HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-23, Page 5AIAx, 28, 1901 BUSINESS CARDS. ivr AN= TO LOAN AT G PER 43,1 coat. 1'. K. 8O9TT, llruueele, XI. MoOBA.ONEN_- • 18010r of Marriage Lleenees, Of. tlao rtt Grocery,'. ut•nborry timet, Brueaale, 'R N.1BARRETT- • Tonsorial Artist, Shop• -Next door floral of the Standard Bank. Ladloo' and children's J,talr cutting a epoalalty, M. MORRiSOtl, -- Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAI..TON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEAC81IR OF- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, Mil,e'r..O"Sp3SMO, ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI Metinetl00, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M„ Academie graduate of London Conserva- tor or Mum. a10 Member c tet o M be the toereteiv1 Y Mamiteda u ber of pe prepared no receive p ant meed no, Qualified ifi pupils prepare per in pupil to the piano, (dFolmad to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form iu the Ooaoorvatory of Mueio. Brussels, Ontario, " ALEX. HUNTER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Oo. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public), Land, Loau'aod Insurance Agent ; Auction- eer, Ponds tnyeotod and to -loan. Collor). bone made. 091oo in Graham'e;Biock, Brus- eels, AUCTIONEERS. 11B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • BER, will sell for better prices, to better mea in lose time. and lees °barges than any other Auctioneer in haat Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this nines or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (roma-entry Orf 0EAyonem) DENTIST Graduatei o R. ODS. Toronto • Po Orad-. et naw touree ad bridge Hnsork. School, ces same in crown surrounding t work. t�`Yrices sumo as in enrronnding towns. 21• Office over A. It, Smith's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. TD. WARWICK- ,• Honor Gradnace of the Ontario Vet. erinery College, is prepared to treat all die- easee of domesticated animals in a compete out manner. Parti'..ular attention paid. to Veterinary Dentistry. CaIIO- promptly at- tended to. ()Moo and Infirmary -Pour doors North of bridge, Tnrnborry st., Brussel°. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ,/t„ W IYi. SINCLAIR- • Barrietor, Solicitor, i0onveyanoor, Notary Public, &c, Ofoe-Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Rotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. .iti • F. GLAIR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Solicitor d:o. Village lia a over Stand- ....ard lank. Boift for lowest rates. Brussels. Money to Loan at lowaaE rates. 1%,T G. OAMERON- Cameron) tBar stet and Soliccitor, Goron, derieb Ont. Office-&amtlt0u street, oppoetto Col. borne Rotel. • MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, DI. D., D. 181., Trinity;University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physician° and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh, rsTolepboue No.14, Roaidenoe-Mill street, Bra°°els, McLEOD'S. System Ilenovator —.4800 OTRES-- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitic, Con. enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY, GODERICII, OBIT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Msnufaotnrer. Sold by Jas, rex, lerngglet, ierneeeli SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND— North Shore Pii,e and Cedar FOR SALE AT TH11 Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Eetimatee Famished for all kinds Of Buildings, Workman. ship and Material Goaranteed. P. AM NT, T.U. BRU1SS4LS .PST 001 Y was carrying the straggling boy beyond the e Y moth a be 1 ' t or) pulp t PI i drop I 'the °mat o Ames. coo grasped r aeon his drowning o iurge eoaorerly by the clothing,en and turned toward the dook, Herts a battle of the strong began between this sinewy °atelier and the etrong out flowing tide. Try as be would with etroag right arm Arches, it seemed to 13alluntyue ag though be would never gain the friendly support of the doolt, At last he and hie almost unoonsoioue burden remelted the the water in the nick ofarf and w timeere , for Ballwn out antyne hype was nearly exhausted. In the evening he played bailee though nothing bad happen, ed, AA -wood. u. 60,000 lbs. Wanted. Highest market price paid, delivered at my Storehouse, No. 1, Brussels. Blobt. CTrahamr. W stritt gC.Wsr Luciano vv. Henry Wedow, of Walkerton, pas pur. obaeed the Holyrood hotel business from John AtoKoy. John MoPhereon, formerly of Tiver. ton, accidentally shot and killed himself on the 22nd n at M ar b. a Heae w u in the Klondike district. p Tho Township Council, of West Wawa. nosh, Laerohaee u a new d P w Champtn l Road Grading maohiue from the Copp Company of Hamilton, The cost per inmate of the Walkerton jail Met year was 6 oasts per day. One prisoner died in the jail during the year. Four wee the lowest number in the jail at any one time, and thirteen the great- est number. P. L. Marden Company, of London, were awarded the contract of building the new graooiithia sidewalks in Laaknow,. The price wee 9/ cents per square foot and is the lowest that has been secured by auy other Municipality in the Prov in oe.. —.. ..