HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-9, Page 5MAY 9, .1901
cent, r. B. encs°c, Brussels,
floe,atGr000ry,luuporeyltretui} ussele -
• TonSerial Artist, Shop -=Nast door
North of tho Standard Batik, Leiden' and
Chl)dron's hair outbtng a specialty.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
8za-c7s osms, OST',
L.. O. M.
Academic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the 4 e ooiated
Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils .for inatruotion
on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Porm iu the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
.t1. Clerk of the Fourth Division Oourt,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction.
aur, Funds invested and to' loan, Oolleo-
tiona made.ODloe in Graham's;Blook.Brus-
• ann. will sell for better prices, to
better men In less time and loss obarges
then any other Auctinueor Jn East Burow or
he won't charge anything. -Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
(FontfERL'r aP 0EAPORTH)
Graduate of R. 0,D S., Toronto ; Post Grad.
mite course at Gasket's Sobool, Chicago, loo
crown and bridge work. ta•Prices same as
in surrounding towns. 11.
Office over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels.
e • Honor aiaduace of the Ontario Vet-
erinnryAollego, is prepared to treat all die -
00e00 of domoeslontad animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partlmlar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly et -
tended to. OIO ea and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tornberry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Pubiio, &o, Office—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Oontra1 Hotel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
CF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, ir Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brueeels.
Money to Loau at lowest rates.
Cameron) iufetoand Solicitor, Gooeich
Ont. Dolce—Hamilton etroot, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Il, II., C. ll.,
Trinity l niversity9, Fellow Trinity Medical
Collage, Member Collage of Physicians and
Surgeoue, Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col -
loge 01 Physioians and Lloeotlate Of Mid-
wiferyEdinburgh, IR'Tolepboue 110.14,
Reeiclenoe—Mill street, Brussels.
Scotem, Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepiesonese, Palpito.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neut.
algia, Loss ofliMemory, 13rouohitie, Oon.
eamption, GI Stones, Jaandiod` Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
• J. M. MaLEOD,
Prop. and Manufaotnrer.
Sold by Jne, rex. ternggtet, Bruasel%
British Columbia
Tied Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing 1V[ills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
Iiletimatee Ftteniehod for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ehfp and Material Guaranteed.
P.AA1ri ■•i:L`M 1 t
A So col �i5 st Standing 1
The largo patronage
our Collegeen.
fn o to e1vo moot that young
and woman(Janette kuy to come
far a reliable business outtin, No two
ert!sCoagesaagoaotbttrtaaein booing hi. Gouroasl0gue,
Our etudoutb .are remarkably sua-
oesdtul in eeaur'ing and boldlug excellent
situations. Stu lents admitted at any time,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
C trZCt Ce17s.
1110lfel jtvor.• tit.
J. L. Meiklejohn hae been rather under
the. weather.
Ben. McKee left for the coast on Tues.
day of last week,
The Methodist ottani) hoe a bread
new choir, 0. Leppard is leader.
Mies Lilian Terry, of Moiikton, is
e endin
a,few da
ye g y' iu the village.
Donald Soot) le putting a new fence in
trout of his farm, 0. Bennett has the
con treat.
Mre. J. Wilson wae visiting her daugh-
ter, Mre. M, H. Mcore, Brussels, who is
in poor health.
Donald Menzies left for Bright where
he hoe eeonred a situation with it. Jolla•
eon, oh ease maker.
The director of the Molesworth Cheese
and Butter Oo. are having their factory
painted inside, J. Wilson has the cow
Wm. Kitchen, who has engaged with
J. G. Patterson, oar oheeee maker, has
arrived. Mr. Patterson oammeoaed to
make chaise on May 0th,
The quarterly meeting of the Methodist
Omni) was held here on Sabbath.
Hobert J. Gibson was appointed onp•
twin of the baee ball oluh of oar town by
the managing onmmittee.
