The Brussels Post, 1901-5-23, Page 2MARKETS JJ? THE IfOilLD
ra1003 Of Cattle, Cheese, G9!7,111, $0
M the Leading adarkete.
, %Conte, May 2!,-W}eat-0 II heat
comeket la tamer; No, 6 wane an
red winter gold at 67o mantle freighta
to Montreal; and 07 1-2 to 68 143 on
13 1-2a sate to New York; No, 2 goon),
00 1-2e to New, York, and 250, raiddle
fireight te Montreel. 'Spring is sell -
to Milleee at 70c. Manitieba wheat
Meetly, with soles in xaorning a No.
1 bora at 01 1-2o g.i,t., lalontreal
freight ; No. 2 hard, at 87 1-20; and
No. 3 head at 79 to 79 1-2o, At To-
mato and Wet No. 1 hard, 90 1-2e.
At tame of day a oent more wan ask-
aaillifeed-Xerket ia steady; bran,
412 won ; and Shorts, 314 west. West -
con mitten( are ;telling small lots of
bran at 315 and ahorta at $17.
Corn -Market eteady at 42o for
Canadian yellow, west; aod et 47 1-20
to 48o, Toronto; mixed is quoted at
41 1-2e west; American 60o here for
No. 3 yellow.
taye-The maeleet is quiet, with
mines steady at 490 middle freights.
Bucksvhesat--Mairket dull at 530
mat and Me, middle freights.
Pean-nteatly, at 660 west; and at
66c middle treeghta to Montreal.
Olawley-Market in demand, but no
trail lotoffered. No. 2 quoted at 50c
lake poeta; and at 44 to 450 middle
freights; No. 9 extra, 42e, middle
Oate--Firra, witb moderate otter -
items; No. 2 gent at 31 1-2e to 32c, for
demestie Use, but exporters only bid-
ding 310.
1F1our-The market Is steady, with
DO pee cent. patents, buyers' bags,
quoted at $2.63 ; fa sleipment east,
$2.60 bid, middle Meights; choice lots
15 to 200 mom. Manitoba' patente,
34.25; and Mincing bakeree 33.95.
Oatmeal -Market is unchanged; car
late at 33.55, in bags; and at $3.65,
en wood; =ALI lots, 20.3 extra.
Beffalo. )(Day 21. -Flour -Quiet and
steady. (\Mame-Spring clamed quiet;
Net 1 Northern, onl, car loade, 83o;
in store, round Lao, 82c; do., Mi.
81 1-2e; winter, few cars ott No. 1 white
=id at 76 1-2c; No. 1 reel quoted 77
1-2e, on Mack here, Corn -Strong;
No. 2 mellow, 48 1-20; No. 3, do., 48 to
48 1-4e; No. 2 cern, 48e; No. 9, do., 4.7
3-40, Umough billed. Oats -Strong
No. 2 white, 33e; No. 3, do., 32c; No.
2 named, 30 1-4c; No. 3, do., 29 1-2c,
ithrieugh balled. Dario -Met, offered
66 to 61c. Rye -No Offenisinel No. I
quoted 69c; No. 2 on Mack, 58e.
Caicago, May 21. -Dry weather
mid damago claims gave an upward im-
notes to the wheat marker to -day,
and July closed 5-8e higher. July
man closed 5-8c, and July oats 3-4e,
thigher. May onts gained 2 1-2e. Pro-
visions waled dull, and closed without
materiel change,
Toledo, May 21.-0loverseed-Cash
prime 36.50; Owt., 35.25.
Milwau.kee, May 21. -Barley -Dull;
No. 2, 67; aaraPle, 40 and 54c.
Toronto, May 21.-1teeeipts of bogs
continue sn2ill, and the demand good.
Prices are. firm at 38.50 to $9 for small
lots. Provisions in demand and firm,
Quotations are as follows: -Bacon,
long clear, loose, in car lots; 10e; and
in cum late, 101-4 to 101-2c; Mort
• cut park, $20 to 820.50; heavy rams
pork, $10 to $19.50; shoulder mess, 316.
Smoked meats -Hams, beavy, 12c;
medium, 13e; light, 13 Mee; rolls, llo;
• and ehourders, 10 1-2c.
Lard -Pails, 11c; tubs, 103-4e; tier-
ces, 10.1-2c.
Butter -the market le uncbarged,
with pound roles 19 to 14c, and, large
roles 12 to Mc; old tubs, poor, to me-
dium, 10 to 11c; creamery, liOxee, 17
1-2 to 181-20; a,nd pouucle, 181-2 to
Egge-Receipts are large and prices
unceanged at 101-2 to lle per doz.,
in lots; No. 2 and chips, 8 to 9c.
Cheese -Market quiet. Fullereara
September, 9 to 9 1-2c; new, 83-4 to
Tlegil IMAM a2menee4 to -due 25e Per
,olivte and ore Emu at the increase.
