HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-20, Page 8Faasl Fags!
Keep mwOl by
Ag [g w le of on
Fans, Mee assortment Irani 5
A i a a ar wont ol.l
F'l4es I Flies I
We have an extra grade of Fly
Paper,. Oan give you something that
will kill or the otlaky it preferred,
Flags I Flags I
A ohaloe. assortment of Flags for
the celebration in ,Brnoeole or Do.
minion Day.
t4 rJ ;11 8 .1x4 .l, C3' r 1.t Ri 'E'
,71JNl 20, 1801
Wo have a 1a thinIii
a s Doti 1 in t o
p g
line which i d
oeei r f d
s the or ordinary
Photograpbe or for Stere0oopie
Views, Wben wishing to look at a
Pbotograpb you simply .turn the
Long in the opposite direotign. It
le a decided euQoeoe.
2nd Hand Bicycle,
One 2nd Hand Bjoyole whioh hoe
Dunlop Tires., nearly new, for only
821,50. We ave au extra value in
A New Bicycle
whioh we have the agenoy for. It
ie fully guaeauteed. Oan give yon
either Lady's or Gent's for $35,50
with disorient for Dash,
Agent for Ores. /^1_ q DEAD Tl lid( p 7a and Book Optr,
went Bicycles. Gr. 11 D LJ.0 D lid tlLl and Bookseller,
Trains leave Brneeela Station, North
and South, as follows ;
Go1Na Bonen. GOING Nonan.
Amoroso 7:18 a.m. I Mail ............110 p.m
Mixed 9:40 a.m, Pizarro 8:17 p.m
!toad Baas lions.
A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll Arent it.
Bums= on the 28 h.
WE'LL not bother with the Western Foot
Bali championship thie year.
THURSDAY evening of this week Wroxe.
ter Odd Fallows will pay a visit to
Western Star, Brussels.
SEI the bills and program for the ogle•
bration in Brunets on Friday of next
week. A big day's sport is promised.
Bnueeoos Sone of Scotland will be re-
presented at the Grand Camp, to be held
in Toronto, next week, by Wm. Martin.
Mae. JAMES MAXWELL has parabaned the
house and lot, oorner of Thomas and
Alexander streets, from Soo. Leckie for
the sum of $550.
JOnearznT was reserved in the horse
dispute base, Streohan vs. Brown, heard
is Goderiah on Tuesday. Barrister
Blair nppeared for the plaintiff.
CON9TA DS MOLAooaLrN has out the
grass at the Town Hall with the lawn
mower and it looks flret-olaes, almost
good enough for a croquet or bowling
4TH DIVISION OouuT.—Re Kreuter ve.
Onnniogham. The final jndgmentbere•
in by Judge in judgment for plaintiff on
jury, for $10 00 and coats, as of a claim
whioh dose not exceed $20.00 but defend-
ant to pay coats of jury, to be paid in 18
NEXT Monday evening the members of
Brueeele Odd Fellows' Lodge will marsh
to the cemetery for the anneal deeoration
of brother Odd Fellows' graves. Promo.
cion will leave the Lodge room at 6.30
o'clock and all the members are asked to
be in attendance,
SHIPPING: Following ie the list ofebip-
meots from Brueeele G. T. R. during the
past week; -2 oars hay and 8 oars oats,
A. Beaker ; a oar of batter, R. Thomson
22 oases egge, W. Neal ; R. Graham, oar
oats ; McLean & Hamilton, 2 stare cattle;
Clegg & Dames, oar cattle ; A. Hunter,
car cattle ; Geo. Beet, oar cattle.
Two rinks of Brussels Bowlers went to
Kincardine on Wedneeday and played a
match with the bowl trundlere of that
town. Our players were divided as fol.
lows 1—let rink, N. F. Gerry, R. Leath-
erdale, D. 0. Rose with Dr. MoNangbton
skip ; 2nd rink, H. L. Jackson, T. Far.
row, A. Causley and J. N. Gordon skip.
Brussels won by 8 shote. Thie is their
third victory with Kincardine. The game
was played on the fine !awn of Dr. Mo.
oil did a wise thing in giving a 5 year ex-
emption on the Ronald Tire Engine
premises to the new proprietors, J. Oober
& Sone, the well known firm of Ethel,
who have purohased the shops, lands and
house in connection and will go exten-
sively into the Carriage manufaotory,
moving their plant from Ethel to Brae.
eels. They will probably employ from. 15
to 20 hands in the various departments.
