HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-6, Page 8-77 TUX 83.0bS,E1t8 EQST NEW IG OLE We have taken the agency for a new line of Bicycles that surpasses anything yet !r A IIa1 ft I h A V i �� fo}'r value65.00 — SPECIAL Do you want to buy a OamOra or Kodak ? We oau show you something special. with discount for spot cash, fully guaranteed. You can have it either in Lady's or Gentleman's, Call and see it. Also Agent for Crescents. • If you watt a nice Ham- mock we have them from $1.00 up. BASE BALLS Anything and everything supplied in Base Balls, Masks, &c. Agent for Ores - cent Bioyeles. G. ,A. DEADMAN Drogg80d.Boet, Optician end Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. golITUERN ExTEN8I0N W. e. &B. Trains trona Brunets Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOUTH. G01Na NORTH. lexpree8...... 7:18 a.m. I Mall 2.1O p.m Mined......... 9:46 a.m. Retirees ...... 8:17 pm `ACX i, Rta# Jlrem . A. ohiel'a among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 3088, P. Home shipped a oar of flax seed last Friday. A. 0. U. W. will meet Fridry evening of this week. Salon Board will meet Friday even. ing of next week. SEE Mr. Hioke' foroaet of June weather on page 6 of this issue. Sawn= from Brussels and vicinity at- tended the oironn at Liotowel on Satnr- d Toe grounds about the new Methodist Parsonage have been seeded down this week. MEaenooao boy's diary : "Monday, hired ; Tuesday, tired ; Wednesday, tired." COUNTY Conaoil 18 in session Ibis week with Oonnaillore Bowman and Kerr in attendance. WEo comes nest on the matrimoniel list 7 A nice line of Wedding stationery at Ton Pose Publishing House, Dr. Toole's office and reeidenoe is now at the hoose formerly 000npied by Wm. Blaehill, corner Mill and John etreeta. A aoiooxaTHIi walk has been put in at the residence of Jno. R. Smith, William street, from the street walk to the front verandah. T. A. HAWrINa and mile intend giv- ing iving 8 musical twits! Friday and Satur- day of this week in hie parlors, Tarn• berry street. MR. ANGUS, a representative of the Lon• don Syndicate, was eseiating Ches. Seger in packing up the Ronald machinery for shipment to London. TEE County Council was invited to take a holiday trip to St. Joseph's the much talked of 'Dentine oity, but were unable to aooept at the present. Ton Board of health Inepeotor is after all who have not complied with the law in cleaning up their yards and premises and eek that it be all done by Saturday of tbie week. 3008 WoaTLEY, Grey, had some aalvas stray. He advertised them in Tan Pose and one week sufficed the animals being found at R. Poltard's, MoKillop. The right kind of advertieing in a paper that's reed always pays. CELEBRATION WITHDRAWN. — Owing to various reasons Brussels Lodge have de. cided to cancel the Co. Orange walk an. nonnoed to be held here ou July 12th this year in favor of Laoknow and will ask far the celebration another year. The move is a wise one, A Beton or AOCIDENTs.—In addition to the general smash np to Ned. Wilson Thursday of last week "Honey" Austin carved hie leg with a drawing knife while working at the Ronald foundry the same day and Johnnie, young eon of Jno. Stret• ton, dislocated his elbow by a fall off en old fashioned teeter. MARRIES. — By notice elsewhere in these columna it will be observed that Jno. Patiend, of Blyth, formerly of Bruit - oda, and Mre, Shane, of the same village, were united in marriage on Wednesday of last week. The ceremony was per- formed at the reeidenoeof Jno. Scandrett, Belgrave, brother-in-law to the bride, by Bev. Mr. McQuillan, May their joys be many. TRE Boss IN RED.—Tuesday morning Co. No. 5 of the 83rd Regiment mustered at Brunets ender the leadership of Capt. MoTaggart and 1st Lieut. Jackson. There were 37 men in line, the largest Company for years. A epeoial train left Brussels about 9 o'alook conveying the red coats to London where they have 12 days to put in on the tented field. 3. C. Task is the 000kfor Braoeele Go. and will see that the boys are well supplied with the best that is going. FARMERB' BUMMER OUTING.—Arrange. mento have been completed by the De. partment of Agriculture for thlrtytwo exoureione to the Model Farm at Guelph this month, ander the anepioee of the various Farmers' Inetltuteo. It is expect- ed that they will be taken advantage of by forty thousand people. The dates and ex00810ne are es follows:—Jane 11th, North and Centre Grey ; 12113, East and Centre Simone ; lath, North and South Waterloo and North Middlesex i 141h, EastM iddlesea end West Kent ; 15th Weet Heron and Halton ; 17th, Peel and Drayton Agriealtural Society (or Weet Wellington) ; 18th, Beath Ontario and Soot Sim°ce; 19th, South Oxford, Hal. dimand and, North Oxford ; 20th, East and West Lambton and Eaet Heron 21e1, North and West Brace and D ufferi0 ; 22nd North and South Norfolk ; 24th, North Ontario and Peel ; 25111, South Perth ; 26th, South Grey and Parry Sound ; 27th, Beath Brace ; 28111, Wed, filmooe, Tire MoOapgheY Moak, Brneeele, ie pffared ter Bale, i3argieter Blair le the agent. JNo, MANNreo rut the grana op Yiatorla Park Mouday forenoon, with his Mowing =Mine. A, Beep But, manic will be played be• tween Wingham and Brassels on Viotoria Park on the morning of toe gat. A aooD deal of pains 10 taken with win. dow dressing by Beme al onrbaeineee men and apt a few designs ere unique and anggeetive. 