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history and in Allog'orY-.. Some
Curious Mathematical Razelos Widen
Are Connected With the Numerals
Nino and Three,
Noixidy has ever satisfactorily AO-
ooupiled for the popular partiality for
odd numbers, "This is ih2 Lthird brei'
xolaims Falstaff, on the oecaslon of
oriels fun ]tis relations, with one 01
iha Berry wives of Wi!ndaor, "I hope
good lack ilea in odd numbers they
say there is a divinity in odd numbers,
either in nativity, chance or death."
Aud it l.9 scarcely eteeeteary to say
that the belief Le much older than
E Ti e n
Sir tai , 1 ,r eo n r en and
Jo m 'al
b P a ,
A;ne appeeiC to have been favorite_
numbers all the world ,over. Tiie an-
cients' had three fates, three feriew
and three graces. Neptune's trident'
had t'hree prongs ; Jupiter's thunder-
bolt three forks, fund Ceeborns tbreo
headt9. We have three estates of the
realm; a man lite accepts akin bas
three days' grace and three persons
cionguegaied together may make a
/clot, .Shakoepeatro was well aware
that he must have neither more nor
lase, than three weteihes in "Mae'bothe.
and that the breadth cat must mew
thrice and our popular folklore in
gists,upoa throe merry men, three
blind :mice and three Mao men of Go-
tham. Three meals a. day is the us-
W al ,:cal: of feeding.
Of a mare mystical diameter than
three is the figure seven, or, at any
trete, it bas a larger number of re-
lbgieus applications, Noah lied- seven
days' warning of Lbo coming of tete
flood, and when it came lee took fowls
by sevens and clean beasts by sevens
into the ask; the ark touched on
Mount Ararat in the seventhmonth
and otter seven days a dove was
sent out, followed seven days after -
weed by another. In Pharaoh's
dreamy thorn were seven fat and seven
lean kine, which Joseph interpreted
to mean seven years al plenty and
seven years of famine. At the destruc-
tion of Jetricho seven priests bore 'sev-
en trumpets, raven days, and on tbo
seventh day they walked (round the
city 7 anise, after which the wall fell.
In the apocalypse almost everything
is saran, except the member of beasts.
There era SO101 ehurehos, seven gold-
en candlesticks, "seven lamps before
seven spirits, the books with coven
Seals, the. lamb with seven horns and
seven oyes,. seven angels with seven
seals, seven kings, seven thunders,
seven thounandislain, the dragon with
seven heads, and seven crowns, maven
angels bring seven plagues, and
them, are seven viale of wratb.
In merely somber matters seven ea -
cum frequently enough. We have sev-
en •wcndea's of the world, seven chain
pions of Christendom, seven sleepers,
seven wise men, seven planets, seven
deadly sins, seven ages of man, and
our ordbnary leases ars made for sev-
en ar a multiple of Raven years.
But however mystically significant
three and heves may be, they cannot.
lay claim to any such peculiarities,
as aro the property oe the figure
nine. That the ancients had nine
mimes, nine rivors in t;he infernal re-
gions, a hyden. with nine heads and
nine gods for Lars Porsena to swear
by, or that in modern times a oat
hat nine lives, that it takes nine .toll -
ore to make a man, or that possession
is nine points of the law are facts
fleet pale into in„ignifioance after one.
bray once sat down with a pencil and
paper to inve;stigato souse of the spe-
cial peculiarities of the figure nine.
POO Instance, if you will multiply by
any other number you will find that
the figurree oomposi.ng the product
when added together will always am-
ount to nine. Thus„
O times 't equal 18 and 1 plus 8
• equals 9.
O times '0 equal 27 and 2 plus 7
equals 9.
0 t imes 4 equal 39 and 3 plus 0
equals 9.
