HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-18, Page 8�1'1S$El,}`t$ POST - Your no3nes1 It you are going to do any Papering let us supply you with the n'eoeseary Papers and Border- ngs. We have a select line in- cluding several colors in Ingrain, with Borders and Ceilings to match, , Your 2Iealth I Maybe if you would ride a Bicycle it would add to your hap- piness and prolong your life. We have them for sale or to rent. Disinfectants! We can supply you with the usual preparations for disinfect. ing. We aim to keep the best. Oats 84 Barley 1 You can improve your Qats and Barley and prevent Smut by using Form,ald,ehy d.e. We have the strongest solu- tion that can be had and comes cheap as a little goes a long way. We have also Bluestone at special prices in quantities, for this pur- pose For Fruit 1 If you purpose Spraying your Fruit Trees we would like to supply you with the necessary Chemicals at special prices in quantities. Agent for Oree• Dent Bicycles. Ate' G. A. DEADMAN Druggist, Optioian and Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERNEXTENSION W. O. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH.'. Express 7:189..m. IBM] .,..... 2.10 p.m Mixed9:45 a.m. Peptone -.,.... 8:17 p.m Total Pius bins. A ahiel's temang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. THE Poem c'irc'ulation continues to grow nicely. Mov1140 pictures Town Hall next TOSS. day evening. SPRING hone oteaning—with all its loveliness—is at hand. COAT maker wanted. Apply at once to D. 0. Rose, Brussels. A NEW verandah has been built at the reeideuoe of John Wynn, Tarnberry street. BAST HURON Farmers' Excareion to the Model Farm, Guelph, will be ran this year 00 Thursday, June 20. "Vlum book has helped you most in life ?" I asked my friend as home we took our way one day, and lee replied, "My pooket•book." Len week Watson Ainley moved the old hones 1e purchased last year to the South aide of his lot an Ellen street and is fitting it np for a stable. A FORM of le grippe, apparently in. factious, ban been bothering many of our residents for the poet few weeks, Some whole families have been ill with it. A mon of batter and over a t ton of egge were shipped by expreee last Monday morning from Braseele to Mootreel, by Robt. Thomson. It often mato hustle. A. GOOD sized muskrat is occasionally seen disporting itself in 81e Maitland about the neighborhood of the iron bridge. The old eewer ie ['apposed to be its private residence. C. H. Comm, of Guelph, well known In Brussels, has been awarded the eon• tract for laying all the granolithio walks to be laid in the village of Drayton this year, at llo. per sq. foot. A BLUEvALE correspondent expreeoes enrpriee after the following fashion "Thio honest advertisement appeared in last week'e Brneeele Poem "Aged work horse for sale cheap. Apply at Brunets Marble Works." Who ever heard of an aged horse for Bale ? We omitted last week to mention that Ino. Hewitt had been appointed Game I Warden for thie section es enamor to Robert Watt, removed. Mr. Hewitt hae moved hie family to his recently purabas- ed oottage, formerly occupied by Rubt. Johnston, Tarnberry street. OotloLttt0NTAn0. — The London Free Press of April 11th said 1—"Mies Estella Griffin, of Winobam, Bang "The Resur- rection Morn" (Rodney) Easter Sabbath morning in St. Matthew's oharab, this oity, and Stainer's "Hosanna" in the evening most acoeptabiy. Mies Griffin has been taking a soiree Of vomit ioetruo- tion from Miss Eva N. Roblyn." Mies Griffin, who makes a speciality of voioe culture will visit Brussels, professionally, on Tuesday of each week ea may be seen by card elsewhere in this inane, QUEEN'S Fenner, Puocesiu .