HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-5-2, Page 4TH,IK BiUb$.K 1VIAT 2 1901 ' n��aavrx gig assets ; AAs , Tx/unarm1', Aldir 2, 1001., 111 e been 1 a Tifn eleotion of M. tial Y ba protested in North Brno, the nmol • charges being made. • Do uineN Parliament will eat conclude its saeafon before the la of Juno, at least ao some of the members think, Tete Manitoba Government i8 appeal. Ing the gneetion of the legality of their Prohibition law to the Privy Council. Setae, Pox appears to be ebpwing itself at numerous "pointe in the Province. Every precaution obould be taken to pre- vent the onward.maroh of this aooarge. Weer Hneoe Ooneervative8 in Conven- tion last Friday, re affirmed the nomina- tion of Joseph Beek as their oandidate for the ooming bye eleotion for the Logiela• tare and a lively aontest ie expeoted. Ww.T's going to become of Ireland ? Last year, 46,28$ people imigrated, being an increase of nearly 34 thousand over the previous twelve months, The balk of these are young men and women whose ages will ran from 15 to 35 or 40 years. Nearly 38,000 of the number located 10 Thole Sam's republic while Canada's quota did not reach 500. Oor emmigra- tion agents will need to get a hustle on wade this Damp our Sunday romp, nam• them or we will have to pome to the con- ing it "The Damp Wet Camp" it being en - elusion that they are not in it with the tered in the ofeoial report as snob. The Yankee boometere. rain kept up, or more properly speaking kept ooming down, all Sstnrday night, IN some eeatione of the United States abating somewhat about 10 a. m. Sunday telephones are ooming into quite common when the weather 'turned oa,eidefMbly solder, the thermometer regielering 44. use in oonoeation with the farming oom- In the afternoon we took a walk ill mnnitio9 and are giving good satisfaction. and found some very good timber and The cost deer not exceed 812 a year. If soil.ail Monday morning we were once instead of attempting to raise Mendes in mora sheeny our way down the stream. The this country the "Hello" people would rein Bevins swelled the mountain and In. put the annual fee at a lower figure so as flowing streams, thereby giving us more to plane this modern convenience within water in our main river, altbough not the reaoh of the pablio generally the enough to prevent ne from baving to frog. Our luxnriee are now all gone— Company's revenue would be very largely 'Wier e are down to pork and beano—and of inoreaaed ae almost everybody would use course we have lots of flour, and the cook a'phone. told me in confidence that he had a few split peas and about three rice stews left A HAMILTON father was flood $2,00 or yet. Still we don't seem to mind it. We ye pbut healthy food, 10 days in jail for allowing hie 8011 to and awl enjseem our to be verylain hearty eatee. play truant from school. II a few more En route dow the river we passed many parents were made toe the line in the mountain i, the streetam or balite ainto s red ase blood, Zeno - very same way a better aloes of canoed b routing lite as red oiay. In navy blue treValliag dree8 trimmed with Silk. Dr. Niohnl and Mrs. Nioliol lett for WOW Beet. , T`hey Will rookie in Lieto• Wel aeon their return, W. le, Tremain 10 ehteining signatures of mer0haat8 . and othere jntereeted in bills announpigg a llothure by Garaol haying the duet kept down daring the BammY Uaghus, enteitled "Me an' th' throw off dis) Lir 0. 