HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-20, Page 7,
1 �. 1. .._._:.,.�- kh�iaate �landpoint, `1'hny live . �.,,,.. _ ~'
a l ' N u � NAVY ABOUT i 'A� N gRgR A �py�1p� p ", and zGany as � � waz- 9 °T I6 �E �� " ' � ..
N ,..- ` r"'""" r 1,1V 1 �'„� W [# J.laxiiwth br f?U'$h L' xN1 p9al'". 1XIIII +y ._ .. ... .
�Pti4- tlND IYiII 1TA�,nRX IIIRWS 9b ]VlItSS'iritiRTI3 MAWS ZMPRE$SIOIVS �Y �aw up Y1 H11 �uP / f elatilataJn tlzo ttuWin svllii wariiltD u, Bland or tea that is always dependable, always best sad is in CQ:stat= 00mmad,
THE BRATISH tir11IFIRA, OT THE RIG SHOW. �'� � �? ��pg,,¢� spenLAol:vs cul an arena titan will ae- THAT IS THE 1#I1VA
1 P- " W W L4 , ! �bw&tcad adatry 10,000 +poop}e, NTany Of rho
I.01 M Indlaui i#tclastaie„y ire N,.i&ent4d,
'. Cost 4 AtporirIl°i Will
aiitl ,lrnlat40at lxlilxl#Ii131a Are illagdt Iblill -� Aunda's amc-4.99t athed'a basket and blanket' -"LLA CEYLO-11N
114A Otutrda lYlxt lxava j aPors- Over InOvornntUllL W li.xt,##r#ts - e,uspaa's ,�d�y g p r pep r tt e� p }'( weavia.g ua a in bvitlanao, wbllst ilio I
sltaxrs to Conrso air Oons#ruction•-GaId ,3Prita4 Foruats—Tl}o Tadtar} Congress- i+'"'1► usrTY0 U �Hty' o G Lp ,l ply s,
Fart I p In.dlan poCtcs and silversmith turn Lead packages,
aerated, cont Tribes ler ro out 9=0 ver artistic wa1'09. ftf one p' Irages, 3�, dP, }o, O and On Oants,
Of rho tet y -
9,M.S.sDIadeetA,Lrfirst-class Cruiser; y°tarn vxau S {Pleat all drinkers of .Machine -Made Tea et. No tea an ]eeo a ma n}•Eleent 11 a rte•-, _ ._. ,
Thn Pon-,A.movioan x p _ _ _ .__ --,, .-"--
O g e
4Cty o1'd'o.l. to Bolohdrop. avau, to cajole tht+ p "iltion has ptire, VPYl1ClOsorne or e09119i#]1Cttl, Su ei'Iat' e i a 4041 of Indian xO11*4 is displayed i the ba9troea ta,8JxlPau yo,ar
h ail. Squadron. been inaugurated, More that} 100,000 P. 1V U ental vale, iq llaid to be 18D 000, I YOU Wan' eVT�69, RBOy, 01ULTAY, APPLIES. other lRVITOland PH00R10pr,o
IneI.dt .PO snit all varieties of tastes. Amongst the many disttnguiehed The D�,�d►rf':kon Cs'Q�il'D'6misst4er1 Co. Ltmlool)OnWFip °'io ou�oa"ad
1VIr, II, Si Vet+n. 2ij1, a Haar student People lucre present at i:he dadioA- r ptlnaeases the Sunbeam, tine wife of
of St. John's Collage . Cambridge, has lion cereazl'onies, Vico-bras, Roose- _. -- - _.__.-.,- —. Chief Eagle Lye, has
'-' - --'” """ — "
been elected peesidont of .the Cam- - -- - _
yelt> Sen0.tAa Lodge And hi01At01}ant Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead THE LONG i..,-4-.°f,.,t-,.-o..-,,°O•o•✓q°1,Q.e°.-s°.-°/�.,°H1°of/.f°!°°°s°OM,P°PR°.-!°OeNoi °lOrl.°pM900°!°°!°•!{PL.!
bridge, Dation. T PDDIG1ZEgSARADA. .S* ♦ .. + . ° • • * + r + . a r +°! . . a . t . + s,
Governor • woodxwff •delivered the l?ZI ets' onl BI
, It }s anticipated that the armour, amenCng 'addiosseH. Congratulations Ce 1 Y• Aak,l°lixed, Uncolored She is a pxLeOws of the Winnebago �g Pnintyaui•ltousenow; don't delay, .#�
pxCing fond nrinatnent of the battle- Yon Grein. Free samples sent. rlbo, hat her another was a Tn$- . PAINT
i; longer. Preserve it; brighten It E
wore sent by the, Governor-General oP. Address "SAI.ApA;" Toronto, �anara, a sister to John Mount plea w Improve your property Sa par teat...
over .EO0U,000. Port; will cost Canada, sent, head chief of the Iroquois con IN Il adding a lrlprtle of our Dpop c nt, s!
