HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-25, Page 8Youir nontoo If you are going 10 do any Papering let us supply you with the necessary Papers and Border - info, We have a select line in- cluding several solar$ in ingrain, with Borders and Ceilings 'to Pdateh. Health 1 Tour Maybe if you would ride a Bicycle it would add to your hap- piness and prolong your life. We have them for sale or to rent. We can supply you with the usual preparations for disinfect- ing. We aim to keep the best. Qati 134407 Z Ten OEM improve your Oats and Barley .and prevent Smut by using 'orm,aldehyde, We have the strongest solu- tion olu tion that can be had and comes cheap as a little goes a long way. We have also Bluestone at special. priees in quantities, for this pur- pose. For Fruit I If you purpose Spraying your Fruit Trees we would like to supply you with the necessary Chemicals at "special prices in quantities. Agent for OB s^i_ e A * 'E �DM AN Druggist, Optician l.Jf 13. a �, and Bookeetlor. D, A. Lowes ie brink veneering the residence of Mre, J. Downing, Flora street, tide week. Wont ie being pushed ahead et the "Crystal P81aoe," Grey Branch Agl. Park, Brussels, in connection will the DOW roof, &o. No lees than 8 new awnings mann. featured in Windsor, have come to town. They either are or will be planed before the bneinee plume of I. 0. Riaha0de, A. Leather - dale, Currie,, Dnaldson, . Waalker, T. Fletoh- er, and N.F. Gerry. Sone towns are proposing to ooetnme their policemen and oo00tablee in the new and fashionable shirt waist for the Bummer. The trouble with our town ooestablee the same pattern would hard iv do for F. S. Scott, Alex, MoLanohlin, Wet. Ainley and John Log—that le to look beoomiog. Mud VAN: Geo. Robb, who has gone into the Dairy business quite extensive• ly, has put a new milk van on for delivery prapoee8, turned oat by D. Ewan & Oo. It de reepindeot with a dress of yellow. The art bottles,k is the be empty ut veseel in beingnt and exobanged every other day tot the filled one. ODD FELLOWS AT 000ROHi The mem. bere of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Brunetti, and visiting brethren will at, teed publio eervioe at St. John's ohuroh next Sunday morning at 11. o'oloek, when Rev. G. J. Abey will preaoh the miniver• eery sermon. Members are Raked to meet at the Lodge room at 10.30 a. m. "HONEST JOHN," the veteran nmiscalla cent Bicycles. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. aorens88 EXTENSI00 W. 0. & 8. Trains leave Brneeele Station, North and Booth, 88 followe : Gorse Sown. GOING NORT1r Express 7818 emu' Mail .. 2l0 p,m Mixed, 9:45 a.. Express ...... 8:17: p.m m rel Etb3s Plus. A ahiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tommie of this week wee St. George's day. SATURDAY last was a cold, dieegreeable day'y. 1Zone8t8EN should get their route bills at Tae PoeT Pabliehiug House. TENNIS meeting will be held on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'olook at Fox's drug store. CARETAKER MoLAoonrto hae cleaned the refuse gathering of the past Winter off the iron bridge %hie week. TnE atone masons got to work this week on the sellar walla of Jae. Fox's new brick residence, William street. W. ERA0Tma hae a new 088181ant. He arrived deet Saturday bat as he ie a new baud he will not do mash in the saw log business this season. ANOTHER doctor ie reported to be met- ing an eye an Brussels with a view of looating here. If he oomee that will make the number four. THE Polo ie in receipt of a moat inter• eating a000nnt of the rent eitof J. R. fo Grant, of Winnipeg, y or ee18, to Europe which will appear in a later ieeue. ROBT. T00808ON, egg andpradnoe dealer, Brneeele, bee purobaeed the fine blank driving mare owned by Philip Ament, paying 91.50 for her. She fen a good boggy beast. GEORGE Baer, stock dealer, is parches. ing a few Dare of year old steers for a Calgary rancher. He will be in a po8i• tion to give somebody a free trip out there with the stook if early application ie made. IT i8 olaimed by eoientifio authorities that the vibrations set in motion by the volae never cease, and in six boots have disturbed every atom in our atmosphere. When a few women gather together and proceed to give the rest of the commun- ity fits, somebody ought to step in and mention this. Vass THeNEvur.