The Brussels Post, 1901-4-25, Page 3, •
Vona/ Percy Coed, he It undarateed, W6ti lest
Me foe 10 l3110111, but his good intem 'wee
serenely beat triton be wont to Atustoro,ni.
ft 10 Woe to say that ha bad II Way of
words prelim, yut sad to tell of Just
.witat beta when be, wont to 'o 1140'frain,
tbe'n's queer mune Wes to hits the setae 888
SFMar word of led rank; so no manners('
law, "I would like to go to the town of
then the ticket Inair-ee the' erten coot --gave 4
hoarse, and angry boot and severely grow1.
ed as at good he mowled, "No malt town is
on thio route."
young Coed grew red; titan be hung his bead
and Swat' began to torn, but a happy
thought mane to ldm unsought, and he said,
"To Anster.durn." '
43448ohl No such place!" And leo eamee face
WOO fleece as Ito mid, "Sprit bosh!" Then
our Percy smiled Biro a, gentle child and
suggested, "Amster -gosh,'
"Whet'e wrong with you 7- yelled Oo agent
through the witidew. "Slipped your
leyf" "No, sir," said Cood, "but, indeed,
I should like to go to Amotoo-golly."
Pilot out of herel" with .a scornful sneer, the
11014014 000(1 oI4, "Scott" Then Peroy moa0.
eel in a voice that groaned, "Do you know
of Ameter-dratt"
then the tloket men understood plan and sug-
gested, with a wink, "I believe that you
want a ticket to Antstet.blankety-blank.
s s dash -Winter'
"Yee, you," said good, "you have understood,"
And he bade() to the train, but the ggent'S
face, as he left the place, was that 00 48 moa
TVistit's fite tine!
"Don't you like your pussy, Johu-
"Naw, she's no good! She don't
'owl when I anueeoe her."
"AsI understaud and George
.Itere riding along In the.sleigh think-
ing oE nothing when' -
"011, no, not thinking of nothing, not
by 0, good deal."
• "Nothing connected witb your sur-
roundings, I mean."
"Well, maybe he didn't think of his
surroundings, but I just had to think a
little of wbat surrounded ma"
"Oh, well, you weren't looking for
any Interruption, at any rate, -when the
man sprang out into the road and tried
to stop you."
"That's right."
"George of course was unarmed
"Oh, no, no, he wasn't, He had arms.
I know be had."
Then somehow she blushed.
Joy Elneralrh.
Mrs. Subbubs-You didn't get much
pleaSure out of your walk, did you,
efr. Subbubs (beamlngly)-Indeed 1
Mrs. Subbubs-But that sbower of
ram, See how wet you are.
Mr. Subbubs-Ole that doesn't mat-
ter. What do you think? I found tt
golf ball I lost last summer.
"The work of legislating for tlels na-
tion and for all the states of this
great union is very expensive," Said
441 r. Carley.
"Yes, the frames must come ,Ingle"
added Mrs. DarleY.
"The frames?"
"Yes, every bill is framed, as you
will sea by the newspaper reports:" --
Reviving an Old Slur.
"Tbat red haired girl from Chicago
Insisted upon going to the ball as Cim
"Who was the prince?"
"There waen't any prince. They
couldn't and auybody Strong enough to
name, the glass slipper around,"-Oleve-
The Weather Mon. •
"Is the weather man in?" asked the
bustling stranger.
"Nei he's away MT In Alaska," re-
plied the aaslstant
"I kuew he was away off some -
Where," sale the stranger tee be bustled
out, ,
The All toorat,
"or course I am master In my own
said Mr. areekton a little in-
"How do you manage It?"
"I tell Henrietta tp (lo just as she
pleages and she goes aheatl and doee
Shure, McGinnis', an' your taco is
o, regular map ae Ireland.
Rofght ye are, Larry, an' I be plant -
in' petatiee In the old aod,
TV hat did you propose to her for,
anybew .
Well, X cooldn't 'think of anything
',lea to sae, and the eileane was be -
coal Mg epee .
' TREES 4$ '
There is nothing like a tree to keep
air Vere, remark rzk aSOicatirlt.