-00r late beloved Queen's Funeral procession at Hyde Park corner, photographed in liv• ing moving pictures by Thos. A. Edison, showing tbie magnifioent pageant of solemn grandeur, from Field Marshall Earl .Roberts to the end, together with scenes from the war, e0ap shote of ham. crone situations, eto„ oto., frequently interspersed with music and song, pre• vented by Cox Bros., at Town Hall, Brus• seta, Tuesday evening next, April 28, under anepicee Young Men's Social Club of St, John's Chnreb. Prides, 25o, ohil dren 15o. Plan at Deadman'e Drug store. VERY SAD ACOIDENT. — Last Friday afternoon the people of Brussels were horrified to hear that Mrs. N. Austin, Mill street, had been very seriously barn - ed. It seems about 2 o'clock she was en• gaged in tidying np the yard and was burning up refuse in the Northerly per. tion of their garden and in turning away from the fire in some way her dreee caught and the first intimation was when her back hair began to burn. She ran screaming toward the house intending to make for her motber'e, Mrs. Wm. Barton, morose the street, bat fell proetrato, Jas. MoArter Saw the sad 8oeoe and hastened to the relief of the helpless woman and was soon joined by Mre. Robert Henderson, both of whom had their hands burned in putting out the fire. Phyeioiane were speedily brought and other friende lent their as- nietanoe but the poor woman was e0 ser• lonely burned that the died, after endur- ing great suffering, about 9 p, m. The Skin and flesh literally peeled off parte of her body. Rev. Jno. Holmes oonduoted a short funeral oervioe on Saturday after- noon after which burial wee made in Brussels cemetery. People working eboot out -door 5059 cannot be too oare• fel M this anfortnnate ogee is only one of many 0( Isiah ocourrenne. Mrs. Ans. tin Was 41 years 01 age. Tan fault finder hag his funotion, but to spend a whole lite in that Bort of work would eonr the spirit of a seraph. CARETAKER MOLettanaN is busy this week raking off the rough stones from. Tarnberry street. It ie a proper move. W. W. HARRIS has leased a hone and lot on Alexander street from Mies Walk- er and will move his family from their residence at the cheese factory into it. We welcome them to town. BRueser% Foot Ball team have been asked to play a match at Fordwioh ou Friday, May 24th. The Base Ball olub from town may also go to the same burg OR the above mentioned date. BOUGHT a DENTAL PRACTIOE—Fred. Gilpin, eon of J. J. Gilpin, Brussels, who is attending the Chicago Dental College, has pnrehased the fine prentioe and office equipment of Dr. Carson, who has been in Chicago for the past 20 years and in tends to travel for a time and see the world. Mr. Gilpin will be joined in part- nership with Dr. Biesett, formerly of Goderiob, who hae had a enoeeesfal den. tal business in Chicago. Fred. is evident- ly determined to climb to the top and we wish him sueoese in hia efforts to get there. He intended Doming home for e holiday wheu College closed but will not do so now owing to the change of oironmetan• oes. MAT81A4014041.,.-•.Tuesday of tble wee1S Robert Thomson, of Stratllroy, formerly of Brae0elo, and Mies Mildred H, Frank, ottbesama town, were united in the holy estate of matrimony, May oy be their portion, Ono or Tn4NNs.—The andereigned wishes to express hie meet ein9re thanks to the pnmeroue Wanda for their groat kindmsse during the long illness of my now deoeaead partner. Maar TAYLOR, Brue3eie. G. T. R.