The Brussels Post, 1901-6-6, Page 6A PAC AGE OF LEITERS. The Rev. Dr. Talmage Offers You the King's Pardon. , A deal/atoll from Washington eags t Palled trout hina 1 notice stall fere them, spiritual influences) 1 do not eeltdv*D'r• "1411°42e' P11°4 j:114.41 tile mean arty influextee gone up Irenn following text :-"Yet detil Ile devise earth and etherealized, but the DI - =axis that his beldame be not ex- vine Spirit, $arno eall the. Oona - paled trona elm." -2 Sam. xiie 14. fosterer; it is east foe my purpose to - That paasaga I never noticed until linigSbLpotlbyeati. Iotoultlhaelumaittots,teolv.:z; week. The wise, wittY and leeeg" that influenoe memos upon a man how ;native woman ot Telebaltesaid this in vho actin, :Ile cries; he tram- trying„neneme to tato ales; he says things and does Slimes t° 1)°"'eeee --- that five mtnutos before lie oeuld not boner his beautiful but xecrectet son leave been csaxed or hired to sayor Abealom. For exquisite etrategean Pee do. The haman soul and reliigon Mon bee illo equal In tbe other sex. seam antagonietio elements; but this If throe, had 'been a plain demand tbat diviee spiritualism seems the her- Alatialont. be takeu back It would have rueueing elleulisteY that bellegs in- to comity these opposing elemente, been ineffeotual, but this woman come .1'he ganeral mode 01 the Holy Spirit poseMa fieleaa which completely eme- la en seleoting means that are utemr- , tueed David'a heart. She winds up thely insigrigine and teoam, meei.ert them the steps 'ot Christian ascent. ' atory by aaking him to imitate the . At a fair in England a man stepped Lord, saying: "Yat doth God devise LIP to a peddler's stana and bought ineana tha,t hie haniebed be not expelle something. Thad be took a leaf ed from him.” . from a catechism ani wrapped the artiale ta that loaf; but one line in Indeed, then, aro ere all banished that attbeehlem ushered his soul into from God. Wlaat do you mean by ban- the kingdom of God, Two mon wero lehmente Well, it meanbeteg &riven wrestling on the green. One tbrew away and wearing fotter. It means tten other. .AtThriettan man came g and seed t will be sad Indeed bitter absence from home. et means if Satan trips up your hope and you in some. Mecca and on some oceaSions are both eternally overthrown." That an expatriation to Siberia to delve ushered both of them into tbo kin the militia and to be fastened in a g- domof God indue time.0b, it ,Is O mighty spin.e. Sometimes PeeP.e Oxalic -gang, Yes, the wbole race is laugh under it, Sometimethey beniehed ; our first parents from pray under its pewee. There is a Paradise; the recreant angels banish- soul bowed down. The Holy Spirit is ed from heaven; the whole human bowing him. down. family banishod from peace. Where THERE I$ AN ANXIOUS ONE. L e the worldly man who has anything There is a deriding face trying to worthy of tha name of happiness? throw off religious impressions.et te often the case when the Holy Spirit What ars those anxicem looks of the comes to a man's heart he acts in - bankers, a the bankers, of the mer- fernally to throw off the impres- chants, of Lhose men iu the club house siott. And se sometimes when tho OrThet great multitude of people SPirit comes to a man he prays, and sometimes be blasphemes; but tha wh° tramp up euel down Bxe`adwaY1 Holy Spirit always eames with one. Banished from God. Banished from idea, and that is to show man that peace. Banished from heaven. Sin has "God hath devised means that the broke& in, and it Ims snapped all the banieJaed be not expelled froni him," strings of the heart; it has unbind Teat Holy SpiriL in this Imam tce night. You have fat strangely ever all the Lastxuments of earthly accord; site you came Leto this room. There it has, thrown tho whole earth into are doom opening in your soul that o jaie.gle. An old writer tellof two have neves boon opened. Yoa are wonderiag where you will come out brothere who went out to take a walk at the teat. You. 008 that these in the night, and one of them looked Christian people are on a road that up to the sky and said, "1 wish Thad you ate not travelling, and though o paature field ae large as the night you may not adnatt the words heasma heavens." And the other brother look.- or hell en your mind, you are osensci- ed up into the aky, and said, "1 wish 0116 Ot the fact that thore must be I had aa many oxen as, therre are two destinies, two careens, two can,- atara in the sky. "Well," said the anions, two terrnini, two words en- tente "how would you feed so many tagoarietire, and evereaatingly swung oxen?" Said the second, "I would turn apart. 