HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-25, Page 5Ariz;
• V.IONET TO LOAN AT 6 1?j+t
epnt, F,14, SCOTT, Brussels,
H, MoOI1&OIXL7+N--
Ieguer of Marriage LiermSes, Ot.�
tine at street, Brussels,
n] N. I,3ARBITT-.-
J, 4 ',i'oneortal Artist, Shop -Next door
North of the Standard Sank, Ladies' and
,Children's hair cetbing a Specialty,,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
L, 0, M.,
Academie graduate of London Conserve -
tory of Situate, also Member of the Associated
Mnetofans of lntarto, is preparedto receiver
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils tor.
the Principal a Form intheConservatory of
Clerk pi the Fourth Division Court,.
co. Huron; Conveyancer, .Notary Public.,
Land, Loan and insurance Agent' Attrition -
ear. Fundalnvested and to loan, Oolloo
.tions made. Office le Graham e•Hlo k 8r s
sae. .
• nen, will 8811 for better prices, to
better men, in limo time and leas charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be won't charge anything, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
persona] application.
(0OnEE0LY OF 90480110)
.Graduate of R. 0. D R„ Toronto ; root Grad-
uate course at 11066010 School, Chicago, in
crown and bridge work, e Prioee same as
In surrounding towns. 21-
01$06 over A.R. Smith's atone, Brunelle.
6? • 'Honor GIttanateof.the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dia-
tom of domestioated animate 1na compet-
ent manner. Parti^ular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry, Calle promptly at-
tended to, Office 0nd ttier-ma y Four doors
North Of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Brneae's.
v If Barrieter, Solioitor,'Centreyaneer,
NotaryPublio, &o. O4Hoe-Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
• Solioltor, &o. Wee over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
Camorou)IBarrlostor and Solicitor, Goderlob
Ont. Office -Hamilton street; opposite Col-
borne hotel,
111. L„ O,
Trinity University, Fellow Trluity Medical
College, Member College of Phyeiolans and
Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col.
Lego of Physicians and Liooatiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, 1..-Tolepboue No.14,
Residence -Mill street, Brunets,
System nenovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Bleepieeeoeee, Palptta•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon-
sumption, Gall !Renee, Janndiee, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Bold by Jas, Fox. iRngaiat Itrnaeela
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North, Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing .YIlis
Also Doors and Bash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
atrt tl
Sbb N oe,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed,
For Salve at
t%tri t Rats,
Wm, Oonery has purchased the house
and lot belonging to Dir. Parsons, form.
ly of 13elgravo.
Rev, Mr. Brown wam away at White.
ohnroh preaching anniversary sermons
Iaet Sabbath,
W r oxoter-
The 8141 of May will be Court of Revis-
A airoulated oak.
ling thetttCommit
moa tn is ato w take steps tae Dare a
new cemetery plot.
Wm. Smith, lately of Halifax, son of
Mex. Smith,of town, has joined the
Baden.Poweli constabulary and is now
on itis way to South Africa.
Job Ratifier, who reoently purohaeed
the repair chop outfit from John B, Vogt,
iotende to leavefor the "Boo" about the
let of neat month to look up a suitable
location for starling a.ehop.
The vestry meeting of St, Janette church,
Wroxeter, was held on Easter Monday.
The following officerswereelected : W.
el. Robinson, -ministers' warden; Chas.
Sanderson, people's warden; W. M. B.
Bmale and Amos Gorton, sidemen,
Wroxeter le to be well represented in
Bomb Afrioa on the Baden-Powell Police
Force, 00 less than three former reeidente
of the town are now on their way to Cape
Town Viz; Harry McLeod, Harry Sander.
son and Wm, Smith.
l.,iwr.ti w eI.
William, the .anooni eon of Conrad
Hai nbaakrr, of Listowel, died on Thursday
afternoon of last weak after an illness of
about three months. He was in tbe six
1eet1th year of bis age, and became affeot
ed first with rheumatism, which was
afterwards uomplioated with anaemia
and other troubles.