Last year at Ethel they turned out 85
gutters and 105 buggies besides wagons,
sleighs, &a. The shops will be fitted up
and ready for operation in the course of
a few months. We congratulate Mesere.
Cober on eeouring the valuable property
at the prioe they did and we believe they
will do well. A hearty welcome will be
accorded them.
GONE l3otrn.—An old and very highly
esteemed resident of Brussels entered into
rent last Sabbath evening in the person of
Mre. Thos. Ballantyne, from the effects
of a etrolle of paralyeio, of the evening
previous. Deceased's maiden name was
Celina Hodgikineon. She was born in
England but removed toNdinborgh, Soot.
land, when (mite young and Dame to Can-
ada about 1851. In November 1882,
deceased was married to her now bereft
partner, and they made their home on
the bank of the Maitland in the Spring of
1888. The subject of this notice was
kind hearted, loyal to her family, Indus.
Moue in all her concerns and was most
highly respected in the community.
For some tirne her health had been
failing but after all, her demise came
as a ebook to the neighborhood.
Mrs. Ballantyne was a member of the
Preebyterlan oberah for many years and
is the history of the late Knox church
congregation her name might be very
properly written, In addition to Mr.
Ballantyne the family ooneiete of Jae., of
Kamloops, Br. Col, l Joe, in Parolee ;
William, in Emerson, Mao.; John and
Vire. Alex, Sheehan in Brussels. On
Tneeday afternoon the iaet earthly teib•
rite of eeepeot was paid deceased by a
large number of old friends, The gervioe
wag ooeduoted by Bev. John Rose, B. A,,
and the casket was borne by W. F. Stew-
art, W. I', Ironstone, T. r'arrew, John
Wynn, las. Shaw and J. J, Gilpin. Mrs.
Ballantyne had not a relative in Canada.
Her ðee lost 1115 life in tine A)nericpn
war 103 leo, •
BRUSSELS cheese factory hoe Bold their
aheeee to Ballantyne & Son at 85 Dents
per pound.
TEE various departments of Brussels
Poblio school will aloes on Toeeday of
next week to clear the way for the hold•
ing of the Entrance examination which
will oommenoe on Wedneeday and eon•
tinue on Thursday and Friday.
INPonezA'rmoN Wad laid before Police
Magistrate Seeger, Goderiob, against W.
H. McCracken, J. Ti Rose and A. Ma•
Donald for peddling witboot llamas.
They plead entity to the complaint but
will have the question of the validity of
the Bylaw argued before Mr. Seager.
Co. No. 5, Brussels, of the 33rd Reel.
meat, arrived home Saturday afternoon.
They drove over from Blyth in two carry..
ails thereby saving the train coming to
Brueeele and book from Wiugham Junc-
tion, Great is the Grand Trunk. The
a000mmodatiou is convenient in the ex.
tressle—if you don't care what you. Bay.
JAILER'S RESIDENCe,—The Special Com-
mittee, appointed by the 0o. Coattail, met
at Goderiob last Friday and a000mpanied
by Architect Fowler viewed the eite-
ation. Plane and epeoifloations will be
prepared for a 2 story atone cottage with
kitchen at the book, connecting with
jail. The main house will be 30x40 feet
witb cellar under it and kitchen 22x24
feet with bath room, &a., upstairs. It is
expeoted to heat the building with hot
water. There will be 150 feet of jail
stone wall, 20 feet high, taken down and
it ie expected between this and the brink
and atone in the cottage to bet removed
there will be eufiioient for the proposed
new residence. A meeting of the Co.
Connell will be held on or about July
3rd to discuss thelane open tenders and
p p
traneact any other necessary business
ooneeroiog the new structure. The wall
to be removed dove not in any way inter.
fere with the security of prisoners as the
walls about their yards are not touched.