0, wthat is tilts suppressed them into your pasture." "What 1 agitation? What is this await. sit - whether I would or not el' "Yea, whe- esnee? The Holy Spiait! The innate ther youwould or not." And Lhere Speen! The eternal Spirit! The axen0 a quarrel, and when the quar- rel ended one had alain the other. Divine Spirit! The eighth/lig-footed and fire -winged Spirit! The armed And ao there haa been a ridiculous genet; The all -conquering Spiral coning in all ages of the world, some- The omnipotent Spirit! He comes times, about immaterial things, some- down upon your soul with an aval- times about supposititious things,and aneh 01 powor. He eemmemee siall if this man had all the night heavens to xeneuaste he begs you to believebe far an estate, he would not be happy, aeoe yon to ge.e. and if that man had as many oxen "Have. ye received the Holy Ghost?" aa there are stars in the sky be would Araong the means that "God has de - not be happy. eased that the banished be not expel - BANISHED FROM GOD. led from. hem" I •notice also Christian Banished from peace. Banished from surrouncting.s. First, there is the in - heaven. Now, if my serna.on should fleet= o/ ancestral piety. Was stop just beam, it would be as though there not a good man or woman in a man should look thorough the win- yousr ancestral line? Is tdaere not an ket of a penitentiary and say to the old Bible around the house with worn incescerated, "What a hard time you calves and tamed down leaves, ,giving havb." What a small room. What poor you the hint that there was some one faxe,what a hard pillow. Alas/or youl who prayed? Was there a family No, air, I will not go to the wicket altar at which you used to bow? The of tbe prison, until I can say, "Sirs, carpet may have beans worn out, and do you know what this document is? the chair may have been salsd for old Can you read that signature at the fueniture, and the knee that knelt on foot at the page ? That is the goy- the one arid beside the other may cenor's sign.ature. You are a free never again be pliant in earthly man." If my sermon should stop at worship; but you, remember, thee point it would be as though I DO YOU NOT REMEMBER? went into a penal colony, and Ishould say to tha slaves. "On w.hat small Tim_ Ala! that Christian homestead, the its you B.Te kept. It is most dream memory of it to -night almost swamps f al that you are. never to be allowed Year soul. When the fleet death to go home to nue families. Alas for cam,e to the house what was itthat yout No, I will not go to thet penal comaorted the old people? When colony, until I can say, "Sirs, I have Yon stood fanning them in their last good news to tell you, The queen hoax what was it that gave them hen take n your case into especial eatuenge, the dear, old departing soulsl elemeney, and in two or three weeks 0 you banished anal, hear the voice of you axe to go home to your wives. the Christian dead to -night, bidding end children. Give me your teiled,blis- Yoa come home. I remember being tared hand in congratulation." A man with nay father one day when he was who tale only half the story of the ploughing in a new ground. It was gospel might better not tell tiny of it. nary hand ploteghing, and 1 remember Weil, my frieed, what are some of how the swestt dropped down on the the meane that "God has devised that Plongh handles, and I reanaraber at tha banielied be not expelled from noon hearing ray mother ass she stood him?" In the tint Otos, the forst- at the corner of the house far away, pith up through the rifts of skull- ealleng us to oome bome, thrtt the shelved Calvary. Constantine has, table was spread, and the deming hour deeignated that hill as the ono on had arrived. And some of yon are which Jesus died. Dean Stanley says down lgt life, and You. have a hard there are on that hill shattereds frag- time. It is rough ploughtng, and =Ms of litue-stone rook aleft ovi- thereis the Gwent of toil aad the dently oe tbe orucifixion carthquelee. sweat el msany sorrows. Do you aot And, my friends, it is through that hear te-neght voices from hoaven., ory. fissure of the rook that our path to ing, "Come home, the tabte is spread, pardon lies; through the earthquake the banquet lo ready. Coma home?" of conviction, under the dripping Is there not in your present surround. crimson of the cross. Ah, do you not kegs a Christiaa influence? lo tbere like tho smell of blood) Neither do 1; not a Cheislian wife, or husband, or but without the shedding ot blood child, or beother, or &alert Through there is no remission. Our debts are that influsentec God has been calling never to be paid unless Umtho cloy. a great white. 