The Brussels Post, 1901-6-13, Page 3PREY, NTIQN Ql' TYPHOID PUYEIir
gotmnlonly Talten xatp the System in
Vining 'Water.
Typhoid raver, being a dienasa that
airway;- eequirea the personal attend-
ance of a physician, .may be proper-
ly re'forrod to trope the paint Of Y1ew
of prevention.
I IR is well knownthat typhoid fev-
er ]s a 'water -borne diene%, and is
commonly taken into the system in
drinking hater w111olt baa become eon,
terminated tram the'oxorota at per-
i " liereez-
s suffer n f •rnn the d' coca,
sem � i k is
ins does not in any way impair the
vitality of the bacil'lee of typhoid, ea
that Ica from a river or pond may
eouvey the 'Lamm to consumers hula-
dreds of !milesperhaps, from the
source of -infection.
Mille hae. more than catee been the
amens of convoying the disease. 1or•-
tunutely meet: milks -dealers are aware
of the necessity of eleornliness in the
preparation of milk for alripmente Tn
moot modern dairies the bottles, be-
fore. being filled, are subjected to the
at 'seizing effects of steam. iLpidemics
of typhoid fever traced to dairies have
ins meet oases been due to the bottles
/,,wing been hvashed with water from
an infected dwell or pond.
Oysters that slave teen bedded In
bodies of water which receive the con
tents of aoiwerage pipes, have like
wise been the mean% of conveying ty-
phoid fever. Only -oysters eaten raw
or on the half -shell cart carry infec-
tion to the conewmer, aims cooking
destroys the tamales.
A pure -water-supply is rightly.
looked upon as one of the greatest es-
sentials to the healthfulness of a
conenunity. Many foods-at4lads, for
example -cannot be cooked or sub-
jested to the effects of a high tem-
perature, while, on the other hand,
washing them in infected water may
render them the means of convoying.
'Among the chief ways of prevent-
ing typhoid fever must be mentioned
the caro of the .'stomach itself. It
seems highly probable that the na-
tural juices of the healthy stemmata
are able to doatroy anany germs of
disease ; but the number which any
stomach may be able to digest, and
thud render its owner safe from nt
tack, must always be uncertain, and
it is not desirable to test its capacity
in this direotioal.
The fact that only certain persons
out of a number who have partaken
of food or drink infected with disease -
germs may suffer is explainable on
the ground of their different general
physical condition, or of the varying
states of their digestive organs.
Boiling er cooking in any form de-
stroys all germ life ; and food or drimlr
about' which there is a question of
typhoid infection should be subject-
ed to one of these processes before
it iS taken into the stomach.
Heavy Rains in }.Ragland -Plenum-Mr
Wants Sunday Car Services -Foot end
,}Mouth DLOeage-National Prin?c 13111,.
Ore,, era,
A man named Wlndbam fele jute
a .copper of boibtmg liquor at a 0111n-
bridgo breeveey yeuently and was
scalded to death.
Owing to recent rains the River
Nene burst its banks in many pluors,'
and thousands of items round South-`
ampton were fleaded,
The o'strmated expenditure of the
Manchester corporation on lis pnrkd
and recreation grounds during the
next, twelve Mantles is S39.,938t
T'uneriego Walls proposes to onset
a theatre at a deist of te35,0e0 Xb].rty
thousand pounds hes been subserib.d,
prinoipadiy by the. inhabitants,
John. Bagnall, a retired farmer.,
was sent to three months' hard lab-
our at sedg1oy, Staftesclsbire, for a
murderous assault upon his crippled
A Balaclava hera, Mr, W. II. Penn-
ington, 'lvhro has been an hater and.
knew Gladstone, was the foreman of
a coronar'e jury at Stoke Newington
mom tly.
At Mlancheater, Mr. Charles Bayer,
comet and underclothing manufoo-
turor, wasfined te40 and costs for
moseying goods under a false trade
'Plan. Cllark,e & Sam, Liverpool, to-
baeco manufacturers, were fined ;250
recently for manufacturing tobacco
containing more than 30 per cent, of
Pbymiouth has been polled on 'the
question whether there should be a
Sunday service on the corporation
tramav'ays. The result `vee- For, 7,-
653; argainst, 4,817.
