HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-4-4, Page 5Argil, 4, 1901 TRE BRUSSELS FOS.' BUSINESS CARDS, MONEY TO IQAN AT 0I E I LYI cent, F.H.80OT'1', PrueSole, WH, MoORA01.E2sT— • Issuer of Marriage Lloenees, Of, Arm at Groeory,Turnburry Itreet, Brussels, N. BARRETT— E,. ART;ETT—E,• 'Tonsorial Artist. encu—Next door Nortb of the Standard Banff, Ladies' and O lldrou'e hair elating a Specialty. M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTO/V, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, TEAOHEIt OF— PIANO - AND ORGAN, 8R'S7'oE3f72,.S, orm, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INBURANOE, FIRE: AND MARINE, GUELPH, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE,' L, O. M, Academic graduate of London Conserva- tor of Mnele,aleo Member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for inetruotion on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for tbo Principal's Form iu the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. ALEX. BUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ;Auotlon- eer. Funds invested and to loan. Colleo- tions made. Ofllee to Graham's B1ook,Brue- eels. AUCTIONEERS. 11• S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• EEE, will sell for butter- prices, to better men in lees time and lase charges than any other Auctioneer In. Fast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this 'Moe or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (r0R3r0fLY or eEA80I1TH) DENTIST. Graduate of It. 0. D 8„ Toronto ;• Post Grad- uate course at Huskers Sohool, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. 13 -Prices same as in surrounding towns. 21• Office over A.R. Smith's store, Braaselo. VETERINARY. eT D. WARWICE— • Honor Ia.htare of the Ontario Vet. urinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesnivated animals In a cnmpet- entmanne•, Parti',utar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Oahe promptly at- tended to. P,Iltno and tn0rmary—Four doom North of br1ri),1; I urn berry et., Breese's. LEGAL AND ,ONVEYANCING. NATSINCLAIR— Barrister. Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. OOlce—Stewart's 131ook 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Office over Btand- s• d Bank. Bolioitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. Q. CAMERON - 131• (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Rarrieter and Solicitor, Godoriob Ont. 012°0—Hamilton street, opposite 0o1 - borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. 111. u., C. ill., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Pbysiciaoe and 8urgeoue, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col - loge of Pbyatoiane and Licentiate of Mld• wlfery, Edinburgh. ISTelepboue No.14. Residence—Mill street, Brussels. M c LEOD'S System Eienovator -0,813 Call= - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeeneee, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loss of Memory, Brottohitie, Oon• enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GOUERICH, ONT. J. M. MoL.EOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. 8014 by Jae, Fox, Druggist, DruoMelo SHINCLES British Columbia Iced Cedar Shingles AND-= , North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR S. LE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Bash of all Pat terns On hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates L'urniohed for all kinde of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, GOO DRY FEED For Sale at ROSS' MILL, BRUSSELS. illi5Trttt etUS W Ilat_ttnrp- Tile 24th of May will be celebrated in Wingbam under the auspices of the town band. The bores rooms in Wingbam tble year will be held on Wednoeday dud Thursday, Juno 26th and 27 h. The many friends of PostmasterFlsher will be sorry to learn that he is counsel to hie home with inllammatiou iu his knee. Lott & Sturdy have purohoeed a new 'bus and in the neer future will have it running to and from the Wingham eta. ti0n0. W. Pattieon was delivering atone from the G. T. R. station to the Win im h Marble Works, when one of the atone fell ou his foot, severely oruebing the foot. Mr. Pattison will be laid up for some days. A meeting of the young people of the Preebyterinn ohnreh was beid in the leo. tura room of the church for the purpose of disoueeing the question of purohaeing a pipe organ. It was unanimously deoided to begin at once to raise funds for that purpose. .,teste 00(1. W. G. Inglis and Thos. Abell split and piled 20 cords of hardwood in eight hours. Mr. Thompson and family have taken p0s ee0io0 ol'the Britton store and prem- ises formerly owned by Mr. Barnard. Wm. Buohanen has sold hie farm on the 10th con. of Elma to Wm. Striokert for $4,150 Mr. Buchanan has p0rohaeed a 200 aura farm in 4laryboro for 07,000. Mrs. James Wilson died at 3 p. m. on Thursday of last week, after a prolonged illness of many menthe, the result of a paralytic stroke, wbioh 000fiued her to bed continuously. The weter so flooded the cellar of the Public Bohool 8e to put the fire out in the furnace, with the natant that a stove bad to be utilized to afford the neoeesary heat• ing, and the Junior department pupils' moved into Mr. Andereon'a room. A freak of nature occurred on John •Littie's farm, wheu one of hie grade oowe gave birth to three heifer calves.• Thr cow died a few days afterwards, but the triplets are still living and thriving. The oconrrenoe is unique in Elma townebip. Mr. Little was offered $45 for the cow a short tune before it died. Exeter. e' Geo. Bowden moved with hie family to Luoan. B. Making, laundryman, has placed a new and up to date delivery wagon on the road. Ch riton & Reddy have leased the build- ing on Main tercet, near the Town Hell, from Riohsrd Ackineou, and intend start. ing the manufacture of pumps here. Thos. Russell, of "Riverside Farm," Ueborne, has been oppointed on the Oat tie Committee by the directors of West- ern Fair, London; for the Fall exhibition. The Directors' of the Exeter Union Burial -grounds are energetically proper ing to tottery out next Summer's improve• menta in the cemetery. They have en- gaged D. A. Alward by the year as care- taker. Members of Rain street League and Sunday School presented Mise Lena Howard with an opal ring ae a token of their appreciation of her work among them. She left last week to fulfill her position at Floridale. Wm. Hedden, who has b'. en employed on the G. T. R. as section man, was die missed from the Company's service last week. It appears be and a number of others were despatched to omelet in clear- ing the snow after the big storm up North, and on Saturday night, following hie usual ou+tom, be returned home. The other day he received word of hie die• miesal, the reasons' being he had taken leave of absence without orders. 'Tie Easy To Feel G0011. Countless theneande' hove found a bleeeing to the body in Dr. Riegel New Lae Pills, which positively cure Coneti pation, Sick Headache, Dizziness, Jaun- dice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Giver and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable ; never gripe or weaken. Cul), 25o at G. A Deadman's drug store. Lisotowel. John Livingutou returned home Iaet week from his trip to California. Spring Show of the Listowel Live Stook Aaeoaiation will be held Wednes- day, April 17th. Mrs. J. Lee is opening a millinery store in the poetoffioe, a room having been partitioned off the front for the purpose. The comma eunrnerators for Lietnwel aro T. E. Hay, H. T. Hayden, Wm Bradley, Thos. Male and Stephen Dur rant, The Forbes chair factory booked another large order for chairs from a Toronto lirm, They have ordere ahead which will keep them hustling for the next two months. S'dford Tatham purposes leaving shortly on a trip to Sault Ste Marie where he 0 iot•ereeted in come property apeonlotions. He has a store and dwell, ing just about completed there and in• tends erecting another on one of the lots whioh he nae reoently pnrabaoed. The Standard Saye :—The Deed of more store a000mmodationin town is shown when a portion of the pootoffioe ie being partitioned off for a millinery es lebliebmont. Citizens generally don't take kindly io and curtailment of the room and light, the complaints are numerous. A petition to have fa remov od is talked of, The Listowel Lawn Bowling Club have organised dor the season. A proposition for the purobaee of the lot on Main street, Emit of the Baptist oburoh, was favorably received and the matter ;vita, placed in the hands of 'a committee to stlioit 05 memberebip eubseriptione to rni0e funds to put the grounds i0 order for both bowling and tennis. An old building, treed 80 a wpOd•ebed and attached to the Mothodiet oitttrsh ohede, wee dieoote rod to be on fire abogt b p m, on Tuesday of last week, An Warm was given and the fire brigade was soon on hand and had two hranobes throwing water from the hydrant at the corner of Raglan and Inkerman etroeta. The fire wee extinguished before any serious damage was done, The abode are insured. • Leat 1)ur 41 s. Tue Pour gives the neve. Blank birds' are to be eeen again. Bad roads ie the order of the day. A. Roe ie going to build a driving abed this Summer, Will. Davidson hes gone to Manitoba. We wish him eucoeoe, Mies Annie vlaPbereon heti returned from a visit to Toakeremith, The Jubilee saw mill is running at frill blast, It ie run by Munn Bros. They are doing a big bueineee. Mrs', Crozier has been ill for some time and ae ohs is an old lady i0 not as well able to battle siokneee ae before. John Crozier is getting home limber for a new barn. It will be a big building 50x70, These are the kind of barns to build. Wood beee aro on deok now. James Campbell, of the Boundary, bad one last week. It was a semen, He gave the bee a dunce et night. Y g 131 t 1.1.. Mies Mattis Watson left last we k for Petroleu, where ehe has secured a eitua tion as milliner. The Epworth League will hold a box 000101 in the basement of the Methodist ohurah on Monday evening, April 8th. J. D. Moser baa gone to Buffalo where be bite secured a good situation. A number of hie Blyth Liende entertained him to a farewell supper at Strother's 060 an rant. W. J. Scott has ceased hie duties ae principal of Blyth public school and Jno. Shaw, of Teeswater, assumed the prinoi• palehtp. Mr. Scott gees to Mooeomin, Aeeiniboia, and the beet wishes for 0000e0e of many friends here follow him to hie new home in the Weet. Nominations to f111 the vacancy at the Sohool Board, caused by the death of J. 8. Hebkirk, were held in Induetry Hill on Wednesday of last week from 12 to 1 n'oleo's. T. W. Scott was returning of. Hoer. John Wilford woe proposed by T. W. Scott and A. Wettlaufer, and S. Herrington by A. E. Bradwiu and Jas. MoMarnhie. Mr. Wilford declined to stand and the returning officer declared Mr. Herrington eleoted by acclamation. 10tttel. SonooL REronT.—Report or Etbel pub lis school for the month of March :—Jr. 3rd ; examined in Arith., Gram. and Hist, Total 220—W. MoAllieter, 181 ; L. McLeod, 155 ; W. Badgley, 141 ; A. McDonald, 89 ; M, Focal, 76° ; E. David- son, 78. ; A. Henry, 720 ; G. Wanner, 64 ; !I. Pearson, 60• ; G. Dunbar, 46* 1 (J. L.iedeay, 43 ; W. Brown, 7°. Sr. 3rd ; examined in Aritb., Gram. and Riot 'Poi al 300—E. Eansuld, 262 ; E. Cober, 244: M. Elliott, 240; G. Gill, 237 ; S. Dunbar, 169 ; 0. Reyoard, 167 ; E Kerr, 156* ; L. Fogel, 143*. 4th °Ines ; exam ined in Comp., A,ith., Spell. and • Gram. Total 350—D. Devies,241 ; G. Eokmier, 235; W. MoDonald, 232; W. Coates, 222; S. Dnbar, 219 ; G. Imlay, 209 ; M Mo Allister, 124 ; L. Simpson, 112 ; W. Lind• Rev, 91 ; E. McAllister, 91 ; H. Qnerrin, 88* ; G. Dunbar, 83* ; E. Mason, 78 ; W. Wray, 74• ; 0. Lindsay, 56 ; M. Bate- man, 531 ; T. Fogel, 43. 5th class ; ex amined io Aritb., Geos'. and Spall. Total 350—B. Slemmnu, 271 ; W. Eok- mier, 243 ; H. Barr, 234 ; 0. MoAllieter, 176 ; M, Haueuld, 152. Geo. D0000t, Principal. Jr. 1—J. Cooper, R. Wilhee, W. Eokmier, I. Reath, L, Henry. Sr. I —C. Haueuld, R. Eokmier, A. Cooper, G. Badglay, E. Dunbar, V. McLeod, R• Fraser, H. Eokmier, J. Peareen, A. Fletcher, W. Barr. Part II—F. Imlay, L. Cooper, G. McAllister, J. MoCallum, N. MoAllieter, P. Bremner, E Cotter, 0. Davidson. Jr. II—I. Sharpe, W. Peer. eon, M. Weinman, D. Wanner, E. Mit• °hell, K. McLeod, E. Eokmier, M. Cam eron, Sr. II—M. Thompson, T. McAl- lister, L. Chambers, B. Eokmier, H. Wilbee, N. Simpson, M. Imlay, H. 0oates, I. Hogarth, L Eokmier, E. Free. man, M. McCallum, T. Bober, 0. (lamer on. Mise CALDER, Teacher. Those names marked have been absent part of the mouth. Ile Kept 0111, Leg. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Iuffammatioo and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf- fered intensely. Then the beet doctors urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1e boxes of Bucklen'e Arnica Salve and my leg was well and sound as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bittere has no rival on earth. Try them. G. A. Deadman will guarantee eat;efaction or refund money, Only 50o. G-Ocieriolt October 1 and 2 are the dates eeleoted for 1901 Fall Fair here. R. R. Bellows is preparing a number of views of Goderioh and vicinity for exbi• biting at the Pan American at Buffalo The Goderiah Knitting 00. employ 75 persona at present, and the orders for Fall delivery earning in are reported ae eatiefaotory. Iuepeotor Stubbs has made arrange. merits for the placing of four buoye off the harbor entrance, to mark out the aofreot 00uree to the elevators. The looal dentists have entered into an agreement to close their offices every Wednesday afternoon, during the months from May to October inoluaive• Engineer Wm. Mornay, who has been with the Goderioh Engine and 'Bicycle Werke for some time, has been laid off work fur some time through illness, and is not improving as his frieode might wish for. Mrs. Isabella Mitchel), mother of our total' clerk, passed to her peat after an ill. nese of three weeks' duration, caused by an attack of paralysis. Her death 00• °erredat the residence of her eon•in.law, Wm. Rothwell, in Toronto, whore ehe had been staying for some time. At the Goderioh Organ Faotory they are preparing five organa, 6 barge number of piano and Organ stools and a large die• play of the Oo'o celebrated bath furniture and fittings, 0e an exhibit for the Glas- gow Exposition, wbioh opens on May let of the present year. The fishing tugs will be commanded by' their old captains for the,year 1001, and engineered by moat of those who ran them last year. They are am fuiiowe Evolve, Captain Join) Craigie, engineer, Wm, Baker ; Sea Ring, Captain Ja11100 Inkster, engineer, 11. Stoolair ; Boa Queen, Captain M, McDonald, engineer', li. Is. beater; Sea Gull, Captain 0. MoKay, engineer ; Seabold, Oeptain P, Wylie, engineer, D. McLeod ; Cllwae, Captain Alex Crat to,engineer,Thos. Wells. Job 4o014114t have 81o0d 11 If he'd bad Itching Piles Thoy'r, terribly annoying ; but Bneklei'e Arnica Salve will cure the worst Cage of These on earth. It has Cured thoustndo. For In• juries, Paine or Bodily I7t'nptione it's' the beet salve in the world, Price 25o a box, Cure guaranteed. Sold by G. A. Deadman. Commons -1u Naw -n,. The annual Spring show of entire horeee will be held ut Stratford on April 16. Several of the Doukhobore who left Manitoba for California have returned to Canada. William Tole, a i3owmanville druggist took a dose of preseiio acid in mistake and died in a few minutes. A young mac from Milverton is said to be thinking of taking out a license ae auctioneer in Stratford. D. Gibb, of Rueeeldale, while working in the bush got hie foot badly injured by a load of wood going over it. Joseph Dean, a Stratford boy of 16 years, attempted to commit suicide by Dotting his throat with a razor. The Grand Jury returned a true bill a- geinet The Manitoba Free Press Company for defamatory libel of Premier Roblin. John F. Roadhouse wee fatally injured by a printing press in the establishment of Warwick Bros. & Rutter, Toronto. John Pelger, of Woodham, ie et pres- ent in St Joseph's hospital, London, wbere he will undergo a eeriocs opera- tion. Judge Finkle bee molted Judge Barron, of Stratford, to take charge of hie work during his absence in Winnipeg, where he has been called on a000uut of the ei- nem ness of his wife. The annual 000ventiou of the County of Perth Sunday School Association will he held in Knox church, St. Marys, on Wednesday, April 10 and 11, comment- ing at 2 30 p. m. on Wednesday. The old Methodist oburoh at Mount Pleasant was sold to Wm. Hanson last week for 0110. Mr. Hanson intends leaving it on the farm on whioh it now stands, and remodeling it for a farm building. James Moore, of 8t. Marys, has jest received a letter from his son, W. Moore, who has been in South Africa, serving in Kitohener'e Light Horse. Mr. Moore has been 111 with the fever and invalided to England and expected to sail for home on March 19. In reepouse to an invitation to Strat- ford Lodge, A. b'. & A. M., Zetland and Ashley lodges of Toronto will send 150 members by special train on Monday, April 8th. The viaitore will tette part in the degree work and afterwards be en- tertained, St. Marys cemetery wee the mane of rather strange prooeediuge on Sunday evening of last we'•b. The Chinese T'tAR'I7 FOR SALE.—BEING 1 1., 1 0, Con 12, Groy, containing 110 nems' r 0d stook 01' grain farm. Goo 1 fratno house and bank burp: tw=1111:,11,' .eight goroe of Fall wheat apd good Mato of cultivatiett. For p trtfoulare apply to Jo4N n01,41Mr.N, 20•1f Brueoole P. 0, G OOD FARM FOR SALE,— Lot 20, Con. 16, Grey, containing 100 1/0100, 75 flares cleared, 10 aor00 hardwood hush, balance under and black ash, 8 aereo in Fal e Fall wheat ab nutv farm le well fenced and vectort1r toedwith plenty of good Water. wood 0104) hnuse x0, with kitche18x26, wood shod attached and good collar. 