HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-2, Page 8BICYCLES! BICYCLES! SOWING OATS yet teyyen stopte I''ormelt dehyde otti pre - vent re vent amat. We have it. A 45 cent $ 7 50 W111 bay it Child's Bioyole bottle will 40 40 buebele of seed, with pneamatie tires. 20 no Will buy a Lady's Bioygle in o L " ' - D 0 P� R good repair, .,�.J $26 50 Will buy a Lady's Bioyole GAMES only need a short time, $25 00 ver a Gent's Bioyole, We bave Base Balla, Bobber ......res...—. Bette, Croquet, &a, oleo Foot Balla - For a Gont'o Bioyole with Morrow Coaster and Brake, $32 50 We rent Wbeele for the Season or 00 desired, Bioyole Tires, 0ements, Hand and Foot Pumps, &o., in etoek, FOR FISHING Bamboo Poles et. 10o and 15o each, Also Linea, Hooke, &o. Agent for Cree• G. A DE AD�%� AN Draggiet, Optician Dent Bioyoles. l� ti a A/ LT 11 and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. .A. crew shingle roof has bean put on the horse abed at the Central Hotel. eooTaEaN EXTENSION W. O. & B. Sonne of tbe youth of this focality have been making large catches of suckers in Trains leave Bruseele Station, North the Maitland, and Booth, as follows: EAST Henn License Commissioners will meet at the Queens Hotel, Brussels, GoYNGBbare. GQmGNoa7,H, Express 7:18 a.m,Mail 2.10 p.m on Taeeday, 14th inst. Mixed 9:40 a.m. I Express ,..... 8:17 p.m SPECKLED trout fishing Beason commenc- ed on Wednesday of thie week and will continue until Sept. let. fool RRkas j.,f r� THERE were 32 little tots added to the 1A111Ae Primary department on the opening of eobool after the Easter holidays. W. W. HARRIS disposed of a 2 year old 8 obiel'e amang ye takin' notes, "Costumer" colt to Archie Liviogeton, of An' faith he'll prent it. Grey, receiving the earn of 9100 for it. LITTON 00E130 Co. in Brussels Town Max. Hell next Monday evening, under the BEanTLBEL weather. auspices of Court Princess Alexandria, STRAW hats are here. 0. 0. F., Brussels. FRIDAY ie Arbor Day. • Ova congratulations are extended to COUNCIL meeting next Mondayevening. our day,formof Brandon, Geo. and Mree Seaeot Board Fridayeveninof next Halliday, o, ugbter to Man., overcircle.arrivaloftheir home week. Strome money wast oolleoten by Reeve THE annual Spring sbave•off has hit Rose and W. H. Kerr to present A. Bewt- the town. inbeimer with e. clean receipt for thefun- Sontalk of another grocery opening eral expe00ee of his son and dangbter who ont in Bruseele. died on March 9th. Sone very tasty and well planned win. EaNDERaoN got the street watering dow dressing le done by Brussels business cart to work on Monday of this week. people. If all the sweepings from stores and Toe half mile traokon the Agricaltaral shops were burned rather than thrown in Park is in good ebape and is being tailiz• the haokyarde and the paper refuse ed by horsemen. whirled out into the streets with the Gnome Oaooxe sold the thoro' bred first strong wind, our Main street would Jereey oow to Dr. MoNaughton that he be a credit to any town. hod advertised in THE Pose. Co. OotNOILLOB Tinning having mav- Tam fire engine wae out Saturday after• ed out of his Division to Egmondville will noon for a teat. It was taken to the plat• necessarily have to resign his Beat in the form at the foot of Elizabeth street. County Oounoil after the June session, Boemoes bas been quiet owing to the He is a firet•olaee man and will be great - farming community being busy seeding. 