�.�_ 1..,ifet.oweel. Ven. Archdeacon Davie, of London, preaabed the anniversary eertnone in Christ oburob on Sunday. John Watson, of the Listowel brewery, hue put on a brand new delivery dray, also n covered ice wagon, to serve his local ,uetomere. No cheese was offered at the first Fair, the limited April make having been pre. viooely disposed of. Next Fair will be held on May 31st. Tbe officers oft e h local Board of Health are making a tour t n of me ' EOtlen p Citi• zeds had better sec that their premises are in a sanitary condition. The Marlboros were billed to play in Galt last Saturday, but owing to Galt not being able to 00cnre the grounds the game was called off for the present. Sidford Tatham returned to town from the Conadiaa Soo, where he has been ou a business trip. He reports that every. thing is booming and that the industrial development inaugurated by the Clergae syndicate ie something remarkable. orri.t.. Geo. Brown is still improving his resi- dence and had a balcony ereoted. J. D. MoNab, well known in town, has been appointed oily engineer of Chatham at a salary of $900. Peroy Oaths, who hag been aeeietant a the 0. P. R. station here far the past year left for Toronto, where he has eaoured situation in the head office of the Domio ion Express Co. Mise Rutherford, of Toronto, lately returned from Pekin, China, will peak in the Gerrie Methodist Church, under the auspices of the Womon'e Mieeionary Society on her experience of the rebellion during last June and Jaly on Friday May 24th. Afternoon meeting at p. m. and evening at 8 o'clock, The anodal meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society in connection with the Methodist church woe held in the basement of the ohuroh. The society ie in a flourishing condition with a memberehip of 31. The receipt for the year were $132 91; money expended, $75.28. After the bueineee meeting the election of officers for the year. took place with the following reenit:- Prea., Mrs. J.E. Mnilhollaod; Vioe•Pres. Mre.E. Sperling ; Aeet.•Seo., Mise Edith Evans ; Treasurer Mrs. John Evans ; Bosiceeo Com. -Mrs. Wm. Stinson, Mrs. Wm. Evans, Mrs. Geo. Horton, Mrs. S. Greer, Mrs. E. L. Mooren. ; Valuating Comnilttee - Mrs. F. Coles, Mise Maggie McKee, Mrs. A. Laird, Mrs.R. Rose, Mrs. H. Zimmerman. The eleotion being over the ladies enjoyed their annual tea provided by the Society. beechenI ' tr iu p aY ,not ing a strong ebb lido deck without waning to r Misses Annie and Kale Merin left on Wedneeday of last week for Buffalo where they will probably reside. Court of Revieion for the Township of Elmo (on the Ageeesment Rol,) will be held in Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on the 27th day of May. The first shipment of from the Donegal feetery wee made Monday loot week from Lietoweb It was sold to'Ballantyoe & Sons for 8 1.16o. The Government grant to the Atwood Pubiio Library for the year 1000 has been received. It amouutatoWO. a aoneider• able shrinkage from $20 OexPeot edbut neveraheleee very acceptable. The Clerk of Elmo was authorized to ask for tenders to be revalued up to 2 p, m. May 27th, for the painting of 12 bridges with two coats of paint of Bret -°lase 018• tenial, tenders to elate eo much per foot. Robt. Smith, oeme01 contractor, from Atwood, built the cement foundation for the Manse kitchen at Monkton. Mr. Forrest, of Atwood, hue the contract and the work will be paohed ahead se quickly as poeeible. Forctwich, Rev. A, B. Forney sold his fine driver for a handsome pries. It pee to Africa. Tbe excavating of the basement of the new Presbyterian church is about finieh• ed, when the stone mesons can commence work. The annual tea and entertainment of the Fordwiob Epworth League will be held in the Methodist oburob on the even- ing of May 24th. W. J. Ashton has poesed kis third year's examination at Wesleyan College, Moo• treat, with honors. He has ale° paeeed the B. (tonne in aer v creditable