1 urge bank barn with Btoeo Ivan au der00atb, 1,rge drive shed and workshop. Large pig Lnuso and sheep pen. Good °reliant of obotoo fruit. It is convenient' to oburoh and school, store and poet Gillen, Thl0 farm w111 be sold cheap, if sold before the end of March, ae the proprietor wants to retire on aeoount of ill health. Apply on the premises 00 address, ALEXANDER MOEAY, 914f Moncrielf P. 0. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS. TICE.—In the matter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As the Reserved 101d was not reached on the day of sale heroin, tenders in writing will be recelved for the purobaee of 11.o lauds and pienmlees, namely :—The 4- nth Half of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morris, 100 acres, suhj eat to the approval of the at di:r- eigned Local Master of this Court, Par Lies desirous of waking an offer for this Valu- able property may do so through the auc- tioneer, F B, Scott, or the plaintiff's solici- tor, and 1f accepted will be Subject to the same terms and condi Bone as mottled by the said Local Master, and aunuuueed at the time of the eel' hereto. Dated this 5th day of March, A.D. 1001, 13. L DOYLE, Local Master at Goderlch, W. M. SINCLAIR, P11I's Solicitor. 0411 SPRIER TERM OPER APRIL 1st, CENT JRAlusINEsi, flLLQ JJtj'rat 'far t,Oinit vommouomamomemoommoust CA te inn n STORE # -�•-7Ij ,.11 ,1-:.t.,. ASTER VIILLINEBY The beautiful showiug.of Easter Styles in Spring Novelties now on view in par Millinery Showrooms 10 bat a hint of the Millinery achieve. manta of our olever experts, No ataudard of exuelleooe and style 6eem0 to be beyond their artietto minds, and they are ekil fel adepts to give praoti. oal form to any original Mese you may cherish. That ie why their seg• geetiono are so highly prized by Blythe beet dressers, If yon would nom m Ind their 000010ee in the eeleotion of your Easter Headgear, come awl consult tbetn ue early as you oan. The earlier you 'mine the greater eat. !erection you'll experience. Orders fur Easter Millinery are ootnieg in thiuk and fag', but with our iuoreaeed staff all orders will reoeive special attention and be ready on time. deeigne New Since, in °heokts end stripes, 22 inches wide, in light b'ue, pink, V j; heliotrope, mauve, Wile and oardinel, regular price 40e, for 25o. ['. Fancy Silks, in laoe effects, at 59e, 75o and 61, Japanese Silks, in all the new colors, 35o, 40o, and 50e. New Shirt Waiete,in colored Lawrie Madras I sea IJimitiee l+al j and all the tigt summery fabricPerns, from 500 to $0.60. We are ehowing a full range of Silks for Waists in all the new An excellent time to enter our school for a course of training. Prepare now for the sit- uations that await you next Fall. This popular College oujoye a largo attendance ooauee it is doing the beet work in busi- ness education in Canada to -day. Write for special Spring Circular. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Important to Breeders and Horsemen. Eureka Caustic Balsam. Veterinary A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavlae, Sweeney, €%,- -ii_ eta., etc.,tn D i�}7�� •1s' Horses and is e o.;- ,` .... Lump Jaw T= iu Cattle. TRADE MAIM � f -¢"See pamph- let which accompanies every bottle, giving scientific treatment In the various diseases." It can be used In every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applioattnns and blisters are proscribed. It has no 000001015, Every bottle Bold ie gnarauteed to give sane - faction. Price 71n per bottle. Bold by all druggists and country storekeepers. Pre• pared by Turn EUREKA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London,Out. HEAT!NC STOVES 000K STOVES RANGES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven. Every stove a double beater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. /Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lam1s and Lamp Goods of every description. Wilton & Turnbull Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc. friends of the late Charlie Louie paid a • visit to his grave and performed eome rites whiob to Canadians mo.t seem un 0eeeesary. A fire was lighted near the e 