The Brussels Post, 1901-6-20, Page 5d'urlu 20, 1010].
I rONEY TO LOAN AT 6 jrrjz
.LY!„ omit ]' 8. 1300Tne Brumes,
a hasher of lrfarringo Lhreneeo, Of.
floe 3,t (drooary, Rm•nbcrry etl'0ot, Brunetti,
N,' T3.ABBE '17
L :.,. Tousculal AYClet, Bh0p—Nexe awe
Nero of the Standard Bank. battles' 0.1131
('hndretee hlt10santting 0. owlet W.
11e i ORIiISON,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TR &OffEli Or,—
011"i,'r7",SSO Z,S,
L, 0, M.
Academia graduate t.
o of Loudon Oon
Loryof Music,also Member of the A so irotod
Mnslutnne of Ontario, s rd to rooivn
llmitod number of penile tor hlatr0otlon
cm. the plan 0, Qu al lead to prepare pupil a for
the Pliuolpape Perm In the Conservatory of
M ei
u e,
Brussels, Ontario.
.L.t. Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron.; Convoynncer, Notary Pnblw,
land, Loan and Insurance A;out ; Anotlou-
eer. Fonda luvoated- and to loan, 00110e -
Nona utado. Office in Graham's 1310011,1srus-
Sou, will sell ter bolter prleos, tm
1,l tier men In less time Dud 1196 chltrges
Man any other Auntie , e• in 136.4 Huron cr
bo won't obargo 116) the r fates cod orders
can always be arranged at tins 1111100 or by
10080un1 application,
(8o113t8ELY OS SHArre Ma)
Graduate of R. 0. D 8., Toronto ; Poet Grad-
uate course at Baekel'e Scholl, Cbioago, in
grown and bridge work. tar Prices same as
in surrounding towns. 21•
Office over A. R. Smith's store, 13ruesola.
tl • Honor Gtaduam of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die -
0060e of dom000lcaled animate 'iu 0. 0omp et•
est manner. Parti alar attention paidto
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, 1'arnberry st., Brussels.
AAT 11.
i'VBar'rietor, Solicitor,+0onvoy¢ncer,
Notary Public, do. Office—S thwart's Mock
1 door North of 00utral Hotel.
lSolleilor for the Standard Bank.
C�Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
s, d Bank. solicitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Lotto at lowest rates.
(Formerly of Osmoron, Holt &
Cameron) 11arri810r and Solicitor, Godorieh
Ont. 011lce—Bam17tou street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity McNeal
College, Member Co11ogo of Pbyaioiaue and
Surgeons, LicentiateI e Royalal 0ol-
10tto of Physicians and Llooetinto of Mid-
wifery,Edmburgh, 6 O'!Oolephoue No.14.
Residence—HIM street, Brussels,
System nonovator
-AND 01118a -
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleseoees, Palpita•
lionof the Heart, Liver Oompleint, Near.
algin, Lose of Memory, Brouohitlo, Ooa•
gumption, Gall Stones, Jauudioe, Lidney
and Urinary Diemen, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Blanufaoturer.
gold by Jag, Fox, Druggist, Drnogeta
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
31116 --
North Sllore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
.Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
et Short Notion,,
Eetimatee Furnished for all
kinds of 13uildiug0. Workman*
ship and Material Guaranteed,
• -IV E N J.
,rets-eettere: ., r. , _eeate, .:,,.
Wool 7,
I will pay the Highest
' 0O 1
marketmarket)lf4 canoed by a mieoalculetdon of the power
l n cash for any of 110 brakes i', Mop pine the ear. 1'110
11oree with the 13101t0n Jeg had subso,
quantity of Wool delivered quently to be (killed to put an 01113 to i1,1
bltfeCUl13. Til • I;y, 0o, .will be held re-
sponsible for lllr. Rldd'a lOse,
and 00 soot, as itli Iga 11 the switch he
applied the beaker ; but the momentum
g1 Yen 1)y the engine wits 100 great Mid in
Spite of the brakes the ear ran at0ug the
8wi ol3, strikio3 other ogre wilioh were
standing on the 81011011 with a force that
knoolced the boogie off thelefeet, breaking
a leg of one of them and injuring two or.
three athero. The 1304300001811 saved 11116
self by jumping fut0 the air as the oar
elru0lt, The a00ii crit wee evidently
at my store, Brussels.
