HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-23, Page 8Thi.] 13;i'zUb i. Lia ROL3T MONEY LOST. When you pay more for te Bioyole than yea van buy a Crescent for it is praotieaily money loot. It be because the Crescent Bioyole gives suoh universal aatiofaotion that we make a epeoialty of the Creooent. We have yet to ewe a better value or one that will stand more rough usage than the Crescent. They are fitted with Denlop tires whioh are con• oldered the beet. You an have either with or without the Coaster or Brake. We sell them on trial for from one to three months. We handle Cements, Tires, Pumps, &e., aleo Bioyolee to rent. Currants and Gooseberries P Deet or sprinkle your bnobes with some of oar hellebore or Parte Green. The worms will quickly deetroy them if you do not. Plenty of Plums l Spray your plain trees after the blotyome have fallen and kill the Curculi° if yon wish to have plenty. of Plume. Choice Apples 1 If you purpose spraying your apple trees we will be planed to supply yon with the neoeesary chem- icals. Do not spray wbea in bloeeom but after the blossoms have fallen. We buy Bluestone in quantities and have the beet of Parte Green. Agent for Oree• 3 . A DE A 'll'1\/T A N Druggist, Optician Dent Bicycles. G. ti . / J ■ rt11J 1Vl ly lif and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 000T0802 exaoaeION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, at followo: GOING 80nTn. Goma NonvU. Baprette 7:18 a.m. I Mail........2:10 p.m Mixed 9:40 a.m. Express ...... 017 p,m Taal Ban Xiems, A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes, A row private pia -flies are on the pro. gram for Friday if weather ie favorable. Tam Grand Oamp of the. Sone of Boot - land will meeb in Toronto on June 2501i. HURON Old Boys' Association in Toronto bave deoided to visit Clinton this year. The date ie Saturday, July 6th. Bausexae Odd Fellows have placed earde of invitation to vieiting Odd Fel. Lowe in the postoffice and betide. WILTON & TunNzoLL'9 advt. wane t0 hand too late to obange this week. They are booming tbe ei. W. P. paints, screen doors and windows. All seasonable goods. Ta1RenAY evening of next week Atwood An' faith he'll prent it, I. 0. 0. F. brethren are expected to pay a return visit to Brussels and demonstrate the initiatory work. Local members are asked to be in attendance. EAST Hanna and Grey Branob Agl. Society Directors will meet in the Conn. oil Chamber, Braaeels, on Saturday, Jane lot, 1901, at 1.30 p. m., to arrange the prize list for the next Fall Fair. A B1t000ELiTE was nabbed on 8 recent night borrowing wood from the pile of another resident. He was taken to the hose tower, elevated to the eeoond degree and warned to buy hie wood in the time to come. D010120 ram SUaaoe: Oommeaoing with Saturday, Jane let, the Public Library will be open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 5 p. m., and on Tneeday and Satter. day evenings from 7 to 9.30 o'olook. This arrangement will hold good until Ootober let, and members and others are asked to govern themeelvee accordingly. By order of the Board. TURNIP SEEDS. --We have for sale the varieties of Tarnip seeds viz.: Hall'e Weet- bary, Bangholm,i Sutton's Champion, Skirving's Improved, Sharpe's Improved, Carter's Imperial, Royal Norfolk,Bruoe'e Selected East Lothian, Hartley'e Bronze and White Swede, aleo Grey Stone. These are the beet and most reliable that can be procured and all true to name. Be sure and get the beet. We have them. A. Strachan. Tan Harrieton Tribune eaye :—The baseball match between Harrieton end Brussels in Harrieton on May 24th will undoubtedly be a great exhibition of the game. Brussels has a eplendid team and the name of Harrieton has been aeeooiat• ed strongly with good ball playing for years. The team this year is a good one and great thinge are expected of it. In foot the days of the old "Browne" are to return. Do not 11:1188 the opportunity offered on the 24th of May to see this team play, for the beet game of the sea- my personal thanks and that of my eon in this district is guaranteed. DANDELIONS 088 8 prolific OrOp. Bnnse0LO base balliete