The Brussels Post, 1901-3-21, Page 5• T a x JJ J LJ
goat, F,11, SOOTT, Brussels,
y r Ii, MaORA'CIfEN— ...._
► 1 o Ietuor of Nferriage Lteenuee. Ot.
ace at Gr000ry,'Pur'nbert'y street,. 13rutaels,
o Toneor34t1 Artist, Shope-Nextdoor .o
North of the tltandttrd B ani;. Ladies' and i
Obildreu'a hair 0110100 a specialty,
s er of Marriage
� sitLicenses,
FEED �""�(�'��:llA1
For Sale at •
7BFZ7SS'=Ta0, PaiTT.
L. O. M..,
Academie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of angle, also Member. of the Aesocieted
Mueioians of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for instruction
on the piano, Qualified t0 prepare pupils for
the Principal's Perm in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
clerk of the Fourth Divlston Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and lentrance Agent ; Anotion-
eer, Funds invested and to loan, Collec-
tions made, Office Ip Graham'8Blook,Brue-
. EEn, will Dell for better prices, to
better men in lees time and lege charges
than any other Auctioneer In Fast Huron or
be won't ohargo anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at this office or by
personal application,
(Pinworms op SEA1ro111H)
Graduate of R. 0. D 8„ Toronto ; Poet Grad -
unto coarse at Basket's School, Chicago, in
Drown and bridge work. KS -Prices same as
in surrounding towns. 21 -
Of Ice over A. R. Smith's store, Brussels.
J• Bounr 'It n.1111140 of the Ontario Vet.
winery College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesciaatod animate in a compet-
ent manner. P,u'tieular attention paid to
Veterinary 1)ent1etry. Calls promptly at.
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Ternberry et„ Bruoselo.
VBarrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Bnblio, &o. O0oe—S tewart'a Block
1 door North of central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand.
and Batik. Solicitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
-0J. • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Godoriob
Ont. Office—Flamrltcn street, opposite 0o1 -
borne Hotel.
111..0., 41.411.,
Trinity leTrinity
sndColcg,MembrColgge of Physicians
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of bee Royal 001 -
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. I ifeIephoue No.14,
enoe—M111 street, Brueeela.
• Important to Breeders and Horseman.
Eureka Ca Cllstic .Balsam.
A reliable
. and speedy
.t� . '" Ourbe, for
J�J�'` - . Curbs,
���" -, Sislinte,
it....' k. 9
1- �. , e e ey,
f .,moi.; ^`' Sweeney,
,it, Zi—' oto„ oto„in
8 �r S3 Lump Jaw
Horses and
v in Cattle.
Tndnn arAna "Seepamph-
lot which accompanies every bottle, giving
scientific treatment ii the venous diseases.'
It oan be used in every case of veterinary
innot(e° whore stimulating applications and
blisters aro prescribed. It has bo me1Enlon.
Every bottle sold is gnarauteed to give satis-
faction. knee 75e per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country storekeeper!, -Pre.
License District
East Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern -Keepers and Others
whom, it allay Concern.
NOTION is botchy given that
Application for Licenses
for the Salo of Liquors in the
fO'the Lloeneo Yeer 1001.1902, whlbh eom-
mi icae on the 1st day of May next, will be
received by the undersigned from the pre°.
ent dateup to
Monday, April 1, 1901,
Menefee. Applloauto must furnish the
names of two good and eufiioicnt suretloe ire
bondsmen at the time 1(f making applioa•
tion, Any apploaut for a new Rectums
must furnloh a coat name sighed by a maj-
ority of the electors entitled to vote at 0100•
tions for the. Legielatiyo Ae1Ombly in the
Polling Sub•divltion In which the premises.
souubt to be licensed aro situated, and the
said majority must include at tenet one,
tbird,ol-the said olecto'e, who ere at the
time 9f Binh application resiJente wItlltu
the said Polling Sub -Division.
4180. et. MILLER,
, Jamestown, Msroh12,EMI,
lzztrid ;Cele ,
BIueveel es.
