HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-9, Page 3ABOUT Oi1R awli UUU TEl!1GJU TI)G THEIR PEOPLE, 1GEWS ?R01Md THE DIFFERENT FRO. VINCES OP THE DGA1INi0H, alto Events That Intekost the Canadian Peopio Chronicled Briefly—Want is Going on recap the Atlantic to the St, Oathard•,nes fa annaycd by a "Peeping Team" The Canadian patriotic fund now amounts to 6338,000, A +wart }muse 4s to he erected; this etaramer at Edmonton. The Union ' Bank oe 'Halifax has Opened a laranab at Digby. Whc daily snail at Kingston is heavier Lhasa it ever was, The Dundas CbonalSociety will pro- dWce a cantata nest month. The StrethaFslba, Alberta, Beard of Trade has been inoorrparatod, a b built at Now b t}ir•hWtl,sas aro to e b It the Chatham min}aral ,springs, Now sch,ao1I8 aro badly needed to ao camtmcdate Winnipeg ohil :ren. Mr. D. BalUolak, high sheriff of (Carleton +aunty, N. 13., its dead. An addetiloln is being built to St, Joseph's Hospital at Chatham.' Thlts spring $200,000 will be Spent tan new buildings in Wallaoeburg, Stratford is erecting a building for 'tmantual training and domestic seienee. The population of the island of Anti- .oOstL is to<lee eabanrexated at this een The visiting at Victoria hospital London, is to be out'tailed, especially an Sundays. f6I8e population oe the Yukon dis- trict is 10,463, including 16,107 whites and 356 'Adkins. The season's Iumber cut on the St, John and its txibutariea is estimated .at 140,000,000 feet. Sergt, John Dooley, many years a member of the Guelph police force, ie dead in Ireland. The prdnnoters of the Kingston .snbeltar will be offered a bonus of .$75,000 and a tree site. Sealing sctclonars report the catch this year off the coast of as Labrador Y 9 the bast foe o m r 'any years. John ;f, Jessop, provincial Immigra- tion agent, Victoria, 13.0., one of the "early pioneers of the (oast, is dead. The better class of Welsh ',ramie stunts will be assisted by capitalists to settle on Canadian western lands, Brookville water commissioners have closed a contract for the pur- abase of a four mWionegallon pump- ing engine. Tenders are being called for exten- sive improvements to the Bank of Ilamilton, Winnipeg, whioh will oast $80,000. It is estimated that the population of the smiled city of Rat Portage and Keewatin will within a few years be 200,000. There is sulficie.nt .good farming land within twenty miles of Rat Por- tage to provide a population of 200,- 000 with eatables. Halifax newspapers are imparting paper from England. It is even said that the paper is made from pulp sent from Canada. At biedieine Ilat water -works a well eras being bored, but at 620 feet a flow of gas was struck with a pres- sure pf 130 pounds, The C. P. R. has made a red untie% of 25 par cent. on its live stock tariff to all pants on the line between Ed- i, mental and McLeod: A court martini was held in Winni- peg on Pte. Myers, who deserted from the dragoons to Ottawa, The immigration hall in Strathcona, Alberta, has been furnished and will be open fe'r the reception of incom- ing settlers this week. Amos Rowe, collector of customs at Calgary, has been superannuated, and Alex. Allan, of the same town, appointed in bis place. Michael Travel, of Nelson, B. C., a man of curb 80 years of age, bas ' taken up a pre-emption record of 320 nares of land at Fire Valley, Eagle Creek. Tho catch of salmon in Canadian waters last year was valued at 63,- 159,306, a•decreasc of 62,520,868 when coiri.pared with the returns of the pre- vious year. Following are C. P. R., land sales in Manitoba for March, 1901, as coal- pared with the dame period a year arm—Marcie, 1901, 3,954,614 aeras, for $122,362.47; March, 1900, 3,118,301 nares, for ,$97,777.79. At the Queen's university n sehal arship in medicine has been establish- ed eu honour of tan ' services of the venerable Dr. Fowler, ante Doan of. the meaiical faculty. At Digby, N. S., 25 acres of ground' axe being deviated to golf links, and an artificial bathing gond is being constructed, affording about 30,000 square feet of swimming surface, ' NEW PRODUCT. OF MILK. i. ' Of the hewindustries developed to - ?ward the aloe of the last century perhaps the Most novel is -that of the manufacture de a g tbstance known as plaaman. It is ;produced from milk after the butter has been oxtraeted, (rhe fresh milk la put