HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-13, Page 150 CENT
For Salome of 1901
Vol. 29. No, 48
New Advertisements.
Local—Titin POST.
8 Yearling Heifers.
,Local—G. E. King.
The Bath—Jae. Fox,
Ex°ureione—O. P. R,
Strayed, Daniel Shine.
Brussels Demonetrabion,
Strayed—Uhae. Alderson.
This store—MoKinnon tk Co.
Some eyes—Mrs. T. Fletaher,
Bteresoopes—G. A. Deadman.
Binder twine—J. R. Stratton.
Teacher wanted—John Grant.
Notice to oreditore—A. Hunter.
Notice to oreditort—G. F. Blair.
ililist±f Naas,
J3 ueva.le.
Clayton Duff visited friends in Wing.
ham last week.
Adam Geddes, of Dakota, visited rola•
tivee here this week.
Mies Laura Snell visited relatives in
the village this week.
Ed. Coultas, of Ripley, visited his
parents here iaet week.
Albert Denman, of Mt. Forest, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mies Ethel Knight, of Ripley, visited
Mire Mabel Coultas laet week.
Mies Eva Stewart, of Rosenfeidt, Mao.,
is visiting relatives in the vicinity of
Mre. MoLean and daughter, Mise
Maggie, of Wingham, are visiting at Jtio.
Johnston's. -
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Molesworth,
will preach in the Presbyterian ohuroh
on Sunday.
Alex. McGee has gone to Belgrave
where he will open a gobbler's shop. He
rented his house to John Aston, of Turn -
%V All
Mies Nina Rogere, of Brussels, Sunday -
ed at R. Ferguson's.
F. Bossenbarg, of Zutiob, wee visiting
at J. Backer's this week.
Mre. 0. Sage and family removed this
week to Beaforth where they purpose
making their home for a time.
Some of our villagers wore in attend-
ance at the Smalldon•MoDougall wedding
ak Cranbrook on Wednesday ofthieweek.
A bee was held by the A. 0. U. W. last
Friday in levelling up the grounds et the
new Workmen Hall. The work made a
big improvement.
Rev. Mr. Dever was away at Conference
at St. Thomas daring the past week.
Rev. R. Pani, of Brneselo, took °barge of
the work on the Walton oironit last
Several from this locality witnessed
the foot ball matob between Brussels and
Beaforth last Friday evening at the form.
er town, Gordon McDonald and George
Ferguson are valued members of Brussels
The Duff's Church garden party, which
was postponed on account of unfavorable
weather, will be held at the manse on
Tueeday, 25th inst. Ae formerly an.
nonnoed the Seaforth Band will be in
attendance and s good program will be
given. Tea served from 6 to 8.
We congratulate Miss Maggie McDon-
ald and. F. 0. Neal on passing the second
year of the Arts and Medical coarse,
respectively. The latter bas made an
exceptionally brilliant record, baying
secured let Class honors,raokiog fourth
in a class of 110. Both have returned
from Toronto and will spend the holidays
at home.
Are so
that they require 0muaoulet exertion
to see,far objeots clearly. Such eyes are
doubly strained when used for near
vision. This condition is craned Hyper.
opia or Far-sightedness. This exertion
cameo eye.etrain and is the cause of
Headaohea and Nervous Affiliations which
oar Glasses will ours. Call and have
your eyes tested. No charge for doing eo.
Mrs. T. Fletcher,
l'PAC;i FIC,`
00 Day
to' the
Nor halost
At Return Fares
An tier
Swan River .,
Yorktoli .,..,
PrInoo Albert
Calgary $35
Rod Deer ..... Cb A
Edmonton 'Y'C%
Going Juno lab,Returning until Aug, lath
(AR Rail or S.. Alberta)
Going July lett, Returning until Sept, lath
(All Rail or S.S. Alberta)
Going Jul y 2Srd Returning until Sept. 92nd
(All Rail or 8, b, Alberta)
4. /j. NOTION,
Asat. Gent, Paasongor Agent,
Rine Street Saat, Toronto,
A public pio.nio will be held in T.
Wllliamson'a bush Lot 7. Con. 18 Grey,
in connection wrtb Union S. B. No 12.
The various eonimitteee are sparing no
painsto make thinge attractive and all
are molted to attend.
Thursday evening of Met week Bt.
George's obaroh held a moat suooesefnl
garden patty at the residence of lames
Bolger. The weather being mild and
pleasant e large crowd assembled and
thoroughly enjoyed the supper and pro.
gram provided by the ladies of the Guild.
Grover les.
A double deok oar of hogs was shipped
to Harriston and a oar of cattle to Toronto
also a ger of peas.
Large quantities of wool is being
brought to town these daysthopgh the
price is not as high as the farmers would
A. Roberts, of the Bank of Hamilton,
is holidaying these Jaye and Mr. Doyle,
eon of Judge Doyle, is filling hie plane
here in the Bank.
The remains of the late Andrew Hum•
mason, who was Lound dead in bed on
Monday morning, June 8rd at Novae,
Muskoka, were interred here on Thursday
of last week. He formerly resided on the
9th con. of Howlett.
Mrs. Petrick, mother of Mre. R. Rosa,
of town, died on Tuesday at the home of
her eon.in•law Andrew Doig on the Grey
Boundary at the ripe age of 95 years. She
was much esteemed by all who knew her.
