HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-16, Page 4U06$2.1:kl MAY lq, 1901 SintriStIO THURSDAY , MAY 16, 1901. EAST nrniON THE Beet Huron Liberal Association Will hold its Annual meeting tor the eleetion of alms and receiving reports in the Town Hall, Decimetre on Tumeay, My 2Bth, oommenoing at 1 o'olook p. ru. Aesooiated with this gathering will be held a Nominating Convention for the Billing M acenneetion with the Provincial Legielatnee. delegates are allowed f tore each polling sub.ciivision. Addreeme eth expected from A. Hislop, el, P. P., Dr, MaoDonald, Deputy Speaker of the Commons ; Hon. J. T. Gamow, oe Goderieh ; and Hon, G. W.Rose,Pretniet of Ootario. Tbe Municipal Chairmen will receive the necessary blank methane Sale for. their rupee:41m munioirmlitiee. Pitmen Rose will have as hie opponent in West Middlesex ab the next election Thos. Englieh, a well known resident of Werdeville. The versatile Premier thonla win without much difficulty. Beaten precedents are suppoeed to be the °erred thipg lent dear pity the Cana- dian Parliament that would ran debates along the oat and dog style of the British Government. Some of the scones enacted are simply disgraceful. The colonies can easily tet there an example worthy of emulation. Toe privy council has granted the Attorneyeefieneral of Manitoba leave to appeal from the decision of the King's bench court of Manitoba in ruling that the Provincial Legislature hem no power to pass a liquor act. If the rule of re- versal bolds in this as in many cases Premier Roblin will be correspondingly happy. Mktg Mabel V. ThoMpe011. Will aootlitspene and _fleeting taken the hieheet honors he voted training at ;the Come. eatery of Mind° in Tereete, the Will en, dorm to further her Oxide 111 ImAd09. TISBUISCAMING BMA/AMON, The Tomiaoaming exourelon of 200 lend Iteelteree heeded by intelligent oie oeeonee from the Ontario Government dee paetnaents, is it Movement Worthy of some attention. Xt ahem that the BON 00Vernrnent IB thOr011glaly up to date in exploiting the rich dietriet known as New Ontario. This region, rich as it la in Mineral and timber resources, le also a new field to agrioalturiete, eoetelaing great emelt at fertile, arable land. In feat, there in no reason why the same industry and perseverance which has made old Ontario a garden should not find acope almost se large in the nu. • developed lands of •the Norte oountry, Me. (Morgue, et the Soo, has taken New Ontatio ender his wing, and is advertise ing it widely,by his energy and euemes. He is filling it with prosperous, content. ed, busy people, happy bemuse they ere at work, with fair wages and every pros. peat of continued employment. He has projeoted s railway whioh will not oosb his province one oent in money, and which will aid further to people the new districts with desirable settlers. On top of Dlr. Clergue's enterprise are the ef- forte ofpulpwood and water franolliee companies, who are investing their oapi. tal and beeping along the industrial ex- pansion. Old Ontario will share in the general impales, and by means of the new railway will be a oonvenient market. •However, New Ontario has its ambitione to have a market close at hand, and it hae been gradually borne in upon us by the entbuelasm of men like Mr. Barka that thie new land hes soil as rich and farms ea fair as ever were furrowed by plow in the older parts of the province. What New Ontario merle to make its development eymmetrioal in is a farming community and it is along thin line that the Government now purposes to work. It halt fostered the industrial movement; it remains for it to foster the agricultural end of it, remembering that it was agri- mature which gave old Ontario a firm base for its fortenea. The 200 landmeek- ars who leave Toronto et the end of this month will me a splendid oountry, and they will have advantage of expert infor- mation right at their elbow. There is no doubt they will be favorably =premed by the natural poseibilities of Terneacern- ing and still more favorably impressed by the excellent terms on which they can secure homesteads in the district. They will see there all the fertility of old Ontario and many gifts of e. new oountry —the lakes and rivers teeming with fish, the forests with game, and all nature waiting complacently to be wooed. It will please them to hear that the Govern- ment thinka of building a railway