HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-23, Page 3Fall% tIF TEA S.
Shower's of Trouble Somewhere Ail
the Time.
deenttiele teem Washington sage; and, Meng Out ear help, I w trou-
t -Rev. Dr,Talmage I/entailed trora b1e, myencode, (hat temeele is Peel our
tee eoutgetua ota, „ood 0,41 wive ,lepeAdep.00 epee Gen We «o not know
ur wealertetie or God's Strength until
away all tears erone thee: etres,"t^ the lael, plant breaks. It is contempt-
Rat,. 17. Lble in em, when there nothino oleo
What jet the flee of tears? why net to taiee hold of, that We catcall hold
tioleetituto laughter/ Whe tot make onfh,T)(titeewilYee7nY' 7°9' do not Icn°W
Lo not en auto.
thle world where ell the Weenie ere orat, seated ear up in a palette, ereen
well, and eternal straagers to pains vvhich he emerges once a year, p10
end aches? 'at le the use of an ceded by beralde ewingirig swords to
Eatnern storm when we intglit bay° Vieux' ihe way. No; but a tater', will -
g, at our call, to stand hy us in every
e. PerPettila l'Or'WOSISr? 'Wien a origin aeol prodteament of life. When
ferntly is pen together why not have you get in financial perplexity, you
them gtay, if they be 'trans- oall oat the brolter, yet; cell on your
planted to make other bomee, oredilors, you cell = your lawyer,
- for legal counsel, on cell %Pan every.
kgote tbem all live, the family record beteg a,d „ban yo, eaunet get any
telling a story oe marriages and help, then von. go to God, Yoe say:
hernia, but of no deaths? Why not "Oh I Lord, Icome to thee, Help me
Lord eomee; though It ite the eleven
hour. Ile Says: "Why did you not Bretons went oat to beetle. The
send for me before? Ae one whom' Saxotus were all araund. The Bretons
leened aratteen and ealdnnhere
tobor, titoxv J4 mother, there Le
grandfather, there is greechnothen
Wien are whole elrelee of kludree, al
e thought to reenelf, "together in the
graine-tOgether in glory," aM 00
impretned with the theeglet that I at>
not. Male le Is fanaticteM. when seine
ene is going fro= tbie world to the
next et you make them the beerer
dIspatehee to year friends who are
gone, aaying "give Tay love to tele
Panenin--,giee my love to my childree
-tette My love to my old oorarades
who are in glory, cited tell them I aea
tnyin,g to figlet the goad fight a fette
and I will jenl them after awhile."
I believe the II:leas:we will be
exec', end believe it Will Increase the
gladoese of tlecee who are before the
Ittle, friends take this good ober
home with Yon Those wizs a 1a,..
reavenaent tbat eourse .your oneelr,
and of perseetteloa ancl oe trial, are
not always to be there. The mother-
ly hand of God wion them, all
away. What is the use,the Wee'
to sutch odosommeton-what is
the tee of fretting Omit: enythiog?
01 what an axle:iteration: it aught to
be In Chritstian worke
See you, the painaeles against the
sky? It es the city of oar God; aod
we are approaching it. 01 let us be
busy in the fowl days that shall re-
main for us. The Saxons and the
now out of my perplexity," and the
have the harvests chaste each other
Without Leaguing toil, and all our
hornet( afflicted? Why the hard
pillow, the hard crust, the hard
atruggle7 It is easy enoup,th to ex-
plain a mails or a euccese, or a eon -
gratulation; but come, now, aud bring
aI1 your dietionarien and all your
philosophies, and all your religions,
and help me this morning to explain
a tear. A chemist will telt you that
it ie salt and limo, and other com-
ponent parte; but he misses the cbief
inorediente-the acid of a soured life,
the viperan sting of a bitter memory,
the fragments of a broken heart. I
evill tell you what a tear is. It is
agony in solution.
Hear me than, Ilia morning, while
I discourse to you of the ministry of
tears, and of the ending of that min-
istry, when God shall wipe them all
First, it is the ministry of teere to
keep thie world from being too
attractive. Something must he
done to nxalr.e us willing to quit this When a man has gone through the
exiatenee. If it were not for tron- ourriculum, and has taken a couree of
me this world would be a good dungeons and imprisonments and
enough heaven for me. You and 1 shipwrecks, he is Qualified for the
would be willing to take a lease of work of Sympathy. God make me the
thin life for a hundred million years son of oonsolation to the people. 1
if there were no trouble. The eartb would rather be the paeans of soothe
cushioned and upholstered and pil- ing one perturbed spirit to -day, than
Jared and chandelier= with such an to play a tune that would aet all the
expanse, no story of other worlds sons of =nth reeling in the dance.
