HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-13, Page 4TUX ,B.40',01,14 TJIU1 sS.DAX, JUN..T' 18, 1901, 0 UN NilR(1N 00, COUNCIL, C TIMM%% Ar M=0'0 01100101/ Connell met on Tpeeday afternoon, pursuant to adjournment, the Warden in the chair and all the membere vita..:— Meseta. Bowman, Connolly, Cantelen, Chambers, Ferguson, Saye, Mote, Holt, Il;err, Lockhart, Lamont, Miller, MoLean, '!'atterepn, Spackman and Torrance, in attendance. Minutes of last day's enseion of 7 eaetn• bet meptiug read and confirmed. Warden Holt addressed the Uounpil in reference to matters regarding the Trete• niter's securities and stated that the lineation would be reported upon iu full by the proper Committee. Oommcnioation read from Sas. Mit. obeli, President of the Childrene' Aid Sooiety asking for a grant. One from Andrew Scott asking for grant ,to Bruce. field Public Library. Tenders for coal for Co. buildings and for stationery were presented, all sent to EXeoutive Commit- tee. Letter from W. Prondfoot caking for mere ebelving for Law Library in Court House. Sent to Co. Property Committee. Petition from Trustees of S. S. No, 8, Goderiob townehip asking that oertaiu tote be left in their seotion and requesting an Arbitration. Sent to Education Com. mlttee. A number of aoaounte were referred to °the Finance Committee. ' Moved by Mr. Spackman, seconded by Mr. Connolly that Council adjourn until Wednesday at 10 a. m. WADNE0DAY I1301INING'6 0000I00. Council met at 10 o'clock. Minutes read and passed. The following letter wee road from Mr. Chamberlain, Inepeotor of Prisons, Tor- onto.—Wm. Lane, Go. Clerk t I enclose a army of e. report made to the Lieut. Governor ae to. the oondition of the apart. menta need by the Jailer and hie family. Yon will observe by the Statutes that it will be necessary, at yonr nextmeeting,of the Connell to appoint a Special Commit- tee to confer with me and make arrange- ments se to the repairs and alterations thatmay be neaeesary remedy the Y to will see the t pointed out. Yonby defeats Aot that thee ehaald be done eo that the Committee can report to the Connell. Upon receiving notice from yon that the Council has appointed each Committee I will meet with them while in session in order that they may be able to report to the Council. Your obedient servant, T. F. CHAMBERLAIN, boas taxes average about 112 a year. A delegation from (ioderic'i unci Col- borne townships relative to the building of it new bridge aver the Maitland rivet on Riollpondarywoe heard, The petition oontaipad 370 demos in ita favor. Count Oil was addressed by Memo, Burns, ?dunning and Merrill, Bridge would re. quire to be about 300 feet long. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Qonnoil adjourned until 10 a. m, There. flay on motiou of Kowa. B outman and Miller, Report to the Lieut. Governor was as follows :—I beg to report to yen for the information of the Lieut.Governor (in e accordance with R. S. O.1897, Cap. 321, Sec. 24,) that the accommodation for the Keeper of the Jail at Goderich, Co. Huron, is insufficient for himself and family ; oleo that it is unsanitary and dangerous to health no sccoant of im- proper ventifation, tbe bnildiag being too low under ground ; also that the con- 810001fa0 of the rooms for the nue nd. tae y--„mAx i=1•E182:0017.. family is very inconvenient. I have , tregaeotly caned the attention of the Ca. The Connell met at 2 o'clock. All the Council to the above fa,••t_ bot DO anion member- preaen . 1 room, Morns, an May 27th. Members has beeen taken. T. F. ChambErlain •-5 e..-haatf; mmittee reaerl wae J 2=4w Mr Ens m rt cater- all praaaot exceptMr. Code. The mem- thTonconot m, aneniGs dn J3,i zeae ._a ren m• Fr£a asIc G m 5;ee anadecGaau ^il { ts^_ ree0nt subscribed the oath required eTGo._prereyfbybF statute. Appeals were dieporeed of ae rf an aa- }follows :—Edward Garvin, assessment msnd;id twat tb G - oTi ;= t=e _ _ : •' W. pt, lilt 30, Con. 7, was t'110atnp4Y 00011111110. Council met at 10 o'clea t, Minutes of Mot meeting read and approved. The report .of the ?donee of Refuge Committee was read, and with Mr, Fer- gonon in the their in Committee of the Whole, the same was adopted without