The Brussels Post, 1901-4-18, Page 1Vol. 29; No, , 40 BRU'$SELS, ONTARIO, ` T RUR$EhAY, APRIL 1c , 1901 KERR, Prop, .., New Advertisements. Looal—G, E. King, learpeerfl—Jae. Fox. Card -E. Labelle Griffin, Mere for sale—B. Gerry: Ready.—John Cober & Sone,. Gown for sale= -Geo. ,Crooke. e. Farm for sale—John,MONei1, Your Eldmes—G. A. Deadman, Coatmaker wanted—D, 0. Roes. Mame Needs—J, Ferguson & Cor Huron Poultry Yard—Alf. Backer. Boys' School Olpthing—D. 0, Rose. JJgh'Standing—OentrelBug. College. arrocaelarlameeee. Plowing and making 'maple syrup keep the farmere' buoy. , TIM Minces Green are et present visit. ing•tbeir brother in Trowbridge. • Mies Florence Oliver left last week' for Detroit where the inteude spending the Stuntmen 'h Oblonel Opnloy has purchased ' 'three , bertha apd a.wagon nhd barnese and is 1ooking.for eome land to root. Lock out for a wedding. Mre. Jelin Tuella': had' a very 000000e - fol rag bee last Tuesday after which she gave the young folks a very enjoyahle evening. Tbe pens departed at a late hone everybody' feeling that Mr. and Mre. Tughan are capital entertainers. Len db is r•yr- Murdock Campbell left last week for Vioalea, California, , Mre. Mann, wbo bee been very ill for the past elk weeks, ie,..we are pleased to env, reonvering., John 0. Morrison wag ethane enumer- ator for this dietriat. He is admirably qualified"for the work. Frances Bothwell, of the 14th line, hae purchased a driver. Frank will no doubt spend the Sunday evenings very pleas. antly thio Bnirmer. , Mies Crozier, whose ijlneee wee mentioned in oar notes a few weeks ago, is at present very low and .little bope ie entertained for her recovery: Alexander Brotbereon, oommeroial traveller, who has been confined to the c e gs ats.'!Y apt. t 'Yale' algae ,ig. i 2� wsra,,tl9J wJ A LIf. S4EXER, PROPRIETOR, BRI1SSI LS, Ont. Barred, Buff and, P•kite nooks. Eggs and Fowl for sale in Season. Eggs $1.00 per setting, correspondence Sollelted. F1a Livingston & Co. Have a Ilmfted quantity of Beat Dnteh Seed for harmers in the vioinfty •of- Brussels who intend reieingFlax during the owning sea- . 9011, widen they are prepared tO - deliver in quantities to suit Flax Growers. Ilau besot at the Braeeelt Flax M311, geed given out at .3L60 oar bushel and on the usual terms. For•1']ax grown from this Seed $10.00 PER TON will bepatd, if of good growth, harvested to groper 00as011, and delivered at the Flat 01111 -au soon' se Itt for threshing, N.B.—Partnere aro strongly advised to Row their Flux on good land, well plowed and harrowed, not on low lands, and t110 yield will be from a ton to a toe and a ,half morn Per acre. Flax grown on low land will not grow there to give the weight.. P. t1OQG, LIVINGSTON & Co., Manager. Proprietors, FOR - —"mar 'BUSINESS! Now that the Baggy eeaeon ie at band and we ate ready for it we woaid tike to inform oar namorone .[rienda and oaetomere that we have the finest lot of Buggies on hand at the Old Reliable O a le b. � arrie� a Factory, g ET HEL, tbat oan be found anywhere. Should you think of buying a Baggy or Baggies (as we supply wholesale as well as retail) by alt moans call and she our stook before purobaeing an we know we oan snit you With a firet.etaee article and the pries le right, We aleo keep Wagons, Truck Wagone and Field Rotten on hand or - made an ehort notide, o Sone EnTI J�o. per � b house for the past two weeks with ao et. tack of eryeipelae in the foot, lie able to be aroopd again. Wm. Bae, B. A,, who is attending the 'Ontario Normal College, spent the Fleeter hotidaye under the parental reef. Joseph Stenzel and family left on Tneedey for Stmt , Get, where they will reside in future. ' Mr. and Mre. Stenzel are old roeidente of MoKillop and we are sorry to lose them bot tenet the prosperity nay follow them in their new bone. An eooident happened to Ohao. Donde on Saturday evenitig Of last weak that might, (aelly have bad Patel results. Along with Mre. Dodds and two other +ladies Mr. Dodds was walking along the aide of the roadway whence lumber wagon and a baggy Dame along. The latter at- tempted to pate the wagon and out out on the aide to do eo and ran into the pedestrians. Mr. Dodds was 'mooted down and bad his oollar bone broken and was otberwiee injured and Mies Dor- renoe wasalso dpeet and had her clothing badly torn but fortunately escaped eerioue injury. G.►rriee. lefewattontAL.