HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-2, Page 5RAY 2, 1901 Till 13'DSS 111/$lN S CARDS, terns 1 / A School PI lbs Ill' Sta>:gill 1 enmmeted en Wednesday at 12.80 at the home of the beide, on Catharine ;emit, It le proposed to march the 30rd W. Waite, of minion, and R. J. McG111, _ w +a. (Heron') Regimopt from headgberters et, c s. Wetter), all of whom were at the bed °oNr3 Q r,4g T tl5 1.?il11 F.li, 800A', 'rttspl,i CENRAr.1 'oly r i,-, when blue Edith A, Carns wan united bonds of matrmony to W, J, , y 'iflPtt aNaond abet 9f illl7lllottr atld Olt G ederoll to Conlon for tele purpaae of 4e:rg the anial tamp In June. , 1]4111 .Oiiar Of tits reglmeilt to rRntad aide dlirilf the last few days of tile�t ' .L'bo•dco 41,1 wao a man of staunch Eagf/t II o1 meed reps y ire wile a�^%"Q t�� �./Ce i^'7t, +�L+e'ieditor [McKiuuon's ',Ado at Grocery, q'uruberry street, hruasels, Aintvtag0 TIauoa, 0f@LL l r", al the Ohroloe, '1'he bride wao suppoted by Mie Juella 1901ott, alter a the groom, while Ohas, L, Hislop per. formed the dutioe of The to work amt a dtd plan for this marob; and submit it in witng to the command. ins placer, Col. Varooe, at Seafrth. Piano to include all transport, number of mernbo f the Peobyterian oburoh andI Tan in poiltiee a Conservative, Tile funeral teak plats to tate G, T. R. station pp Teeedey for Oorrie where the interment F+/rT I�wo! ^r. y f^r a IBT-4"2"-201-3:i „a,. ••A-• + �1 N, BAR$RL,TT—. ToesQrIa1 Artlat, shop—Next' door�,. North of � the Standard Sank, Ladies'- al ld 631114reus 11ai3.44(4'13 a epeolaitY, Li, t•1 I ,., ,, •- -^�- , 1a1,,7ft,,'¶f�•/,�j'jM(j'�t�i '�'J�tn1't�t�'JPJ' U au di m-6.0el)e® groomsman, bride looked charming le a hapdeome and beooininr,- ooetnme of white silk, With chiffon trimming and °varied a bopiat of cream rosea. ,The intereetipg mein my wagethe required,• amount of forego and rations, and provisions for the eepply Of the eame. ; the beet route for jWO march ; the diatanee to be Ppveredl in a day, and took pea `e, the remaine being laid beside oso of hie wife who went on before, The earvapae et the borne were pondnoted by Rev. Dr: Gifford aid at the: graveside' `; r '^ � '1 . ,� j`: • _ ^"^^y1•' e��r, C ,„:019 , • yl ^' • �' y; - M. iADRRISON, Th. Iargo atrpnaga that our College en. lees to positwa proof that the young pian was pertormed by Rev, Jaa, Thempaou, li, A„ motor of St, James' thumb, and the exact Damping grounds on tbe way, --- •— by ibay. Mr. Dobson, of Fordwtob, 7. ^'^ 1 r Issuer of Marriage Licei7Hel3, ONT. nth women of Canada know where t aq me fausineelaalb3llpua0e se Miketitbsrefore be purolul Ip dbolux a 0ohot Get o,Hata• • Our nleleg are remarkably soot Was witnessed byonlythe immediate relatives 0( the 'eonraoting- parties. door lho lnot hd beon exona! tied and y aongrata abiona "ten e", the company ,7urrtoltat'o w u . Welter, nose 0 driving hi.' Peddling Rl e I p 'g g 8 l q K waen this S ro and' etiln so sant•. if ,,,rrr''' +� raw' �) _ " '• ,WALT4N, *•' •�`' i!L ' M LIN MISS JEAN ANI'rll oesit10000. o1Is tloz o cad , loo and beldame4at excellentUsa. situations, pin to. uctmitted at any time. W. J; ELL1OT'1', Principal. repaired to the dining room Where a redherohe de jeoner was served, 'Many ed with a large number of people in hie g P p rounds. 144 week Wm. Brydon, who bade ant p ax a' •. We find there is a growing aemaad fora better quality o! Clothing, {� TBACHIllt OF haodeome and aeeful re880te were re• f? the Winter here, left for the Wee: Be andtomeeth be demand we have bought a mo better quality of Ready. Clothing pIANO - AND - ORGAN, $z rTssFtxas, oarz- r«• �� �� waived, demonstrating the popularity of the oleo ecu le 'who are starting Iffe'e young comple,nag; vo it e together under the most favorable 9 intends to call at the Sault and at Winni• if baldness wet not break in his lens nt the farmer; before fie went an to Mor- Livingston & Oo, g -. Have a limited quantity of Beat Dntoh sees to ear ng f r the Spring and Summer trade than formerly. Our stock of Snits