—Among shipments outgoing from Brunette during the past week were 2 ears of oats end a oar of wheat by A. Baeker ; a oar of oate and a oar of wheat by R. Graham ; Geo. Beet a oar of hogs and a oar of oattle ; Livingston & Co. 1t 080s tow ; Branter & Ritchie 11 oars loge ; L. L. Barber a ear of marabou• dine. P. Anent received a oar of shingles. SAWING MATon, The annual sewing matoh was held in Brussels on Friday afternoon of last week and attracted a large crowd, especially) the men folk, There wore nine neve in the' oompetitioo and good work was done es the following reoord will show ;— NAME JET GUT Own CUT TOT.tt. Williamson Bros 42 see 4' — 87 Stewart ee Stewart 4 " 6 - 97 Gorealitz & Gorsuhte 48 61 — 9 MoFadzean Bros 9 63'54 --100 Ireland & Barnard f7 4 " 65 —102 4 —100 Logan & Smith 4 29 Stevenson Bros 65 68�' —110 Jaoklin & Ireland 03 " Did not saw Prizes were won by the first four in the order given. The log was a tough beech averaging about 22 inches. W. M. Sin- clair and W. F. Boott were time keepers and Reeve Rose, Councillor Gerry and A. Guhr attended to the other neoeeeary duties. HYMENEAL.—A quiet home wedding took pine on Tuesday afternoon, at Rose Villa, the residence of the Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Hayhurst, Foreet,•formerly of-Brus- eels, when their youngest daughter, Eleanor, was united in marriage to F. M. Lewis, of "Fern Glen," Burford. Tbe ceremony wasperformed by the bride's father, assisted by the Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D., of Petrolia, and the Rev. W. G. MoAllieter, B. A., of Watford. On ly a few of the immediate relatives of the oontraot- iog parties were present, The bride, who for some yearn taught in the po.blio eohoole in the town of .Petrolie, wee deservedly popular, and was the recipient of a num bar of beautiful gifts from her many friends. After refreehmente were eery ed Mr. and M's. Lewis left on the even. ing train for the East, arnid the congrat- ulations and best' wishes of their many friends. Boren Soarers —The following are the amounts oolleoted by the respective col• leotore in oonneotion with Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Sc- oiety for the past year :— Collection at anooel meeting....$ 4 19 Braseele East, Mre. Donaldson and Mies M. Beattie 9 65 Brussels Weet, Misses Crooke and Hingeton 9 45 Brussels North, Minn Moore and Menzies 10 00 Morrie 703, Not oolleoted • 6th, Miens MoLanchlin and MoNabb 6 00 • 5th, Mean Keys and Sharp 3 80 " 4th, Misses Black and Cur- rie " 9rd, Minn Ireland and Armstrong " 2nd, Bloevale collectors • took the ground Grey, 1 & 2, Misses Selene and McKelvey 3 65 ' 3 & 4, Mieeee Strachan and Carr 7 35 • 5 & 6, Misses MaArthar and Laing 3 35 ' 7 & 8, Mies M. Smith and Mrs, N. Cardiff 6 80 " 9 & 10, Mies Ferguson 3 75 • 11 & 12, Mrs. and Mies Davidson 25 37 ' 13 & 14, Mieeee Cardiff and Dnooaneon 6 20 Ethel, Misses Spence end Slem• mon 17 83 BibleDepository Bales 5, 42 Total$127 66 HORSE AND BUGGY STOLEN: Lasb Sun. day evening George Ounaingham, 8th con., Grey, drove into Brueaele and pot his horse in Melville church abed along with a number of others. After church when be went to go home he discovered that the horse and rig was minus and thinking Homebody was perpetrating a joke he waited round expecting to see hie outfit show up but in tbie he was mie• taken as its whereabouts ie a mystery up to the time THE Poem goes to press. It is evidently a clear ease of steel. The telegraph and telephone wires were set to work early Monday morning and a des. aription of the horse and buggy, &o., eent to the neighboring towns ening hila polioe to be oe the ontlooe for the thief. A suspicion reete upon a oertain party known in some sections of the County, but whether be is the guilty individual or not rerneioe to be eeen. The horse wae blank in color and vetoed at $100 or more ; top buggy, with robe, overooat, blanket, deo. It was a cool piece of bnai• nese and if the impertinent thief is ate prehebded be should be put where the doge won't get him for a while. AT REST.