'P],caee look after my dear cats;'
Result or the Formation or Clubs for Co.
operative Medical Service.
The physicians' strike in Germany
arose in connection with the scheme
of sickness insurance, by which soma
thirty million Germans are entitled to
fres medical attendance on payment
of a small cum. Theoretically, nothing.
could be mare perfect than such a
co-opeeativearrangement. Practically
it has been found that the interests
of the sickness bureaus, Krankenkas-
aen, the doctors and the patients
clash at almost every point. The bu-
reaus endeavor to promote economy,
and desire that few cases of sickness
shall be reported. The people feel
that the doctors treat them unfeel-
ingly. The doctorn, on their part,
find the bureaus hard taskmasters.
In Leipsio the conflict has declared
itself frankly. The bureau physicians
as, is other cities, had organized an
association to .represent the profes-
sion, • This commission attempted to
negotiate with the bureaus for bet-
tor terms and leas irksome conditions
of service. The bureaus refused to
deal with the oommiasion, but were
willing to shear individual complaints.
It wee the old question of "recognizing
the union." The dootore did just what
workmen do metier the circumstances
-struck, and the work of the Leip-
sic bureaus is crippled.
At Munich the cause of the doctors
wee still harder. Their average pro-
file from the bureau service were
about $75 yearly. ,The pay was tho
same for the most difficult and for
the lightest eases. The united effort
of the phyakdaus raised the average
pay for a call to about 15 ntsTh
demanded as well a special tariff for
obstetrics and other difficult oper-
ations, and when such recognition was
refused, like their Leipsio brethren,
they Orrick in a body. The cause
would hardly call for comment were
it not that patients ore equally dis-
effected. The System oppresses them.
They 'Host take such physician as
is allotted to them, and must buy
thole medicines at certain pharma--
eiee, 00 lose the benefit at their sub-
ezeription. They receive underpaid
treatment grudgingly -given, which is
the worst treatment. They possibly
lose more in equanimity than they
gain in economy. While it is possible
that some reform of the eystoin may
be secured, it looks very much as
though its defects were radical. Or-
ganization faire when it clashes with
human nature, and it is hard to see
Mow any bureau system is consistent
with the human relation that should
exist between phyoicinn and patient.
:Mint Arctic Explorer-Den't you
think Paliohaumis s .ageiiia g a big
Bees d A.retue Expbarer Docitiodly.
You'd think he wets the only mean who
didn't reaach the pone! .
earthy: Why do they say that
Mee pen ie mightlee Haan the swords
11.s leather: Ilene/u;m you can't sign
e-hagaries teeth a Weed. es
Perils of the Deep.
Capt. Adnah Burns, of Dayspring,
N. S.; Tells an Interesting
Story From His Own Exper-
From the Progress, Denenberg, N.S.
Capt. Adnah Burns, of Dayspring,
Denenberg, Co., N.S,, is a prominent
(representative of a large class of
men, in Nova Scotia, who, doming
much of the year, follow the danger-
ous occupation ,of deep sea fish-
ing. When not at sea Capt. Burns'
avocation ia that of slip-eatrpenter,
ie 43 years of age, and is to -day
a healthy, vigorous representative of
his class. Capt. Bsr11ns, however, has
notalways enjoyed this vigorous
health, and while chatting seoently
with a a'epresentative of the Lunen -
burg Press, be said he believed that
but for the timely use of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills he. would have been
a chronic invalid. "From 1895 to
1898," said Capt. Burns, "I was the
victim of a complication of troubles,
I suppose. they .had their origin in
the hardship and exposure I so fre-
quently had to undengo. My illness
took the form of dyspepsia and kid-
pney trouble. The deeds which I ate
did,notagree with one, and frequent-
ly gave me a fooling of nausea and at
other times diatressful pains in the
etomach. Then I was much troubled
with pains in the baok due to the
kidney -;rouble. Finally I took a se-
vere :old which not only seemed to
aggravate therm troubles but which
seamed to affect edy spine as well,
and I became partially rigid in the
arms and legs. I was forced to quit
work, and dootored for a time with
little or no benefit. Then I dropped
the doctor and begantaking other
medioioea, but with no better result
By thea time T was run down very
much, had no appetite, and was de-
pressed both in mind and body.