26 or 80 pupils of Brneeele Public Sahool will write at the coming Entrance Examination god 7 are unaided to 107 the Primary. GARDEN PARTY at the grounds of James Bolger, North of Walton, Thursday even• ins of this week, under the spopioes of St, George's Guild, D. C. Rosa Ilea levelled np the erase between the sidewalk end bis reeidenoe and has oonsiderably improved the tep• Ine00000 of hie nicely kept paneling. Tae Foot ball game annonnoed to be played Friday in Brussels between the Jnniore of Wingbam and Brussels viae cancelled owing, to rain. It will come at a later date. Ton time to "encourage" a man is when be darts in a new work or a new field. E000uragement does not Daunt for so mach after he baa succeeded or failed without it. 13. R. ELLroor wishes to thank the Odd Fellows for their kindness in the custo- mary grant of 620.00 toward the funeral expeosee of the late Mre. Elliott and for their resolution of oondolenoo. PRINe10AL OAtinaov hoe received notifl cation that he has been appinted examin- er of Junior Leaving Grammar, at the Edueetion Department, Toronto, He will go to the Queen oily on, July 8th. Mr.Oameron rendered eimilar service last year. G. A. FAwooTT, Organizer for :the O. 0. 0.I'., le visiting Broseele Conaoil, No. 363, at the regular meeting Tuesday night. Several candidates were initiated. A special meeting is called for Wednesday, Jane 121h, when several more will be initiated which will leave the Council in a flourishing condition. GRAVEL OONTaAOTo.—The following eon - treats for gravel on the boundary be. tween Grey and Morrie were let at the Queen's hotel, Brussels, on Wednesday of this week :—South of Brneeele—Op, polite con. 18 $10, Henry Al000k 48eo. per yard ; cone. 16 and 17 •$70, Charles Pollard 39}c, per yard ; non. 14 930, C. Pollard 30o. per yard ; con. 11 940, A. Oakiy 29ee. per yard. North of Brus- eele—Coo• 8 940, George Kerr Kee. per yard. The Council are waiting to see about a stone oraeber before the balanos of the North contract is let. Tomo was a large turn out of Agl, Society Direotore at the meeting held in the Commit Chamber last Saturday after- noon. P_esident Ferguson occupied the chair. The Secretary reported on busi- ness traneaoted since last meeting. Prize Set for Fall Fair was gone over end some alterations and improvements made. Jadgee were also eeleated. It was agreed that a new offioe be built for the Score. tary 00 0. larger principle than the old one so that it might be utilized for an additional ticket office on Fair Day. Fall Show will be held Thursday and Friday, Oot. 3 and 4. DON'T Mies IT.—A lively game of Foot. ball will be played on Victoria Park, Brussels, on Friday evening of this week, in oonneotion with the W. F. A. aeries, the well known Seaforth and Bruesele teams being the oompetitore. Good ball will be played and a large crowd ehonld witness the match and render financial as well as moral eapport to our eleven. Game will be called at 6 o'alook. In ed• dition to the above mentioned clubs Galt, Berlin and Toronto have teams in the game Association and the winners between Brussels and Seaforth will have to tackle the others later. ENJOYABLE EVENING: Tbnreday even. ing of teat week a contingent of Atwood Odd Fellows, numbering 21, paid a free ternal visit to their Brussels brethren and their Degree Team showed three candidates how to ride the goat as far as the initiatory ceremony was concerned. The visitors did their work splendidly and were duly praised for its presentation. After Lodge =oh was served and a half boar epent in speeohafying. Following were the 3•liokere from Atwood :—J. G. Heyd, 3, A. Mitchell, James Dickson, John Diokeon, A. Barlett, Ohae, Vallanoe, Jas. Donaldson, W. D. Angus, John Roger, Geo. Currie, Win, Turnbull, A. Sweeten, B. Harvey. Dr. A. S. Langrill, D, Murray, J. Klump, T. Tennant, Wm, Marshall, A. Edwards, R. M. Ballantyne and John Little, 3 To 0.