edit [e her. man y B. S. Cook is wearing green glasses at present, the cause being inflammation in the eyes. The intiammation is leaving and he will soon he able to do without the glasses. Master Herman Beaker met with an accident while getting on his wheel. He was at the top of the hill near Trinity (thumb, and fn some way made a mishap and slipped and fell, breaking hie collar bone. John L. Wilson, 9th cone who is a stock raiser of the flret•olaae eort, has a there' bred York Dow, one year old, which raised thirteen pigs, for whish he reoeiv. ed the fancy stem of $159.72, when they were 7 months old. °Aclatortla. t S. A. Diokeon is home from Toronto , for the holidays. a Joe. P'ritzley has left for Saginaw, Mich., where he hes secured employ- ment, The Court 0 of Ro ia' v tun for the town of Seaforth will be held in the Oounoil Room on Tuesday, May 28 h. E. Barnett while playing football on Tueeday night of last week had the mien• fortune to pet hie ankle dielooated. M. Y. McLean was in Piatoa Met week attending the funeral of hie brother, John W. MoLean, editor of the Pioton Times, who died on Sunday. Ceoil Hodgins, second eon of Rev. Rural Dean Hudgins, met with a scalene uooident, at the Collegiate Institute. He was playing football, and was run up againet ina internally. another w in lie ne player,, fainjuring way rhfr recovery. The many friends of Mrs. T. 0. Kemp, of this town, will extend their sincerest sympathy to her in the pertioularly Bad affliction the has been palled upon to bear, in the death of her second son, Kenneth, whish sad event occurred at Montreal on Tneeday of last week. Mrs. Kemp had just returned to her borne here atter spending the past seaenn in her old home in Beameville, when she re. oeived word on Friday Net of Keuneth'e eerions illneee in the Montreal hospital. Mrs. Kemp left immediately for Montreal, and on Tuesday word was received of his death. Kenneth was about 18 years of age, and was a partioalarly fine young fellow, and a decided favorite with hie companions. He had been employed in Montreal, and although he bad been feel- ing unwell for some time, had only ceas- ed work a little over a week previous to hie death, when it was found that he was eufferi ng with typhoid fever. He wee re- moved to the hospital that hs might have the beet of treatment, but all to no avail, and death deprived us of a moat proreie• ing young man. 161'atta, The Court of Revision will be held on May 30th. Geo. Smith has beenappointed pound. keeper for the Village of Blyth. Mr, Fin°emore Bays he hopes matters would soon be arranged for the rebuild- ing of the mitt. Rev. A. K. Birks, of London, preached Sunday School and Epworth League ser. 01008 in Blyth Methodist oburob on San. daJ bn Watt and family have moved from Detroit to Blyth and Mr. Watt has taken a position in James Hill's saob and door factory. The ° aora and members of Blyth fire brigade are to receive $7 per annum excepting the first and aecond engineer who are to receive $50 ond$15 respectively. The Lediee' Aid Society of the Metho. diet ohuroh held their annual meeting on May 7th, when the following ofiloere were elected: -President, Mrs. N. H. Youug ; Secretary, Mrs. Slater ; %mist - ant Secretary, Mrs. Backstop ; Tree. surer, Mee, Myles Young ; let vice Pratt. dent, Mrs. Raggitt ; 2ad vine President, Mrs. Wilford ; auditors, Mrs, Gidley and Mrs, W. H. McElroy ; chaplain, Mrs!, King ; aeeietant .ohaplain, Mrs, Wm. Brown ; organist, Mrs. Mellow. From the Daily, Herald, of Everett, Washington, we take the following which refers to a eon of Thomas Ballantyne of this village '-"Thomas Ballantyne, catcher on the Everett baseball team, i0 not only a player of rare merit hat a hero as well. Like all true men of bravery, ter. Ballaotyuo did nob wish hie aot of beroiem made public, and euooesefully suppressed the newscntil yesterday, when. it was gained from other sources. Mr, Ballantyne ie a now Domer to Everett, and two days ego his wanderings carried him to Fourteenth street dook. Here he espied a boy fishing and wag walking to.. ward the lone fleherwan when the young• enter fell overheard, He ran to the spot and attempted to re0one the boy by menus of the fishing pole, but the child tvae by this time too wouk to aid himself, The Clinton. A oricket club is organized in town. The frame school house will be paint- ed. H. Streets has again taken the position of section foreman in the G. T. R. yards here. W. Wheatley had men and scrapers at work preparing the site of the new Methodist church for the foundation. Mies