=old enchant me We would say: I am an herb doctor. I put in the
"Let well enough alone. If you want caldron, the root out of dry ground
to die and have your body disinte- without form or comeliness. Then I
grated in the duet, and your soul go Pot be the Rose of Sharon and the
out on a celestial adventure, then Ley of the valley. Then I put into
you can go; but this world is good the oaldron eome ot the leaves from
enough lor nee." No ream wants to the tree of life, and the branch that
o out of this world, or out of any was thrown into the wilderness Mar -
house until he has a better house. To
cure this inordinate wish to stay here,
Got' must somehow create a disgust
his Mother comforteth go will loom'
fort you." It is to throw us back
upon an all -comforting God that eve
had no weapons at all, and yet history
bells tie the Beitorts got the victory.
Wee? They nret into battle shout -
enc three neaps "halletujahl" And
have 'hie ministry of tears.
"keno Aseende Into Itearen," lisito /I, *A
get net* 4, 141, OuPlen Tonto AOC 24. el.
Verge 1. The Roemer treatise, The
Gospel 0,00or515g to Loire, 0 Teen.
Whin The 001101 to whom the gee.
Del 01Luke ag welt as the/ Aote oe
the enmities WAS dedicated. It le
generally assumed that be was A
Greek becatiee el 1115 Creelt name,
hot that 10 tot: a eertainte, 201?Xews
frequently had Greek nainee, as, for
inataeoe, lPbilip coad Andrew, and that
„at wag a man of clietiaction, be -
cameo of the phrase "most excellent"
which is associated with hie name in
the dedication 01 the gospel -a phrase
wlmioh ie elsewhere used OA a compile
neent 10 addreasing meo of position,
As he ministry of tem at ' the ibled shout on "ballelujah"
Again: g it
to capacitate us for the office of syrae 1 that enemies fled panic struck, and
panty. The priests, under lhe old dine oe the Britgot the victoxy. And
pensation, were get apart by having' ney friends, Lf sve could only appreoi-
hands, fact ate the olonies that are to =me, we
water sprinkled on their
and heads • and by tbe sprinkling of should be so filled with enthusiatnn
tears pool& aro now set apart to the , that no power on earth or hell °paid
effete of sympathy. When we aro In i stand before tes, and at mer ferst shout
prosperity, we like to have a great' the aPPosIng farces would begin to
many young people around us, and, teremble, and at our settond shoat,
We laugh when they laugh, and we at
would begin to fall back, and
ramp when they romp, and we sing at our Wird ohout they would be
when they ning ; but when we have rouLed forever. There is no power on
Lrouble we like plenty of old folks earth or In hell that could stand be -
around. Why 0 They know how to Lore three such volleys of hallelujah.
talk, 0 I it takes those DeoPle who I put thits balsam on the reesent
have hed trouble to comfort others wounds in me, congeogation. Deetth
in trouble. Where did Paul get has swung a sharp keen, sword
the Ink with which to write, his oom- through this church since I have
torting epietle? Where did David Wan gone. I was not hare to cora-
get tho ink to write his comfronting feet you then. Rejoice at the
Paalme? Where did John get the ink thought of what nour denarted
to write his. oomforting Revelation? friends have got rid of, and that you
They got it out of their own tears. have a prospect of so soon making
your own escape. Bear cheerfully the
ministry of tears, and exult at tbe
thought that sooa it is to bei ended.
a% for example, it Aces 21, 9 and
Ade 20, 25. Jesus began a work
whieh was to be carried oe by bls
apostles, To do and teaoh. His
life wadan exemplification of tbe
doctrines be taught.
2. The day in which he wan taken
up, The day of the ascension. He
through the Holy Ghost had given
commandmente unto the aposeles
whora he had chosen. This may
mean tinier that the spooial com-
mondmente here alluded to were giv-
en to the apostles, not by our Lord
pereonally, but by the Holy Ghost as
an agency; or it may mean that the
Lord, hinmelf anointed by the Holy
Ghost, gave the commandments. The
queen= is one of little practical
& To whom also he showed himself
alive. Ho demonstrated his life
after death; made plain in many ways
0, Wien° they beheld, As they
wore Woking. They were (tersely
Watolltnn, fano 24. 51. go Was token
tep, Mart; 10. 15. "Tbe ageereelon is
0101 eneorden by the other tem 01505-
1 11,t ie aliened to by Raul,
Leh. 4, 2, 10; 1 Tien 0, 10." nelond
reneeeed bine Met tee their sight.
bright 010nrd Of glory was tbe symbol
preseoce. eta.= e inoed led
Moen, and bie follewere ever the
eleeert oe Sinai.; neon a °load abode la
tbe holy Ingo% eettoll a cloud bed
oversbadowed Jenne oa the Mount
of Transeiguretion. 1,111te'ti stateineat
tbat oun Lord wee engaged iu 1)10'-
bIs disolples when be dleapPeer-
ed, Luke 24, 50, is oe great interest.