1 missed both for his bueioeee ability This week will see a goodly portion of the and his geniality by hie brother County work completed. Oonnoillore. Mr. Torrance was Warden TEN horses were gold last week for re- fora year. emesis in Booth Africa by A. Hewitt, of A NOTE from Caretaker Frenoh, of the -Bruseele. Another lot will probably be House of Refuge, Clinton, nye Mrs, taken in a oouple of weeks. Wallace, who was reaentiy sent to that Tote addition of 16 feet to the etore of institution from Brunets, took it into Downing Bros. ie under 0o0etreati00. her head that ebe would return to her They will enlarge the front shop by old home bat was taken (tare of by the utilizing the present work room, the par- night watchman of Clinton until Mr, tition dividing them coming down. Frenob was communicated with and the A coon many people appear to have runaway taken back. She was arranging forgotten that tbere is a By-law prohibit- a bargain with a livery mac to drive her ing the running of bicyolee upon the side- to Beaforth. The old lady is a hundred. walks in Bruseele, It the names of law fold better off at the House of Retoge breakers were banded to the Oonetable than bank to Brussels if she could only and a few fines imposed it would probate- see it that way. ly put a atop to the practice. Bentiesa Oaexoo.—Wm. Blnehill, who NEVI cement walks have been pat down bas been in business in Brveeele for the at the aide entrance to Dr. Graham's past 21 yeare, has leased hie butcher shop block, also at the residences of Mrs. to Samuel Walker, 6th line of Morrie, Herne, on Thomas street and Jae. Tarn- who will take possession on the 15th inst., ball, of Ring street. George Olvar and and perry on the business. Mr. Walker George Barkley are doing the work and had a ehop in town before so is acquaint. putting it down in good shape. ed with the people and the work. Dr. A Lame from Wm. Hawthorne, dated Toole baa rented the Blashill dwelling Daloraine, (Man.,) April 17, nye t—" We and will move to it shortly. Mr. Blew are having a very Dice Spring, seeding hill and family will probably remove being general in this part this week. from town but their future location ie Had a frost on Sunday night that etopped not definitely decided upon yet, For plowing in the forenoon and a shower of many yeare Mr.Elaebill bas been a very now that cleared the air. Enclosed enthusiastic member and officer of the 0. find enbscription to Tan POST. It 10 0. F., the Court meeting in his Hall, and always a welcome and regular visitor." be ie now a member of the School Board. Mr. Hawthorne was a former resident of The tenon Mr. Blaebill gives for selling this looality and known to e. good many out hie business was the increasing work of onr readers. and reduction of family help. F. el. SCOTT left on Tuesday for Sault CoxxoG To Bnneeare.—Next Monday Ste. Marie. He will fetch Mies Maggie evening "Said Pasha" will be presented e.t Bargees bank will him for treatment in the Town Hall, Brussels, under the one of the Provinoial institutione. She a0spi0ee of Court Prinoeee Alexandria, 0. has been in the boepital in the above 0. F. The Goderieh Signal of last week mentioned town with typhoid fever and speaking of the Lyceum Go., says :—"We aoogeetion of the brain but is ao mach have not had an opera in •oderiob for a improved in health that the physician good many years and tbeatr0•goers sent word that the could be moved. We appreoiated very heartily the opportunity hope she will noon be fully restored to her presented on Monday evening in the usual good health. Mine Burgess was produotion of the comic opera, "Said keeping a millinery store there when she pasha" by the Lyceum Opera Company took i11. -She is also the owner of town at the Victoria Opera House, wbioh held tote that sboold be of ooneiderabie value ono of the beet andienoen of the man. in the boom times the "Soo" has been The singing was very good, both in the having. choruses and Bolo parte. The audience Goon MAKE BOLD. -Last Friday Tbow enjoyed greatly the singing of Mies MoLanohlineold his fauoy driving mare, Glover, Mr, Modromieh and Mr. Smith, ' bred by Costumer from s Carlisle dam, and a new patriotic chose took im- to Mr. Kelly, of Listowel, for the eam of meneely. The oomedy parte were a 9200. She was delivered on Saturday to prominent feature of the production and the new owner. Mr. Kelly intends put• were irresistibly funny." The plan of ting her into training al once and will the Hall may be found at Foxe drug eine. develop the epeeding qualities, Rich. Anon. BIitnP Ex -M. P. P. DEAD.