HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-9, Page 8BICYCLES!
of 50 Win buy a Child's Bioyole
with pneumatic. tine.
$20 00 will .bay a Lady's Bioyole in
good repair,
$26 50 Will buy 8 Lady's Bioyole
only used a short time.
$25 00 D'or a Gent'e Bloyole.
$32 50 For a Gent'e Bioyole with
Morrow Coaster and Brake.
We rent Wheels for the Beeoon or as
Bioyole Tires, Cements, Hand and
Foot Pumps, &o., in stook.
If you have not sowed your oats
yet try some Formaldehyde to pre.
vent smut. We have it. A 45 cent
bottle will do 40 bushels of seed.
We have Base Balls, Rubber
Ballo, Croquet, &a„ ileo Foot Balls,
Bamboo Polon at 10o and 15o
each, Also Linea, Hooks, &o.
Agent for Ores- G. A .tl a Dr ADM AN Droggiet, Optician
tient Bicyoles. l r i and Bookseller.
Trains leave Bromide Station, North
and Bonth, ae follows ;
GOING Houma. GOING Nome.
Express 4:18 a.m. I Mail ...... 9:10 p.m
Mixed 0:46 a.m. Express 8:17 p.m
rD.caI Reins Pins.
A chiefs amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
RHUBARB pie is having its innings.
Simon Board Friday evening of this
FLAX sowing ie on the program. Qaite
a Drop will be put in.
OAapwre are reoeiving wbab "Paddy
gave the dram"—a good. besting.
S. HoGGARn and Sae. Gibson are sap•
plying Bruseelitee with fresh fish this
Sawn= WALSER takes charge of the
Wm. Nesbit] batoherbusiness next Wed.
Huoa R. ELLIoOT, Broaeele South, la
having his residence veneered with brick.
D. A. Lowry has the contract.
DRUOGreT DaADaL.N intends sending a
number of hie bees to St. Joeeph'e island,
Georgian Bay, for thie eeaeon.
BARRISTER Blair attended Division
Court at Listowel on Wednesday and was
in the snit of Reymann ve. Coughlin.
Gamma THoarsoN.has purohased a year-
ling "Costumer" oolt from A. Hielop,
Grey. Mr. Thomson is a lover of horses.
Taos, Oen=Y has been in St. Marys
looality pruning and grafting in the or-
chards of the farmers of that oommnnity.
Two funerals at Brnesele cemetery on
Tueeday—Mr. Smith of Grey, and Mre•
Orozier, of MoKiilop, and one on Wed-
nesday—Mr. Parr.
TEE POST Editor records his thanks
for prompt remittances bat would like to
jog the memory of a hundred or so who
have not yet replied.
Tau Bewtinheimer auction eale of
household effeate was not held last Sat-
urday, but VMS adjourned to the 18th
inet•, at 8 p. m. at bbe same plane.
F. S. SCOTT Saye Sault Ste. Marie ie
getting to be a haetling town. They are
booming their industries, railway and
street oar route in the near future.
IT is said that Jno. McFadden, con. 12, eeaeon owing to inability to 5800x8 Butt.
Grey, will erect a new residence on a lot able shop room in London just now.
South of Mrs. T. Kelly's home, Turn• ala&szi e9.—Ohap. 52, Sao. 1, Ontario,
berry street, and will take np reeidenoe I etatntee, 1692 : "Any peceon, who direct.
ly or indirectly, Belle, gives or farniebee
to a minor under 18 yeare of age, cigar.
ettee, cigars or tobacco in any corm :hall
on enmmary oonviotion thereof before a
jastioe of the peace, be enbjeot bo pen•
ally of not Nee than 510, or not more
then 550, with or without costa of prose-
cution, or to imprisonment, with or
without bard labor for any term not ex•
oeeding 30 days.
T H Et 1 R EI S S J. t 1! 0 fS T
M 9, 1901.
R. N. BAntmmm'a barber sbop bee re.
ceived a brightening up this week In the
way of new papering, &o,
Tam grist m11 of Mr. Finnemore, at
Blyth, was doeed to be in ote en ndler Mondea
night. Supp x' x
has a bad record for fires,
BY arrangement with the residents on
Turnberry street North of the Maitland
the street watering part now attende to
business ae far as H..18, Brewer's rest.
donee across Queen street. It Is a good
idea and will add pleasure to the homes
in that locality:
Fninez morning Barrieter Blair leaves
for Parry Boned awing to another legal
trouble over his brother's property in
that section. By warrant of the Court
he oat a mill dam that was muting
water to submerge his farm and ie now
threatened by a lumber Co, for so .doing
in a criminal serge.
GOAND Tnuna. — Shipping has been
lively during the peat week end consisted
of 4 oars of cattle by Soott & Beet ; 3
ears by A• 0. Dames; 8 care of wheat by
Alf. Backer ; a oar of bogs by W. P, Van•
atone 1 and 62 tube of bntter by Robb.
