The Brussels Post, 1901-5-16, Page 2IHE NEWS IN 11 111811[11 THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL TEE WORLD OVER. IneereatIng !terns AbOtet Ofte Own COOntry, Great 13rItain, the United States, and Ali Parts of the Globe, COadensed and Assorteti for gasy ,Reading. leVianipee la S a building boom. , Timm .1wei beim a 030,000 fire at Dawson City. L:euteCol. Dent purchased 103 horees for the ImperMI army t Ottawa. John Calder & Om, clothing manu- facturers, of Hamilton, have as,eigned. The ecw. Mint° bridge over the RI,. ileau River at Ottawa will be ripened early in June, Nineteen McGill students have gone in a body to study the Britieh Colum - bin ooal naines. The Cauadian Steam Carriage Com- pany have decided to eatablish a new faetory in London. Hugh McKinnon, formerly of Ham- ilton, had gone to Dawson to act as chief of police. Six Wm. 'Macdonald ilea endowed fife tremelling echolarebips for Mc- Gill graduates in law. Seoretary Moore, Cr the eientreae gas Company, has ,reeeived POO from one man as conscience money. Chatham's assessment figures show that the city has 8,670 inhabitants, a decrease of nearly one hundred. The Government will build a private car to cost 20,000 for the use of the Duke and Duthess of Curnwall and York, , Three people were burned to death in a fire in a little hotel kept by Pierre Brunel in Maieonniuve, Que., oia Sunday morning. Ottawa, a oily of 00,000, has '74 hotel, 02 shop and seven wholesale licenses—and a few of the hotels have been out off, too, , Chief Census earGOIll1SSIO3ler Blue has gone to Washington to inspect the United States eystene of tabulating census returns. , Nororose Bros., the well-known New York builders, have the contract to build the fine new Bank of Montreal building at Montreal. The work of re -marking the British Columbia bouedary will commons early in juste. The line to be survey- ed ie about 400 miles in length. The censue enumeration will, it is thought, place Hamilton's population between 53,000 and 54,000, which is mach less than the citizens expected. The eustercon revenue of the Domin- ion for the month of April was 32,276,- 257 as afgainst 32e297,982 fox the same eieriod last year, or a decrease of e321,725, Lieut. S. Wilkes, a graduate of the Royal Military College, Kingston, who is a son of Mr. G. H. Wilkes,Brant- Benjamin T. ;Innforinof er, erly &Mtge, and Cliarlee E. gay, Uniic:d Stateoononissioner for the A.,rotle agitriet, have been frozen to death in Name Beyeal Peeseeee were burned to death in a teeettnent beam at Smith (Mien°. early Sunday movning, A ereight train Mending in Mont oe the build - enc, end wbiele It ig claimed, the crew e'tseteeed to move, blocked the firemen wbo wee tumble to get near the burn- ing bantling until It was too Late. The negotiations( for the oomolidae tier! of tee Auterleau Cigar Ca and tbe Havana-Amore:au Clam, Coe have been oompleted at Tampa. The latter ere:ape/1y is a recently formed cone goliciagon with 310,000,000, GENERAL. Typhus fever is almost epidemic in Mexico. , Tbeie ig a bubonic plague Page at Constaetinople. • The British have enlieted a number of Chinese at Tion-Tsie for the Wei- haiwei re,girtrent. The Czar, it is annoenoad will vis- it Copenhagen, Darrastadt, ane :Vi- enna next August. . It is claimed that the new Italian submarine boat is able to remain un- der the water fox thirty hours. • A ease ef illness has occurred at Galata, Turkey, which is officially pronouneed to be bubonic plague.' , The Indemnity to be demanded of China is officially confirmed at 3205,- 000,000 wnich will cover private Manna aad ele, , dermany events 325,000 frone Bri- tain as compensation for the expul- sion of eight German subjects from the Transvaal. Russia has arranged with France ter loans amounting to 000,000,000 francs, 3100,000,000, and other loans with English and .American bankers are being negotiated. The outbeeak of the pla,gue at Cape Town raay cause a change in the Duke of York's pleas. Ile may go from Australia to Hong Kong and crones the Paelfie to Canada. A despatch from Vienna Gays Mas- cagni, the Italian composer, will visit America in the fall with an orthestra of eighty ,members. Ile will be paid 310,000 a week, for eight weeks. ; PIEW NATION BORN.; Inauguration of the Australian CommonWealth at Melbourne. .A. despatch from Melbourne says:— The Duke of Cornwall and York, in his address at the opening of the Aus- tralian Federal Parliament on Thure- day, referred to the wishe.s of the Queen, who before her death