'i• :m(101111 (tures hammer months, the peyot beteg tp ar wid eitlaokgd loime.loigbt rheumatism, cares dyspepsia, ewes raise nam to be loads o b far a man , Boer War. Mud teem to employed in sprinkling views tutee on tie ebpot by meailt', catarrh trod all cUseusas prising from the atreete with a sprtnkhug part. under the diebtinguished amputee av th' .a disordered elate of the liver, 111d - 0o1, Dent, Major Gore and D. Framer Sehoel Boord, eaye I to Oltnoy- "Be. nays and Unwins: Tondolin Litters re ident'of the Royal Viotoria Veterin. dad ! that'll be eamet'ing worth wboila is one of the bast medicines in the arysOollege, Landon, arrived Iron Torun liebteniu to. .There's a man I've herd a le on. Contains ,the best herbs the to last Friday and purohaeed 70 horeee great dale tabolt,abut iu'zbim niver thad ae toth' lase, • earth . produces. If people Would fur dripment to South Atrial trona W. 0, Willa etyo 7' T eaye, "I will eat," eaye• learn how to neo Tondolhl. Bitters They and 1t, lb. Hey, inep of thi�turdal 4lonpy.l'.'Hadigs wid 11' wrong tat," 'Do tor.could lt's pretty bl blood makerlteandown a Thirtietted the Mad Motored ecpibo t4n100 more "Wall," I nye, "right tut Or.lif1 fete I'll =ruing n elle tI " An' I wink, Th' Qaruoi blood purifier and can bo bought at Col, Dent, though well flattened with the g y Y etore for horses show), expresses the opinion that to a big toine,lukian badeuow a Miehtsr wholesale druggists 6 o p Toedln' ll they are not ae good a lot as ehowq last Albert coalau e animals in the fermate'. Bogota av art'' Oollegiale latnrm+ary ruBitters in anogeL it, tiPrfconr5co per tail year, bean to th the Maio Leathern, Mies MoFaul an'druggist hands inion ng t torr, and reiterates g the opinion that Farmers ohauld pay a'Mader'Mayor held tb' % to 1, warbli r- bottle. stops B ttereause hand the more attention to breeding the olaae of an' tb' Mayor'beld 1h waioh, Th' Our. stomach, stops all nausea and burn- more suitable for army remounts. Gut• bel name op to th' aoraiuh in gad shape ing, makes food digest, cures dye - Dent sent a number of thoroughbred wid 111' ixoip�iou av hie thorax. I'um pepsic; cures constipation, A tear atellions to the `Telfer-Olimie Company, net goin' flute, live I'll j edetailedebtamount 000 floe in spoonful onto or twice a week keeps last Fall, 8eleeted by himself, that ought , g the bowels regular. Cured Mr. to be more suitable for breeding the olaee wid, that th' Oarnel'e no blow. Ile' is George Owens, of the Deering Co.; of animals now iu demand, and it i8 to be natio' rally av a retoirin diahpoaltioti, an' lair. IZ.bieu nofe pains in the back and hoped tbat more general ase of these 11 taken bim all hie Mime to tape htmailf lungs. Cured Mr, Bates, .arr. WWhite, berme will be made. Beliymore, the in th' baottgronud. Whin he tould about Good Camplell. Cured Mr, Colo- thoroughbred tbat won the Governor. oapthurin'four hundred en' ,sivinty eight man, blacksmith, TtOblin'e Mine, of General's prize at the. Toronto Horse Boers wid twioty eixOanajiane anetvinty stomach and kidney disease. Take Show, to one of Oo'.. Dent's aeleotiana. two Wire be did it in sego ao oiay, off• only Tondolin. Ton801in bitters hand manner that be almoeht made wan -- -� . t'ink that th' Yaffire wur. roma th' will 01108 you. Price POO a bottle A TRIP TO NORTHERN game an' not th' Camel himself. No, Mr. Vanmear, Veterinary burgeon, ONTARIO. he's b1 Bat somehow or other he says it is the beat methal) 0 ever ' 1 o that Gin rel Warren came to M tS S'D Tt 0 ,GGAN Aiseuarties Abent t'elenel liufaitet. When I eaw 111' 11111. tante be eight TAKE ONLY TONDOLIN, rl'lrndolin Milers will curt a odd in fr001 one to three dnya. `Sondol- 1n Bitters cures l.a Grippe, Pendant% preVetlte fever t1' lac l t aaing the power of n)1lop winl,l s uu . 10 to a no ow. Belleville. It ourrd my son 111111 imprfas'o waddn't have amounted to.much av tb' and I believosavod his lint and Lorne heater's EXperieueee. Cereal hadn't bin (here to ebow him bow where the beat practitiuuora could to run t'Inge. But he's no blow. I fink not find a medicine to belp him and This nosey rain fell on Friday nigbt, do' Carnet made a eerieue .miehtake in Tondolin Bitters made such a quick and as it continued all day Saturday we lavin' Atrioy whin' he did. 