—A Roohe being the driver. Mr. Mao. die- well known resident of South Huron liked to part with the beast but with passed away on Thnreday of lent week in other work preeeing upon him had not the person of Arch. Biehop, 4th eon. the time to devote to the ne080enry one townebip of IIaborne. The funeral took and exeroiefng no deoided to accept the place on Saturday afternoon to the Roger - offer. The new purchaser will do well vide eometory, over 200 carriages being by her no doubt ae the mare is an ex• in the procession. 89r. Bishop was at oeptionally good one and Mr. Kelly is the Brumfield show on Friday, April quite 9 borne fenoier and dealer en will IOth, and seemed to be in the enjoyment. likely make good money out of her. of hie usual good health. On his way TEE SILENT STEED.—Bono people have home, bdwever, be wae attacked by wheels in their head butA:Coaetey, hint' paralysis, and, on arriving at hie mei. ole agent, Bruseele, is Bending them into deem be wan found in hie baggy an- hande of many buyers, largely in the donning and one Bide completely country this season. Binoelastreport he parelyred. He wan driving alone, and, has Bold the following t—A Quickstep to consequently no portion knew how long Henry Woods, of Grey ; a gents' Hyslop he had been in this condition, but so to Roy Bmalldon, of Gorey ; a ladies' rigid bad the nannies become that it was Hyslop to Riob, Cardiff, of Grey ; a Mon. with difficulty the liege were removed atoll to E.D. Molnboeh, tandem of Gley; from bis hands. Demented was a well -th- an E. & D, to Sameo Thompeon, of Brns• do and, highly esteemed man and well eels ; an E. & D. to dno, Me/reckon, of acquainted with many people. tie repre• Boieeevein, Man..; an E, & D. to Will. stinted the South riding of Huron In the Ooualey, of Biennia ; an Antelope to Local Legislature for several terms and Charlie Lamont, of Grey ; and a Berlin wag a valiant and valued eupporber of the to Wm. Dnnoaneon, of Grey. Second Liberal administration. 'X'buebae passed Sand wheels were Sold to Mork Cardiff, another of the old residents of the Co. of Grey, and Wm; Kelly, of Morrie. Tide who will be pleasantly remembered by is a good record of sales before the 1st of many with whom he formed kindly are tdily, minting in the long ago.. LllAvae are Opening. Toe,Tanior Foot B411 Club beet) order,' esra, ed new blest Menne from A. lltreolran, (;,afoul Bea'rete, of the American Natal, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO bee pea/band a dandy pneamatio tired buggy teem D, Ewan ex Co., of Brunette CAPITAL P410 UP (Cue Million Dollars) • $1,000,000 Tam men Stott, whostole Jag, Qllnnief - RUST 6700,000 bears borne and rig a few weeko ago, is A envied in aXX principle/ cliffs in Olttarfo staid to be a resident of Wroxeter where ? p p p , Q2(0,40, 0090044, United Stotee It 8Jngland. his wife and family ere et present reeid• --- S '," ilr,441 ESVATtr, Geuerel Banking Bnsinoee Trausagted. Farrneee' Notoe Dieeoauted, Drafts Issued and Oolleotiona made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, tutored allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards and compounded half yearly. $PECIAL ATTENTION MEN TO Tan COLLI{OTroN 0l! FA 0XEEn' SALE Noone. Every facility afforded Customers living at a diotanoe. R1.18$XIaO EOOI ST4XD4141? .134X4 0.1? 