By eleasing them he acted as their
great Higle Prieee conseereting those
Whom he scut forth to bless in Ins
name, The last woods which he WaS
beard to speak on earth were words
en blessing-proofe oR 1115 ableeing
love; aesuranete oR IOj efeotual pro -
ah, Than I pour in the tears of Be-
thany. and Golgotha. Then I stir
them up. Then I kindle under the
Nineteen 'Wears were Occupied In' Ile
owner In Building* It.
Frank Bahacek, a Bohemian watch-
maker, oe Chicago, hag a wonderful
oloek upon which he hae been work -
for our surroundings. How shall he caldrons. etre made out of the tvood
do RV He cannot afford to deface his of the uroas, and one drop of that
berizon. or to tear off a fiery panel pawn will cure the worst aiokness
from the sunset, or to subtract an that ever afflicted a human soul.
anther from the water -lily, or to • Mary and Martha Shall receive their
banieh the pungent aroma from the Lazar ea 1 rora the tomb. The Damsel
mignonette, or to drag the robes of Shall rine. Arid on the dankness shall
the morning in the mire. How then break the morning, and God glean wipe
are we to be made willing to leavel all tears from then eyes. You know
Hero is where the trouble comes in. on a well spread table, the food be -
After a /nen 'has had a good deal of comes inore delicate to the lost. I
trouble he says: "Well, 1 am ready have fed you Una morning with the
to go. If there IA a house somewhere bread of coneolation. Let the table
whose roof doesn't leak, I would like be °leered and let us set on the ohal-
to live there. If there is an atmos- ices of heaven. "01" says some wise
phew somewhere that doesn't distress
„. orlon° in the audience,. "the Bible con -
the lungs, I would like to breathe et. tradiets legate. It intimates again and
If there n a society aomewhere Where again that there are to be no tears
there Le no tittle-tattle, 1 wonid m :- , eeaven, and if there de no tears'
like to live there. If there ite a home in heaven, how is it poesible that God
circle somewhere where I can feed will svipe any away'?" 1 answer, have
friends, I would like to go there." He
„ you never 50510a child crying one 000.
01 to road the first Part of en° relent and laughing the next, and
Bible chiefly; nOw he made the last while she W11$ laughing you saw the
part of the Dible chiefly. Why has tear a still on her face 1 And perhaps
he changed Geneais eor Revelation ? you stopped leer ht the very midst of
Ah I he used to be anxious =lefty to her ream:awl glee and wiped off those
know how this world was made, delayed tear. So, I think after the
and all about its geological construe- heavenly raptures bare come upon
tion. Now be Is chiefly etaxious to ua, there may be the merle of some
know how the next world was, made earthly grief, and while tbreee tears
and how it leeks, and Wila lives there, are glittering in the tight of the Sas-
and how they dress. He reads Re -
Per sea, God will wipe them away. HOW;
volution ten times nOur where he reads
te well he can do that 1 Jesus had enough
Oreneels °nee' Ilt old °ton% "In' `tee trial to make him sympathetio with
beginning God created the heavens
a • all trial. The ahortest verse in the
and the earth," does not thrill htm
halt eo much as the other story, "I
arese a new heaven and a new earth,"
The old lumina hand trembles as he
name over this apocalyptic) leaf, and
he hue to take out his handkerabiet
to wipe hie speetacnes. It wag not
until nob hod been worn out with be-
reavemente and carbuncles and apest
ot a wile, thet he wanted to aee God.
It was lea until the prodigal got
tired of living aniOng the hogs that
he wanted to go to Itig faihern houee.
Tt 13 the minestry of trooblu to make
thia 'world worth less and heaven
worth more.
Aguin: It le the ministry of trou-
ble to make ue feel our complete de-
pendence upon God. King Alphonse)
said that if ha bad been present at
the creation, he could ,s. have made a
Bible tells the story: Jesus wept.
The scar on the back of either hand,
and the soar on the arch oft either
foot, the row of snare along the) lime
of the hair will keep all heaven think-
ing. I do not lertome hue some day
Oleist may throw off his robe and
lay it over the side tel the throne,
and paint to the lacerations On his
shoulders, showing where the plough..
urs plougbed upod his back and made
long their Luanotes. 01 that groat
weeper is just the one to silence all
earthly trouble ond wipe out all
stains of earthly grief. Gantlet
Why, his elep is softer than the step
of the dew. It will not be a tyrant
bidding an incarcw
erated retch hush
up his howneeg, It tvill he a Father
who ke will tayou on hie left term., his
better world tha
face glee:mom Into veer face, while
n I
pity lie was not presentl lac) uot know with the soft tipg of the fingers, of
the right hand, Ile shall wipe [tweet
what God will do when some men die.
Men think they can do anything, until all bears Irene Your ente.