E. Louise Holmes returned home ou Saturday. She went to University hospital at Philadelphia but was obliged to give up, The rectory is nearing:eompietion se to the improvements beteg made and it will not be long before Rev. Mr. Gonne and family will remove to town. Some of the trees in front of the Pub. lie school have been out down 00 as to allow the sobool flag to be hoisted when. ever required without interference. W. J. Pattison, an uncle of A. 0. Patti. son, died in Brantford from the °Note of a stroke, at the age of 63 year0. The funeral took plane on Monday of last' week at which MI. and Mrs. Pattieon from hero attended, Ed. Howard left the other day on hie annubnrg,aOhio, U,t1,,rip awhere he will r as make o lengthy visit. He expeote to be away about five weeks or 0r) and in this time will have gone about 1060 miles, For some time there late been an agita. Hoe for the creation of a new postodloe in Clinton, the present building 6 lackin g in several rosPeutO the 8coanmJllaliob neoeesary, The G90Orntnent, r.a'isigg that the interoete of the publie 0hcald bo O served that .than they eon be ander existing '°iranmeta9gos, has laced the 8901 of $5000 in the supplementary sail maeee ter the erection of a imitable poet. aloe building.. A Teaalaou AeaIAENT,+-One of the moat dietreeeink aooidents that bas occurred of late around here wag that which happen. ed .to Andrew Taylor, of town, on iced, nesdey night of hist week, It appeal he was returning home, driving, along the concession known al John'gand was near the railroad crossing when the 10, L6 train hove in sight. Mr. Taylor's hearing and eight is not of the boat and perhaps he did not even see or hear it. The horse became frightened and unmanageable - the boggy wee wheeled suddenly around throwing him on the track just tie the train reached him, In a moment he was under the engine, the wheels passing over and crushing off both feet at the ankles. It wee a narrow ea0ape that he was not kilied outright and is a miraole it did not happen 80, unhappily as it is to lose both feet. The horse and rig arrived in town all right but it was fortunate that Messrs. Layton nand T ownee Y ode e w r along who brought slim to the dootoro, Had b remained long without attention he would not nava eUCVi vee. Ili the Ontario Aa• of dent Co. he was insured for$5, 000 and he is a member of several eonfetiee of town. The townspeople were indeed greatly earprieed to hear of thenad event and glad to learn it did not prove fetal. Everyone hopes he will speedily recover from the shook. MCTi1110p. A kitchen 10x30 feet ie being put thie season by J. J. Irvine. Joe.. Crozier, 12th con., has put u doe bank born. It is 50x70 feet. bee wee on the 10th. A number of McKillop Liberate will tend the Liberal Convention at Bruit on Tneeday of next week. Wm. Reeme had the small bone of leg broken while assisting at the b raising of John Crozier. A stick of ti be rolled against it. A steam well drilling outfit has b purchased by Robert A. Bell, fr Petrone,. Tbe engine ie one of the B foundry make of Seaforth. Alex. Roes, who has had a blaokem shop at Leadbory for the past seven yea intends removing to Sault Ste. Mar His family Ywit! also go. We wish b stamen. We are sorry to hear that J. Staff° is not very ragged this Spring. He b a spell of bleeding at the lunge a sb time ego. His old friends hope he w soon regain good health. New REoIaEooEe.—Tbe masonsare at work on the foundation of a 2 story brick ootiage, 26x36 feet, for Thos. Davidson, 12th line. It will have a cottage roof. - Wm. Somers has the stone and brink contract and John Hunter, of Cranbrook, the wood work. Iaaaa MoGavin, of the same line, will also erect a new brick real. dense. Jae. Hill, of Blytb, has the job. -Wm. MaGavin is going to be in the aehion so will put up a modern brink welling. -Wm. Holmes haslet a contract or hie new house to Wm. Somers, of Winthrop, and the carpentering to 300. Hunter. -A new frame kitchen is being alit to the residence of Wm. Smith, 2th non. McKillop leads the van and is of excelled by any other township. Onreueny.