—THE PoeT proprietor Creighton, of this plane :-- le very thankful to a goodly number wbo have remitted enbsoript1one and to othere for lettere of explanation in re. sponse to the circular mailed from this o toe. There are mores yet whom we desire to bear from on thio same eabjeot. Put yourself in oar plana and decide what you would like n8 to do in the situation. BART Hums Liberal Aeeoaiation Exa. °Olive Will meet no Brneeele on Friday ' afternoon of this weak to decide whether the nominating Convention for the Legis• latnre will be held on the date of the annual meeting, viz Tuesday, May 28. Thee. Straoban is the President of the Aeeociation. Meeting will beld in room over G.A. Deadman'8 drug store, Leckie block. n- - h LIOENeE tlOtitlI8ei0NERB, T Bl adjourn- ed ed meeting of East Enron License Com- missioners was held, at the American Hotel, Brneeele, on Monday of this week. .8. number of amounts were pivoted, also reeoiutions and regulations. The hotel lioenee of Thoth Jones, Leadbury, was extended for three montbe to enable bine to diepoee of his stook of liquors, &o. Next meeting of tbe Commissioners will be on Wednesday, May 8th, at she Queen's Hotel, Brume's. Fina ENonaEs. — The Canadian Fire Engine Company, Limited, have received lettere patent of incorporation for the manufacture and sale of steam tire engiuee, ohemiest flee eugine0, eta., eto„ and to acquire the baeineee now oarried on by the Ronald Fire Engine Company, Brussels. The beadquartere are to be in London, and the direotore are Geo. Tay. lor, J. H. MOMeObin, John Obrietie, J, M. Portions, J. B. Ang08, J. W. Jones,' W. Beeman and John Sutton. TSE SAISE Gotten Ae o' OLD.—Gomer Green, of t''annyetelle, Man., formerly of Brussels, writing THE Pose Gaye : "We have had floe weather alt Spring until Monday of last week when we bad a fall of thaw of about 8 inches and it was oold for dome days following until wind got to the Beath and touk the snow off in about 4 home. Everyone in this district has more or lees seeding done. I bad 60 sore of wheat in when the enowcame. We etarted to Bow On April Oth with land in excellent ocnditioo, Met out about 4 inches and dry on top, Will eters heeding in ta•edorrOW (201), Bnpp g ie about through around Brunie and you will be out atter froge. I see by Tea Pose that some of the Grey township maidone have ntrmted tome of their matrimonial secrete to you, which I think ie a grave mistake, however) t hope you may hae many enquiries. With et ToePooehO a onbeetea tbe ol a Monday g�and it Demes e a letter from home." The army old frieand nds of en will be pleased e hoof their 9888850 TiIE UrSE B P' U in the Milnne oft r P. Ronalbeing a .sellae nes pa S. T. Plater is improving his property by levelling the around, setting alit ever - erste" Ike. Tee foupdatien is being beilt les the pew poultry bougie for Alfred Baeker, Market street, A MOM= of fruit trsee Froin Port Elgin nurserywee mane this -Week by Thee. Curry. WM. JEwerT 10 pnrobasing hogs ter the Palmerston Peeking House. He Iivaws the oountry well, Selma, W'ALxen son of John Welker, ,Alexander street, bad hie Moe ooneider- ably soorobed by the premature exploaien pf powder in 00nn80Elon with the tom of a toy 080000 on Wedneaday, Pooextre AND DEDAT3.—Next Taped8y evening 8 smiled will be held in the school room of the Methodist thumb' ander the anepioee of the EpWortb Leeg0e. Atter panoakea, maple syrup and ooffee are served a debate will be given op the subject at the world is getting betttter.."vaTbed h affirmative will be taken by Miea Brook, Miss Hingeton and Mie Downing end.Wendal Holmes, For the negative Ire, Gerry, Klee Minnie Mc- Naughton, Miee Myette Bunter and Mies Baohanan will take part, A musical program will also be rendered. QUEEN'S FumnnIL.