HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-4, Page 8Take Your Pick 1
Wm. Armstrong, of Morris, hough
Creeoent Wheel from ne Iaet year And
tele week another of the same make. Wo
have live left of the seven advertised last
week. Come and see our stook.
A Lady's Wheel.
$11.00 will bay Lady's Bioyple hi good
$20,00 will buy a Gent's Bicycle, gala.
526.00 will bay a Gent's Bicycle, gnat.
532.50orrCoal ster oaster acid Bcaake ole with
To Rent.
We will rent yon a Wheel by the day,
weak, month or Beason..
Wall Papers
Wall Papers 1
Wall Papers 1
Plenty to choose from
at Reasonable Prices at
our Drug and Bookstore.
Agent for Coes-
cent Biayoleo.
DEADIVI AN Drngtet, Optician
Ga A. ata sookealiar.
000180010 01 0001010 W. n. & n.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, asfollow :
Mixed... 1:18:s.1mr.1 E001814 ».8:17 p m
foal Eeb30 gtems.
A obiel's smog ye takin' notae,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TU* BAUS/3114 Pa13T.
Btitrssef a E. 0, T. M.. will attend the
funeral 01 their brother, Thee. Moa alere,
DU PiridoY afternoon,
Tontleiniv street reoelved a good
eweeping elite week end the Winter's
aponmplation *1 ranee watt hauled away,
nun the 1$a0Donald Male Quartette,
tender the euspipee of the Foot Ball team,
nest Wedueedeet evening he the Town
Hall bele.
TRs goal Mau ay bo walting
And your ap
may be flat,
Bat put aside ie teener
For wife's new Easter bat.
Now Daessieenne. $l00 Belle Living-
ston, who hoe spent several yore in De•
Smith bas opened a dressmaking chop,ie
the Holmes blook, over 0. H. Bartliff e
stors. She guaranteed satiefaetion to her
008tomers, •
T. A. Memo bas purehaeed an
+'Antelope" bieyole from A. Cooeley. We
always kpew there weesomething dear
to es five letters of thahe Prof. but t_ flee ing creatuad been re
we would have liked it better.
Moms an ORANGES. — Mrs. Wm.
Blaebill has a snake moms blooming now
with 80 beautiful flowers. This 18 the
second time in 26 years for it to flower.
It Wad a gift from her mother, Mine
Beatrice Blaebill has en orange tree on
whiob an orange hi now about ripened.
Not a very common event in this moan.
try,Gouoos MOONEY'9 tame ar0W went to
"orowd0m" on Monday. It was a great
pet and had belonged to the family. A
voyage of discovery was made into the
interior to see it the cause of death could
be ascertained, A flab bone was found
lodged in its throat and two pieces of
fine wire were found to be working des•
trootion in its "inertia."
AooO0NT8 MAILED. •^ During the poet
week Toe POET hoe mailed about 200 Re-
ounte for bank eubeoriptione to this
journal. We hope to be favored with a
prompt and hearty response e0 ae to put
00 in shape to meet oar indebtedness.
On the let of May we purpose heeding
over to our solicitor a list of those long in
arrears and what be make of
them i tbeeee n Division on Conrt We can't
afford to carry them any longer on the
credit plan.
EAST RunoN License Oommiesionere
will meet at the AmericanhH otel,
sole, on Wednesday,
at 10
o'olook to take into consideration the
granting of Hotel licensee for the dam
ing peer. There were 19 licensee issued
last year in this riding and there are two
additional applioetioue in now, making
21 in all. The new mea applying are
Jno. Pinkney. of 8eaforth, asking tioenee
for the McKim House, Walton, and Jno.
F Staples, of Constance, wanting to open
a betel in that village.
SMALLPDX AT uiTON: Quite a stir was
created at Clinton Tuesday when it b+-
oome known that a oaee of smallpox was in
town. Mies McRoberts, of London Town-
ship, and a visitor at the reeidenoe of
Peter Oantelon, merchant, is the victim.
The health officer, Dr. Shaw, assisted by
Dr. Graham, are, however, taking the
greatest preoaabione to prevent further
alarm. The eohoole are doped until after
Easter, end t is
will be done inthe vacoinetingle
line for a
few days.