Mee. James Cattanaoh has returned
from Elora, where she bas- been attend
iug at the bedside of her mother-in-inw,
who was very ill hat ie now out of dagger.
Dr. W. It, Cook has gone to Toronto
where he will finish up his studies in
medicine. Dr. Cook hoe had good ex-
perie0oe in Essex and will soon beoome
a full fledged M. D.
We are sorry to chronicle the death of
the let° Henrietta Ward,.beloved wife of
John R. Ward, of this village, who name
to Fordwiob a little over twelve months
ago, and was held in high esteem by all
who knew her.
Mise Grille, who hae been teaching in
6. S. No. 9, Howiok, for some time peat,
was, ou Tuesday afternoon of last week,
at the °toeing of the school, preoented
with n benatiful lamp by her soholnre on
the eve of her leaving the sectio''.
Widdie Jeokson left on Tuesday of last
week for Fannystelle, Manitoba,
The Quarterly meeting of the Method-
ist church was held here on Sunday morn-
The Cheese company commenced the
monufoature of cheese on Wednesday
morning of lest week.
Mies E. A. Coons left for Lambeth,
where for a few weeks ehe will be the
guest of her brother, Rov. T. W, Oceans.
James MoOrae, having completed hie
eeseon's out o1 lumber, lett to do some
proepeoting in the vicinities of Lindsay
and Peterborough.
The league has decided to hold its
annual entertainment on the evening of
the 24th int. A good program is being
prepared, light refreshments will be sem
ed and a good time is aeeuted.
The tr0etere have snared the service)]
of Miee Phoebe Ocde, as teaoherfor the
Fall term. They are to be 000gratnlated
upon eeouring the eervioee of so efficient
a teacher and eo estimable a young lady.
0.Non11 Biebn, from St, Clair County,
Michigan, spent a short time with 0.
Oo'euo, P. M. Mr. Biehn wan formerly
a Canadian, and a eohoolmate of the poet•
maeter, but has spent the most of hie life
in the state of Michigan.
1Lirlto*gm eel.
Berlin football team will play a league
game with the Marlboros in the rink park
here on the morning of the 24th.
The Connell has decided to purchase a
sprinkling oart, eo that there is a pros-
pect of having the 'streets sprinkled effec-
tively after tllie.
Fred. Vandriak is baying the two old
buildings on hie lot on Dodd street re-
modelled into a dwelling house which
will be veneered with briok.
J. S. Gee is building a two story adds.
tion at the beak of his store, with a view
to extending hie grocery department.
He also intends building a refrigerator.
Oswald Soott, eon of J. W. Soca, has
returned home for the Sommer vaoation,
after having completed his third year at
the School of MiuingEngineering, Kings.
The Chairman of the Property Com.
mittee was instructed to parohaee the
Mannell weigh BOORS for $50 and have
them moved to ground leased from G. T.
MOKeevor & Stevenson, grooero, Wal-
lace street, dieeolved partnerohip a short
time ago. Mr. McKeever, wbo took over
the business, sold the stook en bloc to
George Zilliax and left town. Mr. Zit.
liax has shoos disposed of the stook to A.
J. Vaudriek.
R. P. Fetid is in the liet.of those who
have euooesefnliy passed their final ex-
aminations of the Dental Faoulty of Tor-
onto Uuivoreity and received their de-
grees and Heenan, Mr. Fetid be now
entitled to write D. D. S. and L. D. S.
after his Dame.
Joseph Laird, son of the late John
Laird of town, arrived in Listowel on
Monday of lost weolt, after three years'
service in the U. S. NavyMr. Laird
enlisted on the battleship Philadelphia,
at San Franoisoo, as ship painter, and
ha seen much active oervioe as well as
having visited a .great many pointe on
the Paoi6o and in the far Etat. lie took
part in the engagement with the natives
at Semon, where he was wounded, subtle.
quently epodding eeverat months in the
hospital at Aultland, New Zealand. For
the pant year he hae been in the Philip.
pines, being attached to the Manila, a
nen! taken from the Spaniards, and
which has boon erlinlOYQ,1.. in poast duty,
se oarriee the marks of a coup's of
wounds toeelv0d et the hands of the
Filipinos. He reports havingg enjoyed
hie ousel oxpeeleiico. Ila was 511001 as
honorable dleoharge from the battleship
Adame, which left the Philippines for
San l! ranefeoo ou April. 2,
„Tomo sttowtl.