The, heat Peke ten "etagere ie 7 Mee
Pete peund; thi,ok fat and liglit liege
are worth 3-40 pee pound. ,
Mom to fetcis the top peke meet
be tet prime ciltalityl end male mot be-
low 100 noir above 0001b8,
relieving is the Mean o12 eaetes
none :-
Shipper% per owt. ,,, , , -3 1 25
Buteaer, choke, doe, . ,, . 1375
Butcher, ord. to good 350
Butober, inferior ...... . .. 2.75
Stoolrere, per owt. ..... 3130
lexport butte, per cote, 3773
Sheen and Lambe.
Choice mien Per cwt 00
Lambe, g.f., per ewt. 560
do., learsmarde, per owl450
do., swing, each- 1300
Missies, per owt. ... 300
Milkere and Calves.
Cows, each 20 00
Oalvee, each 1 00
°hake liege, per Met. 075
Ligin hone, per cwt 6750
Meavy nog% aer owt. 656)
Bowe, par mwt 375
Stage, per owt 000
.1 05
ne 26
0 25
'7 25
2 00
Maxim Gun and Considerable Am-
munitiOn Taken.
A despatan from Standerton, says:
-Sweeping comma% =CM:Id krona here
to effeet a junction with the column
from tthe PLatrand. On the march the
°Pluming reeeieed considerable atteen
non Mom tbe Boers in the way of
sniplent. The same. night the Plat -
rand column reached Weltevreden, the
enemy &foxing scsne oppoeition, .
TM next day the Boers' laager at
Uitkyk was surprised by Colonel Col-
vile's column, which had marched
there from lieidelbeng. Three wound-
ed Beene were take,n prisoners, and
twee waggons, tbarte,en horses, 500
cattle, and a quantity of ammunition
were captured.
The column then continued the
mar= south, attaeking another Mag-
ee, but the Beers offered no resist-
anee, white et AfaximeNardenteldt,
some waggons, and stores fell into
our hands. The PLatrand column
now moved towards the vaal, and on
the 5th the Boors •made a determined
attack upon Munro's &outs, who suc-
ceeded in bolding tbeir position. Due -
Ing the attaek wn nen tbree killed
and twto wounded. The enemy were
eventuany driven off.
Toronto, May 21. -At the western
cattle yomds tbes menning we had a
good rue for a Tuesday, as 73 car -
Made of bive stalk came in, eomrsrising
1,220 cattle, ocean). 2,000 hogs, 250
sheep and lambs, 60 calves, and a
(keen ranch cows. •
'Lhe market for cattle was steady
and um -hanged; priees are teem, the
trade was bresk, and an early clear-
ance was effected.
,Wis had a good trade in export
cattle; goad to chdoe sold readily
Moat4 3-4 to 6 1-4.e per pound. Lega.t
shippere told at from; 4 1-1 to 4 5-8c
per pound. The quality vas above the
average for scram time past.
'Mere was a lively demand far
butelsex cattle, at farm, but unaltered
prices. Goad to e3tai0e stuff sells at
Mom 4 to 4 1-60 per pound, with from
nen to filteein cents snore per cwt,
• foalnaMis lots. Everything found an
caeni sale.
We led little doling in expoet
feede,rs, and stockers at prices which
are quotably unchanged.
Good taiikh cows are wanted up to
350 a lend; average of prices to -day
was from. $25 to 345 eacle,
A few ;good calvea are wanted ; those
here to -day were only of moderate
(quality ; pekoe range frora 31 to 37
men, but ten dollara would be read-
ily paid far any mak worth the
"Smell stuff" 1,1'0.4 generally null to-
day, with the, exception of (Melee
amarlirms, Which sold at a shade high -
Light ernes, 133 to 140 lbs,, ale worth
Moen 4 to 41-20 per pound.
Heater wee hold to -day at from 3
• , 1-2 to 4e per pound.
e Genie -fed yearlings Sell at from 5
1-2 to 0 1-40 per pound.
fleuelts aro Worth from 3 to 6 1-2e
pew emend. .
" liatroyarders" are. selling el from
41-2 to 6e per pound.
Speling lambs ere worth from 32
to 45 each. A. fen, of the eiglit kind
IWO %V Anted,.
Boers Attempt to Surprise Krail
Pan GarrisOn.
de,spatch Mom Cape Town says
Four parties of Boers visited Kroll
Pan, south of Mafeking, Cape Colony,
on the, learning of May 10. During the
night they took a position on a kopje
Leon which the. Boa gene opened fire
on October 12, 1899. They pillaged the
natives who metre living on the kopje,
killing two and seriously wounding
three others. Then they crept up on
the gaerison at the Riding, but a sen-
try discovered the presence of the
burghers and their attempt at a sur-
prise was frustrated.
At daybreak tbe mounted scoute
cotmpoesing part of the garrinon, made
a, sortie, while at the sama time tbe
British opened fire with a Nordenfeldt
on the Boer, who scattered. Capt.