amendment. A motion by Messrs. Spellman and Hoke asked that the Co, Engineer be authorized to examine the situation of a bridge over the Bauble river on boundary of Huron and Lawbton and report at Deoember Beeston. Referred to Road and Bridge Committee, Moved by Me. Miller, eeoouded by Mr. Ferguson, that a grant of 325 00 be made to the Boundary of Howiok and Minto townships on condition that Co, of Wellington grant a like sum, Sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by Mr, Torrance, eenooded by Mr. Lamont, that the Co, Treasurer notify 00. Constables of their duty in en- forcing Co. Peddlers' Bylaw and ask them to do their duty.—Carried. Council adjourned until 2 p. m. on motion of Meeere. MoLean and Hays, THDna0/0 1100811x0011 Dr. Chamberlain, Ioepeotor of Prisons, met and addressed the Conned relative to Jailer's residence. An adjournment was made eo that the membere could visit tbe jail and have pointed out to them the proposed plane for improve - manta. On Commit resuming tbe report of the Education Committee was presented ae. follows :— In the matter of diepate over 2 lots in Goderich townehip as to whether they should belong to B. S. No. 3 or No. 3, we reoommend that no action be taken. R. Mreroa, Chairman. The Connell went into Committee of the wbole, Mr. Hicks in the their, and the report was adopted. be next order of Equalization was t After Mr. 'o the chair. b neiueee M .Hae t Y rose n a long diepdaeioa the Committee , change having been made. Conseil adjourned on motion of Meeere. Lamont and Torrance. FRIDAY 1110RNING, Commit met at10 o'clock, all the mem• bere present. The Finance Committee's report was read recommending the payment of ao• counts. Jae. Bowman ie the Chairman. Report of Finance Committee read with Mr. Cantelon in the chair. It was adopted botb in Committee and Coen. oil. Equalization Committee's report was read. On motion of Mears. Lockhart and Patterson Council adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock. OOONTY DaarigerX CO01t11T'FEE, Committee beg leave to report as fol. 'Awe :—We visited the Jail alta ware pleased to know that only 7 prisoners are confined thereto. We found Tai' Olean and du good order. The ROgletry Otiiee was found in a satiefaetory eonditiou, wo recommend that front omee be kaleom• inod. We examined the Celia House and grounds and found everything in good order. The shelving a000mmoda. tion asked for by the Law Library we recommend that It be atteuded to by the Warden, We reaoutwOud that the re• port of the Jailer be printed iu the minutes. D. CANTaio,, Chairman. MCAD AND 011100E come 00611. In the matter of repairs to Graham bridge wo reoommend that the 0o. Corn. miaeionerhave it repaired at mule, Re. pairs to Chambers bridge are reoommend. ed in oonjgnotion with the Brace Ucmmis. oioner, In the matter of the petition asking for a bridge on the Maitland, be. tween Claiborne and Goderioh, we recom• mend that the Co. Engineer visit and re- port as to neoeseity and coat of camp to this Council at Deoember eeoaiou. On the advise of Co. Commissioner we reoommend that a pipe railing be pat ou what ie known an Bnll'a bridge, making it a proper height. .In the matter of a grout of $25 requested by motion of Meagre. Miller and Ferguson to be expend. ed on Boundary between Minto and Howiok we reootnmond that request be granted. In the matter of motion of Councillors Spa0kman and Hicks re bridge on Aux Bauble, we reaummeed the re. queer be granted. We reeommeod that the Qommieeioner'e report be printed in the minutee. Hoon CnAttoeos, Chairman. SPECIAL 0atfnIITTAE 1115 0/0LEn'e neeme1108. Membere — Mesere. Holt, Torrance, Bowman, Connolly and Kerr. Gentle- men,—We beg leave to report that, en. oording to your inetrnatiooe, we met with Dr. Ohamberlatn, Inspector of Prisons, relative to better accommodation for the Jailer, owing to the unsanitary oondition of present building and ,atter carefully considering the matter we reoommend, that a new residence be built, the atone in a portion of the jail wall and the brick in cottage to be utilized, construotiou to be proceeded with as elan ae plane and specifications are prepared and approved of by this Connell