And so on to any extent. Un-aeriv-
ing at 11 timed 9 we find what ap-'
pears to be an sxoeption, for the di
gi.e of' 99 equal 18. But it will be
observed that 18 Is a •multiple of 9,
and, mareover, that the figures com-
posing it add up to 9. Another pe-
culiarity of this figure is discovered
by taking any nuani er of two fig-
ures, of which the first figure is the
greatest, reversing these figures and
then subtracting s the number thus
obtained from the original number,
• Whatever figures wo may talre, the
Tosult will always be 0 or some mul-
der le 9. The Largest similar num-
berof two figures of whish the first
figaro !•s larger than the second is
21. Reverse the fi,gares and we get 21.
21. Reverse the figures and we got 12.
Subtract 12 from 21, and the remain-
d er is 0. The smallest .similar num.
bar ie 38. 'Reverse these, and we get
99. .Subtract 89 from 08, and 'again
the remainder le found to be 9.
Or let us take' a case ha which 0
combines with the mystic seven. The
number of 05 Is not divisible by 9,
But if wo add Goren to it, either in
fr•.ont;elee i.t )wakes708,or in the mLd-
het it maks Sat
whoaG7 oa the end,
when it makes 057, we shell find that
every .one of these numers is divisible;
by 9. et is not every •• number which
own Churl bo deli with and the read-
er may find an evening's entertain-
ment im trying to puzzle out the rea-
son why.. An example of a 'higher
number may the given by way of a
little aseistance 810,578 is not divisible
..by 9, but 11 the myetto seven be added
to it either in front, where it raises
rho amount to 7,000,000,or in any
other position, eaoh one of the eight
varieue Amounts which may thus be
obtained becomes divisible by 9. ,
Visitor—What became of that man
hail twont -Sawa medals for
who 0
saving people from drowning? 13oat-
1 t, d whe he i,
Inuit.. tIo fell n ate ay it e ad
on,' and the weight of 'e ,
cm all e n
sunk him.
New Wile—aminorrvw is your •L1 -
lay, darling, and I' am going to stop
ate the jetvcilor•'s and buy you a 930-
Se11L, I1ol' hubby—Got Something
cheat., pee; I haven't paid him for
117y last birthday present yet,
'We Gan Boo More"
Yet she 'Patient Has hoer Restored to
WHIM and 'Srreegllt Th1'ovelt rho
Agency or Or, Williams' rink Pills.
Among the many persons through-
out Canada wllo owe good boalth--
perhaps even life itself—to 'Dr, Wit-
iianis' 1'init Piils le Aire. Alex; Vale,
well known and highly esteemed
resident of West Williams towtuihip,
Middlesex County, Ont. For nearly
two years Mrs. Fair was a great svl-
fosn' from troubles brought on by a
severe attack of lege/ripe. A report -
or who called was cordially received
to Af ,1.and A Fair n and
�' both rs. f
qivct he following facies of the eas
lit: the spring of 1.896 1 was at-
tacked by lagrippe for whicli'I was
treated by our family doctor but in-
stead of gotting better I gradually
grew worse, until myy whole body be-
came racked with pains: I consulted
ono of the best doctors in tlL Ontario
and for nearly eighteen inontlis fol-
lowed his treatment but without any ,
material benefit. I had a terrible
cough which caused intense pains fn
lily head and lungs; 1 became very
weak; could not sloop, and for over a
year I could only talk in a whisper.
and sometimes my voice ]eft me en-
tirely, I came to regard nay condi-
tion as. hopeless, but my husband
urged further treatment and on his
advice our family doctor, with two
others, held a consultation the re-
sult of which was that they pro-
nounced my ease incurable. Neigh-
bors advised mo to try Br. Williams'
Pink Pills, but after having already
spent over 6500 in doctor's bills I
did not have much faith left In any
medicine but as a last resort I fin-
ally decided to give them a trial.
1'liad not taken many boxes of the
pills before : 1 noticed an improve-
ment in my condition and this en-
couraged me to continuo their use.
After taking the pills for several
naosiths 1: was completely restored to
health, The cough disappeared; I
no longer suffered firm the terrible
pains I onto endured my voice be-
came strong again; my appetite im-
proved, and I was able to obtain
restful sleep once more, While tak-
ing the pills T gained 87 pounds in
weight. All this :I owe to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Fills and 1 feel that I
cannot say enough i0 their favor for
I know that they have certainly
saved my life,"
In cases of this kind Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills will give more certain
and speedy results than any other
medicine. They _act directly On the
blood thus reaching the root of the
trouble and driving every vestige of
disease from the system. Sold by
all dealers in medicine or soot post
paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes
for $2.50 by addressing the Dr, Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Only a Small Space Allowed the
Artists -But They Make a Fine
Showing—Our Verniers Make a
Splendid Exhibit.