—Cox. Bog. gave a program of moving and other pieta'ee in the 'POwn Hall, Tueedey evening under the aagpi0ee of the Young Men's Club of Pit. John's ohuroh. The Queen's funeral, together with notable personages and condo effects were giveo, many of them very good. The light did pot appear to mender, is le town tbie week, He is an old Btitieb soldier serving 19 years and 9 months in tbe British army, Crimea, Iukerman, B8lakleva and Sebaetapool, Delhi and Abaeeioia were scenes in whish Kr. Robertson took part. Be received font wounds. Oat of 1181 Doty 47 re. turned to England. "Honest John" ie 71 years of age, bat is a hearty, active man who does first.olase work or no pay. Ilvnee0EAL.--Lewie daughterrCorbett of L. Dulmage, A• Dnimage, Ratheay, were united, on April 10th, in the boly bonde of wedlock. After the ceremony was performed the happy couple proceeded to their home on the 14th 000. The presents to the bride were both any and wetly. That 8000088 and happineee may Drown the union is the wish of the many friends of the bride end groom. Mrs. Corbett is a slater to Dire. W. W. Barrie, Brueaele, and the Hamer sae friends of the bride here with her and her husband prosperity. 000000800E.—Tbe fallowing note of condolence watt tient by Braesels A. 0. II. W. Lodge, No. 138, to Mrs. J. A. be properly fooaesed in Berne instances. ST4ND.d BI) Bill N. R Cif' 04N4R.D4. HeAo OFFICE, - TORONTO CAPITAL PAID DP (Ove ]4dillion Dollars) REST , $1,400,000 $700,000 Ageteoiee to all )80190(1041 points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States R England. litzWeeEiS , °iv''{+N?,ATI . al Banking Bneineee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Dleoonnted, On both. Matte leaned and Oolleotions made en all pointe, � free from Smut, as well as more of them, it will give y A Gene ltirfax, 25, 1901 Farmers! Have you heard of,.., aldeh do Solution ? .JN (FORMAL ) No doubt you have, and if you want nice, clean Oats and Barley, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Intermit allowed on deposite of $1,00 and upwards apd oompopnded hell yearly, See= ATTENTION OIWEN TO TEE UoLLaoTIQN or il'ARM8BS' SALE- NMI, Every facility afforded 00Btomer8 living 8t a' dietanoe. payable at any bank feted Under $10,....so. $20 to 980,...12o gaily Ord9i~S at the following rates 1— $10 to 920..,.10o, 80 to. 40.,..140 3. N. GORDON, AMMO, the oongregetiQnal singing, gave "9. few more years shall roll;' The Dead March was played by Mre, Gilpin, organ- ist, as the remains were taken In and oat of the ohuroh. All the pall bearers were olergymeu, viz :—Revds. Meeere. Rogere, McRae, McNair, Fear, Dever and Pani. At the cemetery Revds. Messrs. Holmes, Brown, of Belgree, and Dever, of Wel. ton assisted in the burial eervioe. The pulpit and ohaire in the altar were drag• in bleok. A program of iuetrnmental and vocal ammo was rendered by a grapbapbone and the illustrated amigo oonetitoted a nine combination. The evening 8808 00• propitioue owing 10 rain but there was a fair attendance. MATaltfoNIAL.—The 51sat11roy Age, of the 18th inst., epeake of the marriage of Robt. Thomson, brother to Wm. and Jae. Thomsen, of Brussels, t0 Mite Frank, as follows :—A very pretty wedding was celebrated et high aeon on Tuesday last at "Woodlawo, the reetdenoe of the bride's father, Robert J. Freak, of Adelaide, being the marriage of hie daughterMildred Harriet, to Robert Thomson, both of this 8018n. The °ere - many was performed by Rev. W. S. Knox and weewitoeeeed by only a few of the immediate relativee of the bride and groom. The bride looked obarming in pure white with bridal veil and oarried a shower baguet of roses and carnations. The ceremony over, the wedding dejenn r was served, after whish the happy couple left on the four o'olock express for New York and points East. The presents were numerous, costly and beautiful. The happy couple are well known in town