Her husband pre•deoeased her some years
ago, The remains were interred in the
Molesworth oemetry. She was a staunch
Preebyterain ; born in Scotland and im.
migrated to tbie oonntry many years ago.
c ran la rook.
Mies Minerva Eunis Sundayed with
friends in Brussels.
W. Ennio was at Goderioh this week
doing duty es a juror.
Wm. Ritchie, finding that his throat is
bothering him, has tendered hie resigna.
tion as precentor of Knox church.He is
a good Binger, and did hie work well.
The young men are looking op their
girls for the Guelph Excursion next
Thursday and the prospects area good
tunny, bosh old and young, will see the
Model Farm.
Jacob Long has perohased the hotel
property here of whioh he has been the
tenant and he contemplates making a
number of improvements about both
house and stable.
Toeeday of this week Wm. Cameron
left for Ottawa where be will attend the
Presbyterian Assembly. He will be away
two weeks. Rev. R. F. and Mre. Cern•
eron, of Shakespeare, are also at Ottawa.
Next Sabbath ballots will'be distribut-
ed in Knox church for the purpose of
testing the feeling of the congregation
relative to the purchase of an organ and
the introduction of the Book -ot Praise.
There ie no doubt these would add to the
advantage of the worshippers.
MATaIttaNIAL.—Mie9 Annie MaPheeeon
and Levi Whitfield, a well•to•do young
farmer of the 12th con. of Grey, were
united in marriage at the home of the
bride's parents, 14th line, MoKillop, on
Wednesday evening of last week. At the
conolueion of a suitable Wedding Mareh,
played by Mies Mary E. Rae, the con -
mooting parties came forward, when Rev.
P. Musgrave performed the ceremony.
Mies M°PIiereon, Meter to the bride, and
Jas. Bzandon, of Orillia, were brideemaid
and groomsman. The ladies looked
splendid in their eoetumee of white.
Atter the customary congratulations were
over all repaired to the dining apartments
where over. two bnodred invited guests
partook of an excellently prepared wed-
ding dinner. Ample provision was made
for the entertainment of the party, but
therinoi al sport indulged in was the
p P p (;
old reliable danoe and all went merry as
a wedding bell. The wedding gifts to the
bride were profuse and valuable which
olearly bespoke the esteem and popnler•
ity she enjoyed in her neighborhood.
Mr. and Mre. Whitfieid begin married
life on their fine farm fuGre every-
er -
with vY
thin in their favor and will the earnest
wishes of their friends that health, pros-
perity and happiness may always attend
them. -
.I Otttel.
Grey township Council will meet here
next Monday.
Peter Lamont went to the County
town Monday afternoon to serve on the
Communion will be observed in the
Presbyterian church here on a week
from next Sabbath, 23rd inst.
Principal Dobson will be the presiding
examiner at Wingham for the Public
Sobool Leaving. He should fill the bill.
Ethel Bons of Temperance Lodge have
won 12 ofitovrn badges from the Grand
Division for securing the largest number
of members during the poet term. Tbie
is a creditable record for 'Ethel S. of T.
R, E. Beaumont left last week for bis
home in London, England. 166. must
like the boat mach better than R. Mo.
Kelsey and W. Buttery as We ie hie
second trip inside of three years.
Rev. D. H. Trimble, B. A., who one
time was stationed here as junior pastor,
has asked for and received his standing
from the Methodist Conference which
mat in St, Thomae. We have nob learn•
ed where he aontemplatee going.
A large number from this locality will
likely take in the Model Farm excursion
to Guelph on Thursday of next weak.
The Beeson is not busy and the trip gives
aleasant and instruotive outing. The
P g
return fare is $1.16 from Ethel, good for
two days.
A Toronto paper say° t—There wag a
large audieuoe present at the: Oonserva•
tory Music Hall last night, on the cocas•
ion of a reoital by Reobab Tandy and his
pupils. The program was one of more
than usual interest, and the various
numbore contributed were well rendered,
and showed the painstaking and aoneoien.
tion° abaraoter of Mr. Tandy's work, the
follgwing• pupils tatting part Miesee
Alias Pamphylon, Melissa Ames, Mama
Dowaley, Violette Themeon, Bertha
Miakle, Annie A. Noble, Edythe E. craw.
ford, Maude Davidson, Thermos Wegener,
Gertrude Sangster, Mrs. H. Shaw,
Frank H. Matthews, David Hood, W.
Millard MoOannon, Walter Murab, who
sang ssleotione from Aliitsen, Blumer•
tbal, Handel, Verdi, Bohamann, and other
well known aompoeere. Besides aeeiet-
ing in the duet and trio, Mr. Tandy non.
tribnted three short Bongo at the closing
of the program, whioh were muob ftp.
predated by,the audience. The aaoom..
gimlets of the evening were Mies E. L.
Yeomans (organist), and Miriam Denies
Tandy and Edythe Crawford (pianistee),
Morrie Council minutes on page 4.
Road work bas lbs innings on the 6th
line this week.
David Moore was visiting on the 64h'
line this week.
Township Council will be held on Mon-
day, 24th met.
W. Whitfield, of Grey, Sundayed at
Jno. Roe's, 2nd line.
Mrs. A. L McCall and ohildnen are
visiting at Alex. McCall's.