in a separator, ,cvhore all the cream is removed. The separated milk is then treated by a process which coagulates the pro- teids of the milk, The mass or sub - (stance obtained is then kneaded and dried at a temperature of 126 de- grope under an atmosphere of ear - bank acid gas. It is' then ground into n granular (louder, which is com- pletely eoluble in hot water. The German Government supply it in large', quantities to the army and navy, and their Department tear the Investiga- tion of Foodstuffs for the Troops have fotiud that ono ounce o1 this powder is equal in nourishing and sustain- tagproportios to throe and a quarter pound of the finest beefsteak, or to about ten er twelve pints of milk. The banana is 44 Linins ratite pra- ductive than the potato, 13L times more than wheat. The fruit is ripe 18 months from the sprouting 02 the plant. ROW THE CENSUS IS, TAKEN SY OTHER COUNTRIES. ellttlorlty or !Moons Count Their rope awry Ten, Years --The tisane Piiruroat ways simpleyotl !u'resting the Ceases, trite 'United States took 115 069003 in the autumn of 1900, followed by Germany, Portugal, and Switzerland, cit DeoeMber 1st, Austria, SPaip and Bolglum on January let, 1901, Italy in February, France at the end of March, and Great Britain on March 8151. In moat count -rice, the people are numbered every tenth year -the de- pelinLal system -but in some instanaee the period is shorter, France and Ger- many count their peoplt overt' five yeara. inno rio — a a had Piro 0 bd d y pP far inetanao, she had no census be- tween the iyeara 1860 and 1877—till 1900, when [ilia adopted the dooennial system. Every individual in France has a separate paper, Rvhtich he, or she, must fill up, or get filled up, by a treat - worthy person ; Infants, it may be mentioned, oomo under the latter cate- gory. Ia addition, the 'head of the household has to 3111 up.a family form on which hosummarises the particu- lars Set forth' on the personal forms, When he lhaa done that, he places all the individual papers inside it, and thus hands it to the census agent when he calla for it. Even if the household consists of only ono person living alone, that per- san must fill up both au individual paper and a family paper, the former being stowed away in tho latter in due form. The degree of relationship to the head of the family must be stated on the family' paper ; the absent mem- bera of Lha family must be included, being placed in that section of the sheet intended for the absent, but such absentees are not to be men- tioned if they are in prison, in a lun- atio asylum, or if they are boarders In educational eatabiishmonts, soldiers, and infants put out to nurse—these will be included in the list of persons drawn up: by tho leads of such estab- lishments. Sailors, at sea, however, aro to be mentioned on this family form. In the German Empire each person has A CARD TO FILL UP, and there i4 also a "cover" form to A LATE BACK 0 CAUSES MR. C. H. • WILCOX YEARS OF GREAT SUFFERING. Injured Ilia Spine W- hile Lifting, and the Dootora Told Him Ho Would Novor Fully Recover -But He le Once !Rorer Free. From the Trouble. e From the Brockville Recorder. In the western notion of Leed county there is no man better known then Mr. Chas. 13. Wilcox. He' has re- sided in the vicinity of McIntosh Mills for years, and during muoh of the time has conducted a very sue - easeful saw -milling business. All of 14Ir. Wilcox's neighbors know. that he was a groat sufferer for years from a lame beak, and moat of them know that this affliction has now happily passed away. Mr. Wilcox says he owes this happy release from pain to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and those who know him will not for an In- stant question the sincerity of his statement. He gives the story of his suffering and subsequent cure in the following atatement:—" One day, while working in the milt, and en- gaged. in lifting lumber I bad • the misfort ane to nevexely wrench my back. I was eo badly injured that I had tcl be carried home, and for six months I was' practically unable to move, and suffered great torture. Tho doctor told me that I had injured my spine and that Iwould never fully re- cover from its effects, At ghat Iwas able to go about again, but was far from being the man Shad been before. For yours Isuffered almost