God showe them that they own do Have yon any appreciationibis
tolling at all. We lay out our great repelling of the good, and glorious
plata and we line to execute them, times your friends are baying in
It looks big. God cornea and tekes us heaven? Hew different Lt is when
daWn. M Prometheus was assaulted they get news there of e, obrisiimvs
by lila enemy, when the lance struck death neon what: is here. It: 13 the
Itiett it opened a great swelling that difeerence between embarkation and
hied threatened Ins death, and he got coming into port. Evero thing doe
well. So it is the arrow of troable penes upon wbich side of the river you
that leta out our great swellings et stand when you heal at a Ohristian's
pride. We neVer feel our dependnoe deatb. If you stand on this 'aide of
epon God until lye got trouble. Can the river you mourn that they go. If
you tiot tell when you hear a man yoa stand on the other aide of the
pray whether be luta ever hd a Y th , 01
trouble? I can. The cadence, the the diffesence between a funeral ott
phraseology indicate it. Why do Ivo- earth and a jubilee in heaven -be -
men peay better than mu101 Itecense tenon regain:re here and triunaphel
thee pave Jam mote tremble. _Before worth there-part.log here end re -
a man has had any trouble his ePray- anion there, Together). Hare you
era are pootie, and lie begina away Op thoughe of it. They ore together,
amorig the stun moon and stars, and Noib 0010 01 yOlJ7 eld friends
gives the Lord a great deal of astron- but together in different rooms ot the
onaleal intormation, thin Must be high- stone houee-the hottee of Many man-
ly gratifying. Ho then comes &Ave alone. Tegothetn I never appreceit-
g.radually or beautiful table- at s d Ibut (bcOu41ht o mu�h
ot "forever and one amen," nut after when we laid away in her
1 man has bad trolible, prayer 15 571111 last ,lumber my sister Sara, Stead -
him a taking hole of the arm 01 God 1015 tharo 13 110 village cemetery 1
ing eilettly and secretly for nine-
teen yearn
For twenty entire the clock has
been the dream and one passion of the
old maga, and now that it is almost
complete the le delighted. It is a
giant among auch curiosities and was
so large tvlion Ike work on it was
begun that Bohacek had to move from
his little horns at West 18,113 and
Wood streets into a two-story frame
lease, wbitne he built purposely to ac-
comntodate the clock. Nov no get
it out he will have to tear down the
walla or else take the timepieee apart
and set it up again. IP stands nine-
teen feet high and its fifteen feet
square at the base. Its uppermost
part eztentle nearly to the roof of
the house, there being no flooring in
the second atory.
The one part that remaine to be
added is an orchestra and u phono-
graphic attachment, whioh will do
the talking for the thirty automatons
carved by the Bohemian woodcarvers,
the only outside assistance Bobacek
called to aid hem Four dialsr appear
an the huge front of the( elocic. Tha
largeet one is in the center, and on
it are eepreaented the sum tho moon,
the earth and the four seasons.c The
aun is successfully imitated by a
large red electric globe evideli ia 1)100-
01 in the, centre of the dial.
To the outside edge is added a
world globe. A silver moot revolves
about it monthly, and planet and sa-
tellite make the circle arollald the sun
in 505 &We. The world globe, or
earth, revolves every twenty-four
Surrounding the huge dial the Ma-
sons are painted and through them
the planet tend Antenna pass accurate-
ly. The second dial is of the ordin-
ary cloak, The third in a twenty -
fear hour dial. The fourth is one
having three hand, whieh mark re-
spectively the day, the month and
the week of the year. Inaidse the
tOock are located the thirty figures
which pass every half haur before an
opening above the aline. Here aro
represented every president from
1Vaeltingt001 down to McKinley. Tho
°there are figures of Uncle Sam,
Dewey, Franklin, Columbia and an
Indian. The olock rivale tin Stras-
burg wonder and has thus far cost
the maker $1,000. It is operated by
five sixty -pound weights and will nut
eight days without winding.
teellen Peever.
0, While they looked steadfastly
towere heeven es he went up. Full
of unspeekoble delight and ouriesito
and sorrow. Beeold, astonishing to
say, two men stood by them in white
ePliarel. "Men in white apparel" is
o Phrase repeate4ly u,sed to describe
11. Ye men of Galilee. Tlaat they
were Galilean/3 was prebably evident
both by their dress and their accent.
To accast them en such was not as
offensive in that nay as such fami-
liarity would be with us. Why stand
pe gazing up into heavene A mast
natural thing for them to do,so long
as they had thoroughly secular eon -
captions. Far a physical. Man to rise
from tbe earth acd to be hidden by
an ascending cloud was marvelous
enough to LIX any eyes upon the
place where be bad welshed. The
for= of the angel's question'"Whyt"
is that they ahoulel have by tins time
disoovered that the things of the
kingdom of God are not concerning
the "flesh and blood," and that it
needs a spiritual eye, an eyes of
faith, to follow the Lord on his jour-
ney te the sight hand of God the
Father Almighty. This seine. Jesus".
shall so coma in like mariner as ye
have seen him go into heaven. Good
man sometimes forget that this brief
statement, SO Dull ot meaning to us
all, weS made almost immediately af-
ter our Lord's statement, "It is not
for Yon to knoon times or eteaSonS."