!some decompose earbenhe gold, Tao
P010040 of terbonio avid Wattled by a
harem being in 24 hoera le reliably.
eetimated at 100 leatimis, If a single
tree of moderate slue were griming
whero 10 cloaen or 29 reeve Were alee13^'
lag the parityleg aottou ef 1i8 leave$
would ineure the air being kept freeli,
want You to ,ell trie Candidly whe-
ther you want to marry my duh -
lex' for ihdr money,
Certainly not, answered the titled
young gentleman, I acorn the sus-
pioion. Aa I understand the situa-
tion, year daughter basalt meoh
enneh money Anyhow, You are the one
aro looking to.
pititive SURPRISE. ! I I
Amerbeans wea,the greatest beefeat-
era in the world. Their average ceile
aumption le 175 pounds Of meat 4 year.
The English bon:te next, Iwith an over..
age of a little over 110 poundg. The
French eat only half us rnuoh meat as
the English,. and the people of Ger-
many, Augtrut and Italy /still less. ,
The Surgeon -Mise Jinkins, you
May bring a sling. Thiil man's arrir is
pretty badly fractured.
The Patient -Ane miee, av ye plaza,
put more phiskey than wather in it.
Permanently 'Cured
Mr. Hamilton Water,. of Ridgeville, Telk
of Ills Relief from Neuralgto. Ithennia-
Dm and StOningli Trolehle Through the
gamey only. WWI:int? Pink Pills.
'For years Mr. Hamilton Waterg,
the well-known cattle buyer of
Ridgeville, Ont., was on acute suf-
ferer from neuralgia, \Well was later
complicated with rheumatism and
stomach trouble. But now, thanks
Lo D. Williams' Pink Pillselhe is en-
joying the best of health. Speaking
al his Mimes and subsequent: cure,
Mr. Waters asech-"Vor seven years
I suffered great agony 0.0000 neuralgia,
the pains were of a darting, exertion-
ating nature, and for days,. 'at a time
would be so .great that I feared I
mould lose my xeason. To Increase
nay . misery, I was attacked witb
rheumatism, and this was closely fol-
lowed by stomach trouble. My joints
and 'limbs became ewo.lien and I was
almost helpless. • I suffered from
nausea and a decided loathing for
food, I became very thin, and was
constantly troubled with cold sweats.
At different times I was treated, by
three physicians without receiving
anything in the way a permanent
benefit. I grew despondent and be-
gan to think that I would always be
a sufferer, when one day my druggist
advised me to try Dr. (Williams' Pink
Pills. He said that within' his
knowledge there was not a case
where the pills had been used but
what benetit had followed, and be
addGd: "That is saying a lot in their
favor, for 1 have sold over five thou-
sand boxes, and have not had a com-
plaint from anyone." Following hie
advice, I procured a supply of the
pills, and after a Lew weeks I could
note an improvement in ray condi-
tion. By the time I had taken eight
boxed of the pills the neuralgia and
rheumatism had entirely disappeared,
and nay stomach was once more 111 a
healthy condition. My appetite im-
proved, -and I gained in weighe and
strength daily. et is now over two
years since I discontinued the use of
the pills, and ell that time I have
enjoyed the beat of health and haven't
felt an aohe or pain, so that I think
that I am safe in saying that my
care is permanent. la fact, eight
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillau-
eomplished what three doctors had
failed to do, and I feel I tun justified
in warmly recommending them to
A. very high medioal authority has
said that "neuralgia is a ory of the
nerves for better blood." Rheuma-
tism 18 also recognized as a disease
of the blood, and it ,M because Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are above all
things a blood -making and blood -en-
riching medicine, that they so speed-
ily cure these troubles, But you must'
get the genuine, with the full mune
Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills for Pale
People printed on the wrapper around
the box. If in doubt, send direct to
the Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Breelt-
Oht., and the pills will be sent
pestpaid at 50 cents a box or six
hoses for $2.50.
Little Froddie-Please, Mr. Drug-
gist, papa Wants a bottle of liniment,
and mamma wants a bottle ot china
cement eight dwziy.
toruggist.-All right. What's wrong 1
Feeddie-lefenirna hit papa witb the'
sugar bowl,
What Iliad of paintiegg did you gay
they were, Trana1 said a mother to
a small daughter who was describing
a "view" to which she had boon in-
They WM thews irapregeionless
m111104(.4 mamma,
1 6 •
erewea 'tee ea e, I e
Trade is ,,onfederating the EMPIre.