'Tie no won- cure. There must be something in der th' war's natinded yit. An' I don't it Ants different from tbe ordinary t'ink it Iver will be till we shad th' Ournel remedies. George Baker says it will. baok agin. I .oant imajioe what Kit. euro rheumatism. I proved it after obener was finkin' about whin' he al- Buffering for fourteen years. Robert lowed th' Charnel to lave at th' tonne he porter, it will cure sciatica; John did. Th' abeinoe av t1' Ouroel will be Boll, it's a Buick cure for rheuma- apt to t'row too numb reebponeibility an tism; Mr. Vandorvoort, Prince Ed - hie ebowidere. ward Co., after two years' suffer - Th' Carnal eaye he don't loike th'way ing Tondolin Bitters awed me. Wm. th' British governmint is actin' jiet now. prico: The doctors said I had He eaye they do be fooliu' away Heir chronic dyspepsia and liver disease. Mime wid little pitty tnatthers an' neg. I was a wreck. I had to ba, lifted Retie' tb' more important affairs av Spate. He eaye he's goin' to see about around like a baby. Tondolin it roigbt away. Boded 1 I wnddn't be in brought back health and strength Saliebury'e etookin's jiet now far a gud and now I can go out and work with dale. any one. Every bottle has the name Somet'ing whit wrong wid th' Ooroel's Tondolin blown in the glass. Manu- Magio Lanthurn betoor he was half factored by Prof. Jas. Blair. t'roogluwid th' piothure an' th' aujie0oe John Force, Norwich, "I am 74 was foleed to take his ward fur th' reabt years of age. For the past seven av th' piothure. What's th' matter wid or,eig 1t years I suffered with catar'r`h th' elaoked•loimedoight views that we of ',the stomach and bowels. Always have dished up to es now-a•daye army- taking medicine; never without a.doc- how. Th' ould faebioned Magic Lau• tor. I bought two bottles Tondol- thorn that we used to gee long ago in th' in Bitters from Prof. James Blair. oountbry. school 1200888 was away .bead After using it I recovered my health. av th' mishty piothoree they do be oom• For the past ten months Z have not piffle' ns to ehtraim our oyes out atnow-a- required any medicine. I worked 50 days. Whin they show yes piotbare av acres this year and I must say for a a Boer leaser at whither yet 59010 ore• man of my years I enjoy perfect berg ye don't know whither yet Bazin at a hard av sacred oxen in Injy, or an out- health. break av liproey in Hanylaiu. If you cannot get Tondolin through When th' leathers wee over Mi.hter your druggist we will send four bot - McLean inthryjnoed me to tit' Cornet. tlee for $1.00. Address, Prof. James It always gives me a ehiver to shake Blair, 825 Lippincott street, Toron- bande wid Greoteeee. I lilt th' elate to. creepy situation whin I ehuk hands wid John Ernst, of Petersburg, says: Lord Aberdeen. Clancy tills me 'tie I was used up with sciatica for ten paused by th' positive it'd av th' eliotbrio weeks. I spent $20.00 with one doe- cerrent bein' eityweted in tb' brain av tor, then I came to Berlin and th' great man, an' tit' nigative iod in th' treated with a doctor there. Not impty bead av th' other. Now I niver getting relief and Buffering great knew betoor that Lord Aberdeen was pain, my toes seemed to draw as if annywaye impty headed. I t'ink 0lanoy wisting towards the heel. I bought mueht be a little aff iu eliothrioe. youth would grow up, e,s the truant, in this dietsiot we came upon er great deal of addition to the Practice of deceit upon olay and limestone. A remarkable both the parents and teacher, is aoeom- feature was that the Olay was quite red h8hin anything betgood, in 9 oases oat and ae fine as the fittest flour. These P g y g aonditio0s continued for nearly five miles of 10, while in the "hookey" bueineae. when it abenged toe gneiss sod granite School Boards are often to blame in this rook, though no mountains of any en - matter by not enforcing the law thereby count appeared. We had been frogging .tete o ftheds Mon • oar Y deft for the well for about three q allowing meaenreedem y duy, .