HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-27, Page 1Vol. 29. No. 80
W. H. KER.l, Prop,
New Advertisements.
o .
Dog Ioet—D, Smith.
Strayed—Win, Bryant.
Teacher wanted—.A. litewart.
Farm for soler -James Oloahey,
Baby buggy for sale—Tae PoaT.
jemmy for sale—Normnu Smith.
Youthful eyes—Mrs, T. Fletcher,
Ohange of bueinase—L. R, Harvey,
Boar for aervioe—G}eo, 17. Readman,
Hot weather goods—MoKianoo tk Co.
Dieli:illop township leads the Ven for
good mope.
Mies Mary Crozier and sister, Mrs.
Galbraith, are visiting in Goderiob.
Mise Obeiittie Rite, who has been in
London for some time, is home to spend
a few weeks',
A. nninber from this locality book in
the ezonrsion to Guelph, Thursday of
last week,
Public Soboole close tbieyveek and the
poor kids will be out of the frying pan
into the fire.
The Walton Garden party on Tuesday
evening was the magnet for tg good many
in this section.
Frank Wilteie, of the 14th line, bad a
very sacoeasfnl manure bee last week,
having got over 150 loads lifted for him.
The young folks gathered in the evening
and danced till almost daylight.
Council meeting on July 15.
Onr tailor is being kept busy, • Be ie a
good workman.
108 excursionists left Ethel Thursday
of last week for the Model Farm.
Rupp Brea. are here thio week on a
visit. We would do no crying if they
become residents.
The annual pio•nio of the Ethel Pres-
byterian Sunday Sobool will be held on
July let in Dilworth's grove. "Tea
served at 4 o'clock,
Mre. Wm, Patton intends removing
shortly to Toronto where she will make
her bome with relatives, for a time at
leaeb, She has a large circle of friends
in this locality.
Rev. A. MoNab, M, A., of Walton,
preached a fine sermon in the Presbyter.
tan oharoh here last Saturday in oonneo.
Lion with the Communion. The esteem•
ed pastor took the servioee Sabbath
morning and evening. Next Sabbath
there will be no afternoon service bare as
Communion will take pleas at Oranbrook,
Mre. Wray, of Comber, was the guest
of her eieter, Airs. Bailey.
Mr. Pollard, of Weston, was the guest
of his sister, Mrs. 3. Waeman,
Alvin Duncan, of Greed Valley, is
visiting relatives here thie week,
Mies Allis MoDaneld, of Michigan,
visited ber uncle, Frank Soott, last week.
Rev. Geo, Leech and wife, of Torooto,
'meet last week in this locality viaiting
Mrs. Joseph Oaeemare and ohildren, of
Manisbique, Miohbgan, are visiting at
Cleo: Casemore's,
Wm. 112eaeer and daughter, Miss Cora,
are visit•iug Mrs. Ira Barkley, at Ypei.
lanti, Michigan.
Misses Libbie and Oral MoKea, of
Moleewortb, visited their uncle, Geo,
MODonald, this week.
68 tickets werel sold at Blnevale eta.
tion to Model Farm exonr9ioniete on
Thereby of Inst week.
Rev. Mr. Thynne has been supplying
the Preabytariap pulpit at Laurel during
the past few Sabbath's.
Rev. D. Rogers will terminate hie neo•
useful four years' pastorate in Bluevale,
by preaobing at the regular oarvioe nest
Sabbath evening. Many good wishes are
expressed for his Buenas. Rev. F.
Swann, of Ripley, will be his successor.
A garden party will he held on the
lawn of the Parsonage, on Friday even-
ing, the 28th inst. Refreehmeuts from
6 to 8. It will take the form of a fare.
well to Rev. Mr. Rogers, wife and family,
who will remove to their new obarge the
following week.
The heat has come, It is restaurant's
harvest time. The soda fountains fizz
merrily, uttering no complaint at the
draught the hot weather le making upon
them. The /amen egneezere will work
hard and the big piston of fee will tinkle
musically against the aides of the glass
pitcher ae hundreds of people prepare to
assuage their thirst.
Exes for
the Aged
When paint blare
endaeading 1a only
possible at nn incon-
venient distance,
oyes nped help.
Our /passes restore
the v,sioO of Youth.
-L 1
AE•ra. 1'. ltiy ea5c her
`inietatteia alar.
Crea.Stuabto Opeio;tnai
Mre, Morrison and son, from near
Mount Forest, visited Mre. Morrison's
brother, Patriok Mune, this week,
Rev. W. 3, Weal, A2, A , who luta been
on vacation the pest 8 weeks, reaumea his
work on Sunday next, and will speak of
the work done by the Assembly ab
Rx r o:f0,.
A, MoTaggart spent Sunday in Mit.
Grey Vetere' list ie fn the printor'a
The farmers on the 101b con. are byey
nh their Statute Labor,
Next meeting of the township Council
will be held on nay 16th.
Wednesday of laet week David Clark,
141h oon-, had a poet hole bee.
