HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-21, Page 8T H JAt�lll �{JAt NIZOlirCLAIK Wo are OM agents for the Cree• gent Bloyo)e whieb wa helleve to by the linetlfloyole for themony auyWhere. It ie the kind that "stand up" and le there• fore seldom ,fbund in repair ahopa, Xou gen have it fitted with tbe Morrow Ooneter and Brake or without. Title year's Model ie a beauty with an elegant Paddle, 2ild Han Bicycles. We have tgnr Gants' leioyolee, three new last eeaeon. One of these I rode myself and hoe a Morrow Ooaeter and Brake. If you once mod this device you would never want to be witbgut We have two Ladies' Bicycles, one only need about twice. Any and all of tbeee can be had et a bargain. You are sale M buying a Creeeent-good value for your money, A. little early some may thiplf to talk Wall rapers but judging from what we are sell- ing many believe hi having their E'a o' lianging done early. As usual we have a large selection purchased from both Toronto and Mont- real. We have an extra var- iety of Ingrain. Papers All with Borders and Ceilings to match. You can make no mistake selecting your Wall Papers from our stock. iii D A d `j Booky Druggist, r,Optioian and eoile STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOBTfERN 0XTENSION W. G. & a, Trains leave Brussels Station, North ane South, asfo)lowe: GOING SOTTU. Goma Nonma. Express 7:18 a.m, I Mail 2:10 p.m Mixed 9:46 a.m. i Express -° 8;17 p,m r .cal Baas t.ems; A Were among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Hones Fair April 4th, RAAB this week'e illustrated stipple. meet to Tan Pose. Ciloxan Pox is taking a tour among some families in town it ie said. Some of G. A. Deadman's bees took a short fly on Friday the weather wee so fine. Tan Enterprise Salt Works shat down for a few weeks owing to running abort of fuel. RomT. THOM SON ehipped, pet express, 1130 dozen of eggs to Montreal on Monday of this week. Ate advertisement in Tan Pose usually brings good results. If yeawant to sell or buy try one oolamme. BEATING was indulged in on the side- walks by some of the youth on Tneeday night after the sleet storm. TUE BORON uniform promotion ex- aminations will be held on Thuredey and Friday, March 28th and 29th. Tan dairy mill le running and turning out an artiste of salt known from one end of this Dominion to the other, Tam Grand Oonnoil 0, 0. 0. F., will meet at Hamilton March 25th. Samuel Hoggard will represent the local ooaooil. A now society lantern has been hung out by the Odd Fellows' at the hallway entrance to their lodge room, Graham block. BRueonLe Flax mill has a quantity of flax Beed to give ant to farmers on the neaal terms. Their advt. may be read in this Mena. JAS. Wmolanreon and family talk of re moving to Wingham. They have beeo making their home for several yeare ou. the Geo. Robb plot North of Brussels. W. R. Bnennn was in town on Monday talking op the Palmerston pork poking house. He ie an energetic repreeenta Live and will do his part in booming thie enterprise. Mn. Menti, the heather, :aye Tan POST was incorrect last week in stating that he was leaving town as he intends oerry ing on bueineee from hie house instead of a front street shop. Co. COmmeeIONEn Annex wee here last Friday and let the job of reflooring Broe• eels bridge to Dan. MoNanghton. A new floor will also be put down on the foot walk on the bridge. Both are badly needed. AT the A. 0. U. W. Lodge last Friday evening W. H. vloCraoken was appointed Financier, pro tem, during J. A. Oreigh. ton's. illness. Mr. MoOraoken will re. oeive member's aeneeements and give re - cutlets for the eame, D. Meaeree team, 6th eon. Grey, took a runaway from W.1'. Stewart's mill on Tneeday morning. They brought up at the American Hotel leaving the sleigh against the arohway in their harry to get into the yard. The damage was not very serious. Cotrttorraoa HnnnnaooN has added a- nother feet pacer to the equine string owned in Brussels. Wedneeday morning several owners of thie class of boreefl.eh were testing their speed on Turnberry street. The Bylaw relating to furious driving is being looked nn. Tan tidy cottage, on Weet aide of Tarn berry street, has been parohaeed by Jno. Hewitt, it is said, for 4660 from John Wynn. Thelatter came into