—The return Football match be. tween Goderiuh and Brussels was played on Viotoria Park, Bruseele, on -Monday evening and remelted in a veritable Waterloo for the visitore as they failed to get the sphere between the flags, al- though they fought bard, while our team was credited with 8 goals. A number of times the ball was planted past the goal keeper but wan not ooneidered ae ooanters by the referee. In the first half Brussels stormed Goderiab goal bnt Allan wee in- vincible and played a beautiful game ae goal keeper and was ably Resisted by the other membere of the team who play a clean, strong game. When endo were re• earned the home lads Bottled dawn to work and did not stop until 3 goals were moored. The Westerners appeared fagged and our goal keeper bed little to do throughout the match bot handled all the shots aimed at his oitadei in good style. Bruesele fairly outplayed their opponents and won a well oonteeted match. All did well but the two jaatore, Gart. Beaker and Will. Good, pat up as t f ne la ae the bee o them. Allan and Bryans played their positions with tba vieitore in fine style and all the membere understand the game and at limen out. did our eleven in combination work hut oar backs were like a stone wall ; the belt beaks kept their oheoke from getting ohilly and the forwards carried every- thing before them in the last half of the game and were warmly applauded. The teams lined up as follows :— GonEaION pommies TALK of a new salt well being put down at a point near the Grand Trunk railway. LEAGUE Football—Seated ve. Brussels —ou Friday evening, on Victoria Park, Brussels. WM. AINLAY 10 building a portico over the door in the South elde of his residence. 50 CENTS, in advance, pays for THE POST to the end of 1901, Now is the time to get the news at e. low price. MODEL Farm Excursion, Thursday, June 20. Return fare from Bruesele, $1.16, good for two day. Special train book from Guelph, leaving at 6 p. m. JADE LEORIE got a tumble Off hie tricycle while going to hie graodfatber'e from the parental reeidenoe. A cat was inflicted on hie shin but we hope be will soon be ae well as ever. THE long grass and abundant crop of weeds, for which the repeated showers hes tendered to their growth, should be mowed down under the direction of the Street Committee. GETTING ALONG ALL RIGHT.—Red Wil- son, who was Bent to the House of Refuge fast week, is getting along first rate and will soon be able to get about as of yore, barring hie broken jaw whiob may bother him for some time. ST. Jooree LODGE,—The following are the new elective offioere in oonneotion witb the Masonic Lodge of Brussels:— W. M., John Wright ; S. W., Jae. Fox ; J. W., J. H. Cameron 1 Seo., Jae. Irwin ; Treae., A. Couoley ; Chaplain, I. C. Rich. ardo. Ho I FOR Ton MODEL FAntt.—Thure. day, June 20, is the date of East Huron Farmers' Excursion to the Model Ferret, Guelph. Return tickets, good for 2 days, will poet se follows :—Wingbam, $1.25 ; Blnevale, 91.20 ; Brunets, 91.15 ; Ethel, $1.15 ; Henfryn, 91.15. Special train beck, leaving Guelph at 6 p. m. See bills end arrange to go. Wao W0LIT Bs 7 —In oonneotion with the coming Local Legielabure election in East Huron the names of Co. Councillor Bowman, of Morris, and B. S. Cook, the well known ex•Reeve, Co. Oounaillor and Warden, of Fordwioh, are mentioned as likely to be among the nominees at the Conservative Convention to eeleot a stand- ard bearer to oppose Arch. Hislop, M. P. P. They are both good men and either would poll quite a vote. Belem To Hausa or Rut:aE,—Last Fri- day afternoon "Ned" Wilson, who was so badly shaken np an Thursday after- noon of last week, by a runaway accident, was taken to the House of Refuge, Clin- ton, going by train, in charge of Dr. Toole and N. F. Gerry. "Ned" has no relatives here and had neither money nor home in the hour of need. The ex. peetations are that be may pull through if blood poisoning or erysipelas do not est in. Ned" is over 60 years of age and hes been a hard worker but squandered all hie earnings in drink. There ie a temperance lesson in this experience that ehonld do the youth of this or any com- munity good. Meenmrooeo4.-00 Wednesday evening of t13ie week the matrimonial bow was tied at the reeidenoe of George and Mrs. Colvin, Brunets South, by Rev. Geo. J. Ahoy, inoombent of St. John'e ohnrob, between George M. Mitchell, a well known and well•to-do young business mac of Ethel, and Miss Sera J., eldest daughter of the host and hostess. Mies Annie Colvin, sister to the bride, was the bnidee- maid and Chas. Davies, of Ethel, wag groomeman. The ladies were most be. oomingly attired in travelling costumes of dove and fawn color, respeotively. After hearty congratulations the large company eat down to an excellent spread to which ample justice wag done. The presents were numerone, valuable and nsefal. A pleasant evening wee enjoyed after which Mr. and Mr. Mitobell left for