0.4X4.4, BRAeeELa will meet Mildmay on May 24th in a foot ball eaboh at Pordwioh oelebration, Our Baee Ball foam will crane bate with Gerrie on the seem day anti at the avec plane. Tae ladies 0f Bienrnide Hive, L, 0, T. M„ Bruseele, beg leave to tender their beat thanks to Druggist Deadman for hie kindness fn giving them a treat of hooey lent Monday evening, Jetta( Oernrri, the new proprietor of the D. Stewart property, Brownie North le making, and marking out, a number of improvements that will add to the appear• anon and oonvenienoe of the place. THE Guelph Mercury oontaine an ao• count of the Victoria base ball glob the oonoluding paragraph whiob nye They are open for data from Palmerston, Harman, Draytou,Listowel. Wingbam, Brussels, Acton and Georpetow for holt. day games on any dates imitable." GEMS EDWARDS and Richard Mitobell ere arranging a steam well drilling outfit and will push the business tbie year. The latter baa a threeher engine that will be utilized. This well drilling order of things ie beaoming quite a trade and the new firm will soon be prepared to make things hem. BAST EuaoN Liberal Minutiae divided last Friday, to hold the Nominating Con. ventlon for the Legislature and the An• nual meeting for the election of officers, &o., in Bruasele on the same date, viz, Tuesday, May 28, The probabilities' am pear to be that the present well !mown member, A. Hielop, will receive the unanimous nomination. A PALMERSTON delegation, ooneleting of Mayor Ward and Oounailtor Burne, were in Bruseele on Monday taking a survey of our granolitbio sidewalks. They are in tending to expend $4,000 in new walks this season and were on the look out for pointers. J. L. Lloyd has their contract and will give them a good job. LIE0T. COL. SCOTT, of Kincardine, D. D. G. M. for this Maeonio dietriot, paid bis oSloial visit to the Bruseele brethren of the square and compass on Tuesday of this week. A well filled evening wasen- joyably spent. Col. Scott hen 19 lodges in his juriediotion. THE Pose bad a pleasant tali from the D. D. G. 80. IT should be ae ranch of an offence to sell adulterated and unlawful wbiekey in lawful boars as lawful whiskey in uuiaw. ful boars. Drink, bad at its beet, is much worse at in worst. Limnos in• speotore should be called betel inepeotore, and they should inepeot hotels with a severe eye for defeota,—Toront.. Star. Bnneeate oheeee factory will commence operations for this season on Monday of next week. Mr. Harris has engaged the services of Mr. Goodwin, of Palmerston, as cheese maker. Ile comae highly re• oommended as a oapable hand. Hie eieter, Mies Goodwin, will preeide over the household affairs of the new comer. Sronio fever le not a bad thing to get if it develops into an anxiety to oleau up your surroundings and improve the ap- pearance of things generally. Oar amen. try places, ae well as towns and villages would be men improved in appearance if the farmers would gather up the old etioke, pieces of rails, loose stumps, eta„ in front of, and alongside their farms, which could be utilized for Summer wood. Ferman driving tbrough the neighbor hood would be more impressed with the taste and cleanliness' of the inhabitante if this were done. ExM:E810Ne TO GDELPH.—A delegation aoneialing of F. 0. Elford, of Holmes- ville ; Those McMillan, of Contemn ; Jae. A.. Cline, of Wingham ; J. A. Lamb, of Walkerton ; R. J. Nolen, of Paisley ; and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, went to Toronto on Wednesday to interview the G. T. R. and C. P. R. relative to the running of expansions to the Model Farm this Summer in connection with the Farmers' Institutes and Agricultural Societies. June 15, 20 and 27 are dates named, provisionally, for theee tripe but full announaemente will be made within a week or 10 days. It is proposed to have an exoureion from Teeewater, taking in Wroxeter, Gerrie and Fordwiob and joining the W. G. & B. at Harristoo. DEoere.—Notwitbetanding the rainy weather on Tuesday evening the social wee held as aonouueed by the Epworth League. After pa0oakee and maple eyrnp had been served the program wee proceeded with, Rev. Jobn Holmes ea- cupying the obair. The debate 'Eeeoly ed tbat the world ie getting better" was well handled. For the affrrmetive Mies Brock, aeeieted by Wendell Holmes and Miens Carrie Hingetoo and Lizzie Downing, took part. The negative was upheld by Ira Gerry, supported by Misses Joeie Buchanan, Myrtle Hunter and Minnie MoNaughton. Jadgee, B. Gerry, W. R. Mooney and Eli Smith, decided thab it was a tie. The young people covered a wide rouge and prevented many encouraging ae well ae disheartening phases of the gaeetion. Solos were rendered by Mina Thurso Gerry and Leelie Kerr. Mies Jean MoLaaohlin was accompanist. The proceeds amounted to about $5.00. G. T, R.