HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-6-6, Page 3W]+ EI M E R OF X -BAYS,
Are Inveluablo to Surgery --With New
Appliances 1Phyeiolans Aro Now ,ehle
to novena the Condition of Any Orgen,
Although five WOW'S' work by the
acieutlsts has alol gIvea to the world
any more definite knowledge of the
actual character of the X rays than
rear disclosed by Profesor Roentgen
!When be announced their d a40w
remarkable and interesting advances
heVe been made in their use and in
the appaentus for producing and utile.
izing - Llama,
t Afl adjuncts to the work of phyel-
cian and surgeon, the Roentgen rays
have found their 2140st valuable uses,.
and it is now possible to make.exam-
utaliona whloh for the definite (Mer-
cator of their diaelaaures aro of the
h,Lgheat value, not only for the de-
tection of bone fractures and the lo-
cation of foreign qubetanoes within
the body, but even the discovery of
Ies'ione or ohanges in the softer por
tiona of the body which indicate or
accompany diteaas.
! tW ith the later formsof vacuum
tubes good pieturea can be obtained
of the thiokeet portions of the body
Iwith an exposure of but a few min-
utes, where only a moor ar two ago
rduob pictured were imposslblto, and the
ranking of much •less difficult expos -
Ores waft a matter of many minutes,
and often resulted in serious injuries
through burns.
By the older apparatus it was only
possible at the best to iget the loca-
tion of troubles
616101 06'"'R.dl V d'llaA
A method of raising calved, as prac-
ticedat ih'c County Connell School
In New'to'n Digo, Was (Oven by lbs
principal of the cob'eo1 to the North-
umbomlend Dairy Farmer's Society in
England et a recent mooting, The
calf was taken away from the Cow
an ooan as bore', rubbed dry with
llt'aw and wall bedded and /slavered
with mare strew, and then about half
an hour afterward was fed about a
plat of the.mothex'a milk blood warm,
Afterward the feeding wa8 as fol=
love :
while now there are several designs
of apparatus by which pictures are
made simultaneously trona two points
of view go that an injulry or a foreign
substance imbedded in the flesh can
be located accurately through the
range Lines of the /statures.
Oar. G. P. Girdwoad, of McGill Uni-
veraily, Montreal, has accomplished a
like result by another ingenious de-
vice. His apparatus takes two X ray
pictures at once from points of view
two and a half inches apes -lathe result
beteg stereoscopic radiographs, whioh
are very effective in giving the mo-
delled form of all the parts beneath
the akin when viewed through the
proper lenses. When radiography was
first undertaken it seemed as if it
must Tematn impossible to get dis-
tinct pictures of any portions of bid-
den anatomy except the bones and per-
haps a few of the other finer parts,
but this difficulty hoe been over-
It has been found that almost every
organ or hand of tissue in the body
has Lis awn distinctive effect upon the
IC rays, and that 'these can be caught
by the skilful operator in picture
form. The various calculi. of bladder,
gall or kidney can be located with
oertainty ; an MI ray picture will show
a cavity in a lung, disclose the pres-
ence of a apace filled with liquid in-
stead of tissue or clearly indicate an
Careful observers assert that they
can accomplish even more than this.
A study of the radiograph, they say,
will 3nable the skilful man to detect
the existence of certain disoases,eveu
before their symptoms have made
themselves manifest to either patient
or physician.
riot week: It's own mother's milk
warm three times a day, commencing
with about a pint and a half at a
time, and increasing to two, quarts
on the fourth day:
Second week -Two quarts of warm
new milk, not necessarily its own
mother's, three times a day.
Third week -Two quarts of warm
milk, half new and half skim or sep-
arated, three times a day, with a halt
Pint of linseed soup to each quart of
Fausiii week -Sumo as third, with
handful of sweet meadow hay to
nibble at.
Fifth week -Two and a half quarts
of warm slam milk three times it day,
a half pint of linseed soup to each
quart, and a little sweet meadow hay
after morning and evening meals, to
be continued with gradually inereas-
img queattities of hay tail the end of
the eighth week.
Ninth week -Omit the linseed soup,
and after the midday milk, give a sin-
gle handful of broken linseed cake
and a little pulped swedes ; grass in-
stead of swedes in summer, hay as
Twelfth week, -Omit midday milk
and give, three-fourths' pound of mix-
ed linseed cake and crusnea oats, a0d
half a gallon • of pulped swedes -grass
in summer -at midday, continuing
morning and eweuing skim milk and
hay as before.