—A very pleasant event occurred at the home of, Isaac Bricker, Gerrie, Wedneeday, April '10th; when Miee Effie Brioker, was united by the bonds Of holy matrimony to T. P. Mc- Donald, of Teeewater. Bev. Mr. Dobson officiated in the presence of about 90 guests. Promptly at 6,80 p. m. the bridal oouple entered the room,the bride being beautifully attired in fawn ladies' cloth with ohiffoo and blue trimminge. She also wore a pretty bognetof yellow flowers in iter hair. Mise Bessie, sister of the •bride, anted as bridesmaid and was dress.. ed iu a sailor costume, neatly trimmed with braid, The groom was supported by hie brother, 0. McDonald. After the ceremony the guests retired to the sitting room where a repast, which the. Brinker people know so well how to prepare, was served. On the following day Mr. and Mre. McDonald left for Teeewater ao- oompanied by a few intimate relativee, where they. .will epend their future life. On the same evening a most etaellent wedding reception was tendered the happy eouple by the groom's parents. The bride was Abe recipient of many handeo%ne and beautiful gifts. Oran brook, , Early gardening ie making its appear- ance. Tom MoBae has returned to Westford Dolle 'Rtate. • Our student population wag home for the bolidaye. We are alwape glad to see. them book. Farmers in this localityare baby at their Spring work. Rain is needed to freshen up the Fell wheat. Merchant MoDonald bae this weektre. calved a ear load of anger.. He evidently armada to sweeten up the people' of thie community. . Tuesday Wm. Cameron was at Bros. eels attending a meeting of the District Sabbath eohool Executive. Rev. Mr. McRae Ilea been asked to take a topio. Census enumerator Petrie hae nom. plated hie work. Oranbrook added .eon. -iderably to hie,datiee as compered with the ordinary rural polling sob division. Mre. A. MoDnnald and Mrs. J. Forrest and danghtere are away at Teamster visitiog J. E. Coombe and wife. Mr. Coombs is the Principal of Teeewater Pablio school and a brother to Mre. Mo. •Donald. `Joe. Hunter ben the contract of mov- ing a barn from the farm of John Stew- art, 16th cone to Geo. Baker's property here. Stone atabling will be put.under it. Tbe building is 30x40 feet end will give Mr. Baker commodione'aud com- fortable stabling and barn room. Work was commenced this week on the enlargementand improvements • to the Presbyterian maim, Joo. Hunter has the carpentering; , &o., and Wilton & Turnbull, of Brussels, will pet an the metallio'aiding. When completed it will regnire an expenditure of from $300 up. wards. lfitli e31. Tne Pose givea the news. House cleaning, in all ite glory, is up. on' air. The °ober carriage factory le hum. ming,. See their advt. Tneeday Dr. . MoSelvey, of Mount Forest, was a visitor in Ethel. A oumber•Irom thio locality Attended the meeting at Brueeele last Saturday afternoon called for the purpose of die• oueeiug the pork packing question. Robt. McKelvey hae par haled the Etliottbrick bowie sus Iota, paying 3750 for it. Jnr). McDermott,. the present tenant, will move to Brothels and Mr, MaKetvey will take poseeesion. Amazes Men Pltata0TATtolt: OWiag to failing health, more partiaulariy the former aoatenese of hearing, Samuel Ames, an old and worthy member of the Metbodiet church, who hae resided here for eome therm coming from Bae'e ap- pointment, hae tendered hie resignation he teacher in the Sabbath •Sohool here. He wae'presented with the following ad. dress, a000mpanied, by a fine Hymn Book from the oiaee t -- S. Antes. • .. DRAB Faiegn AND Teecnzn,—We, the memhere of your Babbeth School olase take thie opportnhity'of pe0eenting you with tbie slight token of oar affection end esteem ::for yon 'air our teacher. 'You have sheath manifeeted an unwearied interest in oar spiritual welfareand your example oanmot fail toleave a deep im. premien upon ne for goon. We beg you to accept thte Hymn Book se a present from ue, einoerely trnetibg that you will prize it dot eo much for its value, a9 for the kindly feeling that baa prompted air to bestow it. We earneetly pray that the God of alt Grate will oontinne to shower Hna bieeeinge open yon and no and that when we have Sleighed the work assigned to us we may all meet again in a better world where partings are no more.. Mr. Amos made a very touching reply in expressing hie thanks for the kind words end gilt and wished all God•epoed. Be hae been a tesoher for Meant 50 retire arid hair rendered valuable and effeotive sow,. vier) in the Lord's vineyard.. We hope be may be spared fora good many years yet to go in and out among ea. ani este Ven.. Mre. Wallaoepaid a flying aloft to Lie. towel last Monday. feouseoleaning is the chief employment for the fair