and have the beet Wiehee of numerous friends for their future welfare and happi0ees. The Age joins .in wiehiog them a long, prosperous and happy life. REV. Wti. Nonv.,N Pees NATURE'S DEPT. —Witb no small amount of aurprioe and ooneiderable disbelief did our oltizeoe re• ceive intimation deet Sabbath morning that Rev W. Norton bad passed sway at 1118 home an Saturday night about 10 o'olook. The Sabbath previous he bad attended the Methodist ohuroh, as was his regular Onetom in the morning, al- though he bad not been feeling quite a8 well as penal on the Friday end Setor, day before. After returning to his reel - deuce he took a weak Spell and was toned by his neighbor, D. Hogg, lying on the floor, a out on the top of hie head, canoed by contact with the hinge of the door. The old gentleman, who wee div lag alone, WaS very kindly oared tot and hie daughter, Mre. A. E. Treleaven, of Donga0no0, communicated with. By the time she arrived be appeared to be greatly improved. An attack of the pre• veiling la grippe bothered him somewhat but he ase able to be about the bonee until Saturday afternoon when to get better rest he went to bed. The dome called at 5 o'clock but thought the symp- toms were nothing Bernina but Kr. Norton exhibited evidenoee ot failing and a messenger was Bent for the physician about 10 but before his arrival the 091018 had fied, although the heart wee still beating. He bad spoken to bie daughter a minute before, turned hie head on the pillow and do an instant was dead. Heart weakness, together with old age, 3, T. GeneowO&ogeN•—Theconvention of Liberate of WeetHuron Tneeday, un- animously nominated 3. T. G arrow, K, 0., for the seat in the Legielatnre made vacant by the resent deoieion of the oonrt of appeal. Mr. Carrow was the only one proposed Spat -thee were given by the candidate, Robb. Holmen, M. P., Philip Holt, E. 0 , of Goderioh ; James L. Groot, Morgan Dalton, Reeve of Aebkeld, and Hugh MoPbee, all expressing confidence that the nominee of the convention will be elected by a good majority. GRAND TRDNR.—The old grade has been burned off on oertain portions of Brunetti G. T. R. seotion.—Very long freight trains are being run to 88OOmmodet8 the ship- pers.—This week there woe 10 oars of grain shipped from Brussels, Alf. Backer eent 4 of wheat and a oar nd It, Graham forf warded 8 cars ofwheatoate ean and oar of oats. Inwards there were 2 ogre of household effects one being for Mr. Goodwin who comes 10 Broeeele cheese factory and another for Mr. Orone, hex. nese maker et 3. Donaldeon'e.—A renewal of the sidewalk from street to the depot and new crossing ie a badly needed improvement on the G. T. R. property. Station Agent Ham often has to hustle to attend to the multifarious duties of his various offices but he ap. pears to "get there." Kra. Creighton, Brussels • DEAR FRIEND, --We, the ofiaera and members of Brussels A. 0. TJ. W. Lodge, No 188 extend to you and your family oar sincere sympathy in the decease of Mr. Creighton, who for many yeara filled oMee of trust and responsibility in our Order. He fattbfulty and energetically discharged his duties. We mise him from our Lodge room bat believe be is infinitely better off in the Grand Lodge above, where we tenet to meet him in the Sweet and Bye. Signed. Onion, Mof ttheLodge,W. W. H. gaga, Reo. Brueaele, April 1911i, 1901. D DT TEM KI aBING. —Th e o GEF UN e IS Hon horse and rig, belonging to Jno. Canning• ham, Grey, stolen from Melville ebnrob shed, Brunets, wee recovered by the owner at Dundalk, Grey County, on Thursday of last week. The thief, whose name ie Gard to be Douglass or Scott, bar• gained to sell the horse to a me named Fennell for,$75, 96 being paid when eels was made and balance to be banded over later. Attempt wee alae made to part with the boggle and harness hot as the price wee low suspicion was aroused and when Do051a8a palled on Fennell again the latter asked for identifloation. The name of a Berlinite was given but while the telephone