to that distriot which shall be the property of the province, and will be under Govere. ment control as to freiglat charges. The new °pantry will have a fair start, eine hampered by the disadvantapes of the older part of the province. There are many yonog farmers in Ootario who will be attracted by the possibilities of Tanis. °amine. The Government has aobed wisely in its aettlement regulations. These are jut edict enongh to keep out Mestere and ne'eado.welle and to attract men of brawn and substance. The Temisearnieg will be recruited by fine young yoemen from old °uteri°, who wit be very good citizens indeed. It is in this favored dietriet also that the Govern ment has chosen •to allooate the land grants for the veterans of '66, of '85, and of the South African war. These men have proved their sturdiness and course in defiance of their aoarary, and will con. ttibute a vigorous leaven to the new nom mnnity. The Temfaaaming expedition and its results are worth studying. Emanate Ontario ie receiving more prominence this year than it probably ever did. • In the Sault Ste. Marie loeitli- ty there hes been a regular boom and in the Temismming motion it is neoeseary to survey three more townships to meet the demands of settlera for free grant lauds. The Ontario Government did an met worthy of commendation when they deoided to pull this part -of the Province and we believe the regatta will, give ample proof of the wisdom of their action. Loan Krrauzeisa is staying with the South African war in heroic style and gradually lent surely wearing out the enemy. The style of warfare rendered necessary requires the wisest generalship owing to the roughness of the country, the brigand style of Boer taatios and the treachery of the natives. Kitchener is no blusterer nor braggart hence little news of a sensational charaeter is sent concerning the skirmishes and battles that have taken place lately. The war has dragged along in a, tiresome way to alt concerned and if it were not for the conetemt stirring up by a few busybodies, 001 10 danger of having their own pelt perforated with bullets, it would have been over menthe ago. BEGINNING now, and continuing for some weeks, the municipal marts of revision will be held tbroughont the province, and it will be well to remind theme who are interested of an important amendment to the Voters' lista mot at the recent aeseion of the legislature. By this amendment - it is enacted that "Anyone who will be of the age of 21 years within 30 days from the day fixed for hearing appeals to the county judge, and wbo possesses the other necessary qtudifearttions to entitle him to be entered on the voters' list, sball have the right to apply to the judge to have his name entered and inserted in the voters' list as entitled to vote at municipal lions and aleotione to the legislative as- sembly." There is a emotive of keeping on names of peraoue on Part 1 of the list long after such persona hem left the (mantes,. They appear as farmers' eons, joint owners, joint tenants, eta. Reeident aliens and persons under see ate also pat on the lists. Now, bowever, is the meet opportune time to guard against any each imposi. liege, and the Liberate in every oonstitu• must, should be well prepared to do this at the wort of revision. There eau be no doubt OW the next election will be fought out upon the lints now in the course of preparation, and upon the lista will depend •very largely the reedit of the contest. 11 ice therefore important that every qualified peeson's name should be on the Hate and that the lists should be kept clear of those who are not entitled to vote. This slow, jelting and roteghlyeebunted With soother nine.yeareola led uareea George Engin), Valentino Olqbu, loetjoed at the moving by iakiog s tome of weed itt 00 bey reek, and 00 the arrited Of the latter at PI ablearg, young Kneisel began swingirig on 1128 side of the each while it was in motion. Tile bey fell under the rig and the wheel,' pegged ever lolm, el esti-. ing aim ee badly that he Bled three bore Berrien le me the mei' train that letoves Torente in the Morning, anil, In addition te the thheitties geld toward the building of the liae, it is new earning, or at loasb receiving the mali auheirly irOln the Pciatoffiee Depereatentla thie theme is a means el effeoting tame reforest, for the department should refuee to pay the melt ettheidy until to