HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-13, Page 8AND
Will not thrive go long ae )a
"Vra,th Lice
To rid them of We troublesome
peat duet the nest with 5o worth of
anteed to do the work. We never
had better.
CAtl dl.ICA.elisS,
We have a special preparation that
is used at Model Farm for keeping
Elise away from the cows. It COMBS
cheap too and it pays to use it every
Sterescoes 1
We have a special tbinl; in tide
/the whioh does either for ordinary
Photographs or for Stereeeeple
Views. When Wishing to look at a
Photograph you eimply turn the
Lena in the opposite direction. It
it: a decided :moue,
2nd Had Bicycle,
One 2nd Hand Biayale whioh has
Dunlop Tires, nearly new, for only
021,50. We leave an extra value in
A New Bicycle
which we have the agenoy for. It
is folly guaranteed. Can give yon
either Lady's or Gent's for $35.60
with dieooant for oaeb.
Agentlfor Cres• G. A I 1 i4 ..1. MAN Druggist, Optician
Gent Bioyoles, VI . and Bookseller.
BouTHERN mxTENerON - W. O. & 0.
Trnine leave Brueeele - Station, North
and South, as tollowe
Express...... 7:18 a.m. I Mail 2'10 p.m
Mixed......... 9;45 a,m. Express ,.„„ 8:17 pan
Solve gays Pins.
A obiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
MARA JGDe 28 down.
A PHRENOLOGIST le in town.
Frog fishing ie on the program.
Bo .ouxa'a 'bus is receiving an overhaul-
BRUeeELS School Board Friday evening
of this week.
S. B. Stara had a new roof put on hia
briok blook this week.
nauseant; will celebrate on Friday June
28. Bee fine program.
EARLY haying, the orohard grass variety,
ie to band and the arop abundant.
TUE Oonnty Lodge of North Heron
will meet in Wingham, Tuesday, Jane 18.
A. CUnRIE has had his meat delivery
van brightened up with a new dress of
Some talk of a new Dry Goode store
opening up in town before Fall trade
THE bricklayers are at work on Jag.
Fox's new residence. It will take a couple
of weeks to finish the job.
Trot jnil dootor pronounces Wm. Bur-
ton of unsound mind and he will likely
be removed to the asylum as soon as there
is an opening.
FROST pinched potato tope on Satur-
day and Sunday nights in addition to
damaging other garden ease. Ice was
seen in a few plaoee.
Tao total equalized assessment of the
Oonnty of Huron le $32,385,290, and et
the present Co. rate, 1 1/10 milia on the
$, will raise $35,568.82 for all purposes.
Slavonia, Brneeelites attended the Stott
—Bewley wedding in Morrie, and the
Smalldou—MoDongall nuptials at Oran -
brook on Wednesday evening of this
Tan Secretary of the School Board has
received the resignation of Wm. Blnebill
as 0 Soboot "Trustee owing to his remove'
from town. A new election will probably
be ordered in the near future to fill the
I. 0. 0. F. DEooaaoioN.—Weetern Star
Lodge, No. 149, Brueeele, will decorate
the graves of deceased brotbere on Mon-
day, 24th inst. Members will leave the
Lodge Room at 6.30 p. m. A large eaten•
dnnoe naked for.
Ho I Fon THE MODEL FAR0I.—Thurs•
day. Jane 20, is the date of East Huron
Farmers' Excursion to the Model Farm,
Guelph. Return tiokete, good for 2 de -ye,
will coat ea follows :—Wingham, $1,25 ;
Binevale, $1.20 ; Brnesels, $1.15 ; Ethel,
$1,15 ; Henfryn, $1.15. Special train
beak, leaving Guelph at 6 p. m. See bilis
and arrange to go.
GALT Reformer says :—A, W. Wright,
B. A„ modern language master at the
Galt Oolleg1ate Institute, is severing hie
oonneotion with that institution, to take
effect at tbe Sommer holidays. He will
enter partnership with 0. E. Turnbull,
printer and pnblieber, Guelph. Mr.