Rhubarb pie.
JLaovely weathBDner.
6. 6been liar, p ' f r , has on the sick
Mr. Wallace ie banding the wall for the
nary Hell•
Mr. Watson, of Sunehine, was vieitiog
hie friend, Geo,' Thornton.
Plies Godetha 0aombes, of Brussels,
Ipola Sunday under the parental roof.
Geo, and Kra. Eokmier and daughter,
Fern, spent Sunday with friends et Ethel,
Sandy Wright bee parted with his fine
bleokdriver, He delivered it at Blue.
Mica Mary Simpeon hoe returned home
from Job, King's, Grey, where she has
been for the paetmunth.
FA)* •01.
SanooL REPORT.—The followiug is the
report of the Ethel Public school for the
month of April:—Jr. department -3r,
let.—W, Eokmier, A. Mu&llieter, R.
'Oho on '
m e T. M00a11um L M0
V. Pearson. Sr. tat,—A. e
L Fletober, R
Wilber), I. Heath, J. Cooper. Part and,
—0. Haneuld,
s R Eokmier, Cooper,
A. r
H. Eakinb1uLier ,
O sod, E. Dauber, G.
Badgley, J. Pearson, R, Frae.r, W.
Beer, 0. Dovideon. Jr. 20d,—F. Imlay,
G. MuAllieter, P. Bremner, J. MoOallum,
N, McAllister, E. Cober, L. Cooper, B.
Bateman. Sr. 2nd.—M. Slemmon, I.
Sharpe, P Bokmier, T. Oober, K. Mo.
Leod, W. Pearson, D. Wanner, 0. Oam-
aron. MIee M. C. Calder, Tesober.
Sr. department. -6th Olaee.—Examined
in Comp., Ale., Aritb„ Draw., and
Geo. ; total, 500—B, Sternmon, 424 ; H.
Barr, 852; W. Eokmier, 344; fI. Han-
euld, 253 ; 0. MoAllieter, 285, Sr. 4th
Glass. — Examined in Bead., Comp.,
Phye., Arith. and Draw. ; total 450—D.
Davies, 358 ; J• Kerr, 319 ; W. MoDon•
all, 306; G. Eokmier, 207; G. Imlay,
275; L. Simpeon, 261; M. MuAllieter,
232; E. McAllister, 180; W. Lindsay,
168 ; 0. Lindsay, 156 ; W. Wray, 152 ;
H. Qcierrin, 117 ; G. Dauber, 99, S.
Dunbar, 69. Jr. 4th Class.—Examined
in Draw., Geo., Arith, and Reo. ; total
250—E. Remold, 241 ; L. Foga!, 206 ;
M. Elliott, 187 ; M. Oeborne, 186 ; G.
Gill, 172 ; E. Oober, 169 ; M. Bateman,
168 ; 0. Rsynard, 156 ; E. Mason, 154 ;
E. Kerr, 45. Sr. 3rd Olen—Examined
in Arith., Draw., and Geo. ; total 200—
W. McAllister, 161 ; W, Badgley, 163 ;
C. Liodeay, 134 ; G. Dunbar, 133 ; L.
McLeod, 111 ; G. Wanner, 100; A. Mo
Donald, 100 ; M. Pearson, 30, Jr. 3rd
Clave—Examined in Arith., Reo., Draw„
and Geo. ; total 250—M. Imlay, 196; B.
Eokmier, 194 ; L. Obambere, 173 ; N.