Alfred Balmer.
tstl.l.C.t 'Ram
Mrs. W. II. Gregg le seriously ill at
John Matson hag purchased a new
three seated carriage for hie livery barn,
Rev. and Mre, Geo. Leech, of Park -
dole, are the gties1a of Jae. Leech in
The afternoon O. P. It. mail train
changed time on Monday of last week
and 10 now due here at 4,28 inatead of
412. -
J'Ito. Dane, eon of John Daue of the
10th dun., who bee been In 1'oront,
Respite] far the pest mouth undergoing
treatment for intestinal indigestion, has
returned home feeling much better and
in a: fair way to recovery.
Lu olaaao w.
The Ladies' Aid and League of the
Methodist church will serve dinner on
July 12th.
Ow. and hire. Barry left town to spend
a few months with friends in Duluth and
Po.0 Arthur.
Independent order of Foresters Court
Lu. know, No. 454, attended 0000136 in the
L n hen oharcit on Sunday.
11r. T, A. kloorison, of Holland, Mani-
toba,is ependiog a few weeks with hie
parents, S. and Afro. Morrison, of the let
con., of Kinlase.
Geo. Herrin, 6031 of Rev. A. G. Harris,
of this village, has been auoceasfol in
1)335]14 the Settlor Martrieulation exam•
mations at Victoria 'University.
Mrs. R. Somerville and family have
left for the Canadian Soo where Mr.
Somerville has been appointed Suporin•
tendent of the chemical department of
the large pulp wbrke in that plane.
Exo tor.
W. Johns, J, Davidson and B. gine
man were jurors lust week at Goderiob.
Independent Order Foresters attended
divine worship in the Trivitt Memorial
Uburob on Sonday.
The pia nia mew at Grand Bend has
comllienoed in dead earliest, the plane
being uow crowded almost daily.
Wln. fiawkehaw, jr., left town for Lon-
don, having accepted a position in the
office of the London Loan Company.
Exeter civic holiday will likely be set
for July 18th so ea nil will be able to take
in the #0'asonio excursion to Brantford.
Mr. Henley, who has been conducting
open air services in town for tile past
week in behalf of the La1ter•Day Saints,
has lett for London.
Among the eucoeeeful oaudidates who
recently wrote on the second year, Easter
Examinations et the law school, Toronto,
we notice the Dame of E. T. Biebop, eon
of oar esteemed hardware merchant, ti.
Dr. D. A. Anderean, who took a post-
graduate course al the Dental College,
Chicago, returned borne Tuesday of last
week, a000mpanied by 11fre. Anderson
and little daughter, who visited in the
oliy daring the Dr'e stay.
John Bamford has returned to town
after speudiag a weak at the Pau-Ameri.
Linto lawn bowlers defeated Har-
wel e
riston by two abate in a tbree•rink match
played here.
Rev. Jas. Livingstone, of Windsor,
formerly of Listowel, was elected Pres.
ident of the London Conference.
Rev. Geo. V. Faille, B. A , and wife,
of 01110030, will spend a short vacation
with relatives in Listowel and vicinity.
Geo, Zilliax, 10., has bought out 0. H,
Smith's hardware busineee, and is oon-
1)uuibg in the prompt Maud on Wallace
Colin Campbell, eon of D. D. Camp.
bell, town, has enooeesfully passed hie
final exatnieatione before the Medical
Faonity at Termite University.
J. B, Munro, who has been attending
the Detroit Dental College, is acquiring a
practical knowledge of dentistry during
the Summer vacation at Dr. J. J. Fos.
tar's office.
Robb. Young has, we understand, re
oeived the appoiutmont of excise eflioer
for Listowel, a position which has been
left vacant eine H. N, Orr was trans-
ferred to Woodetook.
Wm. Spears, of thio town, was one of
the delegates of county merohants who
interviewed the County 0anneil at Strat-
ford in reference to mare strictly enforce
fug the hawkers' and pedlars' house, . t
A very pretty house wedding took
es'a0e at 111e resideuoe of Jas. Mori loon on
Wedaeeday of last week when hie Baugh•
ter Isabelle wee united in marriage to
T, 13. Blaoklook, editor and proprietor of
the Dundalk Herald. The 00 0)00ny was
performed at high noon, by Rev, J. S.