office was being visited Mr. Thief soddenly departed toward Flesher• ton, the neighboring town, and has not been Been in tint looality since. Tbie week and eines henna description ofTuesday ofdaet the man has been gent to many points and it le hoped he will be nabbed. Everything about the outfit Wee found.. all right by Mr, Oon• ningham exoepting the overcoat and the Dundalk people say it was not left in the boggy when he put up there. Of coarse the owner of the horse and rig is well pleased to have Swayed hie property even if he %7ae pat to ooneiderable expense, an00yanoe and inconvenience. He st- rived home on Saturday. A warrant is held by Constable F. S. Scott for the arrest of this oar01000 horse taker. The man i8 described as Olean ebaven, very fair, smell sharp eye, light eyebrows, grey Bair and thin facie { about 5 feet, 10 s of age Wore light cot and inin ches ht and tbo60 wnarhat with crown down ; has silver watch with gold twisted ohaie, and may be wearing dark frieze overcoat Which be stole here. le patellae and auspicious in hie aotione. Hag the reputation of stealing horse and riga out of ohuroh eheds in geeret parte of Ontario. 8 years' board at the Central Prison can be safely guaranteed Mr. Douglass -icon it he will kindly aodept the 'Ria Idegssty 800nd deliver himeele up to 0900 ialtg et tho law LADE LINDEN. -112 remitting bis eub- eorlption to Tan Pose Themes Hill, formerly of Brueaele, now of Lake Lin. den, biiob., writes as follows under date of April 15th :—We are bleeeed with tea Our first snow ound once ofell onre s• then long Win- ter, Mat November and out mama oar sleighs wbioh were in sea, without a break, un- til April let. The ice le fast breaking np on our little lake. I keep well in touch with matters in the old town of Brneeele bat there are many changer] there eines I left. We have one little daughter that ie a great blessing to 0a. Am still in the meat business and doing a good trade and have eeonred a comfortable home. My two younger brothers are also in thie CountWe have a very fine. Sieter lminister th is shere, visit. J. B. Whitford. Aire, F. Oliver, Qoeen 8t., and Mise Mabel have the funeral ok f her aunt, Mone to pa,dohueare to a Bela Wm. 0amerole, of Oranbrook, has oorne to Brneeele to take gip dentietry with Dr, Twaddle. He will be quite ,an addition to the town Foot BlI team as he ie 8 good player. Mies Maggie Bargees, who wee go 111 with typhoid fever at Sault St. Mario hospital, le abodt better of the fever but ie weak and will take some time to re• cooperate. She is a deter of Jae. Bur• gees, of Brussels. Wm. Habkirk, and sieter.ln-iaw, of Teeewater, were in Brueaele on Wedne• day renewing old friende'bipe, • Weare sorry to hear that Mre. Habkirk has been seriously I11 but hope the Spring . mason will aid in her oomplete reoovery. R. W. Tnok, a former resident of Brus- sels and Oranbrook, intends removing from Shelburne, where be has resided for a number of years, to Alliston. Mise Mand Took ie now a trained nuree at Toronto and an excellent one at that 80 a good authority Gaye. Among relativee and friends in attend - alms at the funeral of the late Rev. W. Norton on Wednesday were Dr. and Kre. Norton, of Shelburne J. Norton, of New York ; A. E. and Mrs. Treleaven, T. Treleaven, W. 3, Treleaven, G. Statham, Robt. Treleaven, Mre. Kilpatrick, Sam'l Kilpatrick and Mies Frank Treleaven, of Dungannon. Ed. Mole, who has been in Brunets for gime time assisting R. Mainprize at the Eleotrie Light Worke, left town on Tues. day of this week. He will vigil at Au- burn tor a while and then talks of going to the Western States, Mr. Mole ie a steady young man who should summed al. most any where. For certain reasons we expeot to see him bank here 000asionaliy. An exoellent group photo. of W. R. Davis, of the Mitchell Advocate, and family appe0rde in Seturdny'e Toronto Globe. Tbe group inoladee Mr. and Mre, BENNETT—DAvOD008.