W. R. Mooney was away to Goderioh
this week serving as a juror.
A wedding on the 7th this week and
another on the 4th next week.
Geo. Lowry and wife, of Bruesele,
spent Sunday at Robt. Souoh's.
Mies Belle Roe bas been visiting on the
7th for the past couple of weeks.
Auotion sale of the Agar estate 200
acre farms on Toeeday, 25th inst.
B. B. Noe. 5 and 3 played base ball on
Wednesday of this week at No.6, 5th line.
Mise Mabel McCall has returned from
Holyrood where she bas been visiting her
Joe Smith met with a bad aooident by
getting bis fingers badly mashed with a
sledge hammer.
The Council bas engaged W. R. Ker-
ney, 4th line, to run the new grader, He
reoeivee $L50 per day while operating it.
Mr. Reed, of Balgrave, took the eervioe
at Ebeuezerlast Sabbath in the absenoe
of Rev. D. Rogue who was attending
Alex. Bowman, of Toronto, has been
epending a few days visiting old Mende
in this township. Be once lived in Es.
queuing, Halton Co.
Mise Alice Jewitt, of Bromide and Mise
L Hall, of Ethel, and Mr. and Mre.
Eakmier, of Jamestown, Sundayed at
Lewis Jewitt'e, 2nd line.
Garneee Bros. and helpers bays Dom.
plated the atone work for Jno. King's
new barn whioh is to be 60x70 Get. They
made a tiptop job of it.
Last Sabbath Thoe. Jewitt, of Blnevale,
took tke nervines in the Methodist
Minrobee ab Belgrave and Sunshine. The
pester was attending Conference at St.
S. Strome, well driller, is at work on
John Clegg'sfarm near Sunehlue. It is
a great outfit and run by a Bawyer-
Maseey treotion engine. Mr. Clegg wilt
have 2 wails drilled, Jos. Clegg 1, Alex.
Clark 1 and W. Michie 1, all near by.
Last Saturday afternoon David Mo.
Cutoheon, 6th line, raised- the frame of
bie barn. It is 44x60 with atone stabling.
Jas. Sburrie and Robt. Thuell were the
aaptaine, the latter winning. There was
a large crowd in attendance. Geo.
Heaney was the framer.
A garden party, under the auspices of
the Ladies' Aid of Wroxeter Presbyterian
Churoh, will be held et the home of In.
operator Jno. R. Miller, North Boundary,
on Tuesday, 25th inst. A good program
will be presented after supper bee been
We take much pleabnre in congratu.
hating A. J. Moxeozie in successfully
peeving hie final examination in Pbarm•
aoy, and oleo taking the Baohelor degree
from the University. He is the eeoand
eon of K. MoKenzie, 4th line, We
have not heard where he 'tarpons meting
bie lot.
This week W. H. MaCutoheon, 6th
line, who is a wall known breeder of
Tamworthe, received o fine young hog, of
the above mentioned breed, from the
stook farm of John C. Nichol, Elrndale.
Mr. Nichol bas captured the Herd prize
at Ottawa,Toronto and London the
past 6 eas for Tamwortbe an the
d t is
what Mr. MoOntoheon is after—the beet.
SAD DoaTH.—The people of this com-
munity were very sorry to learn of the
anexpeoted decease of Mrs. Robert Yuill,
4th line, on Wednesday morning of this
week. She bad been in poor health for
some time with a nervous ailment inter-
fering with her mental powers and while
alone in the house, it is said, she took a
draft from a bottle of strychnine, whioh
her hatband bad procured to kill some
Drown and was a corpse before the dootor
could be seemed. Mre. Yuill gave no ex.
planatiou of the sad 000urrenoe, although
els was not unconscious when discovered
lying on the floor. She was 49 years of
age sod was a Mies Boyd prior to her
marriage. In addition to her husband
there are 2 daughters and a eon at home,
a daughter in Toronto and a son at Tees.
water. Funeral on Friday afternoon.
Interment will be made at the Brandon
oemetery. Moab sympathy is expressed
with the family in their sad and midden
MATlttttoalAL.—A quiet but pretty wed-
ding was solemnized in St. Thomae'
Oharab, Boafortb,on Wednesday morn.
ing of haat week, the oontraoting parties
being George Kelly, a prosperous young
farmer of the 8th line Morrie, and Miss
Margaret E., estimable daughter of the
late Samuel Scarlett, ofMoxillop. Key.
Rural Dean Hodgins officiated, and the
usual attendants on the bride and groom
were dispensed with. The bride was be.
oo mmgly attired in white muslin with
veil, oarryiog a boquet of lilies of the
Valley and entered the ohuroh leaning on
the ,arm of her brother, John
Soarlett, of Leadbary., At the steps of
the ohanoel she was received by the rector
and the bridegroom, and the happy couple
were soon made' man and wife. After
the service the wedding.. party repaired
to the residence of John Grieve, Coen.
sillor,. MoKillop, where the wedding
breakfaet wag served, and the day spent
in the usual plangent manner. The
many friends of the oontraoting parties
wish them many happy prosperous years
as they settle down in their comfortable
borne in Morrie. Tnn POST tbrowe an
editorial slipper after them,
Geo. J,Smibb, formerly of this looellty,
writing from Ashville, Mau., says :--Ws
commenced seeding oo April 110 ; had a
snow storm on the 18th, another storm
on the 22nd and frost the two following
mornings. Weather has been very fins
aver slice and crops are looping good,
We are enjoying a good rain at present
(June lith.) Enoioeed find $1 for Toon
Pose, it is always we)oome. Please
change our P. 0, address to Ashville P.