poeeeesion in an exchange of the Hayden property with Robb. Johnston. It pays to buy better than to rent if you get what saute you. Fame McOorona,-A. subscriber in Meni• toba in remitting subscription to Tam PoeT Says :-I will Boon be a year here and I would not like to be without TIM Pose as it gives tie all the home news. I like the country floe and we have had a nine Winter so far. Some cold days but few very bad storms like what you On- tario people think Manitoba moat have, Fret Bnraeai,--A meeting of Bruseele Fire Brigade will beheld at the Commit Chamber on Friday evening 29th inet. A11 are asked to attend ae the ofliaers deeire a general livening up of interest in this important department. If there le any fault to be found let it be stated and if improvement can be suggested all well and good. J. G. Skeet) is the Oblef and Coenoillor Wilton the Captain of the Brigade. Omaene.-For the purpose of the canons the eleotoeal districts of Ontario have been grouped into oenepe dietriote, We are in divieion bur, Donald MoAlpine, Bothwell, thief officer: Brawl Bast, B, nae Weet, Elgin East, Elgin West, Besse North, Been South, Heron n oE ast Buren Soutb Huron Weet,Bent,East, East,Lambtnn Went, London, Middlesex x Baet Middlesex North, Middteoex South, Middieeee West, Norfolk South, Norfolk North, Orford North, Oxford South, Perth Forth, Perth South. THREE weddinge on Wedneeday. Some of our townspeople attended a couple of them. JNo, BAONHILL offers hie hoose and lot, corner Alexander and Thomas etreete, for sale, Advt. in thio issue. Tan wetab found near the grain store bosses, Brussels, and advertised in TEE Pose, was the property of Albert Mo• Call, of Morris, •who reoovered it through the advertisement. I3nassELe monthly Horse Fair, the lent for thie season, will be held o0 Thursday, April 4111, With favorable weather and roads it will be a dasher for both boyars and horses. Ma. Benne, who bought tbe Campbell Bankrupt Stook, infertile tie that be bas decided to remain the balance of this month and has made further rednoticne in prices. If at the end of this month tba goods are not all sold be will remove the entire stook. Tam POST eobaoription Piet continues to grow. All we ask the publio to do is to compare it with other papers and we will be satisfied to abide by the deoieion. We hope to introduce other features of interest to the public end all this for 2 oeute a week to the subscriber. Don't borrow any longer. ALrern BAERER, who is acquiring quite a reputation as a poultry fauoier, intends building a modern poultry Boase on hie 101 aornorof John and Market streets. It will be 12x40 feet and will have metallic aiding. He bae sold a number of birds and bee reoeived settings of eggs from notable breeders. His specialty ie barred and White Rooke. 0, O. F. At Home" next Tuesday evening, the last for this Beeson. The members of the Court are asked to invite their reepeotive friends and also remem- ber their baskets for the lunch part of the program. Bread and butter, cake and coffee are set down ea the desired bill of fare. Ageod program will be present- ed, Business of the Court will begin promptly so ae so be ready for the open meeting Tan LATE Mite. Snow, -The Morrioe (Mich.) Olipper, of March 8, bas this to any of the late Mrs. John Shaw, mother of Angus Shaw, of Grey townebip, and Jno. Shaw, formerly of Brussels who died there ori March let; -Catherine Darraoh (Mrs. Shea?) was born on the Island of Jura, Argyleebire, Scotland in the year 1811. She Game of a long lived family. Her father died at the age of 104 years in Ontario. Her mother was 94 years old when ehe died while ahe herself lived for 90 years, With her husband she oameto North Oarolina from Sootland about the year 1840, and they lived there eigbt years daring which time Dr. Shaw, Mre. T. B. Stanely and Dr. Alex Shaw, formerly of Bancroft, where- born. Her husband died there. Afterwarde they removed to Ontario, near Goderiob, and lived there until fifteen years ago when she Dame to reside with ber daughter, Mrs. Stanley in Mortice. At an early age, when still quite young, she united with the Presby- terian March of Scotland (the old Kirk) and in North Carolina and Canada ehe identified herself with the church of her fathere. Through her long life, and in- deed up to the day before ber death duty seemed to be the first thought present with bar. Her work le over, the aotive bande and head are et rest, and she hae gone to the enjoyment of the rest that remaineth for the people of God. "She has some to her grave in a felt age, like a shook of Dorn oometh in its eeaeon." She leaves a family of four out of seven, three sone acid one daughter, to mourn the lose of a loving mother. Manuea:m ISMPran.