The new building is to be completed by
Oot. 15.
as he 80 former eaed e
A was t oa !n f rin 412
assnu ex a cion4
a ol hModel Vann,
wbioll tooklace on Wedneeday,a ears
to be as popular as ever, A.epiall train
Of 8 or 10 Dare preoodod the rek111ar
morning train. Both were well lilted,
having over 800 pfleeeugers aboard when
they palled out of Bruesele, 269 of this
number were ticketed bore ; 111 wove
tons W1
ngham and 08 from Bluova
We did not hear from Ethel. No doubt
Ringler'e aims woe en additional indooe•
meat this year. The excursion was run
ander the auspices of the 'Met Huron
and Bruce Farmers' Inotibutee.
DEATH Or WM. MOKAY•—After an ill.
11009 of about three weeks, Wm, McKay,
aged 50 yearo, passed away at hie home
ou Erie-st., Stretford, on Thureday of
last week. The oause of death was blood•
poisoning, nontreated from an aboeae in
the knee. Deoeaeod WAS born is Weet
Zorra, where he resided in different
looalitiee tar about thirty year'. While
living on lot 21, eon. 0, near Youngeevilie,
he married Mies Mary Morrison, who
survives him. The family have beau
residents of Stratford sine° Merril laet,
This i° the second death since then, a amu
having been killed at Shedden by o
train on April 91h, The surviving meal
bars of the family are : George and
Alex„ of Brueeele ; Joseph, Garfield, Ed-
win, Sydney and Mamie at home, and
Lily and Annie of Lietowel. Aliso B.
bioKny, of Harrington, ie a sister. Tim
funeral took plane from the family teat
dance Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock to
Avondale cemetery, conducted by Revs,
M. L. Leitch, of Stratford, and Mr. Mo•
Laughlin, of Harrington. Deceased was
a reeident of Brueeele for some time before
moving to Harrington. The family hate
the sympathy of the oommnoity in their
bereavement. Alex. and George McKay,
of town, attended the funeral.
evening, in 000nection with the Demon -
Oration in Bsuseele, the celebrated 48a11
Highlanders' Band will give a grand Oon•
oert, interspersed by soma of the epeoiai
features of the afternoon's program, that
no one should mise. The Band is under
the diteotion of Mr. Blotter and will pre-
sent the following program
1. Patriotic Maroh—"With Sword and
Lance" Starke,
2. Overtire—"The King's Lientenant"
3. Cornet Solo—"Flow Gently Sweet
Afton" J Stetter.
(By Mnsioiau Andrew Vitae.)
4, Grand National Fantasia—"Robert
Brace" ....Boanieean.
(Introdaoing Patriotic aire of Bonnie
5. Vocal Selection—"Soya of the Old
Brigade" Barri.
(Male Choir.)
6. Desoriptive pieoe—" arolt of the
Guard" Eileuberg,
7. Trombone Solo — "Queen of the
Earth." Pineuto
(By Musician H. Howe)
8. Humorous PIeoe — "Warblers Sere-
nade" Perry,
9. Voila Solo—"!Selected"
(By Magician 3. Coates Lookbart.)
10. Grand Patriotic Seleotion—"Albion"
"Tho Maple Leaf Forever."
God Save the King,
The admission fee to the Park is planed
at the low pride of 10 aerate so that the
entertainment will be within reach of all
lovers of good maeio.
Tale reaming at Allan L
died t OlintPn NM the ffeotg of au
aet inthe eye, Yore interred in BAqesala
cemetery on Wednesday
evening, being.
driven over from Clinton,
Baseless ALt. RAoar,—Loeb wee Robert
Qraham, klle well known veteran gt'ain
dealer of Brussels, took it Into his head
resPxlbed examination before
t Board re7 iu
h of Arbi o andl x am rs a
ofrain in 00000atroll with the Board of
Trade at Toronto, The Welk united to
be dote omelets of handling some 70
eamplee of clear and mixed grains of
various grades grown in both Ontario and
Manitoba and then were handed out to
those trying the exam. and before a num-
ber of experts were expected to name,
classify, &o., the various samples. Mr.
Graham came oat all right and has ready.
ed a oertifloate of qualifloation. It luno
haphazard trial ae a man must know his
bueioeee So male through euooeosfally.
We oougratulate Mr. Graham.
Sabbath night Mies Ieabeiltobertonpass.
ed away from, earthly wanes after a try-
ing illness, at the early age of 21 years.
Shortly afterpthe deoeaoe of her father.
she mime to live with her sister, Mre. Jae.