Wright's prominence in Galt'e literary,
ednoational and religions life will make
him missed here. He has long been a
distinguished member of the G. 0, I.
faculty, and hie ripe eoholarebip will be
invaluable to him in his new palling.
Wen:menoo wall n hot one,
DON'T forget the Exoursion to Guelph
Model Farm Thursday of next week 20th
Wool ie oommenoiog to oom0 to town.
Brussels ie the spot for it with four
buyers on the market.
THE next legal holiday ie Dominion
Day. It fells this year on a Monday—
an excellent day for a boliday.
Homo Seekers' Excursions will be ran
on the 0. P. R. Dates, fares, &o., may
be read in another column of Tan POET.
The first excursion will run next Tuesday.
Palau AnrENT bee sent his pacing Dolt
to Lietowel for training on the track there
under the direotion of R. Roche, Erns -
eels, who is handling a fast string in that
LEAGUE Football matob in Seaforth on
Friday evening of this week between
Brueeele and Seaforth. A number from
town will likely attend and a good game
is expeated.
WARDEN HOLT treated the members of
the County Connell, the officials and
press to an ex00rsion on Lake Huron
Tbareday evening of last week. About
two hours were very enjoyably spent by
the company.
Tax new bowling lawn will soon be in
good shape. Mr. Mainprize hoe arranged
water pipes alength° bridge to the lawn
by whioh an abundant supply of water is
at hand fed from the big tank and with a
line of hose the green can be easily and
regularly watered.
Jao. LEONIE hes purchased the corner
lot opposite his property, William street,
from Mrs. Joo. Forbee and is building up
the lot and aide of streets from earth ex-
aavated from cellar for hie new reeidenoe.
He purposes moving kis present dwelling
to this Bite as soon as the new one le ready
for occupation.
Wmoaaa Racze.—Jane 26-27 promise
to be the banner meeting in the history
of the slob. No club in America more
thoroughly enjoys the confidence of the
rasing public. The Free.for•all contains
the largest field and ewilteet horeee ever
started in Canada and the orowd ie ex.
peoted to eclipse anything ever seen to
STILL HUSTLING.—Freight continues to
move et a lively rate from Brueeele eta.
tion. Since last report there was shipped
a onr of hogs for Palmerston by W. Jewitt ;
2 oars of telegraph poles to Glencoe ; 3
care of maohinery to London ; 5 oars
baled hay by Alf. Baeker to Toronto ;
oar of wheat by R. Graham ; a oar of
cattle by Geo. Best ; a oar of rage to Tor -
0000 ; a oar of hoaeehold furniture for W.
Mann to Kincardine 12 oars of wheat by
a ear will
T. R.
—The G.
Alf. B
aaker. pay
be here on Friday of thio week.
IMMPROVEasENTS —A. MOGeire ie having
the lawn at his residence filled in and
levelled up making quite an im•
provement.—R. Williame,hae had a nom.
bee of necessary improvements made to
hie livery barn.—A portion of new roof
has been put on the lexmill. Tbe plank
gangway will be replaced by a cement
SHvoaen intoresting itomg are crowded.
out of tide issue,
WALTER Lolvltx Intends taking it bllei.
nese tl;ip to Manitoulin Island.
l3naesera gent a good delegation to the
Box Social at Roe's ohuroh, Grey, o
Wednesday evening.
o f a paid for toe b
per w,w a g
P p
weak on Brae ole market, Geed m
is porkers this year far the farmer,
j.i/1.. MoNApollzog into purchased
the fine resideuoe of Jno, D. Ronald,
Tarnberry Street, propels. The per.
phage price is said to be $2,550.
050700' AND Rusmesoe REAiOYEn.^DY.
Toole has leased the roidenoe of Wm.
BlaehIll, corner Mlll and John etreete,
and hoe moved hie family and aloe there
this week.