De. D. F. SMITH DEAD.—The people of
this town were Badly surprised to learn
last Monday of the sudden demise, at
Ripley, on Sauday last, of Dr. D. F.
Smith, recently of Brussels. He was 46
years of age and leaves a wife, 3 do igh
cera and 3 sons. Tbe interment was
made at Kincardine on Tuesday.
Smith and family may rest assured that
they have the sincere sympathy of many
in Brunets. Mr. Smith was a olever
physioian and at one time had a large
LAST week's Guelph Mercury gave tea
following note in their report of the Ae-
0i2e9 in that pity of a ease in which Brus-
sels is somewhat interested owing to Mille
working his forgery racket upon Dr,
Toole:—The only case of acriminal char-
acter to have come before the court was
that Of the Crown vs. Mackenzie Mille,
for forgery. When the case was called
Tneeday afternoon by Hie Lordobip the
defendant, wbo is onto bail, did not ap.
pear, or any oouneel to represent him.
Mr. Denton , representing the Crowe, ask-
ed to bave bis bail eetreated, and produced
bis bail bond end that of bis bail0man, T.
A. Wardell, M. P. P. Wednesday morn•
ing, as Mills did not appear, a bench war.
rant was 0word oat for his arrest. The
case arose from a note of 510 secured
from Wm. Goodman, a Drayton mer-
obant, who olaima be gave tba note for
goods or each. Mille is charged with
having erased the oondition of receiving
the "goods." The note was oohed e.t
the bank and thus the *barge was laid.
,ST4XD4R.D ,B4XE 02 adX4 ,l.
z .. z,1sPaD 7$4.
CAPITAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) • $1,000,000
BEST , $700,000
A9enotos in all prinotpal pointe in Ontario, Oates, dfanitoba, United dram t' 8spland,
Fa1nAT and Monday will be Beak boll -
R. LEATn080M 0 sold a cabinet grand
Heiotzman piano to W. H. Modraoken
daring the past week.
Pumas schools close on Thursday of
Baia week for Easter vacation to re•
open on Monday, April 15th,
Semen Brnaeelitee attended the ton•
oral of Miss Dilworth, Ethel, on Tuesday
PoeToracOO hours on Friday will be 9 to
10 a. m., an hour after arrival of after
noon mail, and from 6 to 6.80 p. m.
A ROHE number of neighbors and old
friends went to the G. T. R. depot on
Tueaday morning to say Good-bye to
Moore. Forsyth, MoCutoheon and Grigg
who were bound for the Northwest.
Pesos) Worn HONORe.—Taa POST con-
gratulates R..1. Shine, a student of M.
H. Moore, V. S., with paoeing bis final
examination at the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, with honors. We have
not beard where he purposes locating but
wish him diocese.
Mo. Dem, of Wyoming, Deputy Or-
ganizer for the Lady Maooabeee, was
here daring the past week and With the
aid of the ladies of Riverside Hive initi
abed 10 now members on Monday evening,
with more to follow. They meet in the
Maoabee Sall, Stewart block.
ARTnnn MONAO0RTON WOE awarded the
000traot of putting on the new root on the
Agrioultorel Hall and making other nee-
eeary repairs to the building. Hie was
the lowest tender. Work ie to be nom,
pleted on or before July let. J. D. War-
wick V.13., has been appointed ivepeotor.
Howson Mgtna! Ineuranee Co. met at
Gerrie laet Saturday. They paned 96
applieetione for new and renewal insur-
ance. All the members were present.
There were no fire loosen. The doings of
Matnal Fire Underwriters' Aeaooiation of
Ontario was' dieooesed. President Mil.
ler, Director R. Boon and Secretary Mo.
Karcher attended the meeting in Toronto
on March 6th.
ONE day last week James Sharp, 6th
line, Morrie, brought some porkers to
town end sold them to the butchers. He
lost two $5 bills on the street. The next
day he attempted to trace up the missing
810000re along reported lines of money
found but failed to some bie Dash up
to the present. He will be maoh obliged
if the finder will kindly return after re
tai0ieg a good oommieeioo as bie reward.
A F000ea B1100001.100.—The Clay
Center (Kuueas) Despatch, of Marob 28,
says of Dr. Jno. Nola, formerly of this
plane :—"Dr. Jno. Nott is one of this
town'e steady going, reliable 01810 ne,
who stands at the front in his profession
' in this section of the state. By the way,
there is a new arrival at the dootor'e home
in the person of a fine 11 pound boy." A
good portrait of Dr. Nott ie also given.