ilex at present. Mary Millar, youogeat datghtor of Richard Millar ie very ill. Miee Godetha Ooomboe ie finishing her term at dreeemaking in Beneath!. . Owing to giekueae Mire Mary Bogg ie not able to attend ecbooi in Wingbam, Will, Wright, who has been working in Gerrie, has taken a peaition in,Brueoele with D. Ewan, Miee Lizzie Wright has gone back to Binevale to Mre. Bailey's thee' to aseiet in the dreeemaking basilicas. Bhe theme to like Btuevele air thin de the seoond term eke has bad io the ehop, • - Watt Cott. .. Blies Ethel Wilson, of Seaterth, epent a week vieiting friends here.. David Holme° and tamely, 16th eon., Grey, has moved to our village. He Bold hie farm to Geo. Denlop. Joe Stevens; who bae' been wdod work- er at Humphries & Son, carriage makers, will leave shortly for the Sault. Tile License Commissioners rettiaed hotel lioenee to the MoKim Honee. -Mre Sage will have her license renewed, On Wednesday a number of our vii. lagers were in Brussels in connection with the ggeation of hotel licenses. The Oommieeionere were meeting there. A football hae been parobaaed'and or. gaoization and practice will Dome later, Like Alexander we look for worlds to conquer but don't intend oryiog about it. Rt.aeivse ie. Miee Bremeneof t ucknow, is visiting at John Ruby's. With Cole, of wingbam, was the guest of Miee. Hood over Sunday. Mrs, Biokle, of Hamilton, is visiting her mother, Mre, Betberford. Miee Olive Casemate, of Fordwiob, le visiting with relativee In the village. Rev. W. J. West, M. A., and Rev. D. Rogers were in Brothels on . Wednesday. A. eloEwan, teeober, who hae been eiok for the past two weeke, is on duty again. Mise Mary' Thoroton, of Wingham, ie visiting her grandparents, John and Mre, Gardiner. Wester -Denman hae taken a situation in•John Kerr'e store is Wingham; Thie le the fourth Binevale boy Mr. Kerr has in hie store. Peter Wheeler and fatuity, of Torn. berry, moved last Friday into tbe house owned by Wm. Stewart. He intende to work with Jamee Pugh. Tbe funeral of John Watcher, formerly of this village, took place here on Teee- day of tbie week. His pastor, Rev, R, Hobbe, oondaoted the service, Rev. F. Swsnn, of Ripley,bae accepted, eubjeot to deoieion of abati:oing Commit. tee, the invitation extended him by the Quarterly Board of the B'nevale Circuit, Methodie5 Oharoh, Both Rev. and Mre. Swann are highly epoken of OA zealous workers in tbe vineyard. Morr-t,e. Mex. Russell has gone to Buffalo for the Summer. Next Township Connell will be held on Monday, May 27tbe Alex. Clark delivered four fat wattle at Brneaels on Monday. Alar a number of oattle were shipped on y Monde of this week. Wood bees are over for this season and the Spring work has begun. Miee Carrie South, of Toronto, spent Easter at her home on the 8rd. Rev. R. Pani, of Brueeele, will preaoh at Ssnobine next Sabbath afternoon. Mre. L. Fraser, of the let line, ie re- covering from as attack of pneumonia. Mrs. John Mooney returned from a visit to Toronto on Monday of this week. Mise Belle Mardis, teacher of S. 8. No, 8, spent Easter variation at her home near Seafortb. Mies Freeland, of Paimereton, visited her friend, Mre. Eli Sellers, for a few days during Easter. The infant children nIRiobard John ston and Geo. Mathers have been very. low daring the past week. Mies Martha Bosman, of Wingham, bae been spending a rumple of weeks with her brother on the 2nd. Rev. N. S. Barwaeh will preach at Johnstone and Ebenezer next Sabbath at 10.30 and 2.30, respectively. David Calvert, who has been visiting old friends in Morrie for the peat three weeks, returned to Toronto tbie week. Miee Maggie Calabeck hag been quite ill for the past two woke. Her many Mends on the 2nd wish her a speedy re. covert'. 0. Mollie writing from Waterloo ooaoty says "Fall wheat is looking eplendid and the roads are dry and tasty,", _. MreGeorge Skelton, of Blyth, is visit. ing her mother, Mre. Thueil, 8th tine, We are sorry Sire, Skelton does riot enjoy more robust heelib. Miee Minnie Thnell, 0th line, left last Monday for Buffalo, N, Y, where ehe bah accepted a situation. She hag a tie• ter living in that pity. George Robb bae leased hie farm plot, North of Brussels, Maim. McDermott, of Ethel, for a term of years and the latter will Move to it at thee. The introduotion of a road grading machine into this township will no doubt make a oonellerable improvement in the style of statute labor performed in num• erone boats. It is said that Robt, Nichol, the well known breeder of Yorkshire hoge, 6th line, will have an exhibit at