their home in Ethel where they enter upon married life with the good wishes of many, TEE Pose in the number. WHAT TSE OFFICIALS Ston—The Gods. rich Star of last week contains the fol. lowing note relative to the eentenoing of J. W. Scott for horse stealing :—Weduee- day, John W. Scott was before Hie Honor Judge Doyle for sentence, on °bargee of horse stealing and common larceny, to each of whioh he had pleaded guilty, At t opening 0 o ben eniR of the Court the County At. Corney aekad for a proper sentence for the prime. Mr. Lewis acid it bad been proposed that the prisoner be allowed to go on euepended sentence, but the oxime was too serious for that, and that on the other gide, partioularly in the South, those guilty of horse stealing were suspended— but to a lamp poet. His Honor, in pave• ing sentence of two years lass one day in the Central for the theft of the horse, and one year for stealing the harness and buggy, the seotet=e to run concurrently, said, "From information received eh= the tried, I find you sometimes go to Penult, but that on three known meas. ions you myeterionely disappeared, and So did to horse and carriage, Yon admit the lest of the thefts, and though the three are eaid to have been committed by you, I only punish yon for the one oharg. ed agaiest you, -otherwise my sentence would be a heavier one. The arise, how• ever, is a serious one, and as there is act one extenuating Cirenmetanae in your favor the punishment mast be meet for the ofleece." Hie Honor then paeeed sentence, THE Weinberg of the Ii.. 0, T, M., and L, 0, T. ed. will attend Divine Servloo et Melville ohnroh, ;lane 10th. Sortie° at 110,03, IT will be just like the weather men pretty 00an, 10 tear 055 a ions; strip of het, dry weatlior and bake np everything whiob liaon't alleudy been drowned Tan Ontario Statatoe 1901 are ready for distribution among the baetioeo of tbo Peace within the .County. 'l'hev cell be had at the ofiioe of tbo 0;0011 of the 1.'eaoe. Flint may injure some of the tender plants, bat We safe betting the town her. dealt and dandelion Drop will pall through all right. Prost can't k111 thew nor beat wither 'OM. GRAND To,uog,—'Phe following are the shipments from Brussels during the pest week;—A. Backer, 8 oars of wheat 15. Graham, 2 ears of wheat ; Wm. Neil, Walton, 32 oases of eggs to Montreal; A, Baeker, 2 oars of bay; J. & J; Living. stop, a oar of flax'; A. 0. Dames, a oar of cattle a oar of eorap•iron to London by the Canadian Fire Engine Company. A Goon Ipoo.—At borse•raoes in Brazil, profeesionai betters am looked up in rooms with grated windows, from which they make their bete. They are held there until the race i0 over, in order to prevent them from running away with the stakes. It it would be a pretty good idea to introduce a scheme of thio kind on some of the race courses in such civ;. lined countries as Canada, and then for. get to unlock the door when through. RESOLUTION OE Sr irATnY.—At the meet- ing of ()earl: Primaries Alexandra ., 0, 0. F., No. 24, Brussels, the Pollee L g reso- lution was paned to Bro. Hugh R. Elliott over the Redden demise of his p rtner in lite :— Hugh B. Elliott. DEAR BROTHER —Whereas it bee pleas- ed Almighty God in Hie infinite wredow to Deli from this life your beloved wife, we, the oft -Imre and members of Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, Bruseels, desire to convey to you our heartfelt sym- pathy at the great loin yon have sustain- ed. It is but a rad consolation to ray to yon that we feel your sorrow, Ode how• ever is all human nature eau do. We therefore commend you and youre to Him who has bereaved yon to bo your guide in the time of trouble. JNO. SnuRuIE, C. R. W. SMITH, R. S. A. copy of the resolution was forwarded to Mr. Elliott and family. DIRD.—In Brussels on Tuesday, June 4th, the spirit of Clara Amelia, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hunter, took its flighe after an illness of three or four months ae),d the result of la grippe which developed into tuberculosis. She was born in Oranbrook, July 15th, 1878, and came to Brussels when only two years old. She was a'member of the Methodist charah and took great, iutereet in all ehriotian work. Her many friends will grieve to hear at her early demise. The funeral took place Thursday at 3.30. The service was taken by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook,in theaboenoe of the paator Rev. Jno. Holmen. The pall bearers were, Ira Gerry, Fred Gilpin, Wendell Holmes, James Thompson, Fred Downing and Will. Mo0raoken. The interment was made at Brussels oemetery. This is the second death in the family in the last few weeks end the sympathy of their many friende go out to the Borrowing family. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—Ata epee• ial meeting of the L. 0. T. M. in their lodge rooms on Monday evening last, Miss Jennie Colvin was presented with a Mac. oabee pin. The following program was rendered by the young ladies of the Lodge :—Instrumental, Mies MoLauoh- lin ; reading, "The obetrnetive bet," Mian Brook ; colo, Mies Hingaton ; reading, "Oaleb,e Oo0rtehip," Miss Buohanan I solo, Mies Gerry t solo, Miss J. lloArter. The eddreee was then read by Miee Brook CB follnwe and the pin was presented by Miss B. Oliver :—"DEAR LADY COLVIN— We, the members of Riverside Hive No. 315 of the Lady Maooabeee of the World, desire in some way to show our apprecia' tion of your faithful Services in our Hive. You have ever done your beat ut all times to promote the interests of the Society, end we ask you to aooept of this Maooa• bee pin ae a email memento of the esteem in whioh you are held by us, and in the new sphere upon which you are about to enter, we earnestly desire that the thorny plaoes may be few and life's sweetest roses may make fragrant the remainder ) of your pathway, and above all that the blessing of Heaven may rest ripen you in all your relations. Be aeenred that Ite good wiehee of the lodge go with yon in whatever those relations may be and al- though you may be distant from the Hive and unable to attend the reviews ae regu- larly as you have done we hope that you will still keep alive your iutereet in the work and se opportunity presents itself carry oat the teaching of our order in promoting the good of your fellow area. turn," Ming Colvin made a suitable reply after whioh refreebments, ooneiet- ing of foe oream, cake, &e.. were served and en enjoyable time was spent by all. Allan Smith Passmore Xao....., Brown McDonald Snell Lorre Bryan Thompson aleuron Goal Bryant! Bucky Geri?' �F er neon 14 Backe . Mc au h Beaker Bootie For. wards EMI McDonald Cameron W. Brydgee, of Goderioh, wag the referee and meted oat what he ooneidered justice to the competing olobe. This wad the Hret defeat for Goderieh thio season. Friday's metoh with Beefortli will not be eo oneeided in all probability, .ST4X.D✓.I,RD 13.4XE OF 04X. D4 HEAD OFFICE, r TORONTO CAP1TAL PAID UP (One Million Dellars) •. $1,000,000 REST .. •. , $700,000 4 g0noie, in ail principal ppfnfs in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unifell Statet cO England, A Genel groslati al Banking Bueinoee Treneaoted. Farmers' Notes Dleoounted. Drafte looted and Collections made on all pointo. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Littered allowed on deposits of $1,00 and npwarde and eoreponuded half yearly. SraOIAL ATTENTION ervou TO net OoeesoxroN or FARtmmfo' SALE ROTES, Every tactility afforded Customers living at a dietenoe, payable a4 any bank loaned Under 920 to .120 Moaap Ordgr� at the following rates :— $10 t0 (120....100, 30 to 40,...140 J, N. GORDON, AGENT. jurfem. Sillifent pleaded not guilty and hie trial was fixed. for Monday. He wag admitted to bail atebe cum of $5,000. EAST HURON FARMERS' IN• STITUTE. The annual meeting of the East Heron Farmers' Institute was held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Tuesday afternoon of this week. President Mo. Millen in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. It was deoided that the planes of hold. ing regular meetings be Brunets end Gerrie and supplementary meetings at Murdie'a School House, Ethel, Fordwioh, Constance and Moleswortb. The following officers were elected President, Thos. McMillan ; Vice -Free., Jas. Elliott; Sea 'Frees„ Geo. Hood. Directors—Robt. Edgar, Morrie ; Thee. Gibson, Fordwioh ; David Sanderson, Gerrie ; Jno. Brethauer, Wroxeter' Wm. RIM;Wroxeter ; Thos. Gibson,Wrox- eter ; Thos. Moogrove, Wroseter; Jno. Fortune, Wingham ; Jae. Smillie, Blue - vale ; Wm. Michie, Sunshine ; Jno. Robb, Bluevale ; W. H. Kerr, G. F. Blair and Jas. Irwin, Brussels Geo. Mardie, Seaforth ; A. Gardiner, Leadbury ; F. McQuade, Beechwood ; 3. G. Hinohley, Oonotanoe ; Jas. Watt, Harlook ; Jno. McTaggart, Oranbrook ; Amos Smith, Trowbridge ; Wm. Perris, Oranbrook. Auditors—W. B. Wilkinson and John Clegg, Sunshine. 0tf0ltcit CHIMES. Rev, Dr. Mackay, the well•knawn mie- eiouary, died at Formosa. Next Sabbath Rev. David Perris, of Wingbam, and Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A,, will exchange pulpits. Next Sabbath Rev. R. Paul will preaoh on the Walton oironit for Rev. Mr. Dever who hi attending Conference. Rev. S. Battery, B. D., formerly of Brneeele, will be located at Dandas for the Doming term. He is moving from Woodebook. The Dieciplee' Conference has deoided that the denominational college at St. Thomas be removed to Toronto and af- filiated with Toronto University. A collection wee taken in the Methodist Sabbath School, Brussels, last Sunday, toward seating the Primary olaae room with chairs instead of the benches now in use. Twelve years ago the Epworth League was established with 27 members, end now it has 1,500,000. This doom that the Society bee not been idle einem 110 in- ception. Thursday of this week Rev. Mr. Roes preeohes et Molesworth in connection with the preparatory aervisee to the Communion. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne ie the pastor. Rev. G. J. Abey took as his text lest Sunday morning, Matt. 28.19, his topic being "The teaching of the Trinity." At the evening service another good german etas given from the words "Mine eyee have seen the King, the Lord of Host," Isaiah 6 2. Rev. John Holmes left tbie week for St. Thomas to attend the annual London Conference of the Methodist church. The reverend gentleman expyots to take m holiday during the months of June and July with a view of building np hie bealtb. We wish him an enjoyable visit and a safe return, Hie pulpit will be.eupplied. Alfred Day, general Secretary of the Michigan State Sunday Soboot Assooia• tion, fell from a Detroit Woodward avenue line street oar in alighting end was sere lonely hurt. The authorities Bey that Mr. Day's skull may be fractured. Mr. Day is 65 years of age, and one of the best known men interested in Sunday sohool work in both Ootario and Michi- gan, having filled a similar position in this province before going to Michigan, The Huron County Sabbath Bobool and Christian Endeavor Union will hold their convention this year in Clinton on Jane 18 and 19, as the location is central and of easy mese by train. Every Sun. day School and Christian Endeavor Society should see they are well repro. noted by delegates. The loot Commit. tee 18 snaking elaborate preparationo for their reception. An exoelient program is arranged, including some star speakers fn the Province and we look for a good time. Don't forget the date—June18th and 19th. At the annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Pres. byterian church in Canada held in Knox eburoh, Toronto, lately, the flnaeaial statement showed a total revenue of 946,- 573,55, from whioh, after deducting all expeneee, there is a balance of 916,418,41. The oost of sustaining the various mie. skins was :—India, $17,858 ; Henan, China, $2,402,56 ; Formosa, $1,155 ; North-west, 918,31,48 ; British Oolem- bia, 95,686,94, a total of • 945,401.90, The estimates for 1900.1901 are $54,290.69. The amount received for the India famine fund was $7,992.59. The Foreign Mie. eiouary Soeietycontrols two etabione in China, one in Formosa, five in Central India and 16 in the Nortbweet of Canada and British Oolnmbie. It has also five spade' missions to the Indiana and Chinese in Britiob Columbia. MELVILLE COMMUNION.—Leat Saturday afternoon Rev. A. MacNab, M. A., B. D., of Walton, preached in Melville oharoh, Brunets, in oonneotion with the prepare. tory Services to the Communion. He took for his text Job 42;66, "I had heard of Thee by tbs bearing of the ear, bet now mine eye anal Thee ; wherefore I abbot myeelf and repent In duet and mime." The speaker retorted to Jobe ex. perienoeg and ohasnoter sad then develop, ed the subject under the 5 oliowing dints. Business Locals. CASH for butter and eggs. A. Conley. House and lot for sale, good cellar, otable. Corner lot,' Apply at Ton POST. CONVENIENT dwelling to lot over Down- ing and Currie's stores, Soft water, &c. Apply to 1. 0. Rlcneuns, Toe BUTTER.— Farmers having tub butter to sell call at my Produce Em- porium and I will pay you the highest cash price for good tube. ROUT. THOMSON. r 2 Ems 120. We offer 20o. per Ib. for the 0 4 th beet and 19c for a second best tab of butter we get in June. The judge will be a butter expert unknown to any of the competitors. G. E. Knee, Wingham. BRUSSELS CaMETEao.—The undersign. ed ie prepared to attend to proper fixing up of burial plots for particle either here or away who have Mende buried there. Will be at the cemetery every Friday afternoon. Satisfaction guaranteed at moderate charges. R. Dame, Caretaker. GARDEN PLANTS,—Mise Kelly has any quantity of garden plants for sale inalud• ing :—Tomato, aabbage cauliflower and celery. Also a large and fine oolleotion of flowering plants. Floral designs made to order and at reasonable prices. Band:zee G12EDNf1000R0, Benjamin Sillifant was arreabod a Stratford on a okarge of manslaughter, a a result of the verdict of the Coroner' jury, A week ago, while bioyole speed ing on the elOeab, Sillifaot ;mocked dow Geo. MoLea8, a nfne.year'old ebild, wh subsequently died ad the reoait of hie fa • n 0 • lone i -(i) Soareay knowledge, of Ged (2) The vision of God ; (3) .The reaulto