Ballantyne, and during her eiokness Was
tenderly and lovingly oared for by both
relatives and Mende, but despite all that
oould be done` elle faded away like a
beautiful flower unab!o to stand the sweep
ing bluets. Dooeased was a general
favorite and her demise is eineetoly re.
gritted. The funeral tools plane on Twee -
day afternoon, Rev. John R.,sa, B. A.,
conducting a suitable service, There
were numerous floral tributee p' aced on
the casket. The pill bearer- were ;-13.
Bartlifi, Geo. Irwin, A. Sample, E, ktiob.
ards, F. Wilson and 0. Dodos. Wide.
spread sympathy is felt for the rolativee.
return Foot 1i.11 game, Brussels ve. See,
forth, in the W. Ir. A, series, was played
in the tatter town on Friday evening, the
ntteudanoe being only medium owing to
the heavy rain of the afternoon, Play
opened about 7 o'rtook, the grain being
quite moist and interfering to a certain
degree with sure shooting and passing.
Bruesele fought a stubborn battle but
were not in it any time and bad it not
been for vigorous work by the iiefeuoe
and most energetic efforts of the goal
keeper the home team would have hint a
much bigger score than is credited to
them. Soafortb rushed 5 toile th,ongb
in the first half time t0 Draseel0 one, but
our boys kept the "Hurons" in check bet.
ler in the last half only letting them asp•
tura their citadel twine while they plant-
ed the sphere between their opponent's
flags once, thb snore for the match stand-
ing 0i to 2. The weakness iu our team
was their lack of combination play while
their eturdy competitors out up almost a
faultless game in that line. Following
was the line up
Graves Goal Pearson
Miller 5 Backs { Sample
Brownlee ......... Gerry
Jackson Booker
McKay Books Per);ueoa
H. Abe rt Srnith
Dicksonhert ......: McDonald
oFor. Cameron
wards wry
T. Brownlee ...Roche
D. B. Grant, of Goderiob, was theEmReden.
fares and gave good satieteotion. This
victory for Seoforth will put them in for
a eeriee with the winners of the Easterly
trio in the same Ae000iation and we
Weald not be aaI'p te
G them Dap•
e a n
Our. the ohm 1 aht The e
P to that
1 m 11a
detoata them will
hove to beetle,
iinsinoss Looms.
admix to loan on farm eeourity.
Apply at Tim Polar,
House andlot tor sale, a gond
ettrble, Corner lot. Apply a4 Tina POST.
WANTED 500 tube butter, dash or
trade. Get 1010 that 190 and 20a better
rime. Eggs 12o. G. 70, SPINO,
Tun Bumerea.-.• Farmer] having tub
butter to sell gall at my Broduoe Em'•
porium and I will pay you the; higbeet
gash price for good tube,
Boni. TROAIeoN..
GARDICN PLANTS.—Mise. Kelly has any
quantity of garden plants for gala ioolud•.
Ing :-Tomato, cabbage oaulifower and
celery. Aleo.a large and fine oollootloo
of flowering planta. Floral designs made
to order and at reaeonable primes,.
Bargains QRonNnooszo.
osoo .zv.
Aemzeimg.—In Atwood, 'onMay 81et,1901,
to Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Andereoo, a
DENnow.—Io Brueeele, on June 19, to
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Denbow, a daugh•
BLAmtaoox—MonnreoN.—At the residence'
ot the bride's father, Lietowel, on
June 12, by Rev. J. Si. Hardie, Mr.
T. B. Blaoklook, editor of the Herald,
Dundalk, to Mies Isabella, daughter
of Mr. Jae. Morrison.
GREwAn—ZInoLIn,-In Houghton, Mioh.,
on May 27th, by Rev. Mr. Sermon,
Mo. John A. Grewar, of Rockland,
Mich., to Mise Victoria Ziegler, of
Han000k, Miob,
KELLY—HALLAHAN.— At St. Miohael'e
church, Blyth, on June 10, by Bev.
Father McMenamin, Mr. Michael
H. Kelly, of Morrie, to Mies Mary A.,
daughter ot Mr. end Mre. Wm. BGI-
laban, of East Wawanoeh..
MoGeonan—KELL9. — In Lietowel, on
June 12, by Rev. Time. Forbes, Mr.