[Intended for last week,)
Mise Aline Duff, of Molesworth, spent
Sunday at home,
Mies Ruby Duff, of St. Qatharioeo, is
welting at her borne in Bluevale,
Albert Porter, of. Windham, spent
Sunday with hie cousin, George Porter,
A meeting of the Blnevale Flax Mann
Ensnaring Company's direotore wire held
on Friday.
Master Roy and Mien Mary Thornton,
of Wiogkam, visited their grandparents
Jpo. and Mtn. Gardiner.
Owing to the very stormy weather
Trooper David Lootheed'a lecture was
not very well attended last Wednesday
Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, preached
in the Presbyterianfamishb
u v e
owing to Rev. Mr. West's absence at
Leculb sir y.
Thos. Souter has Bold hie farm to hie
eon Alex, and will retire to Egmondville.
Mioaeo Ellie and Ida Copeland, of Pal.
merston, are visiting at the borne of Wm.
Frank Wilteie, 14th line, and Mise
Fraser, of Dublin, were made man and
wife last Wednesday. All good wishes.
Look out for other five weddings on the
14th before long.
The banana daooing gang held their
37tH party of this nation at the home of
Dan. Rigly, It was thought that after
their reverse. at Mr. Stroug'e a few night''
ago it would finish things but not at all
they are rleht into the business and are
practicing the 'meet dances such as Bon
Ton, ole.
An ioduetrious young farmer of the
14th line, and one whom we thought was
invulnerable to anything in the line of
sporting, took up lodging in Logan town.
ship for 2 or 3 days last week. He re.
turned without any scratches but rather
sleepy and worn out looking. Johnnie
thio is not right. Patronize home in.
Working 24 (lours A. Day.
There's no rest for those tireless little
workers—Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Millions are always busy, miring Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, Bilioueoaee, Fever and
Ague. They banish Siok Headache,
drive out Malaria. Never gripe nor
weaken. Small, taste nice, work won-
ders. Try them. 25o at G. A. Dead.
VV]ng h,am-
S. MoBurney is suffering from a para.
lytio etruke.
J. C. Currie left on Tuesday of last week
with two carloads of horaeafor Manitoba
Councillor MoKenzie is having hie park
Iota surveyed into town lots and inteode
offering the Iota for Bale.
The atop lately occupied by Hicks' Bros
is being entirely renovated and will be
need as a dining room for the Central
It has been rumored that negotiations
have been going on for the removal of
Chapman's Glove Faotory to Mount
J. J. Kerr Bold his house and five lots to
Robt. Maxwell, of the Blneva le road. Mr.
Herr hue purohased one of Wm. Ander.
son's 100 sore farms on the 12th eon. of
East Wawanoeb and will move to the farm
this Spring.
Lorne Maitland, eon of Mr. Jerome of
town, died in Tileooborg on Tuesday of
last week. For the past two years Lorne
had not been enjoying good health, and
for some time past had resided with hie
brother at Tileonburg. After struggling
with consumption for several months the
end same. Deoeaaed was in hie twenty.
firer year. The remains were brought
here on Thursday and interment was
made at Luoknow on Friday. Lorne was
a quiet, inoffensive young man, and a
member of :the Epworth .League. The
League Beni a beautiful wreath to be laid
upon the casket'.
D. M. MoBeabh ie adding a stock of
millinery to his store.
W. Campbell, clerk of the 12th Divie•
ion Court of the County of Huron has
forwarded his resignation to the Ontario.
John Bennett died Saturday, 0111 inst.,
of bronohitie and on Wednesday morn.
ing following Mra. Bennett died of linen.
monist. Both had been sick only a few.
days and their fatal illness was caused
by la grippe. They were 76 and 63 years
of age respectively.
The Standard says :-We hear the
name of N. H. Young prominently men-
tioned in connection with the vacant
Division court Clerkship at Blyth. The
Ontario government could not make a
better appointment, for Mr. Young is an
honorable and upright citizen, and we
knowhie eeleation for the vacant office
would be satiefaotory to all clams in
the division.
A young man went into T. W. Soott's
store and purohased a pair of lepginge,
Baying he wee employed with Robert
Marshall, of Eaet Wswanosb, and would
be in Saturday night to pay for them,
Br. Soott asked him several questions, all
of whiob received eatiefaotory aoewere.
