HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-9, Page 4it U t5 , JG la ,' /ro/',��jj �. it would be wise to deo it for broken +;1 Gj3� �J r� A i t vows are ooneidered iojurloue to the life of a aooiety, The standard was not thought too high, bub too religious and THURSDAY, MAX 9, 1901. - too binding in Iia obligations to be poo lar, The e000uraging part of the report woe a better ehowing in the oontribu. THE PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. tiene, 57,888 tee the year, oomper.ug favorably with $6,461 for the previuue year, The twenty•sixth annual meeting of the Preabyyterien Bynod of Hamilton and A TRIP TO NORTHERN London wart held in Knox oharob, Strut• lard, last week and wee opened in the QNTARIO, presenoe of a representative assemblege ---- of of olergy and of laity. The retiring Lorne lllultor'a'1 xpotjoneel. Moderator ottheSynod wasRev.G, Mum_ ro, D. D., of Rldgebown. Daring our oonversatipn with bids In. This Bynoe hag been in existence since dian we learned that the river continued 1875 when the two churches were united. quite shallow In many planes, and indioab. The repreee e mien of Bynoe are sups ed that there would be tote of wading, Pond to be the ministers of the various but were pleased when he said "kawiu w ith enee withio ibe bounds, together elder from eueh oburoh, The bawetiok," meaning no rapids that would with ueoeesitate portage. He soon left us Bynoe is the third highest court of the while we went inland some 40 rods, where Presbyterian ohnroh, end at eb all appeals we found a fine tent ground Wooly shaded from the Presbyteries within its juriedlo• and sheltered from the wind, Atter Con are heard, and it is here that all get a good sappy of wood and every. Presbyterial disputes are settled, while the General Aeeembly gives juriediotion thing in order weal sat down to enjoy in all questions having to do with the our evening meal, and its we were nicely oburoh at Large and bears appeals from started were nota little surprised to see the Synod. It will therefore be readily our friend the Iudian come quietly up understood that the Synod is a most im• our little blazed ttefl and approach our portant body.The Conetwhioh hoe just festive board. After our ' bo age were met at Kilosohnroh bas 3nriediotion m over he was asked it he wereebuok•a•tay, whioh [nettles hen to which he gave a the Presbyteries of Sarnia, Chatham, g ey, grunt, which means yes, (The pro- Enron,Ha Hamilton. Bruce, Maitland, Stratford, Paris and nounoiation of this word is always e aim la Rev. E. W. Panton, pastor of 81. diene.)runt with these Northern In• g Andrew's ohnroh, Stratford, was ah0080 Our nook soon presented him ae the new Moderator. with a plate pretty well filled with pork At Tuesday's eeeefon a motion was in- and beano, 3ahtoh was relished by the troduoed by Dr. Laing, of Dundee, with Indian. The plate was filled the second regard to the overture from the General time and he also ate five large biscuits Assembly to introduce such changes fn It is a fact that no matter where or when the new Book of Forme, especially in re- a white roan meets an Indian he fnvari• gard to the keeping of reoords, as will ex• ably finds him hungry! Of all the Ia• ped to the baeineee of the Oonrt. diene we met on our trip we did not hear liters was a lively disouseion in regard a single one say kawin bunk -a -lay fne to the report on the manual of aide to answer to our inquiry es to whether he was hungry or not, the answer always be - Goole' worship, presented by the ex- „ Moderator, Rev. Dr. Munro, of Ridge- ing "Um bunk a fay, nm, tun.IE was town, who moved its adoption. The noticed that this Indian pub a portion of principle of the book, as being an aid to ifs pork and beans, together with three worship in lumbering and mining Damps, buns in a birch bark package, explaining eto., was generally endorsed, and, while that they were for his squaw down stream, seine of those present showed a fear of Our good hearted cook gave him more introducing a liturgy into Presbyterian pork, beans and buns, for which the In• worship, others contended that such a dian appeared very grateful, murmuring mennnl endorsed by the thumb, would be we a number of times the words "We gutob, " which of great advantage, espeoially to young meaetch, t oh Thank