for men, youths and children. le sbpertor to anything We t have ever shown and tli q y p ' { , althoughe quality ie.much better, the ,etas era auaptaae Mr. and 'Mrs. Elliott 14111 on den. decent for farmers in e vidu,l of within the rendh of all ROBERT CUNNING HAM* lssuj<ANda, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, 11'ortiwial> • Btaalay Mshood, of hakeleb, who baa been atteudln+ eobooi fu Toronto is at present very sok in a Toronto hospital, 0 the afternoon train .tos end a few days in Northern towns, after they will return and take rip their reeidenee en WelliD fou street, g >' Heli a fellow, foundation,o[ he new union nem to be built here. 13aildipg will be raised after ossein 'ie over and will be nshed ou'to g p F coming oWDO e, rongtele eeily sod. IntentretstIaFlaxprepared quant ties they suiare Flax Gro ere, nun begot he the Brussels VIwxgnu, 8°0a Om 01.." «t .0100 per bushel and on the usual teiais For 1' las grown from tine seed Alen's blue and blank Serge Suite, sizes 80 to 40, at $3 80, $4 50 {' lets end $5, co kJ Men'e Tweed Suite, in mixtures and checks, in all 81590, at $5, C. $5 S0 end $6. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE J The Epworth League of the Methodist for the has started to make preparations their ening Mea., and entertainment ci. I Donegal The hoed iael w cheese !eateries last tom letion. Dr. MoDonald, el, P, gen. erouety contributed $20 towards the build. log find. $10.00 PER TON win be paid, o1 good growth, harvested- in g g news Suite, in Ane Tweed, in fanov mixtures and light and dark ti invialble oheeks, et $8, $10 and $12, Boys' two pieoe Suits, eizee from 23'to-28, 92.25, $1.75 and $2. , 4. O, M„ Academie graduate of London. Conserve. tory orMnslo,also Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, le prepared to reoeivs. a limited number of for instruction unpiley p pupil on Mae Memo. Qualified to prepare n flafor the Principal's Form in the dbneervatory of Music, Breese's, Ontario,. on on the evening of May 24th. K Ygroper - Robert Sanderson, o! the 0th_ sou.; sold eight sleeve, none of waioa were yet three years old and he reoeived over , v $going•n0 500 for them. Wm. Du'mage, ofyield bridge, was the puroleaeee. Mre. A, Morton and family, who have oommenoed workaoe week, Mrs. N. Hoare will move sh ertly�). Orangeville where to will :resid withg her eon Willie. Mr. $oar, sr., 't'+Ike of R,loine, Wia., bo live with his eon. John i'dorrison, who, for a. number of has been hoist C1iuCvlR. Will. Jaakeou, who epe0$ a month at hie home lu to.vb, hoe returned to Tor. onto, Th. Queen City Oil Co. will bated an oil tank at' the station here for' nee of the season, and delivered at the Flux Mill ae adnn ae fit for threshing. sow. heti'srmex onare ebrland, well 1plowed and marrowed, not on Sow lands, and the will be from a ton to 0 ton and a half more per sore. Flax grown on 10w laud will not grow there to give the weight, Boya Salle with aesb a, at 62, $2.50,$3 50 and $4• 6 Boys' Pants, in blue Berge and tweed, doable seat sod knees, 45e,'. Ono and 75o. C Youths' three late Snits, blue Bergs. and fanny tweeds, sizes 29 t0 p {` 33, at $S 50, $4, $4.50 and $5. •,�,moi :e ?c S LEX. 13UN TER— A Court, been residents of this village for the peat 17 years, left here on Taeeday morning last for Listowel years, employed in the gang of the G. T. R. shops, Stratford, formerly of ]lima, has gone t0 Montreal retailers here. Many of one citizens have had a more ieea eovere the P.' iiOGG, LIVINGS'1'ON &C0„ Manager, Proprtetore. Clerk Of the FOnl•th D11,10011 Co, Huron; (conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Lown and Ineuranee Agent ; Auction. of week where they le. tend to reeide in the future. to take charge of the stripping gang in the C. P. R aha a there. Mr. Morrisonymeeting P Or attack of prevailing epidemic—la grippe. The May of the Methodist eqa„ ear. Funds invested and to loan, Oolled• Elena made. 011de in Graham'e(Block,Brue• eels, 1 Ieinpta11, Purmhre of this seotlon are sowing a variety of granite tbie season. intends moving Ilia family to Montreal about May: let, M, R, Micks left last week for St. ohnrohes on Goderiah Dieted, will be held in Rattenbary street bhnroh, Olin-l.he ton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, May Ready rq� .