While in this condition I chanced to
road in a newspaper the tcsti.monial
of a cure made by the use of Dr. Wit-
tiamS' Pink Pills, which in some re-
spects presented symptoms like my
own. Tha ui:raightfoxwnrd manner rn
which the story was toll gave mo
new hope and I determined to try
theme pills. I sent for three boxes.
Of course I did not expect that this
quantity would euro me, but S
.though it would probably decide
whether they Wore suited to my case.
I must say they seemed to act like
magic, and before the pi11s were
gond there was a deoitled improve-
ment in my condition. T then got a
half dozen home more and before
they worn gone I was back again at
(work in true shipyard, and enjoying
once more the blessing of vi,goroue
health. This was in the spring cit
1898, and since that time up to the
pr1 'aeut I luivo not boon Laid up with
rlline:is. Occasionally evhisn suffering
feeun the effects of exposure or over
work' take a box or two of Dr. Wil-
liams Pink Pills and they always
Put i311 right. Since my own mar-
vellous rescue from premature use -
Dueness and suffering Ihave recam-
enleaedod these pills be many persons
variously affliebod and have yet to
hear of the first instance whore they
havie failed to give good recants
evhero they were fairly tried.' '
It is such emlarsations •as theca
that give DI'. Williams' Pink Pills
,t1b2ir great popularity throughout
true. meld, Neighbors tall melt al her
of the benofite they have derived
from the use of these pills and whore
it fair trial 00 geese, the results aro
rarely disappointing. Dr.Williams'
Pink Pills
go directly 10 the root of
the trouble, they dretite esav, riots
!red blood, stimmlate the nerves to
healthy (lotion, thus bringing health
net uthem,
e I h, to who a
and sin n I s
Sold by all dealers It1 tnidiome or
Sent Post paid on rooeipt of 59 cents
a bole or sax boxes for $2.50, by rude
dressing the Dr. Wiltiama' Medi lie
Co,, Broelcvllle, Ont.
fog the TEETX-I and BREATH
tisiy $iz B®ZOOOtiT LIQUID Y . e 25e
Now Patent Box BOZO®®IIT POWDER . n 2p05e
Large LIQUID and POWDERa Y1l
At trio Stores or by Mail, postpaid for the Price,
A Dentist's Opinion: " As au antiseptic and byenic
mouthwash, and for the care and Preservation of the teeth; and
gums, cordially recommend Sogodont. X consider it the ideal
dentifrice for children's 11s0," [Name of writer upon application.]
HALL & M CKEL. RflorktreaL
was the Malt written request r✓f W. WET WEDDING DAYS PREPERRED.
Adams, the Stake Newington Cone.. 'The adage, "Happy bi the bride that
mission eg+ont, who aftsrwardd killed the. sun ahhloa on," is Dna that ]a utt-
its wile and birnself,
At Wimbledon, Charles Wesley renown in many lands, A Bruton bride
Hunt aged 15 junior clerk in a pub -
tithing when
afliee, c ommtited suicide by her wedding dawns bright and Sun -
shooting himself wb`-lit out walking ny. Ram on her marriage morn is
with somue ooenpenions, held to signify that all her tears are
At Birmingham, a publican named shed, and that she wil therefore have
Jennings, who is his own brewer, was a happy married life. It lig said that
fined a5 and costa for selling beer the Eazao f S:mbrisk call the day be-
50forethalveddi'ng Ilieweep;ng lay, and
g grains orf salt per the bride and her girl friends weep
lon in excess of the proper quantitye as muah as possible, with the idea
The epidemic of foot-and-mouth of getting the mourning of life over,
disease in Suffobk, which neoessitat- so that only What i9 joyful may ea -
ed the erasing of Ipowich, Wood- maw. In some countrie1 this result
bridge, and other markets, and the is attained by sousing th° bride with
slaughter of 501 affected animals, is water. The Greeks think that a thor-
rats.ed to !lave 'bean cancel by ough drenching of the bride will bring
ruts. her lasting good fortune.