(By Martha Craig,)
The directors of the Pan-American
Exhibition could only give a small
gallery to the Canadian artists,
which they havo completely filled.
Eighty pictures in all are exhibited.
The exhibit was made through the
efforts of Mr, R. Harris, president of
the Royal Canadian Academy. The
pictures were collected by tho mem-
ombers. Tho Academy also paid all the
expenses entailed, with the exception
of a small grant made by the Gov-
ernment. Amongst the collection
the portraits by lir. 11. Harris, R.
C. A., and 211'. W. Grier, R. C. A.,
are unusually good. "Tho Bathers
by Blair Bruce, Il. C. A., of Hamil-
ton, and "London Bridge," by Boll -
n. 0. A., are very fine. A
Portrait of himself, . by Monsieur
Dyonnet, of Montreal, is being very
much .achnired. A woman playing
tho mandolilie by Monsieur St.
Charles, R. 0. A., of Montreal, is a
1100 production. Monsieur Fran -
chore's y "Little Epicure," and Henri
Beau's "Spring," aro already
tracting attention. Mr. G. A, Roid,
president of the Ontario Society of
Artists, is represented by some de-
corative pallets. "Workers of the
Field," by 1'. S. Challoner, - R. 0.
A., the youngest member of the Aca-
demy, is full of promise. Tho same
young artist is now at work on c.
canvas entitled "Hiawatha's De-
ptu•turo." This is intended for the
archaeological exhibit. It measures
1x4:1 feet, and the'concoption is
magnificent. .13iawatlha, the great
Indian Messiah, is represented
standing in his ranee, which is
about to. pass into the fiery sunset..
The purple vapours on the right aro
fomes of I n-
ldthe shadowy1
0o e
p P by
digin warriors who havo come to
take tho great Hiawatha to the
happy hunting ground. On the left,
through the inlets of evening appear
dimly the beenches of ping and pop-
lar.' The artist received his inspire-
tion from Longfellow's' poem:
"Westward, westward, Hiawatha
Sancti into tho leery sunset,
Sailed into the purple vapors •
Sailed' into the mists of oven."
Mr, ,Challoner is distinguished ,for
tho beauty of his poetic conception,
which he has the genius to carryr
out in perfect form, end color. In
" Fria V tha's Departure" ho finds full
scope for poem, color, and idealistic
conception, This ill dote t' be
will no b
one ohis greetest pictures. •
The work done by the Royal Can-
adian Acttclemy during the eighteen
years Oits t0
f exis nto is now 'wider
known and thoroughly appreciated
ChoiceThe with
Willyou continue using impure band.rolleli tea, when
0 British soil is at your disposal ?
A better article, grown. ?�1 p
Both (reens and Blacks have earned a reputation for
Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead
Packets only. BlaOle, fiixed, tricolored
Ceylon Green, Free samples sept,,
Address s'SAI,,ADA," Toxnnto.
by the Canadian public. 7'he impe-
ttus given n to
entl7 Canadian manufactures', au011
ae ' furniture, carpets, Walt paper,
and gemmed decorations. The happy
idea of founding a Canadian Aca-
demy was first suggostcd by His Ex-
lie ' h Marquis ! of Larne, and
CC 114 the M n s
Her loyal highness the Princess
Louise. The scheme provided for
the formation of a Dominion Art
Association, leaving for its object the
exhibition of loan pictures, pictures
of artists not previously exhibited
at any Dominion Lxhibitfon, ar-
chitecteu•at drawings. desigas fol•
manufacturers and all kinds of use-
ful things' for household purposes;
and that these •exhibitions bo held
in Ottawa, Halifax,. St, John,
B`redciickton, Quebec, Montreal, To-
ronto and Wiuinipeg. It was when
His Excellency and Her Royal High-
ness visited the gallery oe the On-
tario Society of Artists that the
project for the formation of an Aca-
demy wee discussed and the follow-
ing resolutions adopted:
Resolved that the members of this
society, having listened to the val-
uable suggestions. of Isis Excellency
in regard to the enlargement of the
Society's usefulness by the establish -
merit ofaRoya1 Canadian Academy
to embrace the whole Dominion
(leaving all present art organiza-
tions intact), desire to express their
cordial approval of IIis Excellency's
views, and also that an early meet-
ing of the Society be called for the
purpose of taking practical steps in
that direction."