or a Committee ep• pointed by it. We also reoommend that Inspector Chamberlaiu'e report and letter be printed in the b minutee of the Connell, of this ease on i All of which is . zeaneot fully submitted, W. H, KERR, Chairman. Mr. Miller took the chair in Commit- tee and report was paeeed both in Com- mittee and Connoil. County Property Committee report was read and paeeed. Executive Committee's report was read Mr. Speakman in the chair, being amen• dad by asking Warden and Clerk to ask for new tenders for coal. Report as amended was adopted by the Council. Road and Bridge Committee's report was presented, Mr. Lamont in the chair. Report was amended by striking out grant to boundary of Uinta and Howick. Re. port was carried in Council es amended. • Morris Council Meeting, • Tbe Council met as a Court of Revision on the Aeaeeement Roll in the Connell reduced =settee,Le C0m._. o1_ :f Wi w Re m r 0 i_ ❑ meez,s, .. a_. enomttt, a this revert, rye r~ .tree aena...-e' sm. talc 'L'. r..: :ori -e*µ:red sa :ha Ga. the eiarr, and the f-.Sfr +aT—.•. 000000 +. •. o --Coo .EC.. was annoir 0i rr c7.t I O: r ci ..-n- ` r'=raves oy S . Bo_pman, seconded by bertafn :—'•f • Btal,f tsu, Csµ- 1 Cso't'n0 , heat the Bkites ,olevaogtee in con- Clealy, Terwee 110 rx and t Warden aN r the e with Rhe building of Jailer'a Clark was instructed to were to Thrown. residence, Meears. Connelly, Kerr and the Jailer Griffin reported as felleere — Warden and that they have plans, epeci- There are k male ptiaonar° in the Jsf1, dm-tic/nee &c., prepared. and. on approval viz. :—Frank Reid, GreyCa., fax carry. of government aotboritiea that a special ing fire arms and deaeatrayfng property ; meeting of Council be held to award len- Robb. Wallace, Tookersmrth, vagrancy ; dare, appoint inspector, &o.—Carried. J. W. Scott, 'Walkerton, Wroxeter, horse stealing ; An levitation was read bythe Clerk Joo. Weir, 'Walkerton, assault ; Otto Johnston and Ed. O'Brien, both of Kau - ben • behalf of Cot. White asking the mem• eau City, drunk and disorderly. I earn• bere of the Council to attend the Annual eatly beg of you to take immediate action Camp at London. The thanks of the in fnrniebing sanitary accommodation Council was recorded for it. for myself and family, By-laws were paeeed striking the Co. a e which willbe 11t1 mills tbie year r t w ch 0 I Hale Commissioner A Co.Com Report of as compared with 1. Lel mills for 1900 ; was submitted and sent to Road and P1 Bridge Committee. It was as follows :— On • one for the equalization ion of the Co. I herebyreport account of baeineee On motion of Messrs. Kerr and Ferga• son (tonna adjourned to meet on the firet P Uo e transacted by nee since last January's Tuesday in December in Goderiob. Council. The contracts authorized have been duly let. I have agreements end EOEC0TIYE 000.313002•08 • bonds for the completion of the same. Reported ae followe :--That no action be The eaperetruoture of the bridge between taken in reference to applioation of grant Wroxeter and Belmore wee let to the for Baron Old Boys' Aeee. to meet at Hamilton Bridge Co. and ie to be corn- Clinton on July 6. Recommend a grant plated in July. The bridge to be built of $15 to Battlefield Public Library. In on the Boundary of Howiek and Watlaee regard to tenders far poet for Co. build - was awarded to the Stratford Bridge Ge., inge for 1901. we reoommend that neither at $554 for superstructure, to be tom• be accepted ae they are too high. 325 plated on Aug. let next. Frank Gott- was recommended as a grant to the ridge, of Beafortb, has the contract for Children& Aid Aeeo, located at Goderioh. abutments of both bridgee. At the Joe. CONNOLLY, Chairman. Graham bridge on the Lake Shore road, HOUSE 0r R EFn00 COMMITTEE, Ashfield, there should be concrete walla GE TLEIIEN — Your Committee met ra chew as they N C erect to protect the o ed p pp are in great danger of being destroyed by twice since January session, Feb. 12th the salon of the water. I have examin- and Jane 3rd. On both visite we found ed the 18 mile river bridge on the the management of the House and term Boundary of Goantiee of Heron and eatisfactory. The number of inmates Bruce, known am the