go to Harrieton on Friday. AN otter has its home in the Maitland near the iron bridge. HURON Go. Counail open on Tneeday, June 4011, at 3 o'olook, at Goderioh. Dozer forget the 0001100 Bale at Wm. Blaohill's on Saturday afternoon of this week. Tam pottage of Peter Watson, Queen street, to being improved by a neat portico over the front door. Tne League Football match between Brussels and Seaforth will take plane on Victoria Park, Brueeele, on Friday, Jane 7th. B. GERRY is overhauling the boiler hone at the woolen mill and will also fix up the brick work on the upper part of the wall North. Two rinks of Brussels bowlers will go to Listowel on Friday and engage the bowl trondlere of that town. This will be the opening of the season for our rinks. GEO. HowE ee 0o. are in the field too all wool purchasers. See advt. next week. With fon buyers in Brussels this season the farming Community should be well served. GEORGE LowRY has purchased a house and lot on Princess street from John Wynn. He bag pot on a new roof and new chimney on the kitchen and made other improvements. MONEY Losx.—A lady's puree, brown leather, containing $15.00—one ten and one five dollar bills—loot in town on Tuesday afternoon. A suitable reward will be given by returning it to this office. CELEBRATION.—A public meeting of Brussels citizens will be held in the Oonnoil Chamber next Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, to take into consideration the beat date for tbe annual town cele. bration and outline a program. CARD of TRANE9.—I desire to express family to the K. O. T. M. Tent of Brne• WEDDING BELLS.—A. very pretty wed• ding took place on Wednesday eels for the prompt payment of my late evening, huaband'e beneficiary. Mita. T. MAUNDERS, WARNING.—Any person found interfer• ing with the Hall on the Agricultural Park will be Fomented. The names of a few parties who make it their baeineee to open doors and destroy property are already in band and they will be taught a lesson if this kind of thing be continued. Banns SALae.—Following are A. Oona• ley's bicycle sales eines last report :— New wbeele—A. Eaeom, Morrie, Oadet ; D. Heather, Grey, Common Sense ; W. Innes, Jamestown, Common Sense ; L. Williameon, Grey, Geneva; Alex. Perrie, Grey, E. & D. ; Thos. Strachan, Grey, E. & D. ; J. Cameron, Grey, Monarch ; Mise L. MoLanohiin, Grey, Hyslop ; Mies Ella MoUraoken, Morrie, Hyslop. Beoond Hand—D. Taylor, Grey ; L. Rutledge, Grey ; F. Cardiff, Grey ; J. Watson, Morrie ; J. Lawson, Morrie ; M. Cardiff, Grey ; W. Bolger, Morrie. A FINE MONUMENT.— The Luoknow Sentinel Saye ; The periebiooere of the Roman tetholi° church at Kingebridge, Ashfield town pehi, onSaturday aturda last erect- ed to the memory of their late beloved pastor, Rev. N. J. Dixon, a handsome monument costing upwards of $500. The monument is low and broad, aur• mounted with a Oeltio non of Quincy granite. The tracery over the ineorip• tion ie 8 °belie° surrounded with a vine and crosses. It is very fine and was made by Messrs. Cochrane & Johnstone, marble and granite dealers of Wiagham and Brussels. Thie firm also ereoted in the Kinloss cemetery last week a based. ful granite monument to the late Allan McIntyre, of Ashfield, and in the Zion cemetery they bave pat up a very fine Swede granite monument for the late Mre. John Andrew, 12th eon., Aebfield. 1 gza town was well taken by the dela, gates attending the Wom area llfieeionery meeting and the au tual Dietriet meeting of the Wingham Dietriet, Qo, oonrsxyeiomgn ANeLE7t, of Wing• ham, wall in town on Fridayy on Co, bust. peas. He went on 00 the Grey and Wal. lope townehhp boundary to vee about te bridge. Tan briek addition to Downing Brew, shoe store ie nearly ready for occupation and will make quite an improvement to the Oonvenienoe of the firm and the pnblio also, A Burn Aeeoohation is being formed in Brnesele under the direotion of Barrister Binolair who ie an enthueiaet over this line of work. A good membership roll le being Beograd. BRueegoo Lntearme.