W. E. Biauing, architect, reports t110
following work on hand ;— Methodist
Ohnroh at Brigdon ; probable cost,
$5,6001 Rev. Mr. Barnby pastor. Pres.
sed brick residonoe far Jno. jlitobie,
Wingham ; Wm. Nioboloon, contractor
cost about $3,000. Large pressed brink
8600E1013o0 for Jno, Leolcie, Bruseel9, with
elate roof, oat stone trimmings, plumb.
ing, hot water heating, eta. ; probable
Dost $g 500. White brick residence for
Harry 0. 131311, Wingham ; elate roof,
mantels, p'unlbino, hot stir beating, eta.,
probable ooet $2,500.
On Saturday evening, June let, a oar-
ead of horses, which was being ebipped
n by W. 0. Kidd foe inspection for army
amounts, bad a rough experience while
the oar was being pleura ou the siding at
he G. T, 13, elation for Unloading. In
order to hasten the work of detatohing
lie oar from the train a: running shunt.
was made, The brakeman was on the
op of the car in which the hereto were,
NV1Malt stem •
Dr. Tamlyn io again able to be out
dt n ,
Thohalf rm at the G.'2,I . .tat
o p?� station
has beau repaired.
Jos, Stuart, who bee been 'in R. A.
Douglmee' drag store, hoe gone to01130830,
Wesley ,llot,tgemory, of Gerrie, taker hie
Thos, Milson, who nae worked at the
(their factory for some time, has eaaept•
ed a 111011008 tvitb the Valley Salting 0.4
ac Dundee.
Wingham L. O. L. 704, expect to oele-
brete 116 Twelfth in Lwaucw and their
tbhaen dAeremt e11ni
blamer will be used f
Willie, eon of 3,0. Moods, had the
thumb of 1110'4111 hand melted off, by
getting it caught fu the Doge of the p aper
iu eta[ the Union [eatery.
It u
The room• ae011pi0d by Mise Matle60u'e
oboe in the public school will be seated
with new saute and other necessary re-
pairs will be made during the holidays,
farmer bit a horde with a broken
e elder in a field onthe 331uev111e road
a d ,the borne would have starved had it
not been noticed in time. Tho cffeuder
appeared before lite Mayor on Tuesday
evening and was lined $1 and outs.
W. 0. Bu' look, Manugiug Director of
the National Iron )Yorke, purchased the
old 1ouodary on Victoria street, and all
its mutants. The machinery, tools, &1.,
will do duty elewhere, and we fanny were
secured at -a bargain. Mr. Bullock fm
mediately eo'd the lot and building to J.
J. Elliott, V. S , who will remove the
building, which is a rook•etm frame, to
the rear of the lot for veterinary stables,
and will at once commence the ereotion
of a Oubetanbial residence on front of the
Dr. Langrill left Monday of last week
to join his regiment at Niagara camp.
The E ma A;ri0a'ut al Society have had
their grounds improved by patting a neat
wire fence around them.
Mrs. Handal) Oliver, of Grey township,
has purchased Mrs. Ayers property and
will become a resident of the village.
Bsv. E. A. Fear has returned from at-
tending the London Conference at St.
Thomas. He will be stationed et Atwood
for a fourth year.
An foe cream notal will be given at the
Methodist parsonage, Atwood, by the
members of the Epworth League of
Obrist180 Endeavor on Friday evening,
June 21st.
Samuel Shannon, B. A. of British Ool-
umbla, formerly of Elma, and eon of Wm
Shannon, Moon , was united in marriage
to Miss Jennie, daughter of Joshua and
Mra. Ohallenger, of Carterville, Oat.
111r. Zingg, of Berlin. has leased the
Eltna House of V. Ioerger, taking pee.
session rMoldty msnli-1,1 of feet tveelt.
Mr. Brandonberger, the late tenant, and
family have taken up their residence in
Listowel, having decided to retire from
the hotel business, for the present at least.
Mr. Zingg baa beau refused a license by
the Lioeaee Oommiseiouore, we ander.
stand, which will prove a eeriona matter
for him, since hie root per year is 0000
or tbereaboute.
Hr0I1N¢AL.—The Atwood Bee eels :—
A very pretty event took place at 11 a.
m. on Wednesday, 12th,June, at 'Elm -
berate' the home of the bride, in which
Mies Miriam, daughter of Henry and
Mrs. Moore,' and 38thur E. Pelton, of
lnnerkip, were the priuoipm's. O.viig
t,) recent bereavements in both families
the guests were restricted to the imme•
diode relatives of the young couple. The
bride, radiant with youth mud beauty,
was ushered into the drawing room by
her father, where the groom was waiting.