—Brief reference ma made last week to the death of Janet Johneton, beloved wife of Henry Taylor, which took plane on April 11th. Mre. Taylor was born in Balfron, Stirlingehire, Soot• ler, 80 years ago next July and had been married 68 years. She was a great euf• ferer for number of years and death was a glad release to her, so when the pall Dame, "Come for all things are now ready" she wee found with her loins girt and her lamp brightly burning. She was a true Christian and a good kind wife and mother. Deceased leaven be- hind her an aged haabaod and four sone (Joseph, of Hallett township; Henry, of Sault Ste. Marie ; George, of Washing. ton Ter. with U. S. army ; and Win., of Grey townehip) who will • long oherieh her memory. The funeral took plane on Saturday to Barna' cemetery, Hallett, Rev, Jno, Roes, B. A., and Rev. Mr. Hamilton, oonduoting the services, where the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground. "Blessed are they that do Hie commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." Mr. Taylor will be 81 yeere of age next June. He will make MS home with hie eon in Hallett. 2 95 3 40 .A.PRI 18;''01,901 87W,ND4RD .134X1r Q, ' C. , C4D4, a~ 7fw'7'',At.'smrraX4r,1 C7;1 9.E72. HEAD OFFIOE, . TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) , $1,000,000 REST . • . - , 5700,000 4genoie, in tat prinofp, l points Gra Ontario, Quebec', Mauitol e, Drifted ,$tater 4:6Bnpiapd, A General Banking Saginaw) Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Yenned and Colleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on depdsite of $1,00 and, upwards and compounded half yearly. SPRQIAL ATTENTION 01083 To Tag QOLLHOTION 01 FAnttsoo' BALE ROTAS, Every facility afforded Customers living at a dietenoe. payagle at any bank issued Under $10..., 8a. $20 to $80,, ,.12o Molloy o Ordarl at the followin rates :— $10 to $20....300. 80 to 40....140 This year the money is equally divided between the Upper Canada and Quebec' Societies and was forwarded to the _Treasurer at Toronto on Monday of this week. AGED BuemEee MAN DEAn.—The. New• ark (N. J.) Evening Nowa dated April 8, oontal00 a portrait and the following notioe of Paul Buchanan, only brother of Mre. John McCallum, of Brneeele, who died in that city on Monday of last week :—"Paul D. Buchanan, eeventy•eix years old, a well known business man, died at hie home, 380 Bergen street. He had a stroke of paralysis from which he was enable to rally. He leaves a• widow and one daughter, Jessie, aged 10 years. Mr, Baahanan was born in Laohute, provinoe of Quebec, Canada, Jan. 24, 1825. Hie ancestors are traced bank to the famous Perthshire estate in Bootland. He was third in the family, end was ednoated in his native town. For twenty- five years he remained on his father's farm, aesieting in the work there. In Two FORMER BRUBSELITEe WED.—A 1850 Kr. Baahanan came to Newark and very happy event occurred at the home enured employment as a farmer on a of Frank and Mrs. Gooding, Shoshone, plane near what hi now Springfield ave. Idaho, on Wednesday, April 10th, when nue. He devoted mnoh time to garden- William Beaker and Mies Annie Mo, ing, and became an expert in that line. Nichol, both formerly of Braeeels, joined The care of the grounds about his home heart and hand in wedlock. The bride was his especial delight. Ae Newark be - looked charming in a dress of white gan to develop in the vioinity in which cashmere, trimmed with lace, ribbon and he worked he turned hie attention to pearls. At half past five in the evening public contracts and graded many of the the groom took his place in the parlor streets then being opened. He also be• while the bride entered leaning on the came the owner of a large amount of arm of Kr. Gooding, Rev, Mr. Barger property. Ito 1851 Mr, Buchanan Started pronounced .them man and wife and into a new field of work. He beoame one after congratulations were over all re• of the organizers of the company which tired to the dining room to partake of built the