HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-18, Page 3Ye $'rkitatefl Atteeden1, In Ye Public prlt:ls, forsooth, inueh had been Feta conecrhing ye presence of microbes in ye boons at ye pubilo !heti 'y, '41 herefore yo boot; bot•royer, remora, Poring ye ealne, Made net toWer, remo• rattendant; "Good sire X fain would know What master of microbes, if, peradventure, 1 name them rightly, infest Yonder books?" "BooeWorlllsl" glloth Ye attendant,. who,sooth to say, had been grievously Irritated in consequence of ye frequent repetition -0t ye question, "Awiga Ever Thus. Fair Maid of Cairo-ls yawar on $tralgbt? j She Answered It. An.enspector .was examining a class In religious knowledge and asked this question of a little girl, Intending it for a catch: "What was the difference between NOah's ark ;and Joan of Arc?" Se was: nota little surprised when the child, answering, said, "The dif- ference was that Noall's are was made of wood, while Joan of Are ras Maid of Orleans.'. • So Inconsldernte of Him. Married Daughter—Oh, dear! I dou't have a minute's peace when my hus- band is in the house. He is always calling me to help him do something or other. • Mother—What does lie want -now? •• Daughter—He wants me 'to g go Ur Stairs pet to thread a needle for him' so that he can, ;pend his clothes.— A Hot Time Ahead. Por Illm. "I want you to try to like me," she said, addressing the motherless child, "for I am going -to take your Inammals place. I am going to be your new mamma." "Bow can you be new," the Inns• cent one asked, "with so much gray hair and so many wrinkles'?' That Is Different. Mrs. Crimsonbeak—I see by this pa- perthat some statlsttclan discovered that the average woman carries 40 to. GO miles of hair on her, bead. Mr. Crimsonbeek=And then she makes trouble if her hnsbantl happens to carry a couple of yards of it on his coat sleeve. Joist the Place For D. Custodian—This, ladies and gentle- men, was the prison of the castle.. Tbrougb Its walls, three feet thick, no sound or groan or outcry from the prisoners could be beard! Tourist (to his wife)—What a dine place, my dear, t",• vont slitting eier- else! A Likely Yarn. Lady—I suppose you got that red 'lose from drinking rum? Sandy Pipes—No, mum. I stuck me' head out ob de car door, an me nose tubbed u 'u g i . de bricks on de side :oh de tunnel. Doesn't Soon, Likely. "And just think! They say Miss OId- enodd need to be -quite a matchless beauty!„ Really! I wonder if that can be the reason she never made a match?" •- • 4 Ills Cruel' Wife. The Count -Dear me, baron, your face!Dueling again at your age and go recently married? The Baron—Ac11, no! It is my Amer - lean wife. She makes. me eat cwith a fork... .. Quickly Ade meted. Reporter -There's a newsboy on the street yelling out a lot of sensational staff that .Isn't in the pa per. Great Editor—Geo Whittake"! Then put It Hie Fervent Hope. Mrs, Sleepyizo--Henry, the alarm Clock just went ole. Mr. Sleepylze—Thank goodness! t bone the thing'll llever;'eonle back, The Boy 'on the Ice. The Loy stood on the cape of ice Prom which the rest had fed. "Well now, by Jinks, this here's a nice Old Ox rein N' be said, And as be drifted from the land Ile cried, "Say, father, say, Why do you stand nor lilt a hand And lot me blow away?" "Liy c1414, my child," the father cried, "Tray do not be a tool Don't boar your weight on either side; Keep cool, my gen, keep cool/" • i' it The boy, to better hent his Mut, Stepped forward just mite; k Tee coke tipped Owr, end the Ind— Won, to kept cool alt right. alalLtiu t Tho (toy epee the rake of Ice e Would not be there to beth R; I ho twee ono whom good ethic* Ctrdtd ever help, et R0QISI .FOS hltfrYEligall;11 Toil ins, .Apar, haw the `4Vangton$ have furnished their now !longe. Well, I. didn't see et thing In it that oost lass than SIM, but it a3trnok ins that if they bad studied