Dr. Nott's old friends in Brussels and
locality will be glad to bear of hie pros.
parity. When it domes 11 ponds at a
time it ie oertainly wortby of note.
FRATonNAL.--On the lot of April the
Caretaker et the I. 0. O. F., Brussels,
received a box by expresso from Wing -
ham, carefully addreseed. With his
customary caenyne0s be was slow co
open it, vielone of internal machines, &o.
floating before him. The advice of the
Secretary wae000ght and with hie Irish
enthaeiaem he opened the new arrival
and there it was—three links belonging
to some old logging chain carefully pok-
ed away. Of comae the 8 links are the
emblem of the Order bat the brethren
here think Bob should have paid the 25
Dente °bargee when he wee Bending his
compliments to Western Star.
ITOHAM:On Friday evening a few of the friends
of Robert McOateheoo, in Braeeete, put
their heade together and decided to make
him a parting token on the eve of his de.
parture to the Northwest. Tbe gift con.
elated of a nicely °hoed eilver pitober.
A few of the good qualities of Mr. Mao.
were mentioned in connection with the
preeentatiOn of the valuable gift. Tbe
recipient was taken completely by sar-
priee yet found well chosen words to ex,
press els sincere thanks for the great
kindness shown him. Atter a reeidenoe
in this locality, nearly all his life, he
could never forget Brocade and locality
and the valuable present would be an ad•
ditiooal vielblo reason for keeping the old
borne often in mind. He wished all con
coned omen in their journey through
lite and hoped to have the opportunity of
occasionally taking a trip book to visit
with the good people of this notion.
TRE skating season is over.
Tan book of Winter is badly broken.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Tan skipping rope ooze has hit tbe
Boum. BOARD will meet Friday evening
of next week,
Tan come enumerators are busy in
town this week.
FIRE engine will be taken oat for a
teat on Good Friday.
$6.25 wee
r aggurret rgseela
forboge this eekagood
G. T. Avni0OR HIeoINBOTRA* WAS here
on his regular official visit on Thursday
of last week.
A on of coal was received last week
by W. F. Stewart for firing purposes at
hie flouring mill.
BICYCLES have made their appearance.
Frank Gerry opened the season of 1901.
He'e quite a rider too.
MILLINERY Opeoinge on Wedneeday,
Tbureday and Saturday of thio week.
Every lady ehoald attend.
Fon early vegetabies 1. 0. Ricbarde bide
fair to be first having tomatoes in bloom
and potatoes over a foot bigb.
Teem was some little danger threaten.
ed to the foot bridge by the high water
this week but the freeze•np allowed the
Spring freshet to abate and preserved the
EASTER EECnnoIONe.—Roaad trip tickets
at one fare will be issued by the railway
oompaniee good going on Thursday, 4th
April, and valid to return on Tneeday,
9th. Fare and a third tiokete good go.
ing March 29, returning on April 16.
THE Grand Trunk should restore 4o
this line the extra train taken off a few
yeare ago. There is a lot of traffic on
this road and plenty of freight to keep a
reenter train of that description bney.
Communication should be opened up
with the L. H. & B. by an evening train
FIRE insurance rates bave been advanc-
ed, aommeocing with Marsh 28. The
rise is on blooke without Ere walls, double
ethos and vacant bloke. Last year tbe
losses to the various Companies' were very
heavy end to meet this for the time to
come tbe lees desirable property will have
to pay a higher veto.
Trot Base Bali team has rented two
rooms in the Btretton block, over Jno.
Hewitt's barber shop, into whiob
they have put electric ligbte. Tbe hada.
tion is to keep their uniforms and other
°lab belongings there and also bave it for
a dressing room before and after practises
and matches.
HONEY Somvi..-00 the evening of
Good Friday tbe Ohrietian Endeavor of
Melville church purpose giving a Honey
Boreal in the Sunday school room, to
wbioh the public is cordially invited.