THE Lincoln county oonaail have ap.
pointed a committee to confer with Wel-
land county wooed with a View of taking
joint notion for erection of a sanitarium)
for ooneomptives for the two counties,
A NoN•rony mule will be hoard at Gode.
rioh next week over the eale of a hares,
'i`hoe, Strachan ie the plaintiff and Geo,
Brown the defendant. Lawyers Blair
and Mabee, represent the reepeotive
DROPPED DEAD.—Donald 0, Strachan,
one of the old residents of Goderioh drop-
ped. dead Wednesday morning while at
hie breaktaot, He had been in hie ueaal
health, and was about going to his office
as deputy in the anetomo.
A SPECIAL Co. council committee, eon -
elating of Warden Holt, J. Connolly and
W. H, Kerr, will meet at Goderioh on
Friday of this week to arrange for plans,
30., for a new residence for Jailer Calf.
fin, decided upon last week et the Coon.
ty Connell.
Ten Goderioh Star nye in eta loot
lases:—"A foot ball team from the Ool-
legiate played in Brueeele on Tuesday
and got downed by 3 to 0. It wac not
the real Collegiate eleven, as neither the
captain nor the goal keeper were present
nevertheless onr boyo should have made
a better showing." There's always some
excuse, Mr. Star, for a walloping.
OaosEN FRIENDS.—Wedae0dny evening
a epeoial meeting of the O. 0. C. F. wee
held in the Blasbill Hall and a very em
joyable evening was spent by all. Atter
eeveral oandidates were initiated into the
mysteries of the Order the members
partook of foe cream and cake furnished
by the Lodge. Organizer G. A. Fawcett
leaves the Connell in a flourishing con-
dition, adding 13 new members to the
CANADIAN.—Many farmers in Oataric
appear to bo under the impression that
recent regalatione adopted by the0otario
Government in regard to the destruction
of the codling Moth on apple trees are
oompaloory upon all persona. These re.
gnlatione have been made in acoordance
with the provident) of the Noxious In•
seote Aote passed in 1900. This is a
local option Act end comes into force
only in those manioipalitise that adopt
it by Bylaw.
MIneoMJIER ExAonoATroas.—There are
371 candidates writing on the Entranoe
Examination in Eaet Huron :—Brueeele
Seaforth 84, Clinton 65, Wingbam 73,
Blyth 33, Fordwioh 27, and Wroxeter 19.
A. Mowat will preside at Seaforth ; J.
Houston, at Clinton ; Wm. Watters at
Wingbam ; J. H. Cameron at Blyth ;
Malcolm Black at Wroxeter; John Hart•
ley, at Fordwioh 1 and Inspector Robb at
Brueeele. Where neoeeeary they will be
assisted by other examiners. The ex-
amination begin on Jane 26th and con-
tinues the two following Jaye. It ie
expeoted that the results of this exami•
nation will be announced in the county
papers, July 19th. The High Sobool Ex-
aminations begins July god and oontin•
ue to Joly 15th. The presiding examiners
are a0 follows 1 Senfortb, Andrew Scott ;
Clinton, W. R. Lough ; Wingham, George
Dobson ; Blyth, A. H. Musgrove ; Wrox-
eter, David Weir ; and at Brussels In-
epeotor Robb. O0 Part I of this exami•
nation, or se itis aometimee called—Pab-
I'so Sohool Leaving—there are 23 writing
at Clinton ; 37 at Seaforth ; 31 at Wing -
ham 1 18 at Wroxeter ; 16 at Blyth ; and
26 at Brueeele. For the High School
Examination there are 243 oandidates.
From these candidates $724 has been col-
lected, Of thie gam $406 was sent to the
Education Department to pay for exam•
fining the anewer papers, and 3318 to the
variooe School Boards to pay presiding
examiners, buy paper, ink, pens and the
other incidental expeneee of the examin-
B Jal.1 b its .l L tai 1'003'
V11W2011 CHIMES.
Rev. Cr, J, Abey will atten d the sleet.
ing of heron Meanie Synod to London
next week,
Dan Sabbath 11. Ilam took oberge of
the morning oerviue in the Methodist
allaroh and W, lI herr the oveniug, In
feren e.
h paean: Co a
e a a a
%WON of a e . } t
the b 4
h a e l
Tuesday afternoon Mille Colltno, a Den.
cones lave a very intereeti C addreee to
the ladles of the Missionary Aeeo„ .f S..