The young man was given the leggings
and took hie departure. Soon' after Mr.
and Mre. Marshall arrived at the °tote
and being asked if they had a new hired
man answered in the negative. Mr.
Soott then knew Haat be had be victim.
ized and in company with Chief Somers
est out in pursuit of the thief, who they
bound ut Lohdeeboro' railway etation,
He was arrested and brought book to,
Blyth, The leggioge were returned to
Mr. Soots, and after receiving a good,
lecture the thief was allowed to go.
The following resolution of oondolenoe
has been sent by 'Myth Public Sohool
Board to the family of the late Joseph S.
lfabkirk :—To Dire. Joseph S. Habkirk
and family,—Whereas, it has pinaeed
God in Die infinite wisdom, to remove
from your toldeb by death that dearest
and beet friend -.-a loving husband and
father—we, the members of the Blyth
l'ublio School Board, in this your hour
of bereavement, dseire to plane onrecord
and convey to You and your family out
einooro sympathy, end ,we earnestly pray
that the same loving God, who alone gag
bring comfort to your wounded hearts
will ouotoinou and ouoo in these sad
hours of bereavement, Signed on behalf
Of the Blyth Puhlio School Board, D, D.
°ardor (chairman), D, Gowen, W. J.
Milne, 1t. MoOommine, /if, Torrance
eeoreta •trs aures .
r a
� Y )
0101x0 Core.
Mrs. 17, Holmes, of St. Qotharines who
broke her leg about a month since, le now
able to sib up.
On Sunday. nest Rev. Mr. Ioweon will
preach missionary- sermons in the First
Methodist oburoh Brampton,
W, Doherty & Go. are preparing a
ppeoial exhibit of their world•ronowned
organs for the Glasgow liskibitiou.
Walter Jaokaon, who was formerly with
P. 13. Crewe, has resumed duties there, A.
Forrest having gone to Toronto to study
Conductor Ireland has been relieving
Conductor Fitzgerald on the L. H, & B.
rues. conductor, John Quirk, has re-
turned to duty after hie spell of illness.
J. Tedford iotende to leave on the 26th
o1 this month for Minoedoea, M.ot, where
he has a large farm which hie son Bert is
running. It is hie intention to remove
tbere entirely.
M .Coltman, formerly Dasher of
the Baptist ohuroh here, has accepted o
calf to the pastorate of the Brampton Bap
Net ohnrob, and has entered on his duties
in connection therewith,
Rebt. Morrison, haroeeemaker late of
Ethel, has 'moored a good situation in
T. G. Ballantyne and Alex. Dickson,
eon of Thos. Diok•on, have arranged to
keep a lumber yard in Atwood for the
convenience of their austomere.
The editor of the Bee purchased a
building lot of Donald Gordon, adjoining
the Methodist parsonage property, upon
which to erect a new.paper office. The
lot has a frontage of 22 feet, and 133 feet
Jno. and Mra. Roger were in Fullerton
last weak attending the funeral of Robt.
Roger, brother of John Roger, of Atwood.
Deceased bas frequently visited Atwood
and had a number of warm friends here.
He leaves a wife and. family to mourn
his demise.
Hugh And,rson'e little daughter, Ells,
had recently s very serious operation per•
formed. The operation consisted In the
removal of an extensive gna0tity of dead
bone from both lege and one arm. The
little girl is doing nioely and great hopes
are held that else will be restored to
Rev. and Mrs. McLeod ware made the
recipients of a haodeome and costly ail•
ver tea service, the gift of the Atwood
Presbyterian congregation. Mr. and
Mrs, McLeod have been deservedly pope.
lar with their parishioners during the
four years of hie pastorate here, and the
growing prosperity of every branoh of
the ohuroh work indioate in an amnia
takable manner his faithfulness and effi-
ciency in the discharge of his operons
duties. The address accompanying the
presentation was read by Jas. Cleland
and the presentation was made by John
Lemma—Rev. A. P. Moore, of Lists.
wel, will lecture in Henfhyn on Thursday
eve, March 21. Sabjeot, "Travels in
California.” The Shakespearean Olnb,
of Atwood, will give "The Trial Scene"
in the Merchant of Venice. Mrs. J. A.