The fust -class orris -
--^----- �- ---- — „-.,,_ Eedeteutiau. 6ho was also a viers: of ,i, paint, mado to keep Houses front °
s ,'Ili' Bulwark .tit Devon
er Talbot has The b agivif.be of the Ralnbaty City Mr. Jobn 1llactarlane,. of Canada Pa- Gansa•al Ely S. Parker, a tilt -blood .. � gcans to decay, and la make homes ,"
bnen caminiasionaci for service on the are xnagnisLCeut anU pioturosqua... Seneca Indian, who tuns General ;; S m beauttt'ui, '�
,mow s .�: _ Pur Co,, xsPaxtf; -the result of hIs
Chinn ��atjom, where who is to They ldse'likn fairy palaoes in the sib -- ohacxvaL•ion8,in England and Europe Grnz1L's military secretary during the , y yl s ?6 ;` s ^e' °0
rho l3onaveutua o. Civil War in the United States, and mss ltal '�y 7� •� °t
1, " I a even tl •,• w �"� ` 9 T
midst of ihsir ,sombre surraundinga. _ y that Great Britain and the aft;awnttds Cammisefoner of Indian 11 Tile command of. the Ist Battalion, On entering the gates the eye is glad -� Ills oontes}ont form _ a market that will .;. +,• i 1\ANSA d S PAINT
stand at least half a million tons of Affairs, NIa]a wan educated at the 4e.- `� ' .-
on to tient, dcned by the harmony of form and col- Pulp per annum,
Soata Guards has beew. 91-
Thomas Institute, Nevv You k, and is `
(tel. Hon. 0, Haxlbord, by the promo- Or that is everywhere in evidence. Tn- i Zn the Arahasalondo i a tvoanan Of eat ability. -.> i y`a tic ,fi 1 is a manoy-saver because it lasts ��',
tLon of Colonel 1a al Building the great 9 She speaks C7 ' @ l n longer, keeps color better, sops
Paget do Majoa•-Gon- side these g],gant}o buildings have 't S• • 'Ontario collection. has a Dn, Bush, :German, }Vinnaba o, Sene-
aral. g w moi: prominent q � v
been gathered together the rosnits of 1 ' '� ' cu and Tascawora flucnCt g .�. �� ,b, further than any other and is rapt .
pIaao, Inotieed in the A•robaeologi- y, and plays r dear to commence with, Dealers °-.
Officers aro umxiowsly awaiting the i ApST cal Art Gallery, a canvas Gx4 feet, twelve diffowent musical instruments „o''° ; have it, Send to us for our ltd.
nen .xxf ro'ress. There we She has travelled through Naw and .'•e °i'' r BOOKLET nen, Infantry Drill Beak, whish, it re- P g,. QMPI E by T. W. S. Forster, of Toronto. Judg- >V4 ( . 4
o' . aPealta trio, will xotaoluticnfse °oat Deco -me acquainted with the bast t ', 0 ins from thD interest taken already Old Mexico, and visited all the larger ° " :.r • about dints and beautiful homes. I
pp �. Cities of the United States, from the ;' ;'`.^..{!, p
then _eaiuin+g of the B.ritith soldier. that Pan -America has been able to tt : • ti:, t chs l�aiaxting it will no doubt at- Pacific tract a goad deal of attenLcon later iPi Coast to the Last. She mar- `ri ¢(p �s
e It -itf Che inEantion of the author- Praduao sbneo Lho aolnbat math the ���tO �4�
? • when properly piing and lighted, It ried George 11. Faers't, a white man, s� { `�5,�'. t _ A. SPS S S t#
,.Lies to iacmoaso the Guards to 12 bat- primeval EaresC Bogan. The progress q PAINT xC
is called, who lived among tLo Indiaps since . .'' ;:,Qp` ! ria; n MAKERS, 9
talieuts, and else at no distant date and clevcLapinant hnvO Bann mnrael C �� "HIA1vr1TIIA'S VISION.- boyhood. IIs 1LL'tln duwghter'a name ;,
to uturter at least three of these at lois, for in this great country "Nen, „ o The r is Hook -se first born ; she is 1/Cgr7 SRFi] Lit. '
q ,. N '
great Inala:n Wessilab is repre- L' .
Aldershot, Ideas" are 'Act brushed or nipped in rented standing on the share Of a now five ?yenxa old, and has been gaV- Cutlet 1842.