The last notes of the Wedding Marob had
warmly diad away when the officiating
minister, Rev. P. A. McLeod, M, A.; B.
1)„'0omnienced the marriage eeremOuy,
so old yet ever 6049 and interesting. The
bride was beautifully attired in a suit of
silvery gray 'adios' sloth, with chiffon
hat to match, and carried a pretty baguet
of orenm rosea and carnations. Mies
Hattie Jaokson presided at the organ.
Oougratulations were showered upon the
young -eonple, following which the come
pany eat down to a very tempting wed-
ding breakfast. At 115 the bride and
groom took leave of their irieeds to each
the afternoon train to Innerkip, where
they will reside. Iv is mm0811000 to add •
that the 000p:e were reoipieote of many
valuable and pretty tokens of esteem
from their many friends. The bride is
one of the most highly esteemed young
ladies in the dietriot aud.elo will be very
much missed in 000ia1 0irclee. The
groom, who is a brother of the pnblishor
of the Bee, is not a bad sort of fellow, ae
might be expeo1ed from his relationship
0 3)e, and if he dopa not pan oat o. lc.,
make an Wed husband, kind and ever
thoughtful of his wife, to split the wood
and carry in the water, and wipe his feet
outside on the grass,—if he fails to do all
these and a hundred other good and
chivalrous ante every minute of the day,
then be has not followed our example,
that's a11. "Tho Piaos," the old Pelton
homestead at lunorkip, has been nom,
pletely renovated and forniehed for the
reception of the young bride. We jaln
in wishing then; all the bleOsiuge of life.
The looal ion denlero have joined the
morels et progress and are driving natty
delivery wagons.
Town Ompioyeee alosod the Oow paths
on the Sgnare by filling them up with
turf taken from outside the Park fence.
H. P. Moore, lata of the staff of the
Bank of Montreal here, has been trans.
forred to Ottawa and left for the capital.
N. Dietriob will resume the propriobor•
ship of the Star flour mill on the 1st of
July nexr, the lease to Downfog dr
WOetoby expiring.
Flower Sunday at North street Metho-
dist ahareh will bo on the 811rd snot, At
Knox 01181011 the sante day 1vi11 be obi+
served in a similar way,
11 S S. Ili I t t5 POST
' that the 00),1141 be naked to eubmlt a
Glee, 13ttxtotl', trotter "Allen Line
loon almond nliney In the 2,40, et ,New
llamburgraoe.,, trotting the flret bout
dead with a Welkert•uu horse In 3 80.
Jae, Iteid,the town ncooor left
the 01e. '03eifrag,l" for Detroit, 3116
health ie not being re01ored 6e geioicly ae
0011114 be delirod, and it le thought a trip
may be beneficial,
Poring the month of Mlty 24 epe0fa
bylaw to the ratepayers al;curdiug to
01111 Ole," '1'ifo 8110bien carried 011a111P
l 080(y b)' a- etiteding. 0010, no ono 00lit g
h new -rare,
the u t -, Voting will tette 111000 pa
071111 coal.,
1 The work on the new grenolitbie walks
1raineArrive0 with 0080 for the elevator.
At an average of 43 Oae0 to the tr;1114, this
0100113 a 11111' of. 1,080 00(10311, elepped
within one lnn:,l11 front the peeve or,
Archie J, Dickson h+e bean reeorn
mended as a temporary enbetl1lla to th
late D. 0, Stradlrtn, until n porno -loon
0110000001' is n1U,l 11.. 'fife is dome in
order 111tt the pub, ie may experi-nue no
inelnvenienoe In the interim.
Milton A. Buohenan, formerly ('
de ' l e t ,
Go rte 1 Collegial,/ o Ino ltuto 19110 slop
attbo head of Iho grddoeting elates it
modern the University of
Toronto, Iran left on a trip to Europe and
will spend the Sommer ul F'ranue and
At the regular' monthly meeting of the
public eehoultru•tood Klee Florence E.
Ball woo appobtls'1 aa0letmnt for the
Model term and Mise Winnifrecle 8111
Wait appointed to take oberge of her sin•
ter's room during the Fall term, Prin.
0ipa1 Stewart was appointed to the board
o 'rt r•
F D 1 ranco xamiuore. The E1e0retar
wag inetrufrtad to osis for tenders for the
a k
painting of St. Andrew's w.,rd school and
the central eobool.