signed Isis commission to open Parliament. He paid a tribute (to the generous aid rendered by the colonieS in the South African war, the splendid bravery of the troops, and the services of tbe equatiron in Chino., and expressed the ford, has been promoted to a captain- interest taken by Xing Edward VIl. in the Auatralian people. It was his earneet prayer that the union, so hap- pily achieved, would prove an instru- ment for the further advancing of the welfare of the Australian Subjects of the Xing and the consolidation of the Empire. Then the Duke read the following telegram from King Edward VOL: " My thoughtg are with you upon this august occasion. I wish the Common- ty in India. George Turner Jefferson Blair and Martin hecEadyan, three young men of Sprucedale, Muskoka, were drowned in Doe Lake on Thursday by an act:ti- ent to their boat. Chairman Dr. Campbell, of the London Health Board, says the am eangementa for housing prisoners at the London police station are a d is- graee to civilization. . Col. Peters, at London, hag issued an order permitting commanding ofti- ,wealth of Australia every. happiness ems of regiments', who wish, to wear and prosperity," • 7 , shirt waists and straw hats at the A.N IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. Peet annual camps, to do go, ,r 1 ; The Victoria Day Celebration Com- The opening al the Parliament wes Melee' of Kingeton! have invited Lord a roost ixapresslve oeremony. The and Lad,y Minim, the Premiers of the capacity of the Ekhibition building, 12,000 Dominion and Province and the the lecette of the ceremony, is members of Parliament to spend the pereons, and. the avuilalele space was ddy In Kingston. taxed to the utmoet. The decorations oonsisted of regimental standards, • It is reported on excellent authority trophie% of arms, and floral festoon% that Halifax will soon cease to be a The doors were opened to the tick - military station and pass into the 0091- et-boldore a19 o'clock in tbe morning met of the Admiralty, and that ex- and by 11 o'clock the auditorium was tensive naval works will be con- filled except the Royal dais. This e tructed... was located beneath the great dome. Mackenzie & Mann bave begun It kelt/ a. single rdw 05chairs, the work on the eection of the Inverness largc'iti ilt th5 mute% being elle' andRichmond Railway between , mGot0d by a small god Imperial Hawkesbury, C. 3, and Port Hest- °r°:a Tem whole wag overhung th Mg% It Is to connect with the In- with. the Repel Standard. In front tercolonial Railway. , of e Royal chair was a small table, on +which was a telegraph key. by General O'Grady Hely would like to see the employers el laboor in the 1ervhia.ich the Duke of Cornwall and York to flash the opening signal largeolties of Canada give tbeir em- ployes who belong to the militia half throughout the Commonwealth, when a day off on Wednesday fthe 'Union Jack was to be simultane- :week during the summer moonthrithr tAi'llY raised in every settlement of Federation. drill purposes. the .Ilic majority of the audience was GREAT BRITAIN. ' , 'e'er, come/wed of Lake, mostly clad ia The Marquie of Bute, who died last rn°'nve-wl':"A "sturne3. 1341411'1M October, leaves an estate of 45,026,- mattered grottpe of army and navy 375. uniforms game coloa- to the ecene. .A GREA,T ORCHESTRA. King Edward contemplated the per- • chaee of Mme. Patti's castle at Craig- A ,gettee; ombestra enlivened the an- y -Nos. tem.exidian hour with operatic (tire. It has been officially meneunced The 1 ormal prothedings were begun Met owing to the mourning for the at 11.54 a.m., wilth th,e reading of the proolametion summoning the Senate late Queen Victoria no drawing- • romnd or levees will be held this year. BONO FBLIAMENT *mem Notes Of the PrOpeedinga in the Canadian n011ee Of CelnirlOng, t ' I .1 Al.,ASKAN BOUNDARY. • Colonel Prior brougle± tip the gees - time of tee manner in wilieh the Al- asken bow:teary, line was marked. en the map of tlie Dominion oe Canada which wag gent to tbe Paris EePose- tion. Be bad been 'Informed lagt.year by the Minister of AgrMultere teat the boundary Was enarked be.th ways, So as to show the claim both dl Canada and the Unite0 Stetee. Recently, notvever, he had received a letter from Mr. Begg. of RAMO Columbia, who had eomenunieated with Mr, Bremner, who saw the man at. Part% and 32s, Bremner Stated Met the only boundary marked wasteat in accord- ance with the A.merican contention, Col, Prior wanted, to know eyelet wale the truth of the matter, and also