The Brussels Post, 1901-5-16, Page 8MONEY LOT, When you pay more for Bioyale than yon oan bay a (feculent for it is practically money ioet, 11 is beoauee the °reeoent Bicycle gives euoh universal satisfaction that we make a specialty of the Qreaoent. We have yet to see a better value or one Mutt will stand more rough usage than the Cement, They are fitted with Dunlop tiros whioh are con• shined the beet. Yon oan have either with or without the Coaster or Brake. We Bell them on trial for from one to three months. We handle Oemente, Tiree, Pumps, &o., also Biayolee to rent. Currants and Gooseberries ! Duet o1' epriokle your bugles with some of oar Hellebore or Porte Greep, The worms will gpiokly destroy them if you do not. Plenty of Plums 1 Sprey your plum trees after the bioesoma have fallen and kill the Curmulio if you wish to have plenty of Plume. Choice Apples 1 It you purpose spraying your apple trees we will be pleased to supply you with the neoeooary chem- icals. Do not epray when in blossom bet after the bloesoma have fallen, We buy Bluestone in quantities and have the beet of Paria Green, Agent for Gree, G• A DEAI�MAN Druggist, Optician neat Bicycles, • and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & D. Traine leave Brussels Station, North and South, ae follows: Game SOUTH. Gar00 Nonan. Express 7:18 a,m, I Mail ............2:10 p.m Mixed 9:46 a.m. Express 8:17 p.m Korai lidos A ohiel'e among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tan 12th of Jaly will be celebrated in Brussels in good style. Jona FAROUHAn80N is learuig the eleo• trioal baeineee with R. Mainprize of the Electric Light Works. W. F. STawART disposed of his black draught horse for $130 to Wm. Denbow, teamster, this week. SAID Palms Thursday evening of next week. Preva notices speak very approv• ingly of the Company. A WEDDING 10 said to be on the tapi0 in town but how people find out these secrete is a difficult problem to solve. WHAT about the annual celebration of June 22nd ?. If it is to be held arrange• menta moat Boon be under consideration. THE Canadian Express Co'e delivery wagon has been overhauled and a new and larger box put on to accommodate the enlarged business. Lear Sunday's wind storm put quite a kink in the smokestack at the Electric Light power bouee. The disabled por• tion was removed on Thursday. Nen Wednesday T. P. Smith, eye specialist, will pay hie regular visit to Brussels and may be found at Jae, Fox's Drug store. Satisfaction metered. War. Darmow and Wm. Bird left on Wedneeday for Palmerston where they will haul gravel, &o., for J. L. Lloyd, who hes the cement sidewalk contract in that town. Tan furniture factory proposal has been dropped in the meantime on amount of the deolination of a number of reel• dente to invest a few dollars in the pro- posed Company. Good wishes will not substitute for good coin. If a town is to boom the people most boom it. Gamin Taunt freight moving during the past week consisted of a ton of butter by Robt. Thomson ; a oar of cattle by A. 0. Dames ; car of cattle by Geo. Beet ; oar of horses by A.. Hewitt ; 2 oere of wheel by A. Seeker ; and a oar of hogs by W. F. Vaoatone. A oar of stone was received by Cochrane & Johnston for their marble works. LAST Saturday's London Advertiser said :—The Canadiau Fire Engine Co. (formerly the Ronald Company) yester- day pa: chased a site for their new fao• tory. The site consists of an aore of land, situated on Simaoe street, adjoin- ing the London and Petrolia barrel worke. The factory will be started 6,1 once. It will be a two-story brink build. ing, probably 56x80 feet. DIED,—MCe, Jerry Blashill, of Brunets, received word on Wednesday stating that her sinter, Mre. Hewitt, had died at Tor- onto on Monday. She had undergone an operation at the Western Hospital, but passed away ae stated above. Mre. Hew- itt was known to a nembor in Brussels and her eon, William, used to butober with Win. Blaehill, Breesels. Two children, a eon and daughter, eervive. Funeral took plane on Wednesday. Tae GLORIOUS 33an —The non•oommie• gonad officers and men of the 38rd Huron Regiment, will go into camp at London on Tuesday, June 4th, under more favorable oironmatanoes than heretofore. In the firet place their pay has been sup- plemented by a grant of $600 from the County, and in the eeoond plane, they will be supplied with the new Lee Enfield rifle, and with what is known ae the "Oliver" equipment, whiob means the discarding of the oomberone knapsack, heavy helmets, red Coate, &a„ and in their place the smart, serviceable and soldierly karkee" uniform. It ie not