05, yoa must have en arteries of eesue Christ they are been a persistent came to have 'with- liquidated. :steed an muscle and withetood tio long; Coming up to -night through thotee What will youdo next'd What will God fiesures In the rock, you going up, do next/ He will somehow break up Christ corning down, yes will moot, (hie menoLony. Will it be fire, or and there will be joy on earth and atom, or the opening furnaces of the jay in heaven over your souls doomed world? What next? God PARDONED AND FORGIVEN. will not be forever meeting these mesrages of invitations and alarro. Now the Christian traoks the blood What next? Them will be a ohan,ge all arctund the shelving the grey emae mese, 0 soul! On the read limeetooe rook on Calvary -the blood the great martyrdom of Jesus You Leave]. there is a tuen just ahead THREE WAYS OF LIVING, -ens WITHIN YOUR igleANS---UF TO YOUR NS FileA,,e13EXOND YOUR MEA1M 11 WI'le Prerlde for the nature - teleamee Ssentliag All l'an Pars -et le a (Menu ce elm eceemie leour Means. Tho men who livee within hie moans wise. A young couple, team Ln thar angle clays, had a free band ba moot things (Imamate, epeet raortey, and en- :10Yed ocanfint to the full, perhaps feel it a texriblo bardebip to meaeure out naemaal comforts, in handfuls only, But this is the wisest thing to do io (tasty married days, for anoient though the, old saw its there is much oh in "take care of tbe pence. and the ehilliugs and pomade will take ooze a tbentaeltres." How. ale you to lire witbin your meang ? It 0013 be done easily, and no matteat bow amall your income may be, it ought to be done, If one's life lone itself easily to ac- counts registered under the headings of "Dr." and "Cr.," and it one were really boneat in keeping tbese are. oounta, it may be heftily assumed that tbe heavieat tteni aPPeaullatU in the books would be without a doubt "Keeping up appearances." Thie tatullous. custom wbiela has de- seroyed the happiness of many a home and dispensed from many a young heart the seede of domestic fe- licity and eententment, leade people to spend money they cannot afford. Though the future is yet ear dis- stant for tho many, provision should new, this vary day, be made for it. Bat 0111088 you live within yew means it is impossible for nu to PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE.?. 11 ie not logie to spend what you an = ceaand trust to luck for the future. It Le a ruinous policy to fol- low, Chance, or expectation, has a disagreeable knack of forgetting friends'. Chance is a fickle dame Who rheum to the tune of unaertainty. Of course, it Ls a most difficult thing to be anybody, or to pretend to be somebody when you are not, and not keep up appearaiaces. If yeu accept invitatione to other people's houses you art bound by all the laws of aelf-re.speet to. return the compli- ment, All thee is very nice, but what does it amount to? Tim money spent in thia way may not bo nauch, dieseet- ed in its yarioUS individual items, but that is not the point. Thia M tbe treed of it ; Mrs. Brown Christ. sree seeing mans eame, atm of you. This nieht thy soul may be they washed that red cstrnage into required of thee. Somse of you have the valley at the foot ot tho totem.. loaeo called by the gospel for many taiz ; out the. Chrislean erisily 785070. Do yea Suppose that Goa will ter tinthe red mark on the rock, arid tawnykeep on In that line? No, I tell the glimpse, of it in song or sermon You Plainly, my d:ea' hearer, there will eters all big sonsibilities and °resets ba is change 53You-r mac'. a1l hls prayers. 11 it were needed that all the hosts 01 heaven' should be gathered for nee great batten The Garman Governmetit renewer; there would be only orm nonao thae nearly 055,(o0,000 a year ftodia Ito could rally the universes, and that to railways. the battle of Jesus' 1jo Waneerd end San Francini) are Among the means that God has each almost exaaely 11.000 miles from demeted that the lettoishea 55 nee ex,- London. liOr080a 4114 50115 and Men attire to be peoeuree Mad meintaluocl, and as buelnees people are not in trade for the fun of the thing, or for your ManYentenmethette horses and merles and Men Muet be neebitalued by the pee, plc for whoee bonofit tbey exist, Neve Cir mind what PeePle see, deeet leeeP O seevent £rshand. d ow, e rater own meek:et:Wm It 115 511015787, Living boyoud 3'0113' means, 5 c (mince sent infinitely waso. 13! people be- ocinue liable fOr more money than tbey elm tealeo from Unite own eesourcee, Lt baa to be. borrowed. Tis balancing up of thoLr aceounte Is, too depressing an smoupation fox Omen ther never analyse their expenditure, they 5101,- eir knew how the,y stand, but 511. the vaxioue bihIs, oome in; they meet them au HAVE MONEY. Th03, are, of 000155, ePending 5015capital and interest, and As smell a state of thinga oannot possibly ex - Let fox long, the dey of reelconing Gomel round, and they are tloored at lea t. The line dividing the people who live, up to thelt means Zind Omni who live beyond teen, means is very thin. A striele taketc you frosn one to the other divisiota. .11 begins by entexialeing, perhaps, an a grander male than your 13100508waireants-again for the sake of ap- petteamies-going in for expensive cense, and procuring various kinds of luxusies, whioh, perhaps, .you would not hare thought of getting ire but far Mrs. Robinson, who bas al) she wants. If all the Memo you havo be de- rived front only your salary, then be morally honeet and avoid modern