continual- ly from pains in the back,and was un- able to lift any heavy weight, At times the pain was so bad that I was unable to work at all,and Iwas of- ten confined to the house for days at a time. During this time I was treat- ed by four different doctors but their t1eatmeut did not seem to do me auy good. They told nee that owing to the imjwty to my spine my back would always be weak. Seeing that the doctors were unable to help ma, and havidpg read of the many cures resulting from the 'use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, I decided to give them a trial, and Procured a supply, Vary aeon I could see that they wore % relieving me a little end this enema/ aged ma to continue their use, In al I took about ten boxes end whe the were ti,nish Y ed m ,bao�k was n y d Strang aa tivar, •The pains that had reeked my' body for so many year's had entirely disappeared, my back felt as strong av befaro the injury. It is n•aty Ltva veins 01000 I discon- tinned the use oe tate pills and in all thetatime I have not heel an ache or pain, so that 4 may safely say that my cure le permanent. I'waulet tette vise all ,similar self:rere to try Dr, Williams' Pink fills,• for knowing what they have done far • ine, I am confident that they cannot be legs s,uaoessfut lei alma oases.' These pills arc .sold by all dealers in mfOdielne or may be had by mail at 50 degas n box or etx boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr, Wil- liams' Mediaino Co„ Brockville, OM.. Do *101 take any substitute. nr any other remedy olleged to lea "just as good." floe tie TEETH awl : STH Row no ►OZODONT LIQUID. o . . 25o i8ew Patent Box SOZODOtT POWDER . . 25o Large wpm and POWDER . . . TD® At the Stores or by Mall,' postpaid, for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion: r` As an antiseptic and hygienic mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teeth and gums, i cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal dentifrice for children's use, [Name of writer upon application.] HALL & RUCKKEL E YORK, Pl R dG ' be filled up lay the head of the house, The questions embrace . the usual in- quiriea concerning name, age, sex, re- ligion, occupation, and military ser- vice. Germany . differ+ from other coun- tries in that she is not content to nam- bor thepeople only. For some time there has been a cattle census, and on this emulsion there was a further extension of the scope by the insti- tution of a fruit tree census. Pratt as an article of food and ae a luxury has been steadily growing in favour for a long time, and the Government considers it advisable that it should know its resources in this respect. A record of forest lands is also kept, and a yearly return has to be made of the uumber of trees felled or other- wise destroyed and of the young trees planted in the forest -nurseries to re- place them. in Germany, theceasus of the popu- lation serves more purposes than in most countries, for instance, the am- ount of money to be co'med is based on the figures obtained in title way. In Austria, the head of the family has to fill up a form, and answer for each person a set of questions. All the members of the family must be include whether theyare present nt or P absent, and in the latter ease their place of residence must be duly sot down. The questions, concerning re- ligion and the partioular language spoken are to be found in the form, and whether the person CAN' READ OR WRITE. On another form, used +where requir- ed, you must Bet forth the number of your themes ; yon must say whether they are full grown or young ones, mares with foal or not,. stallions, and so on. In Belgium the census paper has to be filled up by the ..head of the house- hold for all its members ; he must in- clude the absent members of his fam- ily, except those who are in certain establishments, after . the fashion ad- opted in France. There is one peculiarity in connec- tion with the census papers in Bel- glum, namely, that any person, not being a member of the family who happens to pass the night in the house, bus a separate form all to him- self. The eighth decennial census was taken in Holland in 1899, and an ex - ambled= of the official papers shows that the Govea'ament desired to know things very exactly. A larger variety of census papers is used in Holland than in