TliC 1 lava arwisar, second-class, lata the bud, but are regarded as the most i i lake from which the mists r morn-
rn thz na•mt Of Shur-a-won-ku, whfeh a a ,
• R in English mteans Money 011•1. Inside:+`-°.°e.,D..a.'•y+.°.'a0a�°.,.'o..'°..•'•.'9 °°•°•..•°�•o�sod. �e°�.•�•°� �w�w�.,�°°�o.�•.�e �.°�a�ui;+�JN�oPdr07,.o s
seniotr officer's ship an the south-east SACRi1Is POSSESSIONS ' % g are lifting, above him towers a the emlmuxe is the exact teproduc-
coast of Amemica, is cin box way home They are carefully investigated, nur- great
Pine-crowned bluff, 1=10 hands _
tion of n Council house, avhars the
from b2O tevidea. She has been re- UUU a� extended fez rvcl°amo taward9' the 973,000 people a year receive free Teacher-Jlahnmy, what is the nems
lured, and in nine oases out of tan b2e•Oicinc Klan will cit and make me- al the p
ldOved new,
the gimeor Cambrian. Black 13obe hvho comps tut a Canoe dicing for thb• safe return of his lien- madical attendance in England, com- Principal river in Egypt? John -
(PhD ne!w, regiment aE Irish Guards materialized. It mny be �omOtimes at through the mists of morning, On pie to 'tile forests they love so well Pared with only 290,000 in Prance ny-Tbe Nile. Teaehar-Thet's right;
a 1oss,.but the American does not the horizon in the brilliant sunrise Now, 'Comm
ih at ran distant date to have pipers is seen the dim Shadow of a cit and the coat of these French invalids q, you mag name tL'e
mind that; his motto is "Nothing`van-1 � Commission y-• - is only £58,000, compared with Nile's smaller tribmteries, Tommy...
attached, danearl to those wvhich wore civilization canting in the wake of £150,000 spent in medical relief in 'Tialsal'ils'st
Tommy -
introduced nearly halt A century tore, nothing win."Christianity. The artist received his � FRAGRANT Ireland.
Since to the bands Of the Scots Guards Canada will be well repralonted at A SNAP TO LIVE AG8NT8 in ovary local- inaPixation from Longfellowv's Poem: � For Over Fifty Years
at the suggestion of the late Prince the Exhibition, The Dominion GeV- Sales aext toitho Ilibllo niilusb sells on eight'
is 0'ox Lits waters, floating, flying, IHR$. w1RaLa1ve S0QTn Q SyRvr has been n9pd 1y
Alboxt. ernmont is erecting ,A pAvilion,whicb lava free. Big Commission, .}at oil Saannthtn9 in the hazy distance, SPECIAL TRAIN TO SAN FRAM- zfafonaatmattnratorl�airohildren white toetlin@','
I The "Gazette,, anaounees that the g ad, and apply at once for exclusive terrl.' Something in the mists cif mornfng, lt9ootho9the rhitessoftens tiiestonla ewna.aliayepaee ' ea
VV CISCO. wend echo reor Dia the stomach dna Uowane and ;e t 11
is rapidly advancing under the super- tory to L namOd and lifted from the Water ;� beatremadyPor Diarrheas. Twenty -flue canis a bbty}6
Iimg has been grraciauslq pleased to �Edtnanaon BatOSPup'g. Co.,Toronto, Ont,, l�*Cyv soem0d floating, note icemed fly- p' For Canadian delegates and all Ilsi,l r' airiti }vuveaolwha ub ua ll., ld. Ma cure dna
appabal: Major George Frederick Che- intendenoe as J. Hutchinson, Esq.,
nevix-7aench tabs Hoa Majesty's Con Canadian. Commissioner, The pavdl- en'g, a parfeet Ilflt,ad do8tlfrice for the others going to the Lpwortlt League _ _ ;,,.1
J Y' ranged by T. W. Gibs an_ Esq., Dircc- Carving nearer, nearer, nearer. Convention, via Chicago acid North- Of 1,882,3;0 Dp.ra;,;n:s at' present fn
sol-Genemal for alto Prawnces of I{bor- ion will.contain .some very interesting for Of the Bureau of Mbnns of Ontario. THE MIDWAY. Western Railway, to leave Chicago reviaipt of poor rallof in the '[7nit-
nssan and Seestani to treside at Me- exhibits. able forestry exhibit hits been proper- Bs ,,qq Tuesday, July 9tlr,, 11.5^v p. m. od I{ist
shy' The Ontario Government is making y homes Southworth, Esq., Di.- Amongst the midway entertain- 89th and Mout gdont, 4flfl,000 are over 85 years
; The Bnitfsh warships in course of rector of forestryfor Ontario, and the menta perhaps the most interesting Stops will be mado at Denver, C01- o,f age,
faun exhibits The fruit, live stock archaeological ehibit has been or- from every Point of view is given New Size SOZODONTLIQUID ,25c orado Springs, Glenwood Springs �_