Chambers' bridge, (72) le e. little leve than daring last year the cords of which are mach decayed. and Dr. Shaw reports the general health Tbie bridge requires to be thoroughly re- of the inmates good. We reoommend indeed very Boon or a new bridge erected, that another oloeet be built for tbo Am of opinion that bridge could be re- fomalee and that the backyard be divided paired to advantage and would then loot by a arse board tepee, one aide for the several years. Tbe Co. of Brace will no males the other for fetnalee. That about doubt take action In oonjunation with 60 rode of wire fence bo put on North Huron, Expect there will be about the aide of the farm to replace the old rail usual amount of repaire to be made to fence whiob is of very little nee and oleo bridgee and approaches this year. that a snit of clothes be bought for Pat. The amount for orders issued since O'Connor, an inmate who works the Iaet report is 3291.17. Estimate for team, and that a tile drain be laid to roads and bridges for 1901 will not ex. carry the overflow from the oesepool. seed $5,000. JNo, deem,12 plum trees have been planted by order Co. Commissioner, of Committee, and we find that Mr. On motion of Messrs. Miller and Kerr, French, with the help of inmates, has tbe Connell wae asked to supply a copy planted same 60 maple trees, some to re• of the new Ontario Statutes to each Place trees that died owing to the dry member of the Connoil.—Carried, season last year. A bed for ievalide has Oounoil adjourned, on motion of Memo,been purchased by consent of the Com. Kerr and Miller, unfit 2 p, m. mitten for 312,85 which ie a great cion. venienoe. The stook on the farm con• WSDNE0DAY AFTERNOON, state of 8 horeee, 3 clown, and 9 pigs, they Council resumed, Warden in the chair. are all in good oondition. The following A delegation from Clinton addreosed tbe crop is on the farm :—Oats 11 sores; Co. Council relative to a grant to the barley 5; bay 12 1 mange's 2 ; turnips 1 ; Huron Old Boys' Anse., re -union to be potatoes 3 ; beans k aere ; folder corn $ held at Clinton on July 6th, 1901, eon. spree ; Mento acro ; and vegetables 1 Rioting of Jno. Hansford, D.& Forrester, acro ; the reef of the farm ie in pasture. W. Coats and R. Holmes, M. P. The accounts, commencing with No. 774 In commotion with the Goderiob town• and ending with No. 809, were examined ebip school matter Meeere. McCartney, and found correct, Tho total oxpeneen Sturdy, Chdrobill, and Nesbit addressed the Council, The dispute ie over 2 Iota 4-$ T Jin n 18, 1901 repairing culvert, 31.50 ; J. Welsh, re - Pairing culvert on West 13uandary, $1,00; corporation of Bulled 13, Line, expendi• tore for 1200, 1122.87 1 W, Clark, part salary, 310 ; J' a .Kerney, repairing serirper, 3150 l no tVateon, a9 000or e eatery, 374 ; .11t s, Watson, ttplai1 ing union school aectiuns, $D 00, The Ont an• oil thenadjmtrued to meet again after Court of Itevitimu, J11110 2lt11, W. CLAM( Clark,. 300 ; Geo, Jackson wee entered tenant on S. , Lot 20, Con, 8 ; D. Meiklejohn entered tenant Lots 19 & 20, Belgrave ; S. Vannorman entered tenant S. W. pt. 1 Con. 5 ; Joo. Vanoorman entered owner 8. W. pt. 1 Oen. 4 ; Jno. Robb entered owner N. ; 26 and N. W. 27, Con. 7 ; Wm. Sholdice entered owner S. } 21, Con. 9 ; J. T. McCaughey entered tenant N. 3 6, Con. 9 ; F. McCaughey entered owner N. 6, Con. 9 ; Geo. Pocock entered tenant Lot 9, G. 8., Blue- vale ; Joo. Collie entered tenant N. pt. S. } 31, Con. 1 ; Peter Wheeler entered tenant Lots 6 & 7, G. S., Bluevele 1 Geo. Mines entered M. F. S. a 51, Con. 1 ; Welter Sharp entered M. F. S. 3 28, Oen. 4 ; Geo. Coultee entered tenant S. pt. 17. } 1 Con. 5 ; A. Taylor entered M. 1 on. 6; Peter S. Stewart enter - F. N. U S ed M, 1', N. } 1 Con. 0. On motion of Taylor and Shaw the Court of Revision adjourned to meet again on wae then a ] g June 24th at 10 o'oloclt a. m. Council bueineee proceeded. Oo motion of Shaw and Taylor F. aerates was allowed 85e. per rod for digging a ditch on South aide of road at Lot 12, Con, 3, to extend from the creek to Garniee' gate, ditab to be 5 feet top and 2 feet deep. A petition wan presented asking the (toenail to ap- point an arbitrator with