snobblehness, and go back to tile storting peint. Live within your /imam, and apply tbe balance to lay- ing tho foundalaoh ot eornethittg tang. ibla for you and youre when the day of-parhapa your forced -retirement comes. With the pre...peat before you of an endowment or an annuity, so easily procurable nowadays, by exercising a little patience and thrift, you will not feas ite advent. Ira the absentee of thls assistance it would go badly with yon. SAFE IN A THUNDERCLOUD. Thenornaricable Experience or a Preacher.AeronautIn Ettgltilad. To be in the very heart of a thun- dm cloud and escape unharmed is an unusual if not a unique experience. That is what happened to Rev. John M. Bacon and some companions in one of his baloon. ascensions from Newbury, England. Mr. Bacon le. telling of the =Per- in:0e says: "In seemly more than twenty minutes from the staxt o. sudden and surprising change took place in our circumstances. Our en- vironment, which had appeared ab- solutely calm and cleax, began has been to Mrs,. Robinson's, and as ehenglag with the rapidity of a Mr. Robinson is in a •good position, 1 , transformation scene. Below us the their house ea enty 0100 le, all ete 15_, hundred feet which separated us Mils. . On the other hand, Mt. Tyown is not in SUCil a good position, but his wi1e. wetted not for world e let Mrs. Hobbl- e= knoev that, so when it te Mrs, i horizon tet the level of our eye and Robtiason'a turn to visit the. Browns, 1 higher opposed a denso fog barrier of the Robinsons must be impressed tvith an aseen hue. Overhead of course the idea tbat their mew friends, the the sky view was entirely hidden by Browns, are well off, when they are, ; tho huge silken globe. At this time as a raatter of 'fact, poorly oft. 1 we were being sivept along on our To effect this, miracle yeene leen , course, whic11 remained sensibly un - Brown buys a new gown, new this ,I altered in direction, at a speed which and new that. The husband does the i we suescquently were able to fix at sama thing, being Robinson's friend, approximately forty miles an hour. and thole fen or e50 a year domestic, I "To ourselves the full significance too, lf it can be. manaeeds, is changed 1 of these circumstances was not int - foe a $100 girl, who lent be. told to , mediately apparent, but the onlook- wear flowing etrings to her cap ' ers at our point of departure -the LIKE THE ROBINSON GIRL. town gas works, now some five miles goes against the grain to do as the O 11115 of your income, even though it 1 proac A HEAVY THUNDER PACK wottike-clearly detected the op - To live willetu you.: mean's, put by 0011e' yerang Smiths, and rowns and Rob- and, as they reasonably asserted, insane do, for, after all, your n.eigla- , coining against the wind, It, tower- bouss may be. living up to their means ed above the baloon, now seen pro - possibly beyond them. !Meted plainly against its face. 11 The ample who live quietly in a , came on rapidly and assumed for - little imam in a side street, where ' minable proportions. The baloon rent and rtes and taxes are lowest, j was flying duo west at high speed, are far ,happier than them who aro and at apparently no great distance dombiled in a h.ouee on the main road : overhead the thundeeeloud was pro - where all the °bargee are approxim- gressiag at a moderate velocity not onely highen Live, them, within your . accurately determined, but one meant), remembering that you are do- , east or directly opposed to the mir- ing the wisest possible thing in xe- face current, epect of the future. 1 "And now with it whietle a blind,. Living up to your means, is, par ing shoat of hail attacked the aero - excellence, the commonest form of ' /tants, stinging their faces so sharply mode= living. I 0,s to give the idea that the stones People do thie because they DIM not . were Telling from a great height, and leanest even with themselves. They immediately afterward from all sides axe deceiving themselves and every- , and close around _flashes of lightning body ales all round. They do not roe- shot out with remarkable frequency lize how many things they do because and vividness. We were, in fact, they are right or flume:tame but be- i fairly ombosomed in the thunder. e,ause the Robb:mons and the Joneses ' ciciucl. Other and near observers and the St/lithe do them. I narrowly watched the phases of pile - 'ale spending 02 au their mcnaer , nomen50 now in progress. These were cannot afford them p/easure, The 1 the countrymen who became interest - twinge of conecience must ootne in i oil sreetntors and who presently somewhere. It is but a p1158100saion which ' came to our assistance. They seem - peen -Ades some people to uppear grand. 1 ed to hove imegined that the baloon eir than they are, anore influential, ! must be infallibly struck, inasmuch better off than they are, and this ' as it appeared to them completely Ls why the world ie suoh a. great : encircled with lightning. It was, in- sheaVmh'y Mast life by giving a ranch deed, the worst storm the country - higher rent than can be afforded out side had knoWn for nattily years. At of youx email tresome? 