Construction number nineteen, in°lud- and agricultural products are icing ranged b David Boyle, Es Curet- by the Indian Congress. Such are SOZODONTT04TflPOWDER,25c and Salt Lake, passing an route the Beware of Ointments for Catarttl�
iaug 019111 first-class battleships, and superintended by 0. C, TuXnas, Esq. tar of th oArcha:eolo9 cal Department. resentative group of American In- Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75c � finest scenery m the Rocky and that eolltain HlereuP
firsty-tw glass armoured cruisora,and dians, has never before been. at Sierra Nevada Mountains. Through y
Deputy DLinister of ' Agriculture, and Th Ontario mineral exhibit is a re- gathered At all Stores, or byNaa Por the price. Pullman Palace and Tourist Sloop- so mercury will surely destroy the sansq f
thirty-two at private yamds, inclurling Ontario Commissioner for the Pan- ,elation and brings vividly before togethelr. Not only do many of them yALL RUCkgL, Montreal. in Cars. Crier berths smell andcompletelyderange thowbolesystann,
Pivo battlesbips find eleven first-class American Eshibetion. The mineral thr People the vast m?neral wealth of strand at the head of the greatest — g i s early, as when enoorhtgitthrough themucous surfaces,
alta sera, or a total of fifty -ono. exhibits have been collected and or- Canada, which yielded 0 05,000,000 iufbes in the States, but themselves party will be limited in number. Such articles should nev4r, be used except on
Gold medals @tav!e been Fare oil $50 round tri with • proscriptions from ro utaD}ephysi (ane, as thaw
Y P, damage they lVilldo Stan told to o good yon
presented to worth last year, 1900. This exhibit WHAT HE WOULD CALM, t2 t
Herbert Gear — - will convince then American public choice of routes returning. Send can possibly derive fromthom, l�rf!1'sGatarrh
ge, able seaman, H.M.S.
�! n�j Counsel for the Plaintiff, bolus stamp for, illustrated itinerary and o�e,maaufaaturedtyF.J.Chane doCo..To=
Orlando and EdhVard Turner, leading ; 11,11 in these growing times Canada ie PITI �L. ASS €i i map of San Francisco to B. H. $en- lode, 0., contains no mercury, and lv6 taken in,
beak from Infar�c the bast pbace for 31 anxious $o discredit a hostile wit_ u tarnallt; eating directly upon the blood gut
seaman, H.M.S.heirConi m, a fu tacos- TT j UCBS'e evidence, remarked that the nett, Gen'1 Agent, Icing St. East, raucous osurrfaces o be system.
sou 'ptIn buying nation of their heroism, at Taku on SOLID TN PICSTbLFSTs. �1T��11 GRI Toronto, Ont., 1 g
Xuale 22, 1900. A Chinese junk filled This forestry exhLiAt consists of tree occurreuce described by the witness - #ao. itis tokenintarnAlle, and made in Toioflg
Ohioby F. 7. Cheney K Co. Testimonials
With British and American wounded sections and a bordai•ed ext 1110 miraculous. � y
Caught fire and was drifting,the al- THE UNFORTUNATE CONDITION OF Lsked ands planks' naCura nufa fun- free.'g
au anL•s bout in peril specimens O of manufacture It must have been a miracle-eh7 Kinard's Liniment Cure3 Dandruff. ggp,aFaD.rmfFgPID'spwathebeatbOttle.
P g grave aril g at MISS ERNESTINE CLOUTIER. ed articles made in Ontario from the ',Child at the Age of two a Cri be said, turning to the man. �'--
awEul death, The sai.laxs at great different kinds of tim;bor. .Amongst g P' g Ssxhafn'-Yes, perhaps you wouldn't Teacher -What is the iumctiem of
personal risk steam to the junk and other manufactured articlea, are Pled Victim of Disease. The witness, shaking his head, tlninl; it, bmC IAC Pouxhlnr, the musi-
boarded her. _Their action helped to As She Grow older nor Troubles Became nacre canoes of bass wood, cedar and birch said he did not know what a miracle clan neer there, plays entirely day the'bran fn the blood ? Tommy Tuck -
save many IiveY. Pronounoed—ooatore Sate Her Case Vies Ono bark. Artioi" of furniture have F.due. T.athUgru, of tlavepsteud, Y. D.• telt was. car. SOEtbeli;h--Is it 'possible? Is that eT-It's ttthat makes the finger units:
1 During the inspection of :a draft of General Debility, and Hold Out Small Holed been made t0 s'lyo'w. the merits of and broke two ribs—injured the utd- ' what makes 'am set large?