a view to the formation of a'Coion Bobool Section at the village of Belgrave. On motion of Jaokee° and Shaw the matter was laid over until the June meeting, On motion of Shaw and Jackson, Mr, Taylor was inetraated to have a oulvert pm in at Lot 12, 4th Line,aleo to have bridge at Lot 164th Line,s aired. On motion of Taylor and Shaw Meaere. Code and Jackson were instructed to in. epect road at Lets 8 and 14, 6th eon, line, and report et next meeting. On notion of Jackson and Taylor Mr. Shaw was inetrnoted to have sideline between Lots 20 and 21, Con. 3, repaired, net to exceed 325, On motion of Shaw and Jackson the Reeve and Councillor Taylor were inetruoted to examine the road at Lot 23, 4th Line, and report at next meeting, ap. plioation having been made for building a bridge at said place. Tenders were re. oeived from the Austin Co., of Chicago, end the Sawyer•Maeeey Go., Hamilton, for the supply of a road grader bat neither tender was aooepted. Moved by Taylor and Jaokson that the Oouooil pun ehaee the Sawyer•Maseey grader provid- ing the company will accept 3210 ae the oaeh price of the machine ea soon ae teet. ed and found eatiefantory. — Carried. Thie offer wee accepted by the agent, the machine to be tested at Bolgrave on the 4th of June at one o'oloak p. m. On motion of Jaekoon and Taylor the sum of 3150 eaob was granted for re. pairs on East and West Boundaries and 1150 each on North and South Boundaries providing the adjoining munioipalitiee expend an equivalent. On motion of Jackson and Shaw W, It, Kerney wee appointed operator for tbe road grader to be paid 31.50 per day when employed, A000unte were ordered to be paid ae follows ; — II, 1Ztahmond, repairing bridge, 33.00 ; Jae, Seat, repairing bridge, 31..00 1 Dennis O'Connor, repair. since January let up to line date is Ti"'. CO. CUUN4i,L Mill 'gf(ftQN OLI) 19015." yrtF. TO the Miter of TIM 0007t Sir,—I wish to pall public attention to the recent notion of the. County Coupoil in reference to the coming visit of the "Boron Old Boys' Aeeonlatlon of Tor- onto." This is an Aeeooiation of mon who own the County of Boron as their birtbplaoe, and who having gone into wider, busier emend of labor still retain 00 sffeetion for and a justifiable pride in the plane of their birth. They began last year to make an annual vieit to their native County and otiose Goderioh, the County Town, ae their rallying ground. Now, these are men and women who originally came from and belong to all parte of the County ; They are personal friendeof and relations to people living in all parte cf the County, not in any one particular locality, lint in the County as a whole. Oa the day they visit once a year, they come t0 visit the County, and ae each they are i nate of the County and the County elin•rd well come them. Last year therein,", whew they visited the County and chew Gode. riob 00 their rallying ground, :he town Connell of Goderich rightly applied to the County Council and asked for a grant of $100 to assist in the entertainment and properly and rightly the C. 0. gave 3100 towardo this very commendable ob- ject. Thie year however a different tale own be told. The same Association, the some people, the same olaee of vieltore, the ea me reaecne, the same arguments, tbe same want, the same neoeeeity, the same applioation, the same jueiifiable cause, but not the same Connell. The County Council of Huron truly, but a different personnel. The men have been changed, and not for the baler. Can it be believed that the Citizen's Committee, of Clieton, applied to the 0. C, on Wed- nesday lout for a grant of $100 to help entertain the H. 0. B. and the answer of the Coun it ie No 7 Such niggardly par. simony is hard tobelieve. Dr. Talmagee 't t men micas and scale Oros wrote o fwith so small, that ten of theta could dance a Scotch•reel on the point of a fine Cara - brio needle. It would appear as rho' we had magnificent epeoimene of that class right here in our midst. Imagine a County with a population of 60,000 de. ecending to such a depth of absolute meanness as to refuse in the person of its Council to spend $100 in entertaining ire own relations and friends ; verily we should hang our