The Brussels Post, 1901-6-6, Page 150 ENT a ADVANCE, Gets THE PO8T For Balance of 19Q7 Vol. 29, No, 47 BRUSSELS, ONTARJO THURS A.Y, ,7.L NE Q, 1991 areas otesmonarleamass. W. H. KERR., Prop, New Advertisements. Apology. -B, Hislop, For solo lt• Leatherdalo. Mares for sale—A. Button. Girl wanted—Mrs, J. Leckie, Property ler sale—G, F. Blair, Stallions for ervio - sot& Warwick, 1 r9 e S t . ilistriet aante 'AO WII. Mrs. Patrick is very low et preeenb. Harrah for June 210. Go to Brussels. Mre. Thos. Wright hoe sold one of her valuable white oowe to John Mutt at a handsome figure. Mr. Harmaberg with hie gang of masons from Fordwiok i9 busy banding a wall for GeorgePeacook. William Orr who was once a resident of Morriebeak has oame from Missouri to call on hie old aoquaiutanoe9. He i9 a welcome visitor. 9Yroxeter - Arrangements are well advanced for the let of July celebration: Oo. Councillor Miller is attending Co. Council thie week at Goderiob. Last weak John Barnard was -here xa. newing old friendships. He has a host of friends in this locality. After a baeinees experience of 85 years John Knutson intends retiring from tail- oring. His health is not, very robust but we hope the rest will invigorate liim, Rev. Mr. Lake will innate at .Toronto when he leaves Wroxeter, The good wishes of many will aeoompany the reverend gentleman and his good wife to their new home. The name of J. L. Wilson, a dormer teacher in Wroxeter eohool appears in the list of euooessful graduates from Queen's College, Kingston, He 10 now a B. A. He's a worker all right and will get to the top. Walton. Rev. A.. MaoNab was at Brussels last Saturday preaching in connotation with the preparatory servioe to the Com. munion In Melville church, Mre. Berry gave a fine paper at the Sabbath school Convention at Brussels Wednesday of last week on "The Parent ae a Sower." Rev. Mr, MaeNab'e ad. dress in the evening wee on "Teacher Training" and was well handled. Wal- ton people are "all right." A. 0. U. W.A special meeting ot, Walton lodge, A. 0. U. W., was held in the new Workmen Halton Tuesday even- ing of last weak. Despite the disagree. able night there was a good attendance of members and vieitingbrethren, inolud- ing a good repreeentation from Blyth lodge. J. B. Nixon, Grand Lodge organizer, wee present and gave an _en- thusiaetie and able address on the history and benefits of the Order. Three candi- dates were initiated, after which all pres- ent were treated to an excellent lunch by the membere of Walton lodge. The Workmen Hall at Walton is a good sub. etantial building of white briok and was erected by thie lodge last year. It con. tains one of the finest lodge rooms in Western Ontario, C.trtt.n»roolc. Several from this locality have gone to, London to Clamp with the Volunteers. There ie room, for a large number of improvements yet in the ,oemetery here. Rev. J. F. Knight is expected to 000npy the pulpit in the Methodist church neat Sunday. A. number of dor villagers attended the Football match in Brunetti on Monday evening between Goderioh Collegiate team and Brueeete, and were glad to see our former villager, Will. Cameron, play- ing hie part in Al style for Brussels. Soa000 Ream—The following ie the report of Oranbrook school for the month of May :—Sr, 4-81. MoOrae, W.Forrest,. W. Cameron, W. Long, A. MoQaarrie, A. Cunningham, R. McDonald, R. Porter. Jr. IV—F. Seel, E. Fox, M. Binary, M. Porter, A. Love, E. Hunter. Sr. III— A. Forrest, A. Alderson, F. Hunter, C. McDonald, G. Menzies. Jr. III— W. Smalldon, E. Heather and A. Gordan (equal), E. Love, V. Alderson, M. Sper- ling, A. McInnis, M. McDonald, H. Menzies. Sr. II—R. Cunningham, T. Smalldan. Jr. Il—E, Harter, H. T. Donald, M. McDonald, L. Baker, 1t. Alderson, S. Alderson, M. Fox, J. Fieober. Sr, Pt. II -11. Love, M. McNichol, E, MoDonald, V. Spirting, A. Fox, C. Fiaaher. Jr. Pt. II -0. Schnook, D. Petrie, L. Lamont, A. Dark. Sr. I—M. Love, J. Baker, G.Smalldon. Blue vale. Rev. D. Rogers ie attending0onferenoe at St. Thomas. - Rev. 81r. West will attend the Assembly at Ottawa next week. A. and Mrs. McGee and Mre. Stamper leave our village this week. Mrs. John Gardiner has been very low with a severe attack of la grippe. Pentland and the Misses Newton, of Ailsa Craig, visited at the mange tbie week. Mre. Fergneon and daughter Viola, of Atwood, visited at Rev. D. Rogers last week. Mre. Gerry Bay and - eon Basel, of Comber, are Visiting relativee in Blpevale and vicinity. Mies Maggie Henning and Mre. Wm. Jobh, of Turnberry, visited at George McDonald's thin week. Mrs. R, N. Duff end Clayton attended the funeral of Mrs,Win, Anderenn at East Wawanoeh last week. Mrs. Collie, jr., Mies Collie, A., K. Jack- eon, 11. Johnston and W, .Rogore were delegates to