number of the townships in the province are commuting at eo much per day. I cannot see ivhy they are do- ing tbie, I am not in favor of oommnting the labor. I believe the township of Blanehard, one of the few and I think the first to abolish Statute Labor, anted wise. 19 in eo doing, because under that plan the total amount required yearly for road improvement is added to the amount re- quired for other expenditures and the whole amount is raised by an even rate on the total aeseesment of the toweehip. The ratepayers thereby being placed on an equal footing by paying the same rate of taxation on the dollar on the total assessed value of their property. By commuting the labor at eo mnob per day ratepayers are not plaoed on the same footing as the man assessed below $1,000 having two days Statute Labor, will pay more commutation tax a000rdingly than the owner of a two hundred acre farm with a $10,000 aeeeasmett having only 10 dare labor. The township of Blanehard has now entered upon its snood year of its existence ander ite new eyetem sed I am very muoh pleased indeed to be able to say that it is working very satietao- tory, indeed a great deal more so than under that which ebould have been abut. idled years ago. Last year the amount expended on roads in on townebip over and above the ordinary expenditure of otherars e amounted ant Y to an additional tax of three dollarsor one hnndr p ed sores or the email sum of 50 oente per day for each day's labor, formerly yoBCf performed. The work was fat better done, more gravel put on than by Statute Labor and still better the gravel was put on those roads where it was most required. We have not ae yet appointed a road Mepeet. or. Tbe system adopted being yet lu its intently, we thought it advisable for this year at least, to keep it under the 0ontrol of the counnil. Each member thereof has a certain division to look after and advertisee end lets ell entente to bis. division, Work ie now done for leve money owing 10 the fact that the firemen themselves bid for and take the outran, w T Li .Ei math() pay,' be sttee, 'khat I haven't then a lelner body iv min, a deeeuter lukiu' tat iv min, it bettber actin' 101 tee min, or a hungrier White let le min eine leebt Twilit' iv ?ploy. Atelier th' poor lint honest grub yet have bin ',Mewl') away underer viete (there at Camp yez will foiud il, a great aa' wiloome obange tp. partake 01 a menu net to be named of otteide of New Yates Or Getberjdge, But" he eaye, 'long dinnure will 00 doubt tie more in year loins than long .paahee drew me remarks to a close,' Mlvhtsr MoLena, better known to "Bob.," (who wee twine anooiesful in allowin' Bob Holmee, Ib' "New Airy" man, to defate him in tit' race fur tit' fifteen hundred dollar ehbakee at Ottowa+), 10118 Bit' nilct orator. 'I'm uat goin' to make a long apache, he eaye, fur ev I wue half rte. capable to th' gintlemiu who have been doing th' blattin' aheed iv mo, I cud say ne more than bee bin alriddy said. But I eboddu't' wonder,' he eaye, 'butye'd. ratter have a long dinnur than a long epaohe, au' that's no joke,' he says, There were two or three more silver MO ed orators bot they did'nt make matbeern any Whiter, Thin' eh' Onrnel rennet ti to til' Addrlee iv Wiloorne, an' tit' agony was over. Me nivvy, Jimmy Finnerty, brought wan iv th' Bill iv Fares, or Bills iv Fare or mebby I shed say tis' Minoee. Here it is,' eaye Clancy, 'ye can rode It fur yereilf.' Be handed it to me very tindurly. It rid eomet'ing loiite chi' Oomplimmtary Banquit to th' Animus en Proivabee.iv tb' 38rd Battalion. MINOO. 