John's ohurah, Braeeels on the work a•
wag the Northwest Indian.
The members of the 4, 0, T. M. and
L. 0, T, M„ of Brussel:a with vieitore,
Will attend tbeir annual eervioe next
Sabbath morning. Rev. Jno. Rose, B,
A., Melville climb, will be the preaober.
Rev. Joseph Coulter, whose home is at
Milverton, will occupy the pulpit of the
Methodist obneoh, in thle plane, during
the month of June. He was attending
oollegee during the pant year and is Bahl to
be a good preacher.
Heron Co. Eudeavcr and Sabbath
School Convention will be held in Willie'
Presbyterian Cbarob, Clinton, on Tnen-
day and Wednesday of next week. The
program is a good one and will be. 00 fol-
lows :—Tuesday,r—Quiet boar eervioe, led
by Rev, 3. A. Andereon, Goderioh f de.
votional exeroiees led by Dr. G. A. Gif•
ford, Clinton ; What boa been gained in
twenty yore of Christian Endeavor ; (a)
What the Young People have gained,
A. T. cooper, Clinton ; (b) What
the Churob has gained, Rev. F. 3. Lar-
kin, Seaforth ; (o) What tbe world has
gained, R. Holmes, M.P., Clioto•, ; open
meeting ; what is essential in Chrietian
Endeavor and why ? addreee— (1) The
element of obligation, Mise 0 Moffatt,
Blyth ; (b) The power of teotirnoey, W.
Harvey, Exeter ; (o) The joy of eervioe,
Mies Mntoh, Gorrie ; (d) The spirit of
consecration, Mre, N. M. Richardson,
Brueeele ; open meeting ; appointment of
Nominating Oammitteo ; adjournment.
Afternoon — Meeting of Committees ;
devotional exercises led by Rev. A. Stew.
art, Clinton ; Secretary's report ; Trees.
nrer'e report ; Junior Superintendent's
report; open Parliament, led by Preei.
dent W. H. Kerr, Brussels : addreee,
Rev. A. S. Geggie, Parhdale ; adjourned to
Town Hall, where the exermee, "The
Junior Garden,” will be given by 75 of
the Clinton Juniors. (Seats reserved for
delegates.) Evening — Song service ;
address, Rev. E. N. Baker, Stratford ;
singing and collection ; address, Rev, A.
S. Geggie, Paredale. Wednesday morn•
ing,—Quiet hoar ; prayer and praise
eervioe, led by Rev. W. G. Howson, Clin•
ton ; "The teacher before the olaee" ; in
and ant of school, Rev. W. A. Gifford,
Olinton ; open meeting ; Seoretary'e re•
port, L. Harold, Heneall ; Treasurer's
report, J. 0. Stoneman, Hansell) "What
can the Sunday School do for the Tem.
peranoe cause," J. E. Tom, Goderioh;
the cradle roll, J. J. Jaokson, B. A., Seo.
Ontario S. S. Arm. Afternoon—Meeting
of Committees ; opening exercises, led by
Rev. Mr. Dunlop, Clinton ; "Our Ste.
wardship," Dr. Gifford, Clinton) open
meeting ; Primary department, led by
Mise Nairn, Goderioh ; open meeting ;
Home department„ led by I. Hord, Mit.
ohell ; questions and dieoaociooe ; teach-
ing tyle Bible alase, led by D. E. Monro,
Auburn ; Round Table conference, led
by J. A. Jaokson, B. A. Evening exer-
cises ; address, "What organized Sun-
day Sohool work has aoaompliehed," J.
A. Jnokeoo, B. A. ; singing and collection ;
addreee, "Oar boys," Rev. F. H. Larkin,
Sealortb. Dr. Towler, of Wingbam, is
President of B. S. Aeeooiation, with J. 0.
Stoneman and L. Harold, Heneall, Sec -
rotaries. For the Endeavor, W. H. Kerr,
of Brume's, is President, and Mise M.