Canadian birch for treatment in high ansa and Diabetes noveloped-xbudd,a Oh, come, said the counsel. Sup••
Of about two hundred Duke of Corn- mt Resovaly_she Is Now wall dna Strong- Classeosin `
wall's bight Infantry,b Colonel W. A reason for Perants, goods' Kidney Pills In uartng the Kidneys g You were looking out of a ,i
Y There its also an extensive exhibit of straightened injured eptne, window on the seventh storey of a Kmard's Liniment solit everywhere, I believe MINARD,,S LINIMENT
S. Clarke, at Davenport, previous to From the Telegraph, Quebec. pulp and paper in connection with the
their departure for South Africa, a vast spruce resources of Ontario. We Hampstead, N.B., June 10.--Speeial. building and were to fall. out and not "-- will cure every case of Diphtheria.
lance -corporal stepped forward and No discovery in medicine in mod- learn from Geo. Johnston, Esq., Do- Little Edna . thinrn of this Piaci be injured, what would you call ,Tim ehcnfeage of the mercantile M14S, REUB,EN BAKER.
ern times has Bono so much to bring minion statistician, that in the can- that? mlvy of the fJnal?nd Kingdom is 9,- f believe MINARD'S LINIMEN7a
made a complaint as to separation back the rich low of health and the sus of 1871, has had a sad experience for a child 104,D00 tons; of the °thee nix Potters wall
nllowvaaraes to wiwes of men tubo had 8 pulp mills terra not men- produce growth of hair.
returned from the war and having natural activity of health,, young throned. In 1881 and 1801 the eensms so young. She is now nearly eleven An accident, was the stolid reply. Ocmbined 9,070,000 trots, MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON,.
nxaTried off the, atren�gtbi were order- womanhood to weak and ailing girls returns shiowed the,
he following pulpYears old, LE?ght of her fe•w, short Yes, yesl but what else would you --- Stanley P.E.I.
r ed to the front' again. dolonerl Clarke as has Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. mI11>; Ylears have; been passed under the sad- call it? Well, suppose you did the lYlinard'S LiBiinont Cures Burns, etc. f t believe MMITARD'S LINIMENZ
I'llitemised that the matter should be Girls delicate from childhood have year No. Capital Empioyas OntpnE dent aloud possible in life. same thing the next day. Suppose s ho best household• xeunedy on earth.
inquired into. used these pills with remarkably teat s st,too as s 11"o. you looked out of the seventh -stere --- MATTHIAS FOL> Y.
banolicial effects, and the cherished 2691 2t 1.91016Z 1,06 l,osl,aio, At the ago of two the ohiid met S y �Vestmomelaind is 1110 healthiest I2ivardalp, Oil City, Out,
A Cemtain arca of additional land window and fell out again, and i
daughter of many a household has Since 1891 the increase has been with' un accident Whioh left her with again found yourself uniajured. Now corunty in England: Its death -rate
stiluated at Shipton Hants, on the been transformed from a pain and still more rapid, and during the last two vibe broken, split off at the back what would you call that? an 18.4 per 1,000. The average dor
borders of Salisbury Plain, being re- sickly gftl into a happy and robust year or two it iii s been difficult to bane. Though they nv.exn set and heal- A coincidence, said the witness, all En;glntnd s 17.0.
quit"XI by tbs Wnr Office low the condition by their use keep track of the new, enterprises be- A come Howl alta lawyer began 6. —
training of 'troops, the Secretary of Among the many who have regain gun and old establishments enlarged, ed liar little body, did not: straigbten. again. 1 wnut Wiltshire, Hunts, anmltrbd
State for vvar, had The dtffarent kinds of wood suitable For e' you to understand Cheap Sound Trip Rate Between ge, and
�givem notice of a ed health and strength through the eight pears she could hardly walk, what a miracle is, and I'm sure you St. Paul nd the Pa- Suffolk aro the most sober counties
local inquiry tin bj be ns t at Andover, use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pails is for the manufacture of pulp are white being almost doubled Up. The aceid- do. Now, just suppose that on the 'Minn.,' in England,
to hear tiny objections to tlio propos- Miss Ernestine Cloutier; the fifteen and .bback spruce, balsam, poplar, as- cific Coast.
ad pturchane' year old daughter of Mr. G. A. Clou- pan and Pine- spruce and i>alsam befog dent affected her >yidueyB dna iia- third day you were looking out of 0
the most valuable on account of the betea set fn. Diabetes is e. pasiticu_ tine same window and fell out and 1100111-Couee°AVo¢us
Tho tat battalion Li the Irish tier, residing at y. 8 Lallemand. struck On July 6th the Northern PacInc ������ �'���� MONTREAL.
Guards', commanded by LiauL: Calciol street, Quebec cit .bit•. Cloutier in special quality of their fibro and also laxly dangerous farm of Qfdnayr Your head on the pavement
trouble, in this caro particularly rev- seven storeys below and were not in Ry, will place in effect a low first- Family lrotol rates $1.80 per day..