If necessary milk may be entirely
discontinued at five months old, and
one pound of mixed linseed cake and
grnahed oats be given, to each calf,
with incseaaing quantities of hay and
roots, sliced or whole ; but if skim
milk be plentiful it cannot be put to
better use than giving the calves one
ar two drinks of it each day up to
the age of eight ar nine months.
To prepare linseed soup, put two
Many are the stories which the
London cabby and 'busman have to
tell et the expense pot the motor man,
but thin has the additional chaxwn of
not laming previously found its way
into print.
.While an the tela of 41:11 =Mhos re -
Quantity, the writer noticed a disabled
Motor Flan, whereh severe/ men were
trying to coax into motion.
A ditgewssifan arose amongst thus
passengers on top as to what the pro-
pebl;iag paw•eIr• al the disabled vehicle
Ebecteeeity, suggested one.
Oh, no, retorted another. I should
say oft was oil.
Or gas? queried aedthor.
iWieong, all of ye, (31iltimod in the
driver. Why, i't's as plain as day-
light to any sensible pnsson,
What is it, thein? inquired a chorus
Of o'alioes,
•We y, retorted the John with a
leeeeteireednws start. it ,:ce4, by
puisfhie and shovin', and so on.
rI.lil.tle boy
Cheery stoners;
Awful morins
Little girl,
Box of paints;
Seeks her brush,
Join's the saints.
Bigger bay,
San -gull's nose;
Crunnbling rocks,
Eternal rest.
Bigger girl,
Healthy blodnh,
Waist too tight,
Early tomb.
EC6,I �P
3G al.
Ceylonton 4e
In s
le9d P
octete only, !n
bulk, [Slack, !1lListerl or unmet.
nand Ceylon Groep, Semple onapplloittlonr Address "SA1A*A." Toronto,
pints of linseed to soak over night in
four gallons of wirer, boil and stir
the next day far hall an !lour and
five minotca before the bailing is fin-
fished add half a pentad of flour-
;pre-viously mixed with enough' wete:r to
prevent It beteg lumpy -to counter-
act the laxative tendency to the lin-
seed. , ,
Nevem let the young turkeys get
33e sure that the hens are free from
Turkeys need °rueful attention un-
til they are well feathered.
Geese are great grazers and will
eat and thrive on grass. ,
The greater the number of eggs the
lees the !seat of /production.
Make the perches about eighteen it-
ches above the ground.
Feed plenty of buttermilk to the
bens. '
Diarrhea often shoal the same
symptome as bholexa.
A young orchard is a vary good
placet build the poultry house in
An Every -Day Story That WII Bring Health and
Henchmen to Young We Who Act Opoh the
Advice Men.
From the Sun, Orangeville,. Ont.
In every past of Canada are to be
found grateful people who cheerfully
acknowledge that tho good health
they enjoy is due to the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. In the tolwn of
Orangeville Hoare are many such pea.
ple, among them being Miss Lizzie
Collins, an estimable young lady who
resides with her mother in the east
ward. Miss Collins' cure through the
use of this medicine was recently
brought to the attention of the Sun,
and a reporter was sent to get the
facts from the young lady. Miss Col-
lins cheerfully accorded the inter-
view, cad her statement is given
practically in her own words; "Two
years ago," said she, "I became so
evoak /that I was forced to take to
bed. The illness ammo on gradually;
Vie, li'alataxt-Miss Uppartol, I feel
that I am olweeprosempt halts; that
you aro not far me that you will re,
false my hand; nevertheless I offer It
t'o you, in order to'satisfy in a� me00-
I4*11StS; eIpportdrtj faintly - April
Tilat the English nee the cation
fondest of adventure, or mast tare -
loss, .13 .pmovad ley topping the list it
enctdeal;a;L dee tbs. Six hu.ndrod and
seventy one of every million Briti-
sheers die by test dennts, Of these, 180
are drowned, 60 learnt, 8 are shot,
and 0 ass po;soacd, -
Combination of fat.Catohors and Plumb -
ors RobThct Patrons,
A pair of rat-catchers who'lived in
a remote iEngltale town, recently man-
aged to make a very good income in
addition to the prosecution of their
craft, with the aid of a plumber no
less scrupulous than themselves.