true that the Regiment will march from Goderich to London. The report became current through the bine of an order from head. quarters, given merely to teat the ability be afters, of t oere, in reg aaand to detail in De it ehonld at any time become neoeneary to mobilize the force. The men will se. oure transport in the ordinary way, by special train from the varione reoruiting pointe within the Connty. SUDDEN DEonen. — When young Mr. Moore came from Trowbridge Friday morning and stated that Mre, Eli Moore, nee Miee Florence L Hunter, formerly of Brunetti, had passed away, the sad news was received with a great deal of sorrow by the many friends of the deceased. She was united in marriage to her bereft partner in April 1809 and wont to live near Atwood. A few weeks ago Mr. and Mre. Moore moved to another farm ad. joining Trowbridge and jaet got nicely settled when Mre. Moore took ill and in three days she was a corpse. Sunday atternood interment was made at Elmo Centre cemetery, Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Atwood, conducting a suitable service. The pall bearers were :—T. Later, Jae. and Jno. Dickson, Oboe. Vallance, B. Ta ban and B. MolormickM . Mr.Moore and the Hunter family Blare in the sym• pathy of the community in their deep Borrow. A little daughter was buried last Fall. Among those who attended the funeral were A. Hooter, Mre. and the Mime Hunter, Lorne and Hilton Hilton, M. H. Moore and wife, A. Hewitt and wife, A. M. McKay and wife, S. T. Plum and wife, D. Walker and wife, Will. and Mise Amanda MoOraoken, of Brueeele ; Mr. Dignan and Mies Brooke, of Exeter ; Mies McKay and Mre. Sntherlanil, of London; R. Hunter and daughterand R. Tuoker and oistere,of Milverton ; Dr. 3. A. Moore, Toronto ; Jno. and Hervey Hunter, of Orenbrook ; Joseph Knight and wife, Joseph Oster, se., and wife, Joseph Oster, jr., mid Wife, oroeebrede are selling at lower prices than of any, ever know in the history of the trade, and SAID Pane. Tan 24th will be a Bank holiday. KEEP the 12th of July clear for Brae- eele. QUOIT/NG iebeien revived as an evening pastime in Brussels. THE sudden Changes in the weather have given many people bad oolde. Sanwa holiday on Friday owing to Teachers' Convention at Wingham. NEXT Friday, May 24th, will be a publio holiday. It is palled Victoria Day. A NEW Dement walk has been put down at the Methodiet Parsonage by Masers. Olvar & Barkley. Qum a frost on Taeeday night. Water in veeeele outside was coated with toe in some places. A. HEWITT shipped six heavy draught horses to Montreal on Saturday. He handles a lot of fine animals. BINDLE fare rates will be:allowed on the G. T. R. for Victoria Day, good going May 23rd and retnruing on the 27th. Tun School Board bas raised the salaries of the lady teaohera as the minutes, in another column, will show. Oua informant was misinformed rela- tive to Jno. McFadden intending to erect a DOW bonne. He will put up a stable. Tan sides of the streets fronting E. C. Danford's residence have been levelled up with earth and will be ended down. It has made a deoided improvement. IT is said that R.N. Barrett has put, abased the house and lot, corner of Thomas and Alexander etreete, from John Barnhill and will take possession before long. AN exchange speaks of a whisky shop as a "grocery." That is a misnomer. Don't pat a polverized•sugar label on a bottle of arsenic. Call things by their right names. CONSTABLE MOLAUCHLIN WES Out Thurs- day morning looking atter three straying horses that were roaming the streets. The equines were taken charge of just in time to eave their going to the pound. HUBBUB TIRED BnnGIES.—During the past week D. Ewan & Go. have sold nob- by rubber tired top buggies to Alfred Banker and G. F. Blair. They oleo sold a floe top boggy to Meeere. Coohraue & Johnston, of Wingbam. "How is it that you have not palled upon me for your account?" "I never ask a gentleman for money." "Theo how do yon get on if he does not pay'?" "After a time I oonalade be ie not a gent- leman, and then I send his bill." SAID Peeve will be presented la Brueeele Town Hall Thursday evening of next week under the auepine of the O. O.F. of town. The Lyceum Co. have a strong Company the illness of one of them preventing their coming on a regent date. Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store. LAST Saturday Wm. Cameron went to Listowel and played with the football team of that town against Stratford. The (atter won by 2 to 1. but not because Cameron did not put up a star game. Next Saturday Listowel and Galt cross shine at Galt in the same aeries. JURY THREW IT our.