Thomson, for Halifax,—A special live
stook train took away the cattle shipment.
—The seotion men have been giving the
yard a Spring cleaning, improving it con•
Lranaean AUoTIONEERS.—Tbe following
are the licensed auotioneere in the
()minty on May 8th, 1901:—Thonlae
O •ndry, John Gill, Thomas Brown, Ed.
ward Boesenbury, John Currie, Henry
Brown, John Knox, B. S. Philips, Jae.
Stanley, Joe. Cowan, D. Diokineon, G.
Barton, John Purvis, Robt. H. Garnier,
F. 8.80088, R. M. Charles, 0, H. Merri•
field, 0. Hamilton, Henry Torranoe, 0.
H. Wilson, Henry Riohmoud.
10PR07EM5NT8: Wm. Martin has put
np a new wire fence at hie property and
has levelled ep the front of his lot.—A
oemeot walk has been put down at Geo.
Olvar'e residence.—Walter Jaokeon bas
removed hie front fence and improved
the verandah and walk at his home.—A.
MoGnire and Neil AULanahlin have had
a line wire fenoe built.—Alf. Beaker's
new poultry hones is about oompieted.—
R. K. Rose has oompleted a woodshed at
hie reeidenoe, Alexander street, and is
makiug some internal ohauges in his
BanesELe Base Ball nine will play at
Harriaton with the "Browns" of that
Tag 24th of May will be maintained a
public holiday a remembrance of good
Queen Victoria.
Wel. BRIMFULL bee closed a bargain
with Mrs. Sage for the Welton Hotel
and will take possession on the 3rd of
NORWICH celebration for May 24th ie
off and oar Football team will not be
called upon to attend. -They hope to get
a game at some other point.
A HOnmAY will be on the program of
Brussels Pnblio School Friday of next
week as the testators will be attending
the Convention at Wingham.
Tag resideooe of Mrs. Fergueou,
Alexander street, has been purohased by
Mre. Thaell, of Morrie, for 5625. She
will take possession next Fall. R. N.
Barrett ie the preeen8 tenant,
Tag• peat year added many to the pop-
ulation of the silent oity of the dead.
From April let 1900 to April 1st 1901
there were 66 interments made in Brae -
eels cemetery and the past six weeks have
largely increased that figure.
Tam Lyceum Oo. billed to appear here
lest Monday evening, ander the auspices
of the 0. O.F., failed to materialize, nor
has any explanation been received from
them as yet. Enquiry is beteg made by
the 0. 0. F., and they may know more
about it later. The procedure is peonliar
to say the very least.
A MEETING of the teachers ot Eaet
Huron will be held in the public school,
Wingham cm Friday and Saturday, May
17 and 18. A good long program of
papers on various subjects is prepared
besides an "At Home" by the Wingham
school staff, and oddreseee from Mesere.
Merchant, Robb, Laugh and others.
BIommme BUSINRBo.—A Consley bee sold
19 wbeele since this ee05on opened, the
ealee since last report being as follows :—
Ladies' Hyslop to A. McDonald, Oran.
brook ; Ladies' Hyslop to Thos. David.
sou, Grey ; a Cleveland to Albert Mo•
Call, of Holyrood, Bruce Oo., formerly of
Morris ; a eeoond hand wheel to John
Lamont, of Grey.
Eames Sonn.—John D. Ronald has
disposed of a Chemical engine ands hook
and ladder track to Strathoona, formerly
called South Edmonton, N. W. T. A
eeoond hand Wateroue has also been sold
to a town in the Eaet and will be ehipped
to its destination shortly. Tbe London
Syndicate who bought the Engine works
may ran the boeineee here for this
Fon several weeks correspondence hae
reaobed ne on Thursday evening after
TUB POST was issued. We cannot make
use of outside items after Tbareday
morning's mail other than hold them for
the following week.
Tan High school entranoe examinations
will begin on June 26th at 8.46 a. m., and
the department exams. begin on Jaly 2
at the same hour. Oandidatee who per•
pose writing on these examinations mast
notify the Inspeotor either direotly or
through the prinoipal of the school whioh
they attend.
annual meeting of East Huron Farmers'
Institute will be bald in the Council
Chamber, Brussels, on Tneeday,Jnue 4th
at 1.80 o'olook. Eleotion of offioers ; re-
ceiving reports ; arranging for meetings
and discussion of matters of interest to
the institute will be on the program.
New Resmgxoo,—John Leckie iobenda
erecting a new modern reeidenoe adjoin-
ing his present borne on the bank of the
Maitland. On the oompletion of the
new house the present one will be moved
to another lot, Mr. Leckie contemplates
building frame instead of briok bat lute
not yet definitely ,.sOided as to plan, etc.