"Brussels on Friday" is the keynote
of the average Greyite this week.
The maty friends of J. Robertson, who
was severely !tart at J. Maohan'e barn
raising, be able to be around. again.
James Smith and eieter were visiting
with old friends on the 15.51 oon, last
week. We think. that Jim must have
some attraction.
Mies Eleie Streohan ie improving quite
nfaaly in health and her many friends
hope she will sopa be completely restored
to her usual vigor.
A number of pupile from the public
schools of lhie township are writing at
the _Entrance examination at Brussels
this week and we hope they will do well.
Joseph Bowman, 8111 oon., is making
quite an improvement to his farm and
residence. He has had a fine driveway
graded up from the road and is building
DOW fence, d,c.
Some people on the 15th man. are mak-
ing preparatione for it cold harvest on
amount of oo many Grey bird° going
South for warmer climate. What do you
think about it Mao. ?
Tuesday of this week Rev. W. A.
Smith, B. D., and bride arrived from
Montreal en route to Oil Springe. They
are visiting at the reverend gentle.
man'° home, Truman Smith's, Geh con.
Mrs. Jas. Lyre burner, of Towner, North
Dokota, formerly Mies McDougall, of
Grey township, says in a letter :—"The
farmere here are jubilant over a much
needed rain whioh fell here a week ago,
so there is every prospect of a large orop.
However, ranching is more profitable in
thielocality as stook require little rain
for their growth. Some of our tandemen
keep as many as a thousand head,
CALLED AWAY.—Ab 11.30 o'clock on
Tuesday night Eliza Jane Attwood, the
young wife of Rufus Jaoklin, died at the
home of her grandfather, Wm. Bateman,
non. 6, at the early age of 24 years. A
baby eon born on Saturday is left to the
tiara of relatives. Deceased, who always
made her home with her grandparents,
was married in March 1900 to Mr,'Jaclt-
lis and shortly after they removed to
Manitoba, Mre. Jaoklin coming bank here
last March. She was a kind heart.
ed, unassuming woman, industrious and
faithful and loved the Saviour. The
funeral took place on Thereby after-
noon, interment being made at Brussels
cemetery. Sincere sympathy is felt for
the bereaved, more partion'arly ae the
Bateman family were nailed to bury a
a member of their family—Mre. Henry
8a06meg—only last week.
BYntenro.—Oopbd, the cunning meta
maker scored another triumph on Wed.
needay evening of last week, when at the
comfortable home of Andrew Hislop, an
old and highly esteemed resident of the
15th oon., his daughter, Mies Lizzie and
James MOFadzean, a well known young
man of this locality, joined hand and
heart for life and by the aid of Rev. Dr,
King the magic words were spoken mak.
ing it a proper thing to speak of Mr. Mo.
Fadzean and wife. There was a large
company present who were not slow at
expressing their congratulations to the
happy twain after whioh a royal feast was
spread at which the guests did not appear
to be novices. A very pleasant evening
was spent by all. Mr. and Mre, klo-
Fadzean will reside on the 16th con.,
where they commence married life under
moat auspicious oiroumetaueee. Hay
their joys be many 'and troubles few.
The principals were made the recipients
of many useful, valuable and well chosen
wedding presents.
gathering was held in the Public+ eobool of
No. 3 on Monday evening, in honor of E.
Molntoab, with whom the motion is very
reluctantly parting. So large a represen-
tation of parents, pupils and friends at.
tended that sante were unavailable for all,
Win. Work ably performed the duties of
obairman and an impromptu program
was given after which P. McArthur, on
behalf of the eeotion, read the following
address to Mr. Molntoeh and A. Smith
presented him with a handsome Waltham
gold watob, ooutaining the celebrated
Vanguard movement. A gentleman
friend of Mr. Mointosh's, having previous.
ly seen the watob, and desirous of coin.
plating the gift, had secured an equally
handsome gold ohain and looket to matob,
and intended giving it in private. The
committee, however, begged the privilege
of baying it pceeented on the same 000aa-
ion and John Elliott Was appointed to
come forward and place it beside the
watch :—
lir. McIntosh.
LAaanse,—We, the pupils, perorate and
aesoeiate workers of that oommnnity are
desirous of expressing our deep sense of
the loss We ale about to sustain in your
permanent departure from our midet. It
has been our unanimous wish to retain
you moth longer with 00, bat your de.
Melon to further prosecute your proper.
ation too life's caning rumpele tae to sub-
mit, and our earnest hope is that your
future may be as eminently successful
00 your past, Fon came to 00 a mere
boy and took tap your duties moot zeal-
ously and your steady, oo0eistont,,up.
right, manly bearing has grown humming-
ly upon us. It bas been a tribute of the
bigheet distinolinn to all young manhood,
an honor to yourself ae n young man,
and the greatest oredit that could be
reltected upon your father and mother,
whose name, similitude aad mark of
training you bear, AS teacher, your
Ability, methods and oourteoue dleoipline
have been above oritioiem or reproof.
