The Brussels Post, 1901-6-6, Page 5Iola 0, 1991
E�maw,,,•.,.,,ayrrcoue: _1114...,.,-.....-..
-4.:f•al•., 4oat.0001."r,llrueoele,
V 1 Ioeuor 01itTurriuge ietir Coe, Ql•.
oe at er0oery,0;trnbQt1'y ati'oet•, lirneoola,
• 2"oneorl¢t artist,
Shop -Next ileer
•Hoid ofthe Standard Bank, LadIas�and
. thilreas hair cutting a specialty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-'1EAOHl]li OF -
L. O.
• du to of London Conserva-
a C n O
tory of ane 00 alsoo10 Member p the to Mneiolans of Ontario, is prepared to reoeive
e limited number of pupils for Inatruotlon
p 4
on the cipa. Forel in t prepare Conserils vatory
the Principal's in the Oonesrvatory of
• Brn0aele, Ontario.'•
Clerk of the Ponrtlr Division Court,.
Co. $urop; Conveyancer, Notary Pubho,
Land, Loan iand Insurance Agent • Auction-
eer. Funds
inventedarid o1011
tronamade (Mice GGahm '2I ck,
tan, will sell for better prices, to
better men in Lees time ane less charges
than any other Auctioneer in Past sumo or
be won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this oflloe or by
personal application.
(0O0MERLY 00 6F.A8a2T13)
Graduate of R. 0, Ti e„ Tenant° ; Post Grad•
nate course at Heakol's School, Chiang°, in
crown and bridge work, s.Ia-Prlooe same ae
in surrounding towns. 21-
Ofhee over A.B. Smith's store, Brussels.
tJ • Boner Gin20000 of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
easesof domesticated animalatin a compet-
ent manner. Partliular attentionpaid to
Veterinary. Deutletry. Calle promptlyat-
tended to. Oiiloo andluermary-Four doors
North of bridge, Turnbeiry et., Brussels.
. Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o, omoo-Stewart's Block
1 door North. at Central Hotel.
=Solioitor for the Standard Sauk.
aeSolicitor, ,ko. Mee over Stand -
d Dank. Solicitor Village
of Brueaela.
• Money to Loan atlowest rates,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron): Barrister and Solicitor. Go0erfoh
Ont. Olnce-.Bamiltoa street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
M. D., O. I1.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
Collo a Afemher College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of thRoyal Col-
lege of Phyoielaue and Xieentiate of Mid-
wifory,Edinburgh. t3"Pelepbone No.14,
Bosidonoe-),W1000000, Brussels,
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeoees, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouobitto, Com
eumption, Gail' Stewart, Jaundice, Zidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dame,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. end Manatacturer.
001,1 by -aha, Fox:, tarugglet, atrnoaule
British Columbia
.Led Cedar Shingles
1 ortli Shore
Pine and Cedar
,y ,
Brussels %nun bills
Ain Dome sad Saab of all Pat
terns on hand at made to order
et Short Notice.
Estimates ruruished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Maternal Guaranteed.
I will pa. the Highest
market price in cash for ahy
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels,
Alfred Ba9ker.
rum iebas Ittirto.
Oir all the sad and doleful words
' That mortal ever writ ;
There are no sadder ones to tee
Than these two -"Please remit."
A Pannow in 8 -7 - who meld not
'Tares. $4,00 for a newopopor, sent 40 .2
m e to a
cent t Y
a a auk's to know sow' to
"Raise beets." Re got this avower, "Take
bold of the tope and pull for all you are
a 610100 NRANGERS D
Rlva A
DRAW. -A big
orowd assembled at Sunlight .Athletic
-Park, Toronto, on May 1800, expecting to
see a corking match between the oham-
pion Berlin Rangers and the Toronto
Riversides for the Western Aeaootation
cop. Nor were they disappointed. A
tight garne resulted fn a draw, each aide
'coria -
g one goal.
The teams have to
meet again in Berlin in a month'e time,
wben a battle royal may be expected.
The team from over the Don was the
first to soore, Gerow doing the trick atter
a pretty bit of biose combination. For a
while the game was rather uninteresting,
then the Rivereidee left wing put on a
spurt, and Vogelsang, Bowman and Rad -
dell got in roma splendid defence work,
It was now the visitors' ,gra to retaliate,.
and they made things hot for the River-
sides, bat could not Dotoh a point till half.
time, not being effective enough in front
of goal. Gerow at this point wag hurt
end we0t off, the Berlin captain court.
eoualy agreeing to Murray's going on in
his plane. In the second half Berlin had
the wield, and at anoe eat the pace. It
woe not long before they evened things
up, a pretty bit of fast combination be•
,ween Heller and Wagner enabling the
latter to turn the triok. Then it was the
eivereidee' turn to look dangeroue, bat
Vogelsang, by some marvellous work kept
hie charge
Berlin now etrengthen.
ed their defence, bringing one of their
forwards bank. The Riversides stuck
to the attack, hat though they were several
times within an toe of scoring weld not
quite do the needlni. Two or three of
the Riversides were rather used up at the
finish, For the Rongere the back' and
goalkeeper were the partionler etas, and
Staebler and Heller were the beet of the
others. Tbe Berlin team, it should be
mentioned, only numbers sleet last year's
winning team. Henderson, Seeker and
Vick worked bard and brilliantly on the
Riversides defence, and all the forward
line exoept Small were first -rote. Much
dissatisfaction was expressed by both
teams at the repeated beeitatiou of the
referee in giving deoinione, and the Ram
gere made two or three complaints to the
referee es to rough play by certain River-
side ple.yera. Tbe teams •-
gere (1) -Goal, Vogelsang ' baoke, Ra.
dell, Bowman ; half backer, Kreseler,
Seibert, Sbaebler i forwards, Soberer,
Nail, Heller, Wagner, Sheriff. Riversides
(1) -Goat, Hatt; beaks, Henderson, Mit-
chell ; half -banks, Viok, Seeker, Madi-
gan ; forwards, Gentle, Gerow, Small,
Heys, Brown.
storm days of the storm period prevail.
ing at the close of May open the present
month. The lull moon at extreme South
declination falba on the tad, from which
fact it may be conjectured that Northerly
winds and pool rains will prevail over
muoh of the country, on the let. and 2nd
of Jane. A rapid rise of barometer with
cool, oleariug weather may come about
the 2nd to 4th, but the reactionary storm
influences oentral on tbe 66th and 610,
will Dense rising temperature, tailing
barometer and more rain and storminess.
Another 000ler wave and rising barome-
ter will come about the 610 to 8th, lead.
ing up to the regular storm period whioh
exteude from the 910 to l2tb, in ite
direot central influence. A study ofthe
storm diagram will show that the Jane
eoletioe period, also the mercury period,
unite their disturbing influences with the
Vulcan period central on the 1000.
Moon is on the oeleetial equator and at
last quarter on the 9111, having moved up
from her greatest South deolination ethos
the tad. From Sunday the Otb, to Wed-
uesday the 1200, there are varietal
reasons to expect decided storms of rain,
wind and thunder. It must not be for.
gotten that the Jupiter perturbation is
also in full force through all this month,
which faob ie almost a guarantee that
cloudburst, and seriooe local downpo¢re
and floode, will touch many parte of the
oonntry. We still believe and predict
that these phenomenal, waterepont
Worms will be meth mere frequent and
intense toward the Sontb, and in moue-
.taiooue regions eentigaone to the sea -
beanie. While Rome interior eeotione
will have touches of with storms, we
predict that the general rainfall will be
below the average for June, over Western,,
Northern and central areae of the oodn.
try. Violent and tornadio storms are
not an improbability daring the regular
arid reactionary storm periode, ae shown
within the Mowery brave in the storm
diagrams. The moon'e perigee on the
14th will tend greatly to unite the two
periode into one prolonged spell of
showery, stormy weather, the dela of
greatest probable energy being about the
Ot11 to 12th, and the 15th to 17th. The
new moon on the 16th will be a tactor in
the atoms about that date. The oppoei'
tion of the pitted Mantle on the 500, and
the conjunction of Neptune on the 20th,
must aleo be reckoned among the die-
tuching mune for Juno. 'An"tnoreaee of
salami° and voloanio activity in all parts
of the globe where shah things aro 001I1 -
MOD, meg be with certainty counted' on
in the June perturbatiene. On end
about June the 21st the earth is the term
ing point in its orbital voyage around the
cud, the North pole is meet inolined to
the god's equator, and the enh )a higheet
in her alorthorn eky. Thr many years
we have tried to'impreeo the fact gpon
p 90110
tskorma 04e in MIAMI
ad foredo
direobiogo during there June
soletiee periode. Heavy and nuexpe0ted
gnats and tbuntier ehower0 whirl gdddep.
1 bankwywtrete •Itel r1 I
leac tone
drenching hole nigilboheedo wits
daebiug downpoaro wbieh, to all appear,
anoe, bad passed on to the Eastward.
In a manse there is a panes, or poise, 'et
taeearth in its onward ouch around the
ane at dile time. The em begins to re•
treat Beath ward, ndalt the a ei
tea a rd, a l h mo lope is
ourrenta about the globe move in oonlue•
ed 4grren00 and eddies. Henoe the June
eoletioe storms rush upon the unwary
trona aneaepooted quarters of the eky.
One of the gloat active storm periods In
Juno will be from the 20111 to the 20tb.
Thie period is central oo the 22 d
, mon
being q¢ the equator the same' day.
Throughout thie Nadeau period 'bowers
and thunder storms will bo netaral, but
We will noro a Friday the 21o0, to Monday
the 24th, ae the dater, on which the
heaviest storms may be expeoted. At
this and other June periode electrical die'
plays, during the eveninge and nights,
will be startling sad grand. We have
many times' published the motion
against running under trees for shelter in
thew highly els trfa l storms. There is
uo ow more dangeroue in a thunder
storm than ender a green, 0appy tree.'
The 25th' and 20th, and days next to
them bring aretur t
r g return attouary storm
conditions. It will tarn very warm dor•
ing these days, sultriness wil ensue, the
Come will barometer I fall aud thunder showers
will remit generally. As the month goes
out theba ometer willr'
r be wet and
fair, pleaeant weather will be spreading
Eaetward behind storm areae.- The
moon is far to the South the Net of June
near he lull, indioating northerly wind
warrents at the break up of the oloeiog
dietnrbanoe for June. We predict that
generoue and frequent eho.wara will visit
Southern and central regions daring tbe
month, with many olondburebe and local.
floods intwenties before mentioned ;
but we believe that interior, grain pro•
riming mato of the country will not have
a eurplue, if a eaffioienoy of rain, and
that orop0 not matured very early in the
season will be sorely preened for moisture
by the end of Jane, and worse in July
and August. We believe and prediot
that abnormal rains in the South will
begin to abate this year, and that dry
swami will follow in that eeotion.
I. R. Carting, ;Barrister, left town for
a three weeks' holiday trip to New York,
Joe. Hodgins, late proprietor of Sne.l'e
Livery, has moved to his term in Bid•
The Sutherland Innes stave works hos
been closed down for three weeks to make
If eatiefaotory railway arrangement
eau be completed the awed Summer ex.
oursio0 will be ran ander the aneploee of
the &i000nio fraternity. Hamilton will
likely be the objeotive Safer.
• .twoo(1.
Lima Council will meet on the 17th
June at 10 O'olook a. ea.
Rev. E. A. Fear is at St, Tbomee at-
tending the Methodist Conference.
Albert Quipp, of the gravel road, has
two geese that laid in aggregate this
Spring 68 eggs.
Thos. Galloway, of Uxbridge, delivered
an sddreas in the Presbyterian ehnroh
Sunday morning.
The balance of May Meow of tbe Don-
egal factory hue been sold to B¢Ilaotyne
& Sons at 81 o. per lh.
W. R. Erskine has disposed of his pro•
oAparty, latelybought of Hrs. Dowding,
ing, t
rtar Cress for the sum of $550.
The oontraat for completing Turnbull
drain woe awarded to Crowley and Me -
Donnell at $1,563 25, oolvert not inoluded,
provided satielaotory security is fnrnieh•
John Graham ie having hie house on
Main street thoroughly overhauled. He
is having a cement walk put under it and
intends building a kitchen and having it
all bricked.
The first sitting of the Court of Recla-
im for the township of Elms was held
in the Agrionitnral Hall, Atwood, on the
nth of May, composed of all the mem-
bers of Council, the Reeve oheirman.
The members baying been sworn, the fol.
lowing appeals were considered and die•
posed of as follows :-G. Ellaoott, too
high seemed, leftover ; T. R. Alexander,
reduced $100 • A. Robbie, redaaed $100 ;
D. Reiner, W. MoOlory and J. A. Tre-
main, who oompleined of being too high
aeeeoeed, appesie dismissed. Moved by
Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Rothwell, that
the Court of Revision be now adjourned
to the 17th June, and ten days allowance
for further appeals. -Carried.
The aseignee of the eet,ite of 0, B.
Koenig pays as a final dividend 814 ciente
on the dollar on claims.
Proprietor, Jae. McGuire, has improved
the eurroundiage of the Clarendon hotel
by having sod and flower beds laid.
Homer Andover' has bought three aaree
of land from D. A. Forrester lying be-
tween his farm and the railway Creek,
William Taylor, formerly of Clinton,
brother of J. Taylor, has 0ooepted a posi-
tion in Chicago with the Illinois Central
The other day a plate glees window of
Hodgene Broe'. Palace wag broken by a
young lad and W. D. Fair also had one
broken a abort while ago the same way.
Mier M- Plewee, of Toronto, hue eooept.
ed a e(tuat(on ae typewriter in R, & J.
Raneford'e omae, in the place of Mre. W.
Q. Phillips, who found it necessary to
resign not being able to secure et domestio.
Rev. G. M. Kitty bas received a 0all
from a oity in Michigan. The offer,
though quite enticing has not been accept-
ed by the rev. gentleman , Thie foot will,
be very gratifying to ble numerous Delhi
Mende. •
Master Willie, son of Para. A. 32. Man-
ning, narrowly °soaped eerion0 injury the
other day. Be was Betting off some gan
powder and the thee not burning quickly,
he bent over to blow it, when the powder
went off, burnieg his eyebrowe and sing.
ing his hair.
The following organization oommitlee
wee appointed with power to add to their
number to arrange for the ooming of
Huron 01d ]toys from 'Toronto on July 0:
Captain MoTaggar,, J. Ranelord, W.
Jaokeon, J. Bell, r. Fair, Mayor Jackson,
Dr, Shaw, Captain Combe, D. A. Ferree.
ter, D, Oantelon, R. Holmes, Jas. Soott,
J. W Treleaven, W. P. Spaulding, 0.
Jackson Bros. oompletod the purchase
of the Porde block whioh was built about
twelve years ago at a teat in the neighbor -
heed of $8000, They purpoeo oonvorting
1'J1l iva�`
WM halt of the second Aaar now need no
a plows of worship by the Plyrnouth
13retllree into a wvrkehop and will aloe
goo half of .the grognd throe, They intend
ort' 1' I s e lgl drive i
1 It in a seal n t ns to d i their
mavhipes and. in other was add to the
olfieienoy of their plant. At the present
time they hates fifty three amploeeee en
thele pay roll,
Ltooto weal.
S. Willoughby left town to takerend-
u p
tion in the otfloe of the Ingersoll sen.
J. Sutton, of Walkerton, has teeth a
eitgation ae moonier in the Listowel
8t. Clair .Wilson, of this town, has a
fox hound bi1gh that gave birth to eix
teen loupe.
Percy Field, who recently graduated
from the ,Ooterio Dental College, ie otill
oonlined to his home in town by illness.
Mrs, Moore, wife of Rev. A. P. Moore,
and eon Charlie, left last week for Prime -
ton, where they will spend two or three
weeks with Mende.'
Court Listowel, I. 0. F., will have their
animal service and sermon on Sunday,.
June Oth, at2.80 o'olook, in ()lariat oburoh,
Rev. A. P. Moore will oondootthe eervioe.
Rev. Dr, er, efee•
Warr3n , on ofthe b pro
sore of the Congregational Qolbege, Mon.
treat, has promised to conduct the
viette -
vies6 et the Congregational March,
Lie -
' .towel, on June 91h,
W. Lytle, of Hamilton, woe in town
With a gang off telephone men,
ing the entire system and making it
oible for a bscr[her sto have their tele.
phone equipped with double metallic linea.
A new sprinkling cart hue arrived and
began its work of sprinkling the etreote
where contracted for on Monday of last
week. The sprinkler is the tarbine-
shaped died pattern, and throws the we,
ter from the rear of a horizontal tank,
mounteda o n substantial
The R. T. of T. intend boldinga,epeoial
p(o-nio on Dominion Day in the vicinity
of Shipley, it being at central point for the
neighboring Connuile. The public are
invited to attend. W. W. Bnohanan, of
Hamilton, also Rev. W. Kettlewell, are
expected to address the gathering. The
license Imperatore for Wellington and
Huron are else invited,
Wingham races June 2610 and 27th.
Milton Beemer, of Fergus, has moved
to Shelburne as operator.
Court Huron, No. 8408, A. 0.F. attend-
ed service in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning.
The Baptist oongregation in Wingham
have extended a call to Rev. Mr. Patter -
eon of Schomberg.
l3rioklayere are now at work on the new
ohurob. Mr. Guttridge has the contract
of the briohwork from S. Bennett.
Tbe Rifle match eanoanoed for May
2410, was postponed until the forenoon of
June 27th ; the rain caused the post-
Wm. S. Robertson, of Winnipeg, son
of Wet. Robertson, of this town, has
moored a position in the Department of
the Interior at Ottawa:
A. Dulmage, ex•Reeve of Howick, Real
Estate agent, Conveyancer, Anignee and
Accountant, has opened an office two
doors North of Dr. Chieholm's surgery.
Word was reoeived in town on Wednes-
day afternoon of laot week to the effect
that Wm. Halliday'' saw mill at Dobbin -
ton had been totally destroyed by fire on
that day. Mr. Halliday'' friends here
"will be sorry to hear of his heavy lose.
The date of the excursion to Sarnia and
Detroit, to be run under the auspices of
Minerva Encampment, I. 0. 0. F. has
been fixed for Saturday, u y, Jane 22nd. The
return fore from Wingham to Sarnia will
be $1 65 and tbe boat trip from Sarnia to
Detroit will be 60 oente.
QomesulST0N8 LAYINo,-The Methodist
ohurob corner -atone laying on Victoria
Day was net ae auooeesful as it would
have been had the day been fine. The
wet weather prevented many from the
ooantry from attending. The five atones
were laid in the presence of a number of
people, The 20th (Natatory stone was
laid by ()heater D. Massey, of Toronto,'on
behalf of the Trust Board ; the first 110r-
ner stone by Rave. Crossley and Hinter,
on behalf of the Quarterly Oc s1
the second atone by Mrs. Geo, Davey, of
Loudon, on behalf of the Ladies Aid ; the
third stone by Mies kley Gordon, of
Woodetook, on behalf of the Epworth
League and the fourth by John Wilford,
of Blyth, on behalf of the Sunday School.
The services were interesting and it was
disappointing that there had not been
favorable weather. The eervioee were in
Marge of Rev. G. W. Henderson, Presi-
dentof the London Oonlerenoe and Rev.
D. Rogue, Chairman of the Distriob,
Copies of the Toronto Globe and Mail -
Empire and Wingham Advance and
Times, a photo of the pastor, Rev, R.
Hobbs, a few opine, March documents &o.,
were planed in the oavity of the one stone.
The Ladies' Aid served dinner and supper
in the old oburoh and many people took
part in this program. On the whole the
prooeedinge were very suoneseful the pro-
ceeds of the day amounted to nearly $600.
TnaNnoonY 000NoIn,-Oouooil met May
27th, menibero all present, Tbe minutes
of last meeting were read, approved and
signed. Mr. Lovell reported a job of re-
pairing culvert on 8 line let to Joe. W.
Walker at $2, oomple0ed and recommend-
ed payment. Oonpland-Lovell-That
the °bargee for the nee of rood machine
for the current year be 55 per day for
all work on public roads, and $8.50 for
all work on private property in thie meet-
oipality with board for operator, and $4
per day, with board for operator, for all
work on private properly outside of thie
municipality. ;- Carried, Muegrove-
Conpland.-That John Porter be appoint.
ed to operate road machine at 51;75 per
day ; operator to take ogre of and house
macine when not in use.-Carried.-
ltlitohell-Lovell-That the olerk be in-
atraoted to notify Wm. Gray to clean on6
Gov, drain to (6e original depth on or
before the 20th of July next. -Carried.
The member)] of Council having subeorib•
ed to the oath of oliloe ae members of the
Court of Revision, the Court was opened
at 1,80 p. m. Mr, Cruiokshank was elec.
tad ohnirman of the Court of Revision.
The following changes were made in the
roll :-Jae. Gray'easemt. on lot 25, eon.
1, wag reduced $100 and his aeemt, on
lots Na28 and 24 was inoreagea $100 ;
Eimer Chivies added M, 1i'. lot 10, 0. S.
Bloevale ; Wen. Martin and Thom, Mar-
tin were added as M. P., lot 6, Jnnotion-
eille ; John Johneton was assessed as
tenant, lots 1, 2 and 8, D. S., Blnevale, at
5600; Henry Cook's aeseasment ettuok'
off the roll ; Reba Greenway aeeeeeed
tenant lot 85, D. S, ,and Will privilege,
lilaava e' 1 flee. Gorotee 090 Oamant of
lot pt. 28 ,n oon, 10, atruoli off ; Gad,
Taylor awned for plr. lot 00, W.'.l'. plot,
at $200 ; Hobert MvIpdoe s neseearnent
for 01, lot 00, W. T. P., etruok or; Geo.
Day aaeeseed tenant pt, lot 28, 004, 10,
at 51600 ; Hugh McDougall maimed
i owner lot 0, oon, $, at 52400 ; D. B. Rae,.
inge struck off roil ;Gilbert Fergie agates.
04 M. P. lot 7, eon, 0;
mewed tenant, pt, lot 80, eon.
at 5700 ;
Alex. McGee a400080d owner pt. lot 30,
hop, 1. 0ouplaud-Mktobell-That the
Court of Revision be now closed apd that.
the eeeeeement roll as now rovieod and
correetod ee the roll for 1001,-0arriod.
The Council resumed regular bueino0e.
The following a000nnts were passed sad
cheques issued :-J. Showers, 58,50 repairs
to road machine; Wm. Crulakehank, 45
oto., freight G. T. R, • Jos, W. Walker,
52, rep. oolvert ; Duff & Stewart, $8 87,
lumber ; John S. MoTavish, $65, eases.
ear'e eatery, and 510 equalizing eobool
'mations. Oonoo(I1 adjourned to moat In
the Olerk'a oflfoe, Bluevole, ou Monday,
June 17, at 10 O'oloak a, m.