®It, ,aey'�'it elq: .aV6 11�� �g t p r The bought into Hen. Marys. hoe Aker for met and orres - � Turnbull AUCTIONEERS, quantityof a 0 still oMondaApril 220d was exactly d a Karn 01Mr0 Hammond ae harness lento for some time. He was an exeeifent cabmen and Forrester, John Forrester, son of D. wA.eeks who 'wept West few weeks ago, has �� � . ( A. S. SCOTT AS AN AITOTION • 1,800 dozen. Mulebn'e Bank have moved into their s family will be greatly missed. Mies hi• Mioke has been a member of been offered a situation for the Summer O�-� F sen, w111 sell for better ilriaea, to better men in leas time and lase chargee Bast or be won't°barge anything. Dates add orders 10 000'9y ocher Auctioneer Dates new office in lbs Davie block, MacArthur b Co., have also moved into their new bank. At a meeting of the members of the g prominent the Y. P. S. 0. E. of the Atwood Presby terien ohnrob, •and ie mush esteemed b y the young people. with a government surveying party, which otaete out from Yorkton, N. W. T. Although there are yet 72 amebae in the House of Refuge, this is a smaller a`' LJS 1 t°� 1 E S S �-•g'• Barb _�7 _y n y -..p and are and Hardware L d C fJ �itJ f1 IGt/114 L can always be arranged at this Mlle° or by personal application, band it woe decided to diepenee with the services of a leader until snob time ae the I,noknow, number loan at any previous time for this year. 15 of them are reported to Now that the Buggy season is at hand for it R a•� �y-� Plain DENTISTRY state of the fuuda would warrantengaging 0110. As Norman Cook and Abe Chesney The Lueknow Oddfellowe attended Divide service in the English oburoh last Sunday. be slightly ill ; al4Ifes Fake ie serionely ed. B. J. and Mrs. Gibbiogs will be away and we are ready we would like to inform our namerons friends and anetomers that we have the $nest lot of and �A • • W. TWEDDLE, (FO110RL1 or 6n0,00Wa) - 11ENTIBT, Gr•adnateoflt, 0,D 8., Toronto; Post Grad- nate end bridg wails School,ia a eame' in In surrounding towns. 21- were filling some bottles with sulpeutio acid in the bicycle shop, the large glace bottle of acid, whish, with the contents, weighed 200 lea„ broke and the fiery liquid wae'gplaahed over their hands and lags. Their clothing, where it dame fn contact with the liquid, Was eaten by, the Joha and Mrs. Sproat have left fora three months' visit to the West and British Oolumbia, Owing to ill health John Sprat, Man. ager of the Sank of Hamilton in this village, has been g noted a three moothe' leave of absence, and hie place in the from Clinton for three or Pour months and leave thie week for different pointe. Mr. Gibbinge glee to Glasgow exposition ' ae the representative of the Doherty Or- gan Co. The °entrant for the foundation of the new Methodist church has been given to H. Hill, Buggies on hand at tale Old Reliable Oarriage FactQry, ETHEL, Builders, •ye�^a 1 3J�J ld®i iJ Supplies. YF. O eee Pv Wire. i re. Office over A.B. smith's store, II reseals. acid. Norman'e hands and limbs were badly burned. Fortunately a doctor was bank has been taken - by Mr. Pottenger, of Hamilton. a practice' and reliable man, and the work ie to he oompleted ready for the that can be found anywhere. Should l!E'PERiNARY on hand and applied remedies which prevented the aoid from literally eating the flesh off their bonen the boys John R. Clarke, one of the most origi• nal and clever epeakere in America, will give his popular lecture entitled "The bricklayer by July let, 1901. The tenders for the other parte of the work are ander aonsideratiou and the marmite you think of buying a Boggy or Baggies (ea We supply wholesale as well tit retail) by all means tall and the our stock before Those who have Fencing to do should try our American Steel Wire