R. J. Oo Par hes loft being
tChelsea Bax- an i e Tel g with a representative an comparatively
account of Chair colour. These etre by nature of injures to the spine. the least injured, what would you class round trip rate of $45,00 from
mucks for Pir batt, being the first of the Telegraph gave the following comparatively soft wood are easily The Tamil dootor was of course call it?
ground. y , When you write to an advertiser aper him that of the Guards battalions to encamp account of his daughter's illness and g .eastern terminals to Seattle, Ta- you caw his advertisement ha this papQr. Itle to,
j thane ib' !POPLAR AND ASPEN Consulted. Het diagnosed Aver ease Three timese said the witness your Interest to do so, as our Peace are treated
., � tet .year. 'tire battalion, :which recovery: "Almost from infancy my correctly, but couldn't corp it. She rousing a ]attic fl•om his apaei�hy, °Oma and Portland. Dates 0f sale-Tonaetiy and eaaved With the boat.
fj Otns .been in existence just a year, daughter. had not enjoyed good (have the sams quality, but they are WAS sent to the Public, ,Hospital at Well, :I'd call that a babit,. at eastern •terminals wile be from ^^^
numbers at Pirbrnght about nix pun- health, her constitution bolus of a faulty an acooitnt of knots and black St. Jahn, in thohopaS that the great- Oounscl gave it uP,, July 8th to July ] 8th inclusive, and _-�_
i &ad officers and men, and wilt goon fraiil Character, We did not pay veins wvlhich spoil the color of the em skill and facilities there would _ �� the final limit for return will be Aug. C t0�®
be on.- expanded fao¢n sin to night com- tnucln attention to her weakness as paper. Pine, which in the earlier avail. They could do nothing far her. thst, l lima Destination must be
¢raaiea we thought that she would outgrow t ta9es of the development of wvood The authariti:ss advised t•1le mother to Sic unt of 1,000 B.ri,ticth, marriages reached not later than July 18th, 6
1. • It, Unfortunately this Was not the pulp, was used in fax this greatest take tha child home to nurse her and are performed fat synago8"uus, OS5 in stopovers being allowed IN L'TTHER �ALVER� S
NOT DELIVERED FOR, REASONS case, and as she grew older she be- proportion, is noAv uslad only in thra give heir AngLcan churohos.
STATED. came so weak that I of alarmed at manufacture of chemfaal, goad care ,while she lived, _-_ DIRECTION within the transit CARBOLIC
g Pulp. O which would not be very long. limits.
her condition. For days at a time gives A good pulp, but the process re- CChe suffering of the little one was CALIFORNIA AND RETURN. This offers an unsurpassed oppor- OINTMENT. #�pY
That• some of the postal oillcials silo was unable to take out of doors qudred to b10ac11 it is somewhat ex; heart-rending to the mother and On July 5th to .12th, the Wabash tunity for those rleshing t° hunt INTas EN p
in country places display all unne- exercise; she became listless, her ap- pensive. Besides, the wood is toe friends. She cried with pain night Rnilroad rvill ,sell round tri ticicats new Nomas and farms i o into the For Sit FIlf1 $I
coesary areOunt of interest in their potito failed her, and as time went huh P g S imelltse
9 'Priced to be u ad profitably in and day. The mother grew desperate to San Franci800, California, at sin- northwest and look over the coun-
chtC}es is shown by the followiu on she could not stand without sup- the magpirfaoture of paper. and dnLaxauined she would find a cure gle first°lass fare, good t0 return try, or for those Wishingtca visit 0. G• Calvert d Go., Manchester, England
story, Which has tate merit of being porting herself against something With the low rates that have ruled fpr her child if it tock every cent any time up to August 31st, 1001. relatives or friends or Co ake plea -
true. and at times she would. fall in a. for paper for some years manufactur- she, possessed. Diagram of to
sleepers now sure trips, to do so,
Ill a certain village the Postage faint. I called in a doctor, but: his err re%acre wood of small value if it Ghe saw Dodd's Kidmey; Pills advei� ready, SLOP over an route west of
business is traneaatod at the general medialno did not help her and slid can be obtained without sacritioo of tised and Immediatelypurehased same, first Colorado point. Everything -�- -s BHra. ahoP, at which a particular family was growing weaker than ever. An- length oil fibre. -When the chemist pram the first theyvera i,euta30mt. d 0404
aro in the habit of obtaiiifng their other Pbysfalon was then consulted hit upon spruce and helsam and found The. little will be firstclass and Up-to-date.•
. i provisions, who pronounced her case ono of on- themsuUable in every respect for the gni commenced to get hot- This will be by far tltc most Cour 87fl'l t e polis conic, Una the g- tnslrurnt nta, Drums, uniforms, Etc,
g tbr. Every day saw ail improvement. tics of the police of the United Ring- one Occasion the usual weekly oral debility, and gave me, very little production of the ideal cheap paper, Dadd'a Kidney Pills wore doing Cho prehensive trip ever offered to visit dem in a year. RV�I$v TOU4`td CAN HAVE R SAPBB
calor had been given. hope for her recovery. Some mOtnths and Commercial men realized that week. Six boxes in all were used and this golden lend in Ch sunshine and Lowest prices seer qnoted. Flno ratnlognp
Ili duo course titb socia were inti,; ago while reading one of the daily Inose woods waro Comparatively once more Diabetes was conquered. traiflowns. Iron rechatfng chants on all '�-- 590iilustrations,maitedPree, writaueforany
1 °rod with one exception -viz., a haze. Papers I came across the case of a cheap, quick as .growth and wall to-' Not only That trot with the return trnans, a,. thing in 1➢note ar elaxtval lustruntents,
anted for the needs of Commerce, the Full particulars at NVabasll Ofilco. / " Toronto, Ont and
1, a member q the family onllecl at Young Raman cured by the use of World know mt length, after fill the of health the spine Commenced is to c g �'" � �hc�le�T Ropes u°f Co., ivinntp0g, Man.