A OONTn0OgNT ot Brneaele •Odd Fellows
drove over to Atwood on Wednesday
evening and demonetrated their work
with their Degree team. An enjoyable
time wag spent, the Atwood brethren
proving themselves to be most hospitable
entertainers. There wee also a load of 8
linkers from Listowel in abbendanoe.
Tbe "special" from the North was a
trifle late as the engineer bad bard work
to keep np steam on the up grades.
LICENSED PEDLARS. -00. Treasurer
Holmes sande the following as constitut-
ing 0 list of licensed pedlars :—Lona
Raebkopeki, Jaoob Kaffe, J. L. Frey,
Fred. Gosman, Thoe. Wiley, Louis Fine,
W. K. Whaley, Thos. Langan, Alex. no -
Nair, Fred. Morgan, Henry Hayden, W.
J. Miller, Geo. French, 0. I. Sanderson,
A. J. McKee, Jas. W. Gibson, Geo.
Beatty, G. F. McPhee, Walter Innes. It
is hinted tbat those who have wagons on
the road without license will be made
toe the mark.
Dot'r Do IT.—A. number of boys and
young men have a habit of congregating
Sabbath afternoons at store fronts and
spending an hour or so, some tames dis-
playing a little oondaot not altogether in
keeping with the day or according to the
beet rules of etiquette. The oonnoil was
raked last Monday evening to prevent
this but there is little need of interference
on the part of any body if the young
people will refrain from the custom of
their own aaoord. If this is not done
then the town Covetable will be inetraot-
ed to ask them to "Move on,"
Monday George Beet shipped 4 oars and
A. 0. Dames 3 oars of prime nettle. As
a matter of interest we append the weigbbs
of the shipment except one car that Mr.
Dames purcbased by the dollar. The
prioe ranged about 5 oente, we under-
stand. Somebody will come in for some
good steak and roasts when the destine,.
tion to reaobed.
Mrs. Oalder Grey,
D. Marsh
W. Work
Jas. McDonald "
W. McNair
O. Knight "
J. Wlutffeld
Alex. Perris
R. Scott Morris
P. Bots Grey
A. Turnbull
:as. EBiott
Thos. Ennis
W. Brewer
Alex. Barrow "
J. McNair "
J. Barrow McSillop
T. Davidsolnd Grey
2 2770
8 8460
1 1750
144 210080
6 8020
10 1�
7 8140
2 2100
1 10020
4 4150
10 112960
W. Bryant Morrie 8
O. Baker
6 8180
P. Baker Grey 6
Taos A. MoINTosa Dgen.--Winnipeg
Free Press of May let, says of a for-
mer Brusselite :—The oommnnity gener-
ally will be considerably shocked and
pained to learn ot the death of Thos. A.
McIntosh, which occurred at the general
hospital last evening. The deceased had
been ill for jaet four weeks and was suf-
fering from the effects of a stroke of para-
lysis, with which be was visited on the
afternoon of April 2. Hs wee then taken
to the hospital and a few days later reviv
ed soffioiently to be able to talk a little
and for s. time strong hopes of bis recov.
ery were entertained. About a week
ago, however, he relapsed into nnconeoi-
oueness, is whioh state be continued aD•
til the time of hie death. There were
few better known figures in Winnipeg
than "Tommy" MoIntoeb, and his demise
will oauee general regret to hie =mor-
ons friends. He wee of a cheerful die.
position and never allowed a Renee of hie
infirmities to overcast bis poem] good
nature. He was popular and well liked
by everybody and there ate many who
will feel in hie death a personal lose. Al-
though suffering from phyeical disability,
he coaragecaely bright hie way through
lite and as the proprietor of the Claren-
don oigar store and oiraulabing library be
proved himself to be an active, shrewd
and encceeefnl business man. Hie death,
following So closely upon that of bis
yonnus, will
be a aanother (revere blow er brother on the toio
his already
stricken family and in the oironmelan0es
they will be extended general and sincere
sympathy. Mr, McIntosh was about 86
year: of age and was a resident of this
city for the greater part of bis life. The
eame paper says :—The doable funeral of
the late Thomas A. and Wellington J. Mo.
Intosh, was held this afternoon from the
family reeidenoe, corner of Notre Dame
avenue and Albert street to Bt. John's
cemetery. Tbe obeegniee were attended
by a large number of citizens, and a leng-
thy procession of carriages followed the
remains to the oemetery. The services
were held at the house, end were conduo'
ted by Rev. Solomon Cleaver, pastor of
Grape mhuroh, who delivered a most im•
pressive and appropriate sermon. After
the services the remains were removed to
the beareee, and the p000855ion formed
for the oemetery. Tbe pallbearers who
oarried the body of Thomas A., were S.
Honler, A. Town, J. Georgseon, J. Nieh•
oleos and W. Matheeou. The pallbearers
for Wellington J., the younger brother,
were Jae, Rose, N. Cameron, F. Atkin-
son, J. A. Anderson, Jas. Kier and F.