eyou,ntthank byou, good, mgood." We asked beim some more goes• The remainder of the session was taken uc with a splendid address from Rev, tions which he answered quite readily, Dr. Robertson, of Toronto, convenor of and our geologist, who understood con - the Home Missionary committee. He eiderable Indian, wee successful in glean - pad just returned from a trip to England, ing oonhe de information. About 10 Ireland, Scotland and the continent, and o'clock he deparar ted, shaking hands with a000rdiugly spoke with a eplendid know• ns all. He was the moat intelligent In - ledge of the conditions both at home and dian we bad met since leaving Long Lake abroad, his work in this country being in House. Nothing of importance occurred the North Warta He said that the daring the night to disturb our sleep, and cherub had been faced with a defloit in we enjoyed our night's rest. The neat her home mission fund of $20,000, but morning dawned bright, warm and clear, this had been wiped off, $8,000 being and we were up quite early. We decided raised from the oburoh in Canada, and on making this camp our .headquarters $12,000 in Scotland. He thought the for a day or so, and a party of three- Oanadian church should be ashamed to Messrs, Neelands (geologist), Howard and go hat in hand to the Seotob church in Fisher- took a Peterboro' canoe and order to keep oat of debt. Barely the started up the Flint river to explore, Mr. well•to•do Presbyteriao farmers of this Davidson giving orders for them to re - country could better afford to support turn some time that night, while another the cause of mieeiaoe bora than the party would explore on the other side of Keog mnoh poorer congregations in Scotland. the bimmi. We wanted now to make But they would have to continue to ask as good time as poeaible. The timber ea• outside assistance as long ae the rich pert and Me. Davidson embarked in a Hamilton and London Synod only gave canoe, going down stream and inland, an averse of 34 dente per member for leaving Sheldon the cook and "Moura missions and 9 Dente er member for truly" in camp, where we had to get out augmentation. The great needs of the a batch, and incidentally I had to make oharah in the mission Bald were more an excursion to the Noath east to gather men, better men and more means. They and report on the "flora," eto. I arrived got good men from Canada, bat not so back in oamp first, shortly before noon, many as they eboald. Referring to ooh- with a nioe collection of flora, and was ditions in the Canadian North West, Dr. little surprised to find our new friend the Huberteon painted a most optimistic] pin• Indian and his squaw at camp, discussing lure. He said that in 1898 there was an politica and the Chinese question (at immigration of 40,000, in 1899 of 50,000, least the cook said that was the topic of and last year of between 70,000 and 80, conversation). The cook was busily en - 000. Tbia year good judges estimated gaged in baking and preparing dinner. that the immigration would reach the About half an hour after my arrival in unprecedented figure of 100,000, and the camp Mr. Davidson and the timber ex- nnmber of persons coming into the pert returned. They had forgotten to oonntry was aura to increase year by take any provisions with them and came year. Dr. Roberteon concluded his ad• bank to camp hungry. After enjoying dress with a description of the conditions our dinner the timber expert had the job prevailing amongst tbe Galinians and of overhauling and generally• repairing Doukhobore. His desoription, of these the two remaining canoes, while Mr. people was of an encouraging kind. Davidson and I armed the river and Physically he said they were quite equal to Anglo-Saxons. They were quiet and indastriaoe and were rapidly turning quite poor stripe of country into fertile farms. Certainly they bad much to barn as regards cleanlinese, "but," geld the Doobor, "there is lots of water in the Saskatchewan." The report of the Committee on Sab- bath Schools presented Wednesday morn• ing was oo the whole moat aneabisfaotory. The main statistics revealed decreases in almost every pertionlar. Tbe number of officers and teaahere was 4,150, compared with 4,573 last year ; scholars, 34,676, compared with 37,638 last year ; average attendance, 24,116, compared with 27,176 