MoBain will take the part of Portia, Dr.
Langrill will personate Shylock, M. H.
Langford, Antonia, and Miss Belle Mit.
obeli the Duke. aliases Rogers, of Listo•
wel, and Spence, of Ethel, vooaliste, will
contribute to the program. Prooeede in
aid of church organ fund. Doors open
at 7 p. m.; entertainment to commence
at 8 o'clock. Reeve Donaldson, of Elm,
will occupy the chair.
The neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs.
McCurdy one night with an address and
a well filled puree, on the eve of their de.
'suture for Manitoba. , Between 40 end
50 people were present. The evening
was pleasantly spent with games, mneio,
etc. The addreee was read by Jae. Lona -
mire, and the presentation made by J. K,
Baker. Following is the address :—
To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCurdy.
DEAR ra1ENoo,—In view of your ap-
proaching departure to the far Vilest, we
embrace this opportunity of expteasing to
you our regrets at having to sever the
ties whiob bound us together as neighbors
in the past. We earnestly hope and
trust that whereever you may go or
whatever your lot that your lives may be
lived iu happiness and 000tentment, and
that your family may. prosper. We shall
mise yon both in social and ohnroh cir-
cles. We ask you to swept thio small
puree as a token of our affection and es•
teem for you, which we will Dentines to
cherish while memory lasts. Wishing
you all prosperity in your new home and
praying heaven's bleooing upon you.
Signed in behalf of the people here prey
sent. Jae. LONet1IRE,
J. K. BAr.zn,
Henfryn, March 7, 1901,
Gode ri o h
The Goderioh Organ Co. will have an
exhibit at the Glasgow exhibition.
Mies J. A. Henderson, of Saltford, baa
gone to Wingham to take a position as
Geo. Graham, our well known cattle
buyer, haspurohaeed ex -Warden Cook's
pretty driving mare, by Oliver Wilkes.
A larger quantity of ice was peeked
this Winter than ie usual, and it was of
good quality, and proper thioknees for
Rev. Jas. A. Anderson was in Montreal
last week attending a meeting of the Board
of French Evangelization of the Presby.
terian church.
R. J. Hendereon, of Goderioh township,
trapped a moguifioent baldheaded eagle,
the finest, it is said, tbot hes been seen
in Huroh for many years.
Riobard Radcliffe was passing along
the Square ou We road home, he slipped
and fall heavily on the side walk, the re.
snit being a broken arm. At latent re.
porta our old oitizen was improving.
Stuart Straiton hem gone to Ottawa to
tape a position with the McLaughlin Oar•
riage,0o„ for which be has been well fitted
by several years' experience as finisher at
the Goderiuh orghn Moiety and in the An.
dereon furniture faotory at Woodetook,
f+7ra, Jahn Mitchell, our town olerk'e
mother, had a aoverp 0010710 of paralysis
ip Toronto and in now dangerously ill,
Mae, BwaneOn bee bought outt
lanes barber
shop in the Redford bled;
and ie uow in poaeeeeion, fir. Wallace
tramline line with him ire assistant
Lieut.•Col. Holmes, D. 0. 0, Nor 1,
mfiitery dietriot, London, hoo received
word from Ottawa that he le to aoeume
control of the Britieh Columbia diotriot
on April tat nest, Col, Holmes is quite
eatiefied with the change, He lived in
Victoria for ten yore and hie Dona are
now there and when be retiree he will
oontin a to make his home there.
ILI NAr o w
John Stubbs had some of his fingers
lacerated by the knives of the mabober
machine at the piano factory Bpd will be
laid off for a few days,
W, L. Belle hoe left for New York to
spend 3 or 4 weeks with his 000, R,
who is conducting a Commercial College
in the American metropolis,
W. Forfar, horse trainer, was severely
ipjured by being kinked in the aide by a
horse. Some of his ribs were freotored,
The aookdent ocourred at W. 0. Kidd's
shipping etablee on Bismarck °treat.