Tupper followed the retreating burg-
hers until nightfall, when the chase
was abandoned. One Mout was sev-
erely wounded. •
Latex achices are to the effect that
the Boer are still in the vicinity of
Krell Pain ,
r -ear
Pref. Ellis Testifies to Finding Small
Amount of Strychnine.
' dm -patch frcrm Rrantford, Ont.,
ame:-The evidence of the witnesss
be the White murder ease on Thurs-
day, was the same as that at the cor-
oneen inquest, excepting that of Prof.
Ellis, Govemement analyist, who test-
ified to finding three -eights of a, gram
of atrychnbao in the atomach a de-
ceased, Charlee White. This, he said,
showed that there was more than
this in the stomach before death took
Male. Pie had not yet analyzed the
coating at tbe stornacb. The amount
found so far would not cause death.
Stryohnine, he mid, was used in fluid
or pill form for a tonic.
The. police magistrate committed
nine White. for trial.
NOte3 ef the Preeeedinge 011
Canadian House of COMMQ110,
t I
• afm, Haggart encjellned whet are
euegenrent bad been maae witts Aar.
ClerMee to becleee JAM to enter WM
an egeeiement eor 25,000 tone of steel
eaila ingtesol et the 1e5,000, set forels
60 tile ortlemin-Cemeeil,
Mr. Blair replied that tbere had
been no elninge in Me egweement, 4.
eantract was made with Mr. Cilague
for 25,000 teas to be delivered this
year, and the Government wag limier
a morel obligati= to take. 25,000 tons
a. yeas for the leubaequent four years,
Provided everything was eatisfaetory,
With that Derangement Mr, Clergue
WAS peefeetly comtent.
in the Senate on the motion to with -
dente tee bill re;•pecting railwae
chartera, introduced by Mr. Casgrain,
Mr, Macdonald, 13rInce Eaward
(Meetly regretted tee decision to with -
dame the bill. He thought it time
that eame immure shouldbe enacted
to °Jacek (Maxtor gambling. Snob a
bill ehould have been intanduced
mare ago. It would have prevented
charter hawking. As home people ob-
tained a charter they tried, to sell it.
If they failed, they applied foe a sub-
eld'y, and if they did not succeed in
obtaining a subeisly Mom the Domin-
ion they eouglit one from the prom
Mr. Allan greatly regretted that
it had be= thou:nit that there was
no time to discus this bill. There
was an unanimous expression of opin-
ion in favour of the principle of the
bill in tiommittee. It was an unpleas-
ant fact that these was a •great deal
of speculation in charters. The bill
contained a number a clauses which
would be beneficial, and lie hoped it
would paaa next year.
The bill was witbdrawn. "
Mr. Lapdry asked, if the Govern-
ment had any intoemation of the ex-
act date. of the visit of H.R.H. the
Duke of Cornwall and York.
Mr. R. W. Soott haid the public had
ah much information aa the Govern-
ment had.
Hose Me. Landry -That is bet muels.
Mr. Mills, in anew,er Mein Maedon-
ald, British Columbia, stated that be
had pmpared a bill to revise the sal-
aries a the Supreme Court judges
throughout the conntry. It would
have necessitated an increase of 390,-
0001 the expenditure a the adininis-
tratien of ju.stien a sum representing
the intereet on 48,600,000. 'This seem-
ed too muoh to some. In the Terri-
tories and British Columbia at an ear-
ly date it would bs necessary; to take
some measures in ibis direction. The
increased expenditure under this bill
would be ostensibly 415,600, but as
some a the jueges had bean brought
up to brontreal, it would effect a
aaving in travelling expenses, so the
net sum would be about 37,800.
The House went into maramittee on
the bill to amend tbe Criminal Code.
Hon. afr. Dandurand moved to
amend the clause baring reference to
lotteries, by eliminating the sub-
clause which at present exempte Le
Credit Tenoier Franco-Canadien and
Le Credit Vender Du Das Canada
from the operation of the Act.
San Mackenzie Powell wished be bad
•included lotteries, bazaars, etc.
Hon. Mr. Dandurand was quite pre-
pared to do so next seesion. The
amendment was carried and the bill
passed. •
In the House Mr, E. F. Clarke mov-
ed to send the alien 'alien bill baclo to
cent.mittee to insert therein a pro -
Melee empowering parties to Set the
law in, force by an application teeny
magistrate. Thie was voted down
by 37 to 66. The bill then passed a
third reading.
Shocking Death of a Chatham, N.B.,
Young Man. '
despatch Mom Chatham, N. ea,
says :-Thursday morning the bones of
Larry Guthro were found in the saw -
dual furnace of Senator Snowball's
mill. He and two others were engage
therefum. They were at work about
the refuse. They were at week after
the mill elosetit and the other two
diel not mien their eompanion, who ap-
peara to have slipped, over the donna
and falle01 into the fire -pit. 'Men the
hands event to work M the morning he
wao raLssed, end a search revealed his
remaing. Guthro was a lad of 18.