Mrs. Illingworth, the landlady of
the Bridge Inn. Rie]ngbridge, on
the outskirts of Haalingdon, went to
look for an ,escape of gas with a
lighted taper. The result was an ex-
plosion that killed Mrs. Illingworth.
Among the schemes which it is un-
derstood the Xing has in contempla-
tion for adding lustre to his reign is
a great exhibition in London. Tbere
has been no exhibition in the capital
of an international character for
nearly forty years.
The Baroness Burdett -Coutts, al-
though 3'7 years old, has several aan-
i -ors among the British peers. The
Earl of Perth and Melford is 91; Lord
Gwydyr is 91; and the Earl of Devon,
can cif the few parson peers in the
House of Lords who do not sit on, the
Episcopal benches, is 90.
Dr. Dawson Burns has totted up
the national drink bill of the United
Kingdom for 1900. He finds that it
Domes to £100,891,718 -actually paid
down. This is a million and aquarter
Less than in 10199, which may be large-
ly due to the absence of some 220,000
fighting men ]n South Africa -
Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll,
celebrated recently her 53rd birth-
day, and the 30111 anniversary other
rnarriage with the Malrtia'ss of Lorne.
Next to the Empress Frederick, Prin-
cessLauise is the most talented, as
she is certainly the most popular of
the daughters of Queen Victoria.
England sn,00 d be proud of the
feet that only 6 in each •Million of
Sea people commit murder. Scotland
is the only nation that beats hex; in
this respect, 5 Scotsmen' being doom-
ed to the gallows in each million, and
11 Irish. H'lnignry lues 67 murderers,
fdery Spain etan(1s_ot the top of the
black -list with. 83 capital crimes to
erten million of her sons.
It is a curious fact that the wills
of Shakespeare, Milton and Napoleon
are tied up together in ono sheet of
foolscap, and may be seen at Doctors'
Commons. In the will of the "Bard
of Avon" is an interlinaation in his
awn handwriting, "I give unto my
wide my bast brown bed with the.
Cheap round trip rate
between St. Paul, Minn., and
the Paciic coast.
On July 6th the Northern Pacific
Ry. will place in effect a low first-
class round trip rate of $45.00 from
eastern terminals to Seattle, Ta-
comat and Portland. Dates of sale
at eastern terminals will be from
July 6th to July 18th inclusive, and
the final limit for return will be Aug.
81st, 1901. Destination must be
reached not later than July 18th,
stopovers being allowed IN DITHER.
DIRECTION within the transit
This offers an unsurpassed oppor-
tunity for those desiring to hunt
new homes and farms to go foto the
northwest and look over the coun-
try, or for those wishing to visit
relatives or friends or to make 'Oen,
sure trips, to do so.
He: Yee. don't 'mala to tell me you
axe geeing to emery that old bald-
hewded pridfessore She: do is rather
brelel; but think how moiety young
men. of to -dee atm bald on tine' Inside
of their heads!
For Canadian delegates and all
others going to the Epworth League
Convention, via Chicago and North-
Western Railway, to leave Chicago
Tuesday, July 9th, 11.59 p, in
Stops will be made at Denver, Col-
orado Springs, Glenwood Springs
and Salt Late, passtng en route the
finest scenery in the Realty and
merle. Novena Mou Macre g. Through
Pullman 1'alado and Tourist Sleep-
ing Cars. Order berths early, as
party will be limited in number.