Your pupil's' high standing,esteem and
admiration were proof enough of this,
but it is not only our pleasing duty to
admit your worth ae inteileobnal inatrue-
tor, but likewise as morel example and
guide. We as parents are most hearty
in our eppreeietion of your good influence
over our obil'dren, andit is our beard's
desire that our eons and daugbtere °bail
have imitated into their naturae star.
ling and firm principles similar to your
own. And now, on parting, we sek ae a
favor that you will take with you this
token of oar warm Redeinoere friendship,
which, when you look upon, will remind
yon of the happy assoofations of former
years, And finally we pray the Lord to
bless thee, to lift op Big coucteoanoe
upon thee and ever give thee peace.
Mr. Molntosh!s reply was nharanterietio
of bimeelf, disclaiming any right to so
eulogistic an address, even warning the
writer, whoever be may be, that his am
count would have to be rendered before
he couldgo to sleep that night. Mr, Mo.
Intoeh briefly called to mind the Chrie.
tian•like manner in whioh the people bad
reoeived dim on his arrival three end one
half yearn ago, a total stranger and
young. Although he was not in a poei.
tion to compare tide section with any
other, Dever having taught elsewhere,
be bad heard from other teeehere that
this is considered a model esotfon. He
thanked one and all for their good will,
good Wishes end beautiful gift. The
writer assures Mr. MoIntoeb the contents
of the address were gleaned from expres.
alone heard throughout the whole eeotion
and on faithfully re•examinfog the mat.
ter and referring it to obbere,•find noth.
ing can ooueoientionely be retracted.
Mr. McLntoab purposes pursuing au edu.
(rational course he has mapped out and
his many old friends in this locality will
be delighted to Bee him climb to the
top of the ladder.
1VYorr tie.
Township Council last Monday.
'The road grader le doing good work.
A new organ has been placed in Sun.
shine ohnrob,
Mies Georgia Parker is visiting at her
uncle's at Guelph.
Tall wheat looks fine in some eeotion°
of Morrie and promises well,
A Garden Party will be held at W. J.
Johnston's on Friday, July 6111.
Robt. Tnrvey and Milvert Sellers took
in the excursion to Detroit last week.
D. Calvert and T. Agar, of Toronto,
are renewing old friendebips on the .2nd.
Mimeo Maggie and Lily Robineoo, of
Turnberry, are visiting relatives on the
L. Jewitt and wife, 2nd line, visited
withall hie boat brothweeker,. Rev. Geo. Jewitt, at
Mre. Tbuell mad sons, Jae. and Robt ,
6th line, are taking in the Pan American
at Buffalo this week.
Anson Shaw, tad line, hoe been bother.
ed with one of Job's comforters on hie
knee—a very nnwelooms companion.
John Wheeler ie nursing a sore finger
on his right hand. He got it jammed at
the baru raising at Robt. Shedden'° last
Jaokeon's church has been undergoing
interior renovation whioh greatly improv.
ed the appearanoe and comfort of the
There was a large turn ant of Morris.
itee to the Model Fenn Exoarsion to
Guelph Thursday of last week. Between
the Farm and Ringlet's circus the day
was well filled up.
Owing to shortage of help and poor
health of hie wife Jae, Oloakey, 4th line,
is offering his farm for sale in this issue
of Tan POST. If he sells he will probably
move to town and take a well deserved
Last week Henry Bone went to Strat.
ford and brought home it brand new
separator and with hie new engine will
melte the grain fly next Fall. He's an
old band at the boniness. Ele nbilizos
the engine in running his sawmill during
the Winter season,
A bee was held at Robert Shedden's,
4151 line, Thursday of last week, when a
20 foot addition wag put to the barn,
making it now 60 feet square, with atone
stabling, This will make a deoided im.
provement. Mr. Heaney wag the framer
and Mr. Gallagher the mason.
Angus McLeod, wife and children, of
Holland, Mau„ are visiting the Sherrie
families and other old friends. He notes
a great many improvements. f0 ie 22
years since Mr. McLeod moved from
Morrie when they owned the "Innis farm"
4th line, Ete has not been beak since the
family moved away, Old Mr. McLeod,
who lives at Cypress, Mau„is quite smart
although he ie past 84 yeare of age.
FAnale•Sonn.—Tuesday of this week F.
S. Scott, Auctioneer, of B%'TOWebe, Bold the
two Agar farms, advertised for bhe•paet
few weeks in Tan POST, looated on the
2nd line' of this townebip. The North
100 aures was bought by David Agar, who
OWES the adjoining 100, for the Sam of
$8,000. Inc). 'Pell purebaeed the 100
0ores across the eonoeesion, the prior be-
ing $3,520. The exeoators phut the reserve
bid at $6,500 so the tally was close,
Wm. Jewitt, of Brussels, and Edward
Bosman, of Witgbam, are the Executors.