better eereioe le es- tablithed. The dilatory, leieurely, way. freight method° are often responsible for serious delay to the delivery of postal Metter, and it le guperdoneble that peo- ple in the Brum peulusula, on the direct line of railway oommunioe.tion, should be obliged be wait so loug for rail Matter teeming Toronto by a =ruing treiu. Malting every allowance for the semen and for the effeot of Winter frost on Oenedian roadheda, there is no excuse for the jolting and rough handling to which paeseegere on these lino are oubjeoted. There is a train Navies; Toronto in the afternoon which ie far more modern equipmept, and on which passengers are handled with more regard for their mem fort and personal eafety, but that does not atone for the service ou the mail trails, which is insufferably bad. The obligatione implied by the receipt of Governmental and jmnniolpal aid are disregarded he the stinting of the paseen. ger service, and in addition to that the freight rates; have been slowly and steadily advancing from year to ye ar. There bite been no (sweeping increase that would have aroused an agitation for relief but by aonsistent policy of emelt advances the ...rates have been steadily creeping upward. This is true in regard bo the most important lines of freight, and there are also many complaints as to the effieieney of the service et pointe where there is no eompetition. Cattle drovers say that at poiuts where both railways are available for sbipment to the markets there is always an abundance of cam and reasonable atexantnodation for shipping. At other pointer, where there is no choice of routes, it is often The court Of general fleseione will be held at Stratford on Tuesday, June 11th. Levi Dingman 50001530 Hugh Murray as begge,geman of the Goderiati to Stmt. ford ten of the G. T. Ile A. apatite' aomtuittee of the MIddlesex ()aunty Council has awarded 10 Joshua Conn, of fet. Alarm the conteaat for the additional stoneWork required for Bakeree bridge over Doty're Creek, between Lon- • don and Dotobeater townships. The Recite for the work is 6400. Dr, F, L. 'Phompeon, who hes been practising for the last few years in Texan with good enema, lute returned to Mite (shell with a view of leaving for Europe deadly, where he Wanes still improving himeelf ,by ependleg a year in Some of the best collegaa and hoopitale of London, The doter in a graduate of McGill, IV/entreat, and palmed with high honors. EIO was born in Mitchell. Hie sister, A Toronto Opinion of Our Railway Line. The Toronto Globe has the following to say about the Nortbern branches of the Grand Trunk Railway It is a remarkable feet that while the main line of the Grand Trunk bee beau improved in aocordanee with modern railway development from year to year, and while there is a good and • inviting service on the Muskoka line, the a000ni, rnodation afforded passengers on the branch lines in the Brum penineula is actually worse than it was 20 years ago, when the roughness of pioneer days wan excusable and in a measure unavoidable. Not only bas there been no material im- provement in the service and the general treatment of peasengere, but two decades have brought an setae! deterioration. Thie change for the worse has taken place in spite of the feat that rates have been gradually advanced and in disregard of the extensive subsidies, exceeding e200,000, given by the mnnioipalities to these branches. Although the eaunioi- palities have burdened themselves with taxation to subsidize the lines of railway extending to the Lake Huron porta, no effort bas been made to give them a Ber- nice in aaaordanoe with modern require - manta. The branabee running from Palmerston to Kinoardine and to South- ampton are conepionons example(' of wbat e railway should not be. 