the Peu- Amerioan Exposition thie 00aeen ab Buffalo. He has some One stook. A second hatch 'of thickens from the ioonbator of S. Walker, 0th Humeri, on 'Meek". He bee about 76 ohioke now and hopes for better rosette as the ,inning of the Machine, brooder and feeding is teat. ed. A Morris farmer baa sold $1,000 worth of hoge .to the boyars elnoe the let of January 1903. They count up feat at the prises being paid these dela. - Oo Friday and Saturday of lost week Barry Orelg, 4th tine, Bowed a large held of opts, We think John Lang, of Bras, gels, will have stem his bat naw 0.0 he het that grain would bo emu by 16511 of April. Miee Mattie Ingrainleborne from Tog. onto, where ebe hae spent the pact tea' months, Wje ore sorry to report that ebe ie not eajoyfug good health, but hope that oonntry life will thou restore ber to her nsnal health and strength,, Clean Or Tneaes.—On behalf of myself and family I wish to express my einoore tbenketothe friends of Brussels and vioioity and the members of the K. O. T. M, for their kindness sod attention to Mr. Maaodere during hie late ilineeo. MRs. T. MAIIui,nne. An old deed horse le lying on the Date on Jas. - Smillie'e farm, Dear Sunebine. It ehoold be buried at once before the warm weather Bets in else it may deuce trouble. The old 0910005 flamed down theriver among the ice. Some one took a quick wiry of disposing of it no doubt ba. they had better keep dead animate oat or the water after thie. V. .1-0.19r Seeding has commenced. .Jamee Fulton spent part of hie Easter holidays at Seaforth. Mre, Burne and son Jamee, of Bright, aro vieiting at Duncan McNair's, 14th oon. Miee McKenzie, of Landon, spent her Easter holidays at. Zoo. Mile's', 14th von. Miee Tenie Buttery, who has for some" time pant been dressmaking in Ohesley, returned on the 7th inst. MoNeir's peddling wagon is in our midst again. Last Monday Dave made Me appearance along the 12th line. Mrs, R. M. Dooglae and daughter, 15th von., were holidaying during the Easter: tide with relativee in Tuokereneith. John Savage, who recently Bola hie farm, has moved into a house owned by Isaao Clark, near Dake'e school house: Doogald McTaggart, 16th con., hae the cellar excavated for hie new brick res. idenoe which will be ereoted this next Sommar. Mies Ann Jane Hanna, con. 6, bae been on the eiok list this week with an attack of is grippe but we bops elm will soon be all right. Mies Attie Snyder, 12th con., was re- cently called home to eee her sister, near Weston, whom, we are . sorryto state, le very seriously ill. Greytownship can present more good oreae•ont eaw handlers than any section of Huron I know of and aro prepared to bath up thie statement. George Beet, of Brae -els. hae leased the 100 sore farm of Robe. M. Douglas, lot 11, coo. 14. He bad it last year also and aeee it for grazing. Fall wheat in the Northerly eeotion of the township hae Wintered very well and with a favorable Spring should do all right it the fly don't spoil it. The been on the farm of George Arm- strong, 8rd von., will be moved and atone etabiing,put coder it. Mr. Armstrong ie. evidently a hustler and we wish him enc 0009. Mre. Job King has been dangerously ill but her many friends will be pleased to hear that she is improving nicely now and we hope the will Boon be 000veleo. cent. Aroh. Hielop, M. P. P , is home from Toronto, the Legislature having omelet. ed its duties for teas envie!). It lasted w eke Mr. Hielo makes a over eight we eke. P good representative. Thie week Mre. Jae. Oobotongh, 17th con., woe dangerously ill but bae im proved somewhat. It appeare to be a heart weakness. Hope she orifi have epeedy oonvaleeoenoe. Wm. Bray, lot 27, con. 16, Grey, has purohaeed a thoro' bred Short Horn Bull from Cbae. Querengeseer, of Brod- began, Perth 0o. Grey is making good headway in prime stook. The new school bell for S. S. No, 6, hae arrived from Cincinnati. It weighs, with its fiataree, over 625 pounds. The bell will be placed in position' ebortly to. chime out the eohool lecture. The stable at Chas. Querengeseer'e mill 16th eon., was deatroyed by fire last week. Ray and oath wee also oonenmed bat no stook. Fire supposed to 'nave origf• Hated from a spark from sawmill. A abort time ago Edward Bryan in. flitted a one on hie right foot with au axe be was thing in hie own door yard. Fortunately the out was not deep but owing to its location compeiled Mr. Bryan to do the limp act for some time. We are pleased to hear that Jae, Bar- ris, 16th eon., will continue to reside here air be has leased his, Hallett