—In Arcola, N. W. Davie and grown•np family of twelve— ton sone and two daughters. There is T., ouGApril 10, by Rev. Mr. Eine. man, Mr. Cornelius Robineon Ben- alno a photo, o "Poplar Hall, the reel• nett, of Arcola, to MIB Maggie, eldeet dense of Mt. and Mre. Davis. Aman daughter of Mr. Thos. Davidson, eon. who could not be happy with a family 11, rey, that Size about him should be transported THOM80N—FBANx.—I0 Adelaide, at the to St, Helena.. residence of tbe bride'e prate, on Tuesday, April 16th, by Rev. W. J. Hoox, Mies Mildred H., daughter of Business Locals. Robert serenFrank,oS10 Mr. Robert J. Can for butter and eggs. A. Coulee'. -'--•�- ---" area_ .�.— .. FnteT rams crayon enlargements for BAIRD.—In Hawick, oo April 22nd, Eliza. $1.00 at BRRwEit's. beth Kabel Oliver, relict of the tate trona &o as a Fan bleak cotton hosiery, all eine on WM. BPENOE Olerk hand or made to order, at Mee, KInx'e. Robs. Baird, aged 71 years. April 25th, 1901. - Ethos'. 0. Boo wanted to learn the furniture bnei. MaCiouf,-tl d Grey,ern ofprl 19111 As. A. , NOTICE ! nese. Apply at once to D. MoOoeh, of Pine River, aged 8 R. LEATHERDADE. !or a la. mntbe. Notice to hereby given that a BylaW 8080' LARGE e00nd hand cook stove#or sale ed Uy sue Municipal Connell of the Tawn- at abargain. Iu good condition. NonroN.—Io Brussels, on Saturday, odiOt eblp of Grey, on the 4th day of April, 1901, Mon - Mae JERRY BLABHILL, brussels. 26, Rev. Wm. Norton, Kethodiet providing for the issue at debenture to the y.. minieter, aged 83 years, 1 month and mm�nnt out 84,01620, for the purpose of Mun- WANTED.—ODs butter weak) eggs, gt kips' dreivage for a certain drain known as 120. We have 600 bus. home grown 16 days, the nen Drain, and that such Bylaw Ras Timothy and Ulover for sale. ' rog161808d to the Registry 018oe for the G. E. K:Ne Wingham. > x��-aG? Z S tS.G :� z I County of Fiume au the 10th day of A.0011, MIL1 Poo Salm.—Tbe undersigned hne 1901, Any motion to. quash or set aside the 1 eamo, orauy part thereof, must be made gone into the dairy business and ie now Fall Wheat .... 68 68 within three months from the date of regia - prepared to deliver any the quantity of first. Barley tration and amulet be made thereafter. 88 89 Dated the 25th of April, A.D. 1901. plass milk to any part of the town at S} PCe 60 60 41.0 WM. BP NOK, (Merit of Grey, cents per quart. Your patronage solicit. Oe to 28 29 ed. es10GEORGE ROBB11000 v.—hBrussels. 88 B"'Lei', lnug and.,lie .• 12 18 Bernina Cleateem to undersign. Eg1,a n.•r du%all .. 9 10 ed le prepared to attend to proper fixing 1"a,rr . err cwt. 4 00 6 00 np of burial plots for parties either here Po'n"•ee (per bag)25 25 or away who bave^ frieode bnrded Friday Apple' (phbl.)2 00 2 00 C��.��a� Will be - the cemetery every teed at Sheep ekrne sash 75 1 25 f r Lamb skins each 26 tRE DARK, 100 70 .%� moderate °barges. R. er bbl. retail, Salt , Caretaker, Ha per ton 81 00 8 00 Hides trimmed 0 86 E:IILL.,r-7;Cg Hddaelouh 6 g Hoge Live 6 60 6 60 Wool 15 151 \ IStr U Uv/lp .. %YJ (�Bm FORMA L- DE -.H YDE Is a condensed gas and is a powerful Antiseptic and Germicide, but is not poisonous. We can show the testimonials of well known and reliable farmers who used it last season with the most satisfactory results. One Ib, bottles, 75e, sufficient for 80 to `100 bushels. Half lb. bottles, 45e, i t 40 to 50 " With full directions how to use it. ..Ar FOX'S DRUG STORE A young lady attending (thumb at L'Anee, Mroh., Sunday evening, sat directly behind . a tall, well-dreeeed stranger, with a ravelling banging to big Dollar. Being one of these generous - hearted, whole -sealed girls who grow up to be motherly old ladtee, a friend to everybody in towo, she thought how glad the would be if some kind-hearted girl would do ae math for her father were he to go to church with a ravelling banging down hie back, ao when the audience rose for the first hymn, she oonlnded to pith it off. Carefully raising her hand she gave a little twitoh, bat it wag longer then she supposed, and a foot or more appear- ed. Setting her teeth she gave a pull, and about a yard of that horrible thread hung down his bank. This W80 getting embarrassing, but determined, the gave it another yank, and dieoovered she was unravelling hie undershirt. Her dieoom Stare was eo painful that obloroform would not have alleviated her sufferings, nor a pint of powder hidden her blushes, when the gentlemen turned with an inquiring look to see what was tickling hie neck. HORN . Kg uroe.