• Britain Canada's best • customer,
Britain cannot buy if she does not sell,
Use TEAGrown is a British Colony by British Capital
‘‘SIA LA DA" 00,... Tees are sold In sealed
lead packets only, never In
bulk. Black, Mixed or uncel4
gored Ceylon Green. SOM0106 on aPplication. Address " SALADA," Toronto.
Ah, it You knew how Mem god late
/fy eyes long for a sight ot you,
Sometimes in passing by toy gale
You'd linger until fall of dew,
0, It you but knew,
Ah, if you knew how sick and sore
117 life flags for the want of you,
Straightway you'd enter 0) 11(0 door
And clasp my hand between your two,
41 700 but knew!
511, 01 you knew bow lost and lone
1 watch and weep and wait for you,
You'd press my heart close to your own
Till love had healed me through and through,
If you but know!
sb-Bautildo Blind in New York Tribune.
Wiry Both Women Veit Better After
an Explanation 1.Yrte Made.
There is an innate satisfaction in the
possession of the genuine. On -the other
band, there is a grateful sense of su-
periority in haying got the better of some
one in thd palming off ot the artificial.
So it is really rather difficult to decide
offhand whether it is more pleasing to ex-
hibit the true or the spurious. As a mat-
ter of fact, the latter is of such nkiilfui
contrivance these days as to make it al-
most impossible of detection.
At a recent Saturday evening "at
home," a function at which the ever pres-
ent chafing dish Ways an important part,
the appearance of the hostess was ad-
mirably set oft by the delicately tinted
tea rose, fragrant, modest and bewitch-
ing, which peeped out from. the artistical-
ly arranged coils of copper colored hair.
Wherever the hostess moved, there moved
masculine admiration and feminine ensy.
The rose, with its unassertive scent, was
just the touch necessary to the success of
the Grecian toilet
Among the guests was a young matron
of classic features and raven hair. As
11 happened, she was the only one of the
invited wb.o.wore a rose in her hair. A
blood red specimen gleaned and shone in
the folds of its dusky environment, and
the woman was very good to look norm
as she moved across the room. Others
had carried bouquets in -their hands, but
she alone wore a rose in her bak.
' Yet she was .not happy. She felt that
the hostess had -outstripped her in the
matter of hair ornament. When admir-
ing glances were turned her way, she
heeded them not, because she imagined
they were comparing glances and not
signs of approval; that their casters were
contrasting her unfavorably with the
hostess, who wore the tea rose. And so,
after a time, when the hour for going
home came, the young matron was moved,
in spite of herself, to concede to the
"Good night, dear. And how charming
you looked with that lovely rose in your
"Oh, I am so glad you liked it," said
the other in an embarrassed sort of way.
She hesitated a minute, glanced at the
red rose on the head of her gtleSt, and
then said, "Of course you know it is an
"You don't say sol" exclaimed the call-
"Yes, and I have been embarrassed all
evening thinking how unnatural it must
look beside your lovely red rose."
"Oh," said the young woman, in a burst
of unwonted frankness, "mine's artificial
And all the way home she felt better
than she had felt during the evening.
Three of Them Were Taken Up In Rapid
Sunday among the staid burgherg
of Holland gave Xr. Clifton Johnson
an opportunity •to see three church
colleotions taken up in rapid succes-
don. He had asked to be directed
to a chameteriatio country oburch in
an outlying village. ,d. a result be
went by train fnant Leyden to a lit-
tle place with an unpronounceable
name, where there was a church as
severe in its simplicity al the meet-
ing house14 of colonial New England,
It resembled them, too, he it/ Obi]:
lialb6S7 for there was no attempt at
Warming it, and the people were de-
pendent upon foet-steves of the old-
fashioned type. Several score of
these little boxest stood in the church
entry, neatly piled against the Avail,
ready be be filled with emoldering
peat and supplied to the worshipers
as they came in.