farm to George Wilteie for a term of years. Mr, Harris Will live in hie old home on the farm be ao d last year to Jamee Houston, The peddlers are once more on their remade ; wonder if they all have their tloenee a9 I hear a sharp look out is to be kept air half the fine pee to the inform- er. It is only fair that when a few wbaok up their doilare all should be made do so, at least that's what your oorreepoodent'thinks. Some of the Perth peddlers who visit Grey will be nabbed also if they don't put up. Chace Cleaver and bride on their re. turn, Monday of last week, from their wedding trip were treated to a very en. thaoiaetio reception at the home of Mr. Taylor, brotber.in-tow eo the groom. About 150 neighbors and Mende aaeem- bled and all enjoyed a tiptop time with music, games, &a. Mr. and Mre. Cleaver have settled down on :their [atm, 11th eon., with the beet wished of the oom- munity. Pater F1. McNeil, eon of Joo. D. McNeil, 14th eon., is now a reeident of Dawson Oity. He went there last Fall. It wag a very oold Winter, almost unbearable at Elmos. Wages were good, $6.00 qday and board being offered. Mr. McNeil intende working a claim on hie own ao. count. 'Wee.114oNeil, another brother, la in California, but will paeafbly the the Frannie and John Miller have returned from an epjoyabie v -lett to Semi, and Mre. Matthews, of Normanby township, Mre. Matthews le a daughter of the that mentioned gentlemen. The visitors were well pleased with their trip, BYtrag0AL.—A very pleasant event took place at the manse, Bresselo, on Wednee. they afternoon of last week, being tbe marriage of Peter Baker, of Oranbrook, to Mies Jane V , daagbter of Robert Meuary, of Grey. The bride was assist. od by Wee Marion McKay, and Wmv Denary voted as groomsmen The wedding Marsh Was played by Mies Emma J. Forboe. In the evening n:) - wards of 100 invited gn0ate aeoemb:ee air the reeidenoe of the bride's parents wit- re. a bountiful and- well prepared we•' ung supper wag partaken of, atter which the large gathering of young people spent the night in an enjoyable manner, the anivaementa oonaieting of games, vocal and inetrumental moelo "and dancing, Tbe bride, wbo is an excellent and highly ' esteemed young lady, hair got a worthy and industrious young man for her hue. •band, end tbe wedding, presents, which were cnmerene Sud elegant as well as costly, bora evidenoe to the high esteem in which they are held. Mr, end Mrs. Baker aommenoe -housekeeping on the old hoirieeteed adjoining Crau'6rook fol- lowed by the best wisher) of a large circle of friends who wish them prosperity end happiness to the fullest extant, to all of which Tin Pose says Amen. - ttias tt,it>rtit. Philip Murray, who runs the hotel in Varna, intende moving to Seaforth. Lieut,.0o1. Hughes wiledellver a lecture in the town hall on Friday evening, April 19, ander the ammeter) of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. The eubjoot will be the war in South Afrioa. . Barrister Hays, one of one popular. has been appointed Grand blas- ter of the Veils by the Grand Principal Z of Royal Aroh Masonry. He is au eathueiaetio member of the A. F. & A. M. Mre, D. D. Wilson, who suffered from a light atroke of paralysis while oroeeing the Atlantic owning home with her hoe band from a trip to the Ord C.metre. is improving and we hope will Both be as well as ever. Tbaredsy evening of last weak, when the train arrived at the depot there were orders awaiting Engineer Farr, to out off Me engine acid -return to Dub:in -to pick op Express Messenger Forest, wbo had fallen off the train ]vet as it was pulling out of the yard. It seems that Mr. For est weut ont on the platform of the mail the and thinking that tbe rail was on tbe rigbt side of the oar be walked „e. Look. ily for him the train wee not going at fall speed or the a0nsegneooes might have bean mora aertoae. As it yea') he escaped with a severe shaking cep acid a sprained sbonider. The passengers beard some one gioing the trainwhietle bet nothing was thought of it until the news became known at Seaforth. The train was de- layed about halt en hoar. AV r'oXts ter. Mr. Rann's little boy, Edward, is im. proving.' R. Blank was at Strathroy on Tuesday on business. Miee Robertson and Mies Miller were in Wingham on Tuesday. ` M. Christman and W. Williams, of Gerrie, were in town on Tuesday. Part of the culvert near the mill caved. be on Sunday, but has been rebuilt. Hugh Laing, of British Columbia, came too late for his father's funeral. S. B. MoRelvie raised hie smoke ' steak Met