—In Braeele, on April 20th, to Mr. and Mre. W. hauler- a eon. 1 800008 —In Livingston,. Mon„ on April 8111, to Mr. and Mre. Alva Maines, a daughter. TT a gR'rE; - ONE span of fine, yo0ug, well bred, general lto urpWIL,LIAMTWRAY,Belgrave. Honeoe r'on SALE,—One rleipg 4 ,ve tine old and a Evan of working mares. Apply JNO. LOWE, Lot 10, Don, O,. Grey, BrOuesele 9.0. People We Talk About. W. W. Barrie and family ere moving to town this week. M)ea Baker, of Listowel, hae been visit- ing Mies Downey this week. Thos. Nicholls left for Montana, 0. S., tbie week where he expecte to spend the Summer. Mies Violet Cooper ie learning the dressmaking with Mies Livingston, Brussels. Dire. W. M. Rubinson, of Wroxeter, was a visitor at Jas. Fox's Thureday of last week. James Martin hae gone to Clinton where he will be employed for a time driving a team. Bishop Ward mod family bave removed from London to St. Thomas. They were residents of Brussels for a good many years. Mre. (Rev.) W. T. (liff, of Strathroy, is vieiting her mother, Mre. J. D. Ronald, who hae been quite poorly. We hope she will soon be convalescent. Thos. Bloomfield, formerly of Brneeele, awe Din - ran in tbe Ola IB now interested iog Rooms at Salford, England, and will probably continue to teside there. Bert. Gerry, who hae been at Indian Head, N. W. T., for Some time has accepted a position in a Calgary hardware establishment. He is a competent sales. man and ehonld do well. wee the oanee of deeeage. Rev. Mo. ND' C. wee been in Kings Co., Ireland, being one of a family of six, of whom he was the last, When 17 years of age he came to Canada, lactating at Mount Permit, Forty eight years ago, or thereabouts, he entered the ministry of the Methodist ohuroh and during a ministerial career of over 85 years did valiant eervioe in the Lord's vineyard, moat of these year8 be- ing spent in the Montreal Conference Bannockburn, t Ba ' atattoned a re he was who e. net,, Lylwtn, BeaFlenton, rbGrenville, and Avoamore. He superannuated while on tbe latter obarge, owing to poor health, and l000ted at hie old home at Blount Forest, about the year 1888. An earnest, thoughtful preaober of the evangelietic type was the subject of this notioe who felt special in- terest in the spiritual affairs of the ohuroh. In Temperance work he took 8 moat motive part and dealt many a hard and enooesefal blow at the kingdom of $ing Aloo11ol, Seven years ago Mr. Norton Dame to Brussels and has resided here continuously. He 000aeiooally preached, often aided in cottage prayer services and do sregular and ready p pant in both theega- lar and spaniel earvioea of be Sabbath and week day. Of an enorgetio two, good constitution, active in both body and mind, retaining hie faculties to a marked degree, few would have taken the deoeaeed to be 78 years of age and he set a worthy example to many a younger gggarson. He is survived by three sone (Do. Thos., of Shelburne ; Joo. W., of New York t and Robt„ of 81, Thomas, Dakota) and two daughters (Mrs. George Bennett, of New Glasgow, Quebec ; and Kra. Treleaven, of Dungannon.) The old gentleman had decided to make his home with the last named and arrange. mote ware under way to . artery it into effect this week but he wee called to a mansion above. The funeral took plane on Wedneeday afternoon, servtoe being held in the Methodist oharob at 2.80 o'oleok. Rev. David Rogers, Chairmen of the Dietriot, preeided, and the other minietere wbo took part were Reeds. 