Au interesting program will be rendered
and es tbe admission fee ie only 10 outs
and tbe date a pendia holiday there
should be a large attendance. Beep the
date in mind.
been received et the local Poet Office that
on and after April let the rates of corn.
mission on money orders will be the same
far both Canada and the United Staten,
wbioh will be a boon to remitters of money
orders. The rates will be: On orders up
to $5, 80.; over 58 and up to $10, Oc.; over
$10 and op to $30, 10o.; over $30 and up
to $50, 150; over 050 and up to 575, 25o.;
over $75 and np to $100, 800.
Finn BRIGADE: A000rding toannounce.
went a meeting of Brunets Fire Brigade
was held in the Council Chamber on Fri•
day evening of last wok, Chief, J. G.
Skene, in the chair. There waif an ani-
mated dissension of businese'netten' ate•
pertaining to the Company that should
result in good to the Brigade. The fol-
lowing officers ware elected for the our.
year •
fJno. G
. Sloane,
ed ; Captain, A. Carrie1let Liana, 8. H.
Jaokeon ; 2nd Lieut., W. 0.Smith let
Engineer, Watson Ainley4 2nd Engineer,
Robb. Mainprize ; Seo.•Treae., F. S.
Booth • 1st Branchman, Jno, Meadows
201. Branohman, P. MQQatari° ; 3rd
Branchman, Alex. McNeil , 4111 Branob.
man, Ad. Bement ; No. 1 Iteei—Alex.
111oRay, R. Henderson and Ghee.11itod.
owe : No. 2 Reel -Henry Mooney, Harr}'
Mercier and Jno. Hewitt ; No. 3 Reel -
eel -17.1. (lorry, D. 0. Rosa, P.
Swett, 3. T.
Rbsg , 8irreman, Aide, Bird , oat ,
WM. 'Thomson and Ire Gerry, It ie eIt-
petted praotioee with the fire engine will
be more frequent then they have been.
and a good idea is that of educating differ.
ant members of the brigade to ran the
engine so that there will never bo a leak
of,eegineete, A sem of money aooroing
from !nee for the past 2 yore wi11 be die.
tributedl 80 pee members,
A General Banking
Farmers' Notes Dieoonnted.Df Lamed and Transacted.Collectiops mads on al points.
filtered, allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly.
Avery facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
Ronal 01511 pahleefoatoaOSbantkei—ued $90o $400,...,.,.1204
Poor BALL Concert not Wednesday
Ie is said that Dalby Kendall and Mies
May Dennison were married in Mo$illop
on Wednesday of this weok.
A NEW tar and gravel root will be put
on the woollen factory for B, Gerry.
The work will be done by Wateon Ain.
le y.
Hondo Fair one Thursday of this week,
the last of this season, The bad roads
militated somewhat against the usual
targe attendance.
SEATS are being taken ata live`y rate
for the MaoDonald Male Quartette Con
cart in the Town Hell next Wednesday
evening, Plan of Hall at Foxe Drag
AT J. A. Creighton's' funeral on Tues-
day of last week the Salt Work's big
sleigh was utilized for conveying the A.
O. U. W. members to and from the oeme.
tery. There were 32 passengers aboard
on the borne trip and averaging them at
165 pounds the neat little aggregate of
5,280 pounds of Society on the one sleigh.
It wee a splendid rig for the pitch boles.
EA8TE0.—No day i0 richer insweet
memories, no day ie so full of promise.
It setae seal of certainty on the future.
It proves that death does not end all. It
is fall of the promise of life eternal. It
is full also of promises of belpfulneae in
tees life. A sense of new etrength and
power comes to those who interpret the
feeeone of Easter aright.
"The Lord ie risen 1 Blot from your
Old memories of Bin and wrong,
The Lord ie ripen 1 Take now your
In Rig eternal Easter song,"
vested ; 3rd, Tbe faotory is a reality, the
result of indefatigable effort by the
directorate, and in order to strengthen,
Morose the factories output and make it
a paying concern for the farmers, to
whom it is of present importance, it
will be well for producers in this and sun..
rounding country to See 80 it that what
has been done its appreciated and assist
in securing the factory against the MVOs,
slay of forming any combination with
other 'concerns in order to retain pre80nt
position. It should scarcely be neoeeeary
to mention the fact that farmera ehoald
attend Ibis meeting in a body es no
other prodnot on the tarn] le of so mode
importance today as the hog and what
*111 be said may add dollars to each pro.
Business Locals.