'Lion Brave - d an nn' t lli i "talk" an toe beto g the remains of the dead man was kept n P P for a considerable time. Preaomably, in the belief that Charlie might be cold, the fire was made and that he might not be hungry there was left beside the grave by the vieitore the following provisions : six bananas, two oranges and two bane, also a package of cigarettes and matches. A Raging. Roaring Flood Waehvd down a telegraph line which Chas. Cl. Ellis, of Lisbon, Ia., had to re- pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he writee, "gave me a terrible cold and oough which grew worse daily. Finally the beet doctors in Oakland, Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Cou• gumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's' New Discovery and was wholly oared by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Long troubles by G. A. Deadman. Prioe 50o. REAL ESTATE. COMFORTABLE, WELL lighted and convenient rooms to let in the Leckie block over G. A. Deaden an's and Mrs, Rogers' stor es, Apply to P. S. SCOTT, (1 000 FARM OF 1421 ACRES vie for Bale, being Lot 21, 0on, 7, Grey. Rouse suitable for twe families if required. School hoose, church and part of the Village of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN COBEB, Ethel Carriage Works, 24- j. 0R SALE OR TO RENT.—A Desirable 10 acres with 2i acme of orchard, small fruits&e. Comfortable her, eo and stable, just North of Brussels. Poeeoa• cion given by April 16th. For price and terms apply to GEORGE ROBB, 50.11 Proprietor, 1 0R SALE IN ETHEL VIL- LAGE.—Tho property of the late John Elliott, 000sletiog of a solid briek house, with frame klte0e0 and woodshed, good stable and 1 pore of land all In nrst-'lase condition. If not sold will he rented. Poe - Benton at any time. For pa tioularo apply to WTI, BranOE, Etbel ; ALEx, PATTEt:son Galt ; or Dn, MolOmmay, Mt. Forest 201E F1RST•CLASS FARM FOR BALE.—Lot 17, eon. 9, Township of Grey. 100 acres mato or lose. Situate 4i miles from Enamels and 2 miles from village of Ethel, All cleared excepting 6 aortae of hardwood bush. Buildings and fauces in good repair. Good wells. All Vali plowing done, Price and tering of payment on ap- plloation to W. M. SINCLAIR, 20.1f Barrister, &o., Brussels. FARM FOR SALE,—I OFFER for sale Lot 11,000. 0, Morris, consist- ing of 100 acres, more or lone, 05 cleared, 60 acres seeded down,80 acres Fall ploaghed,12 aoree in Pall wheat. Baru 62x70, with stone stabling nuclei -heath. Also dwelling house. Possession to suit purchaser, Por further partloularoapply on the premises or to the proprietor, Prioe and terms reasonable. 00. TH08, FOIRBES, WiughamP.0 OF w Yl tom. ra � . 5 Boys Clothing ! The `Lion' Brand of Boys' Clothinz Is the result of a demand from the public of this country for something that is reliable and something that will give satisfaction. It has always been a Difficult matter to get Clothing that will stand the average boy's wear because no attention was paid to the make or quality of goods. In the `Lion' Brand you will get all that is desirable. The goods are manu- factured specially for this brand and is something that will give extra wear, not an ounce of cotton or shoddy being used. The Cut of the Coat, Vest and Knickers is the latest, attention being paid to all the small details which go to give the Lion Brand a, style that cannot be seen in in any other line. This Make is the Very Best. Knicker Pants are made with double knees and double seats, strongly sewn with the best linen thread. The linings are strong and durable, and can be recommend- ed with confidence. And Now the Price. If anybody sells Boys' Clothing lower than we do it is because they ignore qual- ity, risk satisfaction, trust to luck, Go into this subject this season before you buy and let the BEST Cheapest. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• derelgnedaffore hie 100 acre (arm for solo, being Lot 11, Con. 17, army, There are 90 was cleared and 10 acres bush, Good house ; bank barn, 65552 foot, with stoup stabling ; good orobard ; farm well fended and drained. Arteslan well with wind mill and tank. Convenient to eoboot, snatch and market, 10 )ores of Fallwheat and 15 ae'oe p towed, balauoo needed to grass. Ap- ply on the promleea or Walton 1°,0. ,(.gent for 24-tf ENEA8 0830H, Walton, win—not the C. iRioaa, D. Leading Clothier and Furnisher. the Famous "Lion" Brand of Boys' Clothing.