Simpson, 166 ; H. Coates, 163 ; H. Wil
bee, 165 ; T. McAllister, 145; M. Thomp•
son, 142 ; I. Hogarth, 137 ; L. Eokmier,
185 ; E. Freeman, 114 ; M. MoAllum,
113 ; FJ. Mitohell, 22. Geo. Dobson,
George Deoetedt baa given up the idea
of going inn begineee et Zurich and will
return to Blyth to take a position in N.
8, Gerry's hardware and tinware store.
The litigation over the village of Blyth's
$10,600 debentures for street pavement
be i naiad, ed, the snit of a ratepayer
to have the by law annulled on the ground
of alleged irregu'aritiee having been die.
N. B. Gerry has decided to start a
branch hardware and tinware business
at Dungannon and will be ready kr
business there next week. The store at
Dungannon will be in charge of Joseph
Habkirk, who has been employed in Mr.
Gerry's afore here for several years and
who thoroughly understands every detail
in oonoeotion with the hardware and
tinware bueineee.
H. 0. Smith, who was one of the un.
fortaoatee by the big lire here last
Deoember, hag purchased the jewelry
business of Alex. Cameron at Mitchell.
Mr. Smith has eeonred an old establish•
ed business and the people of Mitohell
will find him to bo an excellent citizen
and as expert watchmaker and jeweler.
Mr. Smith' is a taleuted violinist and will
be a decided acquisition to the 'musical
oholee of Mitohell.
The following from the Cliff trd Express
refers to a former resident of Blyth : "The
Community on Thursday afternoon re.
oeived a surprise, when ti became known
that during the last half of the day a deal
had been consummated, whereby A. M.
Perdue, veterinary surgeon, became the
owner of Frank Rennie's livery stable
and contents and the residential and bust.
nese block in oonneotion therewith, the
price paid for the whole concern being
52,500. Mr. Perdue has intimated by
oarde that he intends to practice his
profession and also continue the livery
business. His veterinary skill is not
altogether unknown here, he having at
one period assisted Mr. Elliott, and bad
for a month or so been in charge of Mr,
Oraneton's protein."
Some of our merchants have already
oommenced dosing their atone at 6,30 p.
m. daily.
Sher Broe. shipped to Hamilton a
60,000 Ib oar load of 'wrap iron valued at
over 5500.
Since late last Fall Robert McLean
ha' bought fully 500 head of cattle for
the butcher and export trade.
The town hae now to undergo the un.
pleasant experience of a law suit with
the Elevator and Transit 0o., in order to
oompel the company to live up to their
Gaoler Griffin hae utilized the labor of
the tirieonern committed to hie care by
making a park round part of the jell that
ie a creditable improvement to St. Pat.
riok'e ward.
Ohrietopher 0., eldest soh of J. J. and
Mrs, MoMath, died of a severe at -
took of laryngitic, atter a very short ill.
nese, as the boy one oat with hie father
the day previous.
J. F. Andrews, who skips a large num-
ber of Boge from the station stook yards
every Beason, hae applied to the Council
for an extension of the water works
system to the yards.
The local Knitting Co. has purobaeed
the knitting plant of the Ever Ready
Drees Stay 0o„ of Windsor, together with
all the rights, of
and interest' in and
to a number of patents tot the Dominion
of Canada.
OHO thing might ba diepeneed with and
that 10 Sunday Oohing with rod and lice,
as there con be no ,hoose for allowing it
inGoda tu When net wunf1 h from
a, m. till 8 30 p. m, 'Any day these times.
John Donovan, an employee at the Or.
Ran factory, who has been a resident of
Goderioh the past four, years, wee ap-
prehended on a charge of 'neatly, P. M.
Seeger heard the evidence at the jail and
oommltted him on the charge.
Got•r •tet
Geo B, li a had
ow h ' a new wire hike
erected in frons of hid premieee,
Rev. Mr. Faruey and ,laughter, fda,
were away for a week'' visit with Brant.
ford friends,
Jp'. Wray hoe sold out hie livery buei.