;14,, Pena
Three Men LOee Their Lives at
Elizabeth Bay.
A despatoh from Little °arrant,
Ont., says nmehree rime, named Fred
Eaton and Thomag Bowser, of Eliza-
beth Rae, and Thee. Gaftney, alit:cunt
Facet, were killed by a boiler melee
aion in Je 17. Aicalillan'e mill at Eliza-
beth laay, on Monday. The cause of
the emit:elm is not known. The fur-
naces had Xs!. Mem started about
imenty minute% wben the accidett oc-
anceetly appointed postanigter a the
town ot Negligee, Is paid by =Menke
slam Last year the eolsenleskin frem
Ilia officio, amounted 'lo 31,920.16. Me
la /Mt allowed to gontinue leis practice
ao 514640104 la additi011 to his 01.
Dean clettee as Dealaneetea,
,Me. Sniatb., of Wientwatin WAS 110-
1/W=4 bY Dr. Borden Met tbe Gov,-
elrernent bas mend 32,500 tommads de -
6 60 eximesea a eventing e
monument to oensmenmante the Mo -
May of Britten arms at the battle of
Stoeey eareek, illr. Mantis allo want-
ed to know whether tbe Governs/met
veal contribute two gun carriegee for
the two Gann= nme on the ground
at the battlefield.
Bulletin Issued by the Ontario Depart_
ment or sarlealeure-conention of 8110
Vrops os lst or May, 1001.
Fall wheat -But tor the injury doate
by the fleasian fly in the southwest-
ern part of the Province fall wheat
could be clamed as a moot promising'
(mop. Unfortunately every county
sleuth of a line drawm from Hamilton
to Sarnia has suffered considerably
front the fly, end a few towneeipe a
/tittle to tbe north have aMorbeen vis-
ited by the poet. Some fields( will be
ploughed is on Leis amount, but not
80 large an acreage as1 the poor con-
dition a the whea,t svould warrant
an account of Me grain having been
neeedeil down" with gram. Outside
tale countim Defected by the Hessian
fly fall wheat loons well. Some in-
jury wen done by ice on low-lying or
peorly-Mained land,s, but, as a rule,
the crop pi:me/its a luxuriant ap-
pearance-tbe growth baying been al-
most too ;rank in places in the fall -
and eeveral counties may be expect-
ed to give yields; well up to the senora.
t'he annual „report of tho Agri-
cultural College. for 1960 Prof. W.
Loehhead %hue ;refers to the visitation
a the Fleasian fly: -"Many complaints
reach ue Tr:carding the prevalence of
tise Heesian fly, and observations
Aimee that it is prevalent in. all the
countim along Lake Zrie, viz., Essex,
Kent, Elgin, Norfolk, Haldimand,
Wellaod and Lincoln. The wheat
crop of Middienex, Lambton, Huron,
Oxford and Brant ha a also been badly
attacked, and occaelona.11y complaints
have come from Path and Simece,
Bruce, Grey, Wellington, Waterloo,
Dofferin, but the countlea must of
Toronto are practically free. 'The
long, open falls of the pasts two years
have been very favorable to the breed-,
ing of Ileesian flies. Reports of the
dates of sowing of the fall wheat) in
the infezted districts make it quite
clear that the time of the sawing of
the seed should lee postponed till the
last sveek in September. Where saoh
late _sowing has been dorte tho crop
has escaped the fly. 11 60 often main-
tained that need sown alter the first
week in September does not produce
a yield equal to that produced from
seed mem prior to Mot date; bun on
tibe other hand, it doee.not take many
ileeelan /lies to make a material re-
duction in Um yield of an infested
Winter rye -Judging by the re -
parte of correspondents, very little
rye ia being raised for tho grain, most
of the crop being cut for green feed,
Where grown however, the orop is de-
ecribed as lookieg well.
Clover -It may be said of the clov-
er that the, crop came out a the, •tvin-
ter in about Mee same condition as
TRA.DE WITH FRANCE. • entered it, the damage done by
Th eupply the mall a.nd steamship "heaving" and ice being very Small.
subsidies were taken up. Sir Richard • d. t cl t t'
Cartwright explained that the gov-
ernment had arranged for e. direct
service ,with France, twelve voyages
from Montreal end Quebec in the
summer and six voyages Lis the win-
ter from St. nohn and Halifax. This
was donia to follow up thet advantages
a our exhibits at the Paris exhibi-
tion, and the minister thought he saw
a chance of greatly adding to our,
trade with that country. The maxi-
mum cubskly which the governraent
would hav,e power to pay was; as hun-
dred thsermed dollars, though it wan
not expected that ro.ore than halt
would be med. The subsidy would be
paid to the Franeo-Canaelian tine
whioh was being reorganized so as; to
include a number of prominent Can- Meadows 60 Mee lemming of Mayl af-
forded excellent pasturage foX &men
adian eusiness mem It was expeet-
and a fair bite for other live stook.
wslop a b.rge expert a pulp. Mae •Leaex corrosjsooade.nt
t y Satpeach . Meewere s'
again We might do a respectable trade May 6th tated th
m • b
:n hon and coal. With items modem ""
ate concessionthere was abundant
opportunity for enlarging our eales
there e.t food products. From Frame
in rattan we would get fancy goods,
silks, fine, svoollens, eto.