Intro only $50 round trip, with
choice of routes returning, Send
sump for illustrated itinerary and
map of San Francisco to le. H. Ben-
nett, Gen'} Agent, 2 King St. past,
Termite, Cnt,
Nova. Scotia Member of the Guild
Wants His Case Published -An
Eight Year Sufferer from Back-
ache - Cured Recently by
Dodds Kidney Pills.
Bridgewater, N. S., June 13, Special.
-The case of John S. Morgan, plum-
ber and tinsmith afi this town, should
be put prominently before every
union and non-union uranin Canada.
In a :natter like this them should be
no distinction, the benefit belongs
to all.
John S. Allergen fox eight years
was hampered in his work by back-
ache. Stieopeg continually at work
is the cause of a groat deal of back-
ache, though not in the way most peo-
ple imagine: Mr. Morgan's letter
explains the truth of the matter
when he says Dodd's Xidney Pills
cured his backache. It was really
Kidney ache that Dodd's Kidney Pills
cured. It was really Kidney ache
that troubled Mr. Morgan.
Backache is the oammonest symp-
tom of Kidney Disease. Kidney Dis-
ease is the commonest of human
hilmnm'ts, and Dodd's Xidney Pills are
th_ one. infallible cure for all Kidney
diseases. Read what NPs. Morgan
says abort them himself.
I have been ..abject to lame back
foe eight years. Tho different reme-
dies I tried were no good. I got so
that I was crippled up entirely and
couldn't do a tap of work. Another
thing was a frequent desire to urin-
ate altogether unnatural.
"About a year ago I commenced to
nee Dodd's Kidney Pills. I had run
dawn in weight to about 140 pounds.
During the time I was using Dodd's
Kidney Pills I gained 23 pounds. bly
back got better and batter as I con-
tinued .taking the pills until to -day
1 am as free from backache as ever I
was in my life. This after eight
years of it means an awful lot to me.
I realize the danger I was in and
knew what I owe to Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pins
to anyone who has backache or any
other Kidney complaint."
Maperson-Just look at that ocean
giretvlhwrnd go!
Merman -res, I wonder if seine
sea wale hasn't tied a tin can to
MINARD'S LINIMENT le thin only
Liniment asked for at my store and
the onby one we keep for slab.
All the people use it.
Pleasant Bay, C. B:
Mrs. Aliellcigtua, said Mrs. Ginty, is
111 won yea' faliuu, the day? Yis, very
wear tk or. ms:rrnnfl Sias. mite.
stlhrrcnes. -then p'r'ops it's able ye'd
be tro bring back rube two wash' -tubs
yez berried Met Ml`tnd;'t'y.
Take Laxative Broom Quinine Tablets. All draggles
Wand the. money If is fails to Dare. E, w, ()rows
signature is on each box, 250
o --
The biggest fur fairs aro at Leip-
zig, in Germany, and Nijni Niervgorod,
in Russia'. At the latter plata IE800,-
000 worth of Loire change hands each
Itinard'sLinintea� soli- everywhere.
Seein has only 010,000 people 0050
have the privilege cif voting, and
Italy only 370,000. Spain hies 30
voters par 1,000 iohtibitants, and 31-
aly 13. The United T nga= has 121
per 1,000:
Mr, Rrss11--Snyl I 'want you to
marry me.
Mies 1'cchis (gasping) -Weill
bad some nervy, proposals, but you
take the: palm.
Mr, !lash--Coodl Now let pro hold
that palma minute while I slip this
ting on the proper Linger.
Proceedings of the Thirtieth
Annual General Meeting.
of the Stockholders.
The Thirtieth Annual General
Mooting of the Dominion Bank was
held at the banking house of the In-
stitution, Toronto, on Wednesday,
May 29th, 190x.
Among these present were. noticed:
Ool. Masan, Messrs. William Inco,
}Vin, Spry, 112, Boulton, 39, 13, Osler,
1Vil]iam 1Iendrie, John Stewart,
Walter S. Lee, W. D. Matthews,
Chas. Coekshutt, Win. Ross, M. 1'.,
A. W. Austin, Thos. 'WValmsley, Tim-
othy Eaton, Dr. J, I'', Ross, W. C.