0, A clipping from the Dauphin Pram
says;—Geo. J. Smith, who resides in the
Vicinity of Aebville, brought to the Prase
oti'roe on Saturday a very large hen's egg.
By the tape the egg measured 8j; inches
in length and 6k in oiroomferenoe. Mr.
Smith thinks Ulla egg a record breaker
and ie of the opinion that it will be some.
time before another is produced as large.
Sheep washing and shearing is here,
Township Connail meeting next Mon•
day at Ethel.
Frost last week. It formed ice in
'tome plume.
Arthur Wark, of Logan, was visiting at
Wm. Bray's on Sunday.
The frost did considerable damage to
the potato orop on Saturday night.
J. Brandon and Mies Brandon from
Barrie are visiting at T. Whitfield's.
The township grader is making a good
job of soma of our oonaee5lon lines.
Miss Polly Askin was the guest of Mies
Mary Manning, of Morris, oa Sunday.
W. Brenner, of Belmore, was visiting
his sister, Miss Bremner, on Sunday last.
Jno. McKinnon bas bean putting up a
atretcb of wire fence along the front of
bis farm.
Isaac Rathwell and Miss Susan Roth-
well are at present visiting friends and
relations near Clinton.
Cooper Broe. have completed the walls
of 0. Love's new building and have
moved to other quarters.
Mr. and Mies Taylor, from Waleing.
ham, Norfolk Co., were visiting their
bro bber, Ira Taylor, lately.
A new verandah has been pot np at the
residence of R. E. Coates, 10th con., add-
ingto the comfort and appearance of the
Mise Duncanson, of Brussels, and Miss
Askin, lath con., were the gueete of Mrs.
H. Porter and Mre. A. Fox, 10th son., last
Among those who left with the Brno.
eels Volunteers was Alex. Coutts. In hie
absence his brother Jack, is supplying ab
the masoning.
Jno. Meehan iatende raising his barn
next Monday. Hie house ie also progress.
ing nicely and we may expect to hear of
a wedding soon.
It is said next Wednesday is the wed-
ding day of Rev. W. A. Smith, of Oil
Springs, formerly of Grey, and Mee
Mock, of Montreal.
The school pio-nio in Jno. Smith's
grove, 6th con., announced for last Bat
nrday was postponed until Saturday of
this week owing to rain.
Henry Bateman las snffioently recover.
ed to enable him to go to Brussels on
Wedneeday of this week. We hope he
will continue to improve.
Jas. and Mrs. Livingstone and grand.
son, Harold, were visiting their daughter,
Mrs. T. H. Driver, in Blanshsrd last
week. Master Harold remained for a
menthe' visit.
We are aorry to learn that Roy Mo.
Donald, aged 13, eon of Peter McDonald,
near Jamestown, is suffering from a
severe attack of appendioibie. We hope
soon to hear of hie recovery.
Gideon Brown has made a °entrant
with Jas. Turnbull, of the 4th con., Grey,
to dig about 200 rods at ditch 6 feet wide
and 2i feet deep at 500 per rod with
board. Mr. Brown expecte to get the
work done in about two months.
We areglad to notion the name of
Robb. Pearson in the list of euaoeeefnl
1st year students in Toronto University
examinations. He is home now an a
visit. His many Mende hope the, same
Oncoses will attend him all along hie
Bethel Sabbath Sobool will bold their
annual picnic in D. K. Livingtone'e grove,
on Wednesday June 19:h. A good pro.
gram is being prepared also a foot ball
match between Grey and Logan teams,
races, swings, etc, Addressee will be
given by Rev. R. Paul and Jas. Irwin of
the Herald.
A large number of young people from
about the "Union Church" attended the
wedding of Levi Whitfield to Miss A.
McPherson, of MoKillop. Everybody
reported having a moat exoelleot time.
Judging from the time that some of the
guests returned home wears led to believe
that some of them didn't come straight
Gomm Suooass.—Tbe Sabbath School
at Roe's Churoh held a Box Social at
said ohuroh Wednesday evening that
was a regular sweeper for crowd. Fol.
lowing the oustom of these gatherings the
ladies furnished the boxes with refresh -
meets and the gents purchased these well
arranged packages and then hunted np
the fair nook, whose name was inside the
box. The only trouble was there was a
large excess of young men so that there
was a shortage of boxes to go all the way
round. After the °entente of these re-
oeptaolee were investigated, and some of
the boys ware very slow eaters on Wed.
nesday evening, the program wan given
in the church but many were unable to
gain souse. A varied and well rendered
musical and literary bill 0f fare was pro.
vided as tollowa ; Chores by the school ;
prayer by Robb. MoKay ; selection by
re ibabion
aburoh choir , o , Miss Lizzie
tOarr ; instrumental, violin and organ,
Co. Councillor and Mae Bowman , reoi.
talion, Miss Peacock ; dnet, Misses
Smith ; reoitatian, Teacher Ward ; bar.
monies music, A, Roe, Mre. Walker,
a000mpaniat ; addreae, Robt. McKay ;
solo, Mrs. L Walker ; inotrnmental duet,
A. Brown and Miss Miller ; reoitation,
Miss Mary Johnsbon ; inatrdmental, Mr.
and Miss Bowman 1 recitation, Miss 9,
MoQuarrie ; solo, Mies Weigh ; address
Jas. Bowman ; recitation by Lizzie Carr,
Eva liryane, Btel)a MoQuarrie and Mary
Smith ;song, W. J. MoOranken ; address,
Rev. H. E, Curry ; reading, Mise Min.