Mayor Watson has received a erections
aoknowledgement of the resolution pass
ed by the town Connell oympatbieing
with His Majesty King Edward VII. and
the members of the Royal Family in
their bereavement by the death of Her
late Majesty Queen Victoria...
Votingo e By-law to aid bya loan
o tk 9
of $10,000 the proposed chair factory, of
which Wm. Fleas is the chief promoter,
took plane on Monday of last week and
from the very large and almost anani.
moue vote polled In ite favor, it is quite
evident that the ratepayere of this town
look with favor upon the scheme and are
thoroughly alive to the importance of
having manufaoturing ioduetriea °stab•
limbed here. Out of a total available
vote of about 620, there were 462 votes
polled in all. Of these 425 were in favor
of the By-law, and only 35 against.
Two ballots were spoiled.
Mr. Fleming, Secretary of the Lieto-
wet Furniture Go., has removed his
officio to the faotory where an office has
been built in the South west corner of
the main building, on the ground B tor.
A vault weepier' one corner of the office.
The business apartment is being fitted up
in good style and with an eye to oonven•
fence. The machines have all been plan-
ed and the belting is being put on so that
the fasters' will be ready for startingup
as soon 0.1 the first batch of lumber oan
be token from the dry -kiln, whiob is now
running. 'Before many days the hum of
the maohinery will be heard.
Night wile Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs, Ohne. Applegate, of Alex-
andria, Ind., "and maid hardly get any
Bleep. I had ooneemption so bad that it
I walked a block I would Dough fright -
folly and spit blood, but when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Disoovery wholly oared
me and I gained 68 pounds." It's abso-
lutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, colds,
La Grippe, Bronchitis aid all Throat
and Lung Troubles. Price 50o and $1.00,
Trial boltlee free at G. A. Deadman's
drug store.
Home Circle.
The delegates to the Supreme circle of
the Canadian Order of Home Circles at
Hamilton' last week were welcomed to
the oily by Mayor Heudrie. As a
result of the discussion oo reports of of.
floere a resolution was parried that the
sum of $30,000 be tranaferred from the
life expeotanoy fund now in the Domio•
ion Bank at. Toronto and planed in banks
at Port Perry, Harrietoo, West Toronto
,And Simooe—$5,000 in each of the first
two and $10,000 in eaoh of the last two.
The Supreme Trustees have about $150,
000 in hand for paying off life expectancy
claims. A committee was appointed to
draft a memorial of condolence and al.
legiance to King Edward VII. The
eleotion of officers resulted RS follows :
John S. Dench, Trenton, Supreme Lead.
sr ; J. M. Foster, Toronto, Supreme Seo.
rotary ; D. R. Foster, Waterford, Supreme
Treasurer ; S. Ounoiugham, Waterford,
Supreme chaplain • F. W. VRndnsen,
Napanee, Supreme Marshal ; G. 0. Phe.
lan, Amherst, N. S., Supreme Warden ;
Supreme Guard, W. E Wilson, Moncton,
N. B.; Supreme Sentinel, John Wilson,
Alliston ; Suprema Organizer, P. M,
Patterson, Toronto ; Supreme Solicitor,
W. J. Dewier, Tileonburg ; Supreme
Trustees, Thoe. Young, Toronto ; J. G.
Oummiug, St. Catharines ; R. R. Mow.
bray, Kineall ; Committee on i+inance,
Laws and Appeals were also elected and
A. R. Thompson, Merritton, and Wm.
Wilkineoo, Brantford, were eleoted Su-
premeuditore. The sons of $50 was
voted Cotthe hospital cot board. The per
capita tax was fixed at the same rate ea
last year. There were no amendments
to the oonatitntion of importance. The
salaries were fixed as follows:—Seot'y,
$1,600 ; clerical allowance, $1,000 ; treas„
$200 ; organizer, $1,000 ; editorial work,
Hereafter permits to take liquor into
the Yukon are to be issued by the Com-
missioner of that Territory instead of by
the Minister of the Interior, as formerly.