—At Parry Sound on Tuesday the Grand Jury found no bill in the ease of King ve. Blair in which R. F. Blair was charged with outting a dam on a stream crossing hie farm in that lo• oality. G. F, Blair, of Brunets, was there to represent hie brother returning to town Wednesday evening. Little Mise May Blair came back with ber uncle. Tan Atwood Bee of last week nye ;— That gay and festive fraternal orgaoiza. tion, the I. 0. 0. F., bad another blow. out Wednesday eve, at whioh thirty of their brethren from Brussels and twenty from Listowel attended. The Brunets degree team exemplified the let and 2nd degrees, whatever that means, which was followed by refreehmente, a program of mueio, epeeohee, eonge eto., which, taken altogether, filled up the evening very pleasantly indeed. . Tun Lon Ie FOUND.—Last February Miee Meiklejohn, of Morrie, lost her gold watch in Brnseele, presumably at the Central Hotel shed where her horse was. An unavailing aearob was made but a light fall of enow covered the ground and the mining article was not dieaovered, The loss of the watch was made known by small bills distributed bot no trade of it was Toned by the owner until last week when it woo dieoovered at T. Fletoberal watchmaking store. Mise Meiklejohn had left the number of case and move• Ment with the three jewellers in town and in this way the recovery was made. The watch Was found in a somewhat battered np condition and was sold to the party Who banded it in toe repairs ae the internal machinery was badly tasted. Do you know the number of your watob T t li; a:iNIt 1.0.7 1' 0A7 T, P. 51111711, the eye apeoiallet, will be at Jae Fox's drag Atone next Wednesday,. ORB and Bee him BAaaiMre Loeous Tbere was an en• thpeiaetic meeting of dolegatee Taeeday night of beet week, at the Royal Hotel, Harrieton, for the purpose of forming a baseball league, and bu8ipess was sage. faetorily transaabed, The teame cow.. posipg the League are Harrisbon, Dray. ton, Wingham and. Paltnebreton. The first league game ie ooheduled to be Play- ed at Drayton on June 6. The odicere appointed by the League are : Hon, Pree., Dr. MaoDonald, M. P., Wingbam ; Hou. Viae -Pres., Palmerston Delegate ; Pree„ J. M, MoRay, Hurtietou • Seo.•Treao., I)r, T. L'', Ball, Harrieton ; Vioe•Pree„ S. Snider, Drayton. Committee, George Fox, Drayton; 11, A. Douglas, Wingham ; J. M. Moore, Harrieton, nod the Palmer• eton Delegate, HINT To CIGARETTE Snioitnee. — The London Free Press says : When one comae to aoneider the ingredienteiof these cheep Cigarettes be oannot wonder at the lnjoriooe effeote they produce. Oigar stumps, plotted up on the streets and out of epittoona, treated with ohomieals to give the "tobaaoq" a bright oolor, then doctored with drugs and rolled in rag paper, impregnated with arsenio, the wonder ie the unfortunates who ase them are not killed quicker than they are. Ie it not about time the authorities took up tide matter Brain and saw that thelaw in regard to it was enforced The priooipal offendere, we are told, are some of the email corner groceries. Thie may or may not be true but the fact remaipe that the law is opeuly and shamelessly violated, and if the people wbo are euppoeed to look atter London's morale went to keep many youngsters in this vicinity from becoming mental and phyeioal wreoke they cannot have the practice stopped any too soon. THE ANNUAL CARPS. — The fo'lowing dates for camps of inetraotiou for the militia of Ontario have been settled :— First distriot, London, Ont.—let infantry brigade, June 4th to 15th -26th, 27tb, 32nd and 83rd Regiments. let Hunan, Artillery, June 18 to 29—let brigade division and 6th Field Battery, G. A. 2nd infantry. brigade, June 18 to 29 -22nd, 281b, 29th and 30th Regiments. Second district, Niagara, Out,—June 11 to 12— The Governor -General's Body Guard and 2nd Dragoons, 3rd infantry brigade -20th, 37th, 89th, 44th, 77th and 97th Regiments, 4111 infantry brigade -12th, net, 341h, 35th and 36th Regiments. Third dietrict, Kingetoo, June 18 to 29 -4th Hueeare and 9rd Dragoons, 5111 infantry brigade - 181h, 40th, 45th and 46th Regiments, 0•h infantry brigade -42nd, 47tb, 49611, 56th and 59th Regiments. We nuderetand that the Huron regiment will not march to camp as reports lead it but go to Damp in the old venal way—first olaee peeved• ger and observation coaches. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. --The teachers of Eon Hurou hold their I intitut° meeting in Wingbam Public School, on Friday and Saturday, of this week. In the even. ing of Friday, an "At Home" will be ten dered the vieitore by tbe teachers of Wingham School, in the Conooil Cham. ber. Daring the evening, F. W. Mer. obent, of London Normal School, will give ao address. The sessions of the In. otitnte will be of interest to the teaching profeeaioo. Here ie the program :—Open. ing exercises ; appointment of Commit- tees ; geography, David Weir ; discussion led by 0. E. Leppard ; eseentiale of method, F. 11. Merchant ; drawing, Miee Janet Wilson l dieoaeeion, led by A. E. Wetheral ; recitation, Mists Maggie Mo. Lean ; habit in troioiag, F. W. Merchant ; nature studies in Public Snboole, G. F, Rogers ; dieoueaion led by David Robb ; history, Min M. L. Brock ; dieouseioo led by J. H. Cameron ; the teacher as a student, F. W. Merohaot ; busy work while in Beata, Mian M. A. Coulter ; die. ouaeiou led by E. A. Matheson ; a die• mission on "Why a Dominion certificate for teachers ie desirable 7" ; led by A. H. Musgrove ; Preeident'e address, W. H. Baker ; Treafnrer'e report ; election of officers ; penmanship, A. E. Wetheral ; dieoaeeion led by A. E. Bryane ; obareo• ter building in scbools, Miee T. R. Witt. eon ; discussion led by Miee F. Bremner. WOOL MAIUSET is dell and prioee low bat Brueeele dealers will pay the highest nob priori ae soon ae olip is ready. The Toronto Globe of Wednesday of this week has the following comment on the wool trade :—There ie no change in the situation al home except perhaps that brought about by the closer proximity of holders of last eeaeon's olip to the new Clip of Optario wool. A great deal of the last olip Is still held by large dealers in the country and at primes above an export basis. Dealers here have knowledge of at least 800,000 lbs. of the 1900 olip which is offering, but it is impossible at the moment to work any for export at a profit- able price— a price whioh let out many holders flat, to say nothing of a margin for interest, expense and a small profit. A letter from the largest mill in Mane - (Anisette received a few days ago by E. T. Garter, commenting on market conditions said :—"I have been offered Canada fleece wool in Beaton for the past month at 26o —60 daye—and have not bought it bemuse I do not want it. I have bought adeal of bankrupt wool in Philadelphia and Boa. ton—Kente 25e, seleoted Irish hogs. Ole, sop. Irish hogs 27o and sup. Shropehire bogs 27c, all delivered Beaton, and 00 days. I cannot buy Canada wool," These prices are equal to considerably less than 15a Toronto. Another letter from a well- known American batter quoted a price for Canada liens which would require the exporter Mere to get the wool for 131 or less to show any profit. A marked change has soma over the wool trade in Anetralia, Argentina and in Montana and other territorial sections where large hum. here of sheep are raised. Formerly the sheep were raised primarily for the wool, and a email grade of animate yielding fine wool were grown, the mutton being a eeoondary consideration. Now the sheep 000 raised for export, whioh line been stimulated by the refrigerator trade, and the wool ie ooneidered ae a sort of bye - product. The sheep raised for the mut. 100 export trade are large, being erode- brede, end the wool is worse. Thue the amount of wool grown in the aountriee mentioned ie now entering more directly into competition with Canadian aorta, and our wool ie feeling the ol7eote of the obange in the situation. A firm in Liver. poor, writing to Mr. Carter recently, said : "The London auotion of colonial wools opened firm for merinos and floe arose- brede, but coarse oroaabrede showed a de - aline of 5 to 74 per cent. Since the open• ing there has been keen competition for the liner grade!' at prices which show a Alight advanoe, but medium and coarse Cash 1011 Wool ! The highest oasli price will be paid for any quantity of wool delivered at the Brussels Wool- en Mill.• If preferred will ex- change for rolls or blankets, clothes, yarn, flannels, Ste. B. DERRY, Al.F 4d1 D4R !