—A. meeting will be held in the rooms over G. A. Dradman'e drug store on Saturday evening of title week, at 8 o'otook, to choose delegates to Liberal Convention to be held in town next Tuesday afternoon. A good turn out asked for. A NEW bowling Lawn is being dtlod up, ander the direction of R. Mainpriza, ou the lot. on the North bank of tee Maitlapd by the -iron bridge. The intention is to add a tennis lawn later on the West aide of the same lot. Ito0086801800e to a good water supply is a big point in ite favor as Mr. Mainprize'e engine will do the pumping. GRAND TIME —The following are the shipments from Brnesele during the past week :— A. Backer, 2 oars wheat ; R. Graham, a oar of wheat; A. Hew, itt, oar export horses to Montreal; Wm. Neil, Walton, 31 oases of eggs to Montreal ; W. F. Vsnatone, oar of hogs ; A. 0. Dames, ear of cettle ; Cbae. Ker. gee, oar of household furniture to Galt" and D. Denman a oar of household effaote to Sarnia. -Inward a oar a cement for A. M. Mosey ee Go. neonatal, MATCH.—A. contingent of foot. ball enthnaiaete journey from Brussels to Goderioh Wedaeeday afternoon to havea game with the stalwarts of that town. Match was held on the Agl. Park at 6 o'clock and was witnessed by a good orowd. At the conclusion of half time the sone etood 2 to 0 In favor of the visitore, the wind being favorable to the latter. With a change of position the home team evened up the sone and so the nee etood until a half minute before the game would end when a lucky shot gave Goderioh the aoeendanoy. They have s big team and when they came in contact with our light weights, three of whom were jnniore, our lade went to grass. The teams lined up as follows :— BRUSSELS GODBRIOK Herr Goal Pritchard Irwin Pass mo re Backs Brown Backer Yeo McNaughton Books McDonald Ferguson Cooper Lowry Centre Br ens {T„ Wing: 'rte Good n Roche Thomson McDonaldR. Wing •••'... All :.''M ison Cameron McDowell Referee—L. Danford, Gari. Backer, one of the Juniors, ie credited with patting up a star game. Oar boyo were well looked after by the Goderiobitee. A return match will be played in Brussels on the evening of Monday, June 3rd, when our boye hope to return tbe compliment both as to vic- tory and hospitality. HORSE Ta/EF NABBED.—Since the 14th of April when Jno. Cunningham's horse and baggy were stolen from; Melville ohurob abed constable F. 8. S000t did not let up hie search for the thief until a tele- gram from Police Headquarters, Toronto, informed him that J. W. Scott, the sup - pond thief bad been arrested at 17 Oar. law Avenue in that pity by Detective Ooddy. Mr. Scott went to the Queen City! Friday with a warrant and return- ed the same evening with hie mac. Sat- urday morning at ten o'olook Scott was bronght before W. H. Kerr and Reeve Rose and the information read to him bat 0e he plead not guilty be was remanded to the look-ap until witnesees could be seoored from Dundalk, Prioeville and thine locality, Monday at 2.30 o'clock be. ing set as the time of the court. Sunday morning 0e Oonatable Scott went to con- vey hie namesake to breakfaet he told him be was the guilty party and recounted the story of hie 08i01e. The magietratee were oommnniated with and a court wee held at THE POST Publishing Home at 6 o'clock Monday morning when h the prisoner with drew his former plea and said he stole the horse. He was forwith committed to Goderioh jail to have hie trial and ander the oare of the Constable left on the early train for the County town. Scott, who ie 58 yeare of age, is a tanner by trade and this ie, he Saye, his first offence. He was a resident of Wroxeter for the past two yeare where his wife and family now 88- eide. At one time be owned a farm ea Beamiller and afterward kept hotel at Clinton. Hie whereabouts wee discovered by changing of his newspaper from Wrox- eter to Toronto, the particular address being scoured at the office of a Toronto paper. Scott affirms that the overcoat, missing when Mr. Oanningham got hie rig at Dundalk was left by him at the hotel in that village me be walked from there to Toronto and did not require it. He Saye he is sorry for his motion but the kind of repentanoe that ie evinced after a cap " tore is made does not Ont mush ice." He was remanded at