W. ki. KERR, Prop.
Pie ' MoNaugbton ; instrumental, Mies
Welsh ; National Anthem. W, H. Kerr,
of Tag Poeo, was ahairmag. The Baan.
Dial proceeds were over $21 whioh will be
devoted to Sabbath S000l purposes,
Joseph Itaynard is the Superintendent.
London Methodist Conference.
The eighteenth session of the London
Conference opened at 8.45 a. m. on Thurs.
day of last week at Sb. Thomas. After
routine buuineas the secretaries read the
names of the laymen Olmsted to the
annual Conference, after whioh the roll
was oalled and 157 ministers and 60 lay•
Mon answered to their names.
On the fist ballot Rev. Jas. Living.
atone, of. Windsor, was elected President
on the following ballot :—Rev. Jae. Liv
ingstone, 128 ; Rev. A. L. Russell, 51 ;
Rev. E. N. Baker, 25 • Rev, Jasper Wil-
son, 13, and a few soattering votes.
The President•eleot was, very warmly
welcomed and gave a moat timely ad•
arose. At the conclusion of his addreae
Rev. Dr. Philp stepped upon the plat-
form and presented the President and
Conference with a gavel made from wood
contained in the first Methodist ohuroh
M Canada, at Adoiphnstown, on behalf
of the Conference evangelists, Revs,
Crossley and Hunter.
Rev. S. W. Muxworthy was elected
Seoretary on the second ballot ; assistant
Secretaries, Revs. T. E. Harriston, W. E.
Kerr ; Journal Seoretary, W. H. Mo•
Tavieh. -
Rev. W. H. Butt presented the report
of the Contingent fund, showing an in.
come of $796.59, whioh was not sufficient
to meet the extraordinary expenses of the
year, so the Treasurer had to borrow
$300 to pay a percentage of the claims.
Rev. W. MoDonagh was appointed Oon-
ferenoe letter writer.
Committee on pastoral address for
1902—Revs. C. W. Brown, B. D., and
George J. Bishop.
Rev. T. G. Williams, D. D., pastor of
St. James' Church, Montreal, addressed
the Conference on the position of St.
James', and gave a history of the church
from the laying of the corner stone and
the work done by the church during the
pant 25 years. They have given over
54,000 a year to the missionary fund, and
51,000 for other Conference funds, thus
opening the way for connexianal support.
The present debt is mortgage, 5450,000,
and floatingdebt, $60,000. The idea, said
the doctor, is for this great Methodist
Church to shake itself, and rise above all
Elected to the Education Board—Revs.
A. L. Russell, Jos. Philp, J. R. Gandy,
0. T. Scott, C. W. Brown, J, Wilson, E.
N. Baker, G. W. Henderson, A. K. Birks
and W. G. H. McAllister.
On motion it was decided that the
ministers moving be responsible for the
work in their new fields the first Sunday
in July.
The following ministers were reported
to have died during the year :—London
district, Thomae Crews ; Stratford,
Riobard Service t Wingham, William
Norton • Ridgetown, Thomae Webster,
D. D. ; St. Thomas, S. G. Staples, A. E.
Griffith, and a memorial eervioe was held
in this oonneotion.
The Treasurer of the Superannuation
fund, Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Toronto, gave,
his annual report, showing the standing
of the fund. According to the present
amassment of 5 per Dent a shortage to
meet all the claims in full has to be re.
ported, and said it would require 6 per
cent to meet all the olaims in full. He
said the fund was in a most encouraging
position. The income last year was
5114,188, and distributed to the super-
annuates, widows and orphans. The
doctor oleo presented the report of the
General Conference fund. The receipts
for the year were 58,132.
The conference Sunday services were
attended largely and highly interesting.
The ordination sermon was preached
by Rev. Dr. Ryokman. At the close of
the sermon the ordination service was
conducted by the President, assisted by
J. R. Gundy, G. W. Henderson, George
Jackson and Do.iff d h
G or The alarm of
nine young men were duly ordained by
the laying on of kande. This -closed the
most interesting service of the Confer.
The Statistical Committee reported,
through Rev. J. H. Long, showing n
membership of 48,854, an increase of 412.
Membership of Sunday school, 42,406 ;
Epworth League membership, 10,262.
The Sunday school and also the Epworth
League showed a slight increase in mem.
The following amounts were reported
for the oonnexional fund ;—Missionary,
$30,513, inorease 52,892 ; superannu-
ation, $8,341, increase $70 ; educational,
$2,942, decrease 557 ; ooutingent, $779,
decrease $8 ; General Conference, $1,020,
increase $46 ; Union Church relief, 5646,
decrease $56; Sunday school fund, 581,
demon 519 ; suateutation, 552, deorease
$26 ; Epworth League, 5272 ; temperance,
542 ; Woman's Missionary Society, 56,-
294. A total for oonnexional purposes of
$52,093, an increase of 51,207 ; for circuit
purposes, 5232,672, an inorease of 524,.