-%✓,Z✓t'A OF l,f4✓ 4D4t A%t;BW-41.,A 'S+Z6S$ORGAZR 10774 HEAD OFFICE, e TORONTO OAP11,tAL PAID UP (Qne Million Dollars) • ' 51,000,000 REST • , 9700,000 etycoeier in at/ printtpat pointe to QWttarfe, qucbeo, dfanite$a, United States c0 England, ''s&Fssize B•awca%. A General ,Banking Bueinoea Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dieoonntod. Dratte Issued and Collodion(' made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT,. lotereet allowed on deposite of $1,00 and upwards and oompoupded half yearly. SrnorAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Goma/Mimi Or FARttsne' Sea NOTES, Every facility afforded Ouetomere living at a dietaries. payable at any bank issued Under $10 87, $20 to $30, , ..120 Moasp Orders at the following rates 910 to $20....100, 80 to 40., _140 J. N. GORDON, AGENT, they form. the bulk of the offerings. We �° hate to say it brit the outlook instead of ed in a new railway 'charter. Mr. Mo. i Last Sabbath evening Rev. John Rosa, improving dons the reverse. Engllell One wee accompanied by J. MOKane ( B. A., took 80 hla text, Pe, 43;3, "0 geed wools are for the time being a dead let. and J. MoDonald, well•to•do citizens of oat thy light and thy Truth ; let them change v p Canada 1900 I' I t 13 n, II r b to 140. MRs. Trios. M Ir t y B 1 t Sunday S 1' Humble O t (3) A S I' Friday, a M Ol y l' t. Hartland Presbytery will hold its raga• I M' M A t before poorly for six weeke duxiug the peat p Winter with pneumonia but was quite Wingham Dtetrmt meeting will con ' 1 d and was contemplatmga vane in the Methodist ohurob here next p holiday visit Brussels when she fell The synod of Toronto and Kingston p b' p d was standing on and tstxuok hot head of Alhstm as Moderator. Erysipelas Int Arohbiehop Lewis of Ootacio Metro th followed and emended by d 4 d dd heart failure brought to a close the life of b d h A l Trammed L d one widely known a g Y p steamer Menominee d b O Antrim riage, about th 1843 After a stay Greene being in poor health Huron Go., they moved to MoRillop township where they p t 20 y and d' Walton ll bre Mr. •f Brussels Woolen Mill. ter—clean knooked out by these arose• brads." Fleece—The market shows ua wbate er and local dealers are quoting ane aolip nominate a o ORIBBIN DoaiAooD,— ae t 11 a. m, Jane o o reliot of the late Thos. MoKibbin, of Walton, Roseland, who epent Sunday in town. UiIUlt011 CHIMES. Mouth) service will be held in the R. 0. Church, rueee e, nes un ay more• in died at the home of her daughters, Tor- onto, or- lar meeting at Wingham on. Tuesday of next her 76th year. She b td been next week. nicely recovers a Tuesday and Wedneaday. i to r about five weeks ago from a ohafr she unanimously obese Rev. J. 11. S. Burnett he face and inflammation of e stomach politan of Canada, die at sea on May and highly res eoted. on oar t a t antic ranepor Line Decease was Orn in the o. Rev, A. E.,M, Thomson, of Goderich, Ireland, and came to this after their with is taking Rev. J. Greene's work on the her late husband shortly their mar• Holmeeville circuit until conference, Mr, e year on the Goshen line, Stanley township, The week of May 2G to June 2 has t e spent ears then locate in a on village where MoKibbin died in July of 1898, aged 75 years. Mrs. MoKibbin removed to Brae' eels where she lived until going to Tor- onto in October of last year. The sur. viving children are :—Alex., of Idaho ; Jae., of Michigan ; Andrew, of Wallace - burg ; Dr. S., of Amethyst, Colorado ;. Rev. A. K., of Stratbroy ; Mrs. MoEweu, of Leadbury ; Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, of Brussels ; Mre. Hugh Campbell, of Hal. lett ; Mre. W. Smith, of Unionville, Ont., and Misses E. J. and Belle, of Toronto. Of a kindly, motherly disposition Mrs. MoKibbin made many warm friends. She was a faithful member of the Pree- byteriau church for many years. The remains were brought to Brussels on the Saturday afternoon train and the funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the residence of Mr. Armstrong Rev. John Ross, B. A., conducted a suitable service at the house and cemetery. Pall bearers were as follows :—W. Neel, W. Smith, J. Moore, Alex. Gardiner, P. Watson, Alex. Ellie Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery. All the ohildren were here to pay the last tribute of reepeot to a good mother excepting two eons, Alex. and the Dr., distance prevent. log them attending. People We Talk Aboat. Mre. Horton, of Galt, is visiting in town. Druggist Fox was in Wingham o0 Thured' y, Mre. P. toe, of Toronto, is a visitor at A. Hunter's. Mre. Alfred Lowry wae in Gerrie for a day thin Week. J. D. It meld woe away to the Ent on fire engine beeinese. Mre. Joo. Lott was in Wingham for a couple of days this week. Harrie Hamilton and Bert. Johnston spent Sunday at Listowel. Mre. Barbara Straohan has gene to Michigan to viten her sister. Mien Thurso, Meadows has gone to lead me." The hymn "Lead Kindly Light" was dwelt upon and atter a brief aketoh of the author, John Henry New. ma its three vereee were shown to con, tale : (i) A Soul's Eager Ory ; (2) A On S am e' on eeelon ; oU. e Happy Confidence. The hymn was Bung as a solo by Miss Jennie a r er a ore the german. Rev. M. 0. Cameron, B. D., actor of Knox church, Harrieton, wee sarpriaed