Brierton. The two coffins, whioh were
laid gide by side at the house, were almost
buried in flowers received from a large
number of friends. Among the many
beautiful floral tributes were two large
wreathe from the family, B. S. Jenkins,
wreath ; Mrs. A. Thompson, wreath ; C.
P. R. operating staff, pillow and pillars
with broken wire ; J. Graham, wreath 1
and Mre. W. Soon, wreath 1 Mr. and Mrs.
Shuttleworth, spray •; Mr. end Mrs,
Dumoaohel, star ; Dr. McArthur, star ;
D. and Mrs. Lamb, arose ; R. Faw0ebt,
star ; T. T. and Mrs, Smith, spray ; P.
D. and Mre. McKinnon, anobor ; Mr. and
Mre. Greavee, spray ; Mr. and Mrs.
Reeves, star' Harold and Mabel Thomp•
goo, Bross ; Mrs. Holman, etas; Maseru.
MoLaren Bros., wreath • Mr. end Mre,
Jeakeon, wreath ; Sidney Foster, wroath,
Dr. and Mre. St. Jobb, star ; B. George.
son, heart ; 13. B. and Mrs. Carper, heart ;
R. A, Bonner, spray; A. M. Seabrook,
AS Tel X,T)✓ RD F,/1 XE 0.F ad X4 D4,
:�ST.,e•.:m�Tlsx3 a 1,e72.
CAPITAL I'AID IIP . (One Million Dollars)$1,000,000
11696' . • 8700,000
Agencies in all pripoipal points in Ontario, Qlaobao, dfanitobs, United Staten u Etagtand.
'L ii's.7. l:a tom°, a.iT '.
A General Banking Business Transaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Oolleotione made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards and compounded half yearly.
Every faoillty afforded. Oustomere living ata dietenoe.
payable at any bank issued Under 510.... 80. 520 to 580....120
masa Ordsrs at the following rates :— 510 to 520....10o. 30 to 40....14E
etar ; Mre, A. Thompson, heart ; Geo. have to give an a000nnt of oar steward -
and Mrs. Kent, wreath ; 3. R. Grant, ship. The Reotor—Bev. G. J. Abey—
wreath ; the boys of the house, wreath ; read the list of candidates and they were
Mrs. Collier and daughter, wreath ; Mr. then confirmed. There was a large con.
and Mre. Wraggett, wreath. grog Won present who oogld not fail to
Srecuea L. 0. L. Mezegeo.—A apeoial be benefitted by the service, The Bishop
meeting of Brussels Orange Lodge will oame from Wingham and drove from
be bald next Monday evening in the here to Seaforth for an evening servioe.
Orange Hall, to oommenoo at 8 o'olook. It would be a diffioult matter to find a
As business of imporbaroe relative to the mote zealous, active and persistent worker
12th of July will be brought up a large than Biehop Baldwin.
attendance of members ie asked f .r,
8. T, PLUM, SO' --tory.
CLEAN Youa GRA1N•-4 general stir np
to being made through the o:entry in
reference to the necessity of farmers
paying more attention to propor'y Mean-
ing their grain before marketing it. The
ebippere iu many gnarbers have b en get•
ting it in the nook by the sharp grading
done and the oonsque't remotion on dirty
shipment as compared with that free
from 50108, email grain, &a. Farmers
stand in their own light iu this matter
and will be largely advantaged by only
Belling the best article possible. Many
are very particular in this matter bot
sometimes a few bad loads will detract
from the value of a wbole oar, and like
oulls of any other variety the price Is inn.
segoeutty dropped very noticeably. The
use of bineetone and formaldehyde will
do good in this respeot.
MUNIOIPAL STATrsxros. — A. Ooueley,
Assessor, bas completed his work and
banded in hie roll, the work being very
neatly entered. Tbe following partion-
lars will be of ioterest as we give com-
parisons with last year :
Bee Keepers Aseooiation desire to draw
the attention of the public to the fent
that 0 number of members suffer from
pereonsspraying trait trine in tall bloom
end their bees are being killed in this
way whioh is prohibited by an Aat of
Parliament assented to in 1892. (1) No
person in eprayipg tie sprinkling fruit
trees daring the period within which
snob trees are in full bloom shall nee or
caused to be need any mixtures oontain-
inggParte Green or any other poisonous
sabetance injurious to bees. (2) Any
person contravening the provisions of
this Aot shall on amnesty conviction
thereof before a Justice of the Papaw, be
subject to a penalty of not loss than 51 or
more tban 55, with or without mete of
pr085 011011, and in 0x58 of a fine or a fine
and costa being awarded and of the same
not being upon oonviotion forthwith paid
the Justice may commit the offender bo
the common jail, there to be imprisoned
for any term not exceeding 80 days nn•.
less the fine and poste are sooner paid,
1901 1900
Real Property 273,216 , 273,665
Personal Property34,950 88,576 visiting Mrs. George Oardifl, John street.