Tho Academy was founded in due.
course and Ilis Excellency made the
following appointments: L. R.
O'Brien, president; M. Matthews,
secretary; N. 13ourassa, vice-presi-
dent; Jas. Smith, treasurer.
The Government of Canada gave
the most generous and cordial sup-
port to the Academy, and placed a
commodious building at its disposal
for the first exhibition, which proved
a greater success than the promoters
expected. It was attended by the
Marquis of Lorne. As the Princess
Louise was unable to bo present, she
sent a message to tlto Academy ex-
pressing her regret. The members
of the Government need Parlieauont
and many of the prominent citizens
who were present expressed their
satisfaction at seeing such a notable
expression of Canadian artistic
genius. Canadian art has been
steadily improving and the exhibit
at the Pan-American is o1 a high
standard and will bear favorable
comparison with the best foreign
The Canadian agricultural ex-'
hibit differs only in quantity, not in
quality,, with the best agricultural
exhibits at the Pan-American.
Great pains havo boon taken by the
commissioners to have the agricul-
tural products well represented, and
11 should be so, for in Canada agri-
culture overshadows all other 111
dustries. About 46 per cent. of the
entire population make their living
directly from the products of the
soil. Therefore all questions which
Wheence the •.prosperity of agricul-
ture are 0•groat interest to the Can-
adian people, Wo learn from W. M.
Saunders, L. L. D., director of ex-
perimental farms, that the progress
)rade is agriculture in Canada has
been very rapid. From 1881 to
1891, the date of the last census,
the increase in land under crop was
4,792,542 acres. The total quantity
of land improved and in use by
farmers in 1801 was 28,537,242
acres, of which nearly 20 million
acres was . under cultivation with
grain. Large additions bavo been
made to a to
and 1
1 since that time.
With the increase
. l
in the area under is associated
a more intelligent system of farming
r efforts ace
1 ro
than formerly; ate
, g
, made to maintain the fertility of the
land; more caro is taken in the se-
lection of seed; also in choosing
fthose varieties for sowing which ex-
perience has shown to bo most pro-
, ductiva. Formally Canada 'twas a
large exporter of coarse grains; now
1 much tho larger pert of these. crops
1 axe foe to animals on tho farm.
t Moro than nino-tentlls of the entire
i crop of coarse grains grown in this
1 country is now used in that way,
The value of the total exports of
agricultural products, including all
sorts of grain, sends anti fruits, was
in 1899 nearly twenty-three
dollars, of which wheat and flour
formed the Iargest• item, pearly
eleven millions. , Ten years previous,
he 1889, these exports were nearly
! 13e editions, It will thus bo seen,
that notwithstanding the large in-
crease in tho area of land under cul-
tivation, the exports of coarse
grains grid focldors have beon'rola-
tivoly much reduced,' ''.'his, however,
has boon More than compensated for
by the large increases iii the exports''i
of animals and their products. These
to 1889 amounted in value to $28,-
899:, 707; in 1899 their valise was
$46,743,180, Tho 11100808o it the
exports of dairy produots has been
sur ricin In1889 cheese was ex-
1 g, ice
ported to the value of $8,915,084;
ten years later, in 1899, this had in-
creased d t ' 77r 70.p din the
e o 10 v an
dame time tho exports of butter in-
creased from $881,058 In1880 to
for Teeth and Breath 25°
At all Stores, Or by Mall for the Price. HALL & RUCCKELA Montreal
$3,700,878 in 1899, This extension
of dairY vvorlc has produced a rapid
development lo' rent of- the • tine industry.
pork factories have been estabIislted
in many parts of tine Dominion, and
Muth attention is new paid by
fannersto the breeding of those
classes of pigs best suited for the
production of the highest quality of
bae and i' oris of bacon m ou, The exp
Mans have risen from a value of
$381,998 in 18Se to 91.0,416,478 ie.