-Despite a vary die• agreeable wind and hail storm a goodly oompany assembled et the H. 0. T. M. Lodge room, Stewart block, on Tneeday evening to take part in the eapper an- noanoed. Tabies were set the fall lengtb of the Hall and were eupplied with both the neoeesariee and luxuries of life and in each en abundance that a large sup. ply remained when all were served. About 8.30 Sir Knight MoBnire took the chair and an entertaining and well ren- dered program was preeented ae follows Chairman's addreee ; instrumental, Mre. Geo.'Tbomeon and 1). Ewan ; reading, "Ara. Gallup" J. J. Gilpin; duet, "Wait for the wagon," Aline Tbomeon and Le title MoArter ; recitation, "Prattle and Leeohee," Mies Winnie MoG•aire • solo, "The Irishman's Toast" Mins Carrie Hingeton ; reading, "The Debatin So- oiety," Mies Josie Buchanan ; inetra- meotal, Mise Jessie MaLauahlin ; solo, "Marguerite," Jas. Jones ; recitation, "The Camp," tibiae Nellie Irwin ; inetru• mental, T. A. Hawkins ; deet, "Little Boy Blue," Mime Dolly Beaker and Therm Gerry ; reading, "An old maid's experience," Miee Minnie McNaughton addreee, A, D. Bipprell, of Detroit ; solo, "There's only one flog," Jae. Thomson ; instrumental, Mre. Thomeoe and Mr, Ewan; "God Save the Hing," On motion of G. A. Deadman, ascended by R. Leatherdale, a vote of tbanke was passed to all who fieeisted in the eveningie entertainment and to the ladies for this. additional proof of their ability to nater to the wants of the so called inner man. It wan expeoted that one of the Supreme Tent officers wouldb P ave been resent but illness prevented. The financial re. turns were anent $18.00 which will be ap• plied to the organ fund. Brussels Mao- ottbee Tent bee 101 members in good standing. lieoiaa bee it thnt Svenela will eupply TSB tolieWing are Ile abipments from the bride for yoeng Weetern bachelor, the G. T, Ii'. Gide Weenie -ear of Quote, Clegg di Dames 1 ear of wheat and One Of peas by A. liaelter ; 2 Oars of wend e ear of peas by B. Grabem. TOoenAr evemng'e trete wee oaneelled andou Wedneeday we had no oommuni. nation with the omtetde world by rail until 10 p. m, Snowplows and triune were either etu9k fn enowbanka pr tiff the rails, Tburedey morning ebortly after 811 mail train got here. A Pn090'8liOne Ineoltenee Qoau nn-- Reba Cunningham, Ineuraaoe Agent of (4ne4h, bae feet shown e report of the Gore'vDletriot Mutuei Fire Ineuranoe Oorppany, of Galt, for 1900, That it ehowe co balance to the good on the year'e bueineee of 081 279.00 and availableassate amennting to 0438.823 00 IS en exhibit that epeake for itself, The membere al the Company in Guelph will be pleueed to know that the belanae wee enfi)cteat to justify the directors at the annual meeting, held on 281b Jannary last, in declaring a refund of 20 per cent. on the premiums paid daring the year. When e refund of the same amount was deolared at an annual meeting held eleven years ago it was nothing abort of a ear. prise, npd'wee a thing nbperalleled in Fire Tnanranee experience, bat tie annual. refunds elope then bays bean the rule with that Oompany it hag ceaeed to be a enepriae, and ie now a matter of expeota• lion. The Galt Reporter says :---"Evi- dently the motto of the Gore management in ite business is quality not quantity. That its :Griot adherence to a well defined policy of :motion is beneficial to i'e share. holders is evidenced in the rattled that it ie able to pay a week :or two after every anneal meeting. The Gore does not plunge for the Bake of exp o:dine ite beef. nese ; on the oontrery every application ie oloeely scrutinized andthe dead line drawn et the border of extra, bazardone eeetions. We oan but oonolnde that the Gore ,Dietriot Mutual Fire Ineuranoe Oompaay has in ite General Manager, Inspector and Board of