Mx. Monk endarsed the mho= for
injury to the orop by inseets. Clove
fields had bean given a good startby
timely relate and warm weather, and
were presenting an excellent ap-
pearance aa correspondents wrote.
'Vegetation - Correspondents who
wrote a few days before tem let of
May ecessidered the season as rather
backward, but them who mnt in their
reports after that date spoke of rap-
id grawtth in both field and forest,
which had brought vegetation rath-
er more forward Man usual. The
eantern portion of the Preview ap-
pears to have been relatively more ad-
vanced in MN respect than the west.
ed ;het Canada Ns -veld te able te de -
opinion tbet there 60 More than en -
MCA aor boxen deameall aucl 60 With
Wheat itlid eat% altimegh Mere I4, net
ea much ol the latter grain On hand
MS lssesaJ, it baving Men fed More
larnely Mean ever an Um fume. What
haa been said o11 otutfa aispliee eloo
to fat Mad aterre cattle, the same
dietriets a. Soareity tind 4U abundance
art eemetimee reported, eithough 113
tne ranxicleup it will likely be timed
Mat thine are nerdly tie 14411Y Of
either Plums of aniraels to be diapesed
a an ueual. Some oorreepondente
Mains. Met the baeon induetry has
somewhat lessenea tbe numbev of
Means animate raised by Oetario
faereersi; yet it would eleo appear as
if all elanses of live stocki are receiv-
ing better eare than ever betore,
Fruit treee-In tbe western portion
of the Province, where meet oe the
orabards are to be found, fruit teem
leave come through tbe winter in
splendid condition. In the counties
niong the St. Lawrence, hoWeven an
"ice etonm' 60 Lhe eyeing bad the ef-
fect of breaking off many of the
branched and -in some mom killing
the treen A number of fruit teae
in the northern dietriete ere also re-
ported to have died, although the
mime has not been given, Orchards
were eoming into bloom as comes-
pondente wrote, and pearly every
elms a fruit was giving promiseof a
generous yield lebould frost mid heavy
rains keep off during the period of
"setting," although some state that
It will be a oomperatively "off year"
for apples. A. member of correspond-
entin varione parts at the Province
refer to the peewees of the tent cat-
erpillar, bat this pent does not ap-
pear to be cm common, an' it wade year
ago. Odd mention wag made of la -
jury to fruit teem by field mice.
Spring eeeding-Taking the I'rov-
incie over, epririg sowing mighi bo de-
soribed as being about ball done on
tbe let of May, altho•ugh int a few lo-
calities it was clairond that the work
was practically completed by that
time. Barly sown grains founa an
excellent eeedbed, more especially on
high and well -drained lands; but a
beavy mow and rain storm, raging
from the enth to the Met of April,
gave spring operations a decided set-
back by flooding low-lying plaees and
not only preventing further sowing
for a week or so, but in some in-
etances drowning out a portion of the
crop already put in. Notevithetands
Mg this drawback, the prospects for
spring crops are on ehe whole en-
couraging. A few correspondents re-
port potatoce as baving been planted,
winch is soinewliat earlier than usual
for Mat crop.
Britain Will Build Three Of the
Most Powerful.
A despatch front London pays :-The
Telegraph says it learns that tbe Ad-
miralty will lay dawn in 1901 thine
battleships of 18,000 tons each, which
will be the largeat and most power-
ful vessels of their class ever built.
Eaoh will carry four 50 -ton 12 -inch
guns, and ten instead of twelve Minch
rapid-fire guns. The reduction in the
number of abninch guns is due to the
introduction of an entirely new wea.-
pen, namely the 7.5-ineh wire -wound
breeck-loader, which' M adopted be-
cause 8-60m1 gulag are too beam for
rapid work, and something is needed
between the twelve anel six-inchers.
Each ship mill cost fully £1,250,000.
The paper cites Capt. Mahan and oth-
er naval authorithe in favour of big
ships, and, it pandicts that battleships
will soon mash a displacexaent of from
20,000 to 80,000 tona.