Springfield avenue street rail - the well prepared feast Mre. Gooding bed way. He was enperintendent of eon. epread there and to whioh all did ample mention while the road wae being built, jaetiae. After this the guests withdrew and wee afterward elected president of to'the parlor and spent a pleasant hour the company. It was through the efforts in innate and eooial obat until time for of Mr. Buchanan that the fleet street oars the happy couple to depart on the 7.40 were run on Sunday. He met with much train for the Weet. The bride looked opposition in thio, but wag finally mans. even more becoming in her travelling fill in getting a bill through the Legiela• snit of brown. Tho people of Shoehone tura authorizing the running of care on did not forget to shower rine and old Sunday. Mr. Buchanan was the driver slippers after them. The groom is a and hie assistant euperiutendent wag the goo of Mre. George Backer, of Braseele, ooutinotor of the first oar to be ran in while the bride is a daughter of Mre. A. Newark on Sunday. Mr. Buchanan took McNichol, of the earn plane. Many an active part in other bueineee pursuits valuable end useful preeent0 were rooeiv in this city. He waS a director of the ed by the bride, showing how highly elle Dime beviogs Institution, of the Ameri. wag esteemed in Shoshone, After a short ca0 Trust Company, and of the People's honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Backer Fire Insoranoe Company. He was a will settle down in Bonner'e Ferry, member of Trilaminar Lodge No, 112, Idaho, where Mr. Baeker holds a position. of Masons. Mr. Buchanan Wag an old. Among the gnats present were Mine Ida time Demoorat, bet took 110 active part and Damian McNichol and Mise in politics, He was ,twine married, the Enphemia and Will. McMillan, 1311 of Brueaele. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Baeker long life and ha9910855 as they journey along the stream of life together. J. N. GORDON, AGENT. oily, The funnel will he held on Wed- nesday afternoon at 2 o'olock. Rev, Ford 0,, Ottmao will officiate. •Inter meat. will be made at Mt, Ple&pant C'e'metery," Mr. Buchanan was visitiRE in Braseele & few years ago and took Mr. and Mre. MoOallnm to Newark with him on a visit. He wee& man of ooneiderable wealth and standing. EAST BURON HOTELLI0ENOE9.—Wednee. day of this week the Lieenee Commie. eionere consisting of Messrs. Fortune, Murdy and Littlejohn and Teepector Miller, held their meeting at t1.+ Ameri. oan Hotel, Broseele, to consider the question of granting hotel liornsts for the incoming year. The fo'lowing was the result of their deliberations :-Brae. eels, Beattie & Clark, Jae. & Frank Stret• ton, and 0. Zilliax ; Belmont, Jno. La. neonby.; Lakelet, A. McGregor ; Fordwiob, A. Orr ; Gorrie,14. F. White and Eliza. beth Dnlmage ; Wroxeter, Geo. Town and A. A. Hely ; Bloevale, John A. Jobneton, if bean is pat in repair ; Belgrave, D. 0. Brune L Walton, Mre. Sage ; Cranbrook, J. Long, extended three months to see if new stable will be built ; Ethel, P. Gor• dener ; Moleeworth, 0. Sbeebaver ; Jamestown, T. McEwen, wine and beer linen ; Dublin, Joseph Webber ; .Lead• bury, ogee heldover until Monday next. Licensee were refused to the ,Conetanoe hotel and the McKim House, Walton. Delegations were present from Oouelanoe,. Bloevale and Walton objecting io licensee being granted, also one from Walton ask- ing for license to the McKim hotel. Commissioners adjonrned to meet. again next,Monday at the same plane at 11 o'olook. Business Locals. CA80 for butter and eggs. A. Conley. FIoeT•oLAee' crayon enlargements for $1.00 at BREWER'S. CLOVER, -timothy end fruit Garden seeds at MoOraoken'e. 89 4 Amin work horse foreale oheap. Apply at BrnpeeleMarble Worke. Luton second hand cook stove for sale at a bargaio. In good condition. MRS. JERRY BLAenILL, BLOSSOM. WANTED —Oce ton batter weekly; eggs, 12o. We have 500 bas. home grown Timothy and Clover for sale. G. E. Kato, Wingham. Mine Fon SALE.