Crowther, W. G. Cassels, II. M,
Pellatt, David Smith, T. D. Brown,
G. W. Lewis, J. Stewart, J. Long,
A. R. Boswell, P. Leadiay, Peter
Macdonald, Richard Brown, G. N.
Reynolds, A. Foulds, V. H. E.
Hutchison, T. G, Brough and others.
It was moved by Mr. Wm. Ince,
seconded by Mr. W. D. Matthews,
that Mr. le. B. Osler do take the
chair, and that Mr. T. G.
}Stough do act as secretary.
Messrs. A. 1;;. Boswell and W. G.
Cassels were appointed scrutineers.
The secretary read the report of
tiro directors to the shareholders,
and submitted the annual statement
of the affairs of the bank, which is
its follows:
To the Shareholders:
The directors beg to present the
following statement of the result of
the business of the bank for the
year ending 8015 April, 1901: -
Balance of proot and loss account,
3)th April, 1900$ 92,056 38
Premium reasived 00 now capital
stook,... 910,291 88
Profit for the year ending 30 April,
1001, after deducting charges of
management, etc., and making
provision for bad and doubtful
debts 275,192 50
OO1iSIDtR 11-15 }]MGH QUA1,TTY op
and you will be convinced that it cannot be
surpassed by anything et the saute prices,
x5, 30, 40, 50 46n cents.
Yo u Want boat 0'011 ,1g000, 3puutrnv, 005109, other FRUITS an4l''400110i, 2
The Dawson commission Co. `Imre i ornus1 t'laroet°oa14
V ',t'r .
sesel lef'u$FP,@i'oecep CtsaMISt tea
In painting, the selection of the pmolr
is o nc
i y r ed byc1 0
ethe arta t be
a g
ate- For h painting, house n i 1 buy
ire very best paint you can gel. I,
Now, the paint best known 10 ,el
Canada, stood the longest test g
and is the highest standard is
made to exact proportions. - IL
covers the best of any, wears longe
est, leeks brightest and saves you
more money than any other. Seild.
to us for our BOOKLET "K' FREE
of beautiful homes tolling all about
f,,, {, �Qj,'�[6 r��f
If-iY /t A rfi A YI
s Olt
Eet'd 18'l2,
OVRGOCCOSee@OSOW,G®C8t 0i e60686;.'a i se a senses
T. Eaton, J. J. Foy, K. 0„ Wm.
Ince, Wilmot D. Matthews •and E. 33.
Osler, M. P.
At a Subsequent meeting of the Di-
rectors, Mr, le. le Osier, M. P., was
elected President and Mr. W. D,
Matthews Vice -President for the en-
suing term.
Sates in ciroulation $ 1,790,039 00
Deposits not bearing
interest. .......$ 2,047,231 18.
Deposita bearing :»i-
terast .............. 16.585,383 15
13,577,017 28
Total liabilities to the public 20,304,256 28
Capital steak paid up 2,440.291 87
Reserve fund $ 2,41029188
Balance of profits
carried forward 190,482 10
D:ridend No. 74,
payable let May 58,998 93
Former dividends
unclaimed'83 755
Re.erved forintorest
d ti 150,510 38
$1,277,510 70
Dividend 3 per cunt. pall
let August. 1000 $ 40,861 17
Dividend 2), per contpaid
1st November, 1900 ..,. 47,308 55
Dividend 2b per cont.patd
1st February, 1£01 54,103 03
Dividend 2# percent pay-
acle 1st May, 1901 5$093 98
$20 ,5. 'r8
Written oft' bank pre
sos... 30,000 00
Transferred to reserve
fund ....940,29188
----81,177,058 68
Balance of prod and lose carried
forward $ 100,482 10
Balance at credit of account, 00th
Ansfe 1020 $1,500,000 00
Transferred from profit and lova
amount 940,291 88
$2,440,201 88
It is with deep regret your Direc-
tors have to record the death, which
occurred in January last, of the
Iron. Sir Frank Smith, who had so
ably filled the position of Vice -Pres-
ident of the bank from its organize
tion in 1371 until the death of Mr.