The enggeetion made that graduates of
our high aohool should unite in the oon,
tribntion of some Masa memorial to the
way of n. decoration, such ae anhistorical
engraving, a piece of statuary or some
work of art to adorn the walla of the
school building, has met with a most
hearty response and oontributione are
o0miug in from graduates living in all
parte of the country. Some very hand -
801T20 and suitable selections have already
been made, and the freedom and evident
pleasure with whish, oontributione are
trade assures the oumple1e semen ,of the
whole affair,the idea of whioh ie a very
happy one. A re onion otitis Old Boys
of the imbed will be held during the
Summer when the different contributions
will be unveiled and the graduates given
an opportunity for chatting over tbe old
Mies Clara H. Mountoaetle, of Clinton,
is the happy poaaeeeor of a letterof thanks
from Hie Gracious Majesty King Edward
for her poem "Victoria."
Ltozxsse Fort 1901.- The Board of
License Oommieaionere met in Inspector
Paisley's oMoe, Clinton, on Tuesday of
last week, and considered the applioatioue
for Iioen000 with the following results:
Granted -Shop licensee, W. W. Benito,
Goderioh ; Thos. Bell, Clinton. Hotel
Iloe0aea-Goderioh-Thos. Tilt, Jonathan
Miller, Geo. Buxton, Wm. Craig, Ed.
Swartz, Michael Farr. Olinton-Joeoph
Rattenbory, J. J. McCaughey, Reuben
Graham, Charles Blanco, Joe. McGuire.
Wingham-Alfred Roe, Mary Dineley,
John Carr, John
Swartz, Lionel
el Hanson.
Myth- etre, Franaee Mason,
James. Rallett-Thos. Hi11, Londeeboro :
Alex. Robinson. Auburn. Ashfield -W.
J. M000tenay, Vire. J. Mallongh, Dim -
Kennon -Jae, McDonald and A. Young.
pintail- R. J. H. DeLong. Port Albert.
Colborne -N. G. Rogge. Carlow, Wm.
Glazier. Dunlop. Laid over for further
noneideration, Wm. Sabha, B. J. Saalta,
Goderioh ; John MoDonaid, Whiteoburoh.
Retread, Oberlee Bymmons, John Hamil-
ton, Saltford. There were 2 applications
for shop and 82 for hotel iioenee, and
from the above it will be seen that the
¢bop liminess were both granted. That
of the applications for hotels, 27 were
granted, time held over for future oon•
eiderationand two refused. The board
met in Clinton on the 24th to consider
tbe three applioationa laid over,
The harbor ie packed with email fish
and fry, a enre sign of a good Summer's
sport for anglere.
It is reported that Charles, 0011 of our
old citizen, B. Mao0ormao, died reoently
at hia home in the United States.
The Oddfellowa of town, paid out dur-
ing 1900, $885.80 for sink and other bene•
fits to member° and their relatives.
News was reached from Oannington,
Ont., of the death of Mrs. Ann Grant,
widow of the late George Grant, a one
time leading merchant of Goderioh.
D. B. McKay, representative of the
Goderioh Organ Company, left last week
for Glasgow, Scotland, to attend the great
exposition there. Eie sailed from New
York and will be absent considerable time,.
The owner of Lewie' Park ie °tits mak.
ing improvements on and around what
will, in five years' time, be one of the beet
ettraobione in western Ontario -a park
with halt a mile frontage on a large lake
all within the limits of a town,
The annual meeting of the Liberal Con
eervative Aseoolation for West Huron,
will be held at Smith's Hill, on Friday,
April 26th, oommenoing at 1,80 p. m„ for
election of officers and the usual routine
bnoineeo. At the Same time, preparatione
will be made for the forthcoming by-
eleotioo in this Riding, for the Local
Goderioh Bowling Club was re•organiz•
ed for 1901, by election of admire as fol.
Iowa : Judge Masson honorerpresident;
Dr, Hooter, presidonb ; Sheriff eynolds
of e• president J. O'Connell, secretary. r
tr aaurer' Meagre. Elliot and MELean
with the president, vioe•preeident and
eeoy..area0., were appointed managing
nommittee. The fee for 1901 wIll be$8..
;('be appointment of skips was left in the
betide of the 6060011Se oamnlittee, A.
1 Idol °, Ahem wag appointed representative
to Weetern Ontario Bowling A0ao0itltion,
Au aotlon has heal entered in the Adigb
o t
Oar ai(alnet the' town for dumping
herbage over the bank near Norman Mo.