the Shop to inquire the reason of rho Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, so I drtnr- g strai. htou. The little North-east corner Xing aatci Yong° ,�"0"�`��'
l., B girl is gzow
emission, and was aomowhat amused: mined to give them a trial. Attar centuries of seeking, that the right aalanosl physically Qtrxleot. Saya the streets, TObonto• This signature is on every box of the gonuine _
to hear the she had used about t:hrea boxes tine piper, meeting all the requzromsnty .grateful another do J. A. Richardson, �1 DaaH,ae Hron.,
propzietor's oxpltuzatiwl' }} ic1 been invented. .It was onl 7}ar awn words: , 1,R8t1Ye �POIa10a 1#lllYlae TahlQte zslAaetaldset,
Oh, said he, Inc and my Wife road color began to come back to her y nee- " There is nothing to be cOmptired Dist. Pass. Agt, the tamed Chat ranrem cold i>e ams t1n •��� �����S Tnaonra, pax i
the postcard addressed to you, say- cheeks and she began to scot, usaaxy to find the land w.a .had rho to Dodd'a Kidney Pills. We thank (7roil -" - y _ i AOsN.I'S CVANTED-Tt5'bNTI 11OLL"S
Ing that the friends you °xpegted to stronger, Greatly encouraged .by nese optica and thF best facilittrss for + vVe henxd of them. lGdna [s naw full CANARY STATISTICS. - it week-Ragular eustomarsi fre3ahtchargea
tea couldn't conte. Wo thought you this, she continued to use the pills the pta}nat[on of the most profftat7lo+of Calor, anus and pla..vs about as 5l in 1,000 men who = try are Inn- prapaid; CUM free or returnable; no oapi•
g y pulp, whish aL the Same time filled About 2G0,000 cautery birds are dor 21, and 103 per 1,000 vuomett lupe t4tl required, exclaslve territory. G, Marshall
d. - wouldn't want the iruln, so rvO didn't far sovoral months and now she is � ofcolo,r, rung andptays att0ut.(,asmart Co, taainnperters, Lon Ion Ont,
y girl a her now
Her the requi.remonts of paper users. The Smart as a whip, wheiro niton she eves raised every year in Germany, Hurl, mcttr are nzutyler age.
send ill fLs Well as an I y �700 batt, -A fine hundred cord farm is
land of the spruce trop, as of the pine, ` besides the 100,060 birds thnt elle }�,
Jack 1) -By (with urtrvonted en- thirtY fl fs pond and size igh gained is Canada. In accordance With a great a punt little thiols as pA1n as a ghost:' sent to America, the lGriglish market `- -�— 1T, T•turon reality, near G,Fodorirh, Good
1,luislastn)-B,v Jove. I see that thirty -live pounds int weight. Dr, lee of th- v �7 a 7 'buildings, good fences, well watered and un- .