000P. Limonade, ENTREES. Craokere Chaise Piece de resiehtanoe Chaise ren' Oxeokere, wid Sella Bieboit Tbrimmune. MOOED 0000811. Craokere a la Monormick. TIMID 000E8B. Chaise, a la Wint'rop Chaise Facth'ry. w0INEe. Li monade—Limonade—Limonade. DtenuRT. Cracked Crackers a la Ohriehtie Condinsed Chaise, God Save th' King. "Nathare abhors a vacuum," eaye Billy McLeod, "an' av I can manage to break away from th' gang fur a minuet I'm goin' to tillygrait to me while to mate me at th' ebtation wid tb' lig iv a chicken oonoaled about her person. I'm no vigy. tartan." be says, "an I'd loike eomet'ing to thaw on." "An' Pll niver be happy agin," eaye Profieeor Orookee, the band leder, ''till I can etritoh me lige under Simmy Ware's table, an' beat th' ehwate oburp ivth'dinin'•room gurt. Hamlamb• roaabtbafematepoyorbaeh 7" "Alther all said and done," says Clancy, "I dinnaw but ite gud atein' that makes loife wort' llvin'ell W 0:' " Clancy," I eaye, ^I wad• dn't want to live long on oreekers tinny. way." GRoo.tN., Grey Council Meeting. The Municipal Council of the Townehip of Grey met at the Township Hall, June 178b, 1901, pursuant to adjournment. Members were all present, Reeve in tee chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and passed and the adjourned Oourt of Revision on the assessment roll opened : — John Longmier was assessed to owner of lot No. 84, con. 9, and Hugh Lamont, a dog struck off, there being no other bueibees before the Court it was moved by Wm. Fraser, seconded by Robt. Live ingstone, that the Court of Revision be now oloeerl and the Assessment roll ae revised be adopted.—Carried. Connell then met for general business. Moved by William Fraser, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that George McDonald be al. owed to perform all hie Statute labor in Dive. Noe. 1 and 2, 000. 1, on Boundary. — Carried. Moved by Robert Livingstone seconded by James MoDonald, that By- law No. 172, known ae the Clark Drain By -taw, be provisionally adopted and that a written dopy of seed By-law be served on the parties assessed.—Carried. Moved by Jamee McDonald, seconded by Wm. Fraser, that Bylaw No. 188, known ee the McTaggart Drain Bylaw, be read a third time and finally paeeed.—Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by James MoDonald, that the Reeve and Mr. Livingstone be authorized to adver- tise for tenders for the digging of Mang - garb Drain and let the contract for same. —Carried. Moved by Wm, Fraser, sec: ended by R)bt; Livingstone, that Jae. Turnbull be appointed Inepentor on the Hall Drain and shall make out estimates of the work done, and iesue certificates to the ooneraotors.—Oarried, Moved by Adam Turnbull, aeeouded by Jne. Mo Donald, that the Clerk be authorized to order a carload of sewer pipe for culverts; rho.—Oarried. Moved by Jae. MoDonald, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that the following accounts be paid :—R. Porter. field, gravel, $14 80 ; John Grigg, gravel, 94.00 ; John F. Beiruee, gravelling on oon. 6, tot 34, 93.50 ; Wm. Spence, mist- ing the Engineer on Peet award drain, $1.50; John Davidson, reflaoring Betz bridge, 96.00 ; Treaanrer of Brueeele, 18 sewer pipe for culverts $3 98 ; John F. Beirnee, repairing road and culvert at lot 84, oon. 6, $4.50 ; Henry Al000k, re- pairing Al000k'e bridge and 14lilebell's bridge $9 00 ; Henry Alcoa, trussed beam for Alocek'e bridge, 92 00, and putting in culvert on side road 1, con 15, and draw. ing load of gravel for eame, $3.00 ; John Oliver, breakage of plow making Winter road $8; W. Spence, aesisting in revision of Township Bylawe, $4 00 ; Robb. Bell, for grading on side roads 2 and 8, eons. 2, 8 and 4, $2826 ; Joseph Reynard, ander. drain aide road 8,00n. 4, $8.00 ; Gideon Brown, culvert on Howiok Boundary,. $7.75 ; Robert Bell, working grader sad repairs, $19.86 ; editor Stratford Beaton, advertising tot tenders for Hall drain, $2.88 ; Riohacd. Armstrong, culverts on boundary Grey and Howiok Grey entre, $2.96 ; John unbar anlvert at lot 23,00es 7 and 8, $9 00 ; John Hollinger, wire fence on side road 2, hon 10, $16 00 , Jdeeph Long, repairing culvert, lot 22, don, 16, $2.25 ; Andrew Bremner, gravel, $1.60 ; John W, Rn e, gravel, 60 lb • Henry Granger, gravel, 8 54 ; John Greig, gravelling and gravel on boundary Grey and Elma, cons. 12 and 18, $84:08 ; John M. Hutohineon, inepeoting, gravel- ling and working team on boundary Grey and Elea 15. ' , $ 70 ; Wm. Holmes, refund of noh.reeident taxes $2.75x=-Ourried. Connell then adjourneti to meet again at the Townehip Nall on Monday, the 16th dayof July y nrxt. Wtt, llPENogf, Clerk. • Ai .L lJ tti6ll+L ti �ilgci. t9l'i 4l1A, Goderich ranee 00 July 17 and 18. The flogine and )ieyole Werke abipped a liofeking engine to Owen Sound. The fleet "Stret•t Fait" is Canada will be held in our town cu the let, Slid' and 8th of July. Rat. E. Hector, the Blank ROOM, preached in Victoria St, nberob Sabbath morning and in North St, Methodist obnreh at 7 p. ln. Charlee i3atee, while ie the ant of preoting bay, had bis leg caught in the feeder, malting in the aruehipg of the limb and bone from knee to the toed, The aooldentle very severe. L. E, Danny, of Goderiob, end W. T, Toner, of Colliugwopd, Propose to Wale. lisp in the latter pleoe a gas worke and electrical plant at a coat of not lege that $75,000, and alert pnrebase the present town eleglrfo plant, and light the streets, Den. McLaren to raising the roof of the big Mill elevator, to an additional height of tome 28 feet, Thie will add ooneiderably to its etorage .eapaeity. Moet of the new machinery for the mill is on the ground and will be soon placed in position. Mre. W. Wilson, nee Mies Emma Bell, while returning from Wipghem on her bioyole on Sunday evening of last we• be, met with a eerious anoident at Marches•' ter bridge by felling ' ff her wheel, the result ot which wee a broken jaw and several bruises. Bev. Jasper Wileou, who luta for three yeare been the meet acceptable pastor of North street Methodist °horny, and bas been appointed to . Rider town, will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday evening, 80 h. The !edits ut the emigre. getion gave Mrs. Wilson, elm has been au effeotive coworker with lite husband, a substantial token of their esteem, in the form of a handsome puree with $25 enolosed,uecompanied by an address, Canadian News. A separate school ie to be built at Woodstock. Mre. John Brodrick, of Sandtviob West, was killed by lightning. The Belleville Sun Publishing Com. parry bee decided to go into liquidation. Julia Powell, a girl of tbirteen yeare, was fatally burned near Ridgetown while. lighting the gas. Lola Cole was killed' in Hawse' sawmill at Otterville, a slab striking him just be. low the chest. The main abaft building at the Bruce copper mines was destroyed by fire. The loss ie upwards of $86,000. 'Rev. Dr. Warden has been elected Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly meeting at Ottawa. Several Canadians were present et the oeremoniee in connection with the 450th ennivereary of Glaegow'University. John Helps, of the village of Maxville, was found dead en the Canadian Atlantic Railway track between Greenfield and Maxville. . Earl Ruse le was arrested in London on a charge of baying contracted a bige. moos marriage In the United Statue, and will be tried on the charge. Mrs. Fred. Simone, of Hamilton, was galled to the door of her residence on Monday night, when a mieoreant threw carbolic) acid in her face. The eix-yeer.old daughter of Mre. Cornelius J. Kelly, of Ottawa, was fatal. lyburned. She was playing in the yard with matches, and set fire to her dress. The Ottawa street railway motormen and aoudnotore are protecting over an order stating that every man entered for work on Sunday must respect the order. The continued wet weather, while good for bay and some other crape, ie not the beat for sugar beets, except oe well•drain- ed land, and some concern for the sao- ceen of the Provincial experiment le ex. pressed at the Department of Agriculture. The area of land devoted to tobacco culture in Beni county thie year, will be considerably lasethanthat ofa year ago. This is doe tothe late Spring and the low prioe that buyers are now paying for inane. "This weather is knocking oat the tobaoao crop," said T. O'Brien, a' Chatham tobacco buyer, in Wiudtor last week. "It is eo oold that farmers o rn- not get the young planta' to grow large enough for setting on, A mull smaller area will be planted thie year because they can't get sufficient plauts. The to ba000 market is very dull and prices have been going down since January. Iu early Winter 0 paid 5 and 6 heats, a pound, but last week I bought three car loads for 49 cents on an average and some ae low ae 