Is going ahead
Dr. J. 4V, Shaw hoe been appointed
10041 medical oxam11108 of the O.M. B. A.
which Paddler Mrr310naa,in ieerltabiiehiug
e Rev, Mr, Clement, et Boers, forlilerly
1 of Uotarfo street cherish, woe bore - writ,
lull his daughter, Mrs, 11. 34 Ilodgins,
and 113,1 mg old friends 111 101911,
Tho 1811300 of Rattoubury fit. ohuroli
h te'e awarded the contract f:31 atone for
1 the caps, Lntlressle,sdlte,110.,to J. 13,
10100,, of (Mitten Marble Werke.
, From the honor lief) in the '1')10610
Varsity 1 XVIII, we netiue that Mies 1h1ry
0, L',11311 (1,1(101 r 1,13 1'rin01pal Loneh)
in her eroend y; 0.1 stood third for third
oboe honors in classics,
P, 13. Crewe h 111 bon«ht 1113 Bid 1'w•
oomba store 10 wl)oh bo has rrineeed
thin wer'il, the prim being in the 110,00, 0.
hand of 52 600. Ho nae the place hobo l
op 1aalefnli1 with 1weety ineend,•8001
Huhu+, a"blarl two fine show eases and
intends t'1 cony, rt the rooms above the
store into
etr catdenco.
A H 13 acliahy, inspector of the 0 id•
fellows' Relief Aaaociation, of li.ntston,
formerly pub,isher of the Clinton News
Re I
00141 a startled e 1 h a telegram r.
the t c3,l e
cei o el ! •.
v d it t n A l cy, Indiana, Muting that
H. H. Blackaby, hie eldest sen, had been
killed. Deceased lived at Bokerefield,
Oollfornie, and was on his way to vleit
bis Skier in U:uuit, and his parents in
in"slo 1, The di emceed was sb rut 20
eare,fo e
Y g
For emme time trieke, deslruotioe to
church property, and petty pilfering has
been wrier; on around Ontari„ St. church,
and at times it wee known who was the
per(etratar0. Warning was given about
thio sort of thins, but, uotwithetanding,
three jenny lade were oanght by Janne
110100 ou Snnday, while the moraieg ser-
vice wag going on. The boys hat been
taltiog whips from the buggies in the eked
and as the lade bad been hiding them in
the rear of the school they were watched
and naught in the sob. The law may be
put into force which ehoold put a atop to
sub Woke and may prove a lesson to all
those oon"erued. Something should be
done at once to avoid further annoyanoe.
.e16i 016 til.
J. K, Richardson left on Monday o
last week, on a two months' visit to Scot,
Seafort.h horae races will be held on
Timidity ipthd Wednesday, July 0th and
5, A. Dickson has passed his second
yes r exatninalion at the Toronto Law
Dr, F. A. Clarkson has perch teed a
medical practice in the village of Prince-
ton, Oxford county, and intends locating
Mires Grace ilfenial was ,Spred and
has aooepted the position of choir leader
in the Presbyterian church for the re-
mainder of the present year.
Bev, P. Malabo has left for his new
field of labor in La Salette, Norfolk 0o.
Daring the four years of Father Maoabe'a
reaide000 in Seatorth he was a worthy
and popular citizen,
A aampany has been formed in Inger.
Boll with a paid up a 1pital of $70,000, to
take over the bueioeee of the Morrow
Moohine Sorew Oompany, of Ingersoll,
and that J. Anderson Coulter, eon of Mrs.
Ooutter, of this town, has been appointed
president mud general manager of the new
Moles vo r tla •
On Monday, June 10th, at the home
of Andrew Doig, yet another of the
pioneers, in the person of klro. Peter
Patrick, passed away 11t the advanced age
of 135 years and was buried on Wedn'e-
day when the funeral was very largely
Onrr.—Tho grim reaper, Death, has
been busy gathering in his harvest one
by we among the old pioneers of this
section. Alex. Robertson was followed
to hie last resting place in the Moles-
worth cemetery by a large number of old
friends, showing the esteem in which he
wee held by all with whom in came in
oo0taet. Born in Aberdeenshire, Soot:
land, in 1821, his father having died, he
frame to this country with his mother iu
1837. Shortly af'erwarde be was engag
ed by Mr. OViseler and teamed in with
oxen the first load of material to start the
village of Salem, and for a number of
years teamed for Mr. Wissler from Salem
to Hamiitoo. 731 then moved to the
Towoehip of Wellesley and took up a
farm near Hawkeville, where he resided
for some time, moving to Hawick Town.