GRAND TRONE. This week there were
6 ears of settlers' effete shipped from
Brussels, a oar each by Simon Forsyth
sr.Simon Forsyth, jr., Hugh Foreyth,
Ro,a. Almada,IN. W. T.tobeon , and a John oar by A l ed
Grigg to Moose Jaw, N. W. T. ; Robt.
Graham, 2 oars of wheat to Portland and
a oar to Guelph ; Alf. Beaker, oar of
wheat to Presto ; oar at hogs by W. F.
Vanetone to Toronto ; oar of cattle by
Geo. Best for Toronto ; 2 oars of ashes by
J. Joynt, of Beaforth, for Hartford, Conn.,
U. 8.—A aur of seed barley was reoeived
by Alfred Boeker.—Paeaenger traffic is
moving lively, especially the Easter boli.
day company.
Bowento. — Monday evening the re.
organization of Bromic; Bowling slab
t tbe lovers of
this in
ed the time
sport. The offiaera for tbe our.
rent year are aB follows :—Hoa. Preei•
dent, Inepeotor Robb ; President, R.
Leatherdale ; Vice President, Dr. Mo.
Naughton; Seo.•Treae., J. N. Gordon.
A 0Ommitlee wag appointed to arrange
for the leasing of the lot en the North
bank of the Maitland adjoining Turn•
berry street at the bridge. If eeatired the
land will he plowed, levelled and eeeded
down and oared foe with the expeetetion
of having Broady for both bowling and
tennis in 1902. Tbe olnb hope to have
the 3180 of the lawn on the Broadfoot
property for the coming season. Brae -
este bowlers play ttgood game and bave
been able to make 5good showing with
other teams in neighboring( towns. The
skips Naughton, Appointed Nara Qb don . 0. oalidD J. H.
Rieke gives the following forecast for the
month of April :—The first regular storm
period for April baa three oases for ex•
pealing storms, aside from the planetary
oanne. This period rune from March
Slat to April the 5th. Very high temper•
Oars in most parte, with low barometer
and rain, bail and thunder, may ex-
peoted promptly on or next to the let.
Storminess with heavy April rains will
oontin08 tip to about the 4th. Danger•
one torpadic storm° need not be surprised
at on or touobing Monday tbe let, to
Wednesday the 8rd. Very 000l weather
will follow on the heels of this storm
period, with probably tate snow North•
ward and iroste in many tedious, even
central to Southward, from about the 4th
to 7th. Watch your tender plants. On
and touching the 881* and 9th will tall a
marked change to warmer, the barometer
will react to lower readings and heavy
April reins, hail and thunder will visit
many eeotions in tbeir general maroh
from Weft to East. Barometer Will ries
rapidly behind these reactionary Winne,
bringing quite cool winds from Weet and
North, and frosty nigbte in Northern
directions. The 12th to the 10th eon -
Whites period,
i r eon
e as
ea another r r
e iod will fall on or
this r
Tbe ae
no o P
next to Monday the 16th about w
date look for vioioae electrioal storme at.
tended by hail, rain and dongerone winds.
Low barometer, high temperature and
daily paroxysms of wind and April down-
pours, will moat probably continue over
the colanationot Moon and Sun on the
18th and into tbe reaotionary storm
period teethe 19th, 20th and 2108, The
beet week in April le elan covered with re
mercury period, the same being central
on Monday the 29th, In extreme
Natthern parte there is a possibility of
[sleet and !now doriog this last April
period. We predict that April will bring
many Otherness of very warm and quite
pool weather—a war with Northerly and
Southerly currents. Rai&B will be euffi
dot generally, amounting 00 cloudburst°
irgg00ntly—too *ot for loW lands.
nnal sawing match will take plaoe at
Brneeele on Friday afternoon of next
week, 12th inst., commending at 2 o'olook.
Two outs will be made off a 22 ioob beech
log, prizes being awarded for beat time
follows :—let, $8.00 • 2nd, $6,00 e d,
$400 ; 4th, $2.00. Entrance fee will be
60 canto for eaoh saw. Meaere. Barrie &
Ramsay, of Grey, who have won to many
awards, are barred, but will no doubt be
willing to accommodate the Winners with
e. match. The Committee ooneiete of
J. T. Rose, W. M. Sinclair and A. Gohr,
with N. F. Gerry as Sen.-Treas. No
donbt a large number will •attend. Beep
the date in mind.