the clatter oioser they might have gut a good Ileal more money into the singe. , TLL8 1 ►� �' n Fooling, NOT ,. EXACTLY SICK—B UT NEITHER • ARE YOU WELL, WOOS, - V011nUeilleat paying the 'Winter Drenthe Idle Bert Yen Weak, 'WHY tie' preened Ked moat of ports," The Words "weak and dep3•eSeod" exprestes the condition ref' thousands Of people in the spring trine, It le one of nature's show that humanity! cannot undergo months of indoor life in 'bedly ventilated buil'dillgs wibb impunity. Sometimes you have a headache; slight exerelee fatigues you; your appetite is Variable: you are easily txritated or depressed; per- hnlas there are pimples' ' or slight eruptions (hurt indicate hho blood needs attention. Whatever the syeep. tom inlay it should 1)0 attended to at once, else you wIU hall an easy prey to graver diaaase,•DO not 'asp 'a pur- gative in the hope that it :will put you right. Any daYotor will tell you that purgatives weaken, that they dimpair • bbo notion of the .liver and create chronic constipation. A' tonic is what is needed to help nature f'ig'ht your bottle for health, and there is only one always reliable, never -fail- ing tonic, and that Ls Dr. Willia'nyy' Pink Pills. These pills have n4 pix- &satire action. J.11ley make rich, red Wood, strengthen tbo tired land jaded nea'vtee, and realuc weak, depressed, easily tired people, wnbother odd or young,,-Jhrigtht, active and strong. Among t'hosa who have proved Lha health -bringing qualifiers of Dr. Wit - Hams' Pink Pills is Miss' Emma Oho - put, of Lake Talon, Ont., who says; I cannot thank ,year enough for the good I haute derived through the use of Dr. William's' Pink Pi11s. 1 Hon- estly tonere that but for there I (would now be in my grave. My health was completely broken down. Ihiy.. face as w'b:to'as chalk, and if I made the least efroert to do any loessevoork I would•ahnoat;failnt from,, the exextlaa, and -my heart weold _beat violently so that I feared 1 vi'Itnlld drop: whero /stood. I was n greataufforor frotmi.hcadaohee and dizziness as well, and my appetite was so poor that I scarcely ate at all. I tried several medicines, but they did not help me, and then 1. de- cided to send for soma of Dr- Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I g'qt six; boxes and before I used them all 1 was as welt as I had ever been, with a good' healthy color, a good appetite and an entire freedom from the ailments that had made me so miserable. You may be sure that I will always have a warm record tor your .invaluable metiic!ne." Do not experiment with other so culled tonics—you are apt to find it a waste of money and your health worse than before. You will not be experimenting when yo,u use Dr, Wil- liams' Piuk Pills. They have proved their value the world over, and you can rely upon it that -what they have done for others they, will do for you If you cannot gat the genuine pills from your dealer send direct to the Dr. Williams' htodi-oine Co., Brook- ville, Ont., and they will be mailed poet paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 32.50, STUBBORN FACTS. A Yew Monts whirls You 0911l Find Yuri, Creat Interest. The average person breathes in gallon of air a minute. The average number, of medical etu- dents in Loudon is 549. Tho 118 British Scientific soojetjes number about 44,000 members. m ere. 