2e Dente. A year ago I paid 7 dente, with 8 bonne of $50 for choice samples of two to three tone. The de. cline in price is due to the combines. This year there are only two buyers in Eeeex many, where last year there were nearly a dozen." • Binder Twine. SEASON 1901. "FAiiMF,RS' BPIIOIAL" binder twinesap- plied to Ferment Only at 8o per Ib, in two buebel, cotton, l8•ns, grainbags, bound with two rope snap halters, and weighing 00 Ibe each, length over 500 feet per potted, quality and length guaranteed. Oaeh with orders, Purchaser payo freight. Address orders J, T. GILMOUR, Warden Central Prism] , Toronto. Further partiou- lare address Jamas Noxoe, Inspector•, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto. Toronto, June 8,1001.1t' Prrovincial Secretary. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of George Campbell Green, of the Townehip of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, an In- solvent, Notice In hereby given that the above named George. Campbell _Green has made an aselgnment to me ;under the provisions Chapter outruebfrtbolt f ale creditors. A meeting of the areal tore of the said ee• tate la hereby convened and will be held ae the law omoa s of Blo et w t 40 Bra Lf v at etoty of n 0 t ax io on Saturday, the 29th Y. dayof T Tune, A D.1lnt, a 2of inr a the afternoon for the appointment p nt Of ire fe e ore and t g n be luta of giving 01 said set with reference to the rlfslionol of said oetato. All oreditore of tbo said estate are hereby required t0 file their tlleime with my Bolin Itore, Blow ett & Br Listowel Ontario es directed ivy, e ed by the said ing, it Listowel, ,e 81 day the day t, such meeting, After the 1st day of August, 1001,tate I -sad Aron etrd to distribute the said estate, havinget1te 01 as a tor said taints as/ alum not bo de ons betide f as aforesaid and i shall not be r Bey art the the ase ny of the said estate oranypart thereof to any portion er emote wbose elaim or claims eball not have been duly filed. Dated at Lietowel thre 1811, day 01 June, A, D.1001. ANDrn W mica, Moorefield, Ont„ DY BI,nwETT &BRAv Listowel Oiit m gado, 402 - - Soileitoretar'A alp b OF10E TA CRBDITOR$. 111. the tlpl't'eliate Court of Hie Uaraity o1' ltiti'en. =TUNE 27, 1901 Fur/leant to 11, 8. 0,, 1807, Chap, 128, all persona having any elafine agetnet the ea- tate pf'Phomas 111aundore,lata of the Town. elite of Merne, in the County of Duren, far• suer, stemmed, who died on or about the are ney of April, 2801, aro requested to send by mull, or deliver to AutryAnti dlauude, at lirsssele P, 0., ono of tra e Thecae tore of raid r. lel or 1 or bnfor• o I fl 11 the . 1 a y d Julie, 1G 1 i r of u Mg, t bl ,l. 1, 00 iy verified.) in11 811(1 not1 le of rr lgive (duly utter And potion ie herebyth Dite that after the lust oto Iouod date re Hxecutors Will prnaeed to dietrb bets the ee80t0 of the eetaie among those entitled thereto, having regard only to ouch claims an shall nave been rooelyed, and will not be redponsible for the emote or any part thereof en distributed to any person of whose claim notice 'Mall not have boon re- ceived at the time of meth distribution. • A.11UN'rhli, Agent for the Execute/1i,' Dated at Bl'ttseele, Jane 12,1001, 48.8 IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF, THE COUNTY OP HURON. In the matter of the estate of Dunnet Mo Donald,deceased. late of the Townehlp of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, Notice islrerebv Given pursuant to It, 8. 0,,1897, Obap,120, S90.38, that all ereditore having any claim againt the estate of Ma- cau McDonald, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Vernier, deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-fifth day of May, A, D. 1001, in the Township o1 Grey, in the County of Huron, are hereby requested to Bend by mall, prepaid, or to deliver to -G.10. Blair, of the Village of Brum eels. Solicitor for the Exooutore, Alexander McDonald and • John McDonald, on or before the Twenty-ninth day of June, A. 0,, 1901, their full names, addresses and deseriptione and the full particulars of their claims, (verified by-ufildavit) and tba nature of the securities, (if any,) held by them. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said dammed, among the persona en- titled thereto,having regard only to the claims of which nptine shall have been given Oe above required, and the said Hxeoutore will not be reepoelble for the assets or any. part thereof, eo dietriboted to Buy person, of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of distribution. G. P. SLAIR,Bruaeels, oat. solicitor for the Executors, Alexander Mc- Donald and John McDonald. - 'Dated at Brueeele, Tune 8181, 1001. 98 8 Roadster Stallion for Ser'ViCe. "WM" and 111,114 11 • T ha nndor ei red are proprietors g store od thee two above mentioned wellbred Roadster Brussels that stand at their own stable, Brussels. OOSTUMIeR, in the Pant 4 years, has prov- en himself, by the Fall Fair exhibits in Huron 00., to be the beet produoor of Road- ster oolte in thie eeotion. KAPLAN is an extra well bred horse ; has size and loo8e and judging by - the farm he name from—the Allen Stook Farm, Pltte field, Maes.—he ebould be an A 1 producer. Ail his dame are produaere of upend. Ills grand darn on the dam aide is a full sister to "Dexter" and his grand sire on the sire side is a full brother to "Maud B." Iiaplan's" sire took the world's etalllon record in 1802. For pedigree, terms and other particulars apply to Scott & Warwick, PROFILIST 0180, (BRUSSELS. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life ie one round of sickness, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household dubiee fatigues them. Many of the symptoms accompanying this state of decline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the beart, ehortneee of breath, loss of appetite, hold bands and feet, headache, dark circles under the eyee, pain in the baok and side and all the other aeoom. paniments of a ran•down . and weakened constitution. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defeotive circulation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forme. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS Yon strike at the root of the disease' and lay a solid foundation on whiab`to build. Soon the weight increases, the ' minim cheeks and flattened busts fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the eyetem. 50 Dente per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Oat. Iron talc by G. A, Deadnutn, Renton. Hayalltea 100 Tons of Loose Hay wanted, to be delivered' at 13ru88e1 s. Apply pp y to B' ■ a Vpp. • Strictly One t'rios Tbs• Looe t. Never Weary An well doing but always doing better, 'Our best efforts are in placing before you the bent values to be obtained here or anywhere else, in keeping this store at the p �' top for reliable Merchandise, the latest styles, the largest assortment of the newest materials and lowest prices,' Dress De- ,6J,d, artq.q-q e-. �, to Handsome Black Silks Just in. 1 iece of Bonnet's p pean.de Soir, 22 inches wide, handsome for Waists or Gowns, 4;1,25 per yd. 1 piece of pean de Soir, 22 inches wide, 1,00 er yd. p Now Black Taffetta Silks, at 50o, 750 and $1.00 pery d. Seo our assortment of elegant suitings in all the New Shades. E3osiery and GloveDeP artment. Cotton Hose, good heavy ribbed stockings for boys, seamless feet, at 15c and 20c. For children we have them from 5c up to 20c a pair, in both plain and ribbed. For Ladies we have them from 10c to 25c in all sizes with high spliced heels and Doable Sole. Ladies' Seamless l3lack Cotton Hose, with natural wool feet for 25c a pair, also a fine with Balbriggan feet at 25e. Thread Gloves:—We have a complete range of these goods in blaclf, white and colors, including Silks, Taffottas and lisles, prices starting at 25c. Test our Prices and make Comparisons. J. FERGUSON 8z co. Dr - Y Goods and Groceries. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE -THE UN- DERSIGNED Iran several good Farms for eale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. BOOTT.Bruseele ("110OD FARM OF 1424, ACRES N.A for sale, being Lot 28, Con. 7,q Grey. House suitabe for two flies ifSchool house, church an part of the Villagirede of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN OOBER,Ethel Carriage Works. - 24-- FARM' FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 8. Con, 12, Grey, containing 100 aeras, Good stook or grain farm.