3. R. McNair, of Dungannon ; E. A. Fear, Atwood; R, Paul, ,ins. Boca, B. A„ and Jno. Holmes, of Bruerele ; and D. B. Mo• fine, of Cranbrook, The Chairman and Meagre. Patti, Roes and Relined made briefbut fitting remarks having reference to the life and ahar8ater of the deceased. The ohuroh choir, in addition to leading THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN.. I OOD YEAR OLD STEERS l7l Wanted, imitable forbanoh purpose, Apply to GEO. BEST, Brussels. COMFORTABLE, WI3LL lighted andlock ver G.leut.some t' let in d the , 1L00500ie 8' stores. over to F8m80oeft 0T e ' E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN, WINGHAM. TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE t�'Wi10 Visit Brneeele Every Tuesday. T- UTQBER BUSINESS FOR 1! BADE.—W. B1ebi11 desires to give up butchering and will dispose of big ba8ine88 and rent the [Mop if a imitable opportunity offers. A gond chance for a pushing man. Apply to W. BLA8HILL, Brussels. APER HANGING, DECOR- '. and House Painting done In Workmanlike manner 446 on short notice. Have had three years' experience in ally work. Terms WaS JOHN 8101 Walton Il. $1650 WILL BUYA FUR- 1�7 nreoED home on Queen street,14russele, It is foolish for buviuees ,non and retired farmers to rent houeee so little mouoyge APhoy 6e of their own for MISS M, CAMPBELL, Brussels. Tenders for Drain. Scaled Tenders (marked tender, for drafm) will be received by the Undoreigned up to 10 o'clock a. m., May 17b,1901, 'for the dialog of the Hail 0rainin the Township of Croy. Tenders to state prise per rod or Nod. Name ecuritio8. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, epeoldea- n b seen at my office. A School of tho Highest Staab/ 1 George Werrett,formerly a prominent boeiues man of Simone, committed ani- nide, E, V. Clergue ennonnoes that in addl. tion to the steel plant of 600 tong daily capacity now being built at file Soo, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. another of 2,000 tone enmity will be added._ The e ad e e old Tbe body of Adolph Wilson, who felt GOOD working mare, 6 yar , for Regina for Wood Mountain last Winter, gale. B. GERRY, Brussels, after nerving a term in jail, was found on Y00080 walnut trees for Bale, 12$ Dents tbe prairie. He had been oaoght in a eaeh. JAB. 017THILLJ at D. Blewart'e for - 13110W storm and frozen to death. mar residence, Brese's. 41.2 The largo patronage that our 0011880 'en- joys is positive proof that the young men know w wh GTO tea Oma nolOa a women an for mess Co ages are education. No two careful 4 Colleges .aro alillo tel otos be careful in °howling a school, Get our cata- logue. Our students - are remarkably rue ° edal in Souring and holding excellent situation's. 8tt W. Jt ELLIOTT Prinolpal. P.A.SITIONO ? FABRICS FASHIONS. .fill Wool and Union Carpets. 411 Wool Rugs and Japanese Matting, in Plain and Fancy Patterns. Lace and Chenille Curtains. Everything Cheap. Beige you make poor Spring or Sommer Drees come and examine our stook of Standard Patterns. They are styiish and perfect fltti0g and Bell dor 50, 108, 15o, 20o and 250. Tbe "Designee" is the beet Magazine of styles published anywhere at 10a. May Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sbeete now in stook. We keep the Patterns in etoolt. We give the Fashion Sheete FREE, FABRICS. We have a large assortment of Spring and Summer Fabrio8 in many beautiful Patter0e and Detigoe 8-- , DIMITIES—White, White and Mauve, White and Red, White and Black, plain Gray and all Black. MERLAWNS—Entirely new, very dainty patterns for Waists ot Whole Dreesea. FO(ULA.RDS—Beaatifnt finish, Blue and White, Black and' White and FancyPVer' Nice Line Of Patterns, GINGHA S --S and Emmy. (3INGHAMS—Striear with mmee Effect, and CheOke; splendid for Ohildren`e' Children's Shoes Wearing Deesee. MAGNET TWILL—Tbe beet material we have ever shown for Boye' Blonde or in Black °and Tan,Whole Suite. PRINTS—A l urge aeeortmont to 0110088 from at the old prime. Boots and Shoes for .Men, Women and Children. Oxfords' Latest. Styles. ETI&CIL&].r��1 p l NF`af1cy arices. SMiNsININ