When the time for the collection
arrived, a man started out from the
railed -off spate 'befoxe the pulpit,
which apace was occupied by the eld-
ers, and with a 'black pocket at the
end of an eight -foot pole proceeded
to this task. With this aocesgoxy lie
reached clear to the end or a pow
only he had to be Careful not to hit
some werrabiper with the butt end
While Making hie ehort reaches.
Everybody In the congregation pat
In something, and the colleetor mado
a little Ixew every tithe a coin jingled
in the moket. He had gone about
half -way round when another elder
started out with anether bag and pole.
Thot writer wondered he had not start-
ed before. Hie ParPole, however, was
not to help his tenor oollector to fin-
ieh the eworek. Inatea.(1, he started
Whore the other had begun and pasa-
ed the bag to the same people; and
every 000 dropped in a coin as faith-
fully as the had done the firgt time.
Nor was thig the mid, for the sec-
ond collector had *10, 00000.7 got a
good etart than a third Stepped out
from the pulpit front with bag and
Pole, and Went aa 1b4 710M81 04801
1418 4160,1174 174 ' the ten 'Aimed had
done, Ile Mee Just as etaceeeafel aa
Things Were gettilig fieriena, The
EitTADIMO bad put salver in the firet
biag, but feering that the colleotion
might Otgit4Yne hieloGnitely, be drop-
ped, °eppe*. coins In the second ane
thArd 'bap, and Wag 40)14 4 little ee-
lievea when be gam that the rent of
Blen18 the elders" Seats kept their
Later he learned the secret of the
paeeeme The fleet mo a colleoted for
the minister, the gecoad for the
church, the third ter the poor. As
eaeh member of the congregation eon-
trifteuted one Holland cent to each bag,
114 seamed ag if it little eelculation
might have 'saved much colleeting.
The SUM of the three dee:elates would
18 oue money be about one and one-
fifth gents for ae1, person.
AL the Moment when the bags be -
gee to pasd, the minister gave out a
+hymn; but the oozgregation
cd singing it long before the collection
was over. There did not, bowever,
ensue one or thoge allences dining
whieh you can boar pins drop and flloa
buzz, fax the minister ignored the cola
Jectores, inho were atilt reeking their
halting progreeo through the aisle*,
and promptly began hie Orman.
'Well, the Rockleiglis have aucceeded
in getting into the Swell Oat at Wit.
Indeed 1 They've had a hard time
of it in spite of all tbeir meney. Hoe'
did they manage it, I wonder 1'
The whole familyel down with the
mumps'. ; ,
Thousands of men, women and children in CJettada, are taking
advantage of Er. Slocum's ge110rou0 offer of a free sample box of
Ozeilen Cure for Catarrh, .
Catarrh is an insidious enemy, and in Whatever condition, should
not be neglected. A. slight cold in the head is frequently the begin'
zing of a serious case of Cetarrh, and, in many instances leads to
Asthma, Bronehitis, Quinsy and Catarrh. Catarrh is alwaye
dangerous, but is curable if taken in time, 114 1* a constant menace to
life and health, but science has done much to enable sufferer* to resist
and defeat the diSeatia. DP* Slocum's. Oxojell Catarrh Mire
is the best offering of advanced medical science for the prompt and
permanent cure ofCatarrhof the Head, Throat, and Nasal organs,
Ostojelli is a dainty, soothing jelly for the immediate relief and euro
of Catarrh. The irritated and Inflamed membranes of your nose
and throat are relieved and soothed with the first application of Dr.
Slocum's Oxolell Catarrh Cure.
exojeill has valuable properties as an antiseptic, as well as
being a powerful healing agent. 'You breathe it through the nostril,
o little bit at a time. No Instrument No Powder 1 No Liquid !
SirtA; t.
3E1r5irx..2CDAT „At.
Surpasses all others, because of Ito high quality -a quality that never varies. Try it once,
ander° know that you will then recommend it to all your friends.