HOaoN'e POPOLATION. — County Clerk
Lane has totalled the population of the
County from the aaseesment rolls, of
which be bee jest received the last for
1900, and that oar readers may see the
changes clue year makes we bave given
the population for 1899. It will be seen
that towns and villages have lost 19, and
townships 307, too great a lose for the
floe old agricultural Ooonby of Huron
Municipality 1900 1899 Increase Decrease
Blyth 88 1d 800 998877 1 19
Brussels 1228 1167 91
Clinton 488281 ..,•S
Exeter 1840
Sewaallh 4064 .8933 4027 1
Seaforth 2426 2418 18
Win ham 2183 2204
Hanging i Hanging i
Yea l we keep them batty banging
because aur papers are so easy to hang
and then they look so well when tbey are
beteg. We think oar cloak wag never
larger nor more varied than we are
sbowing.this year and we know our pride
1 lease as too
wil p ,y .
.A,PrtIL 4, 1901
Do you want, Olean Oats,,
and Barley
and more of them?
Sol tLon
1p venially Concentrated form will give
you both. Tootimonials of well known
and reliable Farmers can be shown who
bare need the above to kill the Smut
Germ, with the moat satisfactory results.
One Ib. Bottles, 75c
Half ib. Bottles, 45c
• P. S.—Bluestone so' greatly used. last
year le Oil! being used by many.
Dln*oaTH.—In Grey, on April 1st, Mary
A., daughter of Robb. and Mrs.
Dilworth, aged 21 years, 10 months
and 28 days.
il 8rd,
Thomas Maunders, aged 8 on years, 2
months and 28 days.
' Boee.—In Gerrie, on Marob 81st, Alex.
Roes, formerly of Grey township, in
hie 69th year.
SMITH —In Ripley, op March 31, Dr. D.
...-F. Smith. recently of Brneeele, aged
46 years and 4 months.
TwEDDLE.—At Fergus, on Friday, March
2981*, 1901, Joseph Tweddleot father
of N. W. Twaddle, D. D. 8„
eels, aged 81 years.
Cesar for butter and eggs. A. Conley.
Frlter•ouAee crayon enlargements for
$1,00 at BREWER'S.
AGED work bores for este cheep. Apply
at Brenda Marble Works.
Fun corn for sale at National Roller
Mill, Brunie. W. F. STEWART.
Sine iron belonging to a cutter lost on
gravel road South of Brussels. Finder
kindly leave it at D. Ewon'e, Brussels.
WANTED -1000 bushels of timothy and
clover seed ; 100 turkeys; also dried
apples and butter.
G. E. Tema, Wingbam.
ANYONE needing owe made ready for
riming can have same done eatiefaotorily
and °barges *111 be returned if prizes
cannot be nelson with same. Yore, for
tact and °say oohing. T. McClendon,
saw gnmmer and filer, Enamels.
Mum Fon BALE.—Tbe undersigned hag
gone into the dairy business and is now
prepared to deliver any quantity of Bret
°lase milk to any part of the town at 3e
Dente per quart. Your patronage solioit•
ed. Gamlen Roan, Brooke 88
Wroxeter 483 444. 80
16990 17015 181
Morrie 2146 2 22222
Step e
Ste hen 2458 2118
Taonberry 201 2418
Usbornrry 2151 2298
Wawa a 2820 1917
Wawanosh E, 2055 2091
Wawanosh W. 2055 2091
48158 48464
Totals 60149 80476
Tool decrease 828.
Brunie has the beat record for 1n0rea80
among the towns and villages and Grey
leads in the rural municipalities. Morris
townebip reports the largest loan.
8108 8277
1892 1710 02
2118 2404
88462 88440 144
8781 8881
NM26 0 142
TUESDAY, AMYL 9.—Farm stook, imple-
ments, &o. Lot 22, oon. 3, Grey. Bale,
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Jno. Savage,
prop. ; F. B. Boit, atm.
The newel sittings of the Fourth Di•
vision Court was held in the Town Ball,
Brussels, on Wednesday forenoon before
Judge Doyle.
Dooket else as follows
Leatherdale vs. Bnider.—Adjourned.
Ferguson vs. Snider — Walker and
Straohan, garniebee.—Action on soconnt.