1"lis WEDDINtl.— Ten 78000 ago on the
10th of June Chas. Forrest and Mies Luoy
Robb stood before the hymeneal altar
and Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., pronoun°.
ed the solemn and binding words totted
in the Methodist Disipline baviug to do
with matrimonial allianooe. On the 10th
anniversary a jolly company numbering
about 50 aseembled at the cosy reeidenoe
of Mr. and Mrs; Forrest and enjoyed a
tip-top time. Atter sapper was over a
sane musical program was preeeoted and
all went merry as a marriage bell. Ice
cream was served Mier in the evening,
The host and hoetees deolined to except
promote and thereby debarred the com.
pony from enpplying them with a bran
new outfit of tic. We hops Mt. and Mre,
Forreet will never want for the "bin"
and that they may prosperously go along
life's pathway and be able to celebrate
the Golden anniversary. The gouts
gave the host and bootees a hearty
vote of Menke for their hospitality,
Reeve Iebieter, of Morrie, has been
drawing lumber for building a oily. Mr.
Iebieter to a prgaper0ue, progressive far•
Tlie Connell devliood to appoint en ar-
bitrator tie the 13elgrrve eobool question
as it number in the motion are strongly
opposed to the divielon.
Pian Pose voogratalebee Alton Wheeler
on encoesolully passing his exam. before
the Miohigan Board ot Pharmacy at
Detroit, HO is a eon of Jno. Wheeler's
4th line, and holds a position in Detroit.
We are sorry to °tate that the condi.
Won of 112, Bellington, 4th line, ie mush a5
to cause a greet deal of 000050n to hie
Mende as bis ilinese is ot a type very
diflieult to contend with. It ie bo be
hoped a change for the better will Boon
eat in,
Jae, Laidlaw and wife, of Sacramento,.
Onliforoia, were visiting at Couboitlor
Jackson's during the past week. Mr,
Laidlaw is Mrs. Jaokson's brother. He
has been in California for the past 10
ysare. His former home was in Tooker.
JAS. KEaraAGRAN DIED.—Jamee:iiernagh.
en, a wall known resident of the etb line,
passed away at the residence of his son
on Thureday of We weak, agbd 69 years.
The funeral will take place from N a lot
19, Con. 7 -go Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 2 o'clock.
Ed. Kraehling, of Morris, and Mrs.
Wm. Eggert, .of Blytb, were teniebly
married at the Methodist parsonage
Tuesday afternoon of last week, by Rev.
Wm. Rachel!. Mise Clara Kraebling
wan bridesmaid and Andrew Youngblut,
of Zurich, assisted the groom. The new,
ly married couple drove to Clinton whore
they took the afternoon train for a short
bridal tour Eastward.
Sosaxseonm.—On Tuesday evening of
this week a e000eseful Garden Party wee
beldat W. B. Wilkinson's. A program
of vooal and inetrnmental mneie and
literary eeleotione was rendered. Rev.
Mr. Brown occupied the chair. The tea
table and a refresbment stand supplied
the wants of the inner man. Proceeds
$40, whioh will be applied to general
churob funds. Mr., and Mrs, Wilkinson
made a capital boat and hostess.
Mao. 112. HALEY PASSES AWAY.—Abonb
12 o'olook last Sunday Anuie, beloved
wife of Michael Haley, lot 10, con. 7; paid
Nature's debt at the early age of 28 years.
A baby girl 2 weeks old is left to the care
of friends. Deoeaeed was a daughter of
Michael Kelly and was a very estimable
person. The funeral took plane on Tues.
day forenoon, Rev. Fr. McMenamin, of
Blyth, condnoting the service. Mr.
Haley is*deelt.y sympathized with in the
death of his wife.
OWWT,—Death has visited the home of
James Casemore, of the tat line, taking
away the wife and mother. Friday, 14th
inst., Mrs. Oosemore died very soddenly.
She had not been feeling very well, but
ate dinner as usual. After dinner, she
was taken soddenly i11,and in a abort
time expired. Medioal aid Was obtained,
but her spirit had fled. Deceased was 40
years of age ; she leaves four children,
the eldest being a daughter about 17 years
of age. The funeral took place on Son.
day, Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham, non.
duotiog the Bombe.
GosorePEns.—A story has been going in
this locality for some time among the
scandal monger class of people, reflecting
on the character of several residents of
the 7th line, and until lately we had not
beard of any one supposed to bave an
ounce of brains taking °ooh a disgraceful
and dangerous lie in their month. This
story has been raised with the sole pun
pose of throwing a stain on the spotless
character of several young and innooent
girls of the 7bb line. There is not the
slightest foundation whatever for °noh
an aseertionl. and the gossipperef who
mannfaotured such a falsehood will be
punished according tolawwben found out.
Those who have helped and are helping
to spread this eaandel are also pottiog
themselves in a dangerous position.
On Monday morning, Jane 10th, St.