Fence, the best 'Woven T D. WAitW10Ii— �l • Honor (iladdare at the Ontario vet erluury College, is prepared to treat an die• eases of domeseleatod� animate an a eomeet-. out manner. Partl'.ular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Oalle promptly at- or might have been ruined for life. A pair of oyer.aale saved Chesney's limbs bat hie hand reoeivad quite &burn. Their boots were burned by the acid and Norman has mite a blister on his foot. diose, Shamrock and Thistle, or Merry Ragland. Cold Ireland and Boupie Soot- land," 1n oratory, song and story, iu the Ludknow Methodist oburob, on Friday evening of this week. A meeting for the purpose of organiz• will be let shortly. Totkl value of real property Ill Clinton is, 9503,082 ; pereonal property, $28,450 ; taxable income, 97,930 ; real and person- ai property and taxable ineome. $639.482; number of doge 108, bitohee 3, battle 79, purchasing as we know we eau snit yonFence With a flret•dloos article and the price is right. We also keep Wagons, Trnbk Wagdne and Field Rollers on band or made on short notice. on the market. Safe and sure. Ha.i'd Vi1PP, of all kinds. Tinware of all kinds. Eve Troughing and Ordered. Work a specialty. tended to. Office and infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turn berry et„ 'tremolo. 132xe ter. Polly Mies Poll Fuke, who is at the House ins a foot ball team alnb. for the coming asaeon was held in the Band Hall and aoreoe 151, steam bbilete 14. In the total aseesament there is an intream of 'Ina. na. Caber & Sons Estimates given. of Refuge, has again suffered another the following officers elected : Bon. Pres„ about $8,000 over last year. Population, ETHEL, CONVEYANCING. LEGAL. ANC eONVEYANCING. stroke of and at present fe •in ay W,n. Allin ; Vtae Pree., T. E. Lawrence ; 2,482. lar��g� IJ ■ Ir r �« gr 0 'e1, '�I paralysis low Capt., Ohm Barber ; Sec. -Trees., Wm. The butchers of town fled it necessary a+� .P�aoical• �7[� SINULAIIt very condition, with no hope for her recover Y• ; Com. of Management, M. Mp• Mailers, J. McDonald N. MoBeazie. Mullen, action bo to follow some plan of unitedclass tbemoelvee against a class known V Y « Bnrrietar, solicitor, 'Como eyanoer, B r, Notar9Pahild, do.-Otnee-stewart'e Block 1 door. lOnrtb 01000001 Hotel. Sidney Clarke, of London, formerly of Ueboroe, met with. a painful- accident io that city. While the and In tbe Epworth League, Methodist church the followbngoffiuere wore elected : protect as those who either will not pay or try to do so, and to meet thio diffiunity nave a) 1s, 7'i-JE"—^� ' Solicitor fortbe Standard Sauk, engaged at oar antis as wheel fell on one of hie lege, and TePro., Rev. A. G. Harris ; Pres,, D. O. Int Vice, Chae. A. Barber C. Ta for entered into the following agreement MAW] went into effect the let of May �, l a GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, solicitor; eco. Office over Stand- aro Dank, Solicitor for Tillage of Bivesele, Money to Loam atloweet rates. as a result the lag was broken. The Metropolitan Hotel, which has been canduotad by Wm. Anderson for some time, has been leased by Geo.; ; 2nd Vitae, Miss Emaline Robertson ; 3rd Vtoe, Miss Mabel Harris ; 4th Vioe, Howard Armstrong ; Sao., Mise Lail& cur me erLeader; "Each butcher provides himself wits what will be known ae a "black list."� If he has an account due him, payment Cameron gyros. Have a limited number of bushels of the BEEyT DIITOH SEED for Ltrmere is tbaviq- _ pp �a t 6 S` I,, 1y s ' I •r+'v e� ,,�t1t� "y!, a` I '� ■ G. DAI�IERON • (Formerly of Cameron, Boit as Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh Ont. Oihce—Hamilton street, opposite Ool- borne Hotel. alerner, Blake, who has also pnrbbaeed the furnishiuge from Mr. Anderson and took possession May 1st. Mrd. Joh. Mallett, Sr., Wit) resides with bar husband on William street, end who appears to be deranged in her mind, Hereon ArmaE ongradOrgapist Mise d •ie Geddes. gg A report has been im circulation that Alexander Gillies, son of David Gillies, of Kinlose, thea been killed in the Puilip but there is troth in it his rahdelinquent debtorwillbe enteredondnrfn�itha ouwfng season, which vLidhetdhe Fare the "black list" of eaoh dealer, all of prepared to deliver' in quantities to 801050c whom bind' themselves t0 sell no meat growers. seed map be got at the aranbrook Flax whatever to this particular party, even Miil nt S1,50 per bushel. Order early and though deem ie off,rnd, until the previous secure a supply. Fos• lax grown from anis amount is settled or satisfactory arrange• seed ry °lv\ y''3l4 { t 1 1� 1 'i'� 4''. �r yr•' )r t " a. �.