'.Chose men, on being called into a
house, would put poison about, with
the result that the rats died under-
neath the floor boa�,ds of the dwelling-
room0. The result of this was that
It bccams, of uousse, necessary to call
In a men who was a combined plumb-
er and joiner, the only one, moreover,
in buviness in the township. Floor'
boards and hearth stones would have
to be ripped up, and the dead rata
and mice taken away, with the result
that in addition to L•he rat-cateheees
bill there was also one to be met
from the plumber. Ultimately the
truth leaked out, and the men trans -
o u ferried their business elsewhere..
,A, very good plan of feeding oatmeal ' Some years ago, a darling burglar
conceived the idea of entering the rat -
catching to wet it with milk, catobing business. His enterprise was
Provide a separate 000p for each rewarded, and he was enabled to ae-
b'rood of chicks', giving them all of cure a great deal of booty. besides
the room poesibls. rata, in the way of plates and valu
Teed good, clean feed, and just en- abler, and for a long time plied his
ough to keep your fowls in good health trade with impunity. ,
and flesh. But ono day, on being. tient for to
an ol
])o not undertake to make a spe-
cialty of poultry raising unless will- the Tats 'had become particularly
ins to look after the little things. troublesome, he wa8 rash enough to
A very {;cad plan is to have two ask for all the keys of the various
sets of roostingpoles, settingthem clipboards in the house, and the plate cheat, " foe," he explained. "rata will
out of the houa�a *03150 not in use. get anywhere."
Scabby -beg is a contagiousdisease 'Tho keys Tvero given to Lim, but
caused by a small insect ; any kind of a watch was Secretly put on his move-
grease frequently applied will cause meats, with the result that he was
it to diaappcar. secured red-handed in the ant aim -
In setting eggs for hatching endeav-
or to nick out emoath, medium sized,
well developed eggs, and from hens
kering-plate, He wag apprehended,
and it was then discovered how lucra-
tive hie " rat -catching" had been on
or pullets well developed, more than one occasion.
I found myself much run down, suf-
fered from, headaches, and was as
pale as it eras possible far a living
perscln to be. 1 used several medi-
cines, bet they did not help me.
Then I ccaauited ..a doctor, and he
said that I had soaraely any blood,
and that my condition was one of
danger, Medicine did not seem to do
me eery good and I found myself
growing weaker. I reached the stage
where my heart kept palpitating vio-
lently all the time. Thu headaches
became continuous, and my condition
cane /which words can scarcely de-
scribe. I really despaired of getting
the si. h
t medi-
andloathed h a;Z
better, g
cine. I had been ccmfined to bed for
about ts'o months when ono day a
friend called and urged ma tot try Dr.
Williams'Piuk Pills. Ibold her I had
lost faith in all m,sdioines, but she
was e(nparemtly detormiiaccl Tslhom.ld
try the pills, tor she brought me
about 110'11/ a box obs had beau using
120a°self. 1 could not then do less
tham try the pills, and when they
were used, while I ca leant say that
I felt much better, I had Moro con -
f denno in the pills and get half a
dozen boxed. Before these were gone
there was no doubt that they were
rapidly restoring mo to my old-
time health, as I was soon able to
Sit op and then) be around and; out.
I rased in all eight or Hine boxes, and
before these were ,gone I felt as
though 1' had never had an ache or
pain in my Life. That is what Zhr.
Williams' Pink Pills did for me aitid
I think I would be very ungrateful
if I did not add my testimony for
the benefit it may bo to some; other
young Wel."
• Miss Collins' story should bring
(hope to mony thousands of other
young g1 143 wihol suffer as she did.
'Mose who aro pale, leek OPpstite,
suffer from headaches! and palpit -
tioin off the heart, dizziness, or a, foot-
ing of consitaet rwelerineso, will find
renewed health and strength In the
rise of a few boxoel of Dr, tVi•Lliamo'
Pink Fills, Sold by 011 dealers or
sent by mull, post paid, at 50 cents
n box or six boxes for $2.50, by ad-
dressln;g the Dr. WUlinuvs' 141edicino
Co., Brookville, fA8it,
A11 perches should be 'made movable
in order to facilitate/ the cleaning out STAG. BRIVE
of the house and applying some in-
seotide on the roosts.