Hess in town to Kr. Killeen, of Seeforth,
for the snug sura of 51,500.
Jae. Walker showed the Vidette man a
etalk of rhubarb on Tuesday of last week
that measured 3 feet 2 incites in length.
While edging ehioglea at Wllliame'
eblugle mill ou Wednesday forenoon of
last week, Samuel Stin•op had the min•
fortune to have the third Inger of hie
right hand taken off by coming iu oou•
toot with one of the eawe,
E Garratt, who hoe been on the siok
list forb
t e peat 3 months, Intl for the
General Hospital, 'Toronto, last week,
to have s piece of diseased bone removed
from behind the ear as the dieeaee• is
working toward the brain.
Lt*okn w
Scotch 0000011 May 16.
The 24th will be aelebroted this year
agdu io Luoknow.
A. Miller went to London where he has
eeonred a good situation.
The congregation of Christ's oharoh,
St. Helene, intends to build a new church
to coat $2,000.
Mrs. Jae. Bryan visited the Paisley,
Walkerton, Elmwood and Cargill W. 0.
T. Unions last week,
Anniversary service') will be conduct-
ed in the Presbyterian church, in Look
now on Sunday May 12, by Rev. A.
Blair, B. A., of Naaeagaweya.
A meeting of the Liberal Uoneervativee
of the Centre Riding of Bruce will be
held at Glammie on May 16, for the
eleotion of offioere, the perfeoting of
party organization and the consideration
of the advioability of selecting a oandi-
date fur the forthooming eleotions.
Dr. Seilery visite Dashwood profession-
ally on Tuesday, May 7th.
Mr. Sutherland, sr. is rapidly recover-
ing from the effects of hie long illness.
McDonald Quartette concert in the
Opera Hones on the 18th in aid of the
Mise Mort, of Orangeville, hoe taken a
position with Geo. Trott and will have
charge of hie gallery daring the Summer.
The broken plate glass in the front of
John Pope's shop has been replaced by
a new one, adding =oh to the appear
anoe of the building.
Ae Ab Short was cutting a board with
one of the circular saws at Weleh'e mill
on Tuesday morning of last week the
board wae thrown with great foroe strik-
ing him on the groin. He was conveyed
home but died from the effects of the
aooideo t,
Geo. Hoer has returned home from
Rev. Mr. McLeod was in Stratford Inst
week, attending the Synod meeting.
A detective was here from Toronto
investigating the Johnson safe robbery.
Jae. L. Wilson passed hie final exam-
ination in arta at Queen's University last
week. He is now a B. A.
Mrs. John Stewart had another para-
lytic) stroke on Tuesday night, of laet
week, leaving her epeeohleee and her right
aide helpless. She had a stroke about
six years ago, bat not so seri000 as this
one. She ie over sixty years of age, and
not ranch hope is entertained for her re-
Robert J„ eon of Geo. and Dire. 6truth•
ere, llth Lion., passed away on the 28th
alt., aged 24 years, 8 moothe and 26 days..
The young man had not beau well for
some time, and gradually passed into
decline. The funeral on Tuesday wag
very largely attended. Interment wae
made in the Elma Centre cemetery.
DIED,—The community for ''hooked to
learn of the nnexpeoted death of Mrs.
Arthur Robb, 12th con., 00 the 80th ult.,
of scarlet fever. None of the family were
in the room when ale died, as death wee
least expeoted by those near her. ,About
11 days prior to her death she gave birth
to a baby girl and a week after its birth
ehe 000traoted scarlet fever which bad
been prevalent in the family. Deceased's
maiden name wae Mies Mary A. Shan.
noo, daughter of Wm. Shannon, 8th con.
She possessed many good qualities of
head sod heart, was much esteemed in
the community, a lifelong member of
the Atwood Methodist church, and with
her hoeband was a oonotant worker in
the church. Four little sirls are left a
charge to her husband. The funeral was
0917 largely attended, INeeaved trio
fed 32 , tura, 0 menthe and 6 ,n,ys,
',octal> our's'.