�;' F.: �iMr f sT`` RAN D i b P made a deliberate attempt to take her own life by taking a does of Paris pines, no as brother, D. D. Offices, received a letter ;at menta made therefor." +i OF—N. MEDICAL rAl CARDS• green. Medical aoetebenoo was at once oailed on from ape War Office Gitlin gtoa to the effect that Alexander Gneiss 18 well $10 �El� TO AI Gorrirt. _ — J. A. N NAUGH?ON, p„ C, lle,, du e:wary of the faot and emetics ad- ministered, wednesday morning Of last week an- end a member of "0" Company, 12th and stationed at Manilla. Council will meet on the third will be llald, is. of cod growth, harvested in proper eea0dn and delivered at the flax mill Wednesday in May iu the Township Hall, 0e soon as et f'or threshing.at, Gerrie. We will rent a number of fields(33rS qp )1Infantry, f irtg• +`Trinitq IInivareit J:Pellow TrJgit Medidnl College, Member College of Physicians and g y Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Oo1- episode occurred ab tae Sutherland -Ionia Werke which will be remembered byall who witnessed it the rest of their lithe. Godes-lets. Big strings of perch are being taken good sod g g p fortbe purpose of growing flax. John Hammond lere•eo a edtoo operate the road machine in Howlett at salary CAMERON BRCS., of $1,25 per day. Proprietors Cranbreok Ilex Hull. l<..r-- -''• lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid. a N0.14, wRenldenos It seems Samuel Von Dusan bead sew- these days. Park feude Mr. Dnlmage had another bbii I etreo , Ilrueedte yep was engaged in oiling the madhbnery under hie dare and in some manner hie The Agricultural will need paralytics considerable attention this Spring. stroke surly in the paetweek and is now Important to Breeders and,Hoisemeu, in a tory Mea � S 1 O ` ^ y System Sys tem r4, bo. ,nova Uor clothing became caught when in the out of a revolving shalt, when he was thrown with terrible forth into the machinery and against two large sews in motion. By his presence of mind he managed to grab hold df a tirade and Wm.. Persona, who was close by aid at the risk of die ornicip Eureka boron dens with May, ll) October, of the the town dentist offices will be closed All money of he municipality os. the Veterinary Caustic Balsall.. every Wednesday afternoon. Township of Howidk will be deposited ib 6 reliable The appear:woe of the Odd Fellows' the Bank of Hamilton, atGerrie. , - and speedy Hall Would be greatly improved it tae Geo. P, Nash went to Wingham on E rte _� orbe,y for grounds were pat in ship shape. Tuesday of last week to work on the new s3 s Splints, E• B• Tilt has returned from Montreal, foundry that fe being built there.? w ipavine, his in The following is the copy of a resole• r sweeney, g•� Wrong a VV Boys' n The wrong way to buy �ilothirib is to look around for something that is cheap a cheapsuit is an ea gp, --'—AND omand— own life, eeeingMr. Von Dneen'e danger• cos predicament, seized him by the leg just in time to prevent him from being after completing second oonree saj eleotrioal and. mining engineering. tion of dondoleuoe presented to Mre. and d' lee t ;, eta, a At a special meeting of he town Coro• Miea Roas by tae Chrietiad Endeavor > t Lump Jaw ail it 5005 decided to aoaept the proposi• Society Of the Gerrie Preebyterian -u=t; g in Cattle. pensive suit at any price, more especially when you put it TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND- ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blond, Dyspepsia, ivor eeeneee. Palpita• Moil of the Heart, Liver Cam lamt, Neue. p algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con• emotion, Gall Stones, 1. Vitus',Kidney and Uripar Diseases, St. VituDonde, drawn into the two acme, and than save him from almost 0ertroln and instant death. Ae ib W&e he Was Btr• ed oflet nearly alt hie diothing ander parte of the toe of one of his boots was dot off by one tbrilllibg one and theThe imao'a escape ht was indeed fram death a mfraautoae one. Strange to ea g y' however, ba Dame off without even a etratch, tion of the Maitland River Power 00, Church. ',Baan MARX 'seepamph• 5011101 aodompavide epoxy bottle givin The dredge oommenoed work in the To Mrs. and Mise Roes:n ' harbor on Monday of last week. The Dear Friende.—We the members of the Ipiaau beneedatminneveryh0nselofavetolinar blasting orew as shav 4 oma enced oink• o P. ba . So ietyl,, hereby an the eta you priactic are ere stimulatingappllo tcons a preparations to enlarge the resent buildyou have epetained in the death of out Every bottle sold 60 guaranta°d to giv°eat (e• p Y faction. Price uoa per bottle. Bold by ell ins by adding a large storehdnee to the beloved heehaw and tattier. :unman we druggists and country storekeepers, Pre. Beat. s m athiee with you we den but imagine ppar_ed by Tns EIIRE1A VETERINARY Y p y be, ML7DIOL.10 COMPANY, London, Ont. W. H. Robertson ,sternad last week to bow severe to the blow moat so ona Food lively boy.Ina week's time he would make b ✓ olio look sick because they are not emcee to wear. A few days' wear on the livelyboycauses them to rip and 3' 1 burst, buttons fall off, sleeves shrink up, and there is a hang -dog Y Female Irregulatitiee and General De. it Ottawa, having recovered hie health dui- unexpectedly hag it fallen. May God in look about them that shows a futile attempt to save money bility. r+ LABORATORY, .tObERICH, f11dT• •fluently W inLlemee. John Hallman aha oanvaeeed the town for patronage for the street watering. to enable him td resume hie Hie mercy strengthen you to beaihe work, burden and sorrow that he saw fit in his \ Mayor Wilson and Councillor Naitel wisdom to lay upon you. God has dolled 5 were at Ottawa last week to act with him to a brighter world where sorrow ie )d! ' \ l by indulging in a cheap suit of clothes. J. M. hIoLEOD, Prop. and Manufadtttrer. Sold by Jas, Fox. ttrugaist, Brussel! Percy Coed has gone to Lindsay, and oommenoed business for himself, Bs druggist. . Beattie Bros. have parbbased a floe team of gray horses for use in their repreeentativee of other municipalities in unknown. He will comfort and sustain preening on the Government the necessity you in the hour of trouble and may you nk,a` of preventing the telephone company always look to Him Por help and guidance. from raising telephone telae. Signed in behalf 01 the matchers o! he p �� �� R, p Capt. Ed. Robertson, of Sarnia, was O.E.S. A i E EDGAR. We don't atteln t to sell that kind because p •,.,tom .. o `., �, The yr-' y livery barn. here last wabk add purchased the tug Mne. HAMMOND AND T. D. ,+i.., -,! SHINCLES The brick work on the new National "Eagle." The tog is to be used to teary JAa. Meat » EAs. PASSED AWAat.—The Ion Works buildinge was °started en ash frons Rattle Point to Sarnia. Itwas Clinton paper gives the following paaf. Montreal & h fiverDoi Tuesday of leet week. announced BOMB time ago that Oapt. dalard of the late James IYIoGill :—James i� His Lordship, the Bishop of Boron, Robertson bad retired from the eervibe of MoGill, who fell from a wagon on April a v1A is to buy 1110 famous "LION"brand which is made • will oonaeorata St. Pantie ohpr)h D. V the Northern Navi'a ( ) Navigation Oo„ but he hes 12th and dlelooeted hia vertebrae, euo• Quebec & Moville ob Tuesday afternoon, May 7th, and willre•engaged with the company and will dumbed to the injury at an early hour on to give the greatest satisfaction. As a proof of this we British Columbia i lied Cedar Shingles Ain,— North