Taxable Inoome 2,700 8,000 Jno. and Mre. Thomson were renewing
old aagnaintanoee in Seaforth last week.
Tobal..5310,865 5815,140 Ed. Mole, of Auburn, was in town and
1166 1228 looality for a few daye during the past
A. Cowley 8705 in Toronto for a few
days this week.
Jno, Beattie and Jos Ardell epent San.
day in Seaforth.
Mrs. Fletcher made a short visit to
Lnaknow last week.
W. H. MoOrsoken was in Toronto .for
a few days last week.
Hugh Porter, of Atwood, spent Sunday
at Neil MoLaaohlin'e.
Geo. Lowry is brioklaying on the new
foundry at Wingbam,
S. B. Bmale, of Listowel, was in town
on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. Jno, Tait was visiting Mrs. H.
Ball at Wingham ibis week.
Mies Wilson, of Seafortb, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Twaddle.
Peter Ferguson, Queen street, is book
from an extended visit to Toronto.
W. Mane baa gone to Kincardine to
take a situation in the Pork Factory.
Duna, McLaughlin and Fred Hayoroft,
of Seaforth, spent Sunday in Brussels.
W. K. Ooueley is cheese making at Neil
B. MoLanoblin'e factory at Silver Corners.
Miss Jennie Ferguson, of Walton, is
No. of Doge
Horses 10 days durrug the past week but is about
The drop off of over 53,500 in the eineee•) all right again.
meat is due to reductions in personal Mrs. W. F. Vanstone and Gad., of
property attributable to removal of A.R. 1 Winghamss
, were in Brunets on Wednee•
SHIM'S stook to Stretford, abeenoe of l day of this week.
wood at Salt Works, &e. It will be i Adam Varcoe has taken up a home -
noticed that the number of dogs ie re- stead at Swan River, Man. All Ad. re
duped by 9 and all of the male perea05. I quires now ie a wife.
ion. There is very little doubt bat that Mre. Jerry Blaehill and Mies Lottie in.
there is a soots or more canines in town , tend removing to London where Mies
than reported to the Assessor. A revival I Nina and Charlie are now residing.
of the tag Bylaw might serve a useful I W. 13. Diakeon, State Attorney, from
VI -111t(111
Langdon, Dak., formerly of BroaeelVI-111t(111 tHl.11lsti- • D. Stewart is renewing old acquaint.
visiting in Ontario for a ehort time.
Next Sabbath avenin Rev. Jno. Rosa, 0noee in tide looslity. Hie health ie eon.
g siderabl improved we are pleased to
B.& , will epeakon "Lead Kindly Light." state. y p
This beautiful bymn will be given in solo Jas. Ballantyne continues to improve
form and by the oboir. bat is still confined to his home. We
Rev. W. H. Leeab, B. A., of Viotoria hope to Goon, see him in his store once
University, has beau Bemired as a carman- more.
ent supply al Teeowater during absence Will. Straohan and bride nee Mies
of the pastor in Europe. Mat. Crowe, of Paisley, are visitors et W.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. A W. H. Mo0raoken'e. They are on their
Dever, of Walton, occupied the pulpit of bridal tour.
the Methodist Church here and gave au J. M. Martin and family removed to
interesting and practical dieaonree. Clinton on Taeeday of this week where
The latest charitable Bahama is said to they parpoee making their home. We
be the founding of a home foraged deem wish them 8000055,
ing-masters. And yet there are who:e Barrister Blair united businese and
denominations, Christian is name, that pleasure in a trip to the Co. town Thore•
leave tbeir aged ministers without a home. day of last week, returning with Mre.
Mr. Habeon, of Guelph, will deliver an Mre. Blair and children en Saturday.
address in Melville charoh next Sabba h Mre. Robb. MoOatobeon and children
morning and in the Methodist church iu left on Monday for Alameda, N. W. T.,
the evening on Sabbath Observance in to rejoin Mr. MaCutcheon who bas gone
connection with the Lord's Day Alliance. into farming on an extensive scale there.
Nest Sabbath afternoon will be Mie. Adam and Mre. Reid, of Langdon,
sionary Sunday in the Methodist Sabbath Dak., intend taking a holiday trip to
School. An interesting program will be Labrador to spend a portion of the Som
given in addition to the lesson whioh is mer with 11'ir. and Mrs. Blank. Their
missionary, viz., "The Great Oommie•
Bion" oldant Brnstime.
eels friends wish them a cissa-
Wingham District meeting and the
Womens' Missionary Sooieby will be held Brussels Council•
in the Methodist Obnrob, Brussele, on
Taeeday and Wednesday, 21st and 22nd. The regnier monthly meeting of the
Tbe Tuesday evening meeting will be local Parliament convened on Monday
addressed by Reads. F. Swann, of Rip. evening with Reeve Rosa in Ehe shalt
ley ; R. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., of Gorrie; and Connoillore Wilton, Henderaon,
and Mies Baott, of Toronto. Gerry and Donaldson oleo present.
the London Conferauoe examine- Minutes of Iaet meeting read and ap.
tione, held in Mitchell, the following roved.
passed :—Third year men—J. E. Hunter,
following aaoounte were present.