Michael's R. 0. church, Blyth, wee the
scene of a very interesting and happy
event, it being the marriage ceremony of
Michael, son of Jas. Belly, of Morrie, to
Miss Mary, only daughter of W. Halls,
ham of Bast Wawanosb. The bride
looked beautiful, attired h a wedding
costume of oream silk with white bat
and ostrich pinnaces to match and carry.
ing a boquet of white geraniums and Mimi
of the valley. Her bridesmaid was Mae
Mary Blake, of Hallett, and looked pretty
in a similar costume. The groom's enp•
port was hie brother, Wm. J„ and the
ceremony was performed by Rev, Father
MoMenarnio, who tied the knot maturely.
The congratulations over, the guests went
to the bride's father's, where a bountiful
dinner was awaiting, over 100 sitting
down. Speeobee of congratulation were
made by Bev. Fr. McMenamin, and otbere
who spoke very highly of the bride end
groom, atter which a few boars were
spent in social bop. Mr, and Mrs. Kelly
take' up their home on a farm of one
hundred acres in Morrie, aeoompaufed by
the good wishes of their nunieroue friends.
A few of our villagers took in the I. 0,
0. F. excursion to Sarnia on Saturday.
Miss Lamont, of Ethel, was renewing
aaquaintanoee in this vicinity this week.
A number from Watton attended the
pio-nio in Williamson'° grove on T'bure-
d Mies Lon Wray has returned to Wal.
ton to apend a few Jaye under the paren-
tal roof.
Wee Stewart, of Winnipeg, and Sam.
and Alex. Keine, of Gerrie, were visiting
this week et W. J. Johnston's,
Report toys that Jame° 1T. Burke,
of Stratford, will be appointed a8
factory inspeotor, in eoocoeelon to 11.
Barber, resigned. The salary of the
iuepeotore is $1,000. Mr, Burke is well
known to et number of Waltonians,
GARDEN PARTY,—. On Tuesday evening a
moat sacoessfal Garden Party woo given
by the Ladies' Aid of DaS's oharoh. A
large orowd assembled, and, the evening
beteg mild, ettjoyed to the fall the amuse.
moote provided for them, Teaover, Rev.
A, lblaoNab took the chair and an later.
eating program, ooasieting ,of solos, 'bete
and oborusee, inberepereed by musical
se eetione by the Seaforth Baud, W14e
given, and thoroughly eppreaiated by all
present, Among Mamie taking part In Glia
program were Mr. and Dire, Forrest, of
Grey ; Mr°. MaoNabb'and ter. Gemmell.
A doll chores by a number of little girls
was exceptionally geed, Proceeds
amounted to $107.
Rev. T. J. Sabine, Methodist minister
of Ottervllle, formerly of Walton, was
strtoken with paralysis while preaobing
at the Little Lake appointment Sunday
morning of last week, Hs Announced
the sewed hymn and sat down. After
the congregation had sung the hymn be
made no move toetart'the sermon, Robert
Kelly went to the pulpit and found dim
unoo0ssioua. Doctors were sent for and
when they same they found that the lett
side was paralyzed. They brought dim
borne. Great sorrow is expressed over
the sad event. Mr. Sabine was to have
left for I'enwisk in a week, where he wag
Motioned for the doming conference year.
The family have the sincere sympathy of
all in their sad affliction.
noir 1.
Esenouoa.—Test exam, ; total 1,050 t—
N Irwin 908 A, Lott 690
B Geddes 846 V Dunford ....682
M Thomson 820 R Plum 676
13'Hingebon ....751 W Amonh.,,,060
L MoArthur ..747 0 Hindston 656
G Rose.....,.. 748 0 Mamprize 648
A Smith 741 W MoCxuire....645
A MoMillan. , 737 0 Mooney 640
B Bone 784 M MoLauahlin 687
W Zilliax 734 H Ainley 629
O Mooraoken,.751 P Rioharde618
R McKenzie... :722 M Adame. , 597
S Scott ........714 M Scott.. 586
M MoArter ....704 E Pugh 570
E Baker 702 K MoDongall ..507
B Henderson ,697 R Ainlay 497
E Wilton 696 P Lowry 482
J Barbliff 695 E Denbow ....450
B Beattie 690 M Ross 440
T Armstrong 566
M Skene 858
L Holmes 828
F Buchanan 971
P. S. Lison$°
L Nichols 268
I Williams .,259
0 Zilliax 202
0 Riohards 153
A Roes368 B Soott 259
E Fuuston ....817 R Zimmer 236
H Gooding ....298 Ai Wilson 227
L Roes 292 G Thomeon....216
F Ham 266 N McGuire .,..206
B Howe 262
'' J. H. CAMERON, Prinoipal.