01 course, your Devizes, only a few miles about, it lasted for live hours continuously. A little way on Our right n, houSe was struck and burned to the ground, and on our left a couple of soldiers were killed cm Salisbury plain, from the moth began filling 111 with a blue haze quite transparent but growing palpably filmier, while ahead, as aloe right and left, the idea, ie to live in a nice looality, oth- erwiae it would mean your being look- ed doevn upon. Beam tho brunt of what your friends or neighbors think. The day will most assueeily arrive when your neighbors will have forgotten you and your attempts to impress them witb the impoetance of your position, a dielinction arrivee at at the cast of a comfortable. future. A. person who lives, up to his means Is risking a mighty stake -his very all. If hie futuro depended upon hes living up to hie means, Lhe rashness of hie living might ha excusod, but Mite Ls net tho came leather is it to be found in the desire SIMPLY TO MAKE A SUOW, The people wile live up to their amane will hoop O. sorvent. when they ,sould &tatty manage flie week them - ...elves, With OCelmonol help. They keep No, wo thin t Imo in A gervent net bet:Ruse they want to, Then why !won't you give it to us? but becauve the people all xoturd Well, dear, tiaid the smother, gently, them do, arta they must, to ten amid you, tend Ben will gat to Again, they cannot go out market- eue for them mime ; newt of the nolgin gutareling over it. Oh, no, wo elnOne. leveed Tom, eager - hem" ao tbel° tu8i'eal, th° "'ad"- ly. 'You needn't lao is bit afraid ot 1111)0. call in their traps, tied tako or that mothex. I won't lot Ben tottela • bbs I1b0b5n dnor , THE STZ.D.A.'Y SCHOOL. 1,11118011 X, tioECOND QUARTER, INTER. NATIONAL 1111111118, JUNE 9, Wext of the ieeseon, Acotte eel], 0-10, Xonory Verson, 0-8--0ooldee '703(1, Aots xxvI, in-clotnin•intary Prepar. cd ba' -Cite II0V, X), 05. StoarnO, 0, "Nigh Onto DaMaecue about noon eeedeelY there eitoue eroin lemma a great light round ebout me." 'Wo Save Scan studying the ApPeteraAces of oer Lord to His discsiplee atter Hie resurrec- tion, tuel uow in thie leesau aud the aext we have tem of UM poSt ascullOiOn isp- L50l5I1110i It would be yery profitable to constant IXIS first post ascensioo ere pees:since to Stephen. Let every Ono lay up Acte00, and niaY become A 500- titant wod in our Ismael, In studying this lesson it ^emelt] bo yory profitable to write out in parallel coluinne tho three meounte 01 this incident In chapters ix, 1-20; xxvi, 9-20, awl the portion we are About to study. Paul tells us that lto was On kis way to Damascus to bring the believers there to Jerusalem to be pun, taloa (verso 5), and, believing that he ought to do many things contrary to the neme of Jests of Nazareth, ho had put saints M prison and helped put them to death (xxvi, 0-11). 7. "Saul, Saul, why pereecutest thou 81. o? He and all who were with him fell to the ground, but he alone bears] these words, spoken in the Hebrew late guage (eorupave the parallel accounts). The Vele° was for him, not for his eono. panlocie. In Dan. x, 7. we read that be &ono saw the vision; the men who were with Idle saw It not, but were filled evitb fear. The vision and the words wore for Daniel, not for thom. When Peter was releaset] front prism, ho alone saw and heard the angel; the guards knew Both. ing of it. So It may 'be vhen He calls His saints to,meet Him In tho air. The world may see or hear nothing, but per- haps be afraid. 8. "I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest" This In answer to his question, 'Who art thou, Lord?" What O reyelation for Saul, who bad believed ,Jesus to be an Impostor and who, sincere- ly wishing to do right before God, sees in a moment that he is all wrong and that the believers in Jesus whom he had beei . persecuting were right and that he, Saul, had been persecuting Christ in them. That Israel's Messiah had actual- ly come and been rejected and crucified hy the rulers of the people, and that he Is, with them, guilty of His death. In a moinent he sees his Lord, and he seee himself as a rebel against his Lord and Saviour. O. "They heard not the voice of Ilim that spoke to me." Chapter ix, 7, says that they heard a voice; there is uo con- teadietiout there San be none in Scrim turo. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit et Truth, eannot contradict Himself. They heard a sound, but not the words, which were for Saul only. Compare John xii, 28, 20, whore some heard words, but inh- ere only hearcl something like thunder. Do you hear Him speak to you personal- ey when_ you read His word, or is it all indistinct? 