Lead Packages 26, 20, 40, GO and 00 Dente
Many people lwho hold the shark in
fear and trembling would hardly be-
lieve that its carcass is highly valued
far commercial purposes, but, as a
matter of fact, thousands of sharks
are annually cut up and the skins
dried and mild. The drying
process' makes the skin as bard as ada-
mant and DM emooth as mother-of-
pearl .The material is known as
"shagreen," and is used mostly for
making whip bandies and covering in-
strument cases. It is also used by
cabinet makers for polisbing the
woods*. The fins are made into a glue
that is used very extensively by silk
Etas your engagement been announc-
Only informally,' to a fere enemies.
& Strong Man on Hie Back
Through Kidney Trouble.
A Toronto Contractor who woe Never
Without Pain for Years, and vim had
80.007 210800 *0 0.085 Work—Dodd** Iiid.
ney Plib made him Weil.
Toronto, Ont., April 15.-,-Special.-
At No. 86 Lippincott street, in this
city, resides Mr. W. J, Keane. Mr.
Keane is a contractor and is one of
the best Irnown men in his line of
business in Toronto.
Like many other successful men,
Mr. Keane has enffered during bis
busy lif e a great deal, from Kidney
Disorders. For years he suffered
great pain. He wee forced at times to
quit his ;work altogether and go to
bed. Ile used Dodd's erldneyPille, and
ig well. This 12 wbat 00 says about
"It gives me great pies
in praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
the good they have done me. I ara
never without them.
" / have been a great sufferer with
pains in my back in the region of my
kidneys. I was very seek, and at times
could not attend to nay work at all.
" I used several medMines, but noth-
ing I ever tried seemed to help me in
the least, until a friend of mine advis-
ed me to try Dodd's Kidney Pine. I
immediately found relief and wart able
to reaume my work.
" I used altogether seven boxes be-
fore being completely oured. Since
then I have never been sick a dilYs
have never bad the slightest indica-
tion of a return et the trouble."
It is hard to understand bow any-
one will loontinue to entree from Lame
Back or any other symptom of Kidney
Trouble after iso many frank and full
atatements by men welt known in all
walks of life, tbat Dodd's Kidney Pills
have cured them.
Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure.
They never fail. They cannot fail.
Yearn of trial have absolutely proven
that there is no case of Kidney, Com-
plaint, Lame Back, Rheumatism, Lum-
bago, Sciatica, Gout, Neuralgia, Blade
der or 'Urinary Troubles, that Dodd%
Kidney Pills will not euro,
Dodd'a Kidney Pills are the only me-
dieino that over oured Bright's Dis-
ease, Diabetes or Dropsy.
Thousands of Canadians have tried,
and proved and teatified,
cY, Zvi44/
There are 1,000 vessels whish erase
the Atlantio ocean regularly every
STATE Or OHM, Sirs' cr TOLEDO, } 08.
ifitANit 3. Calmer makes oath that ho la
senior partner of the firm of?. J. Cunweb,
Co., doing business in the My. of Toledo;
County and State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the num of ONE HUNDRED DOL-
LARS for ac)0 and every 0080 of CATARER
that cannot be oared by the Use of HALL'S
Sworn to before roe and subsoribed in my
preattnee, this Gtb day of December. A.D. 1806.
: SEAL. : W 0475S000
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Curets taken internally, and
sots directly on the blood and nItteous surfaces
of the systole. Sand for teatimonials. free.
V.I. CHENEY du CO., Toledo, 0
Seldby Draggle* 75o.
DAR'sramily Pills aro the hem •
Leicesterghire is the greatest gran-
ite producing county in the United
0. C. RICHARDS a: CO., 1
Dear Sirs, -For some years I hare
had only partial use of my orm, ZEUS
ed by a sudden train. I have used
every remedy without effect, until 4
got a sample bottle of MINARD'S
LINIMENT. The benefit I received
from it caused me to continue its use,
and now I am sappy to eay iny arm is
completely restored.
Glamis, Ont. R. W. HARRISON.
Tice -well of Captain Lord Kensing-
ton, mho died in South Africa., is en-
tored at Z711,218.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend
It costs on an average Z40 to put
out a Into in London, and £138 to ex-
tinguish one in Neer York.
Minard's Liniment is t:sed by Physicians
Ofticial returns Show that last year
Liverpool's imports' and exports ex -
needed London's by £15,000,000. .