Samuel MoGeorge, of Grey, to Mise
Sophia Clarissa, daughter of Mr. and
Mee. W. L. Kelle, Lietowel.
PELroN—Mooms.—On June 12, at the
residence of the bride's father, 2nd
con., Elma, by Rev. P. A. McLeod,
B. A., Mr. Arthur' E. Pelton, of In-
nerkip, to Mies Marion Moore, daugh-
ter of Mr. Henry Moore.
WARE—BRYANT. — In Owen Sound, on
Jane 12, by Rev. De. Langford, Mr.
Wm. Wake, formerly of Brussels, to
Mies Lily Bryant, all of Owen Bound.
BATnoIAN.—In Grey, on Monday, Jame "17,
Emily Franoee Leader, beloved 'wife
of Henry Bateman, in her 80th year.
BALLANTYNu.—In Brneeela, on June 16th,
Celina Hodgekineon, beloved wife of
Thos. Ballantyne, aged 58 years.
MADDOOx.—At Guelpb, on June 9, at the
home of hie mother, Mrs, E. H. Mad.
dook, London 'Road, P. 0. Maddock,
late of Toronto, aged 32 years.
MOKAY.—Ih Stratford, on June 13111,1901,
Wm. Moloy, formerly of Brussels',
aged 56 yeere, 10 months and 18 days.
ROHERTON.—In Brussels, on June 16th,
Bella Roberton, aged 21 yeere, 1
month and 18 days.
Bora lost, 4th line, Morrie, .about 00
feet Sena. LAW10J3NO17 wfi17'81LEX't,
,ANonrn010 of secend•band organs for
Pale or rent, aced as new,
1'k. Ll0A72111710040141,.
pR0 Pfk' ii UNi
rsae of the undorelgped Lot a Con. 12,
Croy,. on Or about May 27.11, a 2.year-old
0stoor,0011 and 70121te, with star 0u face, Tion
rogaaate4 to prove pliOPerty, pay
expone00 and take him away.
DAN DM 8071315 Brussels P,o,
,t1, TATs.—$.1000,00 will. buy the 3feO,m.
bleak in the Village of Brussels, These
shaytwo fine stomp must be sold to u1o00 0110 the
McOanghoy Ilptete, Intending purchasers
eSould investigate at mom. Apply to P. 13,
SCOTT or G. P. BLAIR,.Brussels,0yt,
Teacher Wanted.
For 8 8. N 0, 1, Grey, bolding a and Class
professional certificate, duties to 0001-
meaoe after Summer vacation. 7Oogage-
ment to be for balance of 1901. Applioante
give experience. supply testimonials and
state salary expected. Applications ramify -
ed up to June 20th. Address JNO. GRANT,
Secretary -Treasurer, B russets P.O.
Tenders for Drain.
Tenders for the McTaggart Drain will be
received by the undersigned tip to 2 0 01oek,
Tuly. 01h, 1991 -tat tlie 'Township Hall, Rawl.
Plana, specifications, &e.. may be ease at my
office. A deposit of 690.00 will be required
witheach toodar, aleoeufliclent impurity for
completion of the work,
WM. BPI1110E, Clerk,
Bthol P. O.
Tenders Wanted,
Tenders for the erection of a Jailer's
residence 10 the Town of Godorlab will be
received not later than 11 041,1001, (1.10. mss
JULY 211,1,1901. Tenders must be addressed.
to N, Lane, Oounty Clerk, Goderieh. The
building will bo of stoneand about 80 by 40
feet fu size. The material on hand to he
used in the building. Plage and epeolttoa-
bona may bo Been at the Clerk's Office.
Goderfoll, Tender's must bo sealed and
marked "Tender for the erection of a Jail-
er's resideooe." The lowest or any tender
not necessarily accepted.
Warden. Clerk.
Dated at Goderlch Jane 180h, 1901.