10. "And I said, What shall I do, Lord?" or, as In ix, 0, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" Saul submits, Ile accepts tbe risen Christ as Israel's Mes- siah and as 55 Lord .and Master, awl his question is no longer what the chief priests would have hen clo, but what the only true High Priest woull have him do; he bas ceased from man, for he has seen the Lord. He is sent to Damascus, but under a very different authority from that which sent him from Jerusalem, and to learn the things that bare been 09 - pointed by God for him. If our honest questions are, Where wilt Thou, Lord? (Luke exit, 9) and, What wilt Thou, NO DANGER. Two brothers, grown m.en now, are fond of aiiting down end zomparing past experriences. One partioularly happy recollection ea thie There was an olel coffee -mill in the attie which, on boys, they greatly (le- aked to poseess. One of them, Tom by narao, sought his mother and begged heir to give it to them, don'ts believe 1. min, Tom, said she, regretfally. I %hotted lileo to, but Pen afraid I can't. 1301, why, mother 1 urged Tom. You don't uee FRON ERIN'S 11.EEN ISLE, WHAT IS GOING (MIN iltELANP AT TUE PUSghTT WIZ immay "(VG 01 110 Etlif1))110 AIO-Oitten 4'011tee.1 Viiit VIII Interest 'Ia1:17 LLireerlek luta ferwaraaa te sLtulldty0:11:rrersChnanufl,001071,113eaguorn 001.170'00C: hUhilriad one eY Mends as pee roe lion in ale at the Soldiere' uteri Salle era' Families neereolation. Sir Charles and Lady Gibbons, see Stamtvell Nacre, near Stains, have been beroavea by tem, death of their youngest con ill SOUtil Africalie le reported to have died while loet on the veldt, lier. *Mebane, wee attatned hie majorley not long ago, was at elafeking during tho siege, and del good eerviee ger the defence of the town, The (Moused was ie nephew ef Sir John and Lady Doran, Ely House, Wexerged, CrFoster Peabody bag offered to give 6$5,000 for the erection of a Young Been'a Oinietian Aesoolettion building at teolumbue, Ga., prided Shat the eitizona shall epee to main- tain the inatitUtiOn. He has offexed $20,000 for a Young teen'a Christian A.esociation building fox negroes under the &erne oanditiona. The will of Bernard, Wolff, jr., who died ieecently in Pittsburg, makes di- rect bequest of about pox% includ- ing 22,000 for benevolent: purposes, and pamindee tbat if hM children shall die without 1118110 before his widow, the residue of his estate of $250,000 shalt be divided one-half to go to the leranklin and Mateliall College, Lan- oaatex, Pa. ono Wirth to Catawba College, at: Newpert, and one - female to the 13oaod of HOMO Missions of the Reformed Church. Two deaths of centenarians have lately taken place in the County Car - Law, On Easter Monday the funeral of Mra. Jeff Brennan, took renoe at Coon. This old lady had attained the wonderful age of 109, and up to the time of her death was in the posses- sion of all her mental faculties, be- sides being angularly hale in body. Very shortly before, the death of o. Miss Comerford took place in the neighbouring parieh of Leighlin- bridge, in her 10515 year. She was in business, and remained keen and aa. Live to the very leen The spring show of the Royal Dub- lin Society was perhaps the best it has ever had yet. Under the nettle breeding scheme ost the new Depart- ment of Agriculture a number of premiums aro given to bulls, and, Lille tis itsell brings a largo gathering of animals. In the shqw, the good old Shorthorn continues to hold its own against all comers, as the entries in the vareaus elasses devoted to this breed number 445. The next most popular breed is the Aberdeen -Angus, with 176 entries. Herefords do Int s be reamedes. bo g row in popularity with Irish The late Queen's visit to Ireland last year gave the shanirock-wearing on the patron saint's day a good filip, as in England the custom became as popular as in Erin. The supply o1 shemrosiks at Covent Gardens recent- ly was calor/opus-fully ten times that of termer years -and it is most- ly genuine Irish stuff, and not Eng- Ush clover. The King sent an equerry to Covent Garden the Wednes. Lord? He will not fail to show us all day before St. Patrick's day, to pur- the things appointed for no and guide us chase X3e, worth of shamoocies, fan in them. 11. "I could not see for the glory ot that light." So those who were with hint led him by tho hand into Damascus, and be was tbree days without sight, and neither did eat nor drink (ix, 9). He most have learned much as he communed with God those three days ot ayiag to self and the world, ana doubtless the Lord wondrously and lovingly revealed Himselt to him. What a blessed expe- rience it woula be to have such a vision of the glory ot God that SVC would DO more see the attractiveness of this world's vanities because of the glory of that light! Eyes and ears for Him! 12, 13. "Brother Saul, receive thy siglit." Thus said Annulus, a disciple, having been commissioued by the Lord to search out Saul and be a blessing and a comfort to him. Give much attention here to Acts ix, 10-10, and note among other things that the Lord in heeven ob- serves the street in the city on Thiele we sojourn and the house on the street. He knows just where to find us always atid just what He can do with us, and thoss. who are Mein may be ebosen vessels unto Wm to bear His name it willing also to stiffer for His name's rake. Saul hail spent mucli at the three days in prayer, and the Lord had greeted him a vision of a man coming to him and put- ting his fiend upon him that he might re- ceive his sight. 