0. W. Morrow, Ralph Steele ; second ed :—
year --Apron Moorehoase, Harvey Ken• MCS. Wallace, to goods 5 8 10
Hedy, Thomas Philip ; first year—J. 0, W.Denbow, workingradar 2 50
Agnew, R. Hicks. Meyers. Hilee and Alex. oboes, a�ar 26 00
Cadman took preliminary examinationMy
with a view to reception as aendidates, R. IIenderaon, hauling engine8 75
Rev. John Rose preached to the Bab- A. Ooueley, Aseeesor's salary, &o48 05
bath School scholars Net Sabbath morn• M. II. Moura, work on grader•,,1 50
ing in Melville Church from the text, Robt, Denbow, work on grader1 50
"Fight the good figbt of Faith." All Moved by S. Wilton, seconded by J.
should engage in this oondiot (1) Beosuse Donaldson, that the foregoing momenta
it fa a good Clause ; (2) Beatings there is bo passed and ordered to be paid.—Car-
a good Captain ; 3) Because you have rind,
good Comrades ; (4) Beoen8e you win a Application was presented from Jno. 0.
Grown. In the evening the subjeot was Halliday asking to bo appointed Tax
"Christ and the dieoiplee on the lake of Oolleotor for 1901.
Galilee;' Moved by N. F. Gerry, eeoonded by
According to announcement the Ooo- Jno. Donaldson, that Mr. Halliday's ap•
firmation service was held iu St. Johns plication be excepted on condition that
Obaroh,Broseele, on Wednesday of this bond be furnished satisfactory to the
weak. Rev. Mr. Armetrong, of Milverton, Reeve and Ooaooil in the eum of 56000.
took charge ot the first part, oommmen- —Carried.
slug at 11 o'clock. Rev. Me. Lowe, of Moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by R.
Wingham, read the leusoue and was fol. Henderson, that the Court of Revision be
lowed by Rev. Mr. Varney, of Gerrie, bald on the last Monday in June 1901, at
The Bishop's address to the congregation 8 p. m• in Oounail Obamber•—Oarried.
and Confirmation olefin, oonstibated of 26 Moved by S. Wilton, Reminded by. R.
young people, =minded in good things. Henderson, that aoeignmeut of a000nnt
He very clearly explained the rite of of J. L. Lloyd to Standard Bank of
Confirmation and set out the spirit in Canada be aooepted for 5824 31, Babied
whioh its vows should be taken and oat- to any repairs that may require to be
lined the =tee that would devolve upon done ON seoeun.—tattled.
those receiving Confirmation. They Moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by N.
should be witnesee0 for0hrlsb, (1) AS to F. Gerry, that Tendere for gravel, screen.
the work he had done—Hie Gruen:Won 5d and nrteoreeued, be resolved up to
and reearreotikn; (2) As to what he le next meeting. '!'enders to name pit
doing—Car Mediator, interoessor and from whioh it will be Laken.—Carried.
guide; end (8) Who.; He will do•—Oome A delegation wail peewit asking for at•
nein ae our Judge to whom we shall tendon to 0 drain on the wort side of
45 pa` Miss M. L. Brook will give a paper at
1027 116 the Teaohere' Convention next week on
28 30 History.
5 139 I B. Gerry was on the eiek list `tor a few
But when we say Rem-
nants we do not mean ends of
2 or 3 rolls. We have just gone
through our stock and picked
out some 15 to 20 parcels of Remnants consisting of from
6 to 12 Rolls in each parcel, and we offer them at prices
much below wholesale cost. They are just the thing for
closets or small rooms, They're really for you and it will
pay you to see them
village. The Street Committee agreed to
see it.
Attention was called to a few of Turn•
berry street cement nroseings putting
through and the neoesaity for repnire.
The Clerk was instruoted to notify 0. H.
Oonery concerning them.
Barrister Blair addressed Gm Commit
me a member of a Committee ,appointed
by the loom Branch of the Lord's Day
Alliance relative to the desirability of
preventing the oongregabing of boys and
young men aloug bbe store fronts on the
Sabbath.' An 'informal talk ensued, a
number taking part, the result of whish
was that an effort will be made to ask
these parties to "Move on."
Commit then adjourned.
DIED 1N ENGLAND.—We regret to report
this week the decease of Allan, eldest eon
of M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, whioh sad
event took plane in England last week.