whether the map was to be. exbibited at Glasgow in 085 piesent condition. Sir Wilfrie Let/Mem—I shall call the attention of my colleague, the Minister of Agriculture, to the rep- regents/time of my bon. friend. I may day, however, that in view of tee ad- vice WO have reeeived from our law officer, it le V.,ry herd to main- tain that the boundary rune up the Cleeence cbannel. The treaty says, in go many word% the Portland canal, but there IS a difference of opinion between the Americana and ourselves as to where the cbannel ie. We claim that it 10 wet of Pearse Island; they Mahn that it le Observatory inlet. As to endeavouring to have the line pass along Clarence channel, \Mitch is a pretension Mr. Begg has often sub- mitted to me,, Ido not think anyone eh° will talce a careful view of the matter can be convinced of the eor- reotnees of that pretension. The point on which we and the Americans do not agree is as to what is Portland chan- nel. They want to make it run up Obseavatory inlet, and then to the wet, making out that Observatory inlet es only a. small inlet running mato the interior. We, on the other Land, contend that Portland canal is aa 10 13 described on the Map at Van- couver, on imhich the treaty of 1825 seems to have been based, namely, all hat channel of water which emas veat 05 Pearse ishun.d. CANA.DIAN PACIFIC CEiARTERS. On the third reading of the bill "Re- specting the Canadian Pacific Rail- vay Company," Mr. Scott, of West Assinaboie, moved that it be read a third time thie day gix months. This es the bill granting a charter from Teuton to Se:tones Landing, but mak- ing it conditional +upon the company Drat constructing a line from Ten- on to Genii. The contention advanc- ed by Mr. Scott was that the Canadian Pacific railway already holds charters for aeveral brancli lines in Manitoba end the Territories, and that they should be tto,mpelled to conatruct these limes before receiving chartere for others. More especially he wanted a Inc built which would give railway eoramunleation to the people north of the Qu'Appelle valley. Mr. Davie, of Seekatehewan, suP- ported the motion, He contended bat the object of the C. P. R. in getting Ogee charters was net to build the tee% but to prevent others rem building them. AILer remarks from MessrS, Boum aese, 'Puttee, and Oliver, the motion or the ix -months' hoist wee nega- tived. MANITOBA RAILWAY BILL. The Houee took up the bill,embodye etc the agreement between the Gov- ernment of Manitoba and the Cana- dian Northern Railway Company re- specting certain railways. The Op- position to the bill came from Mee - ere. Puttee, Richardson, end Boum ae,sa, all of whom. made earnest ap- pealto leave the matter sent baelr either to the Legislature of Lhe province or to the people for a ple- biscite. The House, however, paid very little attention to their argu- ment% the members having obviously made up their minds not to interfere, but to let Manitoba do as it likes, tnd face the consequences if the bar- gain proves Le be abad one. „ it bed eeeeire ptraciVicallV deelded ISO parelmeee the property. Lee elki not eoneeler tee price, 3$0,000 Whetelt the MAAS aek foe the ProPerty unreeeene able consideiring the manner in Which real' estate has inoreased in value in tbe Anelent GaPital in reeeet ereare, but this feature mettle be inveeti- gated. As tO Whet the mule raiget do write the money, stiOposing the Gayer/mega purelmeed the ProPertY that Was a mattee for thenaeolves aliene. ALIEN LABOUR.; BILL. Ie committee oe tee bill to eeetriet the emptertation and employment of • Sii• Laurier explained that the Government had decided to peopase an arnendeneot with regard to the manner in wbich Suite may be brought u.oxler the Amt. After provid- ing that the penalty shall he from e50 to 31,000ethe Gavernment peoPeled to insert th,e ollowingem The sane go easfeited may, with the weellen opment any' jinage Of the gnslrt en which the proposed action 13 intended to be brought, be sued for wed reseaymed by any person who firet brin,cs action eleerefor in anY court ef competeert juritediation; in whine debts to a like amount are re- covered, Swale aurae may aleo, with GtheeneawralittaeinolognArctincote,thoel: oAstato jtharnegY.; of the Supeetor Or C011ay Court in wheeh prosecution le had, be recover. ed on summery convietion before any ijuoulttgleeo ofortthhee Oopeuasetey, 01Cpuean'ty, ibudeingzet oat sessions, or ,the 'Peace Recorder, Melte magistrate, or stipendiary megisteate, or any functionary tri- bunal er pergen