14-10. Note the honors conferred upon Saul and take them to yourself as far ast your faith wilt allow, remembering that all things aro yours but yoorself, and you, if redeemed, should bo leaf Menet for Himself (I Car. 111, 21; ye le 20; Ps. iv, 3). "Chosen to know His will." See II Pet. 111, 0; eohe yi, 38-40; love, 24; Luke eel!, 42, and cobsider how fully you are living in the will of God. "See that Just One." "They BIM no man any more save Somas only with themselves." "Run with patience looktim unto .1e815e" (Mark ix, 8; Heb. en, 1, 2). "11one the voice of lells mouth." "This is my be- loved Son; hoar Ilim" (Muth, evil, 0). Let our deterininntion be, "I will hear what God the Lord will speak" (Pe. lxxxv, 8); not the (minions of men, but only the voice of God. "Thou shalt be His witnese unto ell men of what thou haat soon and heard." Compare Acts iv, 20; I eohn I, 8, end say,before God how and where you stand. Ara you the Lord's aervantLO turn people . . nem darkness to light from satan unto God, that they may receive forgivetiess and hibernation by faith to Christ by cle- clitring because yeti cannot help it that which you base seen tier yourself in Christ and beard with yoor own ears from Hire? (Chapter xxvi, 10-18.) tt la the priVilago of overy shiner who bast ever hearti the gospol to receive the Lore ;tents raid be saved; 115 the Privilege of every raved one to be joyfelly etenscloos of the torgiveneee of sins and by it con- fer:tent Ine ntel testimeny la,l etbers to Him (eolin 1, 12s 1.1, 37; Ian v, 121 Avateexiiie88.e.eele *lam exit V), decorating the royal table on theel7th a March. The Conntess ot Limerick sold a very largo quantity in aid of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Fund, and got orders from all sorts; and con - anthem of men. A olever and amuaing escape one made from Armagh prima, recently, An untried prisoner named Casey, while out for exeraseein the prison yard, managed to slip away from the others unperceived. Ho scaled a wall and. got Late the GOverttOr's garden, Which is situated just behind Lhat offbial's residence. Tim prisoner, with the utmost sang froid, walked leisurely through the garden and pro- ceeried to the Governor's Mechem He was interrogated hero as Lo ids busi- ness, what he etateel in the most in - =cent and natural manner that he had been sent by a gentleman for some flowers. He then asked was it Mr. McClelland's helms he was in, and being tolct not, ha politely apple- gized for having made the mistake, of going to the wrong house, and was shown out uf the front door without any further qUeslion. The Prisener was later re -arrested. ; A. SMART BUSINESS BOY. He waa a very small boy, and very ragged, but there was a look in his ens of ehrewd intelligence beyond his yeame. His lett lianel be held behind his back, but his, eight hand was ex - WILL WED A NOVA SaUTIAN DAIJOHTER OF A WaL,KNOWN 41URJCAN eztti14, , Icenioneo Connected 17515 the Mariana% el Pas Motives nod Hiss PlagIcr, ot Washlagtott, I?, 0, Waahington ecoiety bee been pro. vicled with eolmething of a mild sense - tem by the anneunoement oe Mies, Beizebeth Plaster's for timomeng marriage to Ois. Creorge Wilbert Me - Nome of Daddeole, Nova Scotia, Mese Elegem 11 tho dougltier of Brigedier-General Flateler, (tad was eorate five years ago ono of the belle% et the United Stelae capitah She is' interesting, not only on account of Ser wealth and beauty, hut aleo be - cause of tile samewhat romantio otoryi thee is, told about h.er. It seems that in 18915 the Flaglere were litetally haunted by small boys, who, in spite ref numberless warnings,, treepassed in the (seamed eviiieh ad- joined their manse= in the suburb))) of Washeneton. As aeon 5.8 0101 Member or iservant of the family vaniehea from eight they would, scale uthtetievbegalinareeealle,ls an.d see to work 1.117 One hat August .day Mee Fleglee happened to be standing behind the drawling roam blinds when a negro Soy Olmbe 09BT ths well ante serarabled up one of the batten apple treee. She seized a small eparting rifle that be- longed to her brother evitb the inten- tion oe scaring the urchin. 