Verdict for primary debtor and for amount
in baud of garniebeeo.
Fox ve. Snider, Strsohan garnishee.
Action on account. Verdict game as
Doff & Stewart ve. Itae, Payne & Me -
Dole, garnishees.—To stand for written
McCracken vs. Lowry, Brussels Bobool
Board garniebees.—Action on account.
Verdict of non -snit.
Thompson vs. Bairn,.—Aotion on s0•
daunt. Verdict for plaintiff for $28.99
and coats.
Kreuter ve. Cunningham.—Action .for
$60 damages claimed. Adjourned to next
Ponx PADIIING.—A9 will be seen by
notice iD these columns a meeting of far.
Mere will bo held in the Town He.II, Brae.
eels, on Saturday, April 13th, at 2,80 p.
m., to diecme the affairs of the Farmers'
Co.operative Company at Palmerston.
The atm of the oompaeyia to Menage the
output thereby reducing expensed, and in
it la b
r sa
do feta y
more eh rh
e oldere or more shares e
Fermate all over the Province admit this
factory, and a couple of 'ether similar
ones, have been the means of holding hogs
at the high prie0 prevailing the peat
menthe and if farmers with a(mod anano
of present prioeo,eaob and every feeder
of bout, abonld at least take one or more
$10 shares. By etreogthening the corn.
pang it dose away with borrowing money
and the full ontrol ie detained by the
future, enabling them to 0900x0 all that
the English market will allow. Fatmere
80 and 40 miles from the faotory, end
even AB distant 00 Obatham, bave Bub•
sotibed from 020 to 1150 eaoh, There are
good reagens ler Supporting the farmers'
factory iti Palmerston, 1et, Tbo director,
ata is elm0et entirely tamers ; 2nd, No
largo amounts team individAalt 810 in,
Fall Wheat............ 63
Barley ...... ......... 37
seas ...........•.••.. 60
ORte 28
Butter, tube and rolls ., 144
Eggs per union 4 00
Floor oar owt. 00
Potato's (per bag) 2 00
Apples (per bbl.)
Sheep ekins,eaob ..-••• 75
Lamb skins each
Balt per bbl., retail i 00
Hay per ton 700
Hides trimmed 6
Hides rongh
Hoge, Live 6 00
5 00
'2 00
1 00
8 00
6 00
Undersigned will keep for 00rpiae on
Lot 21, Con. 15. Grey, a th oro' bred 91olkebtre
bog, bred from J. Brethaur's stook, Burford,
Terme, 81.00, to be aid at time of service
with privilege of returning KGHT,Propprietor,
undersigned will heap for service' on
Lot 5, 0oas. 80 and 11, Grey, a 11ret•elaoe
registered Short Horn bull. This animal
was bred by Wm. Grainger & Son, of TIM -
lett, whose °owe stood at the head of the
Vet at the World's Fair Chicago, 'In their
Been on applloationmilk . Terme, $1,80 for the
season, to be paid at time of 00rvloe with
privilege of returutng if necessary.
81.8m CHAR. RO1ELL, Proprietor.
Goon cow for Bale. Will calve
eaBrrly in
May. Apply to W. B
Tannic bead of cattle rising 2 years,
for Brussels Poet 6, Morris.
MRs. A.
ONE span of fine, young, well bred,
general purpose,WILLIAMrWR Y,.Belgrave.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brunets Conn -
ail was held in the Council Chamber lest
Monday evening, all the members pres-
ent, the Reeve in the chair,
*mutes of lest meeting read and pass -
The following accounts were presented
and on motion of N. F Gerry end Barn
net Wilton were ordered to .be paid :--
Mies RoLooe 00
ddick, bonnet Mrs. Wel,$ 2 00
Fire Co., fires.... 24
Jae, Fox,,. mieoellaneone 2 19
Jno. Donaldson, trunk to Mrs. 2 75
Wallops 20 00
Ales. MoLanohlfn, salary
R. Mainprize, electric light101 26
Jno. Long, taking Mrs. Wallace 6 84
to Clinton
Jno. Simmons, lounge used by 5 00
Mrs. Waliaoe
A delegation from the Brinier foot ball
team eoneieting of Jae, Ballantyne and
Lome of
the Town Halne loo the 10th ins, asked for the t., for the
bleDonaldert. It was
moved by Samuel Wilton,
tte o eeoonded by
Jno. Donaldson, that the request be
Wm. Bird asked part payment fora
plow broken while plowing out the gravel
road. Left over until plow is peen.