'Phe Elbe River falls 10 feet in every 100 utiles ; the Amazon only 2. Brandon gets 13 inches of rainfall in summer, 'against =12 in winter. Onc-fifth of all thb ships that mtge. the ports of the world, are In ballast. Of 1,000 Garman families, 173 keep servants, against 207 in England. !England's average winter temper- ature is eight degrees above freezing- a�ll"xac.li 1Thpe Most ton COMM from Ceylon, we use the anoeb of these, and that le whY Laden& Ceylon Tea leads 1A aualltY, • lead paokageo .70, 30, 40, 00 Anil 09 Conte IKA11019TURER2 LIFE. A. Statement Exltlhitlna ^O'rogreOF, Stake. NY, and Sneers, It la always a ggleaenre to be able to review the finan0lal sbatolnent of one of our Canadian Inc Muttons, espeodally when that staherneni exhibits progreso,.utabll!tyy,� and miaow. The annual report of the 53anufagpurer5 Life,. pµhliehod In to.doy'o teem], fe ens which shows such unmistakable aigne of careful munnge- ment, combined with spirit of progress that policyholders in It are to be cengretuleMd, end those proposing to future in 1t need no addi- tienal Guarantee that their intermits will be well protected, in ttoar In which competition was very keen tete c0lnpany-r000ired ap lieetionstor insurances amounting to over: 80,000.000 and Issued ppodaieo for 4%679,705. The applications rejected by the compsny as nob meas up to ito mad feel standard wag the large proportion of over 10 per omit. 05 the application a reeelred. The total volume of bueinoss bow' on the company's books le over $13.000,000, while the mob income from premiums and !atoresb, hes Mne:eased from $296,404 is 1391, to 9000717 in. 0000. During tba year the company disbursed to poiicyholdore, for endowments, die -Mende, eurronderod polleiea and death olaime, the substantial euro of $127,005, added to the reserve hind for the security et poltoyholders 0318,408, 007,2 and l00.se30.ased at the sante Hine its surae by ietsundae A careful review of the compan7'e Mutinous us for the past mix years was mads by Prot. Dr. Jame; M1118,1e which he abound that, while in 1091 tbo smote ct thecompeer amounted to 8021,321, they now hove coached the large. figures et 02,273,170. As en Indication of their excellent ohnraotor,'9nlysone•$500 Of overdne interest existed on the Met December in respeot of the whole of them- The expenses for ',orient years pant have shown a gradual ,decrease; and In 1900 tho chairman stated'that the ratio of expenses) waa about 34 per cont. lo.a than it was two year, ago. Iu ever impel tent particular, as pointed. out by 34.-.10 L. Patteroen. it is ehowmihat in the past year marked advances were made in all those essential" whieh toad tbRard the building up of a sound and healthy institution. ..The rash income increased by over $84 000; thee/note b7 over $509 OO1 the policy reserve by O4ger $378.00e ; earplug on poliorholdere' 0.5cann4 by over 0339,000 ; and the iae0rance is force by weer $1.000,000. These aro handsome lnereaeenn,, and speak abundantly of the menagerie( conduct of the company's affairs by Mr. J. P. Annan', lig managing director. The important step taken by the. Manufacte nrera and the Temperance and General, in deciding to unite their interests, is one, which will, undoubtedly tend to secure even greater economy is administration. and oonrequentlr' increased benefits to the polloyholders, and, in view of the thorough Investigation made by the IndcpendentauthorityY into the affairs of both oo0iponle•, it is een0dently believed that even greater proKre,a will be made by the comabinod compani,a in the future than has boon made by either institution In the part. PURE nom—AWG. Mrs, Henpeok—1 sow a book.toeday I thought of getting you: It was en- . titled How to'Be'$appy-Though-Mar=, rind. Renpeok—Why; my dear, you know I never read fiction. THE LIMIT. Buster -I am having awful luck. I_ am now down, to my last dollar. Dedbroke—Ps'haw, that's -nothing. Wait till you are down to the last dol- lar of your Last friend. • Ten thousand French vines yield but 400 gallons of ;vine a year. The same number of vines in Cape Colony will produce 2,800 gallons. , IN BEI) THREE YEARS S The Happy Ending of a Very Serious and Painful Case' Sirs.tfnghen was very' It1—Bleated and to Constant Misery, eke Suffered for Font Years, befero she used Dodd.* Kidney Plass—She to now Well and !;appy. Morley, Ont., Apr, 8, Special.