the Convention in Brussels, last week. Rev. F. J. Oaten, Pb. B., ' Mre. Oaten and ohildreu visited here lnet week. On Saturday they went to spend a few days at Trowbridge. Mre, Warder toothed word of the - ar- ias illness of her mother, who resides near Little Britain, Viotoria Co, She has gone to visit her. Itev. D. B. Molten, of Oranbrogk, preached in the Presbyterian Church on Friday last. The Annual report of the tlnanoes of the appolntnante of Bluevale Oirpuit has Suet been published. It is p very oredi. toble one, showing- a total of nearly 91,200, One of our oldest citizens, Wm, Ole. wart, is recovering slowly from the effeote of le grippe, He fogad It necessary to withdraw fox a Beason for the work of the Sunday Bohool in which be has been faithfully and regularly engaged for a great number of yeare. . Et el =rave. The Presbyterian obgrcb.sheds are raised. Mr. VanNorman's new hoaeo is pro. greasing rapidly, also Wm. Watson's. Rev, 3, J. Emetics has aooepted the call to Knox church here and will be inducted on June 27th. D. Sproat and Walter Scott intend visit. ing the Old Country and will take in the Glasgow exhibition. Rev. A. H. Brown, having been detain- ed by a wedding, did not get away to Conference until Thursday morning. H, J. Hill, the railroad king, who has been ouch -a prominent figure in Wall street of late, is a cousin of Robert Soott near here. - We are sorry to learn that Mies Belle Scott, 6th line, East Wawanoeh, ie not improving noticeably. She has been in. bed for over a year and has not in all that time been able even to sit np.. Wm. B. Patton, Wawanosh, was ap- pointed caretaker and manager of the township road grader for the season of 1001, amount to be paid for himself and team 98.00 per day of- 9 working hours, within a three mile limit from his own house, over that 98.60 per day. Petition of several ratepayers of East Wawanoeh and Morrie in the vicinity of Belgrave agitating for the formation of a new Union School Elation there and ask. ing the council of Elet Wawanoeh to ap. point an arbitrator in this case, was up at last meeting. Wm. Coates, of Clinton, was appointed to act in that capacity on behalf of the township of East Wawa nosh. Morris Council laid the question over to next meeting. 1iorriiei. Wedding next week. Hay will be a great Drop in Morrie thie year. Arthur Shaw will build a new barn, this Beason. Will Cantata is away ma duty at Lon. don this week. Excursion to Guelph on Sone 20th, starting at Kincardine. The Morris distriot Orange lodge will meet at Blyth on June 14th. A number of Morris township pupile will write at the Entrance Examination. Miss Maggie Bewley is home from Hartney, Man. We welcome her bank to Morris. - A goodly number attended the Farmers' Institute meeting at Brussels on Tnee- day of this week. The road grader was tried at Belgrave on Tuesday of tbie week. It is a Sawyer and Massey make. Induction of Rev. Mr. Heade takes pleas in' Knox Church, Belgrave, 27th June,' at 3.80 p. m. -. A goodly number of farmers have taken stook in the Palmerston Pork Packing' House mad more intend doing so. Mre. A. Morrow received word lest week of the death of her brother-iu•law, J. Higginbotham, of Bowmanville. A garden party will be held at the rest. dense of W. B. Wilkineon, 100 12. eon. 5, on Jane 25tb. Everybody welcome. The new bank barn on Harry Duncen's farm, 4th line, was raised this week under the direction of Dan. McNaughton, of Beanie. The Jaokeon chant is to be renovated and in eoneequenoe of the improvements being made next Sabbath eervioe will be withdrawn. - Oonnoillor Code„ •of Morris, left on Monday of last week for Toronto, where be joined the exoureion party bound for the Lake'Temisoamingue district. A Maeeey-Sawyer road machine bas been purohaeed by the Township Council. It was net up on Saturday and tested on the 4th line on Monday. This is a move in the right direction, Joseph Wilkinson went off to visit in the Old Country on Thursday morning of this week, aconmpanied by David Sproat, of-Belgrave, Mise Prootor, Morrie, and Waiter Scott, East Wawanosh. They will be absent two months. AccrmmNx.