invested by the gro- pe: legislative authority wite pqwer to do alone, suede ante as are usually required to be done by two OL more justioes a/ the peace, acting within the lOcall limits of his or its jurisd.ie- tion, the preceed,s to lee paid into the bends of the Receiveregenerak and separate mete raay be brought for each alien or foreigner who was a party tre each contract or agreement, The lerim.e Minister explained that this meant that as the law was ,orig- finally drafted, milt could be brought only 41n the Superior Court. Under the amendment et would be brbught fore be - a polMe magistrate or two ordi- nary rangietrates, provided that writ- e= consent todo ao -were obtained from the Attorney -General of the province, or from the judge of a Peoperiee or Camay Court. The bill was reported from commit- tee, and now stands fox its third treading. ATLANTIC SERVICE, On the Hero! of 37,500 fort steamship service between St. John, Dublin, and Belfast, Col. Hughes ask,e1 if any steps had been t,aken towards secur- ing the privilege at landing and slaugbtering Canadian cattle at Bel- fast, or some other Irish port. This wee; a privilege. allowed at only a few parte, none of weich were in Ireland. Mr. Yesher replied that the Depart- ment al Agriculture in the Olcl Coun- try had flatly refused to grant such a, privilege. He intended to visit Kngland rwithin a few weeke, and would the talk over tbe whole oat- tle.question the Imperial author...* itiee, and would urge upon then( thet their regulationd requiring Canadian cattle to be slaughtered on landing was an aspersion against the health of Canadian cattle, and Wa5 an une justifiable advertisemento to the rest.' of the world that the. Mother Coun- try 'regarded cattle from Canada a$ dangereue. TO INCORPORATE NURSES. The House again went into commit- tee on the bill to incorperate the Can - acetate Names' Association, Mr. Sutherland objected to the SeOPO of the bill. He thought it would make of the incorporators a Mose corporelion, and advantage the hospitals with whith they were con- nected, to the detriment of the hos- pitale in the. mutter chine and towns'. He would like to see the bill amended so as to give equal privileges to all eralned nurses. In the dtsoussion ev.hich followed and Representatives. Ndon was seg- Mesers. Fraser, Borden, Monk, Bell, ' McCreary, Fir Louis Davie% and Gil- mour took part. Several members held that Lhe powers giveto the association were toe large, and the upshot was a deoision to refer the hill back to the Private Bills Com- mittee for amendment. lette McCarthy presented a petition to be allowed to introduee a bill re. apecting Ore Great Northern railway, The objeet ie to make the bonds on the railevay and the bonds on the oompany'e bridge over the Ottawa river apply equally to the railway or to the bridge. The railway cora- pally and the bondholdere have agreed to this arrangement. ! HISTORIC BATTLE GROUND. The Opposition in the House of Com- mons will oppose the Army Reiorra hill on the ground that the same re - /ants oould be ecured at less cost. In comsequenee of the severe de- pression in the Midland iron trade a redoetion of twenty ehillings per ton ho e been made in Staffordshire mark- ed, iron. A clique of swindler.% making Lon- don their headrmarters and professing to s'epresent Amerioan insurance companies have swindled hundreds of Crenehmen, UNITE'D STATES. Destruceive forest fires are raging In Barbehoo, Wie., dietrict. Cedar paving on ono of Memo's streets caught fire and kept the fire- men buait for some time. ! Louis Meow Waterman, inventor of the ementain pet which bore his name 14 deed 85 nroohlyn, N, T. It is tulenitted at Dethoit that plane are under way for the eonsolidation oe all the prineinal stove companies ,in tbe United States, . The Great Northern Cereal Com- pany of Chleago, the organizetion Whieh Wag eentenarilated two months ago, 13 4100 bi aetive existence, • nalized by a fanfare of trumpets from the military band outside. The Royal party then entered, and wee conducted to the dais, the orches tra playeag the National Anthem The Duke, who were an admi'ral's uniform with the ribbon, et the Order of tbe Garbo:, the Black Roe eam.moned the two Ilonsee, in atoorelanee with the etriet formula of the, British Parlia- me.nt, and the members tiled in. Tim Iluodredth Psalm, was sung, with el present standing,' and the Earl, of Hopetoun xeml si prayer, offer while the Duke of Cornwall end York made a lengthy addrees and declared Par- liament open HEAVY PIRE LOSS AT DAWSON. 