ship in leg and settled on the 200 acres
upon wiioh he was living up to the time
of his death, and which by his energy he
speedily cleared up. He was a public
spirited citizen and took an native part
in everything that was oalonlatod t0 ad•
vanoe the beet idtereeto of the ooautry,
and was for maiY years a director
active promoter of the Hotviok Agricul-
tarsl Society. Be also served some years
in the Municipal Oounoil. A kind oblige
'tug friend and neighbor, the community
will miss his cheerful, hearty greeting
and to bio aged partner iu life, who aur•
vives biro, the sympathy of all ie extend -
ea. Five sone rend one daughter are left
to mourn the loss of au affectionate par-
ent who has been gathered home like a
shook of porn fully ripe.
Councillor Finnemore has resigned his
seat at the Coanoil Board. Nomination
on 28th inst.
Harvey Shane has taken a position as
salesman in S. H. Gidley'e clothing store.
W. J. Mitchell, who has been 0onnect-
e4l with Frank Metoall'e jewelry and
stationery More for the pact year, nae
left for Luoknow where he has purchased
an old established business.
W. W. and Mrs, Slow and son, of
Natchez, Miseiesippi, and 1I. S. Young,
of Sudbury, are 0)611000 et the home of
N. H, and Mre. Young.
Principal Shaw has been appointed an
aesoaiate examiner in the subjeot of
grammar for the junior leaving in con-
nection with the departments] examiu•
ations in Toronto, commencing July 8th,
A meeting of Blyth eitlzen0 was held
in Iudustry Hall on Monday evening of
last week, The meeting wee called by
Reeve Sims at the request of the 0080011,
to oonider a proposal from W. H. Fiune.
more for the rebuilding of the Blyth
flour millo. The Reeve occupied the
chair, Mr. FInnemore's proposal is as
follows :-The village to make a loan
of $5,000 for 15 years by debentures, pay.
able in aqua) inetahnente yearly of a
sufficient amount to pay loan and inter -
eat in full within the above time. To se.
ailre the repayment of the loan be gives
a mortgage npou the property, whio11,
When completed, obeli give a security to
the mortgage of $10,500, as per following
statement ; Building and laude, as at
present vaiue,$1,g05 ; engine and boiler,
foundations and oonneotous when re.
paired, $9,000 ; estimated east of renew-
ing mill building, $1,000 ; machinery for
100 -barrel mill, of latest improved type,
about $5,000 ; total, $10,500. The mill
when completed is to 'be insured for a
001110teut amount to covet any possible
loss that the corporation might euetaid
in ogee of fire. The following motion
was moved by T. W. Soott end O0oouded
by Cannellini: Sloan ;—"That this meet•
fttg a000pt lltr. Fiuoentoro'a proposal and
At Milwaukee the American Medico.
Physiological Association eeleoted Mon•
treat for the next convention.
60 Day
At Return fares
Palomino ,
Antler •
bwau River
oon jawya;
I+0 the York ton 1 �O
Can2dian Plinaa Albert $35
xeinonto....,} $40
lOed Delon
obis Jeno 78th. Returning 013011 Aug. 18th
(All Rail or 8, 8, Albortn)
Going July 10th, Returning until Sept. 18th
(All Rail or 8. 0, Alberta)
Going July 28rd, Returning until Sept. 2004
(All hail or S. S. Alberta)
Asst. Gaul. Passenger Agent,
1 fling Street Raet, Toronto,
Valuable Farms
P. 8. Scott, Auctioneer, bee received in,
etruolione from the nudoleignod, Executors
of the estate of the late George Agar, to
offer for Bale by public auotton on the prem-
ises, On Tuesday, .11111e 01111. 1901, at 2
o'clook, p, m„ two farms ddoeoribod es fol-
1st Parcel, 8. 4lot 18, con. 2, Morrie, con-
taining by admeaeuremont 100 acres, more
or loss. There aro about 90 acres cleared,
balauoe mostly hardwood bush. There iu
a good barn 88x80 feet, with atone stabling ;
frame house, small orchard, h0. It 10 a
good farm and looatnd 8 =ilea from tho
Vtllage of Bluevale ; 7 miles to either Brus-
sels or Win ghom ; and only half a mile from
School and Churc,
Sed Parcel, N.,} lot 18, con. 8, Hforrle, non•
tuluing 100 acres, more or lees. 90 aor0s
cleared and s aoree of very good hardwood
Muth. On this lot are two frame barns,
about au acre of orchard and farm is in
aced heart. It is well drained. This pro.