Deosased was only about 80 years of age
and leaves a young widow end two child.
ren, His health had been poor for
some time and be purposed coming baok
to Canada, intending to Bail acouple of
weeks ago, but wag too poorly. Mise Mc-
Lean, his mater, who has been visiting
aorose the Atlantic, arrived home last
week with the oldeet child and Mr. and
Mre. MoLeaa and the younger member of
their family were expeoted to follow se
soon ae buaband and father were able to
take the voyage. Hie wee to enter anotb •
er harbor and the sad news of hie demise
baa aroused a feeling of general regret
and sympathy. Deemed was a bright
young man with splendid proepoobe for
the future. He went to South America
When be left Seaforth a few years agog and
afterward went to London, Engl• od,
where he took a good position se a lona.
naliet. Pulmonary' ailments was the
cause of hie death after an heroio fight
for oontinaanoe of life, The family will
he anoorded the einoere sympathy of the
cammenity at large.
Business Locals.
CASH for batter and eggs. A. Oonaley.
LAWN mowers, shears and soiseors
sharpened and pot in flret•olase shape at
reasonable prices. F. 4.04180,
shop Mill street, Brneaele.
ed is prepared to attend to proper fixing
op of burial plots for parties either here
or away who bove friends buried there.
Will be at the cemetery every Friday
afternoon. Satisfaction guaranteed at
moderate chargee. R, DAax,
WANTED—Eggs. 12o ; one ton batter
weekly. We have all kinds of core from
Orompton'e early down. We are sole
agents for the oelebrated Bailey corn.
"For silo purposes it has no equal," 90 -- 81-4ms=x+E +.2A.R?MTS.
says Jno. McMillan & Sons, the largest Full R'hr„t 63
Dorn producers of Oauada, Gypingham. Bnrlry 38
D. EwAN & Co. have eold this season Pear, .... 80
already 21 buggies and 4 wagons and have Oats .... ..... .. 29
still on hand a very large stock of bogeiee Butter, F •'•c a,..l rolls .. 11
to ohoose from. Intending purohseers Bee n,•, 1,''r11 . • • • • • .. 4 9
please give in a call. We will sell you a Flour per owl, •• • •• • 25
firet•olase a,tiole at a reasonable price. Potatoes (per bag)
Remember our own buggies this year Apples (per bbl.) 2 00
are 34 inches longer in the body than Sheep skme, mob .... ,75
other buggies. Comfort is what yon Lamb skins eeoh 26
want and you can have it by baying a Sale per bbl., r, tail 1 00
Ewan & Co's buggy. Bay per ton ...- .• •• • • 7 00
a trimmed 6
Hides rough 60
60 6
Hogs, Live 6 15 10
$82.50 ; Bethel, 588.76 ; Providence,
828.00• An adjourned meeting will bo
held May 20.
FEAR.—Iu Eaet Wawanoeb, onApril•29th,
to Mr. and Mre. Fear, a son.
LINDSAY.—In Blyth, on April 27th, to Dr.
J. 0. and Mre. Lindsay, a son.
LAInraw.—In Morrie, on April, 22nd.to
Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Laidlaw, a. eon.
MoOALLato.—In Grey, on Sunday, April
21st, to Mr. and Mrs, Dan. MOOal•
lam, 16tb non., a son.,
RusenLL.—In East Wawanoeh, on April
22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reseal',
• a 500.
BaELTON.—I0 Morrie, on April 26th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, a dough.
OaozrEa.—In MoKillop, on May 6, Chris-
tian Crozier, aged 72 years and 4
PARR.—In Morrie, on May 6th, John Parr,
aged 82 years.
Smelt —In Grey, on May 6, Jno. B, Smith,
aged 79 years and 19 days.
SATURDAY, MAY 18TH.—Postponed sale
of boneebold furniture, ,80., at John
Walker's old stand, MoOaugbey block.
Bale, unreserved, at3 o'olook. A. Bata:
tinheimer, prop. ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
The cheese factory hae not started work
here yet nor do we know when it will.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland, of Holmes•
villa, were renewing old aoquaintanmes in
town last week.
Rev. A. MacNab was inducted as pastor
of Duff's church on Tuesday. Extended
report in another column.
La grippe has been "laying ons' a
number of people in this locality but the
most of them are recovering nicely.
A number from St. George's oburob
here attended the Confirmation service in
St. John's aburoh, Brussels, on Wednes-
. A. Fawcett, of Drayton, Organizer
for the 0. 0. C. F. was here Ibis week in
the interests of the Walton Council of
that Booiety. Mr. Fawcett was success-
ful in securing several new members.
Mrs. Sage has disposed of the Walton
Hotel to Wm. Blaehill, of Brussels. The
new proprietor assumes poe5555lon on
June 3rd. We do not know where Mre.
and the Misses Sage purpose residing.