742 ; for ministerial support, $128,725 ;
for all purposes, $406,673 ; an increase of
Rev. Dr. Brigge, the veteran book
steward of the Book Room, Toronto, was
introduced and presented the work of the
Book Concern. For 21 years Dr. Briggs
has 000npied his present position, mud he
is held in universal esteem by the Con.
The reoeption given by the Conference
to the report gave evidence that the re.
sults of the year's business were entirely
satinfaotory. The report showed that the
total oiroulation of the periodicals had in.
creased daring the year by about 0,000.
The oiroulation of the Christian Guardian
ie upwards of 20,000. The total turnover
of the concern wms 5524,000. Several of
the periodicals had been enlarged and im.
proved. The profit of the year had been
$20,000, of whioh 512,000 had been
turned over to the superannuation fund
fund, the largest sum ever contributed to
that fund by the publishing house. Dr.
Briggs read a abatement prepared by the
auditors, Showing that in the 21 years
preceding his admiuistration only 54,000
bad been contributed to the euperannu,
ation fund, while in the 21 of the doctor's
administration 5124,000 had been contrib.
uteri. Next Conference will be held at
Following is the final draft of eta -
tions :—
London District—London, First Meth°.
dist °burgh, J. Bishop, (9, Salton, West
Edith (rhumb, who shall have charge of
the Kensington and Richmond and
missions) ; Dundee Street Centre, 0, T,
Scott ; Wellington street, R. D. Hamil-
ton ; Colborne street, A. K. Birks ; Oen•
tennial, G. Jackson; Hamilton Road, S.
J. Allin ; Askin street, 3. W, Holmes ;
Empress Avenue, T. E. IIarrieon ; St.
John's, H. Cooper, Arva, ; Siloam, Wm,
Quance, Fanshaws ; Bryanston, A. Mo•
Kibbon ; Tborndale, G. Baker, C. W.
Morrow ; Thamesford, E. Olivant ; Dor-
chester, C. Moorehouse; Belmont, H. D.
Moyer ; Lambeth, J. S. Fisher ; West.
minnter, T. W. Cozens, Lambeth ; Dela-
ware, S. R. MoVibty ; Chairman, Geo.
Jackeou ; Financial Secretary, S. J. Allin.
Stratford distriot—Stratford, Central,
E. N. Baker ; Waterloo street, A. R. Go-
ing • St, Marys, G. W. Henderson ;
Mitchell, R. Whiting ; Listowel, H.
Irvine ; Milverton, J. Snowdon ; Trow.
bridge, C. W. Bristol ; Wallace, A.
Graham, Lebanon ; Atwood, E. A. Fear ;
Monkton, G. H. Thompson ; Staffa, J.
Henderson ; Fullerton, J. A. Ferguson
Harmony, W. M. Pomeroy ; Embro, S.
Toll ; Wellburn, S. C. Edmunds ; Kin-
tore, R. L. Wilson ; chairman, G. W.
Henderson ; Financial Seoretary, E. A.
Wingham district— Wingham, R,
Hobbs ; Kincardine, W. Rigsby ; Luck -
now, A. G. Harris t Brussels, J. Holmes ;
Teeewater, G. J. Kerr ; Ethel and Hen.
f ryn, H. E. Curry ; Fordwioh, D. Rogers;
Gorrie, J. Garbutt ; Wroxeter, A. L Sia-
Kelvie ; Bluevale, F. Swan ; Asbfleld, F.
J. Oaten ; Salem, T. E. Sawyer ; Bethel,
0. Kain ; Ripley, R. J. Hooking ; Bervie,
D. Uren ; Tiverton, H. D. Tyler ;
Whiteohurah, A. L Brown ; Belgrave, A.
H. Brown ; Chairman, D. Rogers ;
Financial Seoretary, A. G. Harris.
Godericb district — Goderich, North
street, G. Daniels ; Victoria street, J. W.
Robinson ; Clinton, Rattenbury street,
W. G. Howson ; Clinton, Ontario street,
G. A. Gifford ; Seaforth, I. B. Wallwin ;
Holmesville, J. Hussar ; Blyth, W. Pen.
hall ; Dungannon, Thos. R. McNair ;
Nile, M. J. Wilson ; Benmiller, E. A.
Shaw„. Auburn, J. Kennedy ; Walton,
A. W. Dever ; Londesboro', T. B. Coup -
land ; Tuckeramith, W. A. Gifford ; Bay-
ayfield, J. G. Yelland ; Varna, J. W.
Andrews ; Chairman, G. Daniels ; Finan-
cial Secretary, G. A. Gifford.
Exeter Distrrot—Exeter, Main street,
R. Millyard ; Exeter, James street, 0. W.
Brown ; Parkhill, G. H. Cobbledick ;
Elmville, W. J. Waddell ; Centralia, B.
L. Hatton ; Hensall, G. Jewett ; Kippen,
G. H. Long ; Crediton, R. Knowles ;
Grand Bend, A. Thibadeau ; Sylvan, R.
A. Miller ; Ailsa Craig, S. Knott ; Birr,
T. C. Sanderson ; Luoan, H. J. Fair ;
Granton, J. E. Holmes I Woodham, Jno.