In 0110 Eurrea'r"o Court of the
County of Huron,
Pursuant to R.8. 0., 1807, Chap, 120, all
persona having any claims against the es-
tate of Thomas Si anode re, late of the Town-
ship of Morrie, in the County. of Huron, far-
mer, d00eae03, who died on or about the 9rd
day of Apr11,1901, ere ?squealed to mind by
mall, or deliver' to Mary Aar Maunders, at
Brussels P.O., one of the ins. miters of said
estate, on or before the 20012 day of June,
1901, a statementand full particulars of
their c101ms (duly verified 1• And notice is
hereby given that after the last mentioned
date the Bxeon tors will proceed to dietri-
Mite the assets of the .estate among those
entitled thereto, havingregard 0n1y to sumo
claimsas shall have beau received, and will
not be responsible for the assets or any part
thereof so distributed to any person of
whose claim notice shall not have been re-
ceived ut the time of such distribution.
Agent for the Executors.
Dated at Brussels, June lit, UM. 90.9
Requ!siles Cur
e Ba1V
Bath Brushes,
Sea Salt,
Toilet Waters,
&ai, C
, SCC.
A Nice Assortment
Ar r ---
Fox's Drug Store
Binder Twine.
SEASON 1901.
'PA panne' 8PD01:AL" binder twine sup-
plied to 9armere Only at 8o nor lb, in two-
uehel, cotton, 10•oz. grain bone, bound with
two rope snap halters, and weighing 00 lbs
each, length over 0001eet per pound, quality
and length guaranteed, Cash with orders,
purehae00 pays freight.
Address orders J. T. GILMOIIR, Walden
Central Prison,'9oroo to, Further particu-
lars address Jamas Nixon, Inepector,Parlta-
wontBuildiuge, Toronto,
Toronto, Juno 8, 1901, Provincial Secretary.
Notice to creditors.
Io the molter of George Campbell Green,
of the Township of Grey, in the
County of Huron, Farmer, an In-
solven t,
Notloe ie L•eroby given that the above
named George Campbell Green has made
an assignment to me Moiler the provisions
of Chapter 147,10. 8: 0..1807, of all his estate
and efreote in trust for the benefit of all his
A meeting of the creditors of the said es-
tate is hereby convened and will bo held at
the law offices of Blewott & Bray at Li0tow•
el, Ontario, on Saturday, the 20th day o1
Tone, A.D.1000, at 2 o'olook in the afternoon
for the appoiutmont of inspectors and the
giving 011 directions with reference to the
disposal Of said estate,
All creditors of the said estate are hereby
required to 1110 their claims with my 8o110-
itors, Bleweit it Bray, Lietowel, Ontario, (as
throated by the said Statute) on or before
the day of such meeting. After the lab day
of August, 1001, I °bail proceed to distribute
the said estate having regard only to snub
Maims asI shall haveuotioe ofas aforesaid
and I hall for the assets
s out be r responsible a as e
person the said a rson OC anrypart a m or t0 Guy
shl or a persons whose claim or claims
shall not hare been duly filed.
Dated at Lietowel this 18th day of June,
A. D. 1901.
ANDRBW DUMB, Moorefield,Ont•,
By BLEWETT & BRAT, Listowel, Ont.
40 2 Solicitors for Aasigueo,
Victoria Park,
When a First-class Program, Novel, .artistic and Entertaining wi]1 be presented.
Among the Attractive
Features will be the
Gymnasts, Pantomine Artists and Acrobats. •
They are a whole Show in themselves.
Will be on hand with a Thrilling High Wire Performance with Bicycle, during which Sen-
sational and Acrobatic Feats, Juggling, Contortions, Gymnastics, &c., are introduced. a
Who swallows a Sword 2 feet long, seven small swords 18 inches long, Walking Cane, &a,
will appear and will also give Ventriloquil Harangues with his "Blockhead Family." Mr.
Clarke is highly recommended by Manager Hill, of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition.•
Clarke offers $26 if Sword Swallowing is not genuine.
A Base Ball Match, wingham vs. Brussels and Foot Ball Match, Mildmay vs. Brussels,
The Celebrated
' Will be played and Well Contested Matches are promised.
48th 1g lax:alders' and Pipers' Band
From Toronto, will supply choice Music for the day and will give a grand Concert Program in the evening of both Vocal and Instrumental Selections. No more Popular Musical Organization is to be
found in Canada to -day than the Highlanders' Band. They are well worth going miles to hear,
Program commences at 10 a, m. and will be continued during afternoon and evening.
J. T. BOSS, Chairman,
J4S. IEWIJV', Secretary.
No one should miss the Demonstration as an l 1 day's fun is guaranteed
.L✓IIR Treasurer: