HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-4, Page 6i7.,z7 ter. TRS If we may trust ropor'te etow Mere rent in Louden, the British Govern.. moat under the neeeeeftte tri providing for the oceet of the wear be South. Af- 7;loa and a''' a permanent lnurease of the military esLahliehmenit, is on the point of departing from the long ao copted policy of free trade, The funds ';'hioh the Chancellor of the Excite - settee is bound to procure oair of bo obtained by the imposition of addi- tiorial excise burdens on the brew- ing and distilling intoreets, w'htele are already taxed to tbo Montt of endur- ance, At most, only a small fraction ofthe additional revenue required can be extracted 'roan that source. Nei- ther can a mare than Insignificant additionbe made to the present in- eoMo lax without provoking a wide- spread and vehement remonstrance ;Which might shatter even the huge Ministerial majority in the Commons', and arouse a storm of disaffection in the house of Lords; itself. On the other htind, the threatened deficit Dan be partly made good by levying a tax on imported sugar, and much of the remaining gap bc'•tweep income and outgo might be bridged by reimpos- ing on imported grain the shilling re- gistration ebarge which wive abolish- ed by Mr. Robert Lowe when he was Chancellor of the Exehoquer. Ac- cording to London newspapers which are usually well informed, both steps are relueLantly contemplated by Sir Michael Hicks.-Deaeh, although, bilh- erto, that Minister has see hie face against the ulightest concession to the advocates of protection. If the Chancellor of the Exabequer finds himself constrained to propose the fiscal innovation:.( just named, be will, doubtless, undertake to prove that they are not really inconsistent with his former professions, Sugar, 13.c. may argue, is a luxury, and, as such, may be ae lawfully taxed, even by free traders, ae are alcoholio ben -i erages and tobacco. There is no doubt that sugar was once a luxury; in mediaeval times it used to be sold by apnthecariers, and was accounted a predate; drug. Nowadays, however, it has come to be regarded a necessity, in Great Britain and the United States at all events, and habitually forms a part of the diet of the, workingman. Should the tax proposed by Sir 3Iirh- ael Ilicks-Ileaele add even a half- penny to the retail price at sugar per pound. it will bring lame to the mas- see of the people a sense though not an acute one, of the burdens to wh'.ch they are to be subjected by the pro- seeutian of the imneriali,t policy in South Africa and elsewhere. A$ for the reimposition of the shilling re- gistration charge an imported grain, abolished acme thirty years ago, ex- perienee has Shown that this might not increase the price of a loaf of bread, although it would yield a con- siderable sum to the treasury. It is not tho actual but the pro5- pective significance of these innova- tione 1t hich will challenge attention throughout Great Britain and excite strenuous oppo.iition in the House of Commons. It will be impossible to conceal the truth that the duties men- tioned, and, c: peeially, that an im- ported grain, constitute a renuncia- tion of the principles of free trade. ,The renunciation once made. the ulti- mate extent of the departure will be measurable only by the needs of the exebequer. Moreover, experience has shown that, if the. neeescariee of life are onto taxed for revenue, the time is not distant when they will be taxed for protection also, If a registration charge le to be reimpos- ed on imported grain .for the sake of the treasury, haw long will it be be - Foxe an additional tax ie levied for the 'sake of reviving the agricultural in- iterest in the United Kingdom, and at consolidating the British Empire, by {giving a preference to Colonial food products in the markotg of the moth- er oountry? There is no doubt that the fiscal difficulties in which the Salisbury Government bus been involved by its operations in South Africa have brought it to the parting of the ways. Those ditfleulteee aro now, or soon will be, insupportable, without a de- parture from the prinelples of free trade. Willthe great mass of work- ingmen, who constitute a majerityof the voters of Great Britain, tolerate such a departure, or will they rath- er demand a reversal of the Cabinet's policy? Will the Liberal Unionistt2 support a proposal to tax sugar and grain 7 If they do, the Salisbury GOv- ornment may last as long as the pres- eat Parliament. If, on the contrary, they refuse to abjure the convictions which they havee hitherto proclaimed, i it is not impossible that, even in the existing Rouge of Commons, the Salis- bury Government may meet with ovorthrow.