lighted and convenient rooms to let in
the Leckie block over G. A. Deadman`° and
Mrs, Rogers' stores, Apply to F. 8. SCOTT.
for sale, being Lot 23 Con. 7, Grey,
House suitable for two families if required
School house, church and part of the Village
of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply t0 JOHN
00BEB, Ethel Carriage Works. 24,
A.. property of the late John
Elliott, cumulating of a solid Wok house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable aid 1 acre of land all in first-ohmscondit)on. If not sold will be rented. Pos•
aeoslon at any time. For particulars apply
t0 Wtr. SruNcn, mho); ALEX. PATTERSON
Galt ; or Da, MoKoo viY, Mt. Forest, 2011
.aorae in the Township of Howiok, be.
lug Lots 15 and 16, 0 on. 0 ; 80 acres aro
elearod and 20 nates in bush ;• bank barn
With atone atabltng underneath.; and frame 7
house with cellar. A good thriving oronard.
Pare is situated 3 miles from Wroxeter.
Also 90aorea in the Township Of Turnberry,
being North Half of Lot 7, 000. A ; 80 nares
lit grass, 20 acres of bush; frame baro and
log holism ; a good spring. For further pari
tielillira apply to ALEX, HIi4Lxe1't E, O, cr Age
21.4m Wroxeter for the .Famous "'Lion" Brand of Boys' Clothing.
T1 ARlvi von SAli mllPot cos. 1010, nNf
aeras. Geed 0k
t00'or gran farm. (40o 1
1ram9 1(0000 and bapk barn; two good'50100)
elghb 50000 01 FDnR wheak and land np ht a
good °halo of enitivatfort, For particulars
apps to .30000) I10OFAD1017Nr
50.071 Ba'uasele R, 0..
SA1.n,-Lot 17, oan, 0, TOwnalllp of
(4007. 100 acres more or lose, 6110910'.91
niiloo from Rtuncle end 2 mfleefront saline
of Ethel, A11 cleared oxoeptitig 0 Beres of
hardwood bush, 3fuildiugt aid fences In
good repots, Good wells, All ball plowing
dope, rtoo and terms of payment ou ap•
plioatlnn to W. SINm.,
20 -ti Barrister,
1:1147111q FOR SALE,—I OFFER
J. for sale Lot 15, Oon. 3, Morrie, eoneiet•
big of 300 aoreo, mo00 or Moe, 05 cleared, 50
t or00 seeded down n0 wee Fall ploug�hod,12
stabling0in Palwheal;, Barn 50x70,. with etoPe
underneath. Aloe dwelling house,
Pose eeion to suit pur0hae0r. For further,
partioulal's apply on the prem1000 or to the
proprietor, feriae and terms :reasonable.
90- T1108, FO1BBES, WinghamP, 0
1..' dersl nen °flare his 100 aore.. farm for
rale, being Lot 11, Con. 17, Grey. There ,,,'o
00 gores cleared and 10 mares boob, 01 ea
house ; bank barn, 50152 feet, with stone
stabling ; good orchard ; farm well Weed
and drained. Artesian well with wind ,hill
and tank. Convenient to school, church
and marltet, 10 urea of Fall wheat inn 15
aoreo plowed, Waive seeded to grass. Ap.
ply 24•tjbe promisHNn S PRIOR Walton,
nEs0raNEn will offer for sale hie 100 mere
farm, Lot 19, Con, 0, Grey, on wbioh there
RTO 90 mires under eultivetion ; good frame
house, hank baro 48x00 feet, aloe orchard.
spring creek, well folioed, and plane to good
.bane. The farm is 71 of a mile from school
2 milfrom the thriving village of Ellie{
and 7 miles from the village of Brits.
Bele. There are 10 acres of Fall wheat and
10 ;90109 plowed. Possession given at
once. TOMB easy.. For further information
as to price, terms and conditions apply to
F. 5, SOOTT, Auotioueer, Brussels, or the
proprietor on the promisee.
Ethel P.0,
29, Con. 15, Grey, containing 100
00000,70 mores cleared, 10 aoreo hardwood
bosh,balance cedar and blank ash, 8 acres
in Fall wheat. The farm is wellfolioed and
underdrained, with plenty of good water.