—New board pencils for guard. fag the cattle guarde were delivered at the yards this week.—The shipments for the week were:—A. Banker, car of oats and 5";care of wheat ; A. Hewitt, a oar of boraee to Montreal ; R. Graham, 8 care of wheat ; W, F. Stewart a oar of wheat; Geo. Beet a oar of hogs ; A. 0. Dames, e oar of cattle ; J. Joynt, a ear of aehee to North Ambereet, Mase, ; Mr. Montgom• ery, ear scrap iron to Toronto: Among. inward freight, HarryBone, of Morrie, received a traction engine from London ; P. Amens, oar of lath from Victoria Har- bor ; and there Was . oar of sager.—Ex. mann business is being talked up. The Pan.Amarioan Expooition, Buffalo, will be the big drawing card this Summer and very cheap tripe are being arranged, —Thursday Jane 20, is the date get for the annual exoureion to the Ontario Agri. 'Inhume College, Guelph, from this locali- ty. It is a pleasant and popular outing, Tbie year two days will be allowed on the tioket enabling people to make aide tripe from Guelph.—Grain shipments, eepeoiaily wheat, are lively,—Agent Ham ticketed W. Brydon and F. 0. Soatt to Sault Ste, Marie ; 12. Mowbray, of Walton, to Elva, Man, 1 and D. Denman to Sarnia.—W. Dudley ie helping the G. T. R. eeatinn men at the station. The G. T. R. le putting up flew wire twitting along batten of the tradk. limy priorphooaltoawngboros ss—ued V1a0deo $20 to $30....12( 00 to 40..,.14o J. N. GORDON, AGENT. 'fes Llama CLoe000.—Oommenaing with rule, attend the paseage of the moon over next Monday the early oloeing movement the equator. Correct, tabnlabed reports commences in Bruseele for the Summer of preoipitatien will also show tbat rain months. Bueineae plaoea will alone at or new falls in more places wino the 7 p. m. each evening except Saturday's moon ie on the equator than at any other or the evenings preceding a publio boliday. time, that is, when a storm period i0 co - Customers will do well to boar this in iuoident, or nearly eo, with moon's mind. equatorial paseage. The natural ten- FORE(AeTe FOR MAY.—Storm condition daily with May storms is to come in whiob began to develop the last of April, daily ayolea for several daye at a time, finally breaking up with a general and io Western parte, will inureaee In. extent and intensity, Eaebward, Maine the first violent paroxysm, followed by a great diagram rise in the barometer and change to three days of May. The stern) shows that the mercury dieturbeuoe lasts suite cool. Suck a series is quite probe - up to 9tb, inoluding the teaetionary bio from the 23rd to 26th, with such a storms on the let, 2nd and 3rd, and the Tical culmination on the 26th. If the 5th 10 the barometer doee not make a decided rise, Vulcan storm perbod from the 5 91b. unsettled weather, with mnoh with much cooler winds following from oloadineee and rain, le very probable the Northweet on and touching the 26th, , hat the the 03010 of daily storms .will aontioae, throughout the mercury period ; dates tvbeu above, general atorma will into the regular. Vulcan storm period mon are within the periods specified in which is central the last three daye of (Mange to May. Is' sitter event, the month will the storm diagram. A brief pan - rising barometer and cooler will natnr• end with decided storm conditions paee- ally appear about tbe 3rd to 5th, but ing Eastward over the country. These warmer, falling barometer and growing last dietarbanaes for May will run into aloadineee will appear in Western so - and first two days of June, causing rain Mona about the 5th and 611. Daring the and hander storms in many parte of the 7th to 911, these conditions will develop land. Look for moot bright weather marked storm ars, which will cease between atorma in May. ea rain, thunder