De Mond Crittenden has seonred sit.
nation. in Znrioh.
The etone inaeone are basy'buildiug the
etonework of James Hamiltort'e new drug
The Orangemen of this town intend
celebrating the glorious Twelfth in 13t as.
During the past year St. Andrew's
oburoh has oolleoted48 for the o t r
$7 o au u y
fund and $600 for, the common fund.
W. H. Finnemore made a Maidens trip
to Toronto last week and while there
made eatiefeetory arrangements for the
rebuildingtheBlyth f
of ly b nor milli]. Tbe
work of rebil in a
u d1g will comma ae at once.
Welter McLane), B. A., who went to
Yankleok Hili last Ootober to teach in the
high school in that town, was recently
offered a position on the etaff of the
Kempville high eohool at an increase of
Hugh McQuarrie received another
South African letter from his son, Archie
on Monday of Net weak. He said he was
having a good time and the beet of health
and expected to leave South Africa for
home daring the first week of June.
Miss Harriett E. Skelton, who has
been ill with pneumonia and inflammation
since February, died on Tuesday 0f last
week. The funeral toek plane Thursday
afternoon, at 8 o'clock, from the residence
other brother-in-law, Thomas Marshall,
to the Union cemetery.
While oar Iooal pound -keeper was look-
ing for now by-law offenders on Wednes-
day someone discovered hie own bores
quietly grazing on one of the bank streets
of the village and immediately escorted it
to the village pound. The pound keeper
was the subject of considerable mirth and
was ant the usual fee.
At St. Michael's oburoh, Blyth, ou Son•
day, May 26, took plane the oeremony of
Waning the new statue of the Seared
Heart of Jeans. Thie statue is life size,
most artistic and was recently erected and
donated by Mies Mary Lynn, in memory
of her deaeeeed parents, who formerly
lived in the township of Morris. The
etatae was turned out by a Canadian
firm at Montreal and is one of the finest
in Ontario, It stands on a high altar•
shape pedeat¢l, deoorated in white and
gold, and ie ereoted in the sanotaary on
the Gospel gide of the church. Rev.
Father McMenamin, the pastor, before
blessing the statue addressed the 0ongre•
gation end thanked Mise Lynn in terms
of gratitude for her very generous dona-
tion to the speech and worthy 0
act t de•
vo0ion 0o her late good parents. Mise
Lynn end several from Clinton and 8t.
Augustine parishes were present for the
William Herbert, father of Walter
Herbert, who pleaded guilty of the mar•
der of Joseph Sifton, at Arve, died end•
denly at h(s borne on the second apnoea.
elan of Biddalph of appendioitie.
V'aluable Farms
P. B. Scott, Anattoueer, hue reoeived in-
etruotions from the undersigned, Executors
of the estate of the late George Agar, to
offer for sale by public auction on the prem-
lees,on Tuesday. June Sant. 100X. at 2
o'clock, p. m., two farms desoribed as 1o1.
let Panel, 8. !i lot 18, con, 2. Alen's, oon-
taining by admeasaretuont 100 acres, more
or lees. 'Thera aro about 00 aaree cleared.
balance mostly hardwood bush. There is
a good barn 80x00 feet, with stone stabling ;
frame house, small orchard, &a. It is a
good farm and located 9 miles from the
Village Of Bluevalo ; 7 miles to either Brus-
eele or Wingham ; and only hall a mile from
School and Ohuro.
2nd Pained, N. 410118, con. 8,Alorrie, oon-
Mining 100 acres, more or less. 05 sores
cleared and 5 notes of very good hardwood
bash. On this lot are two frame barns,
about an acre of oro0ard and farm le in
good heart. Itis well drained. This pro-
perty lies direotiv Opposite Pared 140.1.