Directors, men of experience whose control of the inti. totiou deserves oar heartiest oommenda. tion." FARM ADVERTn1naoe,-Seven years ago ou the 8th of Deoember last, according to the Woodstock Sentinel Beview., an agent calling himeeif Frank Payne called on Daniel Hagey, a well known farmer of. Blandford township, whose farm is lot 3 of the 7111 aanoeeeion of that town.. ebip. Thos. Payne claimed to , be tbe representative of John J. Daly, pnblieher of the "Canadian Farm Advertiser, Guelph." He induced Mr. Hagey to enter into a contract to advertise and sell hie farm. AsMr, Hagey underetood it, if the farm were sold within 8 years he wee to pay the advertiser two per oent. of the sum for which the term was sold. If the farm was not Bold the whole mat- ter was to drop without costing Mr. Hagey anything. The affair was never beard of until a week ago Friday night when two men drove op to Mr. Hagey's hoose in a oatter about 9 o'cloak at night. The epokeemau represented a 'lawyer from Toronto and preeented tbe long for. gotten oontrant oldiming from Mr. Hagey thesum of $210 for advertising bio ,farm for sale over 7 years ago. Mr. Hagey vigorously protected and told 1be men to get off bis farm, whioh they did. On Friday night Mr, Hagey received a letter from the firm of McLean & McCallum, barristers, eto., of Toronto, threatening him with legal proceedings if the olaim of $210 be not paid by Monday, tbe 18tb inst. Mr. Hagey dose not intend to pay any attention to the threat and will fight it if legal proceedings are token. Other turners in the neighborhood have been ewindled in this way one in particular having been iootanoed as paying 068 in settlement of a claim of 8130. FOOT near, organization meeting is RP• ngnnged for next lidonday evening ho the Counoii Chamber, Teeenne ere eslte4 for shingling the "Oryetel Palace" et the Grey Branch, Agricultural Paris ead oleo for closing up a. portion 0f the glass tower op the build. ing, and straightening a few of the poets. Been Baan..• -A meeting will be held to the Caunuil Member On Fritey evening Of this week at 7,80 O'olook the the par 9008 of organizing a Baee Ball team' for the 000000 of 1901. A large attendance le requeebed. Tint Stratford Hernld Saye Smith bait geoured another good salesman in the pereon of Oban. Aldrioh, of St. Marye. Mr, Aldriub emcee well Mom - mended, and has, bad four and e half yeare' experience with Mr. Beattie, of St. Marys, ale° three yeare with the T, Beton Oo„ Toronto. Fool Dain. - Wednesday evening a meeting was held for, the organization of the Junior Pool Ball team for the oomiug, season. The following °femora were chosen :-Free., J. H, Cameron ; Viola Pres„ Jae, T. RoesCaptain, Gera Banker Sen.•Treae., Willie Good; Com., Gar!. Beeker, Wilife Good and Leslie' Herr, Games will be arranged no soon EIS the season will permit. There are some good kiokere among the Juniors. Tam new Britieh postal wad eontaine photographs beautifully exeyuted, with purple and gold surroundinge, of His Maieety King Edward VII and QOeee Alexandra with the0rown above, the date of their birth and the marriage, and King Edward'e eeeseionto the throne are below. On the outer corner of the card is the fol. lowing extraot from the King's epeeoh on his aaoeesion : "I will with God's bleseing solemnly. work for the promotion of the oommon welfare and :mouthy of the great Empire over whioleI have now been called to reign." The whole effect ie very good. Gneun Taints ENOlttne.- Advioee hove been received at the bead offices of the Grepd Trunk Railway Company, that the twelve sample mogul freight l000mo- tivee now building at the Brooke and Dixon oompaniee' shops in the United States, will be ready for delivery in about three weeks. The engines are of the "900 clave," similar to the mogule built at the company's Point St. Charles shops. They were designed by Frank W. Morse, superintendent of motive power, the dimension being as follows :--Oylin• dere, 20 by 26 inches ; total weight of locomotive, loaded, 161,976 pounds ; total weight of tender, loaded, 112,000 pounds, with driving wheels 62 ioobes i0 diem. attar outside of tire ; water capacity of tank, 4,500 D. S. gallons ; anal aapaoity of tender, 20,000 poonde, working steam pressure 200 pounds. The boilers each contain 233 tubes, two inches in diameter and eleven feet eleven inches in length. The engines are equipped with Weeting- hones American brakes end train signals. The twelve engines mentioned in the foregoing, together with the twenty four of the earns aeries new being completed at Point St. Charles, will be pot into eervioe on the Western and widdmdivie ions of the system, where by the improve. mente made on the roadbed, it is possible to increase the railroads from 26 to 33 per cent. APPEAL DfetilenED.