Hart ; Kirkton, S. Anderson ; Chairman,
R. lanyard ; Financial Seoretary, 0. W.
Strathroy district—Strathroy, J. R.
Gundy ; Petrolia, J. Philp ; Adelaide, H.
J. Uren ; Kerwood, E. Kershaw ; Wat-
ford, J. Gallaway; Warwick, H. W. Mc-
Tavish ; Arkona, R. F. Irwin ; Brooks,
A. M. MoCulloch ; Appin, T. Jackson ;
Mount Brydges, J. Mahan ; Melbourne,
B. Snell ; Wanstead, S. V. R. Pentland ;
Oil City, J. A. Snell ; Marthaville, J. J.
Sinclair; Chairman, 3. R. Gundy 1 Finan.
Dial Seoretary, J. Philp.
Sarnia dietriot—Sarnia Central, D. N.
MoCamus ; Queen street, G. N. Hazen ;
Point Edward, L.Bartlett ; Wyoming, G.
W. Andrews ; Camlaohis, R. L. Wilson ;
Brigden, R. H. Barnby ; Alvinaton, B. W.
Muxworthy ; Oil Springs, W. A. Smith ;
ked rd J. W. Priv Forest J. E.
T fo W
Ford ; Boean net G. W. Rivers Forest,
and ettle Dints to be supplied bythe
Bosanquet minister ; Corunna, . A.
Ayearst ; Port Lembton, A. E. Jones ;
Wilkesport, A. Baker ; St. Clair, Dr.
Ayleaworth ; Chairman, J. E. Ford ;
Secretary, J. A. A earet.
Windsor district—Windsor, J. Living-
W g
ston ; Windsor West, one to be sent;
Walkerville, E. Medd ; Amherstburg, W.
E. Kerr; Harrow, Wm. McMullen ;
Essex, W. J. Ford I Kingsville, B. Ole.
ment ; Ruthven, W. Baugh ; Gento, W.
E. Millson 1 Cottarn, J. 0. Reid ; Woods -
lee, P. Myers • Maidstone, 0. G. Corn-
wall ; Leamington, H. W. Locke.; South
Menem, A. S. Edwards ; Goldsmith, J.
Ball ; comber, W. H. Batt ; Romney, A.
C. Tiffin ; Chairman, 3. Livingston ;
Financial Seoretary, W. E. Kerr.
Chatham district—Chatham, Park st.,
J. Hannon ; Victoria Avenue, T. T.
George ; Charing Cross, R. Thompson ;
Blenheim, J. P. Rios ; Cedar Springs, W.
H. Shaw ; Merlin, J. Walker ; Tilbury
Centre, J. B. Kennedy 1 Jennettes Creek,
J. H. Osterbout ; Louisville, J. J. Noble ;
Dover, 0. F. Clarke ; Dresden, S. Bond ;
Dawn Mills, G. H. Johnston ; Wallace -
burg, J. S. cook ; Tupperville, E. F.
Armstrong ; Rutherford, E. W. Ed-
wards ; Walpole Island, M. Pickard.
Chairman, Dr. Hannon; Fin. -Seo„ T.
Ridgetown district — Ridgetown, 3.
Wilson ; Morpeth, J. T. Sutcliffe; Fair.
field, F. E. Marlotb, W. B. Creighton ;
Highgate, A. L. Russel ; Harwich, H. E.
Kellington ; Thomasville, T. W. MoTay.
ish ; Bothwell, J. H. Kirkland ; Moray
ian town, to be supplied from Bothwell ;
Wardaville, R. Phillipa ; Newbury, J. W.
Hibbert ; Florence, W. H. Butt ; Glen.
ooe, J. W. Baird ; Rodney, A. J. Lang-
ford ; West Lorne, none ; Dutton, E. G.
Powell ; Inwood, T. Pbilps ; chairman,
J. Wilson ; Fin. -Seo., T. W. Blatohford.
St. Monsen district—St. Thomas, First
Methodist Church, W. R. Young ; Grace
Church, Win. Godwin ; St. Thornes Ceti.
tral Churoh, H. W. Crewe. H. T. °roes•
ley and J. E, Hunter engaged in special
evangelistic work. Mount Elgin Ineti•
tuts, Wm. W. Sheppard, Principal ;
Mount Elgin, to be supplied, under the
superintendence of the Principal of
Mount Elgin Institute ; Aylmer, G. W,
MoAllister ; Springfield, J. Morrison •
Lyone, 0. P. Wells ; Brownsville, D. E,
/Martin ; Corinth, Lewin W. hold ; Avon,
G. Buggin ; Vienna, A. E, Lloyd ; Ring
Lake, P. W. Jones ; Meleliide, J, E.
Millyard ; Sparta, W. H. Graham ;
Stratfordville, J. J. Haylooli ; Port Stan-
ley, J. T, Fallie ; k'liigal, A. J. Langford
Talbotville, C. C. Cozens ; Shedden, J. 0,
Nethercott ; Muncey, T, Mason ; Oneida,
C. W. Volliok, J. H. Beer. Chairman,
W. Godwin ; Fin,•Seo., H, W. Crews.
People We Know.
D. M. Soott15 at Woodstock this week.
Mies Mary Rose event bunday at Olin.