Goderich for a week to look up hie pedigree. May 150h, at "Maple Leaf" farm, near Blyth, the beautiful home of A. W. and Mrs. Sloan, when their youngest daugh- ter, Mise Margaret Williamson, became the bride of Wesley Walker, of Wingham, formerly of Bruseele. Theoeremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Penhall, of Blyth, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride looked charming attired in wbite Bilk organdie, trimmed with white lane and satin ribbon, and carried a beautiful baguet of bridal rosea. The bridesmaid, Mies Mabel Jamieson, wag also attired in white organdie, trimmed with white lane and chiffon, and oarried a boquet of pink carnations. The groom was eopported by J. E. Davie, of Wingham. After congra- tulations and beet wishes, all eat down to n bountiful repast where all did simple juetioe to the good things provided for the oaoaeion. The bride was the tulip. hent of many valuable gifts. The happy couple, a000mpanied by the bridesmaid and groomsman, left on the evening train for their home in Wingham. Tax Pon adds Congratulations. THE BUTTER TRADE.—Abont two weeks ago the prise of creamery butter declined to 17o., bat it did cot stay there long, as exporters commenced to take hold, and soon put the market up to 180. and 18ac. Our London correspondent in hie letter on April 27th, whioh appeared in our last issue, said :—"Canada is coming in for a fair share of attention, and exporters are managing to find ready anstomere for their disposable stuff, though it is only of the fodder order. Some fairly large Iota have been brought o. i. f,, at 95e. to 98e. for delivery in May, when there will not be each a great deal of the graee•fed article about as there ehould be, the heat without rain having dried up the peetnree in England, though it is aiwaye wet Ar the Division Court held at Mitchell, enough in Ireland to prevent fires io the an important horse Daae was heard before Emerald Isle. Australian is done, and Hie Honor Judge Barron. In January New Zealand nearly eo, and thio, of Met B. Farrow, of Stratford, and Adam coarse, is of material assistance to Cana. Koenig, of Mitohoil, parohaeed a horse dian matters," It wae, no doubt, the fill. from N. Fitzgerald who lives near Dub• ing of those fairly large lots for May de - lin, for $90. The animal wart delimited livery that canoed the improvement in by Fitzgerald on April 1, but the pur• the market here, ea bnyere amid well chasers refused to accept it, contending afford to pay the advanced rates, but that its back was affeoted in some way, whether they can continue to pay them Fitzgerald sold the horse to another party in a matter which some are 'Manned to for $70, and entered a case against Far. doubt. The supply of the grasp•fed arti- row and Koenig for the difference, $20, ole from English pastnree ie now an im- hnd additional 44 for expeaoes inourred portant factor in the situation, whioh In bringing the horse to Stratford and along with the inoroaeed imports from bank to Dublin again. Mr. Thermion, of the Continent mast have his effect 10 Mitohell,,appeared for the plaintiff and J. bringing down values on the other gide C. Makin, of Stratford, for the defend. to a Sommer level, and whioh last year ante, After hearing the evidence Hie et this time were about 8e. lower than at Honor gave judgment in favor of the present. A year ago salmi were made in plaintiff for the fall amount epeoifled, be. this market at 16eo. to 178, or 10. to 20, cedes the Mete of the Mart, - - lose than at present,—Trade Bulletin. Phos, Bradwell, from near Cliffnrd, wall 19 tPWn neat Friday. Aire, 0. E. Tarnbull, of Guelph, is vieiting relatives in Brunetti. Mise Aliie Ferguson be vieiting her brother, D. Ferguson, in Toeowater. Mre. W, H. Moan, of Toronto, le May. ing in town with J, and Mre, footsie. edre, nos. Curry bee gone to Atwood to vielt her mother, Sire, Parker, who ie Mies Edna Dennis, of Mattoon, le vieiting her grandparents and other old friende in Brownie, 1Miieees Fanny Thom8011 and Ada Main.. prize and Ohne. Dodds will go to Sea• forth to the 24th, Amoog those wbo will spend the 2411 