S. Washington, of Clinton, Secretary.
one looking to permanenoy. C. Zilliax anon.
has put up 3 awnings at the front of the
Central Hotel.—Poetmaeter Farrow has
a dandy bowling lawn at the rear of hie
reeidenoe, Turnberry street.—Jno. Rod-
diok has had the epaoe between the etore
sod tbe grauolithio walk on Thomas
street nicely sodded. Pedeetriane(should
keep off and let the grass get a glance.
Center (Kansas) Times, of May 30th,
gives the following partionlare of the
deoesae of 0. E. Phillipe, husband of a
former Brueeelite in the person of Mies
Carrie daughter of Dr. John Nott ;—
RUNAWAY.—Last Friday afternoon Arch.
Hislop, M. P. P., was in town with hie
team and wagon withoat 8 box, One of
the home, a enit, got frightened at eome
lumber on the wagon and etrnok off, and
before the driver could brace bimaelf the
equines were in for a race. Mr. Hislop
polled them into a tree on Mill street and
the jolt threw him off and the horses
went again finally bringing up either aide
of a maple tree in front of the Methodist
ohuroh. The wagon had an axle broken
and tome other alight damage wag done,
Mit Mr. Hislop fortunately eooaped with
little injury.
Bryce hag received from Thee. Dixon,
Clerk of the Peace at Walkerton, the
following marriage certificate, dated
December 51b, 1821 :—Whereas William
Cumming and Margaret Bell, both of
Neleon, Holton 0o., were deeirouo of
intermarriage with each other and there
being no person oe mioietor of the church
of England living within eighteen miles
of them or either of them, they have am
plied to me for that 9009000. Now these
are to eertifly that in pnrenan00 of the
powers granted by an Act of the Legiela•
tare of this Province, passed in the 23rd
year of the reign of /reorge the Third, I,
James McBride, one of hie Majesty's
Justices of the Peace, having caused the
previous notice by the Statute required
to be given, have this day married the
said William Cumming and Me.rgaret
Belt together and they are become legal.
ly contracted to oaolt°thee in marriage,
Given under my hand at Nelson, the 6th
day of December, 1821, Jo, MaBarnu,
J, P,
"Horton" WON,—The first Foot Ball
match between Renewals and the "Hurons"
of Seaforth, in the Western Football
Association, was played on Friday even-
ing on Victoria Park, Brnesels, before a
large number of epeatatore and was won
quite handily by the visitors by 8 to 3.
It wag evidently an off day with Brussels
players all they did not begin to pat up
their austomary game. In the first plane
Mr. Cooper, of Goderioh, who was signed
with Brueeele weeks ago and wee here to
take his place, was barred by a letter
from the Secretary of the Aseocration for
Clay center was shocked Friday after- ' the flimsiest kind of reasons that should
noon when it was reported throughout
town that Clyde Phillipe, well known and
universally liked bare, was dead in Clyde.
The news Dame as a total surprise to a
large number of hie acgaaintenoee as it
was unknown that he was at all sick.
Qniok oonsnmption Wag the aanee of hie
death. He suffered from hemorrbage of
the lunge ; did not rally materially and
passed away on Friday. Clyde Emerson
Phillipe was born in Marion, Kon., Nov.
411e, 1876. While still a ohild he moved
to Holton with bin parents where be lived
until he came to Clay center in August
1897. He was engaged in the manufac-
ture of oigare in this oity, the firm being
Smith and Phillipe. On May 15th 1898,
he wag married to Mlle Carrie Nott, of
Olay Oester. Tbe Sommer of that year
was spent in Holton returning to Clay
Center in the Fall. In March 1000 the
family moved to Clyde, Kan., where they
where they resided until the date of Ida
death, May 21th. When 18 years of age
he joined the Baptist ohuroh of Holton,
and continued to be an active worker in
that denomination. He wag mnoh loved
and respected in that city es in Clay Oen.
ter and wherever known. Hie nature was
nanny and optimietio. The funeral was
held Sunday afternoon from the Baptist
ahnrch of Clay Center, Rev. Brown of.