Tho samples of the fine cereal pro-•
ducts displayed at the Pan-American
Exposition afford convincing proof
of tho fertility of the soil, and there
can be doubt that Canada will
heforo long- become ono of the chief
food -producing countries of the
Everybody knows that British sail-
ors wear their trousers wide at the
bottom, but everybody may not
know that theycan either make,
mend or wash their own clothes.
Now, at ono time, every sailor had
sufficient cloth given out to make
the articles is question, with lust a
bit left over for future repairs. But
here came the difficulty, Ho was not
allowed to have any pocltets. So,
quite naturally, ho kept the repair-
ing bit in a. handy place, where it
could not get lost. If he wanted to
Mend a hole in his jumper ell he had
to do was to cut a piece out of his
trouser ends. It will be readily
seen, therefore, that by the time the
trousers were altogether worn out
they had become the same width the
whole of the way down, or, better
still, the much -desired pog-top shape,
Tho navy is very conservative, and
that's why sailors' trousers continue
to float in the breeze today,,
meal phren the unman 3yretoa% /Prodtl:eal
by Lights,
French seiontists havo Made some
very 111te1'ostiug oxperligents 111 con-
nection witle the effects oe certain
colors on the nervoes system,. And
people who have been sulnewhat
sculled at for ceiling red warn,', and
blue cold, and yellow invigorating
may now 1'egard thelnsolves'as fore-
runners -of a great discovery. ea.
Henri 'do Parvillo, of Paris asserts
that the red end of a speetr min ex-
cites trio nerves, white violet, green
and blue aro calming. Dr. Donna
goes many steps further and at-
tempts to cure nervous diseases by
the use of certain colors. Melan-
cholia he treats with red, violent
mania with blue, incl nervous pros-
tration with violet. The very grave
question arises as to how the wo-
man already nervous
alllregard tr
bo onin , coloe. Dr,Door aire
experiMenter, has bruuglit ou verti-
go in patients by the use of rod
lights, and relieved the sym910135s by
changing the ray from .reit to green.
In the photographic establishment of
Messrs. Lueniero, in Lyons, France,
sensitive plates aro prepared
by groan lights. Formerly when rod.
lights were used the workmen sang
and gesticulated at work, now un-
der the soothing ln1uenee of green.
they are quiet and serene. At the
water cure at Vorsleet patients are
put in a violet room to calm them
and in a reel room when they require
to bo stimulated.
a perfect iieiilid dentifrice for the
Teeth and Mouth
Large LIQUID and POWDER, R 75c
Jet all Stores, or by Mil for the price.
HALL, tai RUMBA., [Montreal.
There is nothing so good for the
hair as a su1 bath. The Greek
]naidells of old, who sat on the walls
of the city and combed Leek* hair,
owed the beauty of their ream 15 to
the sun's rays. When. !rhe. 11•,:r is
washed sit beside a lowered window
and allow the hair to dry as it is
being brushed. No bleach has been
found so successful as the sun, which
strengthens and beautifies generally.
• Whets the hair shows a tondeacy to
Interview with Mr. J. H. Ireland,
one of the Old Time Knights
of the Grip.
Hla Plight on a Recent Occasion 111 the
Maritime Provinces—How Dodd's 55111•
any Plus came to Ills Melo -nigh
Words of Praise) for that Remedy.
Toronto, June 17, (Special).—Mr.
T. lel. Ireland, the well-known tra-
veller for hats and caps, left for the
Maritime Provinces one day last
week. Handily packed in Mr. Ire-
land's private grip n'as a box of
Dodd's Kidney . Pills, the medicine
fatnous 'throughout Canada as a spe-
cific for all troubles of the kidneys.
When asked about bis experience
with this remedy Mr. Ireland grew
quite enthusiastic.
"I never go out on a trip of ally
length without a box of Dodd's Iricl-
ney Pills," he. asserted.