in Toronto are E, 0. Danford, A, Backer, W. F. Scott and Jno. Beattie. Wm. Jamieson, of Kinburn, hall taken a position with R, Leatberdalo and will learn thefarnitnre booineae, Mieees Lizzie and Hattie Downing will 0,24th" at Loudon with the family of Bev. S. J. Alen, formerly of Brunets.Dan. McDonald, formerly of Brussels, who hoe been living in Winton for eev• oral years, le moving to Park Hill. Ohne. Zihiax, of the Central Hotel, was laid ep in bed with a liver ailment but will noon be as well all ever we hope. Mre. Gilpin and Eva are off to Owen Sound for a short visit with Mre, Cava. nagb. Fred. Gilpin is holidaying at Wiarton. We are sorry to hear that Rev. R. W, Williame, stationed one time at 12itobell and Teeewater, hoe been sent to the insane asylum at London. Jas. Thomson and George L ails took a wheeling tour during the p --re: week, the former going to London ane Strath. roy end the latter to Lunn. W. W. Burgess,' Tetra • Burgess and daughter, of Mitchell, were renewing old friendships in Brussels and Iodality dur•' ing the poet week. Mr. Burgees has a good Mennen. He's an artist. REV. E, W. HUNT REstooe.—The State Republican of Lansing, Mich., contains the following concerning the resignation of Rev. E. W. Hunt, a former rector of Trivitt Memorial oharoh, Exeter :—"Rev. Ernest W. Hunt, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, presented to the vestry his resignation to take effect May 31. At the same time Rev. Hunt will leave the Episcopal ministry. Hie reason for the latter change he is not ready as yet to announce definitely,but he allowed the reporter to understand that it wae be. cense be had found himself unable to believe fully in some of the doctrinal points of the thumb faith. He has re. oently completed the five yeare in this county and state, necessary to citizen- ship, and this morning, before 'Judge Wiest took the fitted oath of allegiance to the United Statee. The new citizen and layman told the State Republican that he had no matured plane tee yet for the future. The vestry of St. Paul's March received Mr. Hunt's reoignation. Ateetryman said that the resignation would be aocepted, benne it was Mr. Hueter desire to leave tbe ministry. The greatest regret is expressed at the rector's action, and resolutions were adopted, stating the reluctance with which the resignation was accepted and speaking highly of hie work while rentor of the ohurehee Mr. Hunt ie a eon.in-law to J. M. O'Connor, of Brnesele, and le known to a good many in this locality, Business Locals. CASH for butter and eggs. A. Conley. CONVENIENT dwelling to let over Down- ing and Carrie's stores. Soft water, &o. Apply to 1. 0. RICHARDS. TUR BUTTER.— Farmers having tub butter to Bell call at my Produce Em. porham and I will pay you the highest cash price for good tabs. ROST. TnoirooN. BRUSSELS CEaaTEnY,—The undersign. ed is prepared to attend to proper fixing up of burial plote for parties either here or away who have friende buried there. Will be at the cemetery every Friday afternoon. Satiefaotion guaranteed at moderate chargee. R. Dan, Caretaker. GARDEN PLANTS,—Ming Kelly hair soy quantity of garden plants far sale inched, ing :—Tomato, cabbage cauliflower and celery. Aleo a large and fine colleotion of Soweriog planta. Floral designs made to order and at reasonable priaee. BRUSSELS GREENHOUSES. WANTED—Eggs, 120 ; one ton butter weekly. We have all kinds of oorn from ,Orompton'e early down. We are sole agents for tbe celebrated Bailey corn. "For silo purposes it has no equal," so Saye Jno. McMillan & Bone, the largest corn producers of Canada. G. E. KINa, Wingham. People We Know. T. A. Hawkins spent the 24th in Look - nova H. R. Brewer was in Stratford this week, John Roddiok ie vieiting friende at London. Mies Jean McLaughlin is visiting at Toronto. Wm. 0. Smith took a trip to Buffalo Met week. Mies Bessie Beattie hoe been visiting at Seaforth. Mies Mary Beattie epent Sunday with $inborn friende. Mrs. Jae. Beattie and Roes were at Seaforth on Sunday. Ino. Robb ie enjoying a visit with old friends in Tuokeremith. N. B. Gerry and wife, of Blyth, were in Brunie