—Nel- son Lefler, oTustioe of the Peace, of this place, vouches for the truth of the following interesting story, told of by Hrs. Thos. Hughes. Verification, however, will not be flummery to those who know Mrs. p Of 730 millions of British' railway stock, 700 millions ishcld in Great Bri- tain. 32 9 British farmers and gardeners used million pounds' worth of fertilisers early. Great Britain an build 2,200 loco- motives a your, against 4,200 for the rest. of Europe. IEuropegrows about 27 million pores of maize against 73 millions in the United States. In 1088 local taxation ill England brought in £780000, This has Drown to , £40,000,000. There were 150,000 children at school In .India- sixty years ago. There are four millions now. Yellow fever same first to Rio. Jan- eiro in 1849. Sinoo then 1t has regu- larly egilarly killed 1,200 a year. The British' workingman spends 145. co !week on food, ,the American leis., the Australian only Ills. 2n England they got on an average 92 inches of rain in the year, Scot- land gots 03, and Ireland 38., Nine hundred and seventy-two thou- sand parsons receive free medical at- tondance yearly in the (United Kluge dom. In England 10 per 7,000, of the ,wo- men Who marry aro 60 or over ; in Sootland, the proportion is only D per 1,000, The British death -rata has dropped in the last BO years from 21 per 1,000 to 10,4; the Tirenal. from 22.3 to 22 onl . y. Seventy railway trains, of 15 wag- gons midh, .would bo required to fill the hold of a ship able to carry, 000 tone of grain.. Hughes, as that lady is one of the most highly respected residents of Grey County, Mile Hughes says;--- " I —"I was e aeat t1 f r 'Br e f ora for four years. I was treated by four doctors, and a specialist from the United tate . S I s .tried nearly every kind of medicine I could hear of, butbone seemed to do ma any good. "5 was in s bed for nearly three years, I had pains up my spinal column, In my head, over my eyes, across my back, ly in my right side. Por three nights at a time, I would never close my eyes in steep, I was -terribly bloated, so that Icould not sit up or 'walls. My lige was for- ty-one when I was taken sick. I have taken !n all fourteen boxes' of Dodd's' Kidney Pills, and now lam attrong, and able to do as good a day's work, as I have ever been. The doctors said I had Rheumatism. They Mad nothing bould be done for me. " I was not able to eat anything; only coin otaroh or soup of some kind. My weight 'bad increased from 110 to 147 pounds. I am now down tomy normal weight again. I can never say enough for. Dodd's Kidney Pills for L am satisfied that they 8av- 0d my kite" These ate many ladies suffering as Mrs. Hughes end, although but Sew may be as IOW as she was. Deranged Kidneys ;are responsible for almost all the troubles (that comp to women in middle life, and no wo- man can atfcrd to be oarolese, when her kidneys are in any way threat - Mood. (What cured Mrs'. Hughes' of this very bad ease, will cure any naso, Dodd's Kidney Pills arra the only remedy that ever cured ,Bright's; Disease; Diabetes, or Dropsy, and they have never. failed, A SERIOUS BLteND:ER. You made a groat mistake In say - in' my daddy wuz lynched fee hose atealln'. Ito os3iblreplied' p el the editor. No, sir! Y know' witat I'm talkin' bout—it viz 1 a mule he stole! fol ll03'. 3'ohn Robertson, 01 the "City Temple," Glasgow, has entered, on the charge of Vast Lolnden ilaptist Tete eraaole, 1'3urtlott Road. AN ISDITORI,tl.L VIEW,, q Assistant -..Here's a man writes to oak haw to =ate farming pay Editow- 'Well, I think, myself, that the. only trouble with the farmers Is that they don't advertise. Gentlemen,—While ,driving down a very steep till last August my horse stumbled and fell, qutting himself fearfully about the ;head and body, 1 used ALINARD'S LINIItTENT 510015 an him and in a few 'day the wee as well as ever. d• Il• 'A; 13EAUCIHJ;IixIN. $herbrooko., The latest and most Important pro- ject an foot in England is the con- struction. of a canal from.;3outhamp• ton to London. �e> Minard's Liniment intim House a The British succession duties brought• a revenue of nearly Z70,000,- 000 in the last fiscal year. Migard's Liniment is •uted by Physicialla One can still reckon as woodland three million acres in the United Kingdom at the present day. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE D.&Y 1.08nd the Lesotho Quinine t fens to Tablets. 8 All druggists r staestere bas •eohbotn 950 In 1839, by an ace of Paxltialnent, the use of dogs is London to draw carts as beasts of burden was abol- ished. AVENUE HOUSE Mc( MONTREAL entre - Family Hotel rates $1,60 per day. Newcastle Scots' hare deckled teas& the War Office once more to let them form a corps of kilted volu:gteers; other corps object. Ask for Minard's and take no other, I4 requires an average oS more than 20,000,000 pins per day to most the needs of the British people. , POR ovEnt P03F7Y YEAR? IIB9 WINSLOW'S 300T13ING SYRUP has been used h> molher•for their children teething, -It soothes. the shelf, aotteoa the gums. allays Geist cures wiudeotim seat 0048tb¢.otr•medylsr Lenton Do a battle. - Held Lemurs; wlmlethroughout hethe 6y world Benue and sat The value of the estate of Lord Kensington, wdto died at Bloemfontein last June, has been ewe= at £711,000. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend The :English; crown weighs only 39 oz. 5dwt.,. thoeglei4 comprises preci- ous stones to the value of .£360,000. AGENTS WANTED. HocYegeletle slicer. A good' Agent wanted In every town ex pen see to a ft , toW O ana dnSaola4Y ool aoogAot lmermathADstYkat.otre.o RefOrceu;ea required. Apply to THE CROWTHER-CUMMING CO., TORONTO. GOLD WATCH wogolleal* dsome, re. 11,4 �p 0 1 , d Welk p al only{Tool* eareeaony ovlyad r hed, Pe II. nnlahed, ml Iced Cabinet pheof t hotueenat Oe the qu 0, 4101. nandeoaulthlhe IahadHuntingOt,e Watch, lady's or a nal sae, with stem Ind, stem set, reliable swelled movement, formatting only t dna, Photographs. They sellllke hot este , Write rorPhoto. eels them, return the money, and sreeend Your Watch, postpaid. Art gangly co, pmt L Toren o THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- EPP ; GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. C C 0 A BREAKFAST—SUPPER. WOULD HELP THEM. i5a'st Prohibitionist -It might be bleat a proper suffrego restriction would help our cause. Second Prohibitionist -2 Ilave no doubt it would. If people who drink Were not allowed to vote I think we would have a fighting chance. PERSONALITIES, Acme, Wodjeslca Is 110 longer under a, decree of b410014ont and maY Petard 'to her Poland it she will. In his boyboodlaziness was the pre= falling sin or Ialtehenel: Ills father sent Ulm to a school for gills as a he rote remedy,. Senator Warren of Wyoming 1s the only man of his business in the senate. He Is an undertaker in Cheyenne, aI. though proprietor of a general store. Aaron Armand Botha:101d' of Paris, thonephewof the late Baron Roths- child, will take over the direction of the Rothschild banking house in Frank - text Former Speaker Thomas A. Reed says that he Is esebewing polities not only !n his actions, but in his eonversa- tions. He is a Lawyer now, and a law- yer only. Two of the very greatest men of the nineteenth century were born on one and the same day Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, who both first saw light on Feb, 12, 1809. Captain Nehemiah Mayo Dyer, who commanded -the cruiser Baltimore -dur leg the battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898, has been placed on the retired list by reason of the age limit. The Duke otAbruzzi, in honor of his own expedition, was the other day de- clared by the -local govet•nment"a'citi- zon of Rome upon the occasion of his lecture on the polar regions. - Charles