[tee Ghee the river beaama maul being of eneh oases to lie as a dead letter. better, and it was with nnfoigned delight that we got into our canoes and paddled, Tans week a move ie being made in and we wade time too, ourobjeative point Detroit that 18 worthy of commendation that day being Flint river, a distance of viz., an amalgamation or federation of thirteen miles and we made it about 5 o olook. We Damped on a fine island of Protestant°burohes in the city with a about 400 aures, wooded with beautiful view of improving the spiritual, moral, trees of spruce, balsam, biro', temente eoolal and ednoational life of that plane. and balm of Gilead. On approaching this island, which ie right at the month It union is strength then such an arrange• of the Flint river we eaw in the distance went, if properly managed, should do a an Indian, the first we had Been for large sbare of good. Often certain pot- some time, and ae we Dame op to him we tions of the above mentioned work are perceived that he wan barefooted and boomed while others are either forgotten alone. He said hie squaw was up tbe river a piece preparing appear for him. or over looked but with a union of 80 or gie "np a piece" we afterwacde learned 100 ohan:hes auoh a band of workers was only seven miles, a very short die- ehonld be seamed that great benefit mem for an Indian. Be had an old - !Mould be derived. Manyeyes will watoh faebioned English rifle. We learned abet Y he belonged to the °Bwnmpy Orees," hie the practical working of the Detroit or. place of trade being Fort Mametawan, ization. the only fort on the Kenogami river be. ganLong Lake House and the Bay. He was Tile anger beet experimental locations the moat intelligent Indian we had met on nor trip, and with a supply of tobacco have been 'tattled for this year. An effort we were enabled to gain ooneiderable in• was made to eeoare Brussels as a oentre, formation. While we were talking to bat our application along with numerone him be suddenly became excited, asked others were said to be too late. There for our bark oa11oe, into which he jump- ed very quietly. We were quite aurptie- will be eeven different groups the follow• ed fora moment but 8000 perceived the ing being the pointe seleotcd :—Water- cause for his excitement. Upon hie ford and Simooe ; Whitby and Lindsay ; pointing aloft we perceived a very large London and Alvineton ; Monet Forest bird but could not tell what it was. The Indian tried to make nee understand but and Walkerton ; Peterboro' and Prince we ware too dense I Busse, bet we banana Edward ; Dunnville and Cayuga ; Olin- excited and handled our rifles quite nn• ton and Waterloo. Seed will be supplied easily. The Indian told ns not to fire at by the Ontario Government and the plots all, and with toreehot tgun at nThis ewould we mach will be under the supervision of experts doubted ae hieim the meantime Mr. Bird from the Department of Agriculture. We have no doubt, from the opinions of oompetent judges, that the sugar beet oan be grown with the beet pceefble results in Grey, Morrie and MoKillop and we would like to bave bad the fact demon. 9trated by experiment. Our torn may Dome later. Strictly Orie Price J. FP&COU The Lowest, Home Needs, 0 Our talk this week is of this store's stool; of home needs, It is a stook that 11 a suits'us better in every way than any we have ever shown before. Just, it0 regularly as .hhe week comes around it brings with it something new at this store. This. week we oLace Curtains, Carpets and Mattings. We bought them many months agogon up our new g in pass them on to you at a saving of one-third. at a big saving price, and now n, buythe best nods here for less Thrifty buyers are fast finding out that they can g moneythan most stores charge for the poorer grades. Sante with Lace Curtains, Car- pets itli anything else. and We invite as o . Y s eCurtains,Carpets and Mattings. you to come and see th p will pay you,. .11ietto-vel. W. E. Blurting Wae appointed engineer for the proposed cement walks. Town 8torea close at '7 p. to., excepting on Saturdays and before public holidays. John Bamford,arohiteot, ie preparing a plan for a new front in the Arlington hotel. The 48th Highlanders Band, of Torun. to, have been engaged to furnish m0ajo at tbe Listowel races. The High eohool cadets hove re.organ• ized with Arohie Forbes as manager and Will. Torrance as captain. Ohriet ohuroh vestry decided to in - arenas the stipend of the motor, Bev,. A. P. Moor e, by $100 more than the 0081.