-At the Divisional Court in Torobto Wedneeday of last week, before Justices Meredith and Mo• Mahon the following naee was heard Blair ve. Chew. -0. E. Heweoo (Barrie), for defendants, appealed from judgment of District Court, of Dietriot of Parry Sound, in potion for damages and for an order to remove certain obstructions be- low certain dame and elides to a email' stream'+ of water running through plaintiff's land, and into the Georgiao Bay. The plaintiff alleges that de- fendants, while engaged in lumbering, treepaseed upon and injured hie land, and that the effeot of the dame and elides erected by defendants was to roles the water in stream and flood for a great portion of the year hie land. The de• feodeete claimed that they had the right to float loge, eto., over the stream, and that plaintiff's remedy, if any, wan by prooeediogunder R, 8. 0., oh. 85• It was contended that the District Court had no jurisdiction, the title to lands of over $200 in value being called in gave• tion ; that under R. S. 0., oh. 142 (Rivera and etreame aot) the defendants were en• titled to do the sots oomplained of ; that as to oertain of the defendants the ear - vise of protease was irregular ; tbat the. court below erred in allowing plaintiff damages in respect of lands laid out in the original survey of the township along both sides of the etream for a highway, and reserved in the Crown grant re- serving eserving to the nubile and defendante tbe rigbt of neer of eame ; and that there was error in finding that plaintiff half properly acquired from the municipality title to the land leid'ont for the bigbwav in the original survey. G F. Blair, Brussels, for plaintiff, contra. Appeal diemieeed with costa. CAMS INFORMATION CONsIDENTI*L,-In view of the fent that some hesitation may be displayed in answering the questions of oeneue enumerators touching confiden- tial matters, the following instruction will be found interesting; -Every officer or other pereon employed in any capacity on oeneue work ie required to keep invio• late the secrecy of the information gath• ered by the euumeretore and entered on the schedules or forms. An enumerator is not expeoted to show big sohedulee to any other person, nor to make or keep a oopy of them, nor to anewer any questions reepeoting their contents, direotly or in- direoily ; and the eame obligation of eeoreoy is imposed upon oommiseionere and other offioers or employeee of the outside servile, as welt as upon every t m• oar, olerk or other employee of the oeneue offioe at Ottawa. The Note and etatistioe of the (tenses may not be used exoept for etatistioal compilations, and positive se. entrance ehoald be given on tbie point if a fear is entertained by any pereon that they may be used for taxation or any other object. No result of the ennmertty and direotion of the Minister of Agrioul. tare, It ie not permitted to a commie• stoner, enumerator or other action may be given to the poblia in advanoe of the printed holletine or reports, except by the head officer of the census, acting under the authority and direction of the Minister of Agrionitare, It is not per• mihted to a °om eleeloner, enumerator or employee of the oeneue to engage a sub. etitnte or farm oat hie work to another. potation towhioh he • r into The o ht to appointed d PP moat be filled by bimaelf and its duties most be performed by himself. Prompt and expediti000 eervioe is required from the time that the work le oommenced till it 15 finished, 1 y.i.4IrfD4+4R1) 134t717C 07 041fY%D4, l bi ' ,anT KOMinmlxa 547.14 HEAP) QFFIQE, - TORONTO CAPI,TAX. Irr 8D 17P• (One Million Deilare) • 00,000,000 REST •. • 8700,000 Apencice tri all pr1ttcillal points in ohterto, Quebec, •dfantlobe, pntte4 319101 3 England, A General Banking Baeilteso Tranuaoted, lrarmere Notes Digooltnted, Drafts Isend end Oolleotione mads on all pointe, ' SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and gpwarde and compounded half yearly, SrgoieL ATTENTION GrvEN To Trig ConnssTxoN 011 FAaMMEas' BALE NOTme, Every facility afforded Oustonlere Ilviug at a distance. payable ea any bank issued Under $10.... 