- Good frame house and bank barn ; two good walla; eight acres of Fail wheat, and land all in a goodstate of cultivation. For particularsepr20-dtp. JOHN. AIoFADDEN, Brusaele P.. D, �IRST CLASS FARMFOR BALE.—Lot 17, eon, 0, Township of Grey. 100 amen more or .lose. Situate 91 miles from. Br nasals sed 2 mtleofrom village 0811E1101, A11 cleared excepting 5, sores of hardwood bush, Buildings and fences In good reteair.,Good wells, All Call plowing done, Price and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIR, ?A-15 Barrister, lea., Bennis, FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• eiL1nreere sale, bng88,Co.17,GreyThera 00 Bermecleared and 10 noree - bush, Good house ; bank barn, 50x52 fent, with atone stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fenced and drained. Artesian well with wind mill and tank. Convenient to Reboot, church and market, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15. acres plowed, balauoe seeded to grass Ap- ply on the promises or Walton P. 0, 84-tf AREAS ORIOH, Walton, IN THE HIGH COURT Ole JUS. TI0111.—In the matter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As the Reserved Bid was not reached on the day of tale herein, tenders in writing will be received for the enrollees of the lands and premieee, namely:—The South Half re, of to theuapprayel of the Under- signed. Local Master of this Oourt. Parties. desirous of making an 'offer for this vein - able .pro erty may do so tbroogh the tam - Menem',, S. Seat or the piafntiff'e solici- tor, anaif aocepted will be subject to the said Locall Master nand nannounced by the limo of tee Bale hereto. Dated this 5th day of March A.D..1001, B. L. DO'YLE, Local Mauler at Goder9oh. W, M. BINOLAIR, Pl9'e Solicitor, 0410 A School' of the Highest Standing 1 �' g CENTRAL r. l - "J I " r .I L EILL )` 1. �) , 5tr,� f f ' Uhl" , �4 The large patronage that our College en. ioye ie positive proof that tee young mon and womou of Canada know where to Dome for a relialde bualneeo edutatlob,. No two Buslnets Oollogea are alike therefore be oarefu I to choosing n Biu Wield. are Gab our eata. rogue, Our et0bag n aro remarkably loot eituati ne eSuloo and holding nytImO, aituatione,' Btudeute admitted at any time. w..J, ELLIOTT, Prinotpal, Importa 11 to Bxbedere and Horeemou. Eureka Veterinary Caustic liaison. A reliable and epeody remedy for Onrbe, Splints, Spaying, Bwetne eey, nto., a, iu PI Horten and Lamp Jaw •�.'ys' In Oattle. TAADit =DR '"Bee pamPh• let wtiieb accompanies every bottle, giving scientific treatment in the various dieeasee. 1t Otto bens,•d In every case ofveterinary practice whore stimulating nptdtoatioue and blisters are ereeerit)01. It bee 110 000EEl011. Every bottle Bold 'is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Price leo per bottle. Bold by all druggists and douutry etorekeepore. Pre- parofl byy Toa EURF,SA VETEIIINARY ll1OINE COMPANY, London. Ont Spectacles -OF. ALL BINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latent Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. ALLAN LINE Montreal & Liverpool v1A Quebec & Moville ' 1901 SAIL! NOS 1901 LIFElr nFotrOOL BTEAntruR rnAat v MONTREAL Thar, 25 April rril Corinthian Sat 31 May , Y aim a Nn i tha n 25 ' uaanPar(eI n " 9. 1 Juuo0. " vol " Protorinn ' 8 " U 00 J ' t7nrinthfau 15 " 9 8ime Tunioiau " 20 " 0 10 - Narisianu ," 20 " 0 n 20 " Parisian ' 37 '" Protorlatr 18 July 0 ' 4 July Corinthian,,, 20 " 8 Steamers withal sail from Montreal at 0 a.m. welt the arrival of morning trains trotn 'Toronto and otherDints lyoet and South. When Steamers sail before 8 a. m, passengers go on board the pr601000 000n- 1ng between 8 and 10 (Moak. When 8Ebam•, ere sail at '9 a. in. pee0eengere have the op. tion ot going on beard either /friday night. or Batu tin Y anteing, 1Sor turthor pnrtlaulloulara apply to, W. N. KERR. Agent, Btnnetle,.