Live stook -All classsee of live ,
stock came through the winter in'
good condition. Horses especially I
look well, although there may be ;
many cases of coughs and lighe
dit forms
f rt cl Cattl '
rather thin, but on the whole are
increasing, our dealings with Fran"' healthy. A feev eases at trouble in
Mr.;Marin, Woolworth, sand the
government semuld see to it that the calving hove been reperted, tegelher
meth an cidd mention of "black -leg"
ateaanean eve Litt°11 Plenty in Leole and Renfrew, and a lumpy -
°old storage acceiremodation and 01 jaw in Barren. Sheep are reported
ventilation °Mambas for the carriage se be in particularly fine form. Scab
of apples. hae disappeered, and lambs aro plenti-
Mr. E. B. Osler bold to de•velep trade 1111 and vigorous. Swine have come
svith Eurespene. countries we must mended Maze attention than ever be-
apptx,nt many ino.r,e oommactial agents Every one knew what use the
United States had made. a her con-
sular eernice abroad.
Sir Riebard Cartwright said that
the government was now negotiat-
ing senneafficially with the object
of improving our trade relatioas with
the ,French republics. The outlay
was approved of. ,
C. P. It. LANDS.
Mr. Matt was informed by Mr. Sif-
ton 1601 tbe C.P.R., has selected 2,-
276,785 acres of Lend in Manitoba, andbo
11,874,007 acres in, tTerritories,
The mamma 012 tbe. road to wbiets the
original, grant applies, is 372in :Mani-
toba and 755 in the Territories.
Mr, Taylor was informea by Mr.
Canadian Northern Nearly Ready
for Business.
'A despatch from Montreal says
: -
Mr. William Mackeezie arrived here
from New York on Thureslay. Mr.
Mackenzie atated that the section of
the. Canadian Northern railway be-
tween Winnipeg, and Port Arthur
would be oompleted in time to permit
the Canadian Northern to participate
in beaming the Wheat crop from Man-
itoba and the North-West to Lake
Superior. The entire line from Lake
Supetrior to the Red river is now un-
der contract. Mr. Mackenzie was in
New York, eonferring with Premier
Murray, a Nova Scotia, reminding the
building of the proposed line from
Halifax to Yarmouth.
Two Members ot the London Allssionary
Murdered in New lighten,
A despatch front Vancouver says: -
Details have been brought by the
Mosiea trout. Sydne.y of the 'massacre
a the iniesio.nery party in Now
Guinea, briefly reported by cable an
May 6. The report to the Govern-
ment resident of Thureley bland is
tie follows: -
The enew et the Diclo report the
murder of Rev. .Tames Chalmers and
Rev. Canter Tompkins, of the London
; Missionary Society, by New Guinea
; n•atives at Debe, near the mouth of
i the Fly elver. It seeme they went
I aehore after friendly natives lad
I warned (them a .tribal war was in
progrees, mad that their lives would
I be endangered. Despite the warn-
ing the eniesionaries, with six eon -
eerie, event ashore. The imesionaries
, mere believed to be etclowed with di-
!, vine prayer, and the netives dm:mind-
! ed that they aid them it destroying
1160 tribe wi th whom lheywarollt war.
The misaionaries 'refused to go with
' tha tribe alto battle, thet
ary party Was kept tueder guard vend -
61e outcome of the battle, In
thie eight their eaptore mere badly
worsted, and the daughter of the aged
chlef, who led the fighting force/ was
I severely, perheps enortally, wounded.
(For Ole ninon:. she blamed the miss
elonaries' adverse intercessien with
the gosle, end demanded their death
103 003)111 1<0. Tbereupon the tut-
tivoo trilled the miseioneries and ell
their eenverts, sevagely hacking
them Ito pieties, anl afterwards de -
I vourieg portione of their bodies at a
midnight ea,nnital Leant.
fore owing to encouraging prices. but
while litters hebeen largo here
have been heavy losses among these
young piga, and during the latter part
of the winter many hogs suffered
from a form of eheumathin or "stiff-
ening," eveich, however, appeared to
Wear Oft When the animals were turn-
ed out in Che aptinrs. In; mese parts
ol the Province there was an abund-
ance of fodder tor live Mock during
the minter, altheugh a few earmers
are mid to have been compelled to
buy feed in ardor Lo supplement their
815551105.Farm eupplice-Fartrors di:fee 'Wire
upan the question of supplies then Up-
on any other topic. A mareity and: a
seeping are f rogues) roper tea by
neighbaring correspondents, eVbile a
number speak 54a enmity of hay,
Maths:lend that Dr. 14, n. Leonard, the seniority of correspondents arc of
biteresth,g Items Abottt Glee Own
Cotintry, Great Britain, the United
• States, luild All Parts of tho Glebe,
Condensed and Mended for Mesei
Hamilton natty buy an tienhalt Pea-
ing Topple plant.
A death Mom hydrophobia le re-
ported at Dawson City. '
Tim chief of the Victoria, B. C., tire
department bee resigned.
Hamilton Street Railway will ex-
tend it line to Bartonville.
Tne Saw 13111 lnfining Company is be-
ing wound up at Etaxeilton,
1 -lull has a school pepuiation of 3,-
300 and only amommodation for 1,900.