and some high winds in many parte of the country. If your par• Scalar locality Ohould not lie in the di•' mot path of aetnal storm, it ie to be hoped that you will take no offence. It ie very pertain tbat, if you keep any Bort of watch on the clouds, the wind cur- rents, the thermometer and the barome• ter, you will be able to decide definitely that storms have passed over the land, and that conditions have be, n ennead in your own door yard. At the close of the atorma of the Vulcan period, 5th to 9th, a very rapid change to high. barometer, Westerly winds and very pool weather may be expected. Frosts are more than probable in many sections, central and Northward, say about the 9th to 12th. Make it year business to watch the tele• grapbio news about theca days, and you will gee that, if your own patoh is not visited, a general cool wave, with frost in various localities, swept over the country. By the 12th, reactionary change - will set in to the West, the barometer will fall rapidly and storms of•thnnder and rain will touch many places in their progress Eastward during the 13th and 14:b. The moon le on the oeleatial equator on the 18th, and thio fact will add greatly to the probabilities of intense electrical storms on and about that day. The patierge of this law barometer and storms will again be followed by rising barome- ter, Northwesterly winds and cooler weather. We ere glad to say that the chart for this month ie oomparatively free from threateuiog storm causes, and onr belief is that daugerone stoma and tornadoes will not be as numerone as we often have in May. The Vulcan storm period, central on the 18th and reaching from the 16th to 91,t, is ooe of the time of probable violence. Moon ie in perigee on the 17111, and new on the 18th, being also at an ecllpse node on that day. This bringe Ban, moon and earth into di• rent eonjnnotinn on the 18th, canning a total eclipse of the eau in other parte of tbe earth, and intensifying greatly the perturbing power of oar satellite upon the elements of our earth and atmosphere. We will say that from about Friday the 17th, to Monday the 20th, storms of dangerous oharaober are very probable, No harm on oome of a calm and prudent watch on all rising storm clouds, and no anreasonable fear or foreboding ehonld be allowed in anticipation of probable stemma. They may not appear, or may not pass along your way, But prnden00, oommon sense and experience all sug- gest that you plan for the worst and keep your eyee open. Heavy local mine will fall at thie time, and mach cooler weather will come about the 20th to 25rd. A reactionary storm period ie central on the 23rd to 25th, and the moon being on the celestial equator on the 26th, the culmination of the period will, moet probably come on or touohing that day. Iuoreneed warmth and great- ly moiled electrical dieturbaucee, as a WALL PAPER RENANTS But when we say Rem- nants we do not mean ends of 2 or 3 rolls. We have just gone through our stock and picked out some 15 to 20 parcels of Remnants consisting of from 6 to 12 Rolls in each parcel, and we offer them at prices much below wholesale cost. They are just the thing for closets or small rooms. They're ready for you and it will pay you to see them Business Locals. CAog for batter and eggs. A. Conley. FACT blank cotton hosiery, all sizes on hand or made to order, at MRS. KIRKS. BOY wanted to learn the furniture euei- neer. Apply at once to R. LEATHERDALE. Brussels. LARGE second hand gook stove for eale at a bargain. In good condition. MRO. annex BeesnILL, Brneaele. Betimes CEMETERY,—The undersign• ed is prepared to attend to proper fixing up of burial plate for parties either here or away who have friends buried there. Will be at the cemetery every Friday afternoon. Setiefaetion guaranteed at moderate charges. R. DARK, Caretaker. WANTED—Eggs, 12o ; one ton butter weekly. We have all kinds from Oromp ton's early down. We are sole agents for the celebrated Bailey corn. "For silo porpoeee it has no equal," 00 says Jno. McMillan & Soon, the largest corn prodaoere of Canada: ,G. E, Knee,. Wingham. D. Ewen & 0o. have Bold tbie season already 21 baggies and 4 wagone and have still on band a very large stock of buggies to choose from. Intending purohaeere please give Re a call. We will sell you a first-olase artiole at a reaeoneble price. Remember onr own buggiee this year are 3e inches longer in the body than other buggies. Comfort is what you want and you can have it by baying a Ewen & Co'e buggy. 