John Mul'hereoo'spent a COQ ple.of days
last week visiting friends in Widgham.
Flotuber Roe's new driving bowie to
now i0 its feet, Hcegy Bros. did the
frame work.
Min Mamie MoJwo n, who has been
taking a ounree at We Uoneorvatory of
Mweiq in Toronto, is home strain
Dunn. MoNab u N b a old hieu e
d V C t 0,
Wilson 05ulna
Se t t, We do net know
the plea paid but it would ria doubt be
big sea feet beget alwal a Is worth the
A little child of Dental Rigby's died on
Apr. 27• with iudamatiou of the lunge.
The remaine were interred Monday in
the German Methodist cemetery, Mo,
Killop, Moab empathy is extended to
the sorrowing poronte,
David Crawford, jr , left on Tuesday
of lest ween, for Nelson, 13. C. We wish
him enooee., His brother, William, who
has been in Odiforni' and British Col•
umbia for the past 10 years, ie 09004114
e while vieitlpg bis parents and frit -tete
of this part. He will go book again on
May 10.
Joeoph Corr, an old man of Brookville,
wae found drowned in ibe river.
ie reported to have broken
out at Sweaborg, near Woodstock.
The London Oouuty Council has de
aided to build u
t d s'0 automobile Ore engine.
About a doz,u muses of smallpox have
been disoovered in the vioiuity of Kirk -
Hon, Sydney Maher will leave this
mouth on a trip to the Glasgow Exhibi.
tion. .
The Auditor General has blocked the
grantiug of euperaot.uatiou to Lieut,-Ooi.
The Hamilton police ere 00mma0ing
the whistling peanut roaster men for
maintaining a nuisance.
The Miuiater of Marine has recom-
mended to the Government that a new
steamship be but t for the Hydrographic
J. Pierpoit Morgan & Co. hen pur-
chased the Leyland Line of steamships,
and will eououlidate it with Ole Atlantic
Transport Line.
There was a small run on the Traders'
Bank in Hamilton, but only a few de-
poaitore took alarm, and there was no
arouse for the run.
The tag Teaumaeh wae taken in tow
by the Germania near Gore Bay, but
went down in the storm, Oeptein Wyllie,
his slater and W. H. Forbes, a Toronto
traveller, were drowned.
Importaat to Breeder; and Horsemen.
Euyo1a11aanp Caustic Baisal➢1.
A r°llable
and speedy
remedy for
`,..-"1 Lump Jaw
...,4--- Lump =. in Cattle.
e1RAME MAHE "Ree pamph-
let which accompanies every bottle, giving
Bolen tido treatment in the vsrloue diseases."
It can bowled io every nave of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters are prescribed. It has no a0PERIOR.
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to me satis-
faction. Price 75o per bottle. Sold by ell
druggists and o0u0try storekeepers, Pre-
Now that the Buggy season is at
band and we ace ready for it we would
like to inform our onmeroue friends and
customers that we have the finest lot of
Bnggiee on hand at the
Old Reliable
Carriage Factory,
that can be found anywhere. Should
you think of baying a Buggy or•Buggiee
(as we supply wholesale ae well ae retail)
by all means call and see our stook before
purchasing as we know we can snit you
with a firet•olaee article and the price is
right. We also keep Wagons, Truck
Wagons and Field Rollers on hand or
made on short notice.
Jno. Cobor Sc Sono
^�"Sk'�'C"s�=CSC•± r=K�7C.da =`�Cr" �� c3�'�'t5
We couldn't begin to do the Drees Goode trade we are doing unless
there lvae genuine merit in one geode and prices. Bog etooke and big eel'.
lug epaoe don's owlet for everything, What about the goods' ? Are they
right end d, they represent the newest ideas ? Are gnalitiee dependable ?