—While driving toward Buns. eels Thursday of last week Wm. Bird and wife were unceremoniously thrown out of their baggy by their horse bolting on meeting a load of furniture. No very serious damage was done. Wm. Oakley'e rig had to he borrowed owing to some breakages to Mr. Bird's buggy. CAPTURES UNIVERSITY Manan. - Tum POST is pleased to report the emcees of a former elorrieite, a eon of John Sheet. reed, 8th line :—G. D. Shortreed, former- ly principal of the Melita Public) wheels, later of the Brandon Collegiate staff, but foe the past two and a half yeare a student of the Winnipeg Medial college, completed hie course at the recent exams. with degrees M. D., 0. M. Mr. Short - reed took a short but brilliant course, In the first year, though in but five menthe, be captured first scholarship. Last year he took two yenta in one, nom bluing the emend and third. Again saholarehipsoame hie way, in the eeoond year winuing second eoholarebip and in the third year winuing first eoholarehip. This year be graduates' getting first plane in M. D. degrees, capturing the Vetiver. sity Silver Medal, the only model given. In the 0. M. degree he stands third. Daring the past Winter Mr. Shortreed oaaupied the position of hones eargeoa in the Winnipeg General Hoepitai for the period of two months. During, the last two Summon he Resisted in the German Named, Gretna. Mr. Bhortraed'a many Mende here and elsewhere will be pleased to learn of his having graduated with the highest University honors as well ao the Uoivera'ty Medal and wieb him as bell - Bent a futnro in the profession of hie ohoioe, The brickwork of M. M, Cardiff's new residence, 5th line, was oompleted last week and the carpenters are at Work now, A elate roof will be put up. Samuel Walker, 6th line, of whose in. oubator we have spoken atdifferenttlmee hae now 225 Spring chickens, all getting along wall. Oat of 100 eggs he had 88 ohioke in the hatch of lab week, Mears. ilbnFadden, Barristers at Sanit Ste. Marie, Ont., ware visiting theirsieter Mre, D. Walker, 6th line, and their brother, Jno. McFadden. 12th con. Grey. They were former roeidente of this local- ity and ere doing welt at the "Soo." Wren Tenn Tae Coxa,—The trueteee of S.13. No, 5, Morrie have let the job for exteueive repaive to the eohool bones, whioh will include veneering, reehinglirg, putting in femme, and. lifting up re.. oration rooms and patent oloak room in basement ; epeeiel attention is being paid to ventilation. Jas, Hill, of Blyth, hes the contract, at 91,020, not including the heating, and the work ie to be done daring the holidays. lkieTEltliop. Oonn'n or REVISION.-Connoil met as Court of Revision in Jones' Hall, Lead- bury, on Monday, May 27th. Council all present except Archibald McGregor, who has been on sick list for some time by an attack of la grippe. There were no ap- peals and five names were added, four names changed as owner and four deaths. ed persona' names struck off. With these ohenget' the roll was revised and passed as correct. Council met at oloee of Court of Revision and accounts passed and paid amounting to 9168.22. A petition from Hugh Rosa and others respecting the improvement of drain ander the Munioi. pal Drainage Aot ; also a petition from Thomas McElroy and others requesting an improvement of drain under Ditches & Waterooursee Act to be made under the Municipal Drainage Aob, both eohemes to. unite on lot 26, eon, 8, thence to Mait- land river lot 24, con. 9, and deepening of geld river to give sufficient outlet. The drains include the lands from lots 26 to 81 inclusive, in the 7th, 8111 and 9th cons. The Ooanoil authorized the Clerk to request a Civil Engineer to make a Bur. vey of said land and make a report of ooet of work and land benefitted by said outlet. All parties using township scrapers for private use are to be charged loo a day for the time kept from they are taken from the Clerk's residence until returned, and all parties :with such scrapers in their possession ane requested to leave them at the Clerk's residence and save costs. Council adjourned to meet in Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Mon- day, June 17th, at 1 o'olook. At special meeting held in Seaforth on May 30th accounts were paid amounting to $71.79. An appeal by . MoKillop against an as- sessment of 9150.90 made by Logan for benefit in boundary line under McNaught. Drain was heard by the Referee in Seaforth on May 30th. As Logan had not the majority of ratepayers in petition for said drain they had to pay all coats. Jxo. O. Monmeori. IttItis01. Alex. Lamont was visiting friends at Atwood. Who will be the next on the matri- monial list ? Township. Connell will be held here on Monday, 17th inet. Principal, Mrs. and Mester Aubrey Dobson spent Saturday in Listowel. The first Bale of cheese from Ethel factory for thie season brought 81; Dente per pound. The Beef Ring oommeooed last week. Sem. Kleineohroth, of Moleeworth. is botcher. Jae. Leishman and Alvin Barr are away to London this week with the vol- unteers. On account of the very wet weather recently many fanners have not yet plant- ed their potatoes. Robt. McKelvey and Will. Buttery re- turned from their proposed trip to Eng. land with cattle, last Thursday evening. A. few from our villiage attended the wedding of Geo. M. Mitchell to Mise Jennie Oolviu.at Brussels on Wednesday evening. Several