'The former le 66 miles, and the time own - pied in making the trip ie from five to seven hours. The jolting, shunting and banging to whioh paseengers are sub. Meted meet° inspire a dread of these Hem, end create intones dissatisfaution in the communities affected. l'itatelor Lee, The Fall wheat In this Beetles never protein(' better then it does now. (De.) Theodore Colenum, of Sted, bury, teas in town, the guest of T. E, • and Mee. Coleman. Tee plate glass windows la Breadfoot I3ox's furniture eters was Molten by a atone mussing through it, The old agriteilturel grounds, on Gods. Heti street, ware offered for sale by pub. Iia auction, as building lole, but no lots were sold, Rev. Father McCabe, the respected pastor 06 81. James' church, will remove about the let of June, His new pariah will be neer Simaoe, Norfolk County. Goilerith street, are Petitioning the °°"°' Property owners on the Beata aide of oil for a granolithie eidewalls, to be built from the Royal hotel to Dr. Soott'a residenoe. The drug and bouk stores of J. 0. Roberts, I. V. Fear, Alex. Wilson and 0. W. Barest, will °lose each evening et 7.30,, with the exception of Satarday, during the Summer months. Hugh Rabb, who was in the grocery business here for ;tame years, left for Detroit. Mre. and Klee Robb remain here for a time, until Mr. Robb selects a location for a new home. The following officers were appointed for the current year In aonneetion with the Bible Sooiety President, Rev. Mr. Hodgins ; Elearetary.Treaserer, R, Unladen ; Depositor, Alex. Wilson. Committee, F, Helmeted, D. D. Wilson, B. 13 Gann, JAMBS Leabherland, M. Y. McLean, W. D. Bright and W. neceeettry to order oars eight or ten days Balloutyne, 016 were raised last year. in advance to avoid serious' delays. Such conditions as these growing up in an old and settled part of the Provinoe, which has enjoyed railway fthilitiee for a gen. °ration, show the need of an effioient oommission to regulate railway rates end service. A gradual Meeting up of rates each se bas been practised over abase lines could not escape the attention of a commission natively engaged in anper ming railway operations. In extreme mem like that of the Wellington, Grey ds Bruce division of the Grand Prank it might be ineumbent on a commission to inquire as to the quality of the passenger serviee provided, and to direct that proper regard be shown for the rights of lbe travelling pub io. Commercial selflah- nese oaunot be treated to effeet reforms. It has been annonnced that Sir Charles RivereWilson, President of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, will visit the Dominiou on a tour of inspection during the coming Stemmer. If he survives the trip from Toronto to Kincardine on the morning brain his visit will probably lead to some meaeure of reform. "Francesco," 0. 13. Koenig, of Clinton, has removed to London having secured a gond sith atieVe,•Iter Irwin bas seamed 0 splendid situation on the stKtiner Majestic; at Owen Sound. Capt. Heater of the Salvation Army here bus left having received orders to go to Billings, Montana. A. T. Cooper was eleotea to represent the quarterly board ab the Disteiet meet- ing to be held on May 21 22. The stone work of the new home for the Priest hoe been fluiehed by S. Mor- rell, end the brick work has been started by D. 0. Prior,. who has the oontram. The officials of Rattenbary etreet rhumb were staltiog out the ground for the new Methodistohurch. /Sham Hill, who hem the contracit for the foundation, will have the sod turned soon. Beforeleaving town the menthers of the Baptist °earth of whish IseAo Pratt Was identified with took the omission to present hint with a beautiful (dock as a token of their high esteem for him. D. Tiplady, who has been a faithful end worthy superintendent of Ontario street Methodist °beech for 25 years was mos. eft/monies, PROVIIIETOR, • made honorary saperietendent. Tay. This well bred stallion will Maud for for was appointed superintendent and the iroprovement of stook this season as Dr. 0. W. Thompson, aseistant. follows :—Mande.y, Illay 6—Will leave bis own stable, Brussels, and proceed North 3e miles, then West 11 miles to Chas. Forreet's for noon ; thence to Blnevele for night. Tuesday—Will pro. Geed down the boundary to Winghaen to Sanson's Hotel for noon ; thence by 6th line, Tornberry, to John Wylie'a for night. Wednesday — Will prooeed to Esty's Hotel, Wroxeter, for noon I thee South to Thos. Smith's, lot 12, Coll. 1, Grey, for niglit. Thursday—Will premed South 1e miles and East 1i miles, then South to Elijah Jesoklin's, lot 11, eon. 6, Grey, for noon ; thence Boat 2e rnilee, thence South to Ethel for night. Friday —Will proceed East to Robt. Dilworth's corner, tbeh South to John Hyde'e, lot 25, con. 12, Grey for noon ; thence West, via Orsnbrook, to his own stable, where be will remain trail the following Pelon• day. "Bursar," its'athenene di NOLAN, PRORIETOUS, This well bred stallion will. Maud for P. MoNsil, of Ford & McNeil, earns nearly enataining