"Aro you afflicted • with kidney
trouble a great deal then," Mr. Ire-
land was asked.
"Not a great deal now, no," re-
plied Mr. Ireland, "1 take Dodd's
Kidney Pills more as a preventative
than anything else, Het in the win-
ter of ninety-eight 3 was, I -earl tall
you. I was down he Nova Scotia
when I first used Dodd's Kidney
Pills. T don't know whether it was
the water down there, tho 'climate,
riding so much in the tt'ain or what,
but certainly ley kidneys were 071
tine point of a complete break -down.
Bachache5 It was one continual
misery. It spoiled my business,
• st and ,yore n e tldownb
m •r
est e
until the life was taken right out of
And you used Dodd's Kidney
"I used the only remedy T knew of
that was a. spcchie for the kidneys,".
answered Air. Ireland, "The first
dose of Dodd's Kidney $'fits seemed
to go right to .the spot. In a few
cloys I was feeling as well as over T
did in my lite. They are a splendid
medicine. I have recommended
Dodd's Kidney Pills to scores of
Mon on the road like myself and
none of thole but have the warmest
praise for the medicine being just
exactly what eve need in our walk of
life, a sato reliable strengthening
stininlant for the kidneys."
A .remarkable case of e. man re-
gaining both speech and hearing has
occurred at Barking, England, Jean
Matfurlin, when a sailor, fourteen
years ago, was sllipws'ecked off the
coast of Asia, and fell from a mast
into the sea. Ile was unconscious
for fourteen days, and on recovering
was unable to speak ,or hear. For
some considerable time he has been
in the employ of Mr. Joslin, a mar-
ketgardener, at Barking. About a
w06k ago 110 received a fright from a
ntall and ran
in . ori accidentally, very excited state, A fore
3 returned
days -Afterward 11s hearing otu led
and then his speech, I1 o men' now
hear perfectly, and peak fluently 111
Italian, French and PosLllgeeso, and
somowhat imperfectly in English,
Manufeetutoil rot ton is Great
Britain's loading export, nearly 8e
millions sterling wt» •tle'going abroad
each yette,
fall out, the very best thing to stop
its coming out and promote its
growth is the abundant use of genu-
ine olive oil. Saturate the hair
thoroughly, and keep it saturated for
a week, until the dry scalp has ab-
sorbed all it wi11; then wash with
pure soap and water•.
Cheap round trip rate
between St, Paul. Minn., and
the Pacific coast.
On July 6th the Northern Pacific
By. will place in effect a low first-
class round trip rate of 345.00 from
eastern terminals to Seattle, Ta-
coma and Portland. Dates of sale
at eastern terminals will be from
July Gth to July 13th inclusive, and
tho final limit for return will be Aug.
31st, 1901. Destination must be
reached not later than July 18th,
stopovers beim; allowed IN EITITER
DIRIOCTION within the transit
This offers an unsurpassed oppor-
tunity for those desiring to hunt
new homes and farms to go into the
northwest and look over the coun-
try', or for those wishing to visit
relatives or friends or to make plea-
sure trips, to do so.
Ile—Yes, she is living under an as-
sumed mune. She—Horrible. What
is it? He—The one she assumed lin-
mediately after her husband married
On July 5th to 19th, the Wabash
Railroad will sell round trip tickets
to San Francisco, California at sin-
gle s faro,good o return
g f-r5t first-class
any time up g ust 3 t A
'o u lst 1901.
Diagram of through sleepers nota
ready, Stop over en route west of
first Colorado point. Everything
w111 be first-class and up-to-date.
This will be by fax the most com-
prehensive trip ever offered to visit
this golden land of sunshine and
flowers. Free reclining chairs on all
Full particulars at Wabash office,
Northeast corner King and Yonge
streets, Toronto.
J. A. Richardson,
Dist. Pass. Agt.
The first canna between Liverpool
and Manchester n hester was begun in 1759
end finished 1111776 It was 38 miles
long and cost L380,000.
That dull Miss Wiggs doesn't seem
to have a particlo of imagination.
Yes, she has; she thinks she can sing.