last year, or a decrease of 3,060. The re- port emphasizes the fact that instead of advanoiog with the growing country the attendance was equally deareaeing, and that almost 5 per oent of Children be- tween the ages of five and twenty years do not attend Sunday school at all. One encouraging part of the report was that the number of children who daring the year entered into the full communion of the ohnroh wee 944, or 62 more than last year, In the disonssion following the paper it was put forth that during the previous eleven years 6,500 families had been add• ed to the districts embraced by the Synod of London and Hamilton, while the at- tendance at Sunday schools has been at a standetill. It wag estimated that 80,000 children within tbe dfetricte were not Sunday school sobolare. The showing of the report of the Oom• minae oo Young People's Sooietiee, read by Bev. J. B. Henderson, of Hensel!, was aleo nneatiefaotory, It' showed a de• crease in tbe number of societies and a falling off in the membership. Some of the sooietlee seemed to be changing around to a society offering greater var. iety and to a society of a more literary nature. Numbers of them had dropped the pledger believing that it was a bar to memberehip. The total number of eo• (ditties was 154, compared with 167 laet year. The decrease wag accounted for to a certain extent by the fact that a num• bee of eooietiee Bent in no retarne, but the report acknowledged that it wall due largely to a reel loge of interest. In many congregations Young Peopie's So• oletiee were disbanding, and no form of reorganization taking plane. The total membership was 6,967,a decrease of 1,028 during the year. It was thought that if the pledge was; not kept conscientiously went inland. After tramping some three miles we decided to separate, to meet again at the river in about two hours. I plodded on enjoying nature's beauty and soon came upon a large portion of rook, a blue berry rook, but the berries had long since gone. There was quite an incline to the rock, which covered some three hundred aures, dotted here and there with small groves of Jack Pine. I was tine walking along, thinking of nothing in particular, when upon climbing a steep hill of about 25 feet I suddenly found my soli faro to face with it blank bear, Hie head and forequartore Were right in front Of toe, a huge spree() log being between. us, Now to say I was surprieed ie put - Wag it very mildly indeed. I have often read that a auddea etart or fright will make a pereon'e hair stand on ond, but I now firmly 'believe it is true, for in tide ease I feel quite certain that not only did my hair stand on end, bub I actually felt my gap raise, witltonb any exaggeration, 000 inch from my head. It was the biggest surprise I ever had, Mr. David- son and Iliad wished each other look in getting a bear or a deer, I had been walking leisurely up the hill when the nose and lorequartere of Mr, Bear stared me in the face, Meohanioally. I raised my •88 Marlin rifle and fired point blank at the bear. I do not remember taking auy aim in making this ehot. There was a low growl and the boar arose from the log he was crouching near and rolled over. I then fired the second time and I remember taking aim this time, I hit hint in the right shoulder, The bear ab this time was lying perfectly still, and while I, was thinking whether to fire again or not I was not a little surprised to hear a breaking of twigs behind me and a voioe Bang out, "What have you got, Lorne ? " In a few moments I was joie• ed by Mr. Davideon, who not using his compass had come 0900 my trail, which he followed, running when he heard' my first shot. We saw at once that ler. Bear had "shuffled off this mortal coil" He was a fair sized blank bear, After considerable diflloulty we succeeded in akinning him, and out a goodly portion for steak and stews, and we were pretty tired when we arrived back at camp.. Our supper of bear steak was very much enjoyed, the Indian murmuring "Nish e• shin, nieb-e side," meaning good, good, and so it was. About 8 p. m, the tree boys who had gone up the Flint river re• turned to damp and brought back some vary due specitnene of flint, fossils, ata.,. and reported the general conditions so far as they went to be very good. They went some 25 miles and turned back