•0081.• gregation has formerly been paying. Rev. Dr. Wild, the temente preacher mad lecturer, has been eeanred to deliver a lecture in the Methodist ohnrab here on Monday evening, May 6111. Hie ante jeot will be, "The Prophetic Interprets• Mon of the Present Ware, and the Battle of Armageddon," On April 12th. at 2 o'aloolt, at the x001• donne of Ohae. Turnbull, in Galt, the marriage wee oelebfnted of Mise Mary 7;. 0 itlollwraith, youogeet daughter of Mrs. Andrew MoIlwraitlt, to Dr. A. H, Nioh01, of Listowel The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few in• timate friends end relatives by Bev, Dr, the elver, Foreweek afterwards featha ttN.J bad taken an inland flight. However the Indian, who bad chosen me to go with him in the canoe, paddled about 200 yds. up stream, exaotly opposite to the way the bird was flying, and when near a smell gravelly island he told me to atop paddelling and bold the canoe. He then grasped hie muzzle•loadfng shot gun and holding it across the bow of the canoe said, "He come round ; be come round. Keep still and don't shoot" His words were carrot. The bird did Dome round, and a great deal lower than when we first• eaw him. I at once eaw it was an eagle, and was quite exoited. The Indian no. tioed my excitement and told me to keep quiet. I was quite angry when the eagle Dame down within a hundred yarde of tbe o0no8 and be withheld bis fire. I spoke to him and be replied "Wait 0 minute, he will pirate again and remain much closer." I was a skeptic in thie, but very 900n a firm believer in hie doctrine. In a few minutes theeagie did pirate again and Dame quite close to our oanoe,and he was about to soar upwards again. There was a report of the Indian's shot gun and I eaw the eagle flutter and make frantic efforts to fly op- weede and then drop into the river some some twentyfive yards ahead of ne. We paddled up and drew in our prize, and a prize it was, Mr. Davidson and our gmm- logist and timber expert saying it was the finest aegis they had ever Been. It was what wag called the sliver -headed eagle, its head being of a 'silvery dolor. Wo were very sorry that we did not have the neaeeeary ebemioale to ours it, and it was with regret that we gave It to the Indian, who told ug that it would make 8. very dainty mapper for him Mad hie squaw, whom h had left id the tepee tip I aced th' Chanel what he fought two bottles of Tondolin Bitters from about tb' Manchuria embroglio. ."Don't Prof. James Blair for 50n, One bot - ye VITA," I sous, "that th' (Dear ie a little tie entirely cured me and the other too graebpin' ?" "He ie," eaye th' Our - cal. has cured other members of cel. "I bave bin ehtudyin' op his anty the family attacked with la grippe. cedinte an' I foind he has ooneiderable Tondolin is a good medicine. It's Snatch blood in hie veins. Bat I writ a the best I ever seen or used. letthar to him th' other day," he says, "am' I till ye I tbrimmed him to a finish. Ye'II bear no mors av th' Manoharia difficulty I can tell ye, wbin he gite me letthar. But ye'll be oomin' up to th' Beaquit Miehter Grogan," be eaye. "I uhderehtand they're goin' to pe0iut me wid a Bawled at th' Commercial, en' f suppose ye'll be there," he eaye. "Nath• ing wad give me more plishore in ill' world, Garnet,' I eaye, "but tailly I've been too hard pushed this wake, au' money's too 000008 wid me this avenin'," I oaye. "I've bin waited an by free diff• erent futball dillygatione widin th' laeht two days—Ib' Howly Terrors, th' Park