HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-21, Page 1• Vol. 29, No. 6 BRUSSELS, ONTA,RJO, TKUR.SDAY, MARCH 21, 1901 . • , . • . • . . • IcERR, Prop, - ' New Advertisements. ... Aimee Eienry and family MoVe 'We week to their newly purchased teen on the 12th 0013, ELe will be right beak to hie old neighborhood. Athol Plead some new reeidenta this Week in the peewee of Jon. Ohnk an a deolghtee, of the gth con. of Grey. Mr. Inertia° eon ivil/ manage the farna, We are Sorry to report the flexions ill. nese of Me. Ceiling, our banter. He bee been in failing health for Boma Wee but we hope he will sene take a tarn for the better, . • A oar of hogs was shipped oe Toesdey for Coilingwood. W, Fogel wail the Myer and be. Colvin, of Stratford, the stepper.. 35.86 was said to be the top teeth price paid, . TiteltdaY of this, week Queue Bapp left. for Mammy where he Will vial relatives and he may matte his home there for this mason. Ethel people are sorry to see him go from their locality, John Slemmon left for Manitoba On Thursday of the week. Behice emelt a few years ap there so knows the lay out' of things all right. Mr. Bletomonie many friends wish hinn moose. " , There was a large attendance at the amnion Dale of R, McKelvey and prime ranged at n good figure. F. S. 'Ellett un• &rebinds his bneiness all right edam.- Honer, The sale netted over 32,009 • An auction sale has bean announced by Mrs. Patton of her 25 sores of hind with frame houee, bank b__teem ern, &o., loo farm stook, implements and household fame. tore on Friday April 2nd at 1 Wolcott. ' Oe Wedneedae of this Week Themes rdeclall kl.nd Mies Lizzie, daugheer of Geo. Kirkby were Miele in it matrimonial &Inane& Meet proeperity batheir pertion. Mre. Dobson, danghtee of Time. Matted. ere, is eepeotee home on Friday of tble week in response to a telegram owing to her father's illneaa, Ma Maunder& ona. dition ehowe n9 ieePeOsement we ere eery to etate. , W, Degideoo end wife entertained a few of their Mende and neighbore faet Friday evening, Deleing, Parlor gamee and gociarchat was the order of the even ing tend wee kept up until the early hones of the morning when all separated fer their different homes claiming 1110, and Mee Deviation eapital entertainers.. .0n Wednesday of last week two play, &Mans performed an operation 00 01.1ea• 'Purvey removing front the head eight bonen and a eery large clot of blood from a nerve centre of the brain. Since that time the patient has been suffering very little pain and lie now able to move hie left sem which ep to the time of the oper• &ion wee completely 1 d II'rise pare ye° . is meny friende are hoping her a needy ana oemplete restoration. , Exper (mental Union Field Tests For 1901, . . GentrialAsectedation farnithee the nem. willubirrio fac,ar:1043,14tehte, dwove, blys nii7 g ro ad nem in each Riding. The A.sseelatio0 however amine to give all moistener pee. Bible 10 the Riding Aeamiation mad local workers, and endeavore to act thiethrough SewetarYi Alexander Smith, 34 Vie. toria street, Toronto, ad Jamee Vanoe, Toronto, Duncan Marshall, Thornbary, and W, A.. Stewart, Alat•tintowtter 'Deputy Liberal Organizer. To addition to the work above alluded to, if either Goverement or the, Partite- dmerirtf Iny"s"pnetelragiTiet'e or "aiebbhivelty,'w.t"Itliegye oart have the same attended to by , Moth, ing the men to do it and provieieg the °°°e$8847 thnds' The Ontario T.gber&I Anctoiation dorm not undertake to do more Omaha means enable it. ... people Nero • Talk About, mie-,--.....b 3., . . B ,e7, ra at Ben47 ng' 9.111" "9 14 V". 