at a large fella. They too, had an interesting ex• perience which will appear later_ Rev. Mr. Panton, TIII. NEW MODERATOR. Tbe Rev, Ebenezer Wilkie Panton, of St. Andrew's church, Stratford, re- oeatly Ideated to tbe honorable position of Moderator of the Synod of Hamilton End London, was boro iu Oupar of -Fife, Scotland. He was but six years of age, however, when be name with his parents to this oouatry, eo that his life bee been almost wholly influenced by Canada, al. ,bough iuberitiog many of the sturdy qualities of the Sootab. It was io the Pnblio sobools of Toren ' to that his edaoa'ion began cud later be studied in Whitby and Oshawa High schools. His college training was reoeiv• ed at Toronto University and Knox Col• lege, and he graduated from the latter in 1873. Previously to this he had teu„ht eahool for seven years, principally at Darlington, but aleoat Oebawa, In the year of bis graduation, Mr. Panton ase lioensed to preach by the Presbytery of Ontario and ordained and inducted in Peel street church, Lindsay. Io 1875,00 the onion of the Presby- terian chorehes, he, with the Rev. J. L. Murray, of the Old Kirk, resigned his obarge, in order to give the 000gregatiou an opportunity to unite. In Ibis very act Mr. Panton alarmed the unselfish and broad-minded queliti'•s which have die• tingnisbed hie career. The following ex- tract from a Lindeay paper of that time shows that Mr. Panton was esteemed io that plane even as he h is been esteemed in Stratford : "The Rev. Mr. Ptintou has been nom paratively reoeut in the plena, but has proved himself a pastor in the highest sense of the term. Hie pulpit miuietra• tions have been of a high order and these, combined with his flue and ennob•ing social qualities, cannot fail in any local- ity to produce the most harmonious re- sults. There are very many, not merely in, but outside the pale of his own re• ligioue community, that would gladly see the eervioes and worth of ouch an effen- tive minister of the Gospel retained to Our towel," In 1876 Mr. Penton was called to Brad• ford where he ministered for nearly °even years. In 1883 he Dame to Stratford, where he hoe ministered ever since, as- sisted In the good work by his esteemed wife, nee Miss Helen E. White, of Oshawa. His brother, the late Professor J. H. Penton, Profeosor of Geology and Natural History at the oubario Agri cultural College, Guelph, who died in Ft•brnary,1898, wag also favorably known. Daring hie long residenos in Stratford Mr Penton bee indeed proved bilneelf to be a manor no little ability. For the proapertty of hie people and glory of the cause, Reline ever labored faithfully end good result* have oruwntd bis ininiebra- Mon, He bite he Melly cflloge in re• ligiaue ejrolee and ie at present treaefrer of the Btra11008 Presbytery and Oon veuor of the Cautery Fund Committee, In this latter braneb of service he hoe done exoeptfonal work end Ivan ins'rn mental in aiuuding grunt a„l.bviwnin along tbeee linea, The honor which the Synod has done iriin 1] a fitting appreoiatien of a life well spent in exalting the glory .of God, "Francesco," 11108, ti'LAVOIILIN, en01'IIeroltt, This well bred stallion will stand for the improvement of etook this Beason es follows ;-Monday, May 6 -Will leave We own stable, Breesels, and proceed North 3$ milds, then West 11 miles to Oboe. Furreat'e for noon ; thenne to Blu'•vale for night, Tuesday -Will pro. need down the boundary to Wingbam to Caneou's Heel for noon ; tbeeoe by 6th line, Turoberry, to John Wylie'] for night. Wednesday - Will proceed to Baby's Hotel, Weesitter, for noon ; then South to Thee. Smith's, lot 12, con. 1, Grey, for night, Thursday -Well proceed South 1} miles and Dist 1} miles, then South to Elijah Jace ltu'e, tut 11 eon. 6, Grey, for noon ; income Plast 2,j• miles, amine South to Ethel for night Friday -Will proceed East to Rob', I tilworbh'e corner, then South to Jobe IL] •le's, lot 26, con. 12, Grey for noon ; the. es West, via Oranbrook, to bis own ember, where he will remain until the fallowing Mow day. itht'llrsar, 1NLAt10H1,IN & NOrAN, 9000I00000, Tbia well bredstallionwill steed for the improvement of etook this season ae follows :-Monday, May li-Will leave hie own stable, lot 4, eon, 15, Grey, and proceed to Donald Campbell's, int 16, non, 15, Grey, fnr noou;'thenee S,uttt