one eveningwhen several of the romiu• ant members of bis 000gregation called upon him at the manes andresents him with a puree containing $122 00, collated for him to replace the valuable horse which -be recently loet, James A. Macaulay made an appropriate a reee to Mr. Cameron, and Andrew Fidler pre wanted tbe puree to the minister. Mr. Cameron replied in a feeling manner, thanking them for their kindaees and thonghttoln'o. Short epeeohee were made by several of those preempt, among whom were Alex. Hall, Robert MoCul- been set apart as the annual effort of lough, Wm. Kean, Henry Williamson, eelf.deoial by the Salvationiete•of Canada. Robert Blackwood sod Alex. Davidson. Their objeot is to increase and inteoet y 1 the spirituality and zeal of their people _ Business Locals and to create a. fund to meet the demand of their home and foreign missionary fields. At the Official Board meeting of the Meithodiet (thumb, Brueeele, held, There- Official evening of last week, Thoe. Farrow was chosen representative to the Dietriot meeting to be held on the 22ud inst. The pastor was granted two menthe' leave of absence to recruit his health and a supply will be arranged for while Rev. Mr, Holmes is away. Womene' Mioeiooary meeting, Wing - ham Dietriot, will be held in Bruesele Methodist church on Tuesday evening next and two eeeeions on Wednesday, An interesting program will be presented. Tuesday evening there will be three act - dresses, the speakers being Mies Scott, of the Deaconess Home, Toronto ; Rev. F. Swann, of Ripley ; and Rev. R, J. Gar. batt, L. L. B. of Gerrie. Last Sabbatb afternoon a missionary program wee preeeoted in connection with the Methodist Sabbath Scboot. Mies Maggie MoNaughtoo gave interesting in• formation relative to Indian Missions; Rev. R. Paul briefly tonohed oo Home Mission work : a solo was sung by Vine. Edwards entitled "Little Builders", and a duet by Charlie and Bert. Hingeton. The oolleotien was $7.04. R. M. Hobson, of Guelph, addressed good sized audiences in Melville and the Metbodiet Churoh laet Sabbath morning and evening on the important enbleat of "!Sabbath Obeorvanoe." He outlined monies why this day abonld be kept with its old time sanctity ; pictured some of the enoroaahmeots ; and offered some sedans as to remedies. Mr. Hobson eugg is a (inhered gentleman, a vary good speaker and has devoted considerable Eine to Etre work. He went from here to Gerrie. The Amheretbnrg Bobo of last week says :—"The Offioial Board of Amherst• burg oirouit met in Wesley church on May 4th, for the closing meeting of the London where she has secured a sitna• 000ference year. The reports show a tion. year of splendid progress. The oonneo• Alex. and Miro Fleming, of Galt, are tional fonds are in advance of any pre- visitore at Jas. Fox's daring the past vioue year in the history of the oironit• Fiftyoix persons have been received into ohurob membership. The Board in re- cognition of Rev. W. E. Kerr's faithful and effioient eervioee, passed unani- mously a vote of appreoiation and invited bim to return for a third year. They also voted him a Summer vacation which he proposes epending in missionary labors in Calgary district, N. W. T. The work on the oironit ie prospering, nearly $500 being paid on ohuroh indebtedueseduring the year. The Board, Ladies' Aid and League of Wesley church, are planning extensive renovatiooe to their church building this Summer, including painting, freeooing, carpeting and ineballing a new lighting system. The parsonage Com• mittee has been renovating Wesley par. nonage by patting an elegant new velvet carpet in the parsonage, repairing the parlor and dining room." Rev. Mr, Herr spent pastoral terms at Wroxeter and Hensall in this County. SABBATH SCHOOL OoNVaNTioN.—The 10th annual district Sabhath school oonven- tion will be held in Brussels on Wedne• day, May 29th, in the Methodist church. week. Mre. Geo. Skelton, of Blyth, who is vieitiog in Brussels, is not very well at present. Mre. Garter and daughter, of Blytb, were visitors at Robert Burne' during the past week. Harry Bartliff, Mies Lyla and Min Vinnie Cardiff were visitors at Wingham last Sunday. Fred. Gilpin is home for a holiday visit from Chicago. He eaye the dental bud. nese ie going all right. Joo. Patlaedand Mies Beryl West and Mise Shane, of Blyth, were visitors at S. T. Plam'a last Sunday. M. McLennan, drug traveller, of Lon- don, smiled on his many old time friends in Brunets this week. Miee Maggie Halliday'e health has not been as good tbie Spring as staretima but we hope ohs will soon be as well 08 ever. Jen. Ballantyne