serious injury while handing Me into the refrigerator, the plank leaving broken be falling to the •ground and a large elects landing on top of him. He was aousidreably shaken up but now is all tight again. The soleuitors conveyancers and in- surance agents of'Clinton have decided. to aloes their respective offices at 1 p. m. every Saturday for the months of May, jnoe, July and August,. The druggists of town have agreed to (dose their Bleeps at 7 p. m. during the Bummer months. SV imaatitt , Dr. and hire Towler are expected to return from England this month. Wiegham Farnitnre factories are very busy with Ontario and North West orders. Saud. Bennett will build a residence on the lot to the rear of his planters mill. The Sunday school room of the Baptist °berth is being re -papered and re paint. ed. Charlie Stephenson has gone to Wood- stock, where las has a satiation on the G. T R the improvement of stook this season as Architeet Binning, of Lietowel, is pre- loliows f—letonday, May 6—Will leave paring plane forJohn Ritchie's new resi- t& own ;stable, lot 4, con, 15, Grey, and dance on Centre St. premed to Donald Oampbell's, lot 15, con. W. C. 13telleo10 was in Hamilton and 16, Grey, for nom ; thence Small to Toronto last week, looking after maolein. SaM1101 Forbes', on. 14, Meleillop, for ery or the Iron Werke, 1 night. Tuesday—Will proceed West to It is expeoted that the oensUS recently taken will ShOW that Wingbam has a population of nearly 2500. Alfred Gray formerly, of Wingluine, nor's, lot 3, con. 9, Morns, for omen ; died at Owen Sound, on April 27th after thenoe to John Keller, lot 12, con. 7, ac illness of several months. Morris, for night. Teursday— Will pro. The town males at the Town Ball, the eeed to George Taylor es, lot 1, con.. re, E. P. R. and the G. T. R. Mations were Morris, for noon ; thence North to Bel. let by public: tender. 0. Id. Carr was the grave far one boar, and will proceed down enacerieful bidder at 9186. the 4th eon. of Morris, to James Shed. Brownie, daughter of J. E. Swarth, den's, for night. Friday—Will premed was severely bitten by a dog, that grew to Brussels for noon where he will re. jealous, because the child was petting main until Sestneclay morning. Saturday another dog. The offending ermine Was —Will procestl to bis own stable where Irina& he will remain until the following Mon. Frank Reed, the young man uremia by Chief Vaal:merman tome time ago, and who has sloe appeared befote Judge A fatal amident occurred Nitbburg Masson at Goclerioh, charged with as - on Tuesday of last week. Gem Schmidt, mulling Chief Vannorman and also of Lisbon, was moving bis household charged with oorarnitting two burglaries, geode to Either:re, and wee accompanied woe sentenced to six neenthe in the Oen. by hie young son, whom he left playing teal Prison ab Toronto. Notice to Farmers Mr. Nols,n's for meth ; thence to John Rialhond's eon. 9, Morrie, fee night. Wednesday—Will proceed to D. O'Con- day. • The Farmers' • Co -Operative Pork Factory, Palmerston. OWING to pressure of business at the Footory the management of the Ferman' Clo•Operative Pork Facitory 001 Palnierston have found it memesery to engage Mr. W. B. Belden, of Moleaworth, to complete the taking of stock, He is authorized to receive monies and notes and appoint agente to solicit stook for the Co., the names of whore will appear in TAW Pose. Sines the Brussels meeting fanners have eubsoribed freely and those who are now shareholders of the Co. ask every farmer to subsoriee just what he oan afford. It would be well for each and all feeders of bogs to consider his profits now, and that previous to the building of shares feel that them brother farmers the new factories. In this faotory,we should contribute this amount which is have almost 900 farmers and 1,000 more almost nothing compared with the benefit should be added. We will then have for derived. the time to oome a means of procuring Those who are not called on may send the Nil Value for one hogs, or at least all the English market will admit of. If farmers will deoide on the amount they intend eabseribing before they are ;Ailed on by the solioitors it will facilitate the work. !PIA charm me 010 00 each, the majority of farmers taking from two to five shares, paying oath, or ite three, BiX or nine months' time. It should be underatood that no person he liable for more than he subscribed, the Co. being a limited one. The building and plant have cost 1$50,000, all of which has been raised. A. 