8o, $20 to $80....12o MAW Orders at the following rates i $10 to 020.,:.100. 110 to 40....140 3, N, GORDON, AGENT. Tnnenax,, APRIL 2ND.-Farm,Form stook, &o. Park lot adjoining Ethel vii. lege. Sale, without reserve, at 1 o'oloek, Mre. Wm. Patton,. Proprietress ; F. S. Scott, Ano, 1010XTMS=z+^ TLAFa= -St Fall Wheat 66 68 Barley 87 88 Peas- 59 60 Oats 27 28 Sutter, tube and rolls .. 14 16 Eggs per dollen ........ 11 12 Flour per cwt. . ,.. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bag) 25 26 Apples (per bbl.) .. 2 00 2 00 Sheep skins,earth •..... 76 '1 00 Lamb kine each .. 25 26 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hay per ton 7 00 3 00 Hides trimmed 6 6} Hides rough 5 5 Hoge, Live 6 75 5 75 Wool 15 15e Business Locals. Casa for butter and eggs. A. Conley. ()LOVAS and Timothy seed ab MoQnaax• EN'S FEED corn for sale at National Roller Mill, Brussels., W. 2, STEWART. Box wanted towork on farm. Meet be able to drive a team. John Robb, Na Lot 26, Oen. 7, Morrie. WANTED -1000 bushels of timothy and olover Beed ; 100 tnrkeye; also dried ,apples and butter G. E. Knee, Wingham. GARRET WELVINo -Am prepared to at• tend to the wants of the public in the weaviog of rag carpet, Batiefaotion ae- eared. liner. ANDERSON, Elizabeth et. Ammo needing enwe made ready 'foe' rasing can have i•ame.dops eatiefaotority end (barges will be returned if prizee oannot be taken with 'same.. Yours, for fast and easy cutting T. MoGaneoa, saw gammen and filer, Bruseele. Guelph police are moping up a gang of young thieves. The Canadian General Eleotrio Com- pany will erect extensive works in North. western Toronto, having obtained 30 mores of land for the purpose. 190RN - BRADeHAw.-In Morrie, on Marob !b, to Mr. and Mre. Bradshaw, twin sone. Both died the following day. Henna -In Grey, on Marob 14, to Mr. and Mre. W. W. Harris, a daughter. Lowen. -In Grey, on March 17, to Mr. and Mre, John Lowe, a daughter. Luoae.-In Elma, on McFall 8, to Mr. and Mre. Chao. Lanae, a eon, (still born)), 1'eurw.-In Auburn, on Mnroh 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Te,min, a Baugh ter. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Goon working horse for sale, cheap. R. LIATHERDALE,Brussels. Goan now for eale. Will calve early in May. Apply to W. BLABHILL; Bruesele, COMFORTABLE dwelling house and good garden and orchard - to rent. Apply to W. H. M0ORA011031, Bruesele, Two excellent yonng Durham belie for sale. PETER ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Oon. 9, Grey, Bruesele P.O. Timm headofcattle rising 2 years, for Bale, Nt Lot 17, Oon 0, Morrie. MRS, A. 00NNAN, Bruseele Post Omoe. Ono span of fine, young, well bred, general purpose dark brown horses for sale. Apply to WILLIAM WRAY, Bolgrave. xaAlx�xo:;aa, Fnen-Fo0RE0T,-In Morrie, on Marob 20111, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Harry Fear to Mise Agnes Forrest, all of Morrie. MaNene-Btvainow,-At (Grape °berob, Winnipeg, on Theaday, Marob 12, by Rev. Solomon Cleaver, pastor of the ohurob, Mr. Andrew Blair Mo. Nabb, of Thornhill, Mao., to Miss Allis, youngest danshter of Mr. Jno. H. Swallow, of Mo$illop, Onb. 1?za11a. BENNETT.-In Blyth, on March 9, John Bennett, aged 76 years, 11 menthe and 26 days, BENNETT In Blyth, oo Meroh 18th, Ehz'tbeth do0dingham, rellot of the late John Bennett, aged 68 years and 6 menthe. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOB SALE OR TO RENT.—A si,able 10 aoree with Sieree of orchard, small fritsis&e, Oomfortablo hou ee and stable, just North of Brussels. Posses- sion given by April 15th. Por en= and tonne apply to GEORGE ROBS,. 