fiojating and the remains were buried in
be well threshed oat before the commit.
tee because if they hold good a few of the
opposing team are identically in the Same
box. 2nd, Rain came in the last half of
the game when Brussels had tbe advan•
tage in the ground and interfered largely
with both the play and the pleasure of
the match. In the first half time Sen•
forth wag oredited with 5 goals, two of
them put through by onr , players, while
Brueeele only soared once, and in the re-
mainder of the time the Southenere added
3 more and the home team 1. Manyoloee
oalle were in order for Seaforth goal bat
Graven was on the alert between the Mage
and saved a good many well aimed shote
from scoring. Brueeele forwards pat up a
good game, eepeoially the wing taken
°barge by Gordon DdoDonald and Will.
Oameroo, but the books and goal keeper
appeared at times to have tbe "rattles."
Seaforth playa a strong game, with close
combination but will hardly,be able to re•
peat the same dose on Friday evening of
this week. The teams lined up as fol•
lows :—
SRABORTn, BRUeenr,e.
Grime Goal lkryane
Oughton 13acS Coulees
Brownlee 1 S lrs 1 Semple
Miller id Books {r Yergason
Aberhnrt l Moorehead
H. Aberhart ........ McDonald
Greenwood Demeter The funeral wee Drckeon For- J Onmergn
Y• McLeod Lowry
largely attended, the Clyde and Clay T. Brownlee , wards Rocha.
g y Wang
Finlayson l
Center lodges of Modern Woodmen, of y
Which Clyde woe a member, accompany. Dentist Bedell of Elmira, a member of
Mg on foot, the remains to the graveyard. the Berlin tenon, was the Referee and
There was also a large number of oar. gave good eatiefsotion. The gate reoeipie
degas in line. Mr. Phillipe leaves a wile were $54.00. A good number of Seaforth
and infant son, father, live brothers, and people name to town to witness the game
one sister and a large beet of friends and no doubt Friday's metal at Seaforth
Busthess Locals.
Jung 13, 1901
S2'r/0.1)410 ,734XE,r OF C•.f4t /121.1,
a:M Xtac
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars)
REST • . .
d5enaee all rf tkrsfPaInts inCn Ontario, Manitoba,
United 8124Plvtt p
A General Banking Dneineee Transacted, Partnere' Notes Discounted,
Dra#te leaned and Collections mails 010 all points.
Internet allowed on deposits of 21,00 and apwarde and eomponnded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Cuetomere living at a distance.
payable at any bank leaned Under $10.,„ 80. $20 to $80,. „12a
M0107 .4„.„
at the following ratee :— $10 to e20,...10o. 30 to 40...,14o
MONEY to loan oo farm eeoarity.
Apply at THE POST.
Bonus and lot for Bale, good oellar,
stable. Corner lot. Apply at THE POST.
WANTED. -500 tube butter, oath or
trade. Get into that 190 Oa
and butter
race. Eggs 12c. G. E. KING,
Tuo BUTTER.—Farmers having tub
butter to eell call at my Prodaae Em.
porinm and Iwill pay you the highest
oaeh price for good tuba.
GAnnEN PLANTS.—Mise Kelly has any
quantity of garden plants for sale incited-
ing :—Tomato, cabbage wallflower and
celery. Also a large and fine Collection
of flowering plants. Floral designs made
to order and at reasonable prices.
both here and in Clyde to mourn his an. will be the magnet to take our twee.
timely death, people back,
7E12701.750==.,0 7,SAM.7 'w-rw,
Fail Wheat
fees ..,•0
Oats -
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per owe. .. 4
Potatoes (per bag)
Apples (per bbl.) 2
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Salt per bbl., retail 1
Hay per ton 6
Hides trimmed
Hides rongb
Hoge, Live
7 00
5 00
2 00
1 00
G 63
7 00
Apply to GE00. BEST,eBrusselshpurposes.