1 61. ,k, tit and Mel urea Gerry spent Sno• dey with N. and Aire. Gerry at Blyth. ,Iiicc Jan 6,101000bnc visited mcc, Thee Thomeoe, at Lietowel, ten Thurs. de Y. 1 • vbii4eiv4Hrae joif tgieveajeinwIBtbr,Imoef woliesonedalilo, aawz tbie weals ' • - Robert Morrie/it formerly of Bennie . ' hag tithe] a position ae bermes maker at f)rTur" 11 e, • mieti LiSaie Ferguson wail visiting relit • c; friends . T rele. ' tive'3" 41 eeetteter and WI"' h am for a few days this week, Mre. Campbell and eon, of Port Elgin, • • ,e, i , c k are eaaber" Dr. "e° reee t "8 weIo while returneng from New York. Harold Creighton, of Beaton, arrived home on Saturday e.nd will remain for a time owing to his lather's; illness. George McDonald, Mre. McDonald , Mlae _. . .... , and aims Mary none', or renrevaie, were visiting at Dr. Toole's this week. 13. Gerry attended' the Conservative Convention in • Toronto this week and looked after some Meioses matters. The Teamster Nem says : -Mies Cora Ferguson will take °barge of Spahr Bee. , department at Alildmay Baia eemon• fare D. K. Clark and son, D. A., of W d k ' 1 ' t G A D d oo etoo , are vie ting a G. . Deid. man's. Mrs. Clark and Aire. Deadman are sisters. Alex, McKelvey le here from Mount Forest on a visit. He has been on the Mak Net but belongs to the recruiting brigade now. Mies Annie Young left for Guelph on Tuesday morning en route to ber home in Aloosomin, Man., after a holiday visit with old friends. Go, Coauoillor Torrance, who has been fermiag near Zurioh, heel sold oat realiz ing about $9.000. He any live in Hen, ticoalelafiotrhaimtime tonal he fiude something oc Fah. 16 ... . . died at Henry...tH. JAnmey Yarker, near Kingston, aged 82 yeare. Ha was a brother to Jno. Aneley, of Wimhem, and this ie the first break in a family of 7 sons and 2 daughters. W W. F. Stewart injured hie left eye Wed. needay evening while dressing a stone in his flour mill. A partiole of the flying stone ruptured a blood venal bat no Be- lona oonsegnanan are anticipated. J D d- telt t f Toronto no. ow iggown or on Monday morning. The family will move n t e omen o a moat or so. r. I b 1 b DI Dowding win be greatly missed in St. eh , h h h. in h-h ° ' ° ur° ° °" w t° he WaS leader. Next Alonday Aliases Edith MoLancea. lie, Alan, Forbes, and Elsie Straohan leave for Owen Sonod where they wilt at• •mil tend the Baseness College. The trio were pupils at Listowel until Mr. Hartt left. Miss Mary MoLtmohlin ie home from Roseland, B. 0 , where she Ma epent an enjoyable 2i years, and will make an ex - tended visit at her old home. She is a daughter of Alex. hicLauchlin, Turn • berry street North. • Mims Lizzie sample arrived home from London on Wedneeday night. Sbe had an attack of la ri e and as it interim. g PP ed with her voice she has temporarily dropped her vocal training and will take a holiday for a tirne. We are sorry to hear that Blies 'Maggie, daughter of Jno. and Mre. Stott, who re• I removed to Woodetook from cent Y Brussels, le laid up with cement fever. The Celle e is closed until after Easter . g , owing to this epidemic. Miss Walker, who had been so ill lint , year that her life was despaired of, was to take a drive. She gained etreugth rapidly after the operation she had to undergo. The above mentioned lady be a sister to Mre. G. F. Blair, of Brussels, end resides at Goderieh. The Synod of Hamilton and Londe, .. May, ni dait_Atp t•Ilon2o0e1, bobautirel7i.,8Sotpra:tf, alelc,1 will continue 00 TeeetleY and W°4".6°' day, emending with au evening seethe Wednesday from 7 80 to 10, Beretofere this important (conference Wall held only Mon but this year a in flarng too or leci , . ohmage hem bean made in bringIng the meeting to Stratfoed, There will he he. tween 800 and 400 delegatee in atteeti. 4.0e. Melville chattel) congregation heard. 0 • ' good deepen° frorn ehe Meter, Bev. Jim, Bon, B, e,,, leo Beehem morning from Luke St Luke 24 td 27. Ghent was the gold. St, en thread that bound together the 89 books of the Old Teetement. In Genecia Beesented as the Deetroyer of e w°4 P Sin ; in Exodue, the .Deliveeer , In ' the Guide and Gmarditte 1 in Levitieue, the High Pelee ; io Deuteronomy, the Law Giver ; in Jolee, the Leader into reet • in Pealme , and Leath the King and sufferer • in the ' ' minor Prophets, the Promiaed Messiah, .. 