—The undersigned hes gone into the dairy business and is now prepared to deliver any quantity of first. elan milk to any part of the town at 3e dente per quart. Your patronage eolioit• ed. GEORGE ROBB, Brussels. 38 . Monthly service in Brussels R. 0. church next Sabbath morning., India has about half a million ,lepers, China nearly ae many and Japan two hundred thousand registered ogees. In Ineia the leper loses taste, In Japan be is treated with the greatest cruelty. In China he is often put to depth by fire. MORN- STEwARi'.-Ia Ohaplean, on Marsh 4th, to Mr. and Mre. 1. B. Stewart, a daughter. ALTEMAN—MoDoNoou.—In Wirghem, on April 10th, by Rev. R. Hebb+, "Mr. Ohne. Albeman, of London, to Mies Charlotte MoDonogh, of Wieghamv CREBAR—W1090N,--Io Blyth, on April 9, by Rev. A. MoLean, Mr. Wm. Crerar, of Shakespeare, to Mies Magoie Wilson, of Blyth. INor.re—SmLs.—In Wingham, on April 6th, by Rev, Wm. Lowe, Mr. C. W. Inglis to Mise Florence Sills,. both of Wingham. LEWIS—HAYHomeT.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Watford, on April 2, 1901, by Bev. Wm, Haybaet, father of the bride, aeejeted by Rev. Joe. Philip, B. D., of Petrolia, and Rev. W. G. H. McAlister, B. A. of Watford, Mr. F. M. Lewis, of "Fern Glen," Burford, to. Mise Eleanor, youngest daughter of Rev. Wm. Hay. huret, Rose Villa, Watford, Out. RIToaIE—J0H00roN•—In Tweed, en April 90a, Mr. John. Ritchie, of Wingham, to Mre. A. P. Johnston, of Tweed, Ont. nxr�a. AUsTEN.—Io Bruseele, on Friday, April 12th, Mrs. Nathan Austen, aged 41 years and 27 days. OAVEN,—At Mo,berwell, Ont., on April 7, Mary Milroy, relict of J. Cavan, and mother of Rev. Dr, Cavan, of Knox College, in her 98th year. MILLER.—In Howiok, on Thursday, April llth, 4 race Mi11er, daughter of the late George A. Millar, aged 14 years and 4 months. Senwene.—Io Ohapleau, on March 6113, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John B. Stewart, formerly of Brussels. WEBSTER.—In Wingham, on April 8013, Annie, beloved wife of A. W. Webster, aged 64 years. CHURCH CHIMES. The next provinoial conveneion of the Ontario Ohrietian Endeavor will be held in B.00kville on Oot. let, 2nd and 3rd. The program of the London Methodist . Conference, to be held in St. Thomae, oommencine on June 5, is annon"a'd. Up to the present time about two million copies of the whole Bible, or por- tions thereof, have been circulated in Japan. Next Sabbath will be Missionary en; nivereary in the Methodist oharoh. The pastor will take the eervioes, the evening topic being China. Collections and en -. eoriptione will be taken In behalf of Missions. Rev, Egerton R, Young, a prominent Methodist clergyman, has addressed an open letter to Dr. Carman, oomplainieg that the Book Room of the ohnroh is giving too mach attention to the pnbli• cation of novele. Tbe Methodist Court of appeal hes dismieeed the ease .of Pring v. Paeooe one of the series of appeals that Rev. J. W. Pring hae been concerned.. in and which have been one of the banes of London Conference officials of late years. A pro re nate meeting of Maitland Presbytery was held in Melville Church, Broseele, on Thursday, April 11th., to consider a oall from the Congregation of Walton Presbyterian Church in favor of Rev. Andrew MeoNab, M.L. The call wee onanimone and hearty, and was sue. tained. Mr. MaoNab aeked for time to oonsider it before giving hie aleohnon, and thio was granted. In case of aooeptanoe, it was agreed that the indnotion should take place on Tuesday, May 7113., at 2 p. ne. Rev. R. Paul preached in the Methodist Church last Sabbath morning. The topic was "Fighting Orders." Keep a eharp look out "Watob ye." (1) Watch against all evil ; (2) Watch for opportunities to reoeive good ; (3) Watoh for plane to do good ; (4) Watch over the interests of the oharab. Stand your ground. (1) Where you must stand 'in the Faith," on the Truth of God, on the Lord Jeans Christ ; (2) We must stand feet, be firm, unmov• able, ebow your manhood, "Quit you like men," true men. Men have reason,prin- elple, purpose. Be invincible and aggree• sive, "Be strong." Strong to resist every foe ; strong to ranee the prey from the hands of the enemy. The annual Union District Sabbath School Convention of Brussels District Aesocistion will be held in the Methodist ohoroh hereToeeday, May 28th. There will be three minions, commencing at 10 a. in. and 1.30 and 7.30 p. ro.. A praoti• cel program was drafted at „a meet. ing of the Exeoutive held in a Glees room in the Methodist oburoh on Tuesday afternoon. There were present Pres, Ritohie, Revde. Roes, MaoNab, Holmes and Paul, W. Cameron, A. Gardiner, B. Gerry and W. H, Kerr. This 'Annie. Hon inolndee the Sabbath eoheals in Broseele, Grey and Morrie, also Bloevale and the Methodist Bethel at Walton. second time t0 Mise Jessie Dungan, to Thie will be the 9th annual meeting of whom he was wedded May 14, 1889. thie organization. The Conventions Mr. Buchanan was a trustee of the have been o(a helpful obaraoter in the Memorial Presbyterian bhuroh j0 'thie . pad. armors r Y lave you beard Qf,,., 'orm,a1drehyde Solution 2 No doubt you have, and if you want 'nice, clean Oats and Barley, free from Smut, as well as more of them, it will give you both. (FORMALIN) FORM -AL -P IE 11 YDE Is condensed gas and is a powerful Antiseptic and Germicide, but is not poisonous, We can show the testimonials of well known and reliable farmers who used, it last season with the most satisfactory results.• One lb, bottles, 15o, sufficient for 80 to 100 bushels. Half lb. bottles, 45c, " 40 to 50 ar With full directions how to use it. ==t7 -:--FOX'S DRUG STORE. mime Tr0•+30 .00 102.x'4'.: W'esei'm. Fa11 W},eat,... ... .... 68 63 Barlry ...... ...... 38 39 Pose 60 60 Oats . .. 28 29 Butter, lube and rolls .. 12 14. Eggs pet• dozen 9 10 Flour per owt. ' 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bag) 25 25 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 2 00 Sheep skins, eaah 75 1 00 Lamb eking each 26 25 Salt per bb':., retail 1 00 70 Hay per tori 8 00. 8 00 Hides trimmed 6 6.} Hides. rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 6 60 6 60 Wool -- 15 • 151 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon working mare, 5 years old, for gale. B. GERRY, Brunets. Tarim head of cattle rising 2 years, for 'sale, Ni Lot 17, Con. 0, Morris. MBB. A. OONNAILB011esele Poet (Moe. ONE span of fine, young, well bred, general purpose, dark brown horses for sale. Apply to WILLLAM WRAY, Belgrave. HORSES FOR Sam—One rising 4 years old ando� sppan of working mares. Apply to JNO. LOWEI, Lot 10, Don. S,;Grey, Brussels P.O. 8040 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TWO JERSEY COWS FOR sale, pedigreed, one to come in May 35 and the other in October. GEORGE O1i00HB, Braseele, �t 1 L2 Ki WILL BUY A FUR— l� 1 V el • Nlennn home on Queen street, Brussels, It ie foolish for bn.ineee houses men farmers they can get a home o of their eirown for so little money. Apply to MIBB M. OAOIPBELL. Brneeele. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN, WINGHAM• TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, f3'Wltl Visit Brussels Every Tuesday. R UTOHER BUSINESS FOR L 84.LE.—W. Blashill desires to give up bauaheenrmghab 431 14 dsteabof hopouony offer. A good octanes for pushing mea, Apply to W. BLA813ILL, Brussels. PAPER HANGING,• ll;ECOR. Ammo and Hence Painting done lo Workmanlike manner and on short natio Have had three years' expevienee In olt work. Terms reaeotable. Give me a cal . 