When 'the been appear droopy it
may bo traced to one of several causes
-large lice on the bead or necks,
colds from draughts of air or indi-
The reports of extraordinary pro-
fits from one hen or even a selected
flock of half a dozen ]hens should be
no guide in making estimates of the
Possible profits from a large flock.
Especially at Chia time it is of no
advantage ]n having the hen wean
hem chicks too early ; wait at least
until they are reasonably well Lea-
Where the Lewin are aanfined it is
very important that a good dust bath
should be provided that the fowls can
uao as they see fit. It should be
changed sufficiently often to keep
from becoming foul.
When 'quantity rather than qual-
ity of milk i4 the object to he aimed
at it is very hard to beat an Ayr-
yrshire core of a good milking strain,
Though of comparatively small size,
animals of thio breed are remarkably
deep milkers. Where a 'good price
0111] be obtained for new milk, it is
oonsldemed an unusual result, for a
now of this breed not to give mild to
the value of 10s per week, or over
125 per annum. One of the 'great
points in favor of Ayrsbires is that
they era comparatively hardy, and in
addition to this, very thrifty cattle,
end axe oonsegaently adapted to be-
ing kept on light lands which donot
produce sufficiently good grass for
carrying heavy stock such as Short-
hornS and Red Polls. Like all deep
milkers, however, Ayrshires are, of
course, heavy feeders, and when cows
of this breed are being specially kept
far milking purposes they must bo
fed with unstinted liberality. As it is
from the food that the milk is manue
facLared, it follows as a matter of
course, that in the absence of abund-
ance of food good anilking results can-
not be looked foe.
lingltsl; Torpo3o.Destrow0s Viper Is the
,resteee Boat,
Tl;e following brief Stattette/Li re-
view of ocean 'Weed records for Om
various classes of ships is 00mpiled
by 'Chervil, t(he organ of the German
Maritime Association: "The Deateah-
Land, of the i1axab00g-Am00iean line,
is now the swiftest cominerolal vete-
sol. Site Made the trip 'from New
York to Plymouth, `S1)81 marine hilae,
In five days, seven hours, in Sap'tel3h
ber, 1900, lvllich corresponds to ea
average r, sod of 23.80 knots.
"ThLy speed is surpassed only by
tarpodo beet%, in 1870 the oeoord
was (held by the Miranda, with a speed
of 10.2 leucite; in 1891 a torpedo -tonal
built in the Scbleheu works made! 27.
4 knots, and Pater this was surpassed
by the F,agIbibi torpedo -boats and de-
stroyers, with speeds' .of 81 icnot5,
Tbeae were in turn beaten in 1807 by
the TurbLnia, another English for-
pedo-boat, driven by a steam -fur-:
bine and making 82.76 knots,
'In 1898 the Schtohau '!works won
back the reoord with torpedo -boats*
built for China, w1h015 waged was 117.`2
knots with a displacement of 280 tone.
This reeord was net beaten until last
summer, when the English torpedo -
destroyer 'Super made 80.8 knote al
its trials. A similar boat, the
Cobra, built at Elawiek, bas made
8.5.89 knots.
Experienoe of Both His Wife and
Bach Has Tested the Power of Dead'e Kidney
PIIIs-Each Has Achieved the Same Re-
sult--Dodd's kidney Pills Have Cured
Them Both.
Dromore, Ont., May. 27. -Special:
Mr. George Sackett, drives the stage
between Dromore and Holate-m. That
he is known throughout the country
side goes without saylag. When he
wa8 in trouble a short time ago ho
had the sympathy therefore of more
than the few immediate friends and
meighbors a man in another walk
would have.
Mr. Sackett thought at ono lamella
would have to give up the stage. Sit-
ting up on the driver's Seat day in
and. day out, rain or shine, hot or
cold he contracted a serious disorder.
Hie kiclaleys became weakened from
the continual exposure. They gradu-
ally gave him moire and more trou-
ble. Ile felt that ho ooulda't keep
up mu0h longer.
Ill is nine milds Brom Dromoro to
I:relator. That means a sound trip of
eightoeai miles. Two trraina a day
would make thirty-six miles of driv-
ing. Imagine this In 01 wet driving
avow storm of March or February.
to a man in a delicate state of health.
lvLr. Sackett did not give. up driving
the stage. Instead he sought the
help of Ikodd'a llidnes, Pills. Did be
find help? Read his own totter, a lel-
ter which tette also that his wife
Proved the truth of the saying,
"Dodd's Kidney Pills are woman's
best friend."
" Having used other largely advor-
tieed remedies and all the medicines
Oeeonzmended to mo by my friends
for Kidney Trouble and exaruoial-
lag Backache without the slightest
relief, 7 wee in despair. In the nick
of time I was iudueod to try Dodd's
Kidney Pilia andcan never be too
thankful for the advise which prompt-
ed me to do so. They simply took hold
°Detaining mutes Information as to the Caro of of any trouble and lifted it off me,
Children, end the Treatment or ale I never heard of anything which gives
that Commonly Afflict Utile 0unh instant enlist,"
Ones -Won Free, " My wife Deets even more to Dodd's
Sidney Pills than I do. Ther ease was
" Baby's Battles; A Message o far tvexes than mine. Mrs. Sackett would
Mothers" is the title of a very hand- not be alive t0 -day only for Dodd's
some little pamphlet just issued by liduoy Pills. Stith 1111 wile and my-
ths Dm. Williams Medicine Company, Golf eau Caul reaammand Dodd's Kid -
It is devoted entirely to the Dara of no' Pilla far they do what they aro
claimed to do."
$ QPIOIi INYSSTM@f4T 6/495'49 ALWAY9 PlenAere
COs %WAS,,
Tap good Investment audio N. Mara to givo you tbo moat perfect aotia1ao!lon,
L[ AD PACKAGES, - 2k35, 40, Oa 84 04 000ts,
if40343541113581111'nll your
r You 'Want n" . jiuyrsn, 0409, P044TaM, APPi.014, other rr,GiTs end PIISDUOE, to
•a Llmllod Cor, w'eohb0*p•obaad.'
T��tla )aWsOf Cerro ss �9l 1 0. Cotbora5111 loroato,
at8 eveveeta/laesverr eeen'®e ttik Mime A sle4tw
N �A i PAINT There is a good paint and a bad
N gyp: R aint. The choice lies with you.
2A p
- d r abl
You can a ob get
Yo n
S indiffereat
p� poor paint if you are ndifPor
[lp Ft PENT. ltllil' old Why not able for a good
"�.li'O ►ru !!tl Y ■ old well established brand?
a perfect liquid dmitifrioo for talo
Teeth and n - th
Large LIQUID and POWDER, 75a
At all Stares, or by Mail for the price.
HALL. 14 RUGKBL, Montreal,
43tr. Eben James Tells or Apple Culture
in Calif ore in.
Eben James, the Toronto apple ex-
porter, has recently returned from a
trip to California, While absent Mr.
Jamas visited the Newton Pippin dis-
trict. In a letter to,The Sun, dealing
with the Impressions received wbile
away, Mr. James says: "I was very
much struck with the extreme care
Tvhioh the American growers take in
their orchards; these are plowed on,
the trees properly pruned, and it is al-
most impassible to see a heed grow-
ing anywhere.
"As tine of the largest receivers( of
apples for export, and, therefore, hav-
ing the interests of the Oanadian
growers very much at heart, I could
not but compare these )0011 -kept or-
chards with Many of our own. In
the valley I speak of, which is about
15 miles long by 8 wide, it would be
impossible to find one orchard fhati ]a
not in the highest state oaf cultivation.
I am not referring now to the com-
paratively few sections in Canada
where growers have awakened fully
to the value and the profit from good
orchards, but to the condition of af-
fairs which exist generally all over
a large portion of this country. When
I travel in this country int the fall I
am often ashamed at finding so many
farmers regarding their orchards
as of little value; if they produce
something, all well and good, but if
not they do not seem to care; some
are even foolish enough tc argue
that they have pruned and maaured
infanta and small children, and tells
the another bow to aid her little ones
in the emosgoncie4 of every day life.
It describes the ills that ooenmonly
afflict children and toils how to treat
them. this little book is one that
should 150 in every home where there
aro infants or entail children. All
mothers who gelid their name and ad-
dress on a post card to the Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., .Brookville, Ont.,
will .receive 1t copy of this book tree
of charge, Mention this paper when
writing. ,
A bravo retreat may show greater
000ra'ge than a foolhardy advance,
A noiacless alarm cloak would prove
a boon to a host of sufferers from un-
seasonable din. The suggestion is,
made that a .silent alarm can be giv-
en by focusing an electric lamp up-
on the head of the personae be awak-
ened, and arranging asWittlh so that
the current to light the lamp would
be turned on by bba clock ell the do -
sired time, It is elaimed that the
flash el light would lrtvariably arouse
the sleeper.
dont ...Teeth and
°nth 25°
have been established in Canada for
sixty years, Everyone who has
used them wants them eget°. Drop
us a card and ask for
telling you all about it and showing
some nicely painted houses,
A. RA AY lit SON, t
E5t'd 1842,
Nemec?. ' 43'ea•^0"re. Wvzs evereseurevo,eveteseeeeseeeeosewevavelosens
will only cultivate; therefore let us
not be behind.