Shore Pine and Cedar i° FOR SALE AT THE , Brussels Planing Illus preach in the evening. be in command of the Monaroh again Sunday, April 210. He Buffered math 1901 SAILINGS 1901 A, Dulmage, of Lakelet, has purehaeed this Beason, and knew the tied waB at hand but bore Fnoni sT!)AMER FRnnl the residence of John. Campbell, lots 4 The adjourned annual meeting of the it all with remarkable fortitude. He LI9 eieeee MONTA 41, and, 5, on Oatboriue attest for 91,250, and Goderiob fleeting and Skating Aesooia. showed how a Christian can die. Mr. Thur, 25 �April Corinthian Sat. 11 May 9 am WI meta into it fn the rum of a few. tion wao held with a good &ttendanes. MoGill was born in County Cavan, Ire. 2 ,ay Tunlaiau ..." 18 " 0 weeks. The trd¢euror'e statement dhdwed ,somite land, 73 years ago and tame to hie „ 9 " Numidian ... " 25 " 5 Sunday's services marked the close of $351.10, and expenditures, inoludin a country with hie parents when a 10 " Parisian ...,,, e 1 Juue 9 Y p g n 31 , young 20 " Pietorian ,,. " e ' 9 Rev. W. Fread'e pastorate of Wfngham small balanus from the previoon year man and eettied is Calan township, 90 " COrinthian,.. " 141 " n Baptist °birth. Mr. Freed has not yet $318,00, leaving balance on hand 932.50. Peterboro county. He was married in „ 9 Jume Tnnieiae..,,,. " 22 " 9 1s . NumkliaII .., '• 29 " 0 decided where he will Iodate, nor has the The following ehareholdere were. Chop that dtetrtoE and located ha the village of a . e Parisian " 0 Jnly 9 congregation seonred another paater yet, (doted directors :—Dr. W. J. R. Hobnail, Gorrie where he oarried on a mercantile " 27 " Protarlan ,,, " is " 9 e' ees Ion several years, aooumulating " 4 July Corinthian," 29 " 3 00eaverelle,iijuretj iybiomtealbp n Holmes, wear - can point with pride to the hundreds of youngsters wear- in this brand. Theyhave tested thoroughly the truth g b y of the old adage, "The proof of the pudding is in the eat. ,r inti. The have eaten and are satisfied—so would you be b y —and so will everybody be who trades at .ln Alio Doors and Bub of all Pat on band or made to order t Short Notice. Eebimatea 'Furnished for all kinds o€Baildinge: Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. �/�' P• A1M1 lel .k r haute wb y , IDO, 1)ro0. Strnohan, D. C. A. connoiderable wealth. 13th spent some StdamOra whiob snit from Montreal nt9 a fall from the stable loft a Pew weeks Mutnber, F. Jordan, Dr, Nicholson, Jae. time in Manitoba in the early eighties a,m, ;lona arrtene of mornln traide gg ago, breaking hie ribs, is now almo,t Clark, Wm. Wallace, The auditors and beld a treat of land there. Subee' froth Toronto and oil er pmute 1Voet and otmpletely r000vored and able to go about elected ante Wm. Campbell and Wm. quently he took tip home in Clinton and South. When Seeamere 6011 before 9 a. its. + passengers go on beard the previous even- aspic as canoe. Lane. After adjournment a director a them in Blyth where min eon was in bnai• ins between 8 and l0 o'clock. Wllau Steam•.= Won000 At, INotne907a --W J. Elliott, meeting was held,when the following ex.. neer. About eight ears ago he built the re rid 1110 Op. f, g K Y ere Bail at 9 a.'m. r d either brother of he editor of the Times, and .eantivo was efeotea for 1901 : Pres., De, reeidenoe on Itatteulinry atreer whore be tion of going ou board eltuor Friday night a young man well known to Wiugham, Helves ; viola, A. Man, Allan ; treas., breathed hie last, Mre. MoGtll pre de. oraaturday morning. was married on Wednstday of last week. 1Z. S. Williams seol'y, W. Campbell ; ceasing him by a few menthe. The aur• ' Por further particulars apply to, "Theteday'd Ingersoll daily Chronicle managing committee, D. Holmes, D. 0, 'viving members of the family are, Mrs. W. H. KEf?i2, eons r—"A very nret v wedding was eon. BEraohan. W. L. Berton. Clntborhem, of Joliet. IIlinoie. Mee. F. A"ant n,,ms0la. lyy . �.,.; : �° ryM q tq �f.��Vt;1 p/$� q�tq�_ qq Yieita6lf ,6,.td62 l9.IsMt,6Ari1e1 w' '• (it � n" ''• S S �tq r�gqq " tq q Anel e� �sv Li,d,�.tsdhor.