-Still another of Huron's onored pioneers has departed ad thi s life. bIre. Jae. Kerr, of the gravel road, Ma- illop, died on Sunday, 12th inst. Mrs. err's departure was very Budden. She ad been in the enjoyment of her usual ealth when, in passing from one room another, she was attacked by paralysis, d, failing to the floor, expired almost mediately. She was seventy-one years age. Her maiden name was Ieabella ampbell. She was a native of Stirling. ire, Scotland. She was married to her t0 husband fifty years ago, and two ye after their marriage they took their neymoon trip to Canada. They first ttled in Hamilton, and in 1855 came to e County of Hurn, and settled on the rm in MoKillop, where she continued reside until her death. That part of e oon0try was then newly settled and ostly a wilderness, and the deoeaoed re bravely and uncomplainingly the rdehipe and privations incident to neer life, and did her part well in help. to convert the bash farm into a nom• table and prosperoae homestead. Her eband died about eighteen yearn ago. e was a true wife and an indulgent and ing mother. Being of a kind-hearted eheerfol disposition, she wee much eemed by all who knew her, and in early daye was always willing to ren. cheerful aid and comfort to those in d. She was a sincere, unpretentious letian woman, who both by precept mple made her infleenee felt for good hatever sphere she moved. The re - ns were laid to reef in the Maitland - k aemetery,beeide those of her late hoe- d, on Tuesday, and the respect in oh she was held in the neighborhood, up pa The at- sele his aro m• eco om ell ith re, ie. f01 rd ad ort ill a 1 n h K K b to an im of O eh la da bo se th fa to th bo ha plc ing for lin Sh lov and eat the der 1105 Ohr axe in w mai ban ban whi v an { It hors h int ' l ved So long, ate well us eyMOS tity felt for the bereaved fawoe mily, member"„wltotly attended00t ad ptythe lu t trihnteresood women), i She �leee A family ot to the f of 0008 and three daughters, all of whom are grown up and prosperous in life, 110 etei*, The Public Sate! wheeling olub teak a spin to Hrneali end report a pleasant time. Rev, Canon Richardson, M, A,, of London preauhed in the Trivitt Memorial obaroh on Sunday. In Exeter a By-law has been paused lixiog a fee of $50 fur the privilege of set. ling a garottes in town. Mr, 1 itton's offer of25 $ per yen, to keep the town (look in repair for a term of three years bee been aooepted. Mrs. Piper uuderwent a enrgioai °pet'. Atkin for the removal of an internal trouble, She i0 reoovoriug nicely. John Hind, of Elmville, who is a mem. her of Court I, O. F., No, 128, Exeter, received from the abovecourt the, first of an annuity beneficiary of $100, having attained the age of 70, John Allison finished the tree planting around the new part of the cern, wry, oleo tilling in the gaps in the old part of the gr, midi with young trees. Iu all 134 optrees war e P lent ad. John Rendte met with a painful acci- dent, which might have resulted in the loss of two or more of his fingers, It appears he and J„lin Manning were pat. ting ioe in the refrigerator and one of the chunks being too large Mr, Manning took the axe to eat it in two. It was placed on a plank and just 00 Mr. Manning went to make the blow the ohank slipped and at the same time Mr. Randle made an attempt to atop it, when the axe came in contact with hie hand, cutting a painful wound in the fore finger and bruising the other somewhat. It was only the dull. nese of the axe that saved his fingers, env A carcass of beef wee seized end dee. troyed in London South by order of the mediae' health officer. If Toronto City Council consents the Provincial statue of Queen Victoria will be erected on the site now occupied by the Macdonald monument which will be given another site. Cast/ for Wool 1 The highest cash price will be paid for any quantity of wool delivered at the Brussels Wool- en Rill. If preferred will ex- change for rolls or blankets, clothes, yarn, flannels, &c. B. DERRY, Brussels Woolen Mill. A School of the Highost Standing CENTRAL. i le ,.r -''S$ ta't1or ,,,OTI?lt The large patronage that our College len- and womentof Canada that where to come fora reliable business education. No two Bueineea Oollegea are alike therefore be careful in ohoosing a school. Get our cata- logue. Our etudeut0 are remarkably suc- cessful in securing and bolding excellent situations. Students admitted at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Important to Bteedere and Horsemen. Eureka Veterinary Caustic Balsam. A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavine, Sweeney, oto., etc„in Boras° and Lump Jaw , in Cattle. 01800E nrana "See oomph - let which accompanies every bottle, giving aoiontiao treatment in the various diseases.” It can be used in every ease of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no enPEiuOR. Rvery bottle sold is guaranteed to give eatie- faction. Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all druggieta and country storekeepers. Pre- pared by Tmo EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London. Out. ti , UALIKOAMTS UST Last week we bought 1111„y'd, V0U'f'firh a large stook of and 110T 'S CLOTHING from th3 treeless of the 03tate of John Calder t& Oo., of Hstnillon, who have a Kone into liquidation. .Tula firm was one of the largest munafaotnr• ars of Clothing in Denude and made a epeoialty of Fine Clothing, and as the goods were offered at very low prices tor oasb we tools advantage of it, end we can now offer you fit'st•olaes goods at lee° than manofactnrere wholesale prices. This stook added to our Spring purchasers makes our olothiog stock larger than we have room for and to retinae our stook to proper proportfoue we will eommenee 8 great clearing sale this week of the enthe °took ata reduction of from 15 to 20 per cent from regular prices. Don't olds the ahauoe of buying new lint class, up•to dote goods at pries¢ like these ; Boye'Fine Wool Serge Suite, with vestee and sailer Dollar, nicely braided, f c Y buttons, til el'LBe from 22 . t00e L $8.35 for an $2 75. 0 28, regular price Boys' two -pima Suite, blue Serge, fanny mixed and Halifax tweeds iu sizes from m22to2 J et,25 1 $ , $ 1.50 and 62. Youths Saito,in plain and fancy n c t weed Y a abort at $3 $3.50, $3.95, $4 50 and $5. pante, sizes 29 to 98, Men's Blue and Black Serge Suits for 3,50 and 33.75. Men's Floe Check and Fancy Tweed Suite, lined wiih the best far. mer'° satin, French facings, $4,50, $5 and 96. Wilton & Turnbull Hardware and Builders' Supplies. 0 R Y 0 U R Barb and j Plain. . . Fence . Wire. . . Those who have Fencing to do should try our American Steel Wire Fence, the best Woven Fence on the market. Safe and sure. Hardware of all kinds. Tinware of all kinds. Eve Troughing and Ordered Work a specialty. Estimates given. t ut ill di I fl[GGIS I BUCCIES I IN ALL STYLES. � Bums! EWAN & CO., BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demand of the public for en,v kind of wheeled rig as they have a FINE, LARGE Stools from the BEST Mannfaatarere in Canada, in addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a specialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyree Wheels, the tyre being pat on your own boggy wheels while you wait, or we can supply both wheels and tyre at vary low prices. Every owner of a good boggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan ee Go. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but first aloes workmen, D. Ewan will devote a good share of his time in attending to the sale rooms an the Go. bas secured a first•olaoo Horse Sheer for the blaakemith shop, All wood work in our line and general blsokemitbing done on our premises and at as low figures as can be obtained anywhere. Onr own make of Baggies thiee and for STYLEs year are all 3e iRToohee longer in the body than other n. We use the long distance, 1,000 miland e e, o0ne or two oiunapt inge in a eeaeoo is all they require. It wilt pay anybody who wants a firet•olaae rig to come 25 miles to see our Show Rooms this season before buying as our assortment is large and good and we ere always well pleased to have people call and examine our stook which is the largest ever shown iu Brooaele. 0H'We mean bnein008. EWAN W 100. e Braesele. Makers, &o., Buggies, Wagons, Carte and Wheelbarrows always on hand. 39-1.A.ai-rroisTaD Ics .112 Wool and Union Carpets. 41Z Wool Russ and Japanese Matting, in Plain and Fancy Patterns. .Lace and Chenille Curtains. FASHIONS. Before you make your Spring or Summer Dress come and examine our stook of Standard tttsigere tlish dlfittingerfect nfor 520a and 25e, The "Designee” iehbotkgazine of alepublishedanywhereat 10o, May Palterne, Deeignere and Fashion Sheets now in took. Wo keep the Patterns in stook. We give the Fashion Sheets FREE. FABRICS. We have a large assortment of Spring and Summer Fabrics in inany beautiful Patterns and Designs ;- DIMITIES -While, White and Mauve, White and Red, White and Blaolt, plain Gray and all Bleck, MERLAWNS-Entirely new, very dainty patterns for Weide or Whole Dresses. FOULARDS-Beaatifel fluid], ISlue and White, stack and White and Panay Patterns. - PIQUES -.White and Fancy. GING/UM-stripes with Lace Effect, and Checks; splendid for Children's Wearing MAGNET TWILL -The beet material we have ever shown for Boys' Blonsea or Whole Suits, PRINTS -A, large assortment to choose from at the old prices. Boots and Shoes for 31e72, Wo712en and Children. Oxfords' Latest Styles. Yen/ ,Nice Line of Children's !Shoes in, Black and Tan, Everything Cheap. 046 .I rr arrEt•AT.ciztisigavo No Fancy Prices.