Auley'e reeidenoe in Se. Andrew's Ward,
and en injunotion therein ham been eeryed
an Mayer 'Ritmo, Suit on thin matter
m6n00d pawing about the Bret of Aprii Wm, .Clark, of Morgue, flag. made (pita ' , aosovevoovooeve
and expect daring the Hammer to turn a (0000') "1 pirefeediag, lEi a bad a pork. FC9r<r?• 0.-"•F $44,, 'ie P ^tc! ` -rr•t
out about 1,000,000 Leet of lowlier, ho. er wed 111,441 780 pounds, wltielt Its eo d
sides large quantities "f ('1113, 'Mingles after 2"S Jaye' feeding, when the auiMal + �✓A$ f f
god tanbark, Moat f title will be then 01.0.4the Bowles at a neat 244 Ibe.,
shipped to W,oetern Ontario, They have a gain 91241 poundal pax day, ST t R,
done exoeediegly well, considering that A 6066101 meeting of. the Stratford
the lnmbering aeasan wae well advanced Oolleglate Institute Beard .0opeidered the
gneetion of a slim and Other partioulare
oontraining building. A 80 with tbe by 00 foot uild,
tug wilt be emoted and the site will be on
thelfaet end of the groande mime feet
hag been threatened Eevm et times, but when they atoned, and it is to be hoped
the council did not take the warning ear• they will be 80 fortunate during the reef
Grog, las.
MrS, John Shown 10 in a very bow
¢tato, eaffeting from a oombinetion of
Wm, Mitoheii, of Turn berry, delivered
10 hogs at Gorrie, under O months, which
netted the neat little Bum of $18O for the
hire. Ktiule, of town, went to bed
'l'h0redey evening, 11th, apparently as
hale and hearty ae mutat, but wee found
in the morning in an unoomodetie elate,
and is still in a very oritioal 000111100.
OMT. -There died at the home of her
uncle, Thoe. Baird, on the 10th con„
liowiok, on April 11th, Grace Meller, aged
14 yore ' and 4'menthe. The young girl
wee the y0u0geet daughter of the late
Geo, A. Miller, and a nieoe of Robb. Mill.
er..00. Oommieeioner, John R. ,Miller,
License Inspootor, and Andrew Miller, of
Jamestown. The deo,•aeod was attacked
a weak or two ago with pneumonia, which
was followed by brain fever, and it was
thought ehe might recover as ehe wag
apparently muob better on Tee8day and
Wednesday, bat the fever bad done ite
work and the passed away ae stated a
boye. Some years ago her father and,tbe
family went to the Northwest where they
resided for Home time, add where Mr.
Miller died some ten or twelve years ago.
Bina that time the deooased and her
Meters have been living. with Mr. Baird,
The funeral took plane to the Gerrie
cemetery on Saturday aftetnnon, and was
largely attended. The femily and friends
of the departed have 1136 heartfelt sym-
pathy of all who knew her in the ending
of a promising and bright young life.
W in>:teoim.
John Herr, had the misfortune to hurt
his knee very severely.
The street watering cart is being treated
to a fresh coat of paint.
J. E. Stewart, Met week sold a fine
team of driving homes and boggy to Wm.
Bishop, of Kincardine.
A broken a•m laid G. Day aside from
work for some time, He fell from the
loft in Beattie's livery stable.
John Ritchie bae a very fine building
lot on Centre street, and he has deoided
to erect thereon during the coming
Sommer, a line brick residence,
Wingham Oddfellowe and visiting
bretbreu will attend the Presbyterian
church in the evening of Friday, 26:h,
Mei Rev, D. Perris will preach to them.
A. Dulmage, merchant, Lakelet, has
disposed of hie business to Wei. Bush -
/16M, of Seafarth, and in the amuse of a
few weak¢ purposes removiug with his
family to Wingham.
The total town assessment for 1901. is
$606,937 ae compared with $587,615 for
1910, an iuoreaee of $88,898 in the total
aeseeemeot of the towo. The population
is given as 2192, an inoreaeeof only 9.
Word received from Town Clerk Fer•
aue,m reports hie 94811 to the eity of the
'.Golders Gate," bathing in the salt water
of the Paola° ocean, inhaling the fro•
grange of hundreds of varieties ofrosea,
and enjoying California's balmy and in-