any other country. Each individual must fill up a paper, but these papers arenot the same for 'both sexes, as in France. There is one for males, and one for females. Then there is a special paper for the stranger passing the night in that particular house, the said pa- per being, of course, different for the sexes. The heats of the household, or the chief official of certain establish- ments, has a "cover" form, and skip- pers also have a special census paper to fill up for mon under their or- ders. Still further variety is given by printing the forma on paper of dif- ferent colourut. - irhe taking of the cnnead in Swit- zerland la carried out on lines similar to the French; there, are individual bulletins and A FAMILY :ENVELOPE • The people aro required to giro in- formation concerning their chief and accessory occupation. In the premed ing census, they were asked' to say whether their employment was re- munerative, but this question has been abandoned beoauee of the g'r'ave doubts of the individual on this subject, an a great difference of opinion abou the meaning of "remunerative," Portuguese are content to suppl one fotm for each' family' to be fine up as usual by the head of the house hold. The head offioiala of the port have to take the census of the ship anohoged in the porta on the night of the (lay on which, the papers Ura Western countries, census taking In Russia is rather crude. Prior to 1897 the 0enans had been taken ten times, but this was to find out how many asaloa there were who paid or ought to pay taxes. The firrst oeneus took place as far bank as 1724, when the number of inhabitants was set down at 14,000,000 in round figures ; in 1897 the number was given as 129,000,000 including Finland. Friday, March .1, 1901, was the day ohoaen for the enumeration of the peo- ple in India ; the choice of the day had to be made with due consideration for the native materna. It was four days before full m00n, and, while, the light would be Sufficient to allow the schedules to be checked before mid- night, the popular movement towards the snored rivers for` the lunar bath- ing festivals would not yet have set lin. The dal Was one of those regard- ed as Lnauspioious for marriages, and marked by no great religious festival. The two knotty questions which had to be decided by those sesponstble for the framing of the papers were " re- ligious seat," and "caste." There is a tendency to great ramification which makes the first question diffioult to answer, and the amend was regarded as inadvisable by some authorities,but was finally included by.order of the Governor-General. , The first regular counters of the people were the Roman oensora whonoe the term " census." Solon was the first to count the Greeks. No census was taken in Europe during the middle Agea; they were consid- ered contrary to the law of the Church. Sweden took the first :scien- tifically conducted census in 1749. CAME TO TOWN TO BE HANGED. A Story Told of Abel Erasmus, tiro goer, and Lord Welseley. The despatches from South' Africa a short time ago announced the coming into the British lines of a prominent Boer, Abel Erasmus, and his family. Thio Erasmus is not 'the commandant of the same name avho failed to effect a junction with Lose Meyer at the attack on Glencoe at the opening of the war, but the (great political adver- sary of President Kruger. A good story is "told of $he old Boer and Lord Wolseley, then SM Garnet Wolseley, solo in y, connection with the part Erasmus took in Wolseley's campaign in 1879 against Sekukuni the chief of the Bapedi's on the borders of Swazi- land. After the capture of Sekukuni ho was immediately brought before Sir Garnet Wolseley, who asked him, how he, a miserable Kaffir living in a cave, dared to defy the great Queen, of England. Tho chief replied that he had been instigated to do so by Abel Erasmus. Den' Garnet, in describing the scene at a public dinner given to hire at Pretoria on Otis return from the cnmpaiga, said that he wished there and then to let Abel Erasmus know that if ever he found that Erasmus had been inciting any chief to levy war against (England, and ho was able to lay bands on him. Abel Erasmus would hang aa hi,g13 as Haman. A few days after the, dinner S' Henry Smoke b r n u y, Sir Garnet's m❑ itary secretary, was sitting in his o five when