that invariably follow title virion, It was a very appropriate dieoouree to the 000051on. Rev. Mr. Rose, the pastor, took the two services on Sabbath. The morning eubjeot was "John's Portrait of fibrin." He presents him ae (1) Divine Life ; (2) Divine Light ; (3) Divine Love. There were 819 communicants. The Parable of the Leaven was Rev. Mr. Rose' evening theme, Matt. 13.33. It teaahse (1) The nature of true religion ; (2) Ite operation within the soul. It was an able expoeition of the Truth. Rev, Mr, Mc- Leod, of Atwood, was the preacher on Monday morning taking the Parable of the Great Feast as the basis of a very praotioal die000rse. He dealt with it under the following divisions :—(1) The extenoive preparation ; (2) The Univereal invitation ; (8) The indifference of than invited. Leet Sabbath morning Rev. John Holmes preached on "The Priesthood of Christ," the text chosen being found in Bab, 7:24 25. Atter referring to Aaron being the first High Priest, occupying the ofiioe for forty years, the following lee. sone were brought out :--He was the. Mediator between God and man ; teas to be a man without btemieb, clothed in appropriate garments and had sympathy with the people. (1) Jesus oppeara in heaven to intercede for ne and exhibits his Divine manhood ; (2) He ie a eaorifioiel victim, the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world ; (8) He offers a continual sacrifice ; (4) He appearo in the presence of God. Some of the benefits are that the Holy Spirit comes ae the completion of Christ's finished work • forbearance is exercised ; encouragement of prayer ; Christ eaves to the uttermost. In the evening the pastor made reference to the work of the Conference year which bee now closed. He said be was taking two months' holidays, by the advice of Board, the longest he hes had in the 80 years of his public ministry. The text was Rev. 1:6 6. "The timeless, tireless, Love of Christ" was the theme. It was a splendid discourse sed it is not saying too mach to affirm that Rev. Mr. Holmes has few Deere in London Conference ae a preacher of the Gospel. ]3081,7 BENNETT. Io Blyth, May 23rd, to Mr. and Mre. 0. H. Bennett, of the Bank of Hamilton, a daughter. BURTON.—In Molesworth, May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burton, 8 eon. DAVEY.—In Listowel, May 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Day, a daughter. Gowete In Liotowel, May 29th, to Mr. end Mrs. Walter Gowan, a eon. LoTT.—In Brneeele, on May 27th, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lott a eon. STEwAaT.—In Langdon, North Dakota, on May 27th, to Mr. and Mre. Peter Stewart a daughter. Tele Me. ARMsTn0NG—SWAGE—On May '29th, at St. Paul's rectory, Wingbam, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Wm. Arm• strong to Mise Sarah Savage, both of Grey township. ELLAoorT—M0GRE.—On May 29th, by Rev. Mr, Lowe, at the reeidenoe of the bride's parente, con. 1, Morris, Mr. Wm. Ellaoott, of Wingbam, to Mise Jane MoGee. Fii sea—ADDIBoi.—On May 28th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Frenoie St. Wingham, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mr. Wm. Fraser, of Morris, to Mies Loaf80 Addison, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Addison, Wingbam. MITCHELL—OOLVIN.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parente, Brunets South, on Jane 5113, by Rev, Geo. 3. Abey, Mr. Geo. M. Mitchell, of Ethel, to Miss Sara J„ eldest daughter of Mr. and Mre. George Oolvin, PUTLAND—BHANE.—At the residence of Mr. John Soandrett, Belgravo, on Wednesday, May 29113, by Rev. Mr. MaQoillan, Mr. John Potland, to Mre. Maria Shane, both of Blyth. J1YNE 0, 1901 REPLENISHED, Owing to the very large sale of Wall Paper that we have had this Spring we have found it necessary to replenish our stook and this week we have added an- other 1,000 rolls direet from the factory 00 that we ere in first-class ebape to fill orders again as usual. We still have a few Remnants to be picked up at your own prices AT ear— Fox's Fox's Drug Store THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN GOODYEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, euituble for ranch purpoeee. Apply to GEO. SE8T, Brussels. . eDS£a- ANnnneoN.—In East Wawanoeh, May 28, Jennie, beloved wife of Wm. M. Anderson, aged 31. Hower.—In Brneeele, on Jeans 4, Clara Amelia, third daughter of. Alex. end Mre. Hunter, in her 24th year. 81101310x.—In Blyth, on May 28th, Mies , Harriett Ellen Skelton, aged 25 yearn and 9 mouths. STArLn80N—In Tarnberry, on May 26th, Mee. Robb. Stapleton, aged 65 years. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE apply tnWBa. mEZES,Foueplrt. la4ae SPAN OF THREE YEAR OLD maxos lox sale. Also 4 0108x0 rietng 2 Morris; Bxueeola PTOON, ;Sd Lot 20, Oo477, �YOMFORTA:BLE, WELL lighted and convenient roams to lot in the Leckie block over G. A. Doadmau'e and Mrs, Rogers' etoree. Apply to F. 8.50077. 'P APER HANGING, 1)E0011- ATTNG and House Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice. Have bad three years' expeelenoe in city work. Terme reasarable. Give me a call. 26 W. J. JOHN8TON, Walton. A SACRIFICE IN BEAL ES— ti rATE: 39000.00 will buy the McCau- ghey Bloolc in the Village of Bruesele. These two flue stores must be sold to eloee out the MoCaugbey Betide. Intending pnrshaser0 should investigate at once. Apply to F. 8. 60077 or G.F. BLAIR, Bruesele, Ont. Tenders Wanted. Tendersf or Plastering and La thing Ames. town Hall will bo received up to Monday, Suns 10, Contractor to furnish all Material, 8 eoificatione madeknown at Jamestown store. Tenders must be lodged with the undersigned. Tho Loweot or any tender not neoesearily aooepted. WALTER INGE8, SR0T'7, Jamestown. Tenders for Hay. nefR'1TS5187.,8 +1frAMucen'S'S, Fall Wheat............ 65 65 Barley 40 40 Poco 61 61 Gate .. 29 80 Batter, hubs and rolls .. 14 16 Eggs per dozen .....,.. 9 10 Flour per owt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bag) 25 25 Apples (per bbl.) 2 0 1 0 Sheep skine,maah '15 Lamb eking each 25 26 Salt per bbl„ retail1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 6 60 Hides trimmed ..... 6 fie Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 7 00 7 00 Wool 12 16 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Tenders will be received for tbo ]ray on the Agricultural Park, Bru00o1R, the same to be received nu to Wednesday, June lath, at 6 o'clock p. m. The cutting of all treads on the Park will be iaoluded with the bay,. Highest or any tender not necessarily ex- cepted. W R 11810RPresident, Secreta y. APOLOGY. I. hereby apologize for any words I have need reflecting on the character of Miss Lucy Bell. Anything I have said detrimen- tal to herreputation or oharaoter I fully re- tract. I know of nothing against the char- acter, conduct or reputation of the said Ince Roll; I am satisfied and consent that this bo pebtishod in two weekly newspapers. iietod May JBth,1901. Witness ; (Signed) W. A. IRWIN. B. H19LOP. A etneen t of emend band organs Sot Belo or rent. Good ae now. 11. LEATH7JRDALE, A peon, reliable girl wanted to go to, iopdon to do houoowork, Aoita,ty to A 1(8, JNO. L1IORIE, Bulldsor,o, IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the estate of James Oliver, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Heron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby giveu pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Chap, 129, Soo, e8, that all creditors having any claims againt the estate of JI1me0 Oliver, late of the Township of Grey, In the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. who died on or about the Seventh day of. February A.D. 1001, to the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, are hereby. requested to send by mail, prepaid, orto deliver to William Bpono°, of the Village of Etbel, ono of the Executors of said estate, or to G. F. Rlaix of the Village of Brussels, their solicitor on, or before the 21st day of June A. D., 1901, their full eases, -addressee and descriptions and the full particulars of their claims, (verified by ulldavit) and the nature of the securities, (if any,) held by them. And notice is further giv en that atter the said fast mentioned' date the Re. aoutore will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the persons un- titled tberete,baving regard only to the Maims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors Will not be responsible for the assets or any part thereof, so distribnted to any person, of whose elalm notice shall not have been re calved a1 the time of distribution, G. F. BLAIR,Iiruesele, Ont. Solicitor for William spine° and William At. Erskin,Execut0r0. Dated at Braoeeie, May 801h, 700L noadrstor Stallions for Servioo. "COSTUME" and l'KAPLANII The undersigned aro proprietors of th0. two above mentioned well bred Roadster Stallions that stood at their own etablo, Brussels. COSTUMER, in the part 4 years, bee prov- en himself, by the Fall Pair exbiblte in Huron 0o,, to be the beet producer of Road- n this . - titer colts i eoobton. s SiAPLNisboee hag • A an extra well bred x Sine and tooth and lugging by the term he came from—the Allot Stook Adflotd, Maes.—ho should be an 1prodecor, te- An hie dams are produoors of ppeed, Hie )hand dam on the dam 01do-is a buil 0iebor to Dexter" and hie grand etre ou t1;o olio olds e a toobrother thekworld's "Maud record x891. For pedigree, terms, and other tpade:Allara apply to Scott & Warwick, I'It01'Ig1T.7'4Itf3, 08808 818,