to Samuel Forbes', ono. 14, MeK llnp, for night. Taeeday-Will proceed West to Mr. Nolan's for noon ; thence to John Richmond's. eon, 9, Morris, for night. Wednesday -Will proceed to D. O'Con• nor'e, lot 3, tem. 9, Morrie, for noon ; thence to John Kelly'., lot 12, one. 7, Morris, fnr night. Thnto'lay- Will pro- ceed to George Taylor's, Int 1, non. 5, Morrie, for noon ; thence North to Bel. grave for one boor, and will prooeeddown the 4th non, of Morrie, to James Shed• den's, for uight. Friday -Will proceed to Brussels for noon where he will re. main until Saturday morning. Saturday -Will prooeel to bis own stable where he wi'I remain mail the followiug Mon- day Clinton. The newly organized (Minton band practises at the town hall on every Tues- day eveuing. Mise Minnie Weir leaves for Boston where she has secured a situation as nurse in the O,ty Hospital. It is the intention of Capt. and Mrs. E. T. Rance to go to the old oonutry on a trip iu the course of a few weeks. Mrs. Robertson, daughter of R. Coate, left for Brookville, where she takes the position as assistant matron of the Brook. ville Asylum._ A B. Webb left for Torunto where be. will, in company with a ,amber of onbere go to the old country. They gn on salary to act as avenue for Underwood & Uuder- wood vt-reo views and Beu will also take orders for Bradley & Ganeetone'e book "Canada's eons in Sonith Africa." They will have a district. aesiened to each and will be away until Full at least. The o •mmittee in obarge of the pre liminaries of the park paokiug establish• meet took a praetival step on T'ueeduy evening of last week, when they mot at the Clerk's office here and organized iu• to a company. Major Young, of Carlow, aoted ae chairman and H. B. Combe, eeoretary. The stook will be 009119liz d at 5150,000 to be divided into 16000 Meares at 510 each, no one person to bold more than 100 eharee. A charter will be applied for • as eoon as 520,000 has been eubseribed for and no call will be made on the eubaoribed stock of any kind other Chao 2} per cent to defray incidental ex pensee until 520,000 has been subscribed. It was unanimously agreed that Chilton be the location owing to its central posi- tion.. The officers appointed were :- Pres., Major Young ; Vice, D. A. For. rester ; Seo.-Treae„ 1. B. Combe I Pro. visional directors, Major Young, D. A. Forrester, Mayor Jaokeon, H. B. Combs, i L,..i o ill o" lid i I6IIk,r�Y J9 T4s iii 't aAa r/✓�i 6 A> DING DOCK ON THE EARTH OF THE.ARIEL NAVIGATION CO. ................ otice • AWAY 9.1901 i ®1 M;.v6>ffN4v •_env The Farmers' Co Operave Pork • Factory, Palmerston. I"is WING to pressure or business at the the full value for our hoes, or at least all �J Faotory the management 8f the the English market will admit of. Partnere' Co -Operative Pork Factory at If fermata will deoide on the amount Pelmeretoo have found it neoescary to they Intend eubeoribing before they are engage Mr. W. R. Belden, of Moleewortb, called on by the solicitors it will-faoililate 10 (template the' taking of stook. He is the work. The 'bares a e 510 00 emelt, authorized to reoeive monies and notes the majority of fat mere taking from two end appoint agents to aolioit stook for the to five eharee, paying oaeb, or in three, 0o., the names of whom will appear in sic or nine menthe' time. It should be THE Poem. understood that no parson is liable for Siuoe the Brussel° meeting farmers more the.whe eubaoribed, the Co. being a have eubaoribed freely and those who are limited one. The buIldiug and plant now shareholders of the Co, eek every have oust $60,000, all of -whioh bee been farmer to subeoribe jest what he can raised. A number of farmere carry afford. It would be web for each and all enough on notes to do baeineee-pile feeders of bogs to ooneider hie profits requires 550,000, and those who now have' now, and that previous to the building of eharee feel that their brother farmers the new factories. Iu this factory we should contribute this amount wbiob 18 have almoet900 farmers and 1,000 more almoat nothing compared with the benefit should be added. We will then have for,derived. the time to come a means of proouringThose who are not called on may send Farmers' Co -Operative Pork Factory, their enbsoriptions to the Manager, W. J. Falconer, Palmerston, who will prompt- ly