beads with shame. Is it not possible to secure the services of abler, broader minded men, more whole souled men than inch as those who voted against this grant, to do us credit as County. Councillors 7 There must be such men to be found, and let the voters find them at the next election, and teaoh these men that the patella do not uphold such paltry stinginess. A public, body snob ae a 0. C. ought to be above snob minded. It is difficult to find language to adequately dee/tribe one's feelings, when confronted with such concha on the part of public officials, but I hope I have partially re• voided the diegnet, in common with right minded men, is felt by me on thie owoe- Sion. Yours, etc., Clinton, June 8. Jane Rexene°, Chairman Reception Com. 31,008.07, T. le, HAve, Chairman, t ing onlvort, 32,00 ; Wm, Cunningham, Alma; and W. 3, Mulley, Pool. After a oloae 000(081 Dr, Stowatt woedeclared the (Melee of the Convention. Dr, Steiv art then addroeaed rho meeting, 0000)71. ing the nomination in epirltod opooph, saying there wan no reason why the tlSl• ing eonlil not bo redeemed, the people having every confidence in the Roes GOy eru1Otat. The following eftloers were then elected ;-7amea Canaan, Mary, hnroneb, President : D. Allan, Arthur, nue W. J, Faulkner, Palmerston, Vice. Presidents •; E. W, Lambert, Merriment Treasurer ; A. 9, Lowe, Drayton, Soon, Lary. Noon DY EAITon•—Mr. Roneford has had hie say and we have no doubt the membere of the Co. Connell who voted against the grant µeked by the (Milton delegation are quite willing to abide by the verdict of their constituents and neither Mr. Raneford'e beautiful, placid Englieb while addrooeing the Co. Conn- ell, nor bio ill-bred Billingsgate criticism in the preen will cause them to alter their opinion on the principle involved. Goderich grant last year did not receive a unanimous vote of the Connoil by any means, nor will any delegation asking for the same favor. The Go. town had a earpiece of 3200 from their celebration t Aron Old Bo on the visit of the e H Boye year and Clinton, directed by Mr. Raneford, will have the opportunity of showing their ability to finance, The membere of the o Couooil who are ao• b C. gnainted with John Raneford will do the same as the man did when the jackass kicked him viz., aoneider where it Dame from. Hie "flying" at the new members of the County Qonnoil ie Billy in the ex• trema. Iir4 + M^ r ons adStallions al for Service. ' !III t11II SOSTVMER and $ALA The. undersigned are preneietore of th0 two above mentioned well bred Roadster Stallions that Maud at their own stable, Brussels. COSTUMER, in the past 4 years, bee prey en la lineal; by the ball Nair exhibits an Huron Co„ to be the beet producer of Road- ster oalte in this emotion, "CAPLAN Is an extra well bred horse ; hue eine and looks and judging by the farm he cane from—the Allen Stopk Farm, pitta. hold, Maas,—he Should be an A 1 producer. Ail hie dame are producers of speed. Hie grand dam on the damgeide Sea full sister to Dexter" and hie grand etre on the sire aide is a full brother to "Maud 0." Ifaplan'e" sire took the world's stallion record in 1802. For pedigree, terms and other ipartiaulars apply to Scott & Warwick, I'ICOPHIETOIOS, BRUSSELS. it's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To may n women e me lit le one round of sickness, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest honsehold dative fatigues them. Many of the eymptome accompanying this state of decline are : s feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, lose of appetite, cold bands and feet, headache, dark circles under the eyes, pain in the back and aide and all the other a000m• panimente of a ran -down and weakened oonotitution. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defective plantation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. . By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS Yon strike at the root of the disease and lay a eolid foundation on wbiob to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened baste fill out; the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health'and strength vibrates through the system. 