peoplefrom this vioiuity took in the oiroae at Listowel last Saturday. Like most oirousee everything advertised was not shown. Five pupils from our Pnblio school will write for Entrance while four will go np for Part 1 Junior Leaving. They intend writing at Bruaeels. Our villager, Conrad Bernath, is now Township Chairman for Grey in cam - tion with the Liberal Aeeooiation Of East Huron. He; will make a good one no doubt. Rev. J. L. Stewart, B. A., formerly of Ethel oironit will supply for Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Amberetbarg, Essex Go,, while the latter 'monde a couple of menthe in the vicinity of Calgary, N. W. T. Tbareday, June 201h, will be kept in view by the people of tbie eeotion in an. nation with the annual exonreion to the Model Fanm, Guelph. The return fare from Ethel will be $1,15, tickets good for two. days. SCHOOL REPORT.—Sr. Dept., Je, 8rd, ex- amined in Spell., Comp„ Reoit., and Arith. ;'total 850—L. Chambers, 281 ; M. Imlay, 257 ; B. Eokmier, 248 ; E. Free. man, 232 ; L Hogarth, 227 ; T. MoAliie. ter, 217 ; L. Eokmier,l9 *, *H. Coates, 16B„ N. Simpson, 128 ; M. Thompson, 104 ; B. Mitchell, 96 ; *H. Wilbee, 92 ; *M. MaAllum, 76. Sr. 8rd, examined in Spell., Bait., Comp, and Arith. ; total 300—W. MoAflister, 282 ; L. McLeod, 198 ; 0, Lindsay, 189-; R. Dilworth, 187 ; W, Bedgley, 180 ,•.*Gl, Wanner, 68 ; *A. McDonald, 23. Jr. 41h, examined in Spell., Gram. and Arith. i total 400—E. Hanenld, 357 ; M. Elliott, 266 ; E,: Kerr, 240 ; L. Fogel, 218 ; G. Gill, 213 ; O. Regnant, 211 ; E, debar, 206 ; E. Mason, 196 • ;*M. Osborne, 121; *B. Dunbar, 11&. *M. Bateman, 94. Se. 4th, examined in Hist•, Clomp., Gram., Spell. and Arith. ; total 700—D. Davies, 457 ; G. Bokmier, 442 ; J. Kerr, 378 ; W. MoDoaald, 848 ; G. Imlay, 289 ; *M. McAllister, 208 ;'H. Qaerin, 198 ; *L. Simpeon, 188 ; W. Wray, 168 ; 0, Lindsay; 106. 6th class, examined in Hist„ Gram., Comp., Aig. and Geog. ; total, 600—B, Slemmon, 405; W. Waltzer, 880 ; H, Barr, 882 ; 1'd, Hansuld, 817 ; *0, MnAllieter.. Thos. marked * were absent during part of the examination. Otto. DOBSON, Teaoher. Jr. I—W. Schreier, A. ltIOAllinter, 1). Thompson, S. Gordener, R. Thompson, V. Noreen. Sr. I-1; Heath, A, Fletober, J, Cooper, R. Wilbee, Part IL --0, Han• sold, A. Cooper, E, Dunbar, 1Z, Eckmier, V. McLeod, H, Eokmier, It, Trager, C. Davidson, J. Pearson, W. Barr, G•, Badgley. Jr. 1I-1'. Imlay, L. Oooper, Bremner, G. MoAllieter,' N. McAllister, J. McCallum, B. Bateman, 17. either, Sr, II—M. Slemmon, 1. Sharpe, E, Bok. mier, K. McLeod, T. Cober, 0, Cameron, W. Pearson; D. Wanner, M, Cameron, Mies M. C. CALDER, •Teaober. ( re w. Council melting on Monday, 17th. So mnoh wet weather has retarded the growth on low lands. Some Greyitee are away to Loudon with the Volunteers this week. Next Wednesday evening Box social at Roe's ahurob for the benefit of the Sat). bath school. Mre. Wm. Bateman's health ie not very good just now but we hope she will aeon be better. The road grader is at work. In some pleas so much rain has made .a great mese of the roads.. The new program for Roe's Epworth League has been issued. I1 aovere a large number of interesting topics. Rev. Jr F. Knight is aueoanoed to preach at Roe's and "Union" churches next Sabbath morning and afternoon. The name of Henry Fogel should have been aeeooiated with that of August Gubr in the contract of the Hall drain. Robt. Bell, 8rd con., has been re -en• gaged to handle the township grader for this season at 91.50 eaah day be works the maohine. Elder Thomas Straiten will leave next week for Ottawa where he will attend the meeting of the Assembly of the Presby terian church. We are sorry to hear of the serious 111- nese of Henry Bateman, 511 con. Both he and his wife are being constantly at- tended by the. doctor. Mrs. N. M. Rioherdsoc, 7th son., will take part in the program of 0o. Christian Endeavor program. Convocation will be held in Clinton on the 18th and 19th ineta. S. S. No. 8 will bold their anneal pia. nth in John Smith's grove Lot 8 Ooo. 6 on Saturday 8th inst. beginning at one o'clock. Aooese willbeobtainable through Mr. Smith's lane from the 6th and through Hugh Lamont's lane from the 7th con. S. R. Creme, teaoher of S. S. No. 1, has tendered tie resigoatinn, the oame to come into effect at the Bummer holidays. He has been 21 years in the eohool and hoe done good work. Tbe people in the eeotion will be sorry to part with him. Mr. Orerar intends to go to Toronto to attend the School of Soienae. We wish him enooeeo and believe he will do well. Sonar, RerooT.—The following is the report Of B. B. No. 1, Grey, for the month of Nay :—Pt. let Jr. Leaving—V. Arm. etrong, 788 ; W. Armstrong, 777. En. trance—B. Armstrong, 1301 ; L. Diok- son, 1199 ; E. Rozell, 1178 ; A. Dickson, 1139 ; E. Blake, 1186; M. Cardiff, 670. Jr. 4th—J. Rands, 416; W. Stevenson, 206. 