Good brick house 201100, with kitchen 18x28,
wood abed attached and good cellar, Large
bank barn with stone wall underneath, large
drive shed and workshop. Large pig house
and sheep pen. Gond orchard of choice
fruit. It la convenient to church and eoh001,
store and post onion. This farm will be
sold obeap, if sold before the end of March,
as the proprietor wants to retire on account
of ill bealtb. Apply nn the premises or
81-tf Moncrieff P. 0.
TIOE.—Io the matter of the estate
of William Batton, deceased,
As the Reserved Bid was not reached on
the day of sale herein, tenders In writing
will be received for the purobase of the
lands and premises, namely :—The South
Half of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morrie, 100
pores, suhjeot to the approval o1 the under-
signed Local Master of this court. Parties
deairons of making as offer for this valu-
able property may do so through the auc-
tioneer, F. 8. Scott, or the plaintiff's indica-
tor, and if excepted will be subject to the
same terms and conditions as 0et11ed by the
said Least Master, and announced at the
time of the sale hereto
Dated this 5111 day of Marob, A.D. 1901.
Local Master at Goderici.
W, M. 8I900LAIR, P1H'e Solioitor. 3401
. �,t�1r'�•��1T�•t�1�,yrr,��w,-iyr�- '► srot?,
Like the unfolding of a !lower, you behold new beauty and dainti,
nese every y ry day in our Mammoth Gaaq Blore, Now novelties and faakicn,
stile fsbrioe are being shown in planning variety, and no matter how often
you come some new fabrio will attraot your attention and win youradmir.
ado0. Now ie the time to study the trend of fashions for Spring and
Summer. Correot ideas pan be learned to best advantage in this store.
We aro glad to have you Dome and will cheerfully allow you anything you
isle)) t0 Bee, /kelt to sea these goods the next bilne you dome.
New Prints, in light and naris colon, 28 to 34 inches wino, new pat.
borne, toot Delors, regular 81, for 6u,
ab 10o and 17o,
New Englieh Prieto, wide width, soft finish, feet colors, new floral
designs, at loo and 12}u.
Printed Sateens, wide width, soft fioiell, inblaok and colored grounds,
Colored Satanao, in new blue, royal purple and 'Week and White
groan25oandde, 300.with fanny enroll, floral and polka dot effects, at 200,
Golden Draperies in all colors, at 100, 12ie and 16o.
Art Muslim°, new patterns, bordered, at So.
Blaok Brilliantine Lustros, bright silk finish, new goods and beet
blaoke, 38 to 44 inches wide, from 20o to 76o per yard.
New Homespno Suitiors, 56 Maine wide, two toned effeota, a nice
range of oolore, at OOo.
Black Poplins, 40 to 45 inches wide, fine cord, suitable for mourning
or general wear, 60o and 760.
Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with
or without oven. Every stove a double heater and guar-
anteed a perfect baker.
Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan-
terns, Hanging Lamps and Lamp
Goods of every description.
cfc Turnbull
Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc.
The 'Lion' Brand
Of --Cir
Boys' Clothing
Tho `Lion' Brand of Boys' Clothinz
Is the result of a demand from the public of this country for somethingthat is reliable
and something that will give satisfaction.
It has always been a Difficult matter to get Clothing that will stand the
average boy's wear because no attention was paid to the make or quality of goods.
In the 'Lion' Brand you will get all that is desirable. The goods are manu-
factured specially for this brand and is something that will give extra wear, not an
ounce of cotton or shoddy being used.
The Cut of the Coat, Vest and Knickers is the latest, attention being paid
to all the small details which go to give the Lion Brand a style that cannot be seen in
in any other line.
This Make is the Very Best.
Knicker Pants are made with double knees and double seats, strongly sewn
with the best linen thread. The linings are strong and durable, and can be recommend-
ed with confidence.
And Now the Price.
If anybody sells Boys' Clothing lower than we do it is because they ignore qual-
ity, risk satisfaction, trust to luck.
.Go into this subject this season before you buy and let the BEST win—not the
RQaS Clothier and. nirnisher4