return oertifloabee for the amount, Farmers wishing to arrange for meet. ings should nddkeee W. R• Belden, Moles- worth, who will be pleased to meet those interested in this very important industry. It may be well to add that farmers, in the vioiuity of Ridgetown, have in the part month eubaoribed $5,000, claiming that distance is no detriment ae all that ie desired isa factory belonging purely to the farmers, It is well known that Danish bacon bringe more in England than Canadian which le caused by farmers manulactur• ing and handling their own, thus making them more interceded in produoiog agood article. Letfarmers see to it that the preseut opportunity is not loot. Palmerston, Ont. W. Weir and D. Stewart, of Clinton, W. donee, of Carlow, W. Btraoghan, of Ben - miller ; eoliaitor, Hon. J. T. Garrote ; Woken], Molson'e Bank. BuOAs BEET OuLTUEB..-Mr. Harcourt, of Guelph Agricultural College staff, wee bete last week, inapeotiug plots for sugar beet cultivation and distributing seed to thoee whose plots have been selected. There being so many districts in the Pro vinoe wboee farmere were desirous of making a teat ander government ioepeo- tion, it bus been found neoeeeary to limit the number with whom the teat will be ooeditated to 25 farmers. He epeakshigh- ly of the prospects of the teat in this die. .riot. The Boil and condition of the plots promise good results. He says that with some instruction in the way of prepara- tion of soil, &o., there would be no doubt about the success of the farmers in the growth of the sugar beet as a orop. The following are the persons wboee plots have been selected :-D. A. Forrester, R Jenkins, J. B. Lindsay, F. Elford, G. Holland, J. 0 Elliott, J. McGregor, D. McEwen, W. Graham,Geo. Baird, C. Holland, Hoene of R fuge, L. WiLtsie, W. A. Grant, J. Avery, 0. Avery, F. Waldron, F. Tomlinson, Fid. Redeway, Messrs. R. & J. Raneford, W. Townsend, W. H. Cole, Jae. Vunegmood, T. Mair, and Wm. Weir. Mies Roberts, the teacher at Lakeside, bas been i11 for some weeks. Mrs. George Sherman, of Paieley, nom. milted suicide by strangling. J. EL Burns, of Blanchard, has secured a situation in the St. Mary's Creamery, for a year. William Stone, of Blanehard, has Bold hie fine hundred ante farm to J. J. Bragg. He intends moving to Bt. Marys in the Fall, It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round of sioknees, weakness and ill health. To attempt even tbe lightest household duties fatigues them. Many'gf the symptoms accompanying this state of decline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faiubness, dizziness, oinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, Cold hands and feet, headache, dark circle- under the eyes, pain in the back and aide and all the other ac0om• panimente of a run-down and weakened constitution. All these symptoms and oonditione are simply the result of a poor quality and defective circulation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the eyetem with Di?. WARD'S 01,000 AND NERVE PILLS You strike at the root of the dinette and lay a eolid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened bugle fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 dente per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., • Toronto, Out. For gale by G. A. Readmit% Brunsol], STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERiIOE.=THE undersigned will keep for as0 lee on Lot 5, Oone, 10 and 11, Grey, - a 8ret•olaae regietere3 Short Horn bull. Thie animal was bred by Wm. Grainger dt Son, of RM. lett, wboee down stood at the head of the lief at, the World's heir endow, In their Class for butter and milk. Pedigree may he soon on a 0lfaatton, Torino, 81,60 for the foam, to be pend attime of eorvige w1Eh p81 -Ingo of rCRAB,tp n emissary, l0O0ELL, Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. I41ARMS FOR SALE -THE UN - DEMON= has several good Farms for sale and to rant, easy terms in Townships of ]Morris and Grey. F 8. SbOTT,Brootlet s !1 OOD FARM OF 142, ACRES V� for sale, being Lot 28, Con.7, Grey. House suitable/or two families if required, Schoolhouse, ohm ch and part of the Village of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN °OBER. Ethel Carrion Works. 