` These its a curious little anecdote told of Victoria when about 12 years of ago rt. wad on the occasion of a visit to Wentworth House, the seat tete Earl Fitzwilliam. One northing after a rainy night she was running about the gromncic, when an old gardener who Haw het abrnit to e- eend a Wiping piece of lawn called d cat, "Be carul, Axiti's, its slope l" "What's sin per said thePrencese, and the hetet moment measured her fell length ccn the damp grass. The old gardener hastened to'help her up and remarked, "nate( slope, bliss✓' SUFFERING. WOMEN, A T4ESSAGE OP HOPE TO THE WEAK ANA DEPRESSED, A. Cretan!, Woman 'roue or tier 21e111as0 prone tela Agonies That Aflilet Iter hex After Throe Loelortellail Mallett -10 help. The enlrent of suffering borne by women throughout the country, can nonce be estiineted. Shenley, almost hopelessly, they endure from day to day affliatlons that earl only fall to the lot of women. The following story of the eutfering and release of 11rs. Oharle'a-t Hoeg, oe Southampton, N.S., ought to tering hope and lu'alth and lmppinese to other sufferers. Mrs. Ilocg sayc;-"For nine out o£ the thirty-lwv year's of my life I have suffered us no woman, unless ehe has been siniilerly afflicted, can imagine I could suffer and yet have lived. Three weeks out of four 'would be unable to move about and, Indeed, at no nano was really fit to attend to my i nteebold duties. I consulted p]lysi- eians-three of the must skilful doc- tors in the county of Cumoerinnd at different times had charge of my case Those all agreed in their diad naxW,, but the treatment v'ar]el, and while at times I would experience seine relief, at no time woe there any holm given me of a permanent euro. Many a night when I went to bol I would have been glad if death had come before morning. I never hail much £uith in proprietary medicines, but at ono time 'took a halt dozen battles of a blood -making compound that was highly reromm.nded. This', like anything else, failed to help• me, There seemed to be not a partiole of blood in my body. -1£y face woe ab- rolutely. colorless, and my appetite almost entirely deserted me. I often sun- In the newspapers letters testifying to the merits of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, but nine years 01 suffering and discourage- ment had made me too sceptical to see any hope of relief, when doctors had failed to effect a cure. Dui at last 1 came across tha story 01 a cure near home -that of Mr, elosee Uoen, of Rodney. I knew that at one time h3 had been regarded as a hope- lees Consumptive, and his cure through Dr, :Williams' Pink P1110, de- termined me to try them. I had not taken two boxes before I bran to feet better, and grew confident of a cure. I kept on taking the pills, all the time feeling new bleed in my veils, activity returning to my Umbel, and the feeling of depression gradu- ally wearing away. To many waters it may ,re em incredible that the mere making of new blood in my veins could restore to a healthy condition misplaced internal organs, but this has been my happy experience. My pains have all loft me, and I :on now us healthy a woman as there is in this place. - This health I owe to Dr. Williams' ''ink l'ille, weird' have res- cued ma from a life of suffering, ]£ not from the grave." Dr. William' Piuk P]lll are especi- ally valuable to women They build up the blood, restore the nerve4, and eradicate those trouble; which make the lives of so many women, 013 and young, a burden. Palpitation of tem heart, nervous headache and nervous prostration speedily- yield to this wonderful medicine. These pill:' are sold only in bexeg, the trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cent:; a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had tel druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' I Medicine Company, Brockville., Ont. ,FRIENDLY WARNING. IA popular doctor tells this story of a bright boy, bis own, who has reach- ed the mature age of nine, after an early career marked by many wild and mieehievous pranks, 611I restless nature has made him something of a torment to his teach- er at times, and one afternoon not long ago she kept !hien after the oth- ers were dismissed, and had a seri- ous talk with liim. Perhaps she was a litele afraid that her admonitions were felling on atony ground. Any- way, ske finally said : I certainly will have to ask your father to comp and see me. Don't you do it, said the boy. The teacher thought 'she bad made an impression. Yes, she repeated, I must send for your father. You better not, said the boy. W.hy not? Inquired the teeeher. 'Cause he °barges $2 a visit, said the scamp. Colonel ICokewiele, during the (siege of Kimberley, was approached by a p1'iveto who asked, "CO10pel, when do Yee expect we are going to get 000100 thing' to aatir' „Eat 1" oxelalmed the Colonel, " did you Pin the army mero- 1'y to get nometbing`10 eat?" "Well, that's about the size of ]t.' "here," oolling an officer, give ibis man something to eat and then have him shote' Tbe eftieor understood the joke, and replied; " All right, colon- el." The private, exhibiting no alarm said: "Boil me n bate, oap'n, stew up u couple of chickens, bake two or three pounds of potatoes, fetch a gallon in beer and load Wer guns. Wan. such in- ducements the man 'bat wouldn't be willing to die is a blitherjn' idiot," A hearty meal was prepared for the soltlier, but be still lives, Popo Leo XIII. 1305 now, outlived all the distinguished persons helm a few years ago were his contemporaries, Itis now nearly sixty years since the Supreme Pontiff, who Was then Papal Nuncio, at. the Belgian Court, met Queen Victoria on one of her visits to her uncle, King Leopold. IIs after- wards visited England, and was pre- sented to the Queen and the Prince Consort. The Pope, though now in his ninetieth year, retains a vivid recol- lection of his stay in England STRENGTH OF ICE- Two-inch ice will uuaiain a man or properly ;paced infantry; four -inch ice will carry a man on horseback, or cavalry, or light guns ; six-inch feu heavy f1e11 guns, such as 80 -pound- ers; eight -inch ice, a battery of ar- tillery.,with carriages and 'hurses,but not over 1,000 pounds per square fout on sledges; and ten -inch ice sustains an army or ori innumerable multi- tude. On fifteen -inch ice a railway could be built, and two -foot thick los wilt withstand the impact of a loaded railway carriage after a sixty -foot fall, or perhaps, 1,500 foot tons. POLNTED SAYINGS. He who fears God need never fear bean. You cannot do God's work with the devil's weapons. The approbation of self is seldom horn of the approval of conscience. Christianity is to the Christles.i as the science of optics to the blind. Charity draws from an exhaustless fountain ; the more it gives, the more it bas to give. IL is hopeless consulting the com- pass of conscience when you lay the loadstono oh lust beside it. -.- For two hours a fashionable lady kept the draper exhibiting his geode, and at the end of that period sba sweetly u -eked:- "Are you sure you have shown me everything you have 7" "No, madam," amid the draper; "I have yet an old account in my ]edger 111 gladly slow you." Ile did nut need to shoo^ any more. INFORMATION WANTED. 'A man wbo contemplated buying a bicycle wrote this letter to a manu- facturer soya an exchange; My net - few hot hisself a new bissiokle and sent me his old ens by trate, and I've learned to ride mune. It's a pile of fun, but my bissickle jolts consider- able; ,e1. feller cote along day before yesterday with a bissiakle that had holter-injun rubber tires stetted with ;1yi11,1. 11e let me try bissen, and mi, it sun like it kushon. Ile told nee you soil Mien rubber just the same as hissen. Mine is all iron wheels. Do you punch the holler hole through the injun rubber oar will'1 have to do it myself ? How do, you stick the ends together after you get it done. If your iajun rubber is all ready will it oonee any, cheaper empty? T can all the wind 1 want hare, , I cured a horse of the mango with MINAID'r LINIMENT. C1f]LISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cared a bores badly torn by •t pitch fork, with MINAUI)'a LINI- MENT. 1ir'WARD LINLIEIr. St. Peter's C.D. Q cured a horse of a bad swelling with 11INARD'i LINIMENT. T130e1AS W. PAYNE. Bathurst, N.D. When wounded In battle horses aro attended to as soon as possible. A vet- erinary officer with assistants follow close on the fighting line, and those animals with only slight Injuries are collected together and sent to the vet•- erinary hospitals, established at the fixed camps. These very badly wounded are shot, horse.: killed in battle are either buried or burned according to the climate. In South Africa burial is resorted to. �a SETS ADVICE. rnee. �tt Honest and Earnest Friend ei tele Sio& iapeaks, lie Tells elle 1'ntlottls to Ilse Dedd'0 ludney pop, awl ilio Hesulti l'roco lets 1210• dem to so Doing.. INieolet, Que., Afar. 25, -Special. -Dr. W, Smith, of this place, reports two oases of Kidney Disease cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills, which are very striking testimonials to the merit of thin great medicine, The suhjoats aro Mr. Caleb Rivard and Dol oseph. ITamel, Mr. Rivard suffered from incontin- ence of the urine day and night. Ile was ea worried by the dischteige of urine at night, that he purchased from Dr. Smith a rubber instrument to protect his bed. Dr, Smith advised Kidney Pills. Ile bought Homo and soon reported to the doctor that be was quite cured. The trouble had, en- tirely disappeared. Mr. Haenel writes of,bis ease:- " I suffered with Kidney Disease for three or tour years go bad that I would have to lay off work two or three days every week. I' was con- Linually sick, and was forced to walk like an old man, being all bona with the pain. I had lost all my energy. I heard of Dodd's kidney Pills. Af- ter Inad talon a few doses, I was delighted to find myself improving,; Thus encouraged, I continued, and; after the third box my trouble had' entirely disappeared. I could stand and walk upright without any pain or stiffness whatever. This is over sib months ago, and I have not had the slightest return of the 'trouble or pain," These cures have caused quite a ae.lsetion in this neighborhood, an both .gentlemen aro well known. Aodd's Kidney Pills are very papu- lar in Nioole'. Well, you known, Mr. Winters," said Miss Oldfield, airily "a girl of eigh- teen is quite as old as a man of twen- ty-one." "Oh, frequently," retorted Winters ; I L -now an eighteen -year-old maiden who was born in 1872." FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mea WINSLOw'S SOOTHING 171400 has been used 00 mothers for their children teething. It soothed the colt:. eaftenn the gums, ntlaya pail, cares tried eo.iet bnd!athe beat remedy for diarrhoea, 25os, bottle. Sold y ell d,eu,twFIn tereughouL the world. Insure and oak ter 1111r.,. WLwdaw'e Soothing firma.' In the manufactures of Great .Bei tain alc,ne the power which steam, ex- erts is estifnatead to he egnnl to the manual labour of 4,000,000,000 men, or more than double: the 11111911301' of males nuppesed to inhabit the globe. 1rii;1ril'$ liniment for side ev er}i3.11ei'0 There aro 22,100 different friendly societies in England, with 7,000.010 members, and a capital of ee58,000,000. Out of the Vatican's 11,000 rooms, Pope Leo has reserved for his personal use only three -a small sitting -roam, a little dining -room, and a bedroom. t' Liniment Cures Luu'lruii, ililitlr i B Stetisticians egrets that the popula- tion of the world averages 100 wo- men to every 100 men. STallt012 0100, reey rrTOLEDO, }St. Fna,rr J.. t"11,:110 mattes 0.111 ,hat he is senior peewee of the firm ,f 1. 3, Ctn1187 S" Co.. doing bu'ine's in el o City of relctlo, Co,alty and State afore ntd, end that Ford firm will pay the urn of ONE 11051)1101' DOL- LARS for etch ants every- atm. of Cementite thet cannot 1•.o cured by the us° Of lLttt's Cerei4nu CARO. FRANK 3. CIlEN16Y. Sworn to barer° m0 and 4101srr1140d in inn presence, 'lite 0th day of December. A.D. 1501,. A. W 015ASO5 502AL. otdry 1'ubifc. IIulfa 0 theera carols taken internally, and not dircelly en the ben°i and mucous.51101ncea of these -Hem Eend far testimonials. free. P. J. Clilte Y du CO„ Toledo, 0 Fold by Druggists, 71e. Rnll'u family Pills are the best. Tho hardest thing in the world for a young woman to do is to look un- concerned the first time she cornea out in a handsome engagement- rin g. 'y itiM')�e.o^•...a'r2w W 1 a'... sN1w�+ +�3'':arm''':, '+g+ ," .:F",.�11,g�j131 c e$ Tn 1801 there Were no railways in Seotand in the wase. We naw 4150 the torte, or even in tnglalld. To -day the railways of the United Kingdom ex.. tend to about 52,000 intim of lineovbiele have been oonstrueto'd at a emit of about 181,000,000,000, 511e annual groan receipts pow exceed 400,000,000, and of the expenditure, .which emanate to 01203' 400,000bQ00,, fully Ona -pelf le (Ilse t11110(0d In wages to eyor' 500,000 em- ployes. 1 raa Alward s Liiliniout Relieves IVesralgia4 On recent oelentifio test, a wond- er in metals eueoeed011 in .drawing a penny Out into 5,700 ft. of wire. yty,r,yM0tN1TIIIOi3Ltlfrre4-111 pal. wronur xaICf7U6 xx.Iawss iiamny Hotel tater ;LE Pot day. Poet -"Did you get my book of son - nett; that, I gent you 4" His friend- "01), -delighLtUll I couldn't sleep 1 'd TO C14110 A COLD IN ONO DA7l Take Laxative Brame quinine Tablet'. All drngglata refund the money it It Milo to mute, 11. W, Grover' 51508)ent to on oaobboa. 550 Two million shot and shell, weigh- ing 20,000 tons, Is tho average annual output of British arsenals. , illinard's Linlmelit Cares 'turns, etc. After the adoption of a proper drainage system, mortality in Bristol fell groin 100 to 05 per 100,000 inhabit- ants. WA'C11069'p CALVERT'S CARBOLIC'ry1I1��ppppIp,�•>1 �1 9,}'9ti't�MdYEx•i 8a For aii skin aliments. d. 0. Calvert et Co., reanotiester, England Oe• i] • ingOeuglne Brom eta(l'C t: s. tat ndolaldeal "� '10,0810 Ont GLEAMINGouTnl LADIES' . a eiNa au1Ts Con be dorso perfectly by our French Proaesa. Try 11 11n141155 M1E810010 nV 11 00, 14t01T1t0,AL, TORONTO, OTTAWA 6 QO122110 JUBILEE o F1901 lhnl is wquteite to asalet rhoA laitiyn nInuran7ddiandl frgerla- olhf the Jrtbpilore Rubatnntial,Pnoampeprleltanpncd1,t10:V?: 031 511b.0n1e. p0Iel a,ntrdarcoedd, dailyanit. nUPhndoJ. R,11/'lea Co,, Montreal! . music ,eachers Wanted To eene nor our 0ompinte 0ata- l0000 of 8058E reticle cud Boatel with epenlal retie of discount. WHALEY, ROYCE & Co. YES Yongo et. Toronto, (3011, Ei3®g'1iiiii{931f Line Steamships Monleeal to Liverpool. Beaton to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Largo and Felt Steamships. ihtporior accommodation Inc claws (41,141001W%0,,010 Saloons and lltaleromnt aM mob:thi . Special W.100 118 baa be,.n given to the sremt� Batton .cud Third -Claes accommodation. For rates otpeu-age nod alt particulars, apply to any nuete et the Company, or aict,rde, Stills 5 (1o, D. Torrance C Oo.. 77 Mato St., Oe,ton. Montreal sod Portland. Tell; MOST IVUTk'tITIOUS- E t3FiATEFUL.--00MFGFI-; I7dG. aSrailltitlie HET-41,1JFs3 KO. r',DLL WRAP - MEW PAPER PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Same Ales furnishod on request. Special quotations for car loads or large lots. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER (IOMPADTY 75 Adelaide-st. West.. .. -,s,a®.+ne,.....e.reeracomvrrn,ammerrarr rot '-5i:, I; 1?l1eil is a sure indication of Sexual 'Weakness or other Nervous trouble, Failing Powers or Diseases ol'the Kidneys and Pelvic Region. A wo- man's backache tells of that weakness which makes it a labor and agony to live. Backache1C 1'oee at home by the and its numerous �., Ipatient applying CFLUSCS Call C lll tilYto the ac tin soot i"a ig. . and positively' be � • ' e"" a uniquLt, safe and successful method of electric treatment which gently and soothing- ly dispels pain and saturates the whole body with renewed vigor, mak- ing life worth living. It is known as i3rr. McL.lwghlin's Method of Sclf'Applisd Eleotlioat Treatment It is worn comfortably at night while the patient sleeps, and BOSS NOT BURR 013 BLISTER, as do other appliances which have enough power to be curative. NO CURE. N 4R.+` PAYa After you are cured you can pay mc, end then the price will be only one-half what is asked for the old style belts, which have been blistering and burning the backs of he wearers for the past 3o years. lily Belt is three timers as strong as any other Beit sold, and is the only ono that does not blister the flesh. Extracts From a Few of tho Testimonials on Filo in Our Officio: I would rnv am to all who troubled with Somn. Dan Sir,-Ye0rnoit hat cured. my weak baclr, I 1wenld0ny that your Holt has done all yon hack and on di...common among men, that never feel any pain noir.. 1 told you beforo 1 gob claimed it would. 'have not an echo 0r n pain your l,eltlo wile they want. to get, Yen.truly your Bolt 1 could hardly nit up attar n hard day's naw.. I would not take treble what l paid for l Uxbridge, (104: - A. Ie Iv,dat0aid. work. A days work is not a toll to tee now. Wahnapl1oo Lake, one nen menermotk I would not take double what 1 paid for your Thos. 1V. Porde, 1 nm perfectyteal10ed with yourBelt se fur as holt 11I could not get .another, I havou't i,een Hoporllld, OM, have need 11 1 tool 0 great deal bettor. Wu bled with ulq bask axing: Yours Truly, Youre vary laity, ThenlgkL lessee which used to be so iPoOnonE aro Normae, OM,William Dixon. 10 mnnlantt, Ont. H. Davis about stopped,1 fool confident Lhnt in mother near Ste -The pale) In kneoand to nor parte of My Hoak is aniknlg poll, therein is all Bono and ceche'vett be entirely cured, limbs have dlseppoarod entirely, leyq look ie 0,112, all my ntho1 iron bleelu to .eft mo. Dolberl Bouso St, A, Msec ren Hearaw, Ont, Janda i+arluharton 24Fair Atlenno, Brantford, One Ohater, btnn. UALL 70•UI,0 ort WHITE VIA Mg ea.eeee eeeli, WITH 114F08mArtee. 511080901 100 li 110175E SII1teme ORME IIOUItO ( '- U " ®� M T02t0iI D, 11171 IMMMa eon. to'S,Oe pen, ..,. - . avavaltammSesm maxeme roserena menrrnmia WE (ILO LLU:N(lli '1'111; 'WORLD to profhloo a drinl CI You notice the Onl " Caii�Y014lii" ° 'r a $- . points when you drink it. Little style, bast of x11181115 and a0ourltle duan ity, ' • Lead Paelingo0 79, 30, 40, 40 nod 80 onto._ p,�� � ',5,. tcd4 Sl111' all Yonr R' - - 9 g Yeo vtP � W 0%111'. g1, Emma, 1 eoeteoY,pI=LtrP, FLE$, o04eor FPUITO and P1000CE, 84 T�t1C: %riiN9sdiC1G8 Corms to ss one W+Q• Llmitted 0ornobba'Fo ank�andl� 1 xv,it va'w-41,2"0,tr,'4t.%25.1 ' R'rNY 8.-,14,00.-4402~84.1445/6, WV/wiz, "4)-141-'4,Ar' 0 [N] 1e„-. i. 1' �. 6°Sf If 1 use that Paint on my house A 12419 ei'Y m. m win ltd. any good ? Of cow•se gg�� pp�,�l1 g�� /k i� - "� it will if it's line right Paint. The 61 a d 't3 WI3 °"' 11 .. right 'faint will preserve, the S' d house, beautify it, Increase its t value and give it a smart appear. Y 0at t' Y rlr l l is n ,: +il+ wdtr ; ance among its fellows: 0 "t1. ' ;,, qg Ems• .l. �+ ;? Ramsay's li, r1 Paints will do all this for you and (store. If you want to see models of beautiful homes painted, and learn all about Paint, drop a card and ask for BOOKLET "11," free. { (41 A. R AM & SQ] PAINT MAKERS "•k• 0V 10 W3 5,81,1;' ln. stbvs, a. sa.se.tyj 1201'd 18.12 ma meal Meeting g ®f - The Mut ial Live + f Canada Forriteriy The Ontario Mutuial Life. New Name but same old Principles -A Company of Policy- holders, by Policyholders, for Policyholders. -Leads in Canadian Business. -A Most Successful Year. The Thirty-first.Annuel Meeting 00 this prosperous and loading Life Company was hold al lite Road Office Waterloo, Oat.. 00 illiursdny, Mitre 7th,1901, at 1 p.m. The mcoting, composed solely of pollcyll014ors, wee represent0tive and !nlluontint.and the proceedings, as usual were (InetrimtIve and intores time. Amon. those present, besides the calicoes and a. largo number of agents. we noticed Mused. David Bean, B. Enekberrough, N. C. Bruce, IMP„ 33, lei, D It on, 75I.P., E. P. Clement, Geo. Dlshol, 1. R. Earl, J. Kerr Visken B.A., Rev. J. R. Gilchrist; Ilion. J. 1'. Gamow, 0,C., W.:3. Ilodgins A. Hoskin, 112.0„ W. f , Meld, B.A., Alex. :liner, K.0 John McCallum, 1V. J. Mote, A„ W. Roberts, Geo. A. Somerville and.Hoskin,' Very Rev. Dr. ,Spotz, C.R. rho P00a)d3! 001laving taken the chair, on motion r. W. Ii. Riddell. Secretary of the 'Cmnpany, noted as Seorotary 0f the meeting, and at the request of the President', read the DIRECTORS' REPORT, l Your Directoro have pleasaro In snhtnttting their report, together with the financial state- ment duly audited for the yam: ended December 3:st, 1002 We aro glad to inform you that the badiuce, ot Lho year has boon otnfnonlly eatlsfactsry, and that it exceeds any former year, except In respect to new busineie, which Le oonlewha lees than in 1809. i The Surplus enrninrs were 009llent to enable. %cent:nuance of the liberal distribution to ipolicyholders as heretofore. The interest ettningo were agetn, as for some years past largely n exec. 11 of all the death claims that aroco within rho year. 1 heLip us and Surrenders were moderate In proportion to the buslno08 in form, showing 'continued confidence of policyholders in the stabitnt. of tho Oempaar and Its mann3o Haat. eeppl!ootions to the amount of $4,31011 were received, and podolea tor. $1,301,183 were I issuo•l, all of which except $28,503 were secured within the Jlonclnioa, The amount of business byuaily paid for in wile 81,07 te beteg rho largest atnount of insurance aced in Canadaa by a on Company. Your threatens believethee his n to cantina rhoCompany's .operations to Canada. whew Draper supervision can boezorelsed, andbusiness secured00 0 'lower expanse rate than elsewhere. ' The number of Police s in force was 10,336, aesurine 029,531.070.09, on which the rreor00 is 140,537,733.03, basedo0 our own standard, Actuaries 4 per cont. fo: all bo,inuad to Janmtry let, 1900, and Rin, 31 Por cent. thereafter. The Premium Income WAS 8137,8(5.10 ; Interest Income, 82220.10203 ; Annuity Premiums, SAMOA; total. $1,171,011,05. or an increase ot$120,511.18 over the Income in (893. The amount paid to Policyholders was dd31,50,.60• and Of this amount the ]ergo sum of $214,11;..3 snapped to living Pelloy!tolders. Teo Death ct olm3 paid were $917,453.27; Matured En. down 00(0 078,800 ; Purchased Policies, $19,51317 ; Surplus or Dividends peed to Policyholders $78,714,86 and Annuities, 47,554.20. 'Phe Surplus over alt liabilities on the Company's standard Is $310,319.30, and on the Govern. men1 standard $510,000 80, The active demand for money bas kept the Company's fends well employed durl ng tiro year and 1011orest payments have been more promptly mot than in the past.. 1 ho. total amount of overdue 101001st at Dee.31 Last was $5,874.89, The Manager, Officers and staff continuo to discharge tboic duties to rho satisfaction cif tho Board and Jn tho beat Interests of the Oomnany. You will ho called uponto elect four Directors in the place of B. 111, Britton, K.'., ef.P„ F001018 C. Bruce, M.P., J. Kerr Flatten and Geo. A. Somerville, whose term of office has expired, but a 1 of 4410000 aro eligible for ro•oloution, R. MELFIN, President. ABSTRACT 010 ACCOUNTS Fon 1500. Income. Premiums, not - $ 927.815 10 lntereet, annuitlee, eta 211,019 S1 Total $1,111,04195 Dlol,uroentents. Pnymont to policyholders for death claims, eneotvnnonts, profits, ate - $ 41)001 60 Ali other payments 23J,814 21 .e.1;1 ;ti. .. ta $ 071,180 73 Loons on first mortgages,. $2,471,154 00 Municipal (label) to r0,, and betide 1,(01,814 47 Loans en. Comptndd'e Policies - 101,090 37 Real eatexe,dnahiding head office 138,816 84 Cued, on hand and in banks - - 42,261 05 (Aber asset,' 310,210 O4 Total - $5,182,014 5757 Liabilities. 11000100.4 01001 31 per cent e1,837,733 OS All other liabilities .. 83,931 51 Total - $1,971,663 21 On CotnPnny'setmndard 4 and 31 or cont - $ 310,310 Si On Gnvornment standard 41 and 31• per �mlt. 610,000 80 PR1ESIDENT'8 ADDRESS. Surplus, It affords me, gentlemen, great pie:mere'o place before you the annual revertant] ftnanoinl statement for the year o 01103 Doo 314, 1910. '('no buetnoss, 04 the rep.= show, hat been entirely satisfanory and with ons exemption, that of 1893; oxanorle In volume of now business anyprevloue year In oar history, the amount L.taed beteg $1,301, 183 00, and the amount taken 81,071,712. which 1 believe to b, somewhat in exeo,s of Mitt stied to halo boon secured by Rey o ther n Mee life Company, all ne welch, with 1.11805031)0)00 of 423,03e written in Newfound. land, was obtlinodwithin til D r>m!nto0. It it sombwant1041 than for 1893; but tho business ot all Cans l inn Companies was aonoenrll for that year, owing to Mud Moro iso of raton whloh took place In Romney feet. To n00101 tt14 increase 1)10115 was to 1,3r0O011'nth at Sntenai eg Insurers t0 get their applications in before the increase took place, And horn allow me to lar that tot. the ten yee,re ending 103.111)0, wo added to Our assurance in. force $15,810.270 of which sunt 010,208,599 was added during the 'net five 711000. 