Poiratee, an' th' Soatland Soavingers, an' thin I bad to Park over to two enn•burned females who wur oolliotin' for th' colored ellurch in Taranty, an' I bad a visit from th' periodical bloind man, an' th' Army oaptnred me fur t'ree °uppers th' other uoight, eo ye'll underehtend ()erne'," I Bays, "that me foioanoee are somewhat in nada av repairs. So I'll have to bid ye end noight annul," I eaye, "bet I wish ye much joy wid yet Be.ngait. Go May wid th' ginger beer, Yell eat nada to do mach talkin' yereilf. Ye'll foind dozens av th' byes obaok fell av l'yalty an' Carling's Ale, an' that's a great oombi• nation fur epaoh makin'." —Seafortb Bun. 0000)11. "Cairnbrogte Pride," • tr'INTO6Ii & tanamo5, PIOPI]IETOIta. This well bred stallion will etand for the improvement of stook this season se follows:—Monday—will teem his own stable, Walton, and prooeed to Robt. Douglas', mu. 10, Grey, for noon ; thence to Finlay McIntosh'e, ecu. 12, MoKtllop, for night. tuesday—To Frank Moret. eon's, MaSillop, for noon ; then to Ono. Shannon's, non. 12, McKillop, for night, Wednesday—To Wm. Mille', Bulled, for noon ; then to Blyth for night. Thur.. day—West to Ono. Pieffor's for noon ; then to Ono. Mille', Wawauoeh, for night. Friday—East to Wm. Jobneton'a for noon ; then to Harry Fear'e, Morrie, for night. Baterday—East and South to Wm. Taylor's, Morris, for noon ; then to his own stable, where he will be remain until the following Moudey morning. It's Your Nerves. We think it CURTAINS. Lace Ourtaine, 26 inches wide, 2i yards long, fine 25 quality, et per pair C Lace Curtains, 34 inohee wide and 2i yards long, fine open design with taped edge., good quality lane, extra value, at per pair• 5U Looe Curtains, 3 yards long and 44 inohee wide, in choice designs, look etitoh edges, fine open design, epeoial value, at per pair , ` U Nottingham Laoe Curtains, 34 yards long and 54 inches wide, in floral designs, good quality 1. • 00 Moe, will give A 1 wear, prioe Fine quality Nottingham Lace (Jeanine, full 34 yards long and 60 and 00 inches wide, in good oltofo0 of'deeigno,all look dada edges, will give good wear. Special value at per ........ $1.25, $1.85, 81,40, $1.50 1.75 Nottingham Lane Curtaiati, extra fine quality Laoe, open design, full yards long, good width, very exalueive deeigna, with look etitah edges, are worth. one-third more than oar prlee, at per pair $2.00, $2 25, 52.50, $2.75 3. U 0 Union Carpets. All oolore guaranteed not to run. Newest 1901 patterns and colorings ; qualitiee that will stand hard wear, reversible, full yard wide at 25e to Japanese Mattings .60 Grow more in f'yor every season. They are an ideal Sommer floor covering. This Spring we show some partioalarly good valves and a good range of patterne at per yard....12,'o, 18e, 200 .25 Rags Are being used more each season and are very task• ioneble. We oar* a good assortment and nun get any wanted size for you in a few days' notice, Table Covers. Tapestry Covers, 8/4 size, with fringe around oover, in assorted oolore, special price, each.. 1.25 Chenille Table (overs, 4/4 60.. and 8/4 sizes, in the newest 'tirades of Green, Red, Bine and Brown, fancy effeote with fringe trimmings, value at each 50o, $1,10 and 2.25 J. FERGUSON & Co. Dry Goods and Groceries. REAL ESTATE. 1.00D b'ARM OF 1424 ACRES Vulf for sale, being Lot 23, 0on.7, Grey. Houde suitable for two families if required. Sebool house, ohuroh and part of the Village of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN OOIIER, E11101 Oarriago Worke, 24 - It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round. of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life in one round of sickness, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms a000mpanying this stats of decline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizzineee, sinking feeling, palpitation of the beart, shortness of breath, dose of appetite, oold bands and feet, headache, dark circles ender the eyes, pain in the bank and aide and all the other a0com- panimenta of a run down and weakened aonetitution. All these symptoms and conditions are eimply the result of a poor quality end defeotive oironlation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the system with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS Yon strike at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on which to build. Soon the weight inoreases, the sunken obeeke and flattened beets fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the eyetem. 