Is there variety enough to make a good choice? How about prioea ?
Those are the important foots, and those are the features we want you to
think about when judging no and making oomporieone. It you do you
0auuot help but buy at this store. We have a great demand for blank all..
wool Henrietta, Io makes one of thu niaeet mourning drawee and ie neo.
fol atterwords,. Below we quote a few of our epeoial lines
All wool Henriettue, in black and oolore, from 20a to $l.
All woolatin
S Cloth, in blank and oolore verypenial, 500.
A wool i
II D gateaux, in grey, brown and mepeeist,
a epeoial Lina just
reoeiv0d, worth 50e for 85o.
Broadcloth, in bleak and navy, 56 inches wide,
and $ 1 51.50.
H meepune, spring weight, Harris' best goods, in grey and blue
mixtures, 50 inohee wide, for tailor•made suite, 90o.
Blank and Colored Poplin'', very special, at 50o, 600 and 85e.
Boal and Colored Bargee, 06- to54 inches, wide, at 20o to 51.
0 ;Barb and
R I . •
Fence .
Wire.. .
Those who have Fencing to do should try our
American Steel Wire Fence, the best Woven
Fence on the market. Safe and sure.
Hardware of all hinds. Tinware of all kinds.
Eve Troughing and Ordered Work a specialty.
..Estimates given.
W,�, '�Ygt
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EWAN & 00.,
Are ready to supply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig se they
have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manufacturers in Canada, in
addition to their own make, all Sold at OLOSE PRICES.
Rubber Tyred Wheels.
We make a epeoialty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put
on your owe buggy wheels while you wait, or we oar) supply both wheels and
tyre at very low peon. Every owner of a good baggy should have the Dunlop
put o0 by Ewan & Co. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but
first class workmen.
D. Ewan will devote a good share of lois time in attending to the sale rooms as the
Co. hoe seoured a first-class Horse Shtar for the blacksmith ehopi
All wood work in our line and general bisokemithing done on oar premises and at as
low figures as pan be obtained anywhere.
Our own make of Buggies this year are all 3i inches longer in the body than other
Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT oannot be beaten,
We use the long dietanoe, 1,000 mile axle, one or two pilings in a 000000 is all they
It will pay anybody who wants a first-class rig to come 25 miles to see oar Show
Rooms this treason before buying as our assortment is large and good and we are
always well pleased to have people oall and examine our stook which le the
largest ever shown in Brussels. ha -We mean business.
EW 1V & Co O. 5 Brusee a. Makers, &o.,
Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows always on band•
411 Wool and
Union Carpets.
411 Wool Russ and
Japanese ,lfattin;,
in Plain and Fancy
Lace and Chenille
Before you make your Spring or Summer Drees oome and examine our stook of
Standard Patterns. They are stylish and perfect fitting and sell for 5o, 10o, 181,
20o and 25o, The "Designer" is the best Magazine of styles published anywhere at
10a. May Patterns, Deeignere and Faellio0 Sheets now in stook. We keep the
Patterns in stook. We give the Faellfon Sheets FREE,
We have a large aeeorttnent of Spring and Summer Fabrics in many beautiful
Patterns and Designs :-
DIMITIES -While, White and Ilteuve, White and lied, White and Black plain
Gray and all Blaok.
MERLAWNS—Eutirely new, very dainty patterns for Waieto or Whole Dresses.
FOULARDS—Beautiful finish, Blue and White, Black and White and Fanoy
PIQUES -White and Fancy.
GINGHAMS—Stripes with Laos Effect, and Oheohs ; splendid for Ohildreu's
Wearing Dresses.
MAGNET TWILL—Toe beet material we have ever shown for Boys' Blouses or
Whole Suite.
PRINTS -A large assortment to ohooee from at the old prince.
Boots and Shoes
for JiWen, Women and
Latest Styles.
'Vern Nice Line of
Children's /Shoes
in Black and Tan.
No Fancy