Rev. D. Forrest, of Toronto, paid
Walton a visit this week on the occasion
of the induotion of Rev. Mr. MacNab.
Mr. Forrest'e throat is no better we are
sorry to state but hope improvement will
soon come.
EPwORTH LEAOpE.—The anunal °leotion
of officers for the ensuing year took place
on Tuesday evening. The following were
elected :—Pres., Rev. A. W. Dever ; let
Vice, Mrs. Berry ; 2nd Vice, Mies R.
Borrows ; 3rd Vice, Mrs. A. W. Dever ;
4th Vice, Miss Alice MoMann ; Secretary,
G. 0. Barrows ; Treasurer, Geo. Grigg ;
Organists, Miss Kinney and Mise Mo -
Ewen. The membership numbers 20-
10 active and 10 associate. Several in-
timated their intention of becoming
members. Amount collected for the
Forward Movement for Missions about
516,00. On motion it was deoided to nee
the topic oardeprinted by the Book Room
for this year instead of the topio card
prepared by the League Exeontive.
The annual May meeting of the Quart-
erly Official Board of the Methodist
churob, Walton oironit, was held in the
Walton church Monday afternoon, May
6, at 2.80, Rev. A. W. Dever in the obair.
Tbe annual report showed the member
ship to be 168, a' decrease of 8 from Last
year. 5 new members were received
during the year -8 by oertilicate and 2 by
profession of faith ; 6 removed by cerbifl-
oats ; No. of marriages solemnized, 2 ;
baptisms, 4 ; burials attended, 2. The
amounts oolleotod for the various Con-
nexional Funds were as follows :—Super-
anuu0tion, 582.00 ; Educational, $6.26 ,
Contingent, 58 67 ; General Conference
Fund, $4.77; Union Churoh Relief Fund,
52.50 ; Suetentation, 52.60. The Mis.
'denary returns were not oomplobe but
will reaoh about $76. Reports were given
by the S. S. Superintendent and the
Epworth League President. The licenses
of Geo. Grigg and Geo. Barrows ae ex•
porters were renewed. Goo. Grigg was
eleoted delegate to the onbnal May Die•
Riot meeting to be held. in Rabbenbury
Street church, Clinton, May 21 and 22.
The amounts raised for Mimeterial sup.
port fez the quarter were t -•-Walton,
5 00
2 00
1 00
8 00
Omni easkieu i
s„ e. (af,RUT,Brussele. year. old, cid, i.
Molt ur girl wanted to learn photo.
graphing. H. B. BREWER, Brussels.
Goon Bet ot double barueee, oomplete,
for sale cheap, also a Maseey.Harris Binder.
Apply to W. BIRD, Brussels.
Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes.
Apply to GEO, BEST, Brussels.
•L son 00LE, with new improved furnace
complete ; extra good well and. sietaru ;.
large grounds, 350. D. Rat a OrNALD,Brueeele.
i•• ••87111 'flak Brussels Every Tuesday.
AmmG and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on abort notion.
Playa had three years' experience in olty
w26rk. Terms rW,able. Give me a oall.
undersigned will keep for service at
North half lot 11 eon, 5, Morrie, a tboro'
bred Durham Bull. Terms, 71,00, payable
In January. Pedigree may be -soon on ap•
p•1�482ton FRANK MARTIN,ftor.
1� Loob s, C 0112, GGrey,IocontainniingNG
soros, Good stook or grain farm. (food
frame bottle and bank barn ; two good wells;
eight acres of Fall wheat and land ell in a
good stats of cultivation. For particulars
apply to JOHN MOFADDI0N,
20-t{ Brussels P. 0,
Tenders for Drain.
Seal ed Tenders (marled tenders for drain)
will bo rooeived by the underelgned 05 toll)
o'clock a. m. Mao 27th, 1501, for the :Habig
of the Hall Lorain In the. Township of (Otey.
Tenders to statsrico per rod or yard. •,
Name aborad doe. L'he lowest or any tender
not necessarily a000pbed. Plans, speoi5oa•,
tions, &o„ can be seen at my ciliac,
WU. SPENCE, (Berk,
10811, o,
April 25th, 1001. -
Notion is hereby given that a By.1aw pass-
ed by the Municipal Connell of tbo Town-
ship of grey, on the 4th day of April, 1001,
providing for the issue of debentures to the
amount of 54,615.20, for thepurpose of Mun-
leipal drainage for certain drain known as
the Hall Drain, and that such By-law woe
registered in the Seat:try Office for the
County of Huron on tbo -16th day of April,
1001. Any motion to quash or set aside the
same, °rimy part thereof, moot bo made
within throe months from the date of regia•
-tratioh and oannot bo made theroatter•
Dated the elan of April, A,61.11101, re
41.8 WM, SPENOE, Clerk et they.