S. Francis, the new United States minister to Greece, is a splendid oarsman and in 1870, during his senior year at Cornell, won the single senll ohampionship.in the intercollegiate re - Reformer Rils thinks that if ?ars. Na- tion were to use her hatchet in smash- ing the frying pans or Kansas she. would accomplish more lasting good than can come from demolishing sa- loon glassware. General Joe Wheeler in the course of a recent interview remarked that it was harder work being a soldier now than of old, because there were not so many autograph collectors in the days, of the civil war. Dr. 'James Warrenne Sunderland, founder of what is believed to be the world's first college for the higher ed- ucation of women, recently celebrated his eighty-eigbtb birthday at Ills home In Collegeville, Pa. The will of the late General Leonard A. Dickinson of Hartford leaves half of his residuary estate to St. Thomas' church in that city and one-fourtb each to the Hartford hospital and the Hart- ford Orphan asylum. Colonel Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston protested that be could not accept the brigadier generalship of the Second brigade of the Massachusetts militia and wasnevertheless chosen to the po- sition. He has now declined it, saying he could not accept it without too great a personal sacrifice. W. P. C. 1107'( CALVERT'S CARBOLIC CINTMVIENT. For all skin ailments. J. C. Caivert & Co., iAanoheatsr, England Music Teachers Wanted To genu Tor our Oamplete Rata. Imre of Sheet Kuala and Books with Spoctat rates of dismount, WHALEY, ROYCE & Go Lia Tong. St Toronto, Ont, JUBILEE OF 7901elAsE3nate r pMnutn that requisiteto aeafet the laity in reaping he benefits 1a of the jubilee. Aube fent{nl complete om ICL practical. root lmPaper Oo each, Edition an Photo tont' Il - 0 1 F7.50 pa hundre t- d, pot paid. D. sndJ. Santana x Oo., Montrmnt Gents' Sults Gleaned or 'Dyed; non Ladies' \Poor of ell kind,, tl );sees gaegloe, of every damdpten. GOLD MEDALIST 0Yha9.' BRITISH AMERIOA35 DYOIINI4 CO'Y, Mootrcai,•Toronto, Ottawa & Quebec, 0o1i1i11i019 Lisps Steamships Montront to Liverpool. Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Low and Fest Steamships. Superior oocommodatlol for all classes o! eymotio :cn, 8370009 and Stateroom are amidabipa Special attention hos been given to tis Second Saloon and Third•Oloss accommodation. Poi mites°tannsage and all perttoulare, apply to any agent ante Company, or Aiota98 Moto St , Poston. D. Montreal and Porlleaa R EH Mal rig TEA CHESTS Unita bio for Fireproof Covering. for Saran and Stables or for parking Pur- poses. Slot when opened SS s 22 inehee Per sale at 6e each white they hast. Address, at once The Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Out. �t)lJo N Os 6 8 ib' A UEI AIDE StLV. 'aC adina 4a e • _ / /awl' 6Ai._ L X m... J Aq ,yam q 6D CJ d' d �B Byetfrru;•" forego it Manufacturers Life insurance Cornpa,n erememPrommemommemearee The Pirc0ters esngratulat0 Lite pollrl 1toldora and ebarehsl4ere on the sube:ant141 ' proitrets made during the year, whirl* has been the most satldtactory In the Company!, hlstorY. ilhercwore received during the roar 0778 applioetions for assurances %Tncnoting to $3,0:8,080. me boi;egaaotually bakers up and Paid for in awl) during the roar enipuntalt to t3,48g703, and, leaving out single payment pnlenea, the first year's oath premiums collected thereon frac $;16,783,61, 90 ngellist 8507,160,00 for Oho prevloue year, and $100,010.. 93 for 1000, Thu Assurances in Fare° amount to 510,900,020, an increare of 31,001,301 over Oho pre- vloue year, The Premium 7nacmo kens 3590,876,01, showing tho' handsome inoreeee of 009,005,23. Thole were reee5ved':for interests and Rents 187,161,11, making the tote! Income $070,080.15, an Merea03 of 885,137.02. After paying the polioy-holdeha for olaime, dividends and snrrendors 3127,005,73, and providing for all other expondltures, the Assets were inereeeed by nearly half a million dol. ]are, el whir!