0 G al, plead Three own 00.00e," Psalm 74 22, wee the evening text. God pleads Hie own mine (1) 133 Provicleree; le) By raising up witnesses; (8) By poor. ing oat Hie tipirt. A more thee ordinarily intereethig ex. positnry dimearee wee given • by Rev. John Holmes, last Sabbath morning 14 the Methodist Church, on t,Ohriet and nate." lessons pointed out were Indecision hampers obaktoter and interferes with neefainese ; (2) Faleeneee to our thovietiona allows wrong to ; (3) For expediency sake people ant loose from prim:41e ; (4) A man committed to an evil oouree from an evil past finds it difiloult to redeem himself ; (6) He who doeti withednese through others is not late guilty than if he had done it alone; (6) The evil mete commit together hi often nob distribithab/y borne; (7) Wickedneee that a man ono prevent is chargeable to him ae if he committed g.eplf0.1 joIyo the application the time. iterjVimn of Pilate was noticed also. the length to which envy will go ; and the silly see:tees offered, for instance Pilate washed bis band& "The visions of my head troubled me" was the evening text. ree rry ADO ITOman's Auxiliary Miesionary Aetheatiou of the Diocese of Heron will be held in Bi.bop Oronyn Ball, Lon. d T d Ne d d and Thursday on, ues ay, e nee ay next seek. Program will be as fol. Iowa :---Taesday -Holy Communion ; ad. drees by the Lord Bishon of Huron • o • ' unity" Mrs. Sage 1 •,The raig • Pocver of Prayer," Dire. 0 ,Bible Mies Etches, 0. AL S. Delegate ; ty r er ; address -Mice Pel'oes for Pay , Trent, lelisaionary from aupem •, inter - minion for medal intercourse ; lineation Drawer. Wednesday -Board of Sienese - • - - • ell meeting • openIng exercises ; roll • report of' the Board of Manage - ; reports ot Seoreteries and Treas. nrere ; reception and adoption of reports; aside:it's address ; eleotion of office bearera and delegates to trieneial meet. ing ; re t It dd a ofMunn °ea ; a ress, Mrs. Whittaker, North-weet • general conference of officers and 'd 1 t • e ega es , Question Drawer; genes! miegionary meeting, the Lord Bishop in the chair; opening exercises,' addeees Rev. G. B. Sam, B. D. addr'ess, Rev.'0. E. Whit. - ; taker, North•weet •, oollention. Thurs. day-nnfiniehed busineas ; address by the Biehop ; thank.offeringe for the tri- ennial fund ; missionary correspondence; meeting of the junior members of the The Lord Bishop of Alooso. nee is expected to speak also. Mrs. MeadoWs, sr., and Mrs. Manning will represent St. John's &moll Branch, Brussels. --- Wall paper -Jae. 'Fez. Looal-W, re, ietewert, For eale-George Robb, Flax-Livingetoe & Oce For sale -John Bernhill, Om for sale -W Blaehill, To rent -W. 1i. MOOritoken, .its BeYe' Clothiog-D, G. AM. Tenders wanted -W. li Kerr, Besieges for sale -W. Blashill. New Bioyelee-G, A. Deadm 4°' ' Boar for eervice-3 AL Enighb, ray. liersee for gale -William Wgevi Bong for ecieeeBocr romerteon. . Doso 0006c-4, recocecul, 00. ' Notice to oreditoes-W S. AloKeraher, ., . . ,. ----, The Members of the Onterto Agrioul thrall taid Experimental Unien 9re Pleas- ed to etate tenet for 1901 they are again Prepared to clietribute into every. toWri, ship of Ontario material foo' experiments with fertilizer& fodder MVPs, roots, greens, grimes and Ole/Mere. UPwarde 01 three thousand Ontario farmele oonduoted the co-operative experitnente olen their oWle farms lest year.er zee Or exreetritnNee roll 1901. 1 Three varieties eje oate, 2 Three varietiee of eix.rowed Barley. 8 Two vartebiee of Bailees, Deadeye 1 ' d ' t' I le ' . 4 elpe I] an two vane tee .0• Wheat. ' Ptlag 6 Two varieties of Buckwheat. 6 Three varieties of 'Field Pees for , Northern °aerie, . 7 Two variable° of bag proof Field Pose. - 8 Clow Peas and two varieties of Soja or Xapanese BeBene. ' 9 Three varieties of Husking 00en, 10 Three varieties of Mangold& 11 Three varieties of Sugar 13eete for ' stook feeding. 12 Three varieties of Swedish Turnip. 13 Kohl Rabi and two varieties of Fall - Turnips. 94 Parsnips and two varietiee 05 Carrots. ' ' of dd '1 ' 16 hree vaneten . fo er or tal age Corn . 16 Three varieties of Millet. 17 Three varieties of Sorghum. 18 Gran Peas and two varieties of Vetches. 19 Dwarf Essex Rape and two varieties of Kale. 20 