50 mote per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., 'Toronto, Ont. Far gale by G. A. Deadman, Grissels. Hirman Walker & Sone bave planed $1,000 ineuranoe en the lives of ono b of Me regular Watkerville firemen. If in- jured the men will receive $10 per week. Probably few terms fn the twenty of Huron' have lt'reoord moll as that of the Hanford homeetead, in the township of *Cabernet now'. 000upied by James Han. ford. It was taken up by the late Rioh. Hanford in the year 1881, and iron' Chet time to the present not e. single person hag died thereon or a funeral cortege left the premises, Dtokeon.. Tile bride was attired in a No 5 Was decorated • STOCK FOR SERVICE HARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 3, Con. 12, Grey, containing 100 acres. Good stook or grain farm. Good frame house and bank barn ; two good wells; eight acme of Fall wheat and land all in a good state of cultivation. For particulars apply to JOHN 1OeFADDEN, 229.0 Brussels P. 0, FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR SeLE. Lot 17, con. 0, Township of Grey. 100 acres more or lees. Situate 41 miles from Bmesels and 2 =Hoeft= village of Ethel. All cleared. excepting 6 acres of hardwood bueb. Buildings and female in good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing done. Prise and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. al. SINCLAIR, 20-tt Barrister, be., Brussels,. nULL FOR SERVICE.—THE L undersigned will keep for eervlaeon Lot 5, Oone. 10 and 111 Grey, a nrat•otaae regietereri 8'ort Horn bull, This animal Wag bred by Wm, Grainger & Soo, of Hui - lett, whose cows stood at 1612 bead of tbo Cat at the World's Fair Chicago, in their olaee for bettor and mitis. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terme, 01.60 for bo 0oa0on, to re paid at time tot eerrie° with privilege Of returning if 11 011808017. 84.3m CHAs,.,a021:1LL, Proprietor, i.'iARM FOR SALE.—I OFFER A. for Bale Lot 15, Con, 3, Morris, consist- ing of 100 acres, moreor lees, 06 cleared, 65 mires seeded down 80 Rome Pall ploughed ,12 aoree in Fall wheat. Barn 60x70, with atone stabling underneath. Also dwelling house. Poeeoesion to snit purchaser. For further particulars apply on the promisee or to the proprietor. Price and terms reasonable. 26- THOS.'FOEB ES, WinghamP, 0 T1ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• L' derelgned MFere his 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey, There are 90 sores cleared and 10 nares bush, Good house ; bank barn• 66x62 feet, with stone stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fenced and drained. Artesian well with wind mill and tante. Convenient to school, eburoh and market. 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15 acres plowed, -balance seeded to grass. Ata ply on the premioeeor Walton P, 0. 84-11 MIDAS ORIOH, Walton. ,-1741ARM FOR SALE—LOT 24, 1L Con. 14, Grey, oontainlug 100 mores, 85 acres cleared, balance in hardwood bush, It ie straight -rail fenced, shade trees across the front • two wells ; bank been 00 feet square, with atone stable underneath ; new driving. shed, 24080 feet; frame house and kitchen; cistern ; large orchard with choice fruit • well drained. The proprietor has bargained for another plane, hence desires to Boll. Possession alter harvest For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN litoN101L, Proprietor, Atonori0R P. 0. 