It is possible lo spend too much time
and too reetondite study in endeavors
to ascertain precisely when and pre-
cisely bow our Lord Will eeme. Let
us calmly believe the words of Scrip-
ture end recognize that the most im-
portant thing for us is to have our
Lord with us every moment of our
lives; then 00 50.191005 can be disaster.
hia resurrection. Passion. An old
English word tor "suffering," here
referring to our Lord' death. By
many infallible prools. The Revis-
ed Version emits the word "infalli-
ble," not to weaken but to strengthen
the statement. Being seen of them
forty days. Literally, "through
forty days," or, as the Revised Wr-
ens has it, "by the space of forty
day". -that is, at intervals during
that period. Speaking of the things
pertaining to the kingdom of God.
Jesus was Lhe Xing, and might nature
ally be expected to talk of the king-
dom. The dLeciples were to be the
ambassadors or repreeentatives of the
kingdom of God, and would need more
instruction. What they had heard
before but oould not understand
would eome to them with fresh mean-
ing in the light that [hone from the
open grave and from the cloud that
received their Lord.
4. Being aasombled together with
them. Perham in Jerusalem on the
day of Lhe intension, perhaps at an
earlier date. Commanded them that
they should not depart from nerusa-
lene., but wait. Compare Luke 24. 49;
sCS John 14. 10. Though they thus
wailed, they were far from being
idlers, for their time was spent in
prayer and conference. The promise
a the Father. The gif 1 en the bless-
ed Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom
God the Father had promised by his
prophetin the Old Testament to
sanctify the hearts of his faithful
People, Ian 44. 8; Beek. 8626,27; Joel
2. 28, 29, and which Jesus hip:wolf
had promised but a few days before'
Sohn 14. 15, M. Ye have heard of
me. Notably in the long communica-
tion he bad with them during and
after the Lord'a Supper, as recorded
to the lent chapters of John.
5. For John truly baptized with
water; but ye shall 130 baptized with
the Holy Ghost not many days hence.
These are the very words of Jelin, the
Baptiat, Luke 3. 10. The baptism
with water wag the symbol and type
of the baptism of the Holy Gleciet. The
baptism of Ole Holy Ghost was to be
raorm,mental in ite manner and in its
abundance. The Holy Spirit had
been in their Innate before, but they
were to wait for something unpreoed-
mated. The "not many days bane"
proved to be tete 910 says 'not
mnny' that they may hope; he dont
not eay bow few in order that they
may watch."-Ohrysostom.
O. When they therefore wore come
together. 'Ibis would seem to be on
the Blount of Olinea, near to Bethany.
During the very Mat interview they
had with the Lord they asked of him,
"they kept, flaking him," Lord, wilt
thou at tine time reetore again the
kingdom to Tenni? "The disciples
had tot yet unlearned their notions
of a temporal kingdom." Their na-
tion Ives tributary to the leomans.
The disciples had =Itch at spiritual
discernment but their old way of
WHO ONIIVAD wan paw,
0. Oars They ere eowards-Ther dgweya
Send 1118 Germaue Into the Dengerene
neettleas end Nene Mien etnenteetves.
Merlon the coarse of tee present
WSW fo Seneh, Afrinai more -than one
bitten nottegelaitet bon been ruined IV
the lereneh or German helpers oe the
Boers ae to tee manner in whittle their
eltandeets have beau re:Vitae. A lieut.
matt ole Col. Velleben no Mancini' bas
already pubblehed a beak exPosion
their treatment of that oallaot officer
and the Foreign Legion In general, Ite-
ceetly the tale 1,1210 talon up by. the
letter ot a German offieer, at preeent
a p15n'e 001 Ceylon, win.= aePeare
in The Load= Tenses, The fon
lowing are a 'LOY entracte nornl nets
intexestlog doonment: When there
was en attaek pleated, the Germane
alwaye were sett ito the most danger-
oas positione, and were used especial-
Tie was a alurdy, bronzed young col-
lier, with a square resolute chin and
clear aea-blue eyee. ellen/At he
watehed tbe. wedding party drive
away trate the ehurch gates, and then
jerked hie thumb oVer his shoulder
in the direction of the retreating
Pine wench, ain't tehe ha remark-
ed to a gentleman ;standing by. A
gel any feller might be proud to tall
his misses. Sbe's leanly lase Ah ever
wanted to wed, or ever than.
The gentleman Iseented a romance.