1 : mv.11 1 Many Buildings Destroyed That Were Valued at $34,000,00, • 11 deepatch from Tacoma, Wagh., eheele—'fhe stonier Dolphin bringe newe of anotber Dewsoe fire, with OM estimated loss of 375,000. Every build- ing from Contioffes point, at the cot- Vergenee of First and Smond avenue% up to and including Fairchild'a botel, Wag, burned to the grout& r • TRAINS WRECKED. - . _ . Train Conereying liorsos Blown Up and Many Were Killed. • 'A despatch fmni Pretotia saye:— The enemy are again displaying con- eiclerable activity in the Orange Rem er Colony, ohiefly on the main rail- way line near Mee:meted. On Thursday they derailed an am- bulance train proceeding gouth with convalmeent soldiers, a few of whom DUETS OF THE 1;fORLD ceemee t Prieee Of Cattle, °been(); grain, lee , in the Leading Murkete. • e-.--, I, froeonto, May 14.—Weeat The wheat Market wsss quiet to -day, tied wiehout feature. Millere are taking' No. 3 White and red at 67 to 68e, mad the quotabien for New, 'York freights le 68 leete. Net 2 goege quoted at 67 to 67 1-2e, to New 'York. No. 1 Mani- teba hard, 03e, lelontreal freight; Ritioding la transit, and No. 2, 90 to Ole; and No. ; $0c, Montreal feeight, Millfeed--Offerhoge increasing,„ and prime meeker. Bran, 312 to 31250, rest; god armee, 313.50 to 314, west, Ctoett—Market steady. at 42 1-2o for Canadian yellow west, and Pio To- ronto; mixed is qetoted at 420 west; American, nominal ,let 50 1,-2 to 51e bea•e. , Rye—The market ie genet, with prices steady at .49o, middle, freight. Buokwheat--Priees nnchanged 533 east Nee -515014, MIA% ages oe No, 4 at 65o trent, end at 66oi middle freight, to Montreal. " Baxley—Market teueet, with No. 2 quoted at 50c, lake pqrts; and et 43 bo eta, Meddle hreighte; Na. 3 extra, 42e, meddle freights. . Oatis—Firm. No. 1 .wibite gold At Bee east. No. 2 fermi at 31e, high were Mjured. The wrecking of the hospital train was a wanton outrage. There was no mistaking .the hospital train, which was marked on every carriage with large cross in addition to carryine white flag% It is a sigeificant facf that a train from leintherley with meads from Miluwayo, under a gtrong escort, was almoet due, but was stopped some dis- tanoe off on Information of the attack being received. At Springeontein another train oontaining horses was beown tip and a. number of o.nimals killed. About fifty of the enemy crossed the line near Standerton on Wednesday. e, deputation composed of Hon, S. N. tParent, Premier of Quebec: Hon. Richard Turner, Hon. Jehn Sherplee, Victor Ohateauvert, II. M. l'rice, a. Demers, Tborais Davidson, Rev, le G. Scott, and othere, el Quebee, interviem Sir Wilfrid Laurier and other onernbete of the Government, and Asked that tire Dominioh Gov- ernmerit purcham the Plains ol Ab - relearn for a public park. The dope - Oaten ltreede out a strong eilee. Thr, Prellnier'S reply Wrla sympathe- tit, butt his couldl not give, a definite enewee, Ile intimated, hneVeVer, that freights, with considerabk shipments north. Flom—The market is steady, witb 90 per cent, pabente, buyersbags, quoted at 32.62 1-2; choice lots, 15, to 20c more, Manitoba patents, $4.25; and strong bakers' $3,95. Oatmeal—The market is firm in car ots at 33.55, in bags; and at $3.65 in vood. Buffalo, May 14.-0.lour — Steady. Wheat—Spring, fair demand for meat; No. 1 Northern, old, carload% 860; do., 85 Mock, round Iota, 820. Winter vheat—Bide far No. 2 red at 77 1-2c, and 76 1-2 'to 77c for white ail(' mixed, but tonere asking 'much' higher prides, Corn --Steady ; No. 2 yellow, 49o; No. 3 do., 40 8-4e; leo. 2 corn, 48 1-2o; No. 3 do., 48 1-4, through billed. Cate— rs= ; No. 2 white, 630; No. 3 do., 62e; No. 2, mixed, 30c; No. 3 do., 29 1-2c, through billed. Barley—Little busi- neas done, owing to iee blockade; sup- ply very email. Rye No. 2 on track, gold at 58e, Chicago, May 14.--A.ftee showing atrangth an foreign erop geares the +Meat. market to -day succumbed to he domeetio preened of a bountiful harveet, and elosed le lower for Jelly. Corn eloaed hteady, July a shade up, and May 1-2e lower. *Data enjoyed the biggest market on the floor, July closing at an advance of 3-4c. Pro- visions at the close were 5 to 7 1-26 depressed. . Toledo ,May 14.—Wheat—Casla and May, 74 1-4e; July, '77e. Com—Cush and May, 46 1-20; July, 46 1-44e Oats 0a.eh, 581-20; May, 270; july, 27 1-4c. Bye -55e. eCloverseed—Casle, prime, 30.50; October, 35.25. Oil—Unchang- ed. • Milwaukee, May 14.