"Another important matter is the
number of varieties of apples le many
orchards. These should he grafted or
planted out in largo quantities of. few
varieties. In Maine and the New Eng-
land States one can find thousande of
trees of the same sort, and the orob-
ard with a few marketable varieties
is considerably more valuable than
one with a great many.. The SPY is a
Oanadian apple that only attains its
hest here in this country. The Bald-
win, King, Greening, Russet, Canada
Red are other good stand-bys that are
known in the markets and always sell
for more than some unknown kinds,
though the quality may be as fuze.
"I assure you if all the growers in
Canada would only consider these
matters in a practical way a groat
benefit would result to growers."
Little pu.aningc041132es are appreci-
ated by a good many people. Hese
LS an. old one that is good;
If a father gave one of his sons
nineteen cents and the other six cents,
what time would it be?
Tito answer Le Quarter to two.
And there is one of more recent
birth :
If a postmaster wont to a me'na-
gesie. and was eaten by one of the
wild beasts, what would be the hour?
Perhaps you'll have to think this
aver a little. Yet the answer is very
simple. It is 8 P.M ., of course.
Aod Lhea'e in the latest yet:
1f a guest at a.restaurent ordered
a Lobster and ate it, and another
guest did the same, what would tho
Latter's telephone number bo?
It would be 8-1-2.
and cultivated and still have not re-
ceived any better crops than when
they left their plantations alone; oth-
ers claim that the prices aro not
enough inducement,
"Canada can, on account of the
northern location, grow
than most sections of the United
Stales, yet at present we supply, only
about one-third of thn total apples
exported for consumption in Great
13rttuin, and with the iuorcasiug Vatt-
ed States home demand there is no
reason to fear but that there, will al-
ways be sale for alt the good apples
we can market for many years to
cone. While the acreage may be
getting larger, the older trees are
beginning to fail.
"Quite an evolution is taking place
10 the fruit trade, and from nate on
it will ba vary hard to market the
inferior apples. Even • the local
markets ta wh'nbfaf
werere com-
paratively indifferent to quality,
now insist on !having No. 1 apples or
nothing, and the sale for No.. 2 is ex-
tremely limited. An orchard can-
not produce good fruit without
proper mare any more than a Gawk can
produce milk without food; iha trees
most be manurotl and pruned and
looked after in the best possible man-
ner. Results will certainly show in
the wend or third year, and noth-
ing will pay a grower batter. A
good crop, oven at Sec a barrel for
the fruit, will pay as well as any-
thing a farmer can grow, and t.bis
law. price is oxceptian'al, as in many
,years apples will average double.
Why, them, neglect rho orohardl We
want to help our own in the compe-
tition of export apples, and the, grow-
ing oondttioms aro favorable if we
This signa er°ts on every bog of the venulne
Laxative Brome-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that °ayes a cold Ila oro alaY
Of 30,000 children admitted to Bri-
tish reformatories in the Lost 10
years, 23,000 hope been appr'en'ticed
to useful tansies.
In country districts where the pop-
ulation is from 100 to 150 to the square
mile the deatbs- oete is only 10 per
1,000, compared with 24 per 1,000
when these are ower 300 to the square
mile• ,
Between 1801. e..nd 1871 British fac-
tories turned out two million miles of
linen goods, made from 598 million
pounds worth of flax. This' record
has not been eget/Med in any decade
Per Over Fifty Years
Mae, Winslow's 00050111:0 90m -in has been used by
millions or mothers for their oblldren Ono teething.
it soothes the child, roften5 th0 mot attars pain, cares
wind nolle, regulates the otomn'h;5ud bowels, end is the
hest remedy for Dinr'hmn. Twenty -ave cents a bottle.
aMoe. Wlthroughout
01.OW 5o OOT1[I0a 3 nt. nr.'�uro and
London shown- the secard in Loss of
Die frlotn firers, its deatihorall from
thee cause being 83 per million inha.bi-
tan'te. Metneeh le at the other end of
the lint, tvtth four deaths only,
Minard's Liniment aures Carget ip Cows.