Willfanta' Pfzzic Pzlls have ,built ftp vegetable kingdom that s aysaca takes alrottt 50,000, incl the next llgj(j^drtl'3liininlCntltCliCFC3IVetli'al la dardrolread,largo orchard,now¢stoland,
sons° fellow is talking about intra- Plants And trees attain their highest best cli,.omors arc Drazil. Ching, erwIlatant lhts.onenns,arop. Apply, Wu,
_ dating a bill into the Houso malting .her system and have made her excellence, along the northern limit of °r their ancestors have ;Cfgured prom- the Argentine RepuLlie, and Austria, "- GouLn, C1t (Vico Ont,
it a ntisdemeanor .to Solid anno zll heiLlthy and active after doctors fail- their inently in the history of the coin- J;xpIorcrs lw,mN appr°achud iN(: h 3 i
y g grawtle. to Which Country agents are soot m„Lis of tlba worth Tal.,, but the noir-
t, totters ,to anybody, Very ciovm ed to boneflL iter. I believe that Dr. toy. Mr. Gaines, the snanagfng cd rec- with lar FP
B®�fi4�dR hW°IllFIA'a� 1CVilIiams' Pink Pills are the reatesL TH1; SPIiiUCE OF CANADA' tar, desixns ge mtutbers 0f birds Query exit a Ea d0 69 tl:edD@� Sly(idea t, for. I'll have my tailor loch- g groat credit for the pa- Ppiroarrh to the Suath Las 'bran
act up for six months, by Jovel known medicine for growing girls irto naturally enough, believed to be lienee and pemsevel•auce ha has dis- yC� 77” auil,em a
the, bast. Six For made n Goode, suit, iu Ctmh, vait•et, sB
Joiutuy I saw alight between a tinct I would adv3so titbit use int all Experiments proved alio played in �ALhering tog that' nearly '� or Fors and a 1, valuable hoi ao 2iangi°gs, nathle
belief to li sound, The United 400 Indiana from d3 different tribes, to ogaal 16 It does by the
cat and a rat today, Salty-Ii°w, cases similar d sot of my dwugh- °
StA nes of North Ama1ma 1taV0 drirga. Thn pili -loan 'c1rt8"'brOkan 1r Ly Pram- ,,}!� HGITISA 11;.iZRIOAH BY121n4 CO., Montreal,
r1icl it end? Johnny -After Lha so- t°r, s' , e ^* P
h#ass Cloutfer's story should tiring spruce forestit anal a very large de-. iieo to the Indian ao often that the r'7� ~
cant} round tato cat
wasn't in it, hand far pulp
•+• Sully Nonsense J0lutny--Nat at' hope to many thousand$ of othet' State-, nr, p wand. The iUntted•I red anon hesi;tatoa before leaving his v.. t>.a " �'RBP' i Ion I�.Bne St:tr?uaifi'l$jlEfpH
a pap manufacturers have reserve l but Mr. Gafnes makes no tt�� G� . ntoat,bai to TAT.1pool, nest.. to TA at,
ill. Tito rat ,vas in it, that is, in young girls who sulTer as silo did, lauud it ro (� (% l TL' a l+°t pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens.
the eat. 1'ItOso who arc Pal°, lack appetite, p linable to aozno to Canada Ea1sn aepreseutations and nitvaya court.
su0'nt troth headaches and far the wood, and in 1899 imported peeps lily 04� Large sad ira,t8teaatebtpe, Supatibr acoommadatiort
Mamma, said a small palpita- 1 tpsomfse, For ibis reason
girl, wh frown Canada noarl 1 .yy.���� ��I lot au Q1as,•e of ,a„angora 84, .0.0 gild sworoomi
y tioll Of the heart, diz2„inoss, Or A. ,50D,DOD wtlrth be iii. LhO- 1(101 of hie red proteges; moo( t%!V IJ ro aroidahip9, �peolol attaut(oq hoe beau Ivan go tpp
cant Wo have a grand iano7 Ije: of yiood pulp and pulp wOOd. In com they ixuat blip � � %�5 ”' 44-1 'o° tl � y
toeing Of constant weariness, will Implicitly, and with- oaonil Halal, nnarH1rd-olast haaao limoattars, trop
rause wo (and renewed hanlLlt Lend strength in questlour Igo will, Lim wherever ♦ 4tthe Cempany,o, soy 480"1
laiotheV a.tns{var ed. aAaYOu must wish h u of v - o tit` ooa with panadaaudinnav1800 stores
hot wviH}tea. This asaen. 4ttas°[p'•sang°and ill patti°ulara, app17 40
IOP a ItClt titan -Carl 1LL tile aC. a fat baXeR, Of Dl. W11 tbly Of real yYt,/(J e 4' 6 7'y 46' _ 4 �^ r' E1 Richards htitlek Co. D, Tormtoo etas.,
,y golden oggs..lianls' Pink Pills, Sold by all deal- to Great }:lritailr #700,000 worth PA,n-Ainerieans i,5 interest.Lng from an � '/�"�y"'� 77 t3tats5t., nontcc ltanireal and PnrUaod
of pulp wood and wood pulp. I edue,aClnnul ns well as Cram an ethic- G/ 7 ,v - -,..-_ .-.-..-.._:_
JIuL, ntamutn, protested this ]iteral urs or sent by mail, ltoBL »aid, at, ��
young lady, rvlUlo you etre a,Lout It, GO cents a box or six boxes for ------- .- __._y;._,._. .. ,. :.- 1l •
!� ".4%1412711141
t 6
nvhy araC wish i0r o iron that can lay $2,10, by addrossing the Dl% Wil- ���y�j ��Q 9 t , " • i
a�rand pinna? Ilt1Y
Hams Indfcine Ce. llrocliville, Out. Ery g n TOOTH POWDER . t