Monday. R. Farrell did the work. Geo. Haider,es of Dakota brother to 3, Hopfar, is visiting his father at present. Miee Morrison and brother, Herman, will start for Niagara Falls on Friday morning, where they have secured situs. tions. - - Mrs. J. Brethauer is the recipient of a piece of the wedding cake or Mre. John Ritohie,.lately of Tweed, Ont., now of Wingham. There was -a good orowd at R. R, Smith's sale on Saturday. It ie Said that Mr Paulin Lias purchased the livery from Mr. Smith. A number from Here attended the fene oral at Gorrie of the late Grace Miller, daughter of Geo, Miller, deceased of Prince Albert some years ago. A gentlemen Bold some mustaches Met Saturday evening along with other ertioles in front of the Gofton Rouse. Re drew a large crowd, It is said about 50 pack• ages were sold. Mise Mary Sanderson, assistant in the post office, came home from Toronto last Saturday. She wa11 go 50 Pordwioh this week to take charge of the poet office dor. int the absence of the postmaster, Mr. Gibson. - Last Monday night, about 1 o'olook, the Lakelet hotel was destroyed by fire. Mr. McGregor lost even his money which he bad laid away. Some of the °entente and the stable were saved. - The loss is estimated at $1,100, ineurauce $600 in the Wellington Mutual - lerueees School Board. The regular, monthly meeting of the Public School Board was hold in the Board room last Friday evening. All the membere were proeeot exoept A. Coseley. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read aud passed. Intpootor Bobbie report of hie oflfoial. visit to the enbool wag read and on motion Of S. G. Skene, seconded by W. Batahili it wee ordered to be Sled. A tommunioatioo from Mise Brook was read reeking for an advance of 340 in her eatery. It was laid °vet till next regales meeting as there was not afull Board meeting. - Board then ,adjourned. Tag Pose offers its oongretulatioue to John Idingtbn, K. 0,, of Stratford, upon. the high oompliment conveyed by hie re. eleotion as a bencher of Osgood° Hall. J. D. Stewert, oommisoioner to the Glasgow Exposition, left Rsogeldele on Monday of tact weep to assume hie duties et Glasow. J. D. nailed 00 the uniei.' R T as Yule% before long, We hope the bbya from Portland on Saturday, 6th inet, will strike it rleb. He will be absent about 9 Menthe., Pork Packing,. The Palmerston Pork Paolting Com- pany, of Palmeratoo, Outario, held a pablio meeting in the Town Hall,atBrue- eela, on Saturday afternoon laat, April 18. Jae. Turnbull, Reeve of Grey, occupied the ohair and W. J. Falconer, Prasitlout and General Mgr, of the Com„ W, R, Bolden, Director, Doha Oliver, Director, A, 13islop, M. P. P W. H. Herr and others *damaged filo audience. The meeting was not very large but was composed of representative farmers eurrounding Brussels. Aar. Falooner was the drat speaker and. gave a very full account of the organize. tion and working of the Company, which was organized about three years ago and has been in operation for a little over a year. The Company hae a.very neat and oomplete plant which bae that about $50,- 000. They have'also been sucoeesful in plaoing on the English market a Met•oleep brand of bacon and sell a geeat deal more than they oan supply. .they are also doing a large 1o0a1 trade and find it is growing on them, In order to increase their business they are asking the farmers in this 910101ty and others to take stook ip their Company and are being quite enooeheful in getting them. The. Com- •;pany is now oompoeed of about 800 far - mare and by the way things are doing now it will not be long tillthere will be es many more. The farmers everywhere feel that the new faotorieshavehada good , 079. )Y51.. "8RI-fRi,fJ'IIS deal to do with tbe present high price of _ hoge alit it is in their intereete to support N 5'. Gerry and children were at them. Blyth last Sunday. Mr. Belden urged upon the fermata the W. O,ark, 04 the 9 marican Hotel, is neceselty of supporting this factory be- way at Detroit this weeks cause it was the farmers' factory and' the aMica Sadie Mandl is' stndyiog tale• only way to keep the pork business out graphs at T. Fletaher'e office. of a combine wan for the fermata to co• Ivan Jobuston, of Wiogbam, was holt Stratford foliteaare, efblotod wjth•a mania for bypnotjern; The vital stetistier' of the town of St, Marys for Ibe month of Meath ere 1111 follows Bathe 5, marriages 3, deaths 6' The S7byle Peeking' Co. will Boon ebe • ready for bneioeee at the old Mitchell Stand, 5evextteen vats for eggs have been built in the aelter and Boors