'Sr. 8rd—Mabel Haggard, Alt. Glassier, Annie Glassier. Jr. 8rd—Louie Blake, John Stevenson, Lizzie Dickson, Fred. Lawson, Sidney Armstrong, Hazel Razed, Marjorie Duncan. 2ad Claes— Jae: Diolteon, John Diokson, Joe Arm- strong, Baxter Stevenson, Fred. Al000k. Pt. 2ad-Fanny Al000k, Refute Craig, Addie Grant, Maggie Stevenson, Florence Orerar, John MoOaliam, 011a Armstrong, Leslie Switzer, Lizzie Glassier. 1st Class—Teenie Dickson, Archie Engle, Andrew Lawson. B. R. Cann, Teacher. Court of Revision. Court of Revision on the Aseeesment Roll of 1901. was held on Monday evening. The various officers took the oath of office and the following appeals were heard :— W. J. R, Holmes, assessed' too high. No action. Wm. Bryane, amassed too high. No notion. R. Smart, McCaughey blook, amassed too high. Beduoad 9600. Jr. O. Halliday, assessed too high. No action. D. Frain, assessed too high. No action. L. Mahler, assessed too high. No no- tion. Wm. Norton, esteemed too high. No action. H. J. Morden, assessed too high. No action. J. & J. Livingston, assessed too high. Assessment rednoed from 91500 to 91300. J. D. Ronald assessed too high. No aotion. Courb was then olosed and the Roll ifnally revised, FOURTH DIV/S(0N COURT. Division Court was held on Tuesday of this week, His Honor Judge Doyle pre. siding. The fist aaae called wag Kreuter vs.. Cunningham—the plaintiff's claim being to recover damages for breech of war- ranty in sale of horses and demagog for wrongful conversion of them, the horses having been retaken under a lien note and sold by defendant Cunningham, who had bought the note from one S. Burk. The action wag tried by a jury, who. found for the defendant in all particulars, exoept that by reselling the team without giving plaintiff notice that plaintiff had enameled damages to the amount of 910. The case now Mande for argument on the questions of law. McArthur & Co. vs. Armstrong wag an action brought to recover the amount of a promissory note alleged to have been mads by Dr. Armetroug, of Walton, in favor of one Mille who was an agent for Collecting Agency. Mr. Mille Imo left the county to avoid oriminal proaeoution for forgery. The action was dismissed Speie hal to stand over to next Court as there wee nob tltno bo try thein. LONDON CONFERENCE, Confers oe tee bledthe noesis . n to m in 1 0 y Banter obaroh a4 Bt. Thomas on Wed- Conference of this week at 2 o'clock, Rev, George W. Henderson, president, in the obair. The hymn, "My Faith Looks Up to Thee ens ecug• The eoral r Y, Bev, G. 1d, Thompson, read IL. Cor,, 4: b cusp„ and Reve, Ooorge Jaokeon and J. fi, piaber led in prayer. Oa the roll being milled 95 ininle'r,s answered to their names. What ministers and what probationore have been transferred to or from the Con. ferenoe ? Ont of the London Conference—Rev. W. 8. Pascoe, D. D., into Hamilton Oon- ferenoe ; Rev. J. V. Smith, D. D., into Toronto ; Rev, John Philp, D. D„ into Montreal ; Rev. J. C. Antliffe, D. D„ In- to Montreal; Rev. J. B. Sanndere, D. D., into Bay Quintet. Iuto the London Conference—Bev. George J. Bishop, Rev. W. R. Young, B. A., Rev. D. M. Mo. Cameo, Rev. A. O, Oourties, D. D. • The following ministers are asking for a superannuated -relation :—Rev. 0. V. Lake, Rev. N. R. Willoughby, Rev. R. W. William., Rev. Charles Creighton and Revs. John Russel, W. C. Beer, Eli Middleton, W. Teacher, Joeiae Green, Thomas Jaokeon, J. Deacon, A. H. Mose to be superannuated for one year. A, Bond, a probationer, who left the work during the year, was granted a let. ter of standing. Tbe president stated that in a cooter.. enoe of 300 it Was cause for greet thank. fulness that after the temptations of a year no objections are offered against the moral ohmmeter of any of our miniebene. Tbe following young men are reoom. mended to be received into full 000neo. tion and ordained :—Arthar Barker, J. Fletcher Sutcliffe, A. E. M. Thompson, T. G. McKelvey, C. G, Oornietl, B. D., E. AFB. Armstrong, D. H. Trimble, W. 3. President Henderson nominated the following to 000atibate the nominating committee :—Rave. B. Clement, W. Rigs- by, R. W. Millysrd, T. R. Mohair, Dr. Gifford, J. W. Hoimee, J. P. Rioe. George A. Copp, of British Columbia, on recommendation of the President and Secretary of British Columbia Confer- enoe, and General Soperinteodent Car- man, was recommended to be ordained. Conference fixed ite hours of meeting and adjournment ae follows :-8 46 a. m, to 9.46, Bible study and devotion ; ad. learn 12 noon. Meet at 2 to adjourn at 5.30. A complimentary resolution was pass- ed regrettieg the transfer of Rev. Dr.. Saunders, of London, to Coboarg, thus