a tall, bearded Boer enter ed' and naked permission to speak with im. I am Abel Erasmus," he said and I have very important business STRONG 1?REN0#[.CANADIANS. A Fimoyei*,,.0id Iso? Mho 14 Able to Llfl Three 'rinses We own 1Totglll. Thal Vronel.Canadlau6 are not feriae' to other people In pbysioal iatrongth and endurance is %Mown by the remarkable number of strong Men they .have precluded In recent years. ;tome of their teals of strength have been pb0ncmenal and have gain- ed for lbene wide celebrity, Probably most notable among them is Louth Qyr, a lemma -Canadian liv ing in Montreal, who now. at the age of 37,has retired from active life, relin- quiehing hie title of champion, of the world which he hold for many years, to Horace a3arro, another Frenoll-Cau- adten. Among his most remarkable feats were raising 878 1-2 pounds above his head with a single hazed ; raising a bar weighing 047 pounds with his two hands above ht head without- touching llho btouching hie leodyi. leatding at arm's length 104 pounds ; placing a barrel filled with water weighing 433 pounds on bis ?Moulders, withous using this knees or alis right !hand ;' raising from the reground with a single finger, 651 pounds, His most extraordinary feat was to raise on (his back the enormous weight of 8,655 pomade. He is still welt preserved, but has ideoided to rest for the future. Horace Barre is ho has taken the title of champion Strong man is a young 'French-Canadian only 20 years old. One of 'his feats is to raise in each hand at arm's length 240 pounds. Besides Cyr and Barre there are many other French-Canadians who have displayed great :strength. Pierre Simard, one of them, has a son who is only 5 years of age and weighs only thirty-five pounds, but can raise three times his own, weight; with two hands he can raise 155 pounds and with :me hand be reface ninety pounds, YEARS A PRISONER, A Sundridge Farmer Closely Con- fined to His Own w Hous • e Recently Liberated. He Hastens to Write as Open Letter, Telling of Sts Years of Misery, and His Miraculous Escape. Sundridge, Ont., April, 29, (Special). —A ease of prolonged torture has just come Lo light in Strong Township, a few miles from here. It seems hard that an honest man should be kept a prisoner in his own home for over four years, and yet, that Id just what happened to Mr. leEr. Wm. Doey, of Lot 19, Concession 13, Township of Strong. His family and friends all tried to secure his re- lease, but in vain. "For Lour years, I suffered =era - elating torture, during which time I was scarcely an hour free from pain. "The trouble commenced in my back, where it often remained sta- tionary for months, and so Intense was the pain that I could not lie down to take rest, but had to sit night: and day in a chair. The pain would then remove to other parts of my body, and when in my knees, I was unable to walk, and confined constantly to my room. I was treated for Rheumatism by several doctors, and also tried many medicines, without: receiving any benefit. Almost in despair, I feared I would never again experience the pleasure of being free from pain. "A short time ago, my attention was directed to some remarkable cures of Rheumatism by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, recorded in the public prints. I procured a box, and soon found that they were doing me good. I continued, and very aeon I was a now man, and entirely free from pain. "I have continued so £or over six months, being able to attend to my daily duties on the farm, and feeling able for any kind of work.. "I verily believe this change, this remarkable cure, has been effected by the wee of Dodd's Hidney Pills, and I think it my duly to make this state- ment public, for the benefit of any- ne afflicted as I was," This is the statement which Mr. Doey makes over Mia own signature, nd one cannot help being struck by Is sincerity. Everyone in this eighborhood knows that Mr. Doey was a cripple for years, and his mira- ulous restoration to health, has recited a great deal of talk in and round Sundridge. Dodd's Kidoey ills are having a very large sale c re. Ir of a ato do hero" He explained that he had come to see Sir Garnet Wolseley, for he had e hoard that Sir Garnet had said that if he could lay hold of him he would s hang hien and so ho had come to be e hanged, Sir Garnet was in