88-tf .Proprietor. CTSON A-17' FB Townes, MAnon 26. -Farm, farm stook,. implements, eta , Lot 19, Oen. 6, Gray. Sale, unreserved, at 10'olook, Wm. Pol. lard, Prop, i Pr, S, Sootb, Ann, BUTCHER BUSINESS FOR BALs; --W. Btaehtil desires to give up bntolrertpg and will d lope= of Bio bueioeee and rent the shop if a imitable opportui'lty. offers. A gond shapes for a pushing -man, Apply to w, BLABHILL, Brustiet . BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE Onderoigned will keep for esrvloo 00 Lot 21 , Con, 12, Greya thorn' bred -Yorkshire bog, bred from J. Brethaur's stook, Burford. Terme, 8100, to be paid et time of service with privilege of returning if =emery. 80.4 J, M. KNIGHT, Proprietor. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, ('orner Alexander and Thomas street lirneeets. Good' Iodation low phos, a0a immediate possession. ktor further particulars apply to JOHN BARNHILL, Proprietor, Heutryn P. 0., or PETS110 WAT- SON, Queen street, Brussels, 80.4 dt t 65O WILL BUY A FUR - A L P00050 home on Queen street, Brussels, Itis foolish for business men and retired farmers to rent houses when they can get a home of their own for so little moneyy. Apply to MISS M. CAMPBELL, lerussele. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received bv the undersign- ed. tip to Saturday, lea*oh 23rd, 2901, for re- pairing Knox 0buoeh Mance, located in the Village of Oranbrook. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at Oraebrook poste/Sae. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ao- eepted, Tendert to be addreeeed to 24.8 JAS, D, MON AIR, Beorotary of Committee, Oraabrook P,O, TENDERS WANTED. Tenderswill be received by the under, signed, up to Monday, April 101, tor putting a new shingle roof on Hall, at Grey Brawn Agricultural Park,olosing up Inert of tower and straightening 00 poste. The lowoet or PoeT.any tehder not necessarily eooepte0. Bneeideattone may beseen at caeca of Tan. JA8. SPEAR, W, H. KERB, President, 6au.-1'reae. Bruesele; Marob 20,1001... BULL FOR SERVIOE,-THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 0, Ooue. 10 and 11, .Grey, 'a ' Sret•olaee registered Short Horn ball. This animal was bred by Wm- Grainger & Sou, of Mul- lett, whose cows stood at the head of the list at the World's Fair, Chicago, in their class fox butter and milk Pedigree may bo Been on application, Terms, 31.50 for the eea0ou, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning it nsceseary. 54•3m 011A8. 110ZELL. Proprietor. NAIL 'Out entire now stook of 11G!►J ILL le now to bend oomprioing many nese ohades and designs. We would like to have your inspection of them for we are sure you will be pleased with the designs, end colorings and think yon will be able to find here just the design to suit your own particular fanny, Fox's Drug. Store, PAPER HANGING, DECOR- ATING and House Painting done in Workmanlike manner and on short notice.. Have bad three years' experience in city worst. Terms mawable, Give me a call. 20 W,.1, JOHN STON, Walton, THORO' BRED DURHAM Bulls for gale. aged 1 year and 8 months, respectively, Good animals with good pedigrees, The first .mentioned took 2nd prize at East Huron Pall Show. 1900 in a class of 9, Priaeg right. 348.8PE5B.Let 80,00n. 4, Morris,Brussels P,0, 22• Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Thomas Gibeon, lets of.tbeVillage of Wroxeter, in the County of Union, Gentleman, dammed. Notice Is hereby given, pariitant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Ohm 129,. Seo, 88, that all creditors and others having any claims against the estate of Thomas Gibson, late o f the Village of .Wroxeter, In. the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, whodied on or about 80th day of January, A, D., 1901, in the Village of Wroxeter, are required to send hypost. prepaid, or to de- liver to W. 8. M(Hormber, of the Village of Wroxeter, one of the Executors of thesaid estate, on or about the 0180 day of Ap"i1,1901, their full names, addressee, and descriptions and the fullparticulars of their claims, and the nature o' the securities if any, held by them, And notice is hereby given that atter the said last mentioned date the Exseot,re willprooeed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the poreous entitled. there- to, having regard only to the claims of whish notice shall have been given as above requir- ed,and the Executors will n08 'be reepeo- eible for the assets, or any part thereof,so distributed to any pereon of whose claim notice shall not have beau received at the time of such dietrlbntiou. W. 8, MoIII0ROHER,Excoutor, Dated at Wroxeter, March 18th,1901. Strictly One Price JIF.