Terme and conditions of Salo. -The farms
will beoifered separately. Possession given
to work farms after harvest; deeds will be
passed on March 5,1002. Farms will be sold
eubjeotto a reserve bid. Purchasers will
be expected to pay 10 per omit. of the money
down and balance when deed is given. Fur-
ther information may be had on application
to either Executors or Aootfoneer.
WM. JBWITT, Brussels,
EDWARD B08MAN', Wipgliam,
F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. Executors.
ra ill. n. v.
Barred, Buff and,
Whte Rocks.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in Season.
Eggs $1,00 pet setting,
N Correepea,lenca Sedated.
tz & 1
4'411 ,.0 c 1'.®�"�lt.O.
4. �P�•+ 4444..
B.L1 ..76.
T., t
We have just reoe•V
l ted and passed into Stools a large quantity of
goode whioh were bought greatly ander value, for opt web,
will be sold at prioee whioh will make people wonder how we do it, I.
-.......**110. 10
Grey Cotton, good width, regular price 4}o for 8o; White Cotten, 01
inobes wide, soft fiaieh, now worth 8o per yd. for So ; Women's blank
hose, all wool, Peet black, sizes 8 , 9 and 04, re ular rioe 25a
ec al ri le P ,
special ,
p p oe,15o, or 2 pair for 250: Women's leap bleats cotton bow, t
worth 8o for 5o ; Woman's heavy ribbed ]rose, eeamleee feet, 2 pr. for 25o ; (r
Fanoy gingham remnants in blue and white, and fano bright Melaka lo
10 d.ede r Y a2
a worth h 8e perour
d, ice per r eoyd.,or 850 per o
pn d•
Yo P p P n, f;
Men's Shirts and Drawers very special, 25o emit ; Boy'' pante in fanaq i
Ttveede with double kneee and seats, in all 01300 at 45o, 600, 60o and 750 ;
Men's e Wool Tweed w d Baute, in dark and ht narrowstripes, regular nl
and $1.50> your choce for 980; Ladies' Summer Corsets, strong and ,.,v
well made, in eizee from 18 to 26, regular price 85e, for 25o ; Ereoh Form `fl
in all size e at 750 sad$ 1.0 o.
C ...r. �e.. 4444 _.
Po4444. _ ..
2 doors
for goods
i .i
. ' eady
market price paid for
in cash or trade.
We have a large assortment
Woollens, Tweede, Yarns,
SheetingB, 8 C.
as Carding, Spinning,
and Knitting promptly
to at the
Iill Sore f
South of 1bfcKay & Co's
Butter or Hides taken in (xohange
or as pay for work.
Now that tbe Boggy season lo at
band and we are ready for it we would
like to inform oar nameroae friends and
euetomere that wa Gave the $haat lot of
Buggies on hand at the
Old Reliable
Carriage Factory,
that can be found anywhere, Should
you think of bayiug a Baggy or Baggies
(ae we amply wholesale as well as retail)
by all means Call and see oar stook before
par0ha nogg ae we know we oon snit you
11(111 a first olaee article and the price le
right. We also keep wagons, Truck
Wagons and Field Rollers on hand or
made on short notice.
Jo• Cober St Sons
This is the Season for••,...—,
I p , i
. .
TING t , i
on your
Get S. • P•
house and you'll get satisfaction. Made
and for all purposes that paint is used.
l '•.- --"`
in all
all styles,
--add=- ; s- e`
Architects Specify S. W. P.
j°• on all Large Contracts. t
tvoons e"d
We have a large stock of Screen Doors of
prices from $1.00 to $2.00, complete with
Window Screens from 20c each up.
have for Sale the Following
Varieties of Turnip Seeds :
Hall's Westbury,
Sutton's Champion,
Skirving's Improved,
Sharpe's Improved,
Carter's Imperial,
Royal Norfolk,
Bruce's Selected East Lothian,
Hartley's Bronze and White Swede,
.Also Grey Stone,
These are the
Seeds that
true to
Best and most Reliable Turnip
we are able to procure and
and. Ciet the Best.