'lumber of farmer( carry enough on notes be do burliness—tide requires 950,000, and those who now have Parmers' Oo-Operative Pork Factory their eubseriptions to the Manager, W. J. Falconer, Paltnereton, who will prompt. ry return ortilloates for the amount. Farmere wishing to arrange for meet. loge should address W. R. Belden'Melee- worth, who will be pleased to meet those interested in this very important induetry. It may be well to add that farmer°, hi the vicinity of Ridgetown, have in the past month subscribed e5,000, claiming that distance is no detriment as all that le desired in a factory belonging purely to she fanners. • It is well known .thett Danish baton brings more in England than Canadian which is caused by ferment' roanufaeture ing and handling their own, thus making Omni more interested in produoing agood • Betide. Let farmers 500 00 it • that the . present opportunity is not lost. Palmerston, Ont. J.. B. and Mrs. Ferguson expect to re. turn from California the latter port of this month. Mrs. Felton *ill return with them. On May 24th, the following perms will lay garner stones for the new Mettle. dist Church :—Oheeter D. Massey, Tor. onto• Crossley and Hunter, evangelists ; MiseMay Gordon, of Woodstock ; Mrs. Geo. Davey, of London; John Wilford, of Bletth. Two pupils of Mies S. L. koore, of town, wrote on the London Conservatory of Music examination on the Theory of Music, and both were successful. They were Mies Knight, of Brussels • and Miss S. Russell, of Belprave. The ;atter lady received 195 oat of a possible 200 marks, Boildinge are rapidly approaohing completion at the National Iron Works. Permiettion bas been seamed from the Connell to arose Albert street with a sid- ing from the G. T. R., and the engineer of the railway is expeoted in a few days to locate the siding. &niter Roes, of Quebec is dead. The reported purchase of the Dominion Line by J. P. Morgan, is denied by the management. Sir William Macdonald hes just en dewed five travelling sehohmthips for McGill emanates in law. Hugh MaKinnon, formerly of Serail. ton, bee gone to Dawson to fill the poi - tion of Chief of Polios. Several barns were damaged and trees destroyed by a hurricane in South Dor. cheater and Yarmouth Townehipe. Br. AloNally, of eA." Field Battery, Eiegeton, was drowned. He was in a boat witb some deserters, and in trying to turn beak the boat was upset. The others saved themselves by swimming, and are now at Watertown, 1e. Y. It's Your Nerves. REAL ESTATE. rilARMS FOR SALE—THE UN. nussemenn has several good Farms or sale end to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. 8. 80 OTT,Brassele 001) FARM OF 142 ACRES for sale, being Lot 28, 000.7, Grey. Rouse suitable for two families if required. School house, church and parte( the village of Ilthel on part of the lot. Apply to JOELN 00BER, Ethel Carriage Works. 24- 1118T - CLASS FARM FOB SArds.—LOt 17, eon. 9. Township Of Grey. 100 sores 232008 or less. Situate 1,1 wiles from Biussele and 2 ranee from village of.Ethel. All cleared excepting 5 mores of hardwood bush. Buildings and formes in good, repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing clone. Price anio terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIR, 29-01 Barrister, &a., Brunele, It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of .Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life ie one round of sickness, weakness and ill health. To attempt eveelhe lightest household duties fatigues there. Many of the eyeaptorne accompanying thin state of deoline are ; feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortnese of breath, loos of appetite, oold bands and feet, beadethe, dark circles under the eyes, pain in the baok and aide and all the other &mom- panimente of a rnn.down end weakened constitution. All these symptoms and conditione are simply the result of a poor quality and clefeetive circulation Of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Bonn the weight inoreaees, the sunken cheeks and flattened baste fill out, the eyes get bright and. the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 ante per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto., QIkt Fee kale by G. A, Dendnialt, firmed& STOCK FOR SERVICE • 14-1ARM FOR SALE.