( $128,495.00 wag added to Policy Reserves and$67,208.0S to Surplus,an eminate le satisfactory paving for 0115,yeer's operations, Tho Assets now amount to 52,279,170,94, and the Polley Reserves to $1,050;607,00 on Oho Compaey's standard, Attar makirie pro vision for all other llablltise tate surplus en•polioy. holdcre' aocunt is $391,024.80, which would be considerably Ineronsed be adoptieg lho,-Gov- ernmontseandardof valuationrforPolley'lesorvos, 011011.GE GOOD!;R)IATf, - J, F. JIJNIrIN, P resident, l5fabaglapi Dlrootcr, St IMM OF'STATRMRNI' FOR TRI; YEAR END'NG DEC. gist, L9oo. INCOME. Received for New Premiums $ 013.782 of Received for Single and Renewal Premiums 475,093 03 From all other sources 203,749 01 DISBURSEMENTS, $794,62415 To Policyholders fprclaims by death. $ 87,830.04 a To Poi icyholders for Endo Wnaents, Dividends, etc To Co omissions, Salaries, and expenses of management 052,648039,834 69 0.5 To Taxes, Reinsurance Pre miums and Dividends to Stockholders 27,054 0 Surplus of Income over xspenctiture 487,256. lid ASSETS. Municipal Bonds, Stocks and debentures Loans on Bonds and other Securities Mortgageson Real Estate Real Estate .. Loans on Policies Accrued Interest, Net Deferred Premiums, etc Cash on hand and in 'Banks $794,624 15 $ 854,788 37 104i5.1 1 53 918,140 12 36,345 25 147,124 09 145,448 90 7='410 37 $2,279,268 64 $1,904,174 00 36,333 00 301,117 06 LIABILITIES. Liability for Policy Reserves, Government Standard Special Reserve Fund over and above Government Standard All other Liabilities .Surplus on Policyholders' Account $2,279,268 64 James !bills, of Getelph, moved the adoption of the report in an excellent address, front which the toilowieg to a short extract: Ata m ect•ng of this nature it is always a pleasure to be In a posttion,te congretulat, those --interested, and on thla occasion T can de so most heartily. We have really a most sal isfacteryStaten:KM to present to the bharoholdera and policy- holders of the Company, n statement which will boar the cloanatin0pection. We can epoak w;th moro.dellnitenemthanneer in the past in reg.trdtaour Investme0is and our stand- ing , for we have more information at our disposal, furnished us la the splendid report of oar consulting actuary. -There has boon progress alt along the line. i comparison, of 1900 and 1899 is in the report, so I need not refer to that again, I wculd, however, refer to ono other point: Tho question of our progress during a longer period, 1801 to 1000, being that of the present management, After elapse of elxyearn we and many points which are alike creditable to the man• agement and gratifying to the persona most interested in the suceos0 of tb0 Company, the ehareholdors and the policy -holders. Tho following figures will illuetrete the vigorous growth of the Company: Net Income Gross Assur• 1st Year's from ance Year Assets. Premiums. 1'rems & int, in force. 1894 B 821.320 51 61,(85 2296 468 51 9,555,300 1900 2,299i176 1(5,782 606,717 15,409,620 The assets aro rraofirally three times what they were sex years ago. Amount of in- 0me from new buainessslrowd I00 ror cont increase, Not in^owe from Premum, and is taros( hag increaee•t over 100 ror cant, Tho ne,uranoo in force hag grown from 92 to 151 mutons, I want also to refer to the character of our egrets and the exposeo ratio, both being Important, item, in a. oonaern of thle kind,. Our steuritloswore never beforoln the splendid condition they aro today, 1 doubt it a0y. Company can dhow such a record of ;sweated exacts of over $2.t00,b00and . only $;•,00130 overdue !0(0,005. In newcompaniesthe expense ratio lo alivaye large, Those expanses should gradually decrease, and *um cord le as it should be in this reapoot - - The ratio is about li per cont. lessthan it was two