last Friday. Mise olive Matoprize is renewing old friendeblpe in Wingbam. Mies Mary Kerr is home from a vieit with relativee at Wiarton. Ere. W. H. McCracken le vieiting at Paisley and other places. Miss Julia Bartliff ie visiting Mine Hazel Johnston at Wingham. i zie Moore and A. Sam Mise L to were z p visitors at Blyth on Sunday, Mre. M. H. Moore was quite poorly but he gaining nicely now we are planed to state. CHURCH OIII11rS. 9S°T4XD4R, B4XK Q, ' C4X4,n4. Mall'P,AvCaTasee rTMJX1 ater 7i... HEAP OFFIOE, TORONTO CA.F1TAI+ PAID 'UP (One Million Dollars? • $4,000,000 RUST 4700,000 dgeneree in all priapi rel pointe fn Ontario, quebea, ATaoeitofa)llndled Stated Rnptand. 9. teressiszs B!tweee'. enteral Banking Bnsineae Teaneaoted, Farmers' Notes Dismounted. Dratte fawned sad Colleotione made on all points, SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly. BrxonL ATTENTION 007EN TO THE COLLECTION Or FARHERo' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietanee, payable at any bank issued Under $10,,.. 80. $20 to $80...,120 Moray Orders at the following rates:— $10 to $20.,,.100, 80 to 40... ,140 J. N. GORDON, AOEN2, thug by Fred. Gilpin at the evening ser. aloe., • . _ .. - Mre. Sage's auction sale on Saturday afternoon of next week. George Christopher is adding several improvements to his barn. • ' George MoKhm has returned from a short visit to relativee in the U. S. Mies Minnie MoDonaid was vieiting is Seaforth for a few days last week. The funeral of the late James Ryan was largely attended by Waitonians. Mies Maggie McDonald, of Toronto University, is home for the holidays. Norman McClelland spent a few days vieiting friende in the vioinity of Walton. Mrs. Oayler, of Wbiteoboroh, was a visitor at Richard Pentad's last Tuesday. ho hall bene onpulpe residence of Jaime evening Rev. John Rose, 13. A., attended Ma it. land Presbytery, in Wingbam, on Tues. day. Rev. G. J. Abey and Rev. 0. Owens, of Laoknow, will exchange pulpits next Sunday. Next Sabbath morning Rev. John Holmes will speak to Sabbath School Workers in the Methodist church. "Christ as a Servant" was Rev. John Roes' morning nubjeot last Sabbath and "The hidden Treasure" the theme in the evening. The cab d ivieione of the latter were (1) Tee Treasure ; (2) The Treaenre found ; (3) The Treasure appropriated. Mines Martha Smith, Kate Bezel! and Clara Crawford and B. Garry and Poet. master Farrow are the five delegates ap. pointed to repreeent Brueeele Methodist Sabbath school at the District 8. S. Con. vention to be held here next Wedneoday. Don't forget the District Sabbath Sobool Convention to be held on Wednes- day of next week in the Methodist ohurob, Bruosele. There will be three oeesione. A good program has been pre- pared and an effort should be made by delegates to get to ,the morning ee0eion whioh commences at 10 o'olook. Mn. TOM • Rev. John Holmes' sermon on Sabbath morning wag on the Ascension, the text being "It is expedient unto you that I go away, &o." Pcov. 14 and 12 was the evening subjeot, "There ie a way that eeemeth right unto a man ; bat the end thereof are the ways of death.". Refer. enoe was made to moral standards atter whioh the following ways were pointed out as leading to death :—Self proteotion, self enjoymotit, wioked diearimination, irreligion, conventional and formalist morality, selliebly evangelical The way of redemption—the Bible pod the Lord Octane Christ were emphasized as the way of right with eternal life ad the Amur - Moe. "Be Thou nigh," a fine 0010, was Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wingham on Tuesday, the 21st inst. Commissioners to the General Assembly were appointed as follows :—Rave. Whet, McKay, Murray, MaoLennan, Dunn and Elders T. Strachan, Turnbull, Cameron, Boyd and Meiklejohn. An obituary notice of the late Rev. John MaoNabb, Laoknow, was adopted and ordered to be engrossed in the minutes and to be for. warded to his widow. The Presbytery agreed to apply to the General Aseembly to receive Rev. E. C. W. MaaGoll from. the Congregational Churob; U. S. A., into the Presbyterian Chetah in Canada. Leave of absence was granted to Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Wroxeter, and Mr. McLeod, of Ripley, who intend going to Scotland for the Summer. 