port), Ilea dfreotly opposite Parcel No.1,
Terms and oouditions of Salo.—The farms
will bo offered separately. Possession given
to work farms actor lharvest; deeds will be
passed ou March 0.1002. Farms will bo sold
subject to a reserve bid. Purchasers will
bo expected to pay 10 par cont. of the money
down and balnnno wh0n dead is given. l±ur•
ther information may be had on application
to either 'lumbers or Auctioneer,
NHI. JEWITT, Brussels,
EDWARD 108MAN, Wingham,
P.8. BOOTT, Auctioneer, Executors.
, aozr�r rya
o �-� tea xt ,r
Barred, Buff and
White kooks.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in Season.
Eggs $1.00 per setting,
-' COrreaporulenro Sellelletl,
40 ` �I'�`./ASH
. Matter of Policy
Stores differ l One has taste another has not. Otto minnow Reef wI
to reliab'o geode, another boys whatever it can; get to eel' cheap, One
marks its goods in plain figures at the very lowest cash price and gives no
di•oomnt, another metre its goods high and tapes 011,10 per oen1. Mount
and tries to matte you believe you are getting 10 per cent, off oaoh prime,
het in thf+ enlightened age people know that 10 per cent, must be put on
before it 0nn bo taken off, One turne the experience of the past into 0. don-
Merit bettermentnote t
a b r jumps at oonolgefoas, brigs much abut en er
"vets "
a r ,
) 19,1 un 3
def en ti
i1 ms mos. We would be ashamed to have nothing
batter to eller than nbeapness. Pride and quality go hand in•band here,
widen mearte your interests are on par with oqr own. This week we
have received several oases e
a e at new Summercods which were bought at
g g
v0. y low prices for cask, and will be Bold at prioee like these :-
-Bleak Cheviots, all wool, for 1, diee' tailor made costumes, 60 to 60'
innhee wide, at $1, $1.26 and $1.60.
— White Pique (P, 1( ), flue quality, regular 200, for 12,0.
—Naw Drees Goode, 40 ioobee wide, in small cheek, a good range of
aniorO, regular prise 260, for 160,
—New Bleck Dress Goode, small Agues, 40 inobes wide, regular price
85o, it great snap et 20o. 1
ns 28
extra value nent183,o6
o 600
i 760 and $1 per pair.
— Ladies'
i Lad ea' Heavy Ribbed Hose, feet hleolr worth 180 2p air for 52e.
IY —Men's Heavy Swiss, ribbed tope, 6 pairs for 25o. c
Highest market price paid for
Wool in cash or trade.
We have a large assortment
of Woollens, Tweeds, Yarns,
Blankets, Sheotings, &c.
Such as Carding, Spinning,
Weaving and Knitting promptly
attended to at the
Woollen Mill Store,
2 doors South of McKay & Co's
Egg, Butter or Hides taken in exchange
for goods or 8.0 pay for work.
Now that the Boggy season is at
hand and we are ready for it we would
like to inform our numerous friends and
customers that we have the finest lot of
Buggies ou band at the
Old Reliable
. Carriage Factory,
that can be found anywhere. Should
yon think of buying a Buggy or Buggies
(as we supply wholesale as well as retail)
by all means. call and see our stock before
pnrohaeing as we kuow we oat) snit you
with a firet•class article and the pride ie
right. We oleo keep Wagons, Truck
Wagons and Field Rollers ou band or
made on abort notice.
48 �a Cober S011.$N'
This is the Season for-......
Get S. W. P.
on your house and you'll get satisfaction. Made in all
colors and for all purposes that paint is used.
S. W. P.
It on all Large Contracts.
= e =.=gib :�• ..,-* 0-- ib
fans E
'We have a large stock of Screen Doors of all styles,
prices from $1.00 to $2.00, complete with binges.
. Window Screens from 20c each up.
We have for Sale Me Following
Varieties of Turnip Seeds :
hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Skirving's Improved,
Sharpe's Improved,
Carter's Imperial,
Royal' Norfolk, •
Bruce's Selected East Lothian,
Ilartley's Bronze and White Swede,
Also Grey Stone.
These are the Best and most Reliable Turnip
Seeds that we are able to procure and
all true to name.
Be Sure and Get the Best.