Then you'll linty a bachelor tor ter
enne he feelkigly obeerved.
Ay, the bonier answered, lighting
hie pipe, But 11 won't be Inc ever,
uvenor, Bill an' me both fancied her,
an' we Itnew olio Ivor eemee &neck on
ins; but We'Ve been mates all oer
livee ane hen done ine Melly a good
.0.E0113. WITH. 1,ENOLE130
Nelabbeitrir Interest 113 lee Poteetaellen
WS or element RSA Dern' Gallieren
terms We Weenie,
5115 areateentee4 that New TorkState
tax rate will thee year be tbe lowest
them 1855.
The rallwayg in the United Seethe
support about 4,000,00e persons MO
their feral:Ben .
r111110 D. AM:eaten will dividett 515,-
000,000 among nee evidetv, gen, and two
The eeerage price received by all
the gen oompaeles L Massachueetts
ie 81.10 per thouttancl.
It la eetimated that the foresee of
tbe Philippine /elande eover an area
of about 40,000,000 acmes,
The menioal department of the Renee
line adopted tee theory that yellow
fever is traosmitted only by MOSt11.11.-
Messachusetts has a law against
ly to protect the little guns, Which . the trap shootuog of live lateehe and the
should not be eolerated in
Ware opposed to h ouca terrible eon. ftraelja°
agla.nStaFtl:6;nolsoo is now in size the
ninth oity In the Union, and acoord-
ingto ra
a aS a papule-,
In the Gettysburg National Parlt 225
recanted canna= have bean placed,and
a total of 810 =entwined tablets and,
about 500 inonumente have been or -
Mho Carnegie Company, ot the big
Steel Trust, has secured a contract
to furniah 20,000 tons of plates to a
Belfast thin -building concern for
ed the greatest difficulties. %he When in 1881 President Garfield
lenglesh ineanteo is splendidly ineeve , succumbed to the bullet of an asses' -
ad ree. th.er.ski.stehuleanthrwaarse gcoaopdtairshoetas,1 8thit gaultecern awlreantge
paep'elrosden0a±1 retrt
an English ocnonel, who was anther Mrs. Garfield.
haughty, asked nue which English 1
Arizona newspapers declare that
general I thought the best., where- t
eenerated ariillery fire, and the Boers
Were not able to stand that. . .
I am very sorry to say that loin of
the Doers were awful cowards during
those days, and I pity the brave Gene
oral Botha, who had to seed them ao
repeatedly baok bo their positions.
In criticizing 0411 0011:1dWit of the
campaign tees welter says:
1 initist confess that the English, 04 -
though they were sometimes headed
by bad generals, very often believed
like good eoldie,ra and finally defeat -
An Alliance Between Vitae Countries
Not at All Probable.
The recent visit of the Relive naval
squadron to Woolen and the attend-
ant ceremonies recall the visit of the
Russian fleet to the same eity several
years ago. On that occasion the inn
pulsive Frenchman embraced Russian
sailors be the streets, and the Frenah
preas went wild. over the alliance with
Russia. There have been predictions
that the later naval demonatration
would have political bonsequences sim-
ilar to the earlier, and that Italy
would help to form a new Triple Alli-
ance by becoming a party to the al-
liance between France and Russia.
Ef0 such result is probable. It is
true that there ia dissatisfaction in
Italy with the present Triple Allianee
or Dreibund, in which Germany and
Austria are partners with Italy. Tbe
present Italian Mineeter of Foreign
Affairs beeore be resumed the respon-
sibilities of office, led in the attacks
on the Triple Animates on the ground
that it cost Italy much more than
it was worth. Moreover, there are
close eympathies of temperament be-
tween the French and Italians. Half
O oenteny ago they were on terms of
enthusiastie friendship.' But many
things have happened in this interval
and for twenty years Italy has been
associated with Germany, -the tradi-
tional enemy of France, -and with
Anatria-Hiengary, in the alliance
which was one of the mowning ac-
hievements of Prinoe Bismarck's
adroit diplomeent 'Obey have not been
altogethee prosperous years for
Italy, but the blame for that does
not rest with the alliance. It is to
be aecribed rather to the heavy debt
which Italy accumulated during her
unification, and to meetly colonial ad-
The Triple Alltance runa by tea -year
periods, and the present period does
not expire until 1003. The German
Chancellor tea recently deolared that
the Triple Alliance 'was never more
solid than it is to -day, and there
seems no good reason for impugning
his sincerity. Italy wants conce.ssions
from Germany and Auetria in com-
mercial treatio% which arc pending,
and it may be that she thinks that a
upon I instantly answered "Tommy
Atkins." Now they wore looking to
me wen much astonished, not know-
ing what I insole to say by it, and
I had to explain to them, that the
13oean fear nobody else as the English
deer, antelope and mountain (sheep
till soon be exterminated there un-
less immediate steps are taken for
thee preservation.