neoeeeitating tie leaving the Conference. The doctor made a euitablo reply and took hie leave of the Conference. Atter announcements Qonferenoe ad- joorued with the benediction by Rev. Joe. 0 alloway. Rev, G. L, Mackay Passes Away. E. FORAAIMA MISSIONARY !ME1t0. A cablegram to Rev. Dr. Warden, Tor- onto, annonnoed the death of Rev. Dr. G. L. Mackay, of Formosa, the world-famous missionary of the Canadian Presbyterian Ohnroh. The death of Dr. Mackay re- moves one of the foremost figures in mis- sionary effort in modern times, and causes s breach in the workers of the church which it will be hard to fill. His name has been for 80 years linked with that of Formosa, for it was in 1871 that he first went to that island, then a portion of China, and from which he has since re- turned on but two short visits. During all that time he has thrown the effort of a splendid manager and the religious zeal of an apostle into a work whioh has made his name femme throughout the civilized world. The cablegram, which oame to Dr. Warden, read simply ;—"Dr. Mackay is dead." He had been suffering for the past five months from oaater of the throat and for 5 or 6 weeks it has been known to his intimate friends that recovery was impossible. Two months ago he Bought medical aid on the mainland at Hong Kong, when an operation was performed bat without permanent relief. For some time he has had with him Dr. William McClure, aPresbyterian medical mission- ary stationed ab Honan, but who left his station temporarily owing to the disturb. saes in Ohms. His rapier physician, however, was Dr, Wilkinson, an English. man. Dr. Meokay was a Canadian, having been born in Zorra County, on Marob 22, 1844, of Highland Scotch parents. He receiv- ed hie early education in Woodetook, and at the ()menthe Grammar echoed. Later he attended the University, Toronto, and subsequently reoelved theological train- ing at Knox College, at Princeton Semin- ary, New Jersey, and at Edinburgh Uni. varsity, and was ordained by the Toronto Presbytery in 1871. Having offered him- self for miaeionary services to the Canada Presbyterian ohnroh,he was aooepted and appointed to labor in China. He select. ed the Island of Formosa es hie field, and went forth as the first miseionary to the heathen ever sent out by the Western eeotion of the Canada Preebyteriau church, He arrived at bis destination in Deoember, 1871, and with the exception of two visits on furlough he lute been • en- gaged there ooatinuonely ever singe. Dr. Maoltay's work in Formosa has been highly suceeesfui, He has boen the means of establishing beetweeu 60 and 70 chnrohes, a hospital, eohoote, and in ad- dttion a aollege, palled Oxfoei College, for the training of a native miuietry and for the higiiee education of the girls of the island. Thera are in addition 85 Bible women and 8 day eahools for the educa- tion of the children of Christian banes, all established by Dr. Mackey. "Be wag, in fent, a whole college in himself!" was the comment of a high official in the Ohu0oh. ;Dr. Mackay further demented hie hi - with coats to be paid by the plaintiff. toted in his life work by maaryiug a For. McNabb vs, Shiole and Hewitt ire, mown lady in 1878, and hie family eon - side ofoneBoa Rud two daughters. The latter are married to Chinamen and are engaged in the mission work. His last visit to hie native land Was in 1894, when he remained a year, During that visit hs Wee eleoted lioderabor of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Oharpli et Canada. He visited many parts of the Dominion upon that occasion. Ile was a naturalist by taste, and gave an interest- ing lecture on the flora and fauna at For moo, before the Canadian Ivetibute, Dr, Blakey was the author of two cvorks— "From Far Formosa : The Island, its People and Missions," and "Chinese Romanized Diotioaary of the Formosan Vornaouler." Ab the time of the ceding of Formoea by China to Japan some years ago, after the former had been worsted in war, Dr. Mackay exerted a powerful influence for good in reoonoiling the Ohiaeee papule, tion to the new rulers. Br1188018 Gounell. The regular monthly meeting of Brus. sale Council was held last Monday even- ing ; the. Rave in the chair and all the members present ; minutes of last meet- ing read and passed. The following accounts were present. ed for payment :— A. Motiauahlin, salary • 926 00 Dr. Toole, Ned. Wilson to House of Refuge 2 80 Moved by R. Henderson, seconded by S. Wilson, that above accounts be paid.— Carried. Moved by N. F. Gerry, seconded by J. Donaldson, that Robb. Denbow'e tender, for gravei:be accepted, the screened to be 60 Dente and the uneoreened 40 cents.— Carried. Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by R. Henderson, that a rebate of 92 each be allowed the 0. 0. Rand the Young Men's Club of St. John's church, on a 95 rate, for entertainments held.—Carried. Rev. R, Paul, Chairman of the Board of Health, addressed the Council at some length relative to some pig pens, wells, uncleaned back yards, the necessity of having the water at the spring analyzed, &o. By.law No. 4, 1901, concerning the ap- pointment of John 0. Halliday as Col- lector of taxes was read three timae and passed. Permission was granted to close in streets adjoining Victoria Park for Jnue 21st in connection with the celebration. Council then adjourned. CONSTABLE SHOT DEAD, Was Guarding Three Prisoners at Tor- onto en Route to JIM. A tragedy, without parallel in the police moles, took plane at six o'clock Tuesday night ab the corner of Gerrard and Sumach streets, Toronto, by which a police constable guarding three men en route to the jail was murdered under oironmabances suggestive rather of Texas than Ontario. The trial of Rice, Rutledge and Jones, the three alleged bank burglars, on a charge of robbing the post office at Aurora is proceeding at the assizes. Titers has been very great interest shown in it, and quite a few speotators unknown to the police as citizens of Toronto have sought admission from day to day, and rumors of an attempt at rescue led to the ex- clusion of the public on Tuesday. When the hearing was over, the Crown case was almost completed, and it was stated that the trial would be over on Wednesday. This news seems to have nerved the friends of the prisoners to attempt a resooe under remarkable oir- onmatanoee. When the court rose the prisoners were put in a haok, with Oouaty Constable Boyd and Constable Stewart, while County Constable Lyman Bogart eat upon the seat of the back with Driver George Highley. The utmost precautions were taken to prevenb the escape of the men, Two of them were shackled to. gether, and all wore securely handcuffed. There is a rather steep inline near the bridge leading to the fail, and at the beginning of this, near the corner of Gerrard and Sumach streets, a stranger approached the haok and threw a parcel through the open window into the laps of the prisoners, Instantly the two free hands belonging to Rios and Rutledge dived into the parcel, which proved to be a ebiff hat, wraped in a newspaper, and when their hands were withdrawn they each held it long-berrelled revolver. Ira. mediately the men began to fire, and the police drew their weapons and replied. Boyd, at the first volley, was shot in the head by Rios, the bullet entering bis head and passing through the brain. He died an hour after. The guns were tanned upon Stewart, who, with presence of mind, threw np hie herds and, feigning fear, told the prisoners to get out. As they left the oab Stewart drew his revolver and fired, shattering the left forearm of Janes, who was the middle prisoner, and also hit him in the groin, but the latter ran on, and the penmen, boarding a passing street oar beskte the motorman, ordered him to go on. They were still abaokled, but the smoking revolvers in their hands might well have intimidated the oar crew and the passengers. Instead of going on the brakeman tool[ his brake handle off and struck at the men, and the conductor took the trolley off, stopping the oar, Constable Btowarb oame up with the hackman, and after a desperate fight' the prisoners wore recaptured and removed to jail Jones' wound is serious but not dangerous. A man named Win. Hyde who keeps a fruit More on the oornor, when the strang- er threw the revolvers into the haok, gave chase, but as it was just after six o'clock, and many people wore around, the men got away in the crowd. The pollee are scouring the city for him tonight, end have a good deeoripbiou. Ilia, Rutledge and nag etre believed to be among the most daring professional burglars in Amerias. The crimes for whit% they were arrsebed a year ago were of a peculiarly bold desoniption, one of them being lbs tying up of e, policeman in Paritpals, within a abort distance of the polioesbabion, an a preliminary to entering the Standard Branolt Bank there. They were disturbed before they got the oafs blown open. They are also charged with burglanee et Aurora and Dundee, The jury disagreed in the 1 arkdabe case and the trial of the Aurora one is cow pro. ceediug. The men seem to havepowerfal friends, with plenty of money. They fought extradition iu Chicago for almost a year, and were visited at the jail there by well dressed young woman, two of whom, known to the polios—one as Viva and the other ao Mme. Rutledge -.