SR. Stan To JR. dam—Total number of
ma rks,1000
B Ross 948 F Thomson ....882
A Roes 951 A Scott 825
J Mooney 904 R Sinclair 807
L Turnbull ....902 G Zilliax 805
E Cameron ....888 M Ament 742
R Deadrnan....885 W Williamson -740
E Ourrie 875 L Edwards ...,718
J Armstrong 870 R Lowry 710
L Dunford ....862 R Pugh 692
A MoQaarrie —858 W Roche 605
H Rioharde ....842 L Colvin 601
JR. San To SR. gen.—Total number of
marks, 800 :—
E Adams 699 L Leatherdale„608
V Blaehill 682 E Ament 604
G Ewan
671 H Avery 598
P Leatherdale..665 TZimmer 588
H Brothers ....664 L Sinclair 571
A Sager 664 l'i MoNiohol „671
3 Bloomfield „849 O Wilbee 656
E Colvin 647 J Wilton 560
J Doll ,,.,.,..687 W MoQaarrie 538
G Roes 685 V Barrett 500
H Lowry 625 J Burgess 442
N Harbottle....616 J Moore 442
Ma M. L. BRocir, Teacher.
Rootl 8.
Promoted from Sr. 2nd to Jr. 8rd ;
total 650
K Deadman....545 S Campbell 458
W Turnbull...,590 0 Bell 449
M Miller 535 A Jaokson 440
L Mc0raoken ..582 Al Jackson 445
W Straohan..,.520 J Ament ....,457
F MoKenzie.,.,506 W Richardson "434
M Brothers .,..499 V MoKeuzie.,,.,432
P Backer 478 A Thomson ....420
F Stratton ,,,,478 V Wilbea 419
F Oampbell.,,,473 0Holmee 417
W Henderson.,472 F McKay 410
A Molbiillan....470 0 Gerry 408
L MoArter ....464 W Scott 400
C Scott 464 F Scott 368
KHarbottle.,.,462 F Miller ....t 356
G Armgtrong..458
Promoted from Int. and to Sr, and ;
toted 660 ;-
1YIBirt 510 0 Denbow ..,,414
0 Simmons 507 J Wilbea 400
T Armstrong ..493 E Currie .369
WBaalkrtliferf429 W Bell 349
475 T Friendship „850
S Ament 425 W MoCraoken..357
E Ewan 424 J Phillipe
W Wilton 422
Promoted from Jr. 2nd to Int, 2nd ;
total 650 ;—
H Moore 492 II Barrett 401
F Mainprize..,.450 E Wilton 380
E Good.... ,.428 3 Wilton 876
E Colvin 421 13 Leckie 828
J Leckie 418 A Bishop 395
Miss M. T. Downwr, Teacher,
sweat 4,
CLAN V. TO JR. 2ND.—Not in Order Of
merit.—V Walker, E Wilbea, 0 MolYIil.
tan, B Corry, F Scott, 0 Ament, M
lanes, K Ament, E Forsyth, W Adams,
A Roes.
Henderson, T Barclay, F Gerry, 0 Jack-
son, W Lotti N Ewan, R McCracken, R
Roche, W Ainley, J Cooper, Z Lindsay,
A Robb,
Fnoar Ouse III, ee Cam IV. --L
Davey, W Longa S Armstrong, E Mo-
Fadzean, S Fox, E Deadman, H Clamp -
bell, W Long, E Plum, E Sontag,V
Ainlay, R Haiste, 0 Lowry, id Gilpin, F
Friondship, W Miiler,
kF'uaat Maga II. so CLASS III, d ilio•
Nichol, S Bargees, G Wilbea, S Gerry, M
Burgess, W Ham, H Good, 13 Harris, U
Lepkie, ;NW Sperling, Al Edwards, H
Faotr CLASS 1, Ta Orates 1I,-13 Mo-
Fadzoan, G Coseley, R' Davey, H Arm.
strong, M Thomson, E Cooper, H Ament,
I Strachan, H Lowry, K Wilton, G
Kerr, P Gubr, B Warwick, F Robb, W
Kerr, F Stratton.
lkloos JEAN Rtncnru, Teavher.
Huron Christian Endeavor
Annual Convention at Clinton.
The annual 0. E. and S. S. fiction
of Huron Gaudy for 1901 was held in
Willie Presbyterian church, Clinton, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Jane 18th and
19th. There wee a good attendance of
delegates present the first day-- i,ut the
last day the representation ofd a S. was
maoh better. The first day was devoted
to Christian Endeavor work, oommeneing
at 8.30 a. m., with a quiet hoar session,
probably the most important of the oon-
ve0tia0, led by Rev. J. A. Anderson, of
Goderiob. Tbia abort exeroiee tended to
get the minds and hearts of all present in
a proper attitude for the session which
Rev, Dr. Gifford opened the convention
proper with devotional exeroisee.after
whittle the President 0f the C. E, Union,
W. H. Kerr, took °barge of the sessions.
President Zerr possesses that happy
faculty of making everybody feel per.
featly at home in oonneobion with any
gathering with whioh he may be aseoci.
ated and espeoialiy in connection with
young people's work of the Mauch.
The convention proper opened at 10 a.
m• The first topic was "What has been
gained in 20 years of 0. E.” This was
divided -under three heads, viz :--(a)
What the young people have gained ; b)
What the church lase gained ; (c) What
the world has gained.