1 mention thea, Chet yon may know the great p:0010 0 the Comp my is in tieing and the sot -ant Dal (mntidew:a in whlol, It is hold bythe ctbeurin public -a, 00511180.01 the believe well [0ueded and whtoh w111 tucrease as t(inosora on. It erten be our alai to deserve this cenddence by being, it possible 5 111 mote devotedto the interests of the pillryholde•0Iu tem ate re t la 1 wy have bean lit the past. 1 am credibly informed that some 'gums of o.mnoting Compeni00 have teen stating that O 00 0ltl37i1O0llI0l0 aro !Ioblo 1000)01124001 at an time the hoard m ty foil it nooa:enrg 14 0,000:8 them. 11'egr0t tlle,110001se RJR absolutely untrue, and It such ag0nm know anything et the pried Mos of life ineursno0 they must know it to bo untrue. The p.,netes of The Mutmtl L1[p of Canada are issued in consideration of a certain stipulated .sum, called annual prem. turns, based un the mortality table notrlvad by the Government of Canada, anti oonslderod by thio hast net llama In the world su3Luont In thenen vas, with 1n(ro81 earnings 021 40.104401, 10 meet all obligations Mattered by this Company. 'Cho same reguirdnl0nt l3 made by the Government In i'OI net of preminlns and reserve0 07 every Life Company in Canada, whether StOok or Mutual, whether Canadian, American or I3titish, The lapsoaand sorrondere still continue to deo:ease inproFortion to amount of business 1n force. 'This fact will be ns punning (0 our agents and polfbyltelecrs as 1t is t0 the Board: show, beg the venni attached to our pollutes and tee/twelve of confidence 10 tho 0010pan7. Tho total number of Policies now in toroe is 211,311 nmontbtng to eeleellnee, a1 111005/40 of $2,876,835.00. WO added to our in2omo $110,; to our reserve 4518,653,04 alit to our assets 11518,101.13. As rho moan amount of innarneme carried by the Company In 1000 wa4 100001 greater than 111 183!1 so els0 the l,eiC, from Mettles 0110001101 those Of 1809, but fell mach below the exp tetatd0n, nhd were more than covered by interest Darned on In1o0tmonts In the sum of 811,818.07; the mumble earnlneeof the Company °cabled' 11, 10 1,0y the polio'holdore,very bat,d001ue dieldoerle, nwevithstandin; tb0 floe that owing to rho change In tiro Company's name, wo were called epee, (0 OWn uch m huger+ ount,, in advertising. 01,1, than in tOrnnaq years, in athtlttleu to voter/tithing ilia mia 11040 eel ei at oonsidornblo'0301, I11iay nay hero that wel ne701• admit odlco furnlohing 110 xn Reset 10 our flnarolnt ,tatoment, I am p'ensed to ME rem you ''tat onr n1000711•10 boon fatly invest 8l during tete your at Lilt rate, of hltaroat, and that th) lutaro if.Itae been 04nitt011y wolf mot. In ono Province in Svhlolt we have e2senee 00 in01800 4- the In:melt dile (53003,,, Doo, Met, 1000, was only $70220 and of Ole dune only $50004114 unpaid Tub. to, 1001, With regard to the elm ;o.to a heel,or mauve, t noOd say very little, as all basinese 7n fordo up to Dec. 31at,. IOIJO. is already an it 11201' cont. beats, Aotunried Table, and all bueinese telten einco that time on Iin1. 31 per cent Table. There 1404 11 emelt line of Mistimes 111 the niece, Jrvnunry. I010, which had boon written Up, but not peeled by Oaleo, 111100 of which lint] been eanvassod for and p1'omtgod On a 4 per tient. basis, and which wonooepted at the old rates but placed It on a 3 per cont, Nieuwe Wo haven eonslclOrab!e porton of bnsieoas 0n that reserve and have not, thought itadvienblo to do n'Oro 011 another year, 0,8 alnuser outlay bhe.n mei wee Mourned 10 getting now lltOrattlrc, forms anti stationary rendered Slocosoary owing to the change the 0alnpnnysname. 1 01 conoluslon I &litre to thank the Agonte for limb zeal on l>alnef of 0118 Company end t otnto that n0 Cotnptuly could have more: capable, 00nlonn body of neon or truor to the hos Interests of the Contan Um they ha c been, I wouldthe hope, that with the unitoc 1.Y y v ()emote p., Crone of one bs the 10000 , the Boned, rho paheeiy and Office trStair, the drat year of the Hao, This ca only. a too elands year q rho bedo nnl0,1all that to of T o mutut In Life fe Aasur•ende; This can only en donetens and plow only of done, came 1100-5 0 ,Che Mutual e, g of pl (Mende; never 18 tho deaeribs et lllo supposed demerits °E nuc n°lgbbnrs, I home. 45arotoror groat plonsurd la moving tbo adeation otllle ra art, 1 Items. B, M,, Britton, i{,d,rllryl_.R> P, 0. Theme, T 141. 5, 1)111 a sken and Goo,'A, Swim v1119 were ro•btoetn d o of Of the o°m o any-fo the ensuing teem o throe Dare Tho busines� of tae day Wen boon bion ht tea oleo 1'Go 1 i*moo fthng,e was sung, Mr. Dunes,, Of Belleville, eeadleg, after 4Vhi01 the moot hag. adienraed, The D100cters met nubeth testiy and ro,el0eted Mr. Robert Melvin. Pro01don0; 111'. Altretti Makin,.O., Nlrat V Lcb•Prosld0n0 t 23411 Mr. B,.M, 13411108,K.O., IIf,Rc .ehoedd'Ciao leredidorlj. ,of Wedompany for the cashing yb5 . •