mares for Bale. Also 4 steers rising 2
Years. A. BUTTON, ;B} Lot 20, Con, 7,
Morris, Brussels F. 0. 47
lighted and oonveatent mama to let in
the Leckie blook over G. A. Deadm an's and
Mre. Rogan' otoree, Apply to F. S. SCOTT.
them rod and White and the other
black and white, may be found at the Oen-
tre 8ideroad,4th Line, Morrie. The owner
is requested to take them away. Enquire
at the corner. No outages,
AJ Flue of the undersigned, 0ranbrook, on
or about May 281h, a Ivor old steer, -red in
Dolor with Iwhite spots. Any information
lending to his recovery will be thankfully
received by 01FLA8. ALDER ON, P. 0,
ARMSTRONG.—ID Morrie, on Jane 9th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, a
CAMPnaLL.—In Mollillop, on May 28, to
Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, a eon.
Ee0LE.-00 con. A, Howlett, near Wrox-
eter, on May 28, to Mr. and Mrs.
Bobt. Earle, a eon.
EDGAR.—In Gorrie, on Jane 2, to Mr.
and Mre. Thee. Edgar, a daughter.
HALL.—In Morrie, on Monday, June
10th, to Mr. and Mre. Howard Hall,
a daughter.
S000T.—In Morrie, on June 7th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Scott, a daughter.
WALLACE.—In Morrie, on May Het, to;
Mr. and Mre. John Wallace, a eon.
Teacher Wanted.
For 8 8. No, 1, Gr ey, holding ll to Cd bo
profs eeional certificate,
monoafter Summar vacation. Engage-
ment to be for balance of 1001. Applicants
give experience, supply testimonials and
state salary expected. Applications receiv-
ed up to ess JNO, GRANT,
llttyeaa-Tresurer, Brussels P.O.
KELLY — SrARnETT. — At St, Thomas'
Oharoh, Seaforth, on June 5th, by
Rev. Borai.Dean Bodging, Mr, Geo.
Kelly, of Morris, to Mies Margaret
E., daughter of the late Samuel Boar•
lett, of MoKillop.
ECOTT—BEwLEY,—At the reeidenoe of the
bride's father, on June 12th, by Rev.
A. MacNab, M. A., Mr. John Elliott,
of Hallett, to Mies Annie, daughter
of Mr. Richard Bewley, of Morrie.
WorrocoiD— MoPnsnsora At the reef
donee of the bride's parents, oo Juno
5th, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Levi
Whitfield, of Grey townehip, to Miss,
Annie McPherson, of McKillop.
0x .
PLDTITnno.—In McKillop, on June 3rd,
Elizabeth H. Hallman, wife of Sam•
eel Plumtree, aged 51 years.
HALLS.—In Elimville, on June 2, James
Halle, aged 70 years and 7 months.
A Nuntn0s of secondhand organs for
sola or rout, Good ug n10 LEAT0ERDALE,
A anon, reliable girl wanted to go to
Lo neon to dNR8, 380,LltioH 0,�BnpneOLn,
on William street. For mirth:Mara
apply to ROBIP. MENZIES, Brueeele. 44.6
i s 000 of the undersigned, Lot 6, Con, 12,
Gre y, on or about May 27th, a 2•year-old
otoor, red end wbi te, with star on taco. The
owner 10 requested to proYe property, pay
expenses and take him away.
ATING and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on short notice.
Have had three years' experience in city
work,10Terme W.3 JObHNSTOIN, e Walton e a ll,
TATO.—$9000.00 will buy the Me0au•
ghey Block in the Village of Brueeele, These
two fine stores must be sold.to close out the
Mooaughey Estate. Intending purahaeero
should investigate at onoe. Apply to F. 8.
SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brnesels, Ont.
I hereby apologise for any words I have
used reflecting on the ebarootar of Miss
Lucy Bell. Anything Ihave said detrlmen•
tel to her reputation or character I folly re.
treat. I know of nothing againstthe ebur-.
Luoy'B; conduct am satisfied onneent that
this be published in two weekly newspapers.
Dated May 1810,1001.
Witness : (Signed)
Lt the Sun -wrote Court M the
County or Huron.