—Wheat —Irre- gular; No. 1 Northern, 741 -2 -to 750: No. 2 Northern, 711-11 to 781-2c. Rye —Firm; Not 1. 55e. Bailey—Steady, No. 2, 57 th 571-50; eample, 42 to gle. Minneapolis; • Mao - 14.-eQlose: •-e• Wheat—Cash, '731-8e; May, 73c; Melee 73e -8c; on tracer, Ndr. el, hard, `75.1-8e; No. 1 Northere, 173 1-86; No, Weedrthe ern, 705-8 to 71 5e,Bc.' , Flour and bran—Unchanged. . •Dulliel, May 1.4.--Wimatecloseele Cash, No. 1 hard, 76e; No. 1 Northern', '740; May, '740; July, 74 5-4e; SepteMber, 701-2c. Corn -43 1-4o; efey, 433-4e. Oa85--28 1-4 to 013c. , , 1' DAIRY MARKRTS. • , STRYCHNINE IN WARFARE. Boers Sprinkled Poison in Food They Left Behind. A despatch from Cape Town says; —It is authoritatively etated that a new and ugly feature hag been; intro- duoed inM warfare in Krithinger's oommendo, operating in Um Cradock dietriot. Seventhen Boer% from his comman- do 'recently visited a lama at Tral- lip. After looting the Mete, and sending supplies to the Main cota- netted° a few miles dietant, Burns, the leader of the hand, sprinkled atrych- nine in the meal, sugar, and butter welch they wero nnable to move. , This statement is suppotted by af- fidavite, , Mane here of tbe 003XIMMI kind, and net enough of the right ert. Priem opntin5i sti freM 01 te 08etaaeh. Tise elePPIY of Metal etnef wee eue• usually graall, and, the ontiviry wits light; prime aye gteady, b28±1111- (3.103mM. Good grain-eee Jambe are in de- mand at from 5 to 80 pee lb. Iluck% are Worth from 0 10 31-2e Per lb, - Export emelt are worth from 4 1..2 to 50 per lb, Spring laMbg son at frone 32, tie 33 each. Beteher aheell at from 33.50 to ee.50 per cwt. elearnyarderg" are worth from 41-2 to 51.2 per lb. The best Klee for "singere" is 07-8o per lb.; thick fat and light bog% are wortb 03-20 per lb, Hoge to fetch tbe top pelee gent be oI prime quality, and Seale not be- low 360 nor abeve 2p0 lbs. • , . Poteloveing es the eange of quota- tions:— . 1 5 1 • I Catttle, ' Slaippers, Per ewe, 34 25 I 5 26 ,Entolletr, cheele, do. 375 * 4115 Butcher, orde, good. 380 375 , Duteher, islferilelr. . 275 ' 825 Stookers, per ceet. 2 87 1-2 3 37 1-2 Expert bulls, par et. 5717 425 1 Sheep and Lambe, 1, . ExPoirt ewes, per ot. 4110 500 , Butoblee, sheep per et, 450 500 Lambs, gel., pew cwt. 3 00 6 00 1 Do., by., par cot. 4 00 4 50 ; Do„ spring, each. 2 00 5 00 ; Meeks, Per cwt. , 300 + 350 Mdtkerre and °Melee. ; Cows, each . k 20 00 1500 Calves, each. . 1 00 8 0,0 , Hos. Moire hogs, pee ot. 6075 Light bogs. Pee ob. 1300 Heavy hags, per at. 800 Sows, Per cwt. , 375 Toronto, May 14.—Butter—the mar- ket is unehernged, with fair eupelY of, rolls, ,fw'hioh gell at 12 1-9 tq •13o. 016 tub dull, with very little cholee of- fering. Poor to medium, 10 to 12a. Deeleee are getting rid of old and pre - peeing fer good eupply of new 'grass, butter. Creamery, boxes, 17 1-2 to 18 1-20; and pouted% 181-2 to 19 1-2c. Egge—Receipts are large, and prices unthanged at 10 1-2 to lle per dozen. Chease—Market quiet. Full cream, September, 9 to 10e; new, 83-4 to 90. • --- DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Taranto, May 14.—Dressed hogs un- changed at 38.50 to $8.75. Provisiene are unchanged. Quotatione are as follows:—Bacen, long clear, loose, in oar bete, 10c; and in, ease lots, 101-4 to 101-20; hart oul. pork, 320 to $20.50; heavy mess pork, 319 to 319.50; ehoulder mess, 315. Smoked meats—Hams, heavy; 120; medium, 13e; light, 13 1-2c; rolls', 1.1e; and shoulder, 1G1 -2o. Lard—Pails, 108-4 to 11e; tubs, 10 1-2 to 10 3-4c; in tierces, 101-4 to 101-25. , KILLED. AT HIS WORK. Red Hot Iron Struck Montreal Man In the Stomach. A demateth freta Moetreal says:,— Louie Laceapeile, 29 years old, of 308 Maneliacturere street, was killed on Wednesday night 'while at work in Pinot,/ and Hersey:8. foundry,St, Patriek etreet. Ile eves attending an irnreenee teller, welch rati over bare of me, het, ;eon, Mee, et weememm up pull Atruek him' in ,Lhei alsdoxecia. 