years ego. I think that le one of the m,,,t satisfactory features Inour bustense, The ratio is decreasing rapidly. I thank our manager, his Malt and the Held force for the results we are able to report today, and Ido eo most sincerely, and Smust congratulate the policyholders and holders on the o ion s n ehnre ep: st o have attained. Itir, 3, F. Junk in, the Mermen .Director. in seconding Ike !adoption of the report, remarked: If wa look baok over two yearn, we find Chet the premium income for 1900 woe almost 3150.000 more than for 15,40, or an Met ease et 31. per eont„whilo. our expenses for 1900, as compared with 159S, only show an increase of about 08,005. or 11 per cent. The result "• le that wo haro now. not only the lowest expense ratio of any native company of our own t of n similar age 0n the continent, but wo compara very favorably is thio reereet with even rho oldest and argot Canadian and American Companion, 'm' �+ o'®^ae'u•®snrm.-o'era(1.o,m n' 0ewcv*aa.' ubmv THIS ANT Ir ll. r z8 ,+Yat rn!gT. a 1.• 4 a. 5 .��., �{ •� ,t nom, ' to r Dem; Is made for your house, made just right—proper pigments- proper oil—proper colors. Made to give a house a handsome,' stylish appearance, to keep it that way, always fresh and bright and clean. To get a lasting, pure paint, buy Ramsay's Paints the oldest and best in Canada, made riht after long experience. Soldnot at the rice by dealers, p of cheap paints which will tail you, but at a reasonable price for the best that can be made, Write for BOO KL " 1C" free showing how some houses, are relined, and telling all about it, A. RA SAY & SON PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL, Cst'tl 3842 S 4, 4Cti3Rb+amw+z,•m'Q.T2•mt✓':+'ea•aazZ.,W^c•ee.Mlcvs112/Wsneva•sa•o +.•••aslDj'. Ifeg ti s,� best ms, Il, SC11P 011 mit, You g[A `tea lfE alliTER, ECCS, POULTRY, APPLES. otherllUiiS and 0100900, to The Dawson Commission Co. Limitted, r Market O W000arTorok o and • AIR RIFLE •r g,„„„,,.„. Ingonly 2a dos ogecontainsa sweet ren iSeedd in at l0a enol* anah,s ot,I oeTh splendid fIlobeioltire lnelcoa Cie et awl mod- al, goner ,bedulekel colera, bigger asetlad elilo lalw It halt I,potlenamel000tnml,tHggarg shootidotbt,l Waite Ova aeimproved ttarenGlob, sights. pistol and We walnut and Seed.. Sell tl,wlacturothemon,1hnnnmey 0001,, this nloe, The andat wrelforwardrho fibeds, sell ctatone°. He d Simple' e' Coo nest you true by Erpmsl, Thoaraaoa forgolU„gloeda is short, so order at Dana Heed Bnpply C,.r Termite. SOLID GOLD we gtvotl lebmnuemlly n round tit ,�•..: ret aell• 011gbe n tttun annhml, Pl,0 01 t ots aerreu Photo. Evttybm'lt77h»tnt enload ylitire. 011 rothem write for ilia earl Sham Rrote for the r0otns sell them, , return the and saes, p ine bondman btx, 0eSolid Gotl Kinn. AntSunnly Co., not Wore-ante eiev 015 ,wk wre+t: `REE 150ty give 101T,1 1ettuaislied l of 0.6 pwlah tort• eletoetnrtaitnta NUM; or t 10 L baP.etn manfully 0, h Staid tablimt the. Quote 00,,aIt , a ne rants 4gu S pitor,,81or rrholo, Noll resolve this time b ne fre,0,m,r001tho M5, end Xurdato, OWN OLL WRAP - PI C AP- P'7C "" as, PER PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPE3) at law prides, Sam- ples furnished en request. Special quotations for oar loads or large 1ots. Write fel' prides, TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER dOMPAN'T 75 Adelaide -at. West. Ort SIMPLY Co.. no SOLW w0 glv0tllln b,ryntthn Saud 0011 ning, met with Pea Ia, for .,alas mayy 16 pnoktgn of sweet 000Boadat opl mel*, nauh pqa0, 0t0;oceata (t aap0ondadm,, tllreetthe elerttre fbltvt is' tna,nlallcolera, 4001 rola t, - aovet9l40011ta, 11tIrtl,ttl for q Gvnr ttnnmagy, � 11bleb b ib)thnmenny Pesifihhems.; t. tis l il.I6" Gib) ede tyon.taearl citing ,j;ktlr l q.trn rLi97, ea yilvrlUool bus. write 3 eS in nvelvntannShtla w'titn to .kir. The Stalin Cor te.del•ihort 04144010J1'0ra.,Toreatq,i!ooa ;