-followed them to theoity, and have been spectators at the trial They will be looked up, and an attempt made to disoover whether they had any connection with Tuesday's tragedy. ,loves, when examined ab the jail, was found to have a bullet wooed in the left arm, whioh had shattered the boas. Amputation may be necessary. pIRSOSAf. PARAGRAPHS, W. 8'. Scott wee in Montreal last week. Mre. Geo, Busker ie vieitiug in Wing. ham, Jno. Brame, of Wroxeter, was in town. on Thursday, Mlee Beryl West, of Blybb, Was is town this week. S. T. Plum, wife and son, spent Sunday at N. B. Gerry'e, Blyth. Mies Norrie Venstone, of Wingbaw, is visiting friends in town, Dr. McKelvey, of. Mount Forest, was in town for a few days this week. George Roberton, of Clinton, was in town last week for a few days. Mrs. Mitchell, Mill street, le visiting her danghtare in the Queen city. Mies Sara V. MoLaaahlin has taken a position in Barrister Blair's office. Mies King, of Blyth, was in town Tues- day looking up Junior League work. Mrs. C.R. Vanstone, of Southampton, was visiting Mrs. A. Good this week. Mise Joan McMillan and D. Denman's ohildreu left for Sarnia on Tuesday. Ern. Higley, of Blenheim, spent Tues. day with Wendell and DeWitt Holmes. Dr. Moore, of Toronto, wee in town this week visiting relatives and friends. C. Oxon, of the Standard Bank, will take his holidays at his home in George. towu. Mrs. Bartliff and Mrs. D. 0. Roes sad Vernon spent Thursday with Mre. Jos. Ames, Grey. Mre. Chas, Jackson, of Salt Lake City, Utah, is visiting Mre. Walter Jackson and Mrs. H. L, Jackson. Barrister Sinclair, who ie the 2nd Lieut. of Brussels Qo„ wee not able to get away to Camp this year. Sam. Stevenson, of Bertin, formerly of Brussels, was here this week and went to London with the volunteers. Mre. Andrew Carrie, sr., tae been quite poorly during the past week bat we hope she will goon be better. &Ire. Thos. Ross and children, of Chesley,are expected here this week to visit relatives for a few weeks. Leon F. Jackson bas gone to Ottawa where be has secured a Government position. We wish him moaess. Walter Harland Smith, who manages the well known Grand sale stables at Toronto, is a former Brussels boy. Jno. G. Jones, of Winchelsea, who did a big business in fruit in this locality, was in Brunetti for a day last week. Mise E. E. Harr ie still a prisoner to the hoose with a disabled knee whioh is now encased in a plaster of Paris jacket. Mrs. Baines le expected home this week. She has been visiting her brother in Bradford, Penne„ for the past few menthe. T. Watson, of Belleville, a well known former Brnseelite, arrived in town on Tuesday evening. He is a welcome visitor. Mrs. Howell and her grand -daughter, Miss C. Howell, of Hamburs, are visiting Mrs. S. T. Plana. Mrs. Howell is Mre. Plum's mother. We are pleased to nobles that James Ballantyne is able to be out canoe more after hie dangeroae illness and hope he will be in bis usual good health. Last Monday Wm. Blashill and family removed to Walton after a residenoe in town of over 22 years. The Walton people will find them good oitizine, Miss Bezel and Master Harold Lowry entertained some of their email friends at a birthday party Wednesday afternoon of this week. They were six pen old that da We are sorry to state that Mre. Mur- phy—nee Mies Maggie Smith. bee been quite poorly but we bops she will soon net oonvalesoeub. Inflammatory rheumatism is the ailment. She is at the parental home, Walter Smith's, William street. Robb. Borne' health ie failing owing to the aaneer en hie lower lip whioh bide defiance to medical treatment. If good wishes would make Mr. Berne better he would soon be well. Mrs. Banshee aloe been ill for the past three or four days. Wm. Burton's health bas not been very good of late, bis nerves having suffered a shook over the burning of his daughter, the late Mrs. Austin, of Mill street, Bea- nie. Be was taken to the look-np Mon- day afternoon owing to his peculiar action and on Tuesday morning Con. stable Long took him to Goderiob, Harris Hamilton, who has filled the positron of teller, too., in the Standard Bank, Brussels, for some time with Betio. faobiou to the public, bee been promoted to the Head offroe, Toronto, and left on 'Monday morning. We ere sorry to see bine go although he ie to beoongratnlated on bis preferment, more particularly on amnia of it coming to one so yout%fal. The Base ball team will miss him sorely ae be was their aatoher and filled the bill in fine style. Mr. Hamilton is Dao. needed by Mr. Byam who arrived on Saturday evening from Toronto: Tam POST welcomes him to Beanie, Lord Bosebery knowo nothing of the. rumor, started in the United States, that he is to succeed the late Baton Hersobell on the Joint High Commission, At North Bay it contract was signed by Messrs. Mackenzie & Mann for the clear- ing and grading of the fleet eeotion of the Nipiseing da James Bay Railway,