A. T. Cooper, Provincial Secretary of
the Christian Endeavor movement, and
one who has probably done more for 0,
E. in the Province than any other one
person, gave a stirring address on "What
the young people bave gained.” Any
who have beard Mr. Cooper speak on 0.
E, work know that his is not mere lip-
eerviee but that his whole heart is in this
great work among the young people of
the different orgamzabione,
A paper prepared by R. Holmes, M.
P„ and read by Miss M. Washington on
"What the world has gained" was good
and was followed by a very warm die.
Owing to the absence of Rev. P. H.
Larkin his part of the topic, "What the
church has gained" was allele up in open
Following the above eubjeet and die-
oaseed by four active workers from dif-
ferent elections of the Union, the subject
"Whitt is essential in 0. ]s., and why 7"
was presented in a most excellent man-
ner and was taken up in four heads
(a) The element of obligation, by Wee 0.
Moffatt, Blyth ; (b) The power of testi•
many, by W. H. Harvey, Exeter ; (o)
The joy of service, by Miss Mutoh,
Gorda ; (d) The spirit of ooneeoration,
Mrs. N. AL Riobardson, Brussels. A11
the papers read were full of fiest.alase
suggestion and if the delegatee are only
socoeeeful enough in presenting a few of
the good things contained in them to
their respective sooietiee much good will
undoubtedly result therefrom.
The above papers were followed by an
open meeting in which a great many
good points were thrown into the discus.
Edon on the essentials in 0. E, work.
The following as nominating commit.
tee were appointed by the President witb
ioetrnotiona to meet at 1.30 for nominal.
log the officers for the ensuing year :—
Messrs. Turner, Cooper, Harvey, Kerr,
and Miese° King, Washington and Mutob.
The afternoon session opened at 2
o'elook with Rev. Mr. Stewart 1n charge
of the devotionalexeroises and was large.
ly attended.
The Seoretary's report showed a splen-
did state of affairs existing in oonneotion
with the County Union. The Huron
County C. E. Union ranks amongst the
foremost of the Province in number end
concentrated effort. There ars now 95
societies with a membership of 3,851 of
wbom 2,415 are active workers ; $1,259.03'
has been contributed toward the Denomi-
national Missionary boards and the For-
ward movements. There are 13 Junior
Sooietiee end two intermediate all re-
ported doing excellent service. The
Treasurer's report was submitted show-
ing the total reoeipte amounting to 1135.22
whioh was paid ootin current accounts,
leaving a debit balance of $7,81 advauoed
by A. T. Cooper. A strong appeal was
made for a liberal collection 10 order that
the deficit might be wiped off.
The exeroise wbioll followed the read-
ing of the Secretary's and Treasurer's
reports was a most interesting character,
it being in the nature of an Open Parlia-
ment. Printed slips were banded around
containing fifteen questions on Endeavor
w ork. These questions were tbreehed
out in a Moet animated manner, .
This was followed by a eonl-shirring
address by Rev. 0. K. Bradshaw, late of
Grand Forks, B. 0., DOW of Hamilton.
Mr. Bradehsw's address was just the
right thing for the occasion, his subject
being "Moral Courage." Probably the
greatest need of the Christian Endeavor
movement today is moral courage in
every.dav life,
The °facers for the year ae submitted
by the nominating committee are as fol-
lows :—President, 31O0. E. Tom, Gode•
riot ; Vise Pres, W. 13. Harvey, Exeter ;
Seo„ H, E. Rooke, Clinton ; Treas.,
Wise M. A. Muton, Gerrie ; Sun, Supt„
Miss Maud King, Blyth ; Executive,
Frank Turner, Goderiob ; Rev. Mr.
Henderson, Heiman ; Mee (Mara Moffatt,
Blyth ; H. P. Obapmah, Wingham ; and
W. H, Kerr, Brussels, At 4 o'olook the
oonventlon adjourned to the Town Hall
where a most delightful ameba entitled
,'$'lin Junior Garden" Was pteeented by
nearly 100 young Clinbonians, Too
moob praise aan hardly be paid to the
splendid effort displayed by the little
folk and their inabructore, The singing,
reading and tnerobing was moat ex.
oellently rendered, and the immense
°rowel who assembled to witness the ex.
melee was well Fetid for their kind at.
tenbion uotwithetanding the greet Beet,
Great oredit,00 dee to those who lied
gone to the trouble of preparing the little
The evening melon was well attended,
Willie church beiug killed to :tbe doors,
nor were there any disappointed in the
splendid addroseee delivered% by Rev...
E. N. Baker, of Stratford, and Rev, F.
H. Larkin, of Seaforbh. They are ex•
oellent speakers and the subjects dealt
were indeed instructive and well listened
to. The musical portion ot the pro•'
gram was given by Willis oharoh choir
wltioh added largely to the interest,
Timber and material is being got reedy
for the enlargement and improvement of
the stabling a000mmodation at J. Long's
Next Sabbath the vote on the intro•
deletion of the Book of Praise and art
organ will be taken in the Presbyterian.
churob in this place.