50 cents per box et all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Out. For Sale by M. A. Deadman, Ilrueacle, etenotdiet ut IN ewH. George P. GrahamM. P. P., was nominated by Brookville Liberals for the Legielative Assembly. It ie understood that the 0. P. R. bas come to terms with the Orangemen, and will ieene tiakete at a single fare from any point in Canada to Winnipeg and return, to enable the delegates to attend the Grand Lodge of British America in that pity at the end of June or early in July. Visitors to the Weet will, it is al• eo said, have cheap rates granted them to any other point in Manitoba or Brit. ieh Columbia. The new Allan Line Royal mail twin. Drew steamer Auetralasiao arrived at Montreal at 6 p. m. on Sunday, after a very.favorable firet trip across the At. lantio. She brought a fell complement of passengers, who were unanimous in their praise of the vested. The passage from Moville to C3eebeo was made in eight days and eight honra. The Australasian was built by Mssers, Denny on the Clyde, and ie a megnifleent epooimen of the shipbuilders' art, Her accommodation for all classes of passenger le unsurpassed, tile promenade dolt, owing to its great extent, being a special feature. The ves. eel ie 570 feet in length and 58 feet in width. She is commanded by Captain Brown, formerly of the Parisian, The Weet riding of wellington Reform Agee/dation met in White's Hall, Dray. ton, Friday afternoon, for the purpose of choosing a candidate to reproeent them at the next election for the Ontario Leg. islature. The convection was very large and repreeeutativo,there being 123 dole. gates present. After passing a resolution of condolence to he sent t0 the family of the lata Treasurer R. G. Lambert, of ilarrietoa, the following names wore enb• milted to ballot :—J. McEwing, Dray. ton ; Dr. Stewart, Palmerston Dr. Henry, Harridan ' ; R. Hol tom, Harris. ina ; 7, M, lioaoh, Arthur i Dr. Wallaoet School of the Highest Standing! CENTRA! r Joolta J LL 5tra U' l o B"i„ V t: REAL ESTATE. T.ilA.RMS FOR SALE—TUR ON, .i. u221010NAn has several good Farms for safe anti to rept, easy forms 10 Townships. of fii,arrfe and Greer, F 8, 81`2GTT,Braeaele (,'f 001) ll'AEM OP 1421 40R'ES V1 far sale, being Lot 23 pou.7, Groy H. ouee imitable for two eeoillos if required, 8ehaol hotieo, church and pertof the Village of Athol on part of the lot. Apply to 301710 GOBIlft,kltbel Carriage Works, 24- '11 -DI Oen, R2 13 ALE. -BEING Lot y, containing 100 earoo. Good stook or grain farm. Geed frame house and bank barn; two good wells; a eight spate of Fall wheatand land d all in a , Good state of cultivation, For particulars applyy t301;N 1400AD0b010, 20-tfo- Bruelel0 P, 0, FIRST CLASS anFARM0,nehip FOR of Grey. .100 acres more or lees. Situate 41 miles from,Blueeele and 2 miloafrem village of 0thel. All cleared excepting 5 µores of hardwood hush. Bniidfuge and femme in good repair. Good wells, A11 tra11 plowing done. Prion and terms of payment on ap- plication t0 W. M. SINCLAIR 29.11 Barrteter, &e., Brussels. The large patronage that our College en - and w positive ren of Canada know theyoung to come for a reliable bnelneee education. No two Business Colleges are alike therefore be careful in choosing a eohool. Got our cata- logue. Our students aro remarkably enc. oeseful in securing and holding excellent altuations. Students admitted at any time. W. 3. 11LLI OT'10, Principal, ay allte 1 100 Tons of Loose Hay wanted, to be delivered at Brussels. Apply to A. Baeker. Wool! 50,000 lbs. Waded. -j1ARM I+'0R SALE.—THE UIOT• 1 dorelgnedoffers hie 100 acre farm for rale, being Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey, Thera are 90 acres cleared and 1e noree bush, Good house ; bank barn, 56552 feet, with storm stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fended and drained. Arteaiun well with wind trill and tank. Convenient to tobool, (thurob and market. 10 oozes of Fall wheat and 15 acme plowed, balance seeded to grass, 'Ap- ply on tbo promises or Watton P. 0. 34.01 161119110 0811010, Walton. TN THE HIGR COURT CF MS. L TIDE.