82nd ANNIVERSARY. FOX'S DRUG STORE. ity. Sinop the ieetitution of the order in 18$0 there have been initiated 2,846,305 membere, receipts have totalled 9218,719, 938, and $84,546,564 hes been expended in relief. The funds invested in Ontario amount to 91,005,070, There were ad• mitted into the Order during the year 2,105 members • ooepeeded and with- drawn, 1,196, making a net increase of 009. There were 240 more admitted in 1900 than in 1899, 100 lees withdrawale and 25 less deathe than in the previous year. In Western Star Lodge the member. ship is 75 and they have e. record for good work redounding to thdlr oredit in the development of tbeir triple motto of Friendship, Love and Truth. 'truants Uddfellnws Attend church. Last Sunday morning the members of atromxo>v sszrn- Western Star Lodge, No. 149, attended St, Joha'e Obarth in a body, marching BATo•ItDAY, MAK 4TH.—Household hard - from the I. 0. 0. F. Hall, marshalled by tnre, &t., at John Walkers's old stand, Warden Janne Jones, Rev. G. J. Ahoy, McCaughey blook. Sale, unreserved, et ivaumbent, preached a very appropriate 2 o'olook. •A. Bawtinheimer, prop. ; le. and emotion dieoouree from St. Mat- S. Sgott, Auctioneer. tbew'e Gospel 23rd obapter and 8th verge, "For one is your Master, -even Christ ; and all ye are brethren." The Brother- = ss8310 s 1e,xa�x ^E . head of moo was dealt witb and the Fall Wheat G3 63 Brother - value of the Bervioe of Christ shown. Bayle Many valuable pointers were referred to y • • • • 98 39 in the development of Obrietian abarao• Cato Peas .....• ....... , ....., 28 60 GO ter, and the discourse was a valuable one. Bro. Jones Bang -a fine solo "Beyond Butter, tube and rolls 12 13 tale gates of Paradise" in good, volae. >Iggs per dozen 9 10 ' In connection with the aanivereary oo. Floor per cwt. 4 00 5 29 00 onion, the following facto and Spree Potatoes (per bag) 25 25 will not be out of plane :—Io Ontario the Apples (per bbl,) 2 00 2 00 order has 282 todgeo, with a membership Sheep eking, each 75 1 00 of 24,500, Nearly 2,800 members have Lamb ekine eaoh 25 25 received eiok benefits during the year, Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 and the total relief paid was 987,954. Of Hay per ton 8 00 8 00 that amount 953,939 has been paid in 'Hides trimmed 6 i3 sick benefite, $11,893 for relief of widows Hides rough 5 5 96,598 in the burying of deceased mem- Hoge, Live 6 50 6 50 bare and $6,021 in special relief and char. Wool 15 . 15 Ivan Peregrine of Aurora was killed by a train while wheeling over a railway crossing. MBE/MEW , HALLmax.—In Brandon, Mane on April 20, to Mr. and Mre. George Halliday, formerly of Bruseele, a daughter, Hrxaa—In Elms', on April 191h, the wife of Mr. Geo. Hiles, of a son. Ronn.—In Elma, on April 22nd, the wife of Artbor Robb, of a daughter. RlonxoND.—In Elms', on April 21et, the wife of Mr. Hugh Richmond, of a eon, BBAw.—At Rat Portage,;on April 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaw, of the Shaw Bone, formerly of Grey town• ehip, a daughter. Wome.—In Menkton, on April 17111, the wife of Mr. Louie Wolfe, of a eon. x¢saer x=r- Coleus—SINCr000.— In Shoshone, on April 19th, by Rev. Mr. Barger, of Shoebone, Mr. J. J. Goatee, to Mise Fannie J. Sinclair, all of Shoshone, Idaho, formerly of Grey township. ELLIOTT—OAIRNB.