The question of the town assisting in
t be collection of rent for Mo. Welsh woe
d lammed and left in the hands of the
Council then adjourned.
Mr. Tarte has expressed himself as
favorable to the Wolvin scheme for ele-
vators in Montreal harbor, and the leg.
elation to 800011on the bond gnarantee
will probably be paned by Parliament.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Hero, in the matter of the estate of
Thomas Gibson, late of theVillage of
Wroxeter, in the County of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the
Revised Btatntea.of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129,
Bee. 38, that all creditors and others having
any airtime against the estate of Thomas
Gibson, late of the Village of Wroxeter, to
the County of Huron. Gentleman, deceased,
S D., 1901, to the Villageho ayWroaeter,, Januaare
required to send hy poet. prepaid, or to de.
liver to W. 8. Maui -ober, of the Village of
Wroxeter, one of the Execrate m of the said _.
estate. on or before the 0th day of Apell,1901,
their full names , addresses, and doeortptfons
and the full partionlare of their claims, -Dud
the nature of the seouritiee, if any. held by
them. And natio° le hereby given that after
the said last mentioned date the Executors
willprocoed to distribute the assets el the
deceased among the pereona^entitiedahete-
to, having regard only to the claims of whi'alik;,
Donee shall have been given as above requir-
ed. and the 3 ueoutors 1011 not be 008000-
or any part
oa p en wthereof,
notice ehsil not have been received at the,
time of snob distribution, .
W. 8. Ma1LEROHER, Executor,
Dated at Wroxeter, March 1889,1901,
The ander will mach oblige by
returning it to the nndereigued is whose
favor it in drawn. The nubile are warned
against negotiating it. ELIJAH PEASE,
5811 Line, Monis.
BALE.—W. Blaebill desires to glye up
butchering and w111 diepose of his biplane
and rent the shop if a suitable opportunity
oilers. A good chance for pushing man.
Apply to W. BLA8HILL, Brussels.
ATTNG and House Painting done in
Have athree s'exprece inay
'work. Terms able.20 Give
Corner Alexander and Thomas
street Brume's. Good, location, low price,
and Immediate possession. For further
earth°Mare apply to JOHN- BARNHILL,
P,oprleor, Henfryn P. 0., or PETER WAT-
SON, Queen 0treet, Brussels, 06 4
L ammo home on Queen
street, Brussels. It is foothill for business
menand retired farmers to rent bongos
on lade they
can get a homeyme of their own for
License District 1
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet at the
Wednesday, Apra 17th,
1001, AT 10 O'OLOOS A. M.
To take into consideration the
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1901-02.
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Riding
The number of Applications
this year is 21. The new appli-
cants are John Pinkney, of Sea -
forth, for the McKim House,
Walton ; and Jno. F. Staples, of
Constance, for the Constance
JAMESTOWN, April let, 1901.
the residence
off —OnR
the 27, s parents,
t8 Walton.. Abe, of
March 27,by
Broeeele, Mt. Thee. Bolger to Mise
Treeeie, daaebter of Mr. and Mre.
Geo. Cbrietopher, all of Morrie
BBDALL-- D00NI8011.— In McKillop, on
April, 8rd, by Rev. Mr. Dever, Mr.
Dalby Kendall to Mies May
eon, both of Braude.
Tamere0N.-.t*rneeteT,—Qt Molesworth, on
March 27th, by Rev, Geo, Ballantyne,
lift, George Thumpeoo to Miss Laura
Spiilett, both .et t11a to;vnehip o
CLAER.--Id Morrie, oh. March 81, John
01111k, aged 88 yours and 8 months,
We cordially invite you and your friends to come and
look over our Millinery Display for this season
Wednesday, Thursday �iin1�. 4 8t.
�and Saturday, ..
The modes this year exceed in beauty and design, mat-
erial and genual effect, anything we have offered or
thought of before. Our Spring Opening will eclipse all
its brilliant predecessors.
e highly MISS LIVINGSTON, who nom s g y recommended, has
been engaged for the season.
1 "litasim P
C ll,
taken as as ,