laid with semens, The cold storage for butter is perteot, and the packing worn ou the ground floor has hese (severed vette new flooring. The meet shop at the front Wilt be the of the most tonipiste of the kind Weet of Torooto. It ie roomy, w, It 'ventilated, and the oeili9g ooyered with inetelio. A. fine plebe front getsoff tee whole to good advantage. A prominent farmer on the Stratford market the other day stated that he never remembered seeing the Fall whoat looking better than at present, It has wintered perfeolly, and now Woke almnet as green as iu the Fate The growth lust Nell wee very rank, and if the depth rf snow during the Winter bed been omen eive•tbe wheat might have been smother ed. As it wee,.bowever, tbe snow just oovered the planta nioali, stud even threat nearest teethe have come out strong and elements. . The weather of last week ' was very havorable to ite growth. There is very little frost in the ground, and even if warm• days' and frosty nights • should now come there'is little danger of the wheat being iujar'taby upheaval. • operate and handle the business them. selves. He snared them that if they let the prevent opportunity Blip and a com. bination:formed they would soon see the price of bogs go down: The farmer wbo took stook in this Company was really helping himself. He stated that the Company had been offered • money from oapitaliatbat that they had refused it and he was quite satisfied that the farmers were enterprising enough and hal. bun - nese ability sufficient to run their own Company. Mr. Oliver' was the next to speak and gave those present a number of facts In.. connection with the history of the Company, He showed that the business had been managed successfully eo far and was quite satisfied that the tumors were quite ormothle of handling a business of this kind. He also showed the great de- mand there was for Canadian baoon r)0 the English market and the bigh stand. ing it holds there to day. He thought it would be a pity for the farmers to lab the present opportunity elip and let the bacon business fall foto the hands of monopol- ists. A. Hislop, M. P. P., was called on next and stated whether the farmers in- vested in this Company or not that mono. polists were the onree of the country and anything the farmers did to check that was certainly doing a good thing for themselves. He spoke ot the greatfuture of the country, not only in the bacon business but en the beef and mutton busi- ness as well and all that we Canadians' needed' was money, enterprise and business carefully handled. He said eve had certainly been too Blow in the past but thought we were waking up and pre. dieted a great future for the fresh meat bareness in this country. After the meeting was over anumber of persons took stook in the Company. This week the Company bas Jamas McLean visiting the farmers and soliciting them to take more stook. This gentleman has been successful lately in planing a large amount of stook among the farmers iu the vicinity of Ridgetown and a number of farmers in different parts of the Province are coming forward and offering to take stook in the faotory at Palmerston. The shares are 310 each end the Oompany is a Limited Company eo that the farmers are not run- ning any great risk in taking stook in a Company of this kind. There is no doubt something has been the oauee of the present bigh price of hogs and although the Palmerston faotory has not been the whole cause still there are many farmers who believe that the new faotoriee have had a good deal to do with it. Perth County. St. Maya Methodist church purpose building a new personage this Sommer, Mies Gertie Molenight, of Stratford, left for Guelph to enter the hospital there all nurse, - Tbe provincial convention of the W. 0. T. U- will be held in Stratford, der. ing the fleet week in October. - St. Marys waterwerke pumped 667,284 gallons of water in March, an average of 21,695 gallons of water per ley. Prof. Wm. Dale, of Blanebard, wa0 married last week in Brookville to Miee Bycltman, youngeat daughter of Rev. Dr. Beckman. As an ootoome of the largely attended public meeting held at Clarliogford' R, 21. °owe, priooipttl of the Pablio school there was induced to withdraw bie resignation and to ouoe more resume hie pedagogical duties. Thursday of last week, wag Spring fair day in Mitchell and the town was crowd ed. Some of the exhibits were very line. All the agents of the agricultural impte• meet, firms made splendid displays, James Buy took fires and F. Hamilton, of Steffe, waved in