—I OFFER J.. for sale Lot 15, Con. 9, Morrie, consist. ins 00 100 mores, wore or lees, 05 Cleared, 60 soros seeded down,80 acres Pall ploug00ed,12 acres in Fall wheat. 13000 60r70, with atone stabling underneath. Also dwelling house. Possession to Balt purehaser. For further particulars apply on the premises or to the proprietor. Frio° and terms reasonable. 25- THOS. FORBES, WingharnP , 0 VAR Al FOR SALE.—THE UN dereigned offers Ms 100 sore farm fax sale, being Lot 11,000.17, Grey. There are 00 acres cleared and 10 acres bush. Good house ; bent barn, 56062 feet, with atone stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fenced and drained. Artesian well with wind mill and tank. Convenient to school, church and. market, 10 aorea of Fall wheat and 15 ores plowed, balance needed to erase. Ap- ply on the premises or Walton P. 0. 8141 1320130.8 ORION, Walton. FN RN FOR SALE—LOT 24, Con. 14, Grey, containing 100 Rues, 85 norm cleared, balance in hardwood bush. It is straight -mil fenced, shade trees across the front ; two wells; bank barn 60 duet annexe, with atone stable uudurucubb ; new driving shed, 24;00 jest; frame bonen and kitchen ; °intern ; large orchard with onoice fruit ; well drained. The proprietor has bargained for another place, beim desires to Bell. Possession after ha.vent, For ler- ther particulars apply to JORN MoNEIL, Proprietor, bloncrieff P. 0. 40.9 TN THE HIGH COURT OF 3115- TIon.—In the matter of the estate " of William Batton, deceased. As Rao Reserved Hid was not reached on the day of sale heroin, tenders in writing• will be received for the purchase of the lands and premises, namely :--The South Ralf of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morris, 100 acres, eubjeot to the approval of the under- signed Local Master of this Court. Parties desirous of making an offer for this valu- able property may do so through the no- tioneer, F. 8. Scott, or the plaintiff's solici- tor, and if accepted will be subjeet to the same terms and conditions to settled by the old Local Bluster, and announced at the time of the sale hereto. Bated this 5th day of March A,D. 1901. B. 0. TNLE, Load Master at Goderieli. W.M. S/NOLAIR. FUN Solicitor. 134t6 pULL FOR SERVICE.—THE OnderSigned Will keep for service IMO, Cone. 10 and 11, Grey, a firstniasa registered Elbert Both bull. This helmet woe bred by Wm Grainger & Son, of Hid - lett, *hone clout good at the head 01 105 litt at the World's gale, Ohioan°, in their Wage fox bettor and mills Pedigree may be aeon 011 atmlioatton, Terms, 8010 lor the season, to be paid at time �I Service with privilege of returning it neeemary, 111.5111 OTIAS, 1102101LL, Proprietor, 4 IWRON CI .0714 '7" ALF. BAEKER, PROPRIETOR, MUSSELS, Out. Barred., Buff and. White Rooks. Eggs and Fowl for sale in Season. Eggs $1.00 per setting. correspondence Solicited. ALLAN LINE Montreal & Liverpool WA • Quebec & Moville 1901 SAILINGS Vaott STEAMER moWNTE1:101 0.0013100000 Ttar, 25itaril Corinthian Se. 11 ?d,ay 3a10 0 y Tunisian ... 18 ' 9 Nunsidian " 25 9 16 " Parisian " 1 June 9 23 " Pletorlan 8 " 9 006 3.11' ne 72% 1:'99 18 ° Numidian " 29 0 19 20 " Parisian " 5 July 27 " Pretorlan " 18 " 9 4 Ally Corinthian" 20 " 0 0 AS Steamers which sail front Montreal at 0 a. in. wall; Rio arrival of morning trains from Toronto and other ,points West and "South. When Steamers gall beMre 88.010. passengers 0 on board the previous even- ing between 8 and 10 o'o lack. Whon Steam• ars sail at 9 a. ra. pcseengera have the op- tion of going on board either Friday night or Saturday morning. For further particulars apply to W.. KERR, • Agent, Benguela. Stout wear Shoes, Easy prices, For hard wear you need good stout shoes, not too heavy but heavy enough, at easy prices. We have medium -weight women's shoes, good to keep the feet dry in all kinds of weather, warm, oom. fortable and wear -resisting. Easy on the feet, easy on the purse. Nobody need go without good shoes at these prices:— Women's Heavy Shoe, 950 ; Womeo's Pebbled Shoes, 91.15, 011 kinds eqoally cheep, HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Single Harriette, niekls. oilver, at .60 end 011 ; 1Teeen Harness as cheap as good material and good wok can be fernished. Our Collate ate all Warranted and will give you satisfectlen. A nice stook ot Teenier and Satchels tolling at lowest prime.. Repairs in Hanna, Huebert; and Shoes promptly done, • I. C. RICHARDS.