&CO. The Lowest. New Spring rin Dress Goods. Does it seem strange to show Spring Dress Goods, to talk Spring Dress Goods, when the weath- er is so cold 2 Why not ? The early Spring Costumes are to be made of cloth and one fails to get the best service from a cloth suit unless itis bought early. We are thinking only of Spring, the .new- ness is the newness of Spring, and we'd not be the leaders if the dwelt too much on Winter. The new fabrics for Suite as well as the lighter weights for Dresses all show that plainweaves and plain colors are the ruling styles, don't feel that you are limited in choice thereby, not at all, color range 1s superb, and these plain goods offer the widest scope of treatment, in harmony or by contrast, in the making. Some of the newest are : Homespuns and Broadcloths for Suits. 56 inab wide Homespnne, plain weave in a fine, light weight, pure wool olotb in the newest colors of light and dark Grey, Navy, Green, Fawn, Btowa and Cadet Bine, also Biaok. We bought them direct from the mill and can some you one third in price Per yard 1.00 Homespun Settings full 56 inch, a little heavier weight than the above line in the eame ehades, with steel Grey added, the new Spring Oamel Hair effeot our special price per yard worth one third more. 1.15 Broadcloth Baiting:, full 50 inoboe wide, in =oral of Fawo, Grey, lied, Brown, Blue and Blank. This is a very flue wool oloth and will be.a great favorite for suits and dresses. Some colors in dress lengths. Price per yard 1.00 40 to 50 inob wide Casbmeres, Serge:, Granite Olathe, and Cashmere Berges, the populur fabrios for dresees. Oomee in the newest shades of Blue, Grey, Navy, Fawn, Red, eto. Price .40 .60 .60 86 inch wide all wool serge In shades of Red, Brown, Navy, Fawn, Grey, also Blank, will make very t eervioeabledreaeee, extra valve at, per yard .25 Good Linings Are neoeeeary to good dressmaking, they effect the hang of the skirt or the set of the jacket in no small way, making it unwise to nee any lininge you have any doubt of. Our lining department has earned and maintained midis. prated eupremaoy in Lha matter of lining goodneee, same with notions, such as hooks and eyes, areas shields, steels, eta. We keep only the best and charge you lees than mesh stores, LININGS. Beet quality Linnenette, the favorite skirt lining ie Blank, Grey and Brown. Prioe..... .1211 Good Skirt Lininge at 6 9 and ,10 Waist Liningsbeet gnalftiee, ab 121 and .15 Beet Sateen Linings, all oblides, at r ,12} Dress Trimmings. Just a hint of the neweet Drees Trimminge :- All over Chiffon in Cream and Black, with combination of Gold Braid. White and Blaok all over lace at, per yard ,26 t0 $125 Laoes of an kinds are in great demand, also heavy Oriental Iaeertions to be used with blank velvet Rib• bone. Gold Braids are to be worn a greab deal, we have them in different widths at ,8 .5 .10 to .80 Applique Trimmings to Blank and Gold, elan Wbite and Gold, is one of the Daintiest Trimmings. Prion , .60 Erect Form Corset Ie the Corset of the bout, and the Corset of tbe year to (tome. It ie shaped to follow nature and prodnoee the moat exquisite and graceful figure. The B. & 0. Brent Form Corset is reengniz, ed as the best Canadian Corset, they do not attain the bust and abdomen, lent plane all the pro. sure on the hips end bank maeolee. We have them in all Riese from 19 to 26, in grey. and white, made of the beet quality Jean, all eteel filled, greatest value in Canada, at, per pair $1 00 There are many who cannot wear the Ereot Form Ooreets and fee those we have the beet value that money can boy at 50e, 750, $1,00 and $1.25 per pair; Comfort Weide for Women and (Mildest at 250, 60o, 750 and $1.00 per pair, I' J. Fergusonr. t l o. BRUSSELS. NL^ 6,819 n Thele 68 new Sarnia visitors. Better given of t Sarnia ing 0, 0. about 10 COP Rxeou during t. Bro. A of a kick bout fee A nue the date June RIP High leave of the tan official. High is a vete work bo John de High the ldigl au eagle done if Bou pliment Treaeur handled High love, 11 and CO1 rivals 11 of the I Mien" salary 1 Pase the gbh and is t positiol Gomm lisber barrio'