two•year.old cattle. Mr, Roy also won the sweepstakes. The License Oommieeiooers for S. Perth met at the Collison house, Mitchell, on Thursday of last week, to °oneider the appli:atities for licenses. Ali the old liquor athlete Were greeted fresh permits to sell for another year, except Jamee Mnrpby, of Klastnerville, who wee allow. ed throe months to Ivied np hie bneinese, Action wee delerrate In the Melee of Theo• d ens Moser, ,ii b an Hy dors Bnl r iso , of Bebringelberg for Hones to open hotel tet Brodhagen was tefnoed. Mitring to town for a few days. Mies Nora Holmes returped to College at Toronto on Tbureday of this week. Mrs. Robb. Johnston and -Hazel, of Wingham, were in town on Wednesday. Miee Lizzie Sample returns to London on Betnrday to resume her musics' studies. - Tom Walker has been taking enforoed - holidays un aeooaut of an abecees on hie right hand, S. T. Plum, Mrs, Plum and children apeot Sunday at Blyth with N. B.' and Mrs, Gerry. - Mre. Ferguson, who has been at Tor- onto, is here ou a visit with her sister, Miss B oomfield. Geo, Buchanan, teacher, was off duty this week through en attack of 1a grippe. ' He is better solo now. Mies Eva Snider, of Port Dover, is vieiting Mies Minerva Jones, of Brussels, and other young friends. Mrs. C. H. Bartliff, Prinoess street, has been ou the sick list during the past week with an attack of pnenmooia. - Mise Elsie and Joe Good went to Wing - been last Saturday. The former will ex- tend-ber visit for a few weeks. Mre. Dowding and family removed to Toronto on Thureday to which city Mr. Dowding went a few weeks ago. - - Miee Ella Ainley, aaeooiated with Miee Kelly, will open a' dressmakers' atop at. Walton, itis stated,. in the near future. Mica IEattieDowning returned to God- erieb on Tuesday after enjoying the Easter vacation at her home in Breese's, Reeds. D. Rogere and J. W. West, M. A., of Bluevale ; sad Revde, Meeere, Dev. er and MaoNab, of Walton, were in town on Wednesday. A. E. and Mre. Treleaven, of -Deegan• non, were in town this week owing to the illness of Rev. W. Norton, Mrs. Tre, leaven's tether. - - D. Henderson, of MoKillop, was visit. - o n illor Henderson, ing bis brother, O a o re , tbie week. The visitor has been laid np with a bed out in bie foot. - - Miss Jo. Rosa hae gone to Toronto wbere ebe bae scoured a position as book. keeper. Miee Roee should till the bill to a nicety end we wish her 0000ese. kir. Drone, who is earneae maker at Councillor Donaldson's abop, bae rented a bootie on Queer) street, from. Mre. J. A. Creighton, and will move hie family to Brussels from Woodetook. Barrister and Mrs. Blair and children drove over to Goderioh on Saturday. Mr. Blair arrived home on .Monday leav- ing the other members of the family in. the Go. town for a longer visit. - Mre. Cuthberteon and obildren, of Atwood, were visiting at W. Robioeon'a during the past week. Mrs. Robinson and Mre. Oathberteon are sisters. The letter's husband was killed recently on the G. T. R. at Atwood. Rev. W. Norton, who is over 80 years of age but a moat aotiveold .gentleman, , - took a weak spell last Sabbath after he had been to church in the morning. He ie ooneiderbly better now and we bops , will Boon be as smart as usual. H. Ruthveu McDonald of London, - ohole leader in Wellington Street Meth°. - diet Church and basso in the Lander Male Quartette, hae been engaged as choir leader of Cooke's. March, Toronto, Mre. McDonald tatting the position of organist. Londoners are loath to lone Mr, and Mre. - McDonald, who stand bigh in pablis es- teem Banally as well as in tbeir prates sional obareoter. We are sorry to learn that Dr. Blare Donald, the popular representative 02 this Biding at Ottawa, fs ooafined to his room by a slfgnt aooident .to one of his feat. As be wag going up in the Bassett Hones elevator he sprained hie foot but it caused him n0 auxieby or pain jest at the time. A few days later the injury %vae each thea he could Oot nee the mem. ber and he ie quietly resting until snob time as he ie able to get aronnd again with comfort. - Tuesday of this Week Donald McMil- lan, wife, son cMil-lan,wife,son and daughter; Miee Sib - Meer, who is a older, to Mre. Matinee; and J00. J. Goatee' eon and daughter left Dements for °Shoshone, Idaho, where they will recede. Mr. McMillan Will be employed by Mr, Gooding, one of the sheep kings of that State, -. The Coated children have been residing with their grandparents in Grey tawnohfp since tbete tnothot died ie Idaho and now es, tarn to their father, .We wish them all peeowee, -