Janes Austin in February, 1897,
and President from that time until
his death. Mr. E. D. Osier, M. P.,
was elected President, and Mr. W. D.
Matthews Vice -President. Mr, J. J.
Foy, X. C., was elected a Director
to fill the vacancy on the board.
Arrangements are being made to
open caeca at Gravers asst, Ont.,
and in Toronto on t' corners of
1 Queen and Tomalley streets and
IBloor and Bathurst streets. At the
latter point a suitable building is
being erected by the. bank.
AU branches of the bank have
been fuspccted during the past
twelve months.
Toronto, May 29th, 1901.
Mr. E. D. Osler moved, seconded
by Mr. W. D. Matthews, and
Resolved, That tho report be
It was moved by Mr. Wm. Hen -
dile, seconded by Mr. Wm. Ross, M.
1'., and
Itesolvod, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to the President
Vice -President and Directors for
their services during the past year.
It was moved by Mr. Wm. Ram-
say, socouded by Mr, Thos. Walmsley
Resolved, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to the General
Manager, Managers, Inspectors and
other officers of the bank, for the
efficient performance of their respec-
tive duties.
It was moved by Mr. Anson Jones,
seconded by Mr. John Long, and
Resolved, That the poll be now op-
en for tile election of seven directors,
and that the sumo be closed at 2
o'clock in the afternoon, or as soon
before that hour as five minutes
shall elapse without any vote being
polled, nod that tate scrutineers, on
the close of the poll, do Hand to the
Chairman a certificate of the result
of the poll.
The scrutineers declared the fol-
lowing gentlemen duly elected direc-
tors for the ensuing' year: -Messrs.
A. W. Austin, 1V. R. Brock, M. P.,
00 ora an o
Herrero en 5115 dis-
counted 59,02 27
2,811,897 90
ASSETS, $25,628,245 51
Specie $ 819,020 19
Dominion Govern
mantdetnand notes. 141$519 00
Deposit with Donna- '
ion Government
for Security Of note
circulation 109,000 00
Notes of and ohecke
on other banks 783,010 28
Balances duo from
other banks in
Canada 151 888 40
Balancer clue from
other banks in the
United. kingdom318,370 05
Ba'ancos dao from
other bonks else-
where than in Can-
ada and the Unit-
ed kingdom 1,925,98981
Provincial Govern-
ment securities 95,117 06
Canadian municipal
securities and Bri-
tish or foreign or
oalonlalles pubotherlic
cu,t than
Rniiway and .other
bonstds,ocks cebeatures
Loans on call encored
by stooks and de-
bentures 3,957,825 12
Bills discounted and -----$11,853,047 29
advances Dement.,. 13,245,110 14
718,483 51
2,203,179 85
Ovordua debts festi-
Real estate, other 29,583 31
thanbank promises 43,979 15
Mortgages on real
estate sold by rho
15,571 19
rank premises...,422,710 74
0 her assets not 50'
elided under fore-
going heads - 7,303 70
13,704,598 23
Toronto, 30th April, 1901. $25.013,245 51
T. G. BROUGH, Gen. Manager.
London hospitals have 9,100 bads, of
which over 1,500 are usually vacant
for lack of funds, Paris hes 0,000
hospital beds, and 13 asylums with
10,000 more.
Minard's Liniment Cures Barns, etc.
Cardiff exports 32 million tons of
coal a year, nearly three times' as
much as her next rival, Newcastle.
Newport rends away 21-2 million
tons, and Sunderland nearly as siucli.
Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely -derange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles sbould never be used except on
pproscriptions from reputable physicians, as to
damage they will do is ton fold to to good you
can possibly derive from thorn. hail's Catarrh
auto, manufactured by 37,3, Cheney & Co,. To.
ludo, 0., contains no ntoroury, end is taken in.