Of the 12 thousand million. tons of
aoai dug in the World in the 19th
century, 5.800 nal/Ilion came from
Great Britain. .
Mivard's liniment lures Colds, etc.
The Natica4ll Debt of Norway and
Sweden its only 119,600,000, less by
1200,000 than the vales of the Gov-
ernment rablFvnys_
linard's Liniment Cures diphtheria.
Stratford, 4th Aug., 1893.
Messrs. C. 0. RICH.0RDS' S. Co.
Gentlemen, -illy neighbor's boy, 4
years old, fell into a tub of boiling
water and got melded fearfully. A
bene days later hs legs swelled to
three/ tines their natural elze and
broke out in running sores. His par-
enta could get nothing to !help hlmz
till S recoeimemded MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, evhioh, after using two bot-
41ea, completely cured huh, and I know.
of several cases around here almost
as remlarkablo, Cured by the same
Liniment and I can truly say I never
handled a mledlcine which has had as
goad a sale or given such universal
leatiafactioo. M. EII3 rchu
Game, according to English law, in.
chides hares, pheasants, partridges,
grouse, binek gaane, ptarmigan. ap43
$100 Reward, $10D.
The readers of this parer will be pleased to
learn that there is 01least ono dreaded disease
that science has been able to mire in all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Haire Catarrh
Caro is the only positive cure now knownto
the medical iraternily, Catarrh being a cons.
titutionai disease,. requires a constitutional
treatment: Ball's Catarrh Curo is.team inter.
artily, settee directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby dos
truing the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient strength by building op the
oonstltntian and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith in
rte curative powers, that they offer (no Hun-
dred Dollars tor any ease that it fails to euro.
Send for !let of testimonials,
Sold b dru gists. foo.
Rall'o by Pills are the best
Education may be a good tiling,
said the man with the stubby mss
tache, but if my parents had not in-
stilled in my mind so groat a revers
once for grammar I am almost mire
I could have been a poet.
QIP 4 64141-'4
Among the richer classes 343 lib
1,000 live to 60 years of age, unl the
middle classes 175 do so, and 156. only
of the laboturintg clans survive td
reach 60 yeses.
Kinard's Liniment Cures Distemper..
The word "garotte," the name of the
Spanish instrument tot execution,
simply means stio•k. This is because
originally the cord round the neck was
twisted by means of a stick.
AVENUE HOOSE a=aa a iolovriil°iatAa°oaaa
Tamlly note rates $1.50 per day.
--- �----
The estimated value of the Falls of
Nialgaira, 11 the whale farce of the
falling water were employed electri-
cally, is 1300,000 a day, or 108 mil-
lions etoxli:ng 0. year,
For all skin ailments,
,1. 0. Culvert itt Co., iManoltester, England
ranK ,' r;g ^ y
Instrument°, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices ever quoted, Flee catalogue
100 illustrations, maltedreo. Write aster any
thing in Music er Ttns1N11 Instrar,t mats.
Whaley Royce & CO„ T4Viulilp g, A iatn l
12# A,dolaldo 0t.,
CORNICES. 110180x50, 014x,
A 110 YOU IOLTO BUT WILLING, 7'0 do pleasant androfitable work'W
? rite
at eo to MARSEALI. & e.0. 'l'ea Importers,
London, Ona Outfit farnishtL _t
LORI5 setts Cie fr. ted..
ern •ad; also tslIoe' W0ar of all kinds,
mut 41mbel:I153' of every
Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa k Quebec,
p®s11lt1l)O! Line Steamships
Montreal to Li2orpool, neaten to Liver.
pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via queens.
Large and lradtlitoamah,pe. Superior nonomwodntlo0
for all aho*'s of 50,!085315 t. t:.lo0na end 5tateroOmt
Aro omldehipa Spacial uttontlonhaa been aplran to the
towed Saloon and Third -Ohm noOonenodo1 oa, yet
tater Mt Asgoso and all particulars, apply Lo any Moen*
of the Dewpaar, or
lafohnrd. Mills al Oh D. Torrance k On .
si stats St., Boston, Montreal and Portland,