40.4. miggiEs BUCCIES I oocrIEs. IN ALL STYLES EWAN & CO., BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demend of the public for tiny kind of wheeled rig as they Lave a FINE, LARGE Stook from the 11E81' Manufactures in Oaneda, in addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES Rubber Tyred Wheels. We make a epeoinity of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Wheels, the tyre being put on your own buggy wheele while you wed, or we can supply both wheele and tyre at very low prime. Every owner of a good baggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan & 00. Work guaranteed all rigbt as we keep nothing but first olaee workmen. D lewan will devote a good share of hie time in attending to the gale rooms 0e the Go. has eeoured a first-olaee Horse Shier for the blacksmith shop: All wood work in our line and general blaokemitbing done on oar prtmi0ee and at ae low figures as can be obtained anywhere. Our own make of Buggiee this year are alt 871 inches longer in the body than other Buggies and for STYLE and COMFORT cannot be beaten. We use the long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two oiling!' in a season is all they r, quire. It will pay anybody who wants a first.olaee rig to oome 26 miles to see our Show Rooms this Beason before buying as 0110 aeeortment is large and good and we are aiwaye well pleased to have people oall and examine our stook which 18 the largest ever 'Mown in Brussels. r We mean business. Carriage EWA1V (a(1 ` o. y Braeeele. Baggies, Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows always on hand. GOOD FARM FOR BALE.— Lot SO, Con. 15, Grey, containing 100 acres,75 acres cleared, 10 'acres hardwood bush, balance cedar and blaok ash, 8 aoree in Fall wheat, The farm le well fenced and underdrafuedoelth plenty of good water. Good brick bouse 20x80, with kiteho0 18326, wood shed attached and good cellar, Large bank barn with stone wall underneath, large drive shed and workshop. Large pig Lanae and 01805 pen. Gond orchard of choice fruit. It le oonveniabt tochurch and oboe), store and poetoinae, Thie farm will be sold cheap, if sold before'tbe and of March, ae the proprietor wants toxettre on aeoonnt of ill' health, Apply on the pruning or address, ALEXANDER MoKAY, 5141 Monorieff P, 0, IN TBE HIGH COURT or, OUT BE the matter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As the Reserved' B id was net reached on the day of Bale herein, tsudere in writing Will bo reosived for tb° pbrohaee Of the lands and premiee0, namely 1—The South Half of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morrie, 100 pores, auhjeet to the approval of the under- signed Local MOater 00 11115 Court. Portion desirous of Making au offor 100 this Valu- able proterty:may do 80 through the auc- tioneer, F. 8, Scott, or the plaintiff's sake.tor, and if noesp rod will be eubjeet to the sante terms and conditio0e ae settled by the MIA Local Master, and abnouneed et the time of the eels hereto, Dated tole 66h day of March, A.D. 1001, B, L. DOYLE, Loaal Master at Goderioh, W, M, 81NOl,A11t, PIO's.50110ltor. 114t! Makers, &o., Stout wear Shoes, Easy prices. For hard wear you need good stout shoes, not too heavy but heavy enough, at easy prices. We have medium -weight women's shoes, good to keep the feet dry in all kinds of weather, warm, con, fortable and wear -resisting. Easy on the feet, easy on the purse. Nobody need go without good shoes at these prices :— Women's Heavy Shoes, 05o ; Women's Pebbled Shoes, 51.15. All Muds equally obeap, HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Single Harness, 0101110 silver, at $8 and 511 ; Team Hammitt as Cheap se good material and good.w2rk an be furniehed. Our Collars are all warranted and will give you eati0feotion, • A nice stools of Tranke and Satchels selling at loweet priaee. Bepairo fa Hareem, Rubbers and Shoes promptly done. e (�! �r O. g IIYHAR. .� • 1 .7 r!