Communion in Knox °harsh, Oran -
brook, next Sabbath, Rev. Mr. McLeod;
of Atwood, will preach on Saturday. He
is a good preaoher.
Last Saturday Wm. Gordon raised the
new barn frame on the farm of Mrs,
Gorsalitz, East of here, and did a good
job using block and taokls instead of the
old fashioned raising. The building is
42x54 feet with 20 foot posts and wilt be
birthed in np•to,date style.
The Christian Endeavor have issued a
new program for the coming term with,
the following ol1'1oene in oharee :—Hon.
Pres., Rev. D. B. McRae ; Pres., Mies
L. Calder ; Vioe Pres„ Mrs. A. Oameron ;
Rea. Seo„ Mrs. A. McDonald ; Treas.,
Miss E. MoQaarrie ; Prayer Meeting
Oom., Wm.Perrie, Miss A.MaNair, Mrs.
A. Cameron t Look -out Com., Mies A.
MaLaohlan, Mise Gillespie, M. Cameron,
Miss M. Calder, W. Ritchie ; Temperance
Oom„ M. Cameron, Miss M. Ritobie,
Miss A. McNair ; Missionary Com., A.
Cameron, Mrs. M, Oameroo, Mise E.
MoQaarrie, Mies Ai. Brown ; Sooial Com,,
Miss S. Long, J. Ritobie,Mies J. McNair,
Miss T. McRae, 3. Malntoeh ; Flower
Com„ Aire. A. McDonald, Mies M. Mc-
Nair ; Sunday Sobool Com., W. Oamer.
on, Mies L. Oster, Mrs, H. Keys, Mies
E. Mo1V'air.
C11118(111 CHIMES.
The Methodist pastors who move this
year, will be on their new chargee the
first Sabbath in July, the 7111.
After nest Sabbath Melville Endeavor
Sooiety will take a holiday, covering the
months of July and August.
Rev. Mr. McNay, of Lnoknow, preaobed
twioe in Melville Oberoh last Sabbath
and also addressed the Sabbath Sobool.
He's a good speaker.
Rev. Ino. Ross, B. A., of town, took
part in the induction servioss at Belgrave
on Thureday of this week, when Rev.
Mr. Hestia became pastor of the Presby-
terian cbnroh in that plane.
"Dr." Dowie of Obloago said a few days
ago "I am Elijah." The New York
Herald says "There is one difference.
Elijah was fed by the ravens, whereas
Dowie is fed by the gulls."
Owing to the continued illness of Rev.
George Riobardson, who has been the be-
loved pastor of the Metbodiat Ohuroh at
Milton the peat two years, be has decided
to superannuate, and will reside in Tor.
onto. Rev. J. W. Cooley, of Walkerton,
will gummed dim.
The Heneall Observer Bays.—So tickled
are some over the election of Rev...Jae.
Livingston to the Presidency of the Lan-
don conference that they lames into verse
as a sort of safety valve, to their over-
charged feelings. When a newspaper
man takes to poetry its time to put iota on
hie head.
Last Sunday morning the annual
sermon wan preached to the members of
Mae Masonic Order of Brussels, by Rev.
G. J. Abey, rector of St. John's oharob.
His topic VMS "Love" from whieh he
pointed out it number of very practical
truths. There were 35 persona iu the
procession, john Wright, W. M., being
the Marshal.
Flower Sunday will be observed in
Brussels Methodist Sabbath Moot next
Sabbath afternoon. In addition to read-
reoitatione and musio by the pupils,.
short addressee will be given by B. Gerry,
Resistant Superintendent, and Rev. Mr.
Coulter. The service wilt be held in the
body of the Churoh commencing at 2,80
Rev. Mr. Coulter spoke last Sabbath
morning in the Methodist Church from
Gen. 18 and 12 and in the evening from
St. John's Goepet3.9 and 18. HO is au
earnest sympatbetio speaker. Next Sab.
bath will be his last Sunday as be then
goes to his new °barge at London. Rev.
Mr. Wilson, who goes to Viotoria College
Ibisyear, will supply the pulpit here
daring July. He is said to be a capital
At a farewell social held in the Central
Methodist Cherish, Woodetook, Tuesday
evening iast, the retiring pastor, Rev. S.
Battery, M. A,, B. D. formerly of Bene,
eels, wag presented with a highly oompli•
mentary abeam and a parse of $100.
Rig daughter, Mies Winnie, was present.
ed with a beautilnl opal ring in vowel -
Mon of her services in the choir and social
gatberioge of the church. Mr. Soliery
goee 50 Dundee.
A field of wheat in Manitou district,
Manitoba, the straw measuring eighteen
inches long, lebeaded out.
Firs in the Ontario Lumber Oompany'e
yards at French River destroyed fourteen
Or fifteen million feet of lumber,
A telegram from Captain Leslie states
that the steamship Assyrian ie a total
wreck neer Cape Ram, but he hope to
SEM the tag Petrel and her Wreaking