Immigration returne at Winnipeg
for April show a registered total of
The °mime returns will sbow that
Stratford N blot so populous as Mae
Queenig University wants a profile-
aor in classical literature and one in
A little girl, Lemke Morin, is dead
at Montreal from an overdose of
soothleg syrup,
A Glasgow syndicate will explore
and develop the region tributary to
Grate agave Lake.
Officials of the Allass Line of steam-
ers deny the company intaidg making
Quebec their terminus. •
The Wabagh Company may emot
shops, costitag 4150,000 and employing
150 hands, at St. Thoma.
A. Kingston Chinese laundryman,
Hong Lee, tan failed in his applioation
to join a bicyole club there.
Mr. F. 11. Clergue )sag given 4500 to
Capt. Berniern Polar expedition. Mr.
Donald D. Mann bas contributed 3100.
The Canadian Club at Hamiltoxi base
a membership a 252 and a surplus
of 3048. It A. Robertson is the new
Sixty delegatee from Dakota, lowa,
ana Minnesota, are at Winnipeg. They
represent intending settlers from
those states.
Alfred Drolet, treasurer of a Catho-
lic society in Montreal, was robbed
of e216 o2 tbe society's funds while
an his way to lodge.
Winnipegn by-law to raise e100,000
Lor ectool purposes hen been carried,
and the by-law to raise 39,000 for
fire hall repairs defeated.
Fifty Newfou.ndiand naval reserve
men, who were an the Britkh warship
Charybdin at Halifax, left for Omit.
homes Tuesdamhaving completed their
time of service. ,
An address and an urn of great
value Were presented to Sir William
Hamilton, on the occasion of his en-
tering the Hotel Dieu at Montreal, as
o euegeon. He is in his 731-13 year.
The rmunion of Guelpb Old Boys
has been given up owing to the fear
of a smallpox epidemic, the Medical
Health Officer thinking that the dis-
ease might be carried by visitors
from places in the States.
Sir W. C. Van Horn, Montreal; Mr.
James Gerald Fitzgibbon, Toronto,
and others, have been incorporated
under the title of "The North Ameri-
can Mail Steamslairi Co." The capi-
tal Mock is placed at 3175,000.
The teavel on the C.P.R. from the
United States to the Maritime Prom
kocest is the heaviest on record for
thee season of the year. Many of the
people returning are mechenies and
workmen who aro coming to the prov-
inces to gettle pernatmently.
Lightning etruek the Presbyter-
ian cburch at Bondhead, on Sunday.
A young man, son of Mr. Hector
Grand of West Gwillimbury, stand-
ing in the porch, was killed, arid his
companion. Air. Robbins, suffered a
severe ehock.
The Council of Inverness County,
N.S., ha a refused to grant to Macken-
zie & Mann an extension of time with-
in which to complete the railway from
Poet Eating a to Broad Core. The
contraCtors will lose a bonus of 31,000
a mile as a result.
A notice has been issued to collec-
tors of customs to the effect( that re-
gistered postal packets received from
any place outeide a Canada are to be
treated as under registration until
receipted for by the paean to wbom
addressed. Such parcels, after hav-
ing been examined for customs pur-
poses, ere te be returned toktbe post-
mainer to be forwarded PO destina-
tion by regietered mail, unless de-
livered by the cuetome officer to the
proper person.
Lad Salisbury has returned to Lon-
don greatly improved.
le London lise other day, a rare
firet edition a Bunyan's Pilgrbees
Peogress was geld foe 41,475.
The total population a England and
1ValeS is 32,526,710, en inerease of
12.15 per cent. in the last ten years.
Sosne large donetions bay° just
been pledged in Belfast to improve
the equipment of Queen's College.
F. S. Sohreiner. elder brother of the
former Premier of Cense Coloimaclied
suddeely at East Bourne Tuesday
Negotiations have been completed
between tbe Cramps, of PhilinielPhia,
and Vicere re, Sens &Maxim'for a cot-
solielation of business inteerests,
Tha officiate ot both the Cunard
end Wh.ite Star lines deny the re-
ports that the two lines are to be
mesolidated in order to meet Use.
Moi'gs'n competition.
The slim:A car etri•lee at Albany, /4,
Vernon W. Dolmen n'student, com-
mitted nuleide at Carnellerille,
Too nineh etudy.
The Glouenster, 14.3„ Publie schools
were °lama for two weeke to cheek
the pread 01snsnhlJ3oZ ,
P0110080803 36011701 2. White, ef NoW
York Oita, has Palen heir 60 *o fere
tune 02 3700,000 by the death et a'
great unele 60Austrelle,
Tao body ot 4 man found let 660slip at Morgan street, Mileage, 10 bee
Iletred by the Mateo to skew( n murder,
oemmitted (tering a Strike last Will.