'She raised the tWeapOtIl and Hoed it. I APPEARANCE 1/4 CIOURT. A.Imost SIMUltaneouslt something fell from the tree., ana when ths smoke cleared away the ohidd was found lying an the ground mortally wounded. Tho coroner's jury exoner-• abed Wise ringlet', but the verdict raieed a BbDr311 of indignatien emong the negro readouts en the neighbor- hood; and after a periosi of consider. able agitation tbe General's daugh- ter was indicted and brought to trial when a verdlot of "guiHy of involun- tary manslaughter" Wan returned, ana Miss Flagler wag sentenced to a nominal three hours' imprisonment. , Miss Fleeter was a groat favorite in Washing Lona sonic ty, and her friends planned to receive her With dinners and dances, but sb.e would see nobody and go ziowhore. One day sbe suddenly disappeared, for she had imposed a sentence of volontary exile an herself, being de- termined to renounce the world and its gaieties for ever. She became a reoluse in a little fishing village called Baddeek, in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, where her. aim was to expiate wbat she consid- ered her sin by doing good to the poorest and saddest-raothers who waited in vain for tho return a their sons, and wives who were still wait- ing eor the doep watere to give up their long-miesing husbands. By degrees sb.e was able by hoe un- tiring kindness and helpfulness to win the cemplete oonfidanoe 01 these simple fisberfolk, and her services rapidly 'became so rauch in demand that she had no time to brood over her trouble. WHERE SITE MET THE DOCTOR. And it was trhilie tending the sick that ate was first brought baok to the world the had left, for it was at the bedside of an invalid that she met Dr. Geceme McKeon, a young phy- sician, who had gone to seek expert - mem and practioe among the poor of NoIvS to wasctibau. t natural that the man of medicines should Lail in love with 1113. good Samaritan, whona iho grate- ful village folk wore wont to call "the blessed lady." The beautitul, sorrow. ful-looking lady, who dwelt in a her- mit caLtage called "The Bow:mile," awakened in him an interest infinitely more absorbing than medicine. So ha set 1311,1.5(11,f the bask which her rela- tives and friends had failed at- to eztice her back to the larger world she had left. 15 the evenings he used te) go up te the oottage which Miss Plagler had built on the lonely rooks to oon- malt her about same pet plan. or.now project in which her help wee need - ea. And oo this romantic wooing went on, until one day Washington society was 'agreeably eurprised tohaar that the. Brigadier-General'a daughter was coming back to ths gay, busy world which had ma known her for five whale years. elarly 111 31.111,3 bar return is to be signalizod by a brilliant evodding in St, Margaret's ohterch, to be followed by a great reneption, ab whioh Wash- ington nociety will bo present. In- deeel, Kiss Flagler's bids fair Iso be the wedding of the season, Itornantio LIB 11112 w1jia Story is, it cannot appeal to any mailer half so powerfully as to tha heroine of who will thue plunge beak Min the vortex of nem:key woman's life after an absence of over five years -years spent In leading what has practically been a hermit exintenoe as far av hor farmer friends have been concerned. It will probably seem 53 htsr as though she hod been suddenly awrikened from sernaige dream; all the events of her Ilia among Um fisborfolk of Nova Scotia being oompressed into the fanobs of a night's elm:nines. tended, and lactween two grimy Da - gen was a half -smoked stump ce a eineette. Ile had 553 eye on it welt - drama men who was walking jnintily along the etreet swinging his Orme, I say, mistox, said the boy, gelatin a match, will yew, please Tho men Mopped good-netteredly, and emitted when he tone the dirty cigarette atump. He rnadc is pre- tence of neorobing his poakets for a matele and finally said: I bayonet got one. The boy haettly slipped the stump into ble pocket, and withdrawing hie hand from behind his back, display- ed a Mame box containing an assort- ment of email boxed, 12 yea' ain't got [no enabehee, said he, new's a good time for to 'buy. I got Min all -Wax and wood, and SOMA wlsst worOt blow out in tbe wind, and °there what will. How many- do you want: 1 Yea* takee yor plok He. sold two boxee. . elatisio.ms use 0 oz. only of emffeo a bead in the year. Engles& poople 14oz, Mad Dutch 022ta, 00 out of eavoyy 100,000 of lertglencles population aro toestantly in prison,. 52 of Seollaudel 100,000, and 110 of Ire- ton dee NOW 'RIMY .ARE MARRIED. A benhful young man wenb three times, to tusk a beautiful young lade it he *alight be tbe partner of her joys, and marrows and other household fterulturea but each Unto his heart failed him, and he topic the queetion away unpopped. She saw tho anguith of his soul, and had compassion on him. So, the nate time he came, ehe asked hini if ha bad tbouglit to bring it sersW-driv- e.r with Calm. He blushed, and wonted Lo lenoev what fer. And alio, in Um fietnees a hey heert, add aho del not IriloW but that he would metal to aerate up bie courage before be left. Ito teoit the hive ema the give