26 W.J. JOHN BION, Walton, TI ARM FOR 'SALE: ---LOT 24, L -Oou. 14, Grey, oontaining 100 aore5,50 aures cleared, balance in hardwood bush. It is straight -rail fenced, shade trees aoroee the front • two wells • bank barn 00 feet square, with stone stable underneath-; new driving shed, 24000 feet; frame house and kitchen ; cistern ; largo orchard with cholas fruit ; well• .drained. The proprietor bar boraaned for another place, hence desires to eon. Possession atter harvest. For +fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN ia0NEIL,. Proprietor, Moncrieff P. 0. . 40 4 School of the Mighoot Standing 1 CENTRAL r _J -1Strat bra., Ord: ' r .,OtilU: The large patronage thatour College en- joys le positive proof that, the yam* men and women of Canada know where to come for a reliable business education. No two Business Colleges are alike therefore be esretut in choosing it school. Get our este- logue. Our students are remarkably aim. eeesful 1n securing and holding excellent situations.. Btu lento admitted at any time. W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Strictly One Price J. F. & CO. Lowest. Home Needs. Our talk this week is of this store's stock of home needs. It is a stock that suits us better in every way than -any we have ever shown before. Justus regularly as the week comes around it brings with it something new at this store. This week we open up our new Lace Curtains, Carpets and Mattings. We bought them many months ago at a big saving in price, and now pass them on to you at a saving of one-third. Thrifty buyers are fast finding out that they can buy the best goods here for less money than most stores charge for the poorer grades. Same with. Lace Curtains, Car- pets and Mattings as with anything else. We invite you to come and see the Curtains, Carpets and Mattings. We think it will pay you. CURTAINS. Fine quality Nottingham Laoe Curtains, full 31 yards long and 60 and 60 inches wide, in good ohoioe of designs, all lock stitch edges, will give good wear. Special value at per pair $1.25, $1.35, $1.40, $1.50 Lace Curtains, 26 inches wide, 21 yards long, fine quality, at per pair �� Lace Curtains, 84 inohee wide and 21 yards long, fine open deeigo with taped edges, good quality lace, extra value, at per pair • 50 Lace Curtains, 3 yards long and 44 inches wide, in choice deeigne, look etitoh edges, fine open design, special value, at per pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, 81 yerde long and 54 inches wide, in floral designs, good quality j +00 lane, will give A 1 wear, price 1 . 70 1.75 Nottingham Lace Curtains, extra fine quality Lase, open deelgn, full 31 yards long, good width, very eaolaeive designs, with look etitoh edges, are worth one•third more than oar price, at per pair $2,00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 3.00 Vision Carpets All colors guaranteed not to run, Newest 1901 patterns and colorings ; qualities that will etand hard wear, reversible, full yard wide at - 260 to .60 Japanese Mattings Grow more in favor every season. They are an ideal Summer floor covering. Tbie Spring we show some particularly good valoeg and a good range of pattern at pet yard....i21o, 113o, 20o .25 Rugs Are being used more each season and are very faeh. ionable. We oarry a good assortment and can get any wanted size for you in a few days' notice. Table Covers. Tapestry Covera, 8/4 size, with fringe around • cover, in snorted colors, epeeist price, each., 1.25'. Chenille Table Covers, 4/4 6/4 and 8/4 sizes, in the newest ehades of Green, Red, Blue and Brown, fancy effects with fringe trimmings, value at ' each ,. 50o, $1,10 and 2,25 11...m. am". 1•1•11.11•10101111110.11•1111•1111111.11 J. FERGUSON Dry Goods and Groceries.