Lawyer—And so you kissed her on
the door -stop did you? •Witness—No
sir; it was in the vicinity of the loft
Cnaea Q.'7C,a lssl' `5 eale to fatuous with folks of doe living, That doliolous ftevee
comae from bash toe that naturocanpreduee, Lpat Pao/lagoa, 26, S0, 40, Ritual SO Die
.ie1.4.4.ro..:44.8. 4.4.4. s .8.,� .-.4 , 4+ o o44fa 4.1.e*,sPeD 4-1 s,.8 •84 + .*•••f p,
',$.A or Of course it shines, It's made to 3.
do its duty. - It.s made to last, 11,£:
•g. 41 L PAINT has room bod hi 1t—more reserve y
.y P
ing properties than any other. It'y
off ��Oe
i� lasts' longer, looks bettor and costs
p{[[{JJ � (�,`,,v� less too. ••
(tllrf'iiMS&°eW PAINTS
.♦p.♦t`/t•% ..
..-s•m•.�1. 11 ° +r,� .'i�
- "
.v4 for many years. It's the most
economical paint to buy. The colors r
are beautiful;the paint is pure �the
'price 1$right, Is that enough?
• o Send' to Is for
abopt P aint and beautiful Berea. : '
have stood the tot of rsin and
cstorm, find aum on thousands of .n,
homes from
.f. A. RA SAY 1= SONx
a t.f i
;•� r i v '! t''i +-"� y �
IVC 1\Tr
.!• eti'i'.+.t%ih.r.r.�„�.e$.,- 1 Est'd 1542,..
. P.�• �i <.LeOpQ�JeOa�•O. �. e�.pi.* .* •�•.�e�.0•� y'ePooe.e�••� e;.0..4.;.�+.W4 �•.� •4•�� �a e�ee�•.1.
if You Want 14,1002500,,5063, POULTRY, APPLES, other F89IT8 and P8801108, to
The Dawson Commission Co. Limited Oor.Weat111ad:etand
Ooll,orne 6t., Toronto.
Irate 'Parent—Tell that young
Softleigh that he must cease his
visits hero, I forbid him the house,
Daughter—But, papa, he doesn't
want the house. It's See that he's
For Canadian delegates and all
others going to the lepworth League
Convention, via Chicago and North-
Western Railway, to leave Chicago
Tuesday, July 91;h, 11. a9 p. m.
Stops will be made at Denver, Col-
orado Springs. Glenwood Springs
and Salt Lake, passing en route the
finest 5001019 in the Rocky and
Sierra Nevada Mountains: Through
Pullman Palace and Tourist. Sleep-
ing Cars. Order berths early, as
party will be limited in number.
Fare only $50 round trip, with
choice of routes returning. Send
stamp for illustrated itinerary and
map of San Francisco to B. H. Ben-
nett, Gen'' Agent, 2 Icing St. East,
Toronto, Ont.
Mrs Baldwin—That husband of mine
is a most careless man. I expect
he'll lose his head some of these
days. Mrs Bunn—I see 110'S lost the
next thine to it—his hair.
For Over Fifty Years
Mao. WISSLOW's 800ran10 5115,11' hos been used by
millions o£ mothers for their children while teething.
ttsoothee the child, softens the gums. alloys pain, cures
wind colic, regulates tato stomach and bowels, and is the
best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a beide.
Mao. Wn1sthroughout
0W s 5,085 0501 15 sure and
Belgians use 87 oz. of tobacco
apiece a year; a world's record.
Hollanders use '70 oz., Germans 48,
and Britons 23 oz.
hlinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
80 per cent of the wine France
drinks is made at home, and ,99.9
per cent. of all the boor that the
United Kingdom consumes is brew-
ed in England.
Minard's Liniment so11 evcrywh ere.
The only races whose' average
height is greater than that of En-
glishmen are the Patagonians, Iro-
quois Indians, and Kafhrs.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Out of every 1,000 French people
only 03 are below five years old,
whilst in England the number is
127, and in Canada 183,
Beware of Ointm ants for Catarrh
e in
that oris Mercury
as :mercury will cutely der:roy the sons° of
emelland completely derange the whole s stem
when entering tt through rho mucous surfaced.