6 87 1-2 3,7 1-2 0 37 1-2 400 ! • Stags, pee c,wt, i 0 00 „ CRASH IN WALL STREET. Goen,a I5 1 Many Sena Fortunes Completely Wiped Out. A. despatch front New York says :-- dentil Friday, the Black Friday of 39 yearte ago wag remallee to express the notion oe all the evil that maid ever befall Wall street. In speaking of the happening% of Friday. and their comequeracee, an old stook trader Said ;—"That which makeg this day disagtrous is that so many small for - twee have been wiped out, and go many parsons of small Incomes have been ruined. This fact will make the dal felt by the butcherand bakerg all oiter The country. After the ex- perience of to -day, it will be many a Moon before the geaeral public will ,venture, again into speculation, as it bee been venturing the last two menthe. " The wenderful trading down here ise to be accounted for, not by the en- ormous tranmetions of the big fel- levee, but by tee operatione of thou- aande of men and women who were led to beliemee that it was easy to make quiek. fortunein stook gamb- ling. They had heard of the luck of their friendg. They bete read ill the etewepapere of the luck of persons tbey had never heard *emend they ooncludedto take, a flyee in the steeet. :Many of them got out by the middle ,of Ittat,week, and they are dealer by thousands than they were befove they epeculated. Many more stayed in too long, and to -night they are many, dollarWorse off than ne- thing." ! !. At the Produce Exchange just after 11 o'clock Friday morning, a cab drove up and the oolored man gervanit heln- ed an elderly woman to the Menet. See might have been 60 yeare old and wag dressed in black. Calling a mese, eenger she asked; "What ie the price of United States Steel, preferred?" COMPLETELY RUINED. The box told her that the laet quo- tation wae $7. The. woman seemed About to collap,se. Set collected her- self Ettinewiliat, and then buried leer face in her handkerchief, and wept] as if elle had been suddenly afflicted with a great grief. Aghe went clown the steps she wee heard to say; "Jackson, I'm utterly and completely ruined. I haven't 5 dollar to my name." The ;secretary to the president of ohe of the large,st banks in tolwn left the bank to catch a train for hie home hi the suburbs. A friend noticed that be Iseetm.ed to be all broken up about Something. Asking if any - tiling was the matter, the secretary Said;—"Billy, tibia ma,rket has Mane me up, I ev•ent in with every cent I Lad 'saved, and every dollar has been wove& Met. Pm going home 110W to Make a clean beettat of it to xny wife, and we'll try to start all over regain. It took roe Ewe years to save up what I've loest in the last three hearse' , 'The Savoie thee was wrought in the fortunes of bank clerks and brokers, bookkeemes, and atcountants, and office boys, and in fact nearly all the employes dneVoll etreet was some- thing peenligione. It wee the real thing in the wey of bard lack stories that one beard, and. it was easy to see that the wounde which had been inflioted were deep and painful. , Thieve was pandemonium on the Stoek, leeehange, but the scenes there were net ta be compared with those, °meted in the offices where the wo- IIVI/1 trade. As ,the tickers skewed that prices were going ,down until it seemed ea if there was no bottom to the market, the women who gather- ed rouhad the teekers, ten and fifteen and escarp deep, simply went clean oef theie heads. It WAS really pitital to heal: some of the etoriee they tole. 1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto, May 14.—The total receipte at the western cattle yamla thts morn- ing amounted to only 54 carloade of live stock, including 1,100 cattle, 900 bogs, '70 calve% 50 sheep and lambs, and a few male °owe. The market Was' a small one, but prime were generally firm to strong- fearc,Leadnd :speedy clearance ;was ef- The Engligh markets are a little better, and tbe export trade here ig active and prices were strong; for the beat stuff a sbade fernier than on Tuesday, though not quotably changed. Good to choice expoetere are worth from 4 3-4 to 5 1-4 per M. this ie the top mice ; for light export eat - tie the prim ia fthen 4 1-4. to 4 6-8c per pound. AppareeLly more cattle would ave sold. SOme of them had borrowed money There wee much irumbling about the market, end swinedealers were to speculate !Mid so long me attleefted with lookmg on to -day, de- alt/Meg to trade at what one Man called "smell absurd prices." We Mid a better eupply of stock - ere to -day, and there was an active demand, Not malty belle were hero, anti there wag little doing. No cliange in quo- tation% Good mild] news' are still wanted, but are not corning along, It 15 the old etery with, celvesi too $720,000,000. (5 oreign MiniSters Demand This Amount of OhineSe Government. A. despatch f reM Pekin sayst—The foreign leeineetere on elueedey decldee to miclrees a thliective note to the Clieneee government, ineorming It that a Joliet inclemnity et 3790,000,000 would he deneended, and asking what, melhode ef peyneent were proposed. „Al reply ie exPeoLed at the end of the Week, WO:110h probably will propose te Meet the indemnity by ral,eing the Oustome tariff. The Minhsters were unable to agree rt% to the desirability of opening the, whole empire to trade anti residence, Nome of thorn holding (het it would, be agking Chine to assume too greae reeponsileility, and teat under the Preeent Amite= of government it' would be impoesible to guarantee Lho tiefety ot the ronnerous foreigners who woule flock into the interior if the empire were entirely, ope,ned. TRADE RIOTS IN SPAIN. Several Billed and Many Injured— Attributed to Anarchists. 