—At the residence of the bride, on Catharine street, Inger- eoll, the 24th inst., by the Rev. James Thompson, W. J. Elliott, emend son of Mr. R. Elliott, of the arena's, and formerly of the Wingham Times, to Mise Editb M. Cairnee. Moaeuenee—Cennnwr,— At 8t. Joseph oburob, April 22, by Rev. Father MaMontenim, Mr. John T. McCaughey of Morrie, to Miss Jane, dangbter of Mr. and Mai. Thos. Carbert, of Mullett. nxEa- HENDERO0N —In Merrill on April 22nd, Margaret Olarkenn, wife of Oboe. Henderson, -aged 75 yeare, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon working mare, 6 yearn old, for ea10, 1t. GERRY, Brusaors. Box or girl wanted to learn photo. graphing. H. R, BREWER, Brussel% ExPERIENOtmD girl wanted, at one. Good wages. Apply to MRP,. LEQKIE,'Brussele. YOUNG walnut trees for Bale, 14 oeote each. TAS. 013THILL, at D. Stewart's for- mer residence. Brussels- 41.2 Homes Pon SALE,—One rising 4 years old and a span of working mares.. Apply to 3100. LOWE, Lot 10, Con. 8, Grey, Bensoete P. 0. 80.11 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. G00D YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, suitable for ranch purposes, Apply to GEO, BEST, Bruseele. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN, WINGHAM. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE fatwttl. Visit Brussels Every Tuesday. PAPER HANGING, DECOR - AMMO and Howie Painting donein Workmanlike manner and on abort notice. Have had three ysata' experience in elty work. Terms reasonable. Give me a call. 26 '11. J. JOHNSTON, Walton. Tenders Lor Drain. Seal ed Tenders (marked tenders for drain) w111 be received by the undersigned up to 10 o'oloo k a. m., stay 2711,1901,'for the digging of the Hall Drain In the Township of Grey. Tenders to ebata price per rod or -yard. Name eecurl ties. The lowest or any tender not neoe0sarily wonted. Plana, epe0i8o11- bions, ,ro,, can be aeon at my ogloo.. Wal. 8PENCE, Clerk,. April'25th, 19C3, ' . Ethel 1'. 0. NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that a By-lawpn0s- ed by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Grey, on the 411.1 day of April. 1001, providing for the lamb of debentures to Mho amount of 54,016 20, for the purpose of Mun- ioipnl drainage fora oertain drain known as the Hall Drain, and that snob By-law wan registered in the Reatetryy Omoe for the County of. Huron on the Mb day of April, r 1901. Any motion to quash or eat aelde the same, or any part thereof, must bo made within three montbe from the date of regis- tration and cannot be made therea0er. Dated the. 2511 of April, A.D.1001, 41 3 \4M, SPENCE, Clerk el Gray. IreaRtONs PCEETTAMEtIr ALF. BAEKER,, PROPRIETOR, BRUSSELS, Ont. Larred, Buff and White Rocks. Eggs and Fowl for sale in Season. Eggs $1.00 per setting. Correepondenre Solicited. �ASHTi.O�T'S o FABRICS ill Wool and Union Carpets. ,f1ll Wool Bugs' and Japanese Matting, in Plain and Fancy Patterns. Lace and Chenille Curtains. FASHIONS. Before yon make your Spring or Summer Drees oome and examine onr etook of Standard Patterns. They are stylish and perfect fitting and sell for 50, 10o, 15a, 200 and 25e, The "Deeigner" in the beet Magazine of styles published anywhere at 10o. May Patterns, Deeignere and Fashion Sheets now m stock. We keep the Patterns in stook. We give the. Fashion Sheets FREE. FABRICS. We have a large aeoortment of Spring and Summer Fahrtoe in many beautiful Patteene and Design .:— DIMITIES—White, White and Mauve, White and Iced, White and Black, plain Grayand all Black. MERLAWNS—Entirely new, very dainty patterns for Waists or Whole Dresses, FOULARDS—Beautiful finish, Blue and White, $lank and White and Fanoy Patterns. PIQUES—White and Fancy. GINGRAMS-Btripee with Laos Effoat, and •Oheake ; splendid for Ohildren'e Wearing Dreeees. MAGNET TWILL—The beet moter101 we have ever shown for Boys' Biotin's or Whole Suits, PRINTS—A large assortment to ohooee from at the old prime, Everything Cheap. A Boots and Shoes for .Men, Women and Children(. Oxfords' Latest Styles. Verz! .Nice Line of Children's Shoes in Black, and Tan. • No ces, Fancy pri