Such articles ehonl& never be used except on
prescriptions from ropgetablo physicians, as rho
amu the vil do latent to
d os y t ton the good Catarrh can possibly derive from them, Cheney
no by F.J. -, end yl & Co„„ To.
term, 0,, contains no ireohly upon
and le blood
animus surfacesfg deadly syst t. nobu ing
macre 0 51Ga behe system. In. egging
Ball' Op¢arch ants neuro you got the germ
Mo. St is taken internally and rondo in Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney 9 co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists, Arlon 75e per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho beet.
Tbo nl.ate of a whaler gets, besides
his pay, 78. 3d. a ton on the whale
oil 'taloa, and a similar commission
o11 whaleboneand a sealskins.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
The people of the United Kingdom
spend on an average ,.2 2s. a head
on alcoholic liquors in a year, those
of France 3.9 Ss., those of Russia
lis. 6d, only.
Qdii c1Vo-ww
d ..
Isn't it singular that the fireplace
is cold if It isn't coaled, and hot
when it is coaled? '
Doer Sirs,—Within the past year 3
know of three fatty tumors on the
head baying been removed by the ap-
plication of MINARD'S LINIMENT
without any surgical operation and
there is no indication of a return.
Clifton, N. B., Gondola Ferry.
If a lead wire will sustain to weight
of 28 1b., a copper wire of the same
thickness will uphold 302 lb., and
one of iron 549 Ib.
AVENUE [OODUSEt1aOi11i0N -(1100 ns
Family 'Motel rates 3110 per day,
The massed navies of the world
would include 360 battleships, 471
cruisers, 1,255 gunboats, and over
1,500 torpedo boats.
When you write to an advertiser tell him that
,you saw his advertisement in this paper. It (e t0.
Your Interest to do so, as Our Folks are treated
tamest, and eeraad with the heat,
1' 0 1081
For all skin aliments.
C. Calvert & Co., Mane/teeter, England
rsslruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices ever quoted, Fine catalogue
`Oe illustrations, nailed free. Write ns for any
thing in Music or Statical linatruments.
TivinaeOnndWhaley Royce So GO.,
METAL ROOFERS10504. 011,,
ie_ Marshall & Co., Toa Importers, Iondon,
Oat; eutdt famished; charges prepaid; an
capital required; delightful work.
Ter mode up Goods, Suits in Cloth, Velvet, 6ak
or Bute and all valuable house Bangiuga, nothing
a it 1 done bythe
too oval ido
RooFING and Sheet Metal Works
.11007111,7138LATI1, in Black
Pui91c and High Schools,Toronto). Roofing Pelt,Pitalt,
Cool Tar, eta ROOFING TILE Ileo New City Build-
ings, Toronto, done by our Arm). Metal Ooilingl, Cer-
ulean, eta. 1t4timntCli furnished for work eon )tete or for
tnalerialn shipped to any part of the Conary, Phone I0e3
0. OOTHIE & 8ota8,A0eIalde & WidrerSte., Toronto
Dominion Line Steamships
identical to Liverpool. Boston to Liver-
pool. Portland to Liverpool Via Queens-
Land Fant Stonmshtp. Superior aceomm mistiest
for all eras seof plowman..Saloons and Staterooms
Me amidships. *social attentionhas been given to the
B000nd Saloon and Third-01ase loapmmodattou, iron
rates neurone and ell particulars, apply to nut ogee(
of rho Company, or
Rieharde, 1,1111, ft 0o,
D. Torrance k 00..
77 State SG, Boston MoaEtan1sod Po
ley 84,077,9 -yea 4•04/e •
C .+
Perm ;.,nent
Mortgage Corporation.
I;P Tr
and upwards received on deposit,
riot st old or compound
a� 0
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h f• art at
0d al ya y s➢
gg�l�ttoI1I stud upwards reached for
tt�7lr® wNinit debentures aro issued
with haleyserly coupons attached A o/
lfor interest at , ., ,.,... *Teo
Toronto Stiroeti - 'O ONTO
.rtv�ww� ..4r,iane. ir•-eN.mtin�+�+s w