4. denpat,ch frrolne Hendee% Frame, saye;—Advices treceived here frotm Barcelona, Spain, say eeveral persona( . Were killed and nuntabera were injur- ed during the disordere there on Wee- nesday. 11 The disordere were renewed Thurs- day mornen,g, and were rigorovely ree pressed by troops and .gendarines. The Spanish Government attributeet the trouble to Sateen...le and Spanish Aneneleitsta, wbo have returned from exile and whet are co-operating with' the extreme Social:ate. There leave been mimbees of arrests, especially of foreign Anarchiete, and firearmee kneves, and Jeannine urging ineem deanitsm. Save been seized. CAPITAL OF $)[17,000,000. l What Two Clergue Companies Will Have When Amalgamated. The Ontario Lake, Superior Company, and the Conaoliclated Lake Superior Company, both Clergue enterprises', are to be amalgamated with a total capitalization of 3117,000,000. Even /Mould tbe lUnited States Steel Cor- poration buy out the Dominion Iron and Steel Company of Sydney, Cape Breton, Canada will etill have a strong rival to the Morgan billion -dollar trust. Of the 3117,000,000 capital of the con- eolidated companies, 535,000,000 will be non -cumulative, 7 per cent. preferred, and 382,000,000 mailmen Mock. • h, IN DANGER FROM HOOD. Phenomenal Rise in RiVer Indus Threatens Indian District. A despateh from Simla, India, says—Heavy reins have caused a great rise in the River Indus, anti Dare Glinzee Khan, eapleal oe Me dis- trict of tha same name, is in immin- ent daliVir of destruction by flood. The banks of tho river are held ,with great di:Inanity. , • SALISBURY SERIOUSLY ILL. -- Alarmist Report Telegraphed to A New York Paper. mama , kepi; advancing they beileved that tbeire 'wee preetleally • no end to tee money they rneght raake, ,• A cable to the New, Yorek World from London sayg:— "AlairMeng repeats aboett (Lord Salisbury's condition are prevalent , Eretlay. A. 3. Balt,eur, the Govern- ment leader en the Refuge al Commcns, and a nephew, ce SeEsberey, hed a private andienee with the King which is understated to have been caused bee the Rehm Minister's feiliog health'. Ile was te bave! been Os London on Feed0.9 but he base =IX yet left his Riviera residence. 'T.hse attack of Influenza befoan Easter left Mae extremel,v, enfeebled, and the news Mane 13eaueleu rtheived 85 Lontd,on sboeve ihat Ms debility ig obstinately resisting all treatment, and has now, weached a grave point.," JUDGE TASCHEREAIPS ENQUIRY --- Win investigate Alleged Paper Coonhitie on ay A deapatch ir 28Mthntreal says Juatioe Taeoherreau, who 'has been ap- pointed by the Dominion Governraenf to hold an investigation as to the paper combine ig now. aending notices to the interested parlies, advising them that be will commence to ale on tee 28th of Ma)'. The Canacliale Preag Association is tee plaintiff la tee oaae, and will 'be eepresented bee attorney. It complaine that Lim var- ioue paper manufacturere have form- ed am illegal combine with the ob- ject. of raieing the price of paper. The Government win not engage eounsel isa thm case unless it deems it advis- able be the eourae of the larteatigm tion. THE SULTAN VERY ILL. Report That TUrliclsolinRutlieo. Ruler a Precarious di A. despatch from London says :—The Athens correependent oe the Dolly, Mail cleitne to hays received reliable information that the Sultan of Turkey5 has been very kick, arid that he is still in a precarione condition. He refugee to undergo a necessery oPeration. Ile ham loeL all energy,and doenot bandle State affairs, which aro left to bite chite and a ehambete As a result al Um appeal to Cecil Ithodee, the De Beers ItlIning Conmany luta prim:deed to give the Khnherley Council 48,000 aetlually for the next three years, fox, the purpose of liqui- dating tee totinieipal deeicitc " Three handmd treops have been defer Pateb,ed to the Sialkat district of Inc dia to se/emcee plague riots. Tweetye flee Villages are tit revolt in tho dig, triet, and several hospital assistants have bmt killed en Mounded. , e. e50