San Francisee cookend waiters
are now on otrilre against refueal of
reainuranto to grain, demands a
labour 0031005, Nowba
to go out,
Axturo Mame° lute been eenteneed
at Meninelliser, Vt,, to 21 yes= inn.
prleonsamot. Ile le an Anarchist and
atteneeted the onsassination of Mica
of Pollee, Bremen, of Barre, Vt,
Rev. L. Merritt Miller, whose fif-
tieth anniversary as a pastor id be-
ing celebrated at Ogden,sburg,preach-
ed 9,000 sermons and aftkinted at 1,-
885 weddieg% He is 82 years old,
Tbe IllInoie Central Railway will,
hare its profits with its men, pro-
viding a pension plan for 40,900 em-
ployee. The oompany's annual pan
roll will he inereaged 3300,000.
Dire. William. A. Martin, a Petos-
key, Mich., theme her two obildren•
and hereelf into the bay after a
family quarrel. All three were rasa,
cued, but a four-year-old ehild will
die from expegure axtd shook.
Diaraande, jewellery and money ap-
proximating 38,000 Were atolen from
Afre. Olivia Staring's residence at
Washington, D. C., Tuesday after-
noon. Lewie Mortimer Monroe, an
inventor, wan arrested on suspicions
There le one cam of yellow toyer'
at Bret.
Anatber comet has been oeen at
Cape Town,
The German pension bill hae paseed
the Reichstag, ,
No one lin Moseolve is allowed to
carry knives.
TM population of Australia hae
creaaen 230,000.
Agitatiukt against the Czar's Gov-
ernment is continuing in Russia.
The work of laying the new cable
from Auetralia to the Cape has be-
0,n mooniest of strike troublee in
Madrid meanie) law has beep pro.
Australia is consid,e,ring the advis-
ability of matking May 241h a per-
petual Maiden.
In Christiania three wolinen, keeping
a baby num, are charged with mur-
Miming 27 infants.
It is believed in Italy that the
notoriOUS bandit Mu.ssolino has gone
to the United States.
The project to effect bigh speed
menxnunicationi between Berlin coed
ilaninotrmis steadily progressing.
The Duke of Orleans has bougbt
the Paris newspaper Soleil. It will
become the official °amen of the
At Elbeefeld, Prussia, %Vera] doc-
tors have been imprisoned for assist-
ing )'00 251 to avoid militaam ser-
It is reported in Holland that Ger-
many is trying to persuade the mid-
Earopean State§ to form a tariff
union against American competition.
A gong of gypsies in revenge for
tbeir previous eapture by gendarme
poasoned the wells in the village of
Kapoln, Hungary, with the result
that 15 persons bave died of poisoning.
aUks Siegfried, a former Minister
of Industry of France, says 1601 111
the great inlets in the United States
enoroach on European markets to the
detriment Of European manufactur-
ers, he predicts a combination of
commercial countries of Europe will
raise trerifts on American goods to al -
moat prohibitive figures.
Census Enumerator Kilts Woman
'Whom Ile Boarded.
A deepatch Man. Montreal says: -
Joseph Leplaine sleet and killed Mrs.
Louis Lefebvtre, a married )roman, at
the latter's place, 3,168 Notre Dame
St. Cunegonde, at 8.30 o'clock on
T.hursdny Leplaine, who
was formerly employed at the G,T.R.
foundry, and wee, had lately bean aot-
Ing as a maims enurerator, bad
boarded nt Airs. Lefebvre's for some
menthe. The woman's husbend ie
employed in the Montreal Roiling
Mills, and tbe wife run a small fruit
store and restaurant. •
WSIle Leplaine was in the store on
Thursday sigh•t alone with the wo-
man, be drew a revolver and shot
ber through the head, killing her in.,
Implaine after the mrarrla event
ona to Wee, neare,st pollee enation and
gave hinee.elf am. He addressed a
letter to the coroner, saying that be
had coanmitted the, deed on amount
ol unrequited love, tChe deceased wo-
man was 36 years on ego, and bane
an excellent reputati•an. Ithe mum
'darer is also about' 36 years old,, and
wee ancarded as an leaffenseve in-
elevictual. ,
K ing Makes cm/mailer
'A. ,deepatcle from London gays:-.
King Edward, Who wall been on No-
vember 0, 1841, has Melded that bie
birthelay shall be, celebrated May 24th
of cath year, Mos continuing the
holitley hitherto °Jimmied by ali tile
Public department el -Queen Nictoria'S
birthday -and giving an impetus to
he colonial moveanent l,c obecrve the
date as Emplin Day.
Persons Receiving Rolla now Nemec"
deepa Leh 3f8r1e055:
8. i01trondOn Sayle-
The failure ist the sprang erops; in In-
dia is, already severely felt, 'Lent
George Hamill Inn, the Mak Steno t nry,
Isi tha nozys Corinuorts tonlay seat
Met the ;number oa pereetes now re-
eoliei wee e31,000, Dna it Wan
exreented to ineresen ,