24- 1 'IRST • CLASS FPARIII FOR. 1' tiara --Lot 17, oou. 0, Township of Grey. 100 sores morn or less. Situate, 41 miles from Btinsole and 2 miles from village of Ethel. A11 cleated excepting 5 twee of hardwood bush. Buildings and formes in gond repair. Good walla. All ,a11 plowing done, Price cud terms of payment onap- plication to W. 10, SINCLAI t, 20-tt Banister. 8.0., Brussels. WARM FOR SALE. -I OFFER for sale Lot 15, Con. 3, Morris, consist- ing of 100 acre], more or lees, 05 aborad, 50 nares seeded dawn.80 ammo Fall ploughed,12 cores lu Fall wheat. Hurn 50x70, with atone stabling underneath. Also dwelling house. Possession to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply on the premises or to the proprietor. Pride and terms reasonable. 26- T1505, FORBES, Wingham1.0 FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN deretgned offers his 100 cora faun for Sale, being Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey, There are 80 scree cleared and 10 aures bush, Good house; bunk barn, 56E52 feet, with stone stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fenced and drained. Artesian well with wind mill and tank- Convenient to eahool, church and market. 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15 acres plowed, balance seeded to grass.. Ap- ply on the promises or Walton P.O. 84.50 ENEAS OR1011, Walton FARM FOR SALE -LOT 24, Con. 14, Grey, containing 100 aoree,85 sores cleared, balance in hardwood bush. It is straight -rail fenced, shade trees across the front; two wells • hank barn 60 feet square, with stone stable underneath -; new driving shed 24x80 feet; frame bowie and kitchen ; cistern ; largo orchard with choice fruit • well drained. The ptopriet0r has bargained for another place, boucle desires to sell. Possession after barvuet. Fur'fur- that• particulars apply to JOHN MoNEIL, Proprietor, Monorleff P. 0. 40.4 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS• TIOE.-In the matter of the eetet° of William Button, deceased. As the Reserved Bid was not reached on the day of sale heroin, tenders in writing will be received for the purchase of the Hail oand Lotp20,, Concession 8, nlorri, South1 Bores, subject to the approval of the under- signed Local Master of this Court. Partlee deelrcn8 of making, an offer for this valu- able property may do eo turough the alio. tiooeer, F. S. Scott, or rho plaintiff's whin- tor, ternd ms and conditionsepted will be subjeet to the as settled by the eaidLooal Master, and announced at the time of the sale hereto. Dated this ebb dayBof M llh, A. . 1001. Local Master at Gadevich, W, M, SLNOLAIIO, Piff'e Solicitor. 0451 IWC VOTYLIE9EitY ALF. BiEKER, PROPRIETOR. BRUSSELS, Ont. Barred, Buff and White Rooks. Eggs and Fowl for sale i11 Season. Eggs $1,00 per setting. e orresponde nue Solicited. ALLAN LINE Montreal & Liverpool Quebec & Moville 1901 SAILINGS 1901 FrillSTEAMERVali LIvEEToln 5?0NTa041, Thar, 25 April Corinthian Bat: 11 May no 2 May Tunisian.. " 18 ' • 9 Numid Wan" 25 " • 16 " Parisian 1June • 00 " P,otorian " g ' • 80 " Corinthian.,, " 10 ' • 6 June Tunisian-,.,-. " 82 ' 15 " Numidiau ' 20 " 20 " Parisian 6 July 27 " Pretoriau , " 13 " 4 July Corinthian,, " 20 " Bloomers which sail from Montreal at 0 a.m, tvait the arrival of morningtrains from Toronto and other. pointe est and. South. When Steamers sail before '8 a. in. passengers g0 on board too prevlouseven- ing between 8 and 10 o'o look. When Steam• ere sail at 9 a. to. passengers hays the op- tion of going on board Dither Friday night or Saturday morning. For further pern oulare apply to W. H. KERR, Agent, brussels. We have keep the feet Stout wear Shoes, Easy prices. For hard wear you need good stout shoes, not too heavy but heavy enough, at easy prices. medium -weight women's shoes, good to dry in all kinds of weather, warm, corn. fortable and wear -resisting. Easy on the feet, easy on the purse. Nobody need go without good shoes at these prices :- Woman's Heavy Shoes, 95o ; Women's Pebbled Shoes, $1.15. All hinds equally cheap, Mal HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Single Barnette, ninitle silver, at 58 and $1l I> Team Harnese as oheap as good material and good work oan be fnrnlehed, Our Oollere are all warranted and will give yod eatilfnotioo, A nice stook of Trunks and Satchels selling at lowest priced. Ropttire in Hnrnees, Rubbers and nom promptly done. I. C. RICHARDS.