had a relapse but is palling up again although quite weak. His many friends wlah him speedy re. oovery. Woodall Holmes eprained hie ankle The following le tbe program 1—Fore. one evening last week while playing foot noon session, 10 o'olock—Devotional ex. bell on Victoria Park, and has found eroie n ; "Tho bower." (a) The Pastor, Dome little diffioalty in hie locomotion Rev, D. B. Moleae, (11) The Tesober, A. since, M. McKay, (c) The Parente, Mre. Berry ; W. A. MaEwan, of Theeealon, Algoma, dieouseiou ; "A Sunday oobool of the has been appointed Clerk of the Division times," prepared by W. J. Debbie, M.A., Court. He should fill the bill. Mr. Mo. of Guelph, to be read by Miee Mary Ewan ie a eoo•in•law to Jae. Oliver, of Roes ; dieoueeion ; appointment of Com. Brueeele. mitten and closing, Afternoon senior', Samuel So ott, of Zanesville, Ohio, a 1.80 o'olook—Devotional exeroieee; in• oon,in to Finlay, Peter and Walter Scott, trodaotion and address of President of Brussels, died of 000eumption a abort elect ; ,,The plane of the Bible and of time ago. He visited here for several helps in the B. B.," P. Ritchie ; discus - weeks last year, cion ; "The place of the Catechism in W. and Mrs. Kargen will remove from the S. B.," Rev, Be Paul ; dieoaeeion ; town to Galt owing to W. Blarhill "The Significance of Modern Bible study having disposed of hie baeineee in which to the Teacher," Rev, H.11, Onrry; die - Mr. Karen woe employed. He will be 0000100 ; Open Parliament—"The Bobool employed ae baker at Galt. and the Home" ; addteee, "Hidden For. Mrs. J. W. Dogge and daughter, ass," Rev. D. Rogue ; announcements Esther, of Chatham, aro renewing old and closing. Evening aesoion, 7,80-- friendships ,80—friendships here. She ie a daughter of Bong oervioe,; opening exeroieee ; Confer - Capt. Btretton and has a large circle of enoe—"Teacher' Training"—De mange. frionde in Brunelle and looulity. eity, its practicability, ite method and A letter to Jno. Wright from A. Bow• appliaooes, Rev. A. MaoNab ; dieooeoion 1 tinbeimer, now viaiting hie brother at address,Rev. F.13, Larkin, B,A.,Seaforth; Woolverton, says he is making closing. Music will bo furnished by the propose toward recovery. We hope a Presbyterian and Methodist choirs. A permanent cure may be effected. . oolleotlon will be takenup at the after. Ino. Forgotten Modrae, of Roseland, 13. noon and evening 008010ne. Send flames C., wae home tor' a few daye on hie re. I of delegates to ReV. R. Paul by the 23rd turn from Ottawa whore be was interest• tact, if pillOta are wanted, Ceeu for butter and eggs. A. Ooneley. LAWN mowers, shears and eoieeore sharpened and pot in firet•olaes shape at reasonable priase. F. ADAM. shop Mill street, Brunets. TDD BUTTER.— Farmers having tub butter to sell oall at. my Produce Em. porinm mod I will pay you the highest. oaah price for good tube. RoBT. TNotteoN. Bineseww OE/di/TEAL—The undersign. ed is preparedto attend to proper fixing up of burial plots for parties either here or away who have fiiende heeled there. Will be at the cemetery every Friday afternoon. Satiefaotion guaranteed at moderate charges. R. DARE, Caretaker. WeNTED—Eggs, 12o ; one ton hotter weekly. We have all kinds of corn from Crompton'a early down. We are sole agents for the celebrated Bailey - ono. "For silo pnrpoeee it has no equal," so says Jno. MoMillan & Sons, the largest Dorn producers of Canada. G. E. Rao, Wingbam. D. EWAN & Co. have sold this eeaeoo already 21 baggies and 4 wagons and have still oo hand a very large stook of buggies to ohoose from. Intending purchasers please give ns 0 call. We will sell you a first -aloes article at a reasonable price, Remember our own buggies Ude year are 871 inches longer in the body than other buggies. Comfort is what you want and you can have it by buying s Ewan & Co's buggy. MARRIaT, SINCLAIR — BOTHWELL —In Brueeele, at the residence of Mre. A. McNiobol, on Wednesday, May 15th, 1901, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., Mr. James Sinclair to Miee Elizabeth Bothwell, both of Grey. axs:1�. FAi gUHAA30N.—In Morrie, May 12, Thos. D., eldeet son of David and Jannet Fargohareon, aged 23 years, 3 months and 28 daye. Efmnee.—In Toronto, oo May 13, Mre. Lizzie Hewitt, sister to Mra. Jerry Blaebill, Brussels, aged 41 years. MoKmono.—In Toronto, May 10111, Jane Malloy, relict of the late Thoe, Mo. Kibbin, need 75 years and 11 months. Moono•—Io Elma, May 10th, Florence Iimbal Hunter, beloved wife of Eli Moore, aged 27 years, 8 months and 11 days. COMING 1 COMING, I T. P. Smith, EYE SPECIALIST,. Graduate of New 'York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Colleges, will beat FOX'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS, ONE DAY ONLY, Wednesday, May a 22nd. Call early and avail yourself of hie valuable 00101000. J^%A;IIINLTION 1010E0. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes. Apply to GEO. BEST, Brueeele, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on William street. For particulars apply to ROST. MENZIES, Brueeele. 94.6 COMFO•RTABLE, WELL lighted and oonveniont rooms to 101 in the Leckie block' over G. A. Dead in an'e and Mrs. Rogers' stores. Apply to F. B.800T1„ .A.•CTCTION S.A.M20. SATURDAY, MAY 18TH. —Postponed sale of household furniture, &a., ,at John Walker's old etaod, g Y Mala❑ he block. Sale, unreserved, at 3 o'olook. A. Bow. tinbeimer, prop. ; F.13 Boort, auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 25Ta,—Horses, riga, barneee, household furniture, &o., at the residence of uodereigned, Brussels. Sale, unreserved, at 2 o'olook. Wm. Blaehill, prop. ; F.13. Scott, aac. SATURDAY, JUNE 1.—Farm, Farmstook, implements, &o., at Walton. Sole, ante. served, at 1 p. m. Mrs. Sage, Proprieb• rase; F. B. Scott, Aaotioneor. L1INE BRICK RESIDENCE FOR e1LE, with new improved furnace complete; extra good well and oletern; large grounds, &o., at a bargain. JNO. D. RONALD, Brueeele, t>TRAYED FRO'i1 THE PREM• rens of the undersigned, Lot 18, 000. 10, Grey, on May 1310, two yearling abeere, one dark red and the other light red. Auy information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. 94 JOHN WORTLEY, Oranbrook P.O. 'PAPER HANGING; DECOR. AT/NG and H0000 Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice. Have had three years' experience in alt work. Terme rouserW. JOHNSON Walme ton BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service at North half lot 11, eon, 0, Morrie, a tboro' bred Durham Bull. Terms, 01,00. payable in January. Pedigree may bo seen on ap- plication. FRANI/ MARTIN, 90.20 Proprietor. FARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 9, Oon. 12, Grey, containing 100 sores. Good stook or grain farm. Good frame 19090e and bank barn ; two good wells; eight acres of Fall wheat and land all is a good state of cultivation, For particulars apply to JOHN MoVADDI)N, 20-11 Brussels P. 0, NOTICE ! The Court of Revision for the Township of Morrie for the year 1901 will bo held iu the Township Hall on MONDAY, MAY 2711, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in, All parties Interested will please take notice and act accordingly. W. CLARK, Clerk. Morris, May 10111, 1901. 22e-ersee-nZ,S 0.0.Ei..1Z. M;.rs, 70,11 Wheat 62 68 Barley ,...,. 38 39 Peas 60 60 Oats 29 80 Butter, tube and rolls ., 12 13 Eggs per dozen ' 9 10 Flour per owt... .. 4 00 6 00 Potatoes (per bag) .,.... " 25 25 Apples (per bbl.) .. 2 00 2 00 Sheep skins, eaoh .... 75 1 00 Lamb eking each 25 26 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 5 00 7 00 Hides trimmed 6 6i Hideo rough 5 6 Hogs, Live 6 75 6 75 Wool 16 15} ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSH lP O- F GREY. Notice is hereby given - that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey, County of Huron wi11 meet as Court, of Revision at the TOWNSHIP HALL. ET HEL,ouMonday. May 0711, at10 o'clock a. m l attics Interested will govern them- e, Woe accm'tliegly. WM. SPEN(D, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal. Connell of the Corporation of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron, will meet as Court of Rovlaion in the COUNCIL CHAM- BER, BRUSSELS, on Monday, Juno 3rd, at B o'clock p• at. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly, F. 8, SCOTT, Clerk, GOOD working mare, 5 years old, for sale. 13. GERRY, Brueaola. Bolt or girl wanted to learn photo. graphing. H.Yi.BREWER, Brna0ele. Goon get of double barneep, oomp)ete, for solo cheap, Mee a Megeayy Harris Boder, Apply 10 W. 33I300, Brussels. Notice of Transfer of License. SAGE HOUSE, WALTON. NOT 1016 le hereby given, pursuant to the regulations do that behalf, that I, the un- dersigned, have applied for a transfer of the Hotel License granted to Mra, Chas. Sage, and that the said tranefor will be oomplled and signed to by the Commioeionere after the second publication of tate notion, as re- q Dateeredd ala Brussels, May 14, w. WM. 001 SHILL. Wool IT 50,000 lbs. Wanted. highest market price paid, delivered at my Storehouse, No. 1, Brussels, Robt. Graham. ,Spectacles —0F ALL RINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tented FREE by latent Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. Til 7J } 1