Pursuant to R.8, O., 1897, Chap, 129, all
persons having any claims against the es.
tate of Thomas Maunders, late of the Town-
ship of Morrie, in the County of Huron, far-
mer, deceased. who died on or about the 9rd
day of April, 1901, aro requested to send by
mail, or deliver to Mur one of a Ann Maunders, at
Brussels on orefore the296bdayof
ba s o
1901 a statement and innpertioulare of
tb elr claims (duly verified.) And notice he
hereby given that after the last mentioned
date the E08001 rs will proceed to distri-
assets thereto =having regard oestate nly to touch
claims as shall have been received, and will
not be reeponaible for the assets or any part
thereof so distributed to any person of
whose claim notice eba11 not have been .re-
ceived at the time of such
Agent for the Executors.
Dated at Brussels, June 12,1001. 48.9
Reuis!1e for
ihC Baili I
Bath, Brushes,
Sea Salt,
Toilet Waters,
&c., &c.
A Nice Assortment
Fox's Drug Store
Binder Twine.
SEASON 1901.
"FARMER8' SPECIAL" binder twine sup.
f1illed to Farmers Only at 8o per lb, in two-
buebel, eaten, 10.00. grata bags, bound with
two rope snap halters, and weighing 60 lbs
each, length over 600 feet per pound, quality
and length gueraoteed. Cash with orders,
purchaser pays freight.
Address orders 3. T. GILMOUR, Warden
Central Prison ,Toronto. Further particu-
lars eddreea Jams NoxoN, Inspector, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Toronto.
Toronto, June 8,1901. Provincial Secretary..
In the matter of the estate of Duncan Me.
Donald, late of the Township of Grey,
in the county of Huron, farmer,
Notice 10 hereby given pursuant to R. 8.
0 1807 Ohap.129, Soo. 28, that all creditors
having uny claims agafot the estate of Dun-
can McDonald, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased,
who died on or about the Twenty-fifth day
of May, A. D. 18D1, in the Township of
Grey, in the county of Huron, are hereby
requested to Bend by mall, prepaid, or to
deliver to G. F. Blair, of the Village of Brim
sots, Solicitor for the Executors, Alexander
McDonald and John McDonald, on or
before the Twenty-ninth day of June,
A. 0,, 1901, their full names, eddre0000
and descriptions and the full particulars of
their claims, (verified by affidavit) and the
nature of the securities. Of any,) held by
them. And notice is further given that
after the said last mentioned date the Ex•
cantors w111 proceed to distribute the assets
of the said deceased, among the persona en-
titled thereto,baving regard only to the
claims of which' notice shall have been given
all above required, and the said Executors
will not be reepobsibl a for the senate or any
port thereof, so distributed to any person, .
of whoae claim notice shall not have been
received at the time of distribution.
G. F. BLAIR,Brussels,Ont.
Solicitor for the Executors, Alexander Mc-
Donald and John McDonald.
Dated at Brunets, June 810,1901. 48 3
Sports, Attractions
11 ITU 1.1111 and Music..
Forenoon, Afternoon and Evoninrg.
Base Ball and Foot Ball Matches,
Acrobatic Troupes, High Wire
Performers, Sword Swallowing,
Ventriloquism, &c. &o.
Music Will be Furnished by the -s --.
The Band will gine a Complete Concert in the Evening
on the Park, interspersed with Acrobatic Feats.
The 0. T. R, will issue return Tickets front all stations where the Single Fige js
not above $2.50 at First•elass Single Fare for the round trip. Tickets good going by
any train arriving at Brussels on the afternoon of. June 27th, and by all trains on
the 28th, good to return on the 29th. •
' C SeeSmall Bills for Program.
Admission, ] Oc , Carriages, 2�ic
GF. AIR Treasurer, JAS. T12WI1 S13pretnxy.
. p. , ! ,'.
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treg d• q.J'a' J•'.d'1,.�+�e'A:.J' '�.✓ tilt ' '1*'r.+°i.l"J utmeti't,.J'I:. uutt'ut