The number of New York ratinhipal
itafantety. For, in spite of the great empl°Yea seams 10 bu've grown with.
months from about 43,000 to
rentletutizT8 othmemE? Atliktegeirralattj•saysso going niasatIlxy 45,000, and Enderlin have been
id:ratelsb:9ov1.01hes:;:ingiellTodheirolldntee:cisr.haereoij:kfhiieltukezleds- bo:Lecar:aliFbildesathlitenanloopunmegrbaertthioenofnuinbei.tpueranbert'sog
are also good., brave fellows.
violin was 705, while on January 1st,
LOOT THEIR OWN PEOPLE, 19012 the uumber had increased bona,
With regeted to the looting propen- herease el 289, or Inors than 25
skins of the Boors, the weever relates per cent.
Dew after being wouruded at the battle In Cuetoma duty yew York collected
of Krantz Hill- about four timee as much as Rhila-
"The next maralng I was awaken- delphia and Beaton combined last year,
ed by a Dine who had emend me
lying among a couple of slam, and
who breed to pull out my loom boots,
thinking I was deed. I was plunder-
ed out in a fair wine My money,
watch, inflitarry papers, and photos,
thinking led them to suppose that be lime coyness regardeng the renewal
foreTie world ooeld be converted to of the Dreibund will help her to get
what the wants.
Christ It must be converted to c a
ism; and if an why not have Jerusa-
lem the centre of power, and Sows
the visible King? Many Christians
harbor similar thoughts to -day.
7. It ia not for you to know the
Limes or the seasatts, which Um Fath-
er hitth put in his own power. Com-
pare Matt. 24. Thi a response le not
a denial el their belief, but a state-
ment that the limitations of their
knowledge had been reached, Sone
devout mon like God to keep no mya-
8. To recetee Power, after
that the Holy Ghost is eonle Aeon you,
Power la all that anyone wants in
thie world, aid abundant power of
the divine sort would More titan
realize all their dreams at national
and religious greatnese. This pewee
was to come from the Holy Ghoste
ahall be witnesses unto DM. The
Greek ward for "wienesees" is "mar-
tyrs." WItneases in, Lhe early days
were so often compelled to give up
then. lives fOT tile sake of testimony
that the two/ woras came to haw the
game moraine, The f5131'00(1 Of the
Goepal, then, Le not to depend on
argureent or deruonstratiOn, but On
simple testimony to the Hely Geoet,
Both in neenesaleme and in all Judea,
and in Sarneria, and unto tee utter -
Most ptert of the meth, Beginning
at boiled your influence is to bet felt
tern, so Ah jutat stood aaide nit let to the bounds of the nation, ante af-
ben Win her, When she's a widow- tel -that to the etid,s ot the earth,
11 alte ever °coin Iter rtfreetel epee ee kho end of Flow .1
After Ithenester River, he says:
"Now came a genearl breakdown.
High treason was made by the
aowarnly Boars, as nobosly will think
it to be pote,sible. I was disgusted with
this kind ce was. They blookanarded
each other, and espeonlin the foreign-
ers, in a meet terrible way. Bach
geaaral or commandant was jealous
of the other. '1'hey. gave up splendid
page:lona with it trying earnestly to
defend them. They laid down their
arms by hundreds aad thousands.
When they lost a partixas of their
stupidity and the brave behavior of
the Rnglish time, said .some Gan and,
of course, a damned foreigner, must
have betrayed them. They often ran
away from commando and kept Quiet
and said to the, English they would
not fight any more, but when those
now thought the district was pacified
than they took up arms again and
looted what they could get anyhow.
They don't know anything abeut wired
honor or oath. They pa1 white
flap upon 'then' houses and fired in
the neighborhood of the .The Eng-
lish were far to lenient at the be -
and about Bet per cent. of the total
at all the Custom Bouees of the Unite
ed States. ,
Probably the largest Sanday mohool
class in the world is the Bethauy Bible
Union, Philadelphia, taught by Zolan
Wanamaker. The present member.
ship 15 2350. It has just celebrated its
25th anniversary. .
Elihu Root, secretary of war, made
up his mind when he was 10 years old
to be a lawysr, but a combbaation of
encumstances made it impossible for
him to take up the study of law. until
he was over al Tears of age, ,
.Jamea 3. Hill, the railroad magnate,
has so great a number of letters to
read and answer that he has, acquired
Lhe ability. to read a sheet of type-
writing almost at a glance, and rare-
ly omits oatehing all of it that re-
set:pi/reel a reply.