the next room and Sir Henry Brockonbbry thought it would be advisable to con- sult hien on the subject. Sir Garnet however, happened to be too busy at tho moment to see anybody, and Sir Henry after reflection persuaded his angry visitor to tako his leave and allow the hanging to etand over for the time, It is hoped that on account of his antagonism to Kruger, Erasmus may be induced to use his influence fox peace. , London people spend on an average 21s. par head for gas yearly, as com- pared with 103. a head in other Eng- lish towns. delivered, and of those vessels which arrive during the next day, i1 they have been navigating Portuguese wa- ters during the night. As the educational condition is not all that could be desired, the census agent is instructed to fill up the pa- per if'the- head. of the family cannot do it, end lids, no one in the house eavho can. The pay of the census agent Ls arranged on the following basis: He receives five rets, rather loss than a farthing, for every person enumerat- ed on the forma in his district. This remuneration may be increased if the local authoritica 0onsider an increase justifiable. If the nine of the census form La any criterion, the Portuguese have very Largo families 1 fn stating your age, you aro not required to give, as in some other countries, the 0xaot date on which you wore born ; it is auffi- oiont to give the number of complete years, or Menthe, or days, according to the ciroumstasices, Chivalrous Por- tugal, presumably (desirous to spare the Indica, tells you that, if you are uncertain about it, you ,may put the pproximate number of years, follow- ed by A MARK 01? INTERROGATION. The first general census in Rnssla was taken in January 1807, but --as may be oxpsated in mush a vast coun- lay—the dial:natio are so groat that the returns oannot be vouched for 0,9 absolutely correct. Compared with NOW THEY NEVER SPEAK, Mt. Parkslop—Wbon a lady tells me it is her birthday, and I know she is past 35 I find it is best to change the subject, instead of asking her how old she is. Miss Babylon—What n coincidence, your speaking of its This happens to be my birthday. Mr. Parkslop quickly—Ob, Lndcedl What lovely weather we aro having? Millard's Liniment Cures Carget iri Bows. It is not generally known, but LL is a £act all the same, that London is better off for trees than any other oity.ae Europe. t, eidoev-e-4(40.44/t.titth it 324 p Ate, OTE GOOD) PROOKW Everybody wee knows endorsee it. The study of a 1lecetimo, perfoated by experience. Lead Pnekagoo 23, a0, AN 09 and 00 Cents 1s Yo1a Want yNt6UTTEII 0105 POULTRY, APPLES, other FROITDand P800900,13 The Dawson Commission Co. LlmItad, Cor. Weepilial'b.otana 0o l,orpe 31,''2eronLo. "1¢`unte'en"vti'inibR3.'Q Wdov1 Veredlolt'OL4 AIs ar!4WVPnYW a,,sn'Ce• '•9 ^' THE 4. PAIN E will put the paint on for you but have you given hien the best. Remember he will charge you just as hmach e woullpfor on pure paint, and then for cheap paint you will want him again next year. Ranisays } Paints are the purest and best made will last longer than any outer, look brighter, go farther, apreali easier, and preserve the -house better—because they are made for just that work and have been made for 60 years. Send, for BOOKLET "K" Free, telling all about and showing lovely painted houses, A. RAMSAY &C SON PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL, EAL, Eot'd 1842 ��1a'ID,• a�� m V./CIVWQ. 9VEPIZAii-'a,nT,..'Y46,v/111,ZYW-WOMOa^afaaeat6 FRONT,i... STRAIGHT OQ:RSI;T_ This 19 the BEST Corset ever given to the I NADIAN LADY for QN113 DOLLAR. It L�- r1.nLnae - .takes away all strain and pressure :i v,,. ,..- .-..e_ and abdomen ; at the same time they are as cons. Portable as a dressing jacket. All the strain of lacing is placed upon the hips and back muscles, throwing the shoulders out and developing that beautiful classic lncurve at the base of the spine. Sold at all leading dry goods stores in Canada. If you cannot get them at your deater's we will send prepaid on receipt of price—$1,00, Made in Qrah, White, and Tan, State size. , Dept T., • 13PrTTSII t CCS SOLE MANUFACTURERS, eceraeminer'ac e. - scone—gm The British Empire is sixteen times larger than all the French domin- ions' and forty times greater than lbs German Empire. Grain costs 98 per cent. of what it did a century ago, wool 30 per cent, but meat is 2 1-2 times more expen- sive, and milk and butter 21-4 times. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease thab science has been able to euro in all its states and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the .only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cons, tttutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Halts Catarrh Cure le tb. n inter +ally, surfaces directly cyst the thereby dad mucous the fou d the system, Hereby dart tgiving the foundation of yho disease, tae giv ng ttio patient strength by re ining up the on¢ttttutton and d lotan,iha nature in doing ita work. The proars, that he so der c faith in drede DaI*ar powers, e they i oder one Hurn. Sdf Dollars for any case that it fella to cure. Send for lest of testimonials. J CHICMET& CO., TOLEDO Sold by dragBgistg see. Hall's Family Pills are the beat 'Great Britain produces 1,900,000 tons of salt a year, all Europe less than 5,000,000. I know MIN ARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOUTILLIER.. French Village. I know /KINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. J. F. Cunningham. Cape Island. I knowI 1 M Ne RD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth, JOSEPR A. SNOW. Norway, Me. The underground railways of Lon- don are 150 miles long, and cost from £200,000 to £1,000,000 a mile to build. POR OVER PIPIT YEARS MRS WINBLOw'8' aoo'ro E0 sYRDT has been tused by mnmrafor their children teething. IC soothes he child. softens rein gams, allay,spaln, Cares wind collet and is the boat- moody for dlarrboea, 23o a bottle. Sold by all drugggists thmnthot t rho world, to sure and sk for "Sirs. Wihslow's. 5001111,¢ Syrmp." 154 out of every 10,000 convicts are usually in hospital. lIlinard's Ifiniknent Cures Diphtheria. False teeth are now made from paper, cad are said to last a life- time. This signature is on every boa of the genuine Laxative Bromo•Quinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cobs Ito ono day The world's coal mines yield four hundred million tons of coal a year. Minard's Liniment Cares Distemper. A goat lives LO years and gives" a quart of milk a day. 0leUf11—CollpesAvonuo AVENUE NOUSE b1 -0111i> i lramily Hotel rates 91.50 per day. A Over 7,000 men deserted from 1)in French armylest est year. England's record for desertion is under 300. Millard's liniment Clues Colds, oto, W P C 1074 OAL W ER 1 9S, CARBOLIC OINTMENT. Fop all skin ailment% J. 0. Caluart e4 Co., I0anchanter, England Music Teachers {t� anted 00 aorta for ear 0oinp:3to Oats- logue at Sheet Minato and Hooka with apeetal rates o ids r,: iau o WHALEY, ROYCE & Co.. 158 Yongs aL Taranto, 0ofb' Metallic SKYLIGHTS n006LAS 0565., 124 aarOaTOoo 4 Gents'Suits Clean,r1 0r Dred; Neo Ladien' wear of all Pilule, tomlien in -s of every. d¢ncripttoa 0000 MxD.&LIs� DYEn.s. BRITISH AMERICAN DYHING Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa k Queboo, ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works. 0008I210 SLATS), in Black, Red0r0reen, SLATBBLACKBOARDS, tae supply Public anal—Chin Scheele Toronto). Roofing l oft, Mob, Coal Tar, eta ROOFING TILE (bee New City Build. Ingo, -Toronto done our firm. Metal Collin Ono- y 1 to oratories Eeped to any partod ft noncom ume r for 19EL D.IOITIS &p$l0Hoan0lnlda f. Biervs Plume D. DYTnIS 8r aaN.,Adslnitle A Wldmor8is., Toronto Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpo:L Boston to Liver- poo1. Portland to Liverpool, Via games. term, Large and Fast Stenmablpa Superior accommodation for all clause of passengers. Saloons and Staterooms are amtdabipe. Speolel attention has boon glum to the Second Saloon and Third-Olaae 5coommo +tion. For rate. of passage and all particulars, apply to nay 011e04 of the Company, or Bloberdst Mills,& Oo, 0, Torrance 1<Oo.. 07 State S*., Baste. Montreal end Portland, THE MOST NUTi8I' OU8. PPS's GRATEFUL--OOM FORTINCI. OA WERISAftlrA7itT—SUPPER. Canada Permanent And WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation. SAVING'S DEPARTMENT, do 1 and apwarde received on do esti. glie Interestpaid or oompouud !c edhalfyonrlyab...... ......... a%o sonson and upwards received for teleleb dehehtaree are !sated with halt -i early ootlpone atlaohed A0 for interest at Toronto Street, - TO1,i3O, TO 2 cream..m„�ame,�,s�,:awrr.mao:..a-,,,.aj