Mrs. Bartliff is visiting at Clinton and
Chas. Saandere, of Seaforth, is visiting
Harry Bartliff.
George Lankie, of Wroxeter, was in
town on Sunday.
Miss Lizzie McLaocblin ie holidaying
at Seaforth.
Mise Jennie Caption, of Ethel, Sunday
ed with relatives in Bruesele,
J. K. and Mre. Blain, of St, Thrown,
are visiting at A. Oousley's,
Mrs, A. E. Treleaven, el Dungannon,
was in town on Thursday.
Mies Mary Mories, of Wingham, is
renewing old friendebips in Brussels,
Wm. and Mre. Anent, of Seaforth,
agent Sunday at P. Ament's.
Mrs. R. Burne bas been on the sink list
bat le recovering nicely now,
Miss Eva Carter, of Blyth, is visiting
her grandparents, Robb. and Mrs. Berne.
Mre. James MoLanehlin, of Wingham,
bas gone to New York to vleit her dough.
Mre. F. S. Soott, is visiting relatives
and friends at Woodstook, Ingersoll and
Mre. N. B. Gerry and children, of
Blyth, are vieitiug in Bruesele for a few
Mrs, Geo. Wallace and children from
Dakota, are visiting at Philip Ament'e,
- Peter McMartin, of Hensel], bas taken
a position as traakaman on bbe Exeter
J. J. Ball and H. W. Farrow, drove
over from Wiugbare to visit relatives and
friends last Sunday.
Thos. and Mre. Moore and Mies Bee- '
vie were visiting friends at Stratford and
Fullerton last week.
Joe Thomson, of Montreal, was a
visitor with bis parents and brother Rob-
ert far a portion of the past week.
Robb. and Mrs. Farrow, of Ottawa,
were bare for a few days enjoying a brief
holiday at Postmaster Farrow'e.
Mise Gerrie Hord, of Mitchell, was a
visitor with Misses Maggie and Minnie
McNaughton, Prinoesa street.
Misses Ida Williams and Gertie Ewan,
of Brume's, were visiting their friend
Gladys Covetable, of Seaforth.
Bert. Fergneon, of Teeewater, nephew
to J. Ferguson, Brussels, has passed bis
first year exam, in medicine.
Mre. E. Grimoldby and son, Chris., of
Owen Sound, are visiting relatives and
friends in Brussels and locality.
Mre. Shenk, of Toronto, is enjoying a
holiday under the parental roof, Brussels,
with her parents Jno. and Mrs. Wynn.
Alex. Bowman, of Toronto, has been
visiting D. B. Moore, of Brussels, and
other friends in this locality. He is a
cousin to Mr. Moore.
THE POET is pleased to see James Bal-
lantyne able to get about once more and
we hope be will soon regain his old time
W. H. McCracken and Miss Amanda
are taking in the sights at the Pan.Am•
erioan this week and no doubt enjoying
Dr. Jno. McNaughton, of Pen-yan, N.
Y., was home on a short visit last week.
He wag accompanied by Mr. Lown of the
same tows.
R. D. Cameron, wife and children, of
Laoknow. werevisitore withPrincipal
and Mre
Cameron Brussels, this week.
Rev. W. J. Mgwoo a d wife and child-
bild-ren, of Holstein, were visitors,witb Stat-
ion Agent and Mrs. Hem. T.iey are old
We regret to hear that Ethel, daughter
of J. T. Cook formerly esof Brunets, died
arils GrevenburstS anitarium the other
day of consumption.
A note from Clinton says :—"Ned
Wilson in making rapid progress toward
reoovery. He will be eomewbat disfigured
but still in the ring and ready for another
round in a short time."
Mrs. A. G. Deadman, who has been
visiting her son, Druggist Deadman, for
some weeks, returned to Delaware on
Mise Edith MoLaachlin bas completed
her ooarse at the Basinese College at
Owen Sound receiving her diploma. We
congratulate her on her acumen. Miss
Mae. will be home this week.
Albert Gerry, of Indian Head, N. W.
T., who left Brussels 12 or 13 years ago,
is here this week on a holiday visit. He
is the eldest eon of B. and Mre. Gerry,
town, and has done well in the West.
We wish him and his ooutinned prosper.
ttMrs. W. H. Rooke, of Portland, Blaine,
was a welcome visitor to Brussels during
the pant week. She is a eieter to Mre.
Ham and was a former teacher in Bruo.
eels Public sohool when she was Mies
We are sorry to hear that Min Hazel
Johnston, of Wingham, is not improving
muob in health and this week was taken
to a London hospital. Her many frienda
here hope the treatment will soon restore
her to good health.
Alex. and George MoKay were called to
Stratford on Monday owing to the serious
illness of their father, formerly i-
i e o of Bruin
eels. He had an abscess on his log which
developed blood poisoning 'mad hie case
was considered very serious when the boys
left here for the Claude city.
Jno. Ed. Grimoldby, of Owen Sound, 8
yearn of age, arrived in town Wednesday
evening, Ee wanted to dome with his
mother on the early train but she thought
be had better stay home. Jno. Ed. took
it into hie beat) to make the trip however
so boarded the afternoon brain, without
money or ticket, in fent did not bother
putting his shoes and staohings on. His
mother got here at 2,10 p, m., and the
lad at 8,17 o'oloelt.