The New York Co-operative haus'.
trial Society, composed of merabere of
trades unions, has been organized to
start co-operative bakeries, groceries
and delicatessen stores, in which the
working people can have a share 01
the profits, in the same way aa in
Britain. _
The latest estimate of the flood
losses 13 Pittsburg, and its vie
ginning of the war, and therefore
einity placea tbem between 32,000,000
etre now in the opposite extreme. Yon and 38,000,000, of whieh the railroad
should hare seen the flourishing tionmenies will suffor 51,000,000; fifty
Beers, This Inoting instinot them, few days, but the water is rapidly
Natal how it etas teed waste by the tphasmet.sand men will be Out of work a
is fan greater than the fighting one," receding, and all further danger le
A noted Fret= cluelliat was at a
Shooting gallery, recently., watching
same pLetol practice.
There waa ono talon who win shoot-
ing very well, and the proprietor was
threatened Nvith the loss of all his
glass balls and swinging, figures.
Every allot seas greeted by tbe epee -
name with exclamations of adniira-
Hon. The duellist looked, on for a
time, and finally, in a calm v.oice,mado
the entering remark:
Ile could not do its well on the
The object of the alighting remark
feinted round and in a loud and an-
gry voice mind:
Who are nee to eay that? Would
you like to best the truth of your
ral,mVailrlink7g"ly 1 replted the unrecognis-
ed duellist, cie be led the way to a
incite:led place.
After taking up their reepootive po-
sitions they drew lots, and it feel to
the duellist to shoot last. '
no waited in silehoe for hie navel.-
ettrene shot, The man fired and mese-
ed. The other lowered bee pistol.
What did I tell you? he said witb
"I'mhetnile.putting his .platel in his poo-
ket, be walked away whitening, .
1Vith aterard to the nvistruetfuthess • The claim in tnade for South Dakota
of the Beer charaeter, the writer that it has for the third conse,cutive
"At Dalmnnutha they put their gun year produ.oed more wealth per capita
than any ther State in the Union,
'Long Tom,,' upoo a hill top, and built o
the tot
could be seen for melee. The En,glish al for last year being 3106,500,-
000. Of tine sum e27,000,000 comes
a, strong intrenatunent, ea that it
e, from live stock, *18,000,000 from core,
toted, of etet-rsc, vonY 'seen the 90ete 315.000,000 Crow wheat, and 312,000,e
Ural of this ,gun =wand it with some
because their position 51015 too long 000 from minerals.
The Peabody Institute, of Peabody,
lyeldete,s. The Boers lose the battle
eltvi that cuhr e sheof tote 1 a to so
dalbeed, et,h's7in:!riaalill.dy biT'ainue3c,e, tribiZtecuncoralneanto- W:Qual" oNTIntsewlaa
their assistance. Now they said that
George philanthropy. It is a
ge Peabody in rectognition of hie
'Long Tom,' and betrayed their tall
sebodyhad given up the position of
N'vho 1„enigxt.late,nmteinatabtsruee, framed in gold, ie
[teeny. You, woutd Dot balieVo. 11 Wean
valued at 359,000, and is inscribed
I tell you that tbe,y said it Intel
the Queen to George
gave ligs position to the En.glish. Al-
Dalneenutha, although I have come ' IP,Oonabdec:clily,; benetactor of the poor al
though 1 eave not eeen the gun at .
eat from Germany weth my, own The old wooden lion and unicorn on
moose% although I have fought for the Old State Mime of Boston are te
them, I can say eemething
with be succeeded by copper figures of tha
clistinetien, although 1 ham been
newel I had betramyetclortthiritra• th" '"--
evennelecl five time poem 8000:10 ,s1,117tutludicvlabLeoadst,sv.ial Tshneveltionioatfo.
*wear a coat of gold leaf and the unie
The lion's crown •will be of the Omen
bofointhgertgepriltelfeturteoydalbyerboislvions, htoh: ojfewoeols.
J03100 was it very courageous man,
and ween, 011e enemy night, he heard
myaterioue noises in his house he took
Only fifty year.% ago but one wo-
e, revolver, and decided thoroughly to roan %Peeked to every ton men. At
explore the place. On reaching the nreseet the ratio is 000 to four. Thirty,
hall the light from his eandle dieolosed years ago two-therels of all the self -
to view re eypleal 13111 nto, laden oupporting 17001130, Were domestics
Vali: a 1.m15bI4 llack, And just on the eernanie. treetley only oneethied 'ere
point of letting himatelf out, so oraployed.
Rolla 1 oried eonee. Come baels,1
you I LOVE PATS. '
What's that / era,' the burglar. Ah, .
yea, the eilver candlestick !Permit mel Mrs, Geogen-Th.eY soys she beteg,
Takes. it from the hand 01 15>0 astotie; lee,r husband terribly'
Jelled ;Towle, and puts it into big 1105.1 Mrs. lIogan-Th,ey exaggerate,
Ten thoustned thanks! Have I for- ,1 Greganl always able to be at
gotten anything Mae hie work a day or two afleeward. ,