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
m115011s surfaces of the system, In buying
Halla Catarrh Curs be sure you got the.erm-
ine. Itis taken internopy,and made in Toledo,
Ohio, by 1r. J. Cheney V Co. Testimonials
Sold by Draggists, price 75o nor bottle.
Halle enmity 1'Ias aro Lha beet. -r
A teal -gas explosion oamnot oc-
cur until there are 0 parts of gas m
every 100 of the air in the room; tent
4 per cent. of coal -gas will pause suf-
i,,,----7,7 y
w Sued. �-wvv
9 i:�y',
p„�r r9_
r.6A'sv dpi
ct �s r -
Mr. Brownlee, of Renfrew, hart 'beer
appointed superintendent, of the
Aylmer, Ont., water -worts system at
a salary of $750 a year.
Kinard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia
The best way to overcome error est
to emphasise the -truth it ignores,
Kinard's Liniment Cares Dandruff.
It is a poor plan to reprove a man
for walking lame by knaiiringo dim
For Over Fifty Years t,
5150. Winnf ow's SOOT11rd0 ar11Ur hoe Koen used DP
minions of mothers for their children ,chile teething,
itsoothes the child, softens the COMM alleyspein aures
ivied cello, regulates he stomach and bowels, and Is the
hest remedy for Olarrhrea, Twenty -aro cots a botsle.
Sold by druggists throughout the world. Bo sure and
ask for " wrnsnow's 5005,055 55RU1'."
Galvanised iron is merely iron clip-
ped in molten zinc. "Pea coating re
not applied electrically, as the term:
galvanised seeme to imply.
Family Rotel rates 91.50 per day:
The Centro; industry of France hoe
remained statfomary for 70 years.
There are 12,030 fiehernien to -day;
.jurat the same number as in 1880.
1V P C 10.89
IC +�
Foir all shin afirnenta,
J. 0. Calvert & Co., feanoheater, Cngland
Metallic SKYLIGHTS' 124 Ade aide
Tonoaro, 055
for small wages when you can double your
wages and still stay at home by writing to
MARSHALL & CO., tea importers, London,
aad faded Suite world loo. better d ed. If n0 agei4
of Dura is 7515 town, write. direct 5tottreal, Bos 150
BRITISH AM8Tn10011 DYE! NO 00.
ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works
Rod or Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS, No supply
Public end High Schools Toronto). Booting Falt, Pitch,
Cont Tor, etc, RO0F4hiGTII•Lr (Sop New City inrIld-
lnes Toronto, done by our Brod Motel Ceilings, -Cor -
nicer, etc, Bstimatosfurnished for work campPtote or for
materials ohsnprd to enss part of tl 0 eenntr9, 1'hoeo 1993
D. MIMIC yt SONS,Adolalde & wldmerBts., Toronto
Dominica L€ne Steamships
Blontt eel to Livarpoot Boston • to Liven
pool, Portland to Liverpool. Pia Queens.
Large and Feet Stoamehtpa Superior a conwo dation
for all classes of ppesengam. Hereon end Steteroourl
Pro amidehtpe. Special attention hoe becu circa to the
Beoond 50100cud ecoommodatton.. For
totesarpacsag0 mad all particulars, apply to ally agent
of the Oompany, or
Ciel:{77 Sate St., lroston.
tittle 5 Co,
D. 2'ornieoe b Oo.,
5tontraol aad 700100,3,
tont rum onto, Drun,e, Uniforms, 0tc.
Lowest prices ever quoted. Pito catalogue
50Dillustrations,mailed free. Write us for any
thing in :Music or Musical Instrument..
Whaley Royce & Go. Toronto, Ont. and
winnipog, Irian.
..Ti 1 ,E..
Perm. . nent
Mortgags Corporation.
M. ds received on do oea .
t71� Interest ndewar vpaid or oolnperind- elle/od half -yearly at w/o
ad hupwbunt
With ballyearty
oeupone attached 4%
for intoroet at
Toronto Street, - TORONTO
None , aanotaVicar Narete irtm,+rlac.atwM tom