—In the matter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As -rho Reserved /lid was not reached on the day of Salo herein, tenders is writtag will be received for the purchase of the lands and promisee, namely :—The South Balt of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morrie, 000 acres subject to the approval of ilia under- signed Local Master of this Court. Partlee desirous of making au offer for this valu- able property may do so through the auc- tioneer, F. S. Scott, or the plaintiff's smliai- tor, and if accepted will be anbjoet to the same terms and conditions as settled by the said Local Master, and announced at the time of the sale hereto, - Dated this 5th day of March, A.D. 1001. B. L. DOYLE, Local Mester at Goderich. W.M. SINCLAIR, Plff'e Solicitor, 3401 Highest market price paid, delivered at my Storehouse, No. 1, Brussels, Itobt. Graham. Cash for Wool! The highest cash price will be paid for any quantity of Wool delivered at the Brussels Wool- en Mill. If preferred will ex- change for rolls or blankets, clothes, yarn, flannels, &c. B. GERRY, Brussels Woolen Mill. Dereetaa4 to premiere and Vers0men, luny tei'Ina1y Caustic Balsam. A rellpble and a!1oody remedy for Gurnee fll.1h1t0, tlpaYhre, Sweeney, eta,eteetn Lumps 4alW in Cattle, %Wan)A011aE "8sepamph- let Web pocompaniee every bottle, giving ociontllie treatment in tlip yorlotte 4100x000. It can be used In every ease of votorinerY praotloe where seireulatbng applications n1,1 blisters are preoaribod, I6 bee no 0401103000, Every bottle sold le guaranteed to give same,. faction, Other 70e per bottle. field by alt parediota and eountr etarolreeperw, Pre, 0100 (51Ny1 COMPANY,, 000100,00;NA1tY Spectacles —01' ALL HIND8— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical teethods at Division Court Office,. BRUSSELS. ALLAN LINE Montreal & .Liverpool Quebec & Moville 1901 Front L3vERraeI Thur, 25 April 9 16 0 29 30 0 June 13 29 " 27 „ 4 July SAILINGS 1901 STEAMER M D1oxTaEAn Corinthian Sat. 11 May 9 am Numidiau .., " 29 ' 9 Parioian " 1 Juno 9 P re torten •„". 0 9 Corinthian" 15 ” 0 Tunisian..,.,, " 22 " 0 Numidian „ " 29 " 9 Parlolan 0 July 8 Pretorian ,, " 19 9 Corinthian,," 20 " 3 Steamers which Bail from Montreal at 0 n. m, wait the arrival of morning trains from Toronto and other pointe Went and South. when Steamers Bail before 8 a. in. paesengnro go on board the previouseveu- ing botwe on 8 and 10 o'clock. When Steam - ere nail at 9. a. m. p1eaeneere have the op- tion of going on board either Friday night or Saturday morning. For further particulars apply to; W. H. KERR,' Agent, Brueoole, IIIICEIIES! B.UCCIESPERIN IN ALL EWAN & CO., BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demand of the public ter any !rind of wheeled rig ae they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Robber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put on your own boggy wheels while you wait, or we can supply both wheel° and tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good boggy ehould have the Dunlop pat on by Ewan& Co. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but firet•ols oe workmen. w D. Ewan will devote a good share of hie time in attending to the Bale rooms es the Co. has secured a firet•olaee Horse Shaer for the blacksmith ebop; All wood work in oar line and general blookemithing done on our Err mise° and at ae low figures as can be obtained anywhere. Oar own make of Baggies this year are all 3; inohee longer in the body than other Buggieo and for STYLE and COMFORT oaenet be beaten. We use the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oilinge in a season ie all they require. It will pay anybody who wants a firet•olaes rig to come 25 miles to see our Show Rooms this season before buying ae our aaeortmeut is large and good and we are always well pleased to have people call and examine our stook whioh 1e the largest ever shown in Brussels. t"We mean bulimia. EEVAN & Co_ y Brussels, Makers, &o., Baggies, Wagons, Carte and Wheelbarrows always on hand. Do Yom' Ever Use BALLS, WAGONS, BATS, CARTS, BROOMS, WHEELBARROWS, LITTLE TIN PAILS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, DUST PANS, &c. ROCKING HORSES, They May be had at "THE POST" BOOKSTORE. CROQUET SETS, 4, 6 and 8 Balls, at Close Prices;