Ma signature to on every box of tho genuine
Latative Bromo•Quinine Tow.
A • ressio not cam ft fold nuts, ear
London Orae 1,800 tierce* of parks;
Habib/ about 40 acres less.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
More then a million people are
treated in the hospital/ of London
each year.
wed by motherefor their ehlldren teething. It 'mother
me (mud, soften, 410 0,1*,, allays paln• eltree wind coda
end 1 s the beet remedy for diarrhoea, 9,7a a bottle. Sold
desseets throughout the world. Benue and en
tor "lira Whalow's Sootiaog Symp.,
The lawn at Buzkingham Palace is
largo enough to allow ample room
fo7 over 2,000 mon to manoeuvre.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the 1101180
The Bea -Lisle Empire haa 'increased
during the century at the vac of
two awes per Second.
Family Rotel rakes 481,50 per day.
5,860 tons of aalroon, rvorth £840,000
la Peritabea yearly take.
W C 1072
For all skin ailment°,
J. 0. Calvert A Co., Monello:ter, England
7001.08T11, OpP
Oxeien Catarrh Cure is sold, at all drug stores at rilty eentS a,
box, but m order that every sufferer from this prevalent ailment may
have an opportunity to test the remedy, a free csattuplie box will bet, ,
sent on request to any place in Canada. All you have to do is to drop
e, postal, giving your name and address plainly, to the T. A. fillocutn
Chemical Co., Limited, 179 King a. Weal, Toronto, and a free
magpie will be Bent you,
Made in Drab, White & Tan Jean.
If your dealer cannot supply you,
send us ins NAME, your SIZE and
amount to cover cost of corset and
we will send PREPAID to any point
in Canada.
Address Department T.,
13 IR, T_T SIT (Sr 0 0
If 'You Want results SNIP an your
507TE5, eons, POULTRY, APPLES. other mum end among, 01;
The Dawson Commission Co. Itrultght3:100g:atecittettand)i
'WM 0"iel/0wen."41/81.4*Twv41o'41 inneveoe.
trifle more and ge t it. It doesn't
Cost a cent more to put it on.
Cheap paint makes a sorry job.
Good paint keeps its color,
covers more, lasts longer, gives
a'style and tone to everything it
Ran say's
are the best and purest paints
made, and the price at all dealers
is very reasonable for such good
paint. We will send you samples
of houses painted, telling you all
about the paint, if you ask for
BOOKLET "X" free.
Ett'd 4842
d11.1.41,11. W- V.,0,4"tra e'm -on D.,,51.12vV/6*"*-mvAlleveri*V5.,16,s80
To sono for our
Complete Oath -
rogue of Sheet
Neale and Rooks
with 051,106 rate*
of tilmount.
ROYCE & tlo.
154 Vonge81.
Toronto. cog,
Dyeing Weaning!
70, 11, very baseman) your work to the
Look tor 170018roor town, or semi direct.
Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, _Quebec.
ROOFING and Sheet metal works.
abortive SLATE, lo Black,
31,4 0, Omen MAVIS BLACKBOARDS. (We supply
Public and Sigh Schools. Toronto), Rooting Felt, ('11011,Cohl Tar. am ROOFING TILE rSee New Oity Bull(0.
lel* Toronto, done 147 001' firm), Mote Ceilings, 00,-
140,,, eta Estimates huverbed for work emnplete or for
materials shipped to any pet 00 048 country, Phone 1063,
0.10611.10S &SONS,Adeltado WIdmereto., Toronto
Suitable for Fireproof Covering., 00,-
001(19 and Stables or for packing per -
peen, 0(50 when opened 68 )1 inches. For sale
nt to oath while they tte. Addreta, as once
The Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont,
PRINTED in one or many colors
or STRIPED at low prizes. Sam-
ples furnished (=request. Special
quotations for oar loads or large
lots. Write for prices.
75 A.delaide-st. West.
Dominion Lino Stasinships
Montreal to Liyerpool. Roston to Lire,.
pool. Portland to Liverpool. YIN Queens-
Large mat Pm Ste/cesium, h0001.1,10d.Q.1
for all 0040,0, 06 powenkore. Saloom and Steterooms
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