'Rev. Mr. Anderson, Wroxeter, was appointed Clerk of Preebytery in room of the late Rev. J. MaoNabb. A call from Belgrave and Calvin Church, E. Wawanoeh, in favor of J. J. Haetie was sustained. The pall was aocepted and the ordination appointed to take place on June 27th., at 3.30 p. m.; at Belgrave. Rev. Mr. Petrie will preside; Rev. Mr. Maxwell, Ripley, will preach ; Rev. Mr. Whaley will address the people ; and Rev. Mr. Ross will address the min• tater. A Conferenoe on Presbyterial Vieitotian of Sabbath Schools was en- gaged in and it was agreed that an ex- change of pulpits ehonld take plane when all the Sabbath Schools of the Presbytery should be vieited and a report made at the September meeting of Preebytery, if poeeible. The exchanges arranged aro 0e follows :—Mn, Maxwell, Ripley, and Mr. Malcolm ; Mr. Ballantyne and Mr. Per- rie ; Mr. Hestia and Mr. Anderson ; Mr. McLeod and Mr. MoOrae ; Mr. Fair- bairn and Mr. West; Mr. McKay and MI. Rolle; Dr. Murray and Mr. Dunn ; Mr. MoLennan and Mr. Miller ; Mr. Whaley and Mr. Stewart ; Mr. McFar- lane and Mr. Maxwell, N. Melon. A motion expressing sympathy with Mr. Maxwell, N. Kinloss, in hie prat• out illness wall adopted by the Presby- tery, The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Wingham on September 17th, at 10 a. m. R. S. G. ANDEne0N, Preeb, Clerk. GES ORST AtrEs,—In Winnipeg, on May lOtb, to Mr. and Mre. Jno, Ames, twine—eon and daughter. Bexne.—Io Oranbrook, on May 23, to Mr. and Mre. George Baker, a daughter. CoNnoE,—Io Elma, on May 9111, the wife of Mr. Melville Goodie of a daughter, LETHEanANn.—In Seaforth, on May 9, to Mr, and Mrs. 3.A, Letherland, a son. Pn'En, In Wingham, on May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Piper, a eon. Wnxene.—In Gorrie, on MAy 11th, tbe wife of Mr. John Wright of a son.. .A.VCTIOIV' SATURDAY, MAY 25TH.—Horeee, riga, harness, household furniture, &o., at the reeidenoe ,of undersigned, Brunelle. Sale, unreserved, at 2 o'olook. Wm. Blaebill, prop. ; F. 8. Scott, am. SATURDAY, JUN8 1. -Faris, Farm stook, implemente, &o., at Walton. Sale, nnre served, at 1 p. m, Mre. Sage, Propriet• tees ; F. S. Boort, Auctioneer. H T-trsaEI,8 M.ea.man: E'^E, Fall Wheot62 64 Barley ...... ........• 38 40 Pace 60 61 2 Cate ......,9_ 80 Butter, tube and rollo 12 13 Eggs per dozen .. 0 10 Flour per cwt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bag) 25 25 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 2 00 Sheep ekine,each 75 1 00 Lamb ekine each 25 25 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed 6 6} Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 6 75 6 75 Wool ' 12 13 MARRya7by WALxmu—StaAN.-At the middens of the r events Morrie on May bride's parents, 15, by Rev. Wm. Penhall, � Mr, Wesley Walker, of 'Wingham, to Mitre Mara garat Williamson, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mre, A. W. Sloan, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for raueh purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brunets. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on William street. For particulars apply to ROBT. MENZIE8, Braeaele. 44.0 COMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and convenient rooms to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Bondman's' and Mrs, Rogers' Stores. Apply to F. 6.8007T. UNE 81188ION OF THE HURON TUNE COUNTY COUNCIL. The Donnell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber in the town of Goderioh at 8 o'elook p. m., on the drat Tuesday in June next, W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderioh 22nd day of May,1002, NOTICE The Court of Revision for the Township of Morrie for the year 1901 will be held hu the Township Hall on MONDAY, MAY 27th. oommenotng at10 o'clock a, in. All parties interested will plesee take notice and not accordingly. W. CLARK, Clerk. Morrie, May 10th, 1901. Notice of Transfer of License. SAGE HOUSE, WALTON. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that I, the un- dersigned, hayo applied fora tranofer of tho Hotel Lioenee granted to Mre. Chau. Sege, and that the said transfer will be complied and signed to by the Commissioners after the eeoond publication of this notice. as re. mitred at law. May 14,1 01 SHILL, RE PLEN/SHE D. Owing to the very large Bale of Wall Paper that we have had •this • Spring we have found it necessary to replenish our stook and this week we have added an. other 1,000 toile direst from the faotory so that we are in firet-olaee shape to fill orders again 0e usual We still bave a few Remnants to be pioked up at your own prices AT Fox's Drug Store. APER HANGING, DECOR- ,-AT0N0 and Rouge Painting done lu Workmanlike manner and on abort notice. Hoye had three years' experience In city w2uk. Terms Wal JOHNSTON me aWaltdn� COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP OF - GREY. Notice to hereby given - that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey, County of Huron, will meet tee Court of Revision at the TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL, on Monday, May 2711,, at10 o'clock a, m. Parties interested will•govern them- selves accordingly. WM. SPENCE, Clerk, COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. Notice in hereby given that the Municipal ' Connell of the Oorporatlon of the iVillage of Brussels, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Revision in the OODNCIL CHAM- BER, BRUSSELS, on Monday, June 3r11, at 8 o'eloo k p.m. Parties interested will govern themselves ncoordingly. . F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. AUCTION SALE —0P— Valuable Farms IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS. P. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received to- etructione from the undersigned, Executors of the estate of the late George Agar, to offer for sale by public auction on the prem. ;Bee, on Tuesday, June 20th, 1901, at 2 o'clock, p. m., two farms desortbed ea fol- lows: 1st Parcel, 8, i lot 16, con, 2. Morrie, win- tatning by admeasurement 100 acres, more or less. Thele are about 90 earth cleared, balance mostly hardwood bush. There Is a good barn 86E60 fent, with stone stabling ; frame house, small orchard, deo. It le a good farm and lobated 3 miles from the Village of Bluevale ; 7 miles to elther Brun seta or Wingham ; and only half a mile from School and Murrill. and Parcel, N. 9 lot 18, eon, 8, Morrie, co 0- tuining 100 acres, more or less. 90 three Cleared and 6 novae of very good hardwood bush. On this lot aro two frame barns. about an acre of orchard and farm' le in grid heart. It is well drained. This pro- perty lies directly opposite Parcel No.1 Terme and conditions of Sato.—The farms will be offered eoparately. Postnasal= given to work farms atter ho, -vest; deeds wilt he Posited on ,March 0..1900. Parma will be sold aubjeot to a roeervo bid, Purchaaers will be expected to par 10 per cont. of the money town and helium° when deed is given. Fur- ther information may be had on application to either Exeoutore or Auctioneer. WM. JEWITT, Br0asels, EDWARD BOSMAN, Wingham, F. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer. Executors. Wool Wool I will pay the Highest market price in cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alfred. Backer. I�Harncss�argaans For 30 days we offer the following induce to cash purchasers : Our own make, niokio silver, Bingle Harness, neat, good and durable, regular prioe �V f $16, reduced price i, `� Single Harneoe, regniar•$14.00 Reduced price 12 en is Single Harneee, factory make, niokle silver, hand made, regular 412, reduced price.: Single Barnes, niokle silver, doubled and stitched all through, reg, $10, reduced to $10 8 If you are wanting anything in the Harness line it will be money in your pocket to see oar goods before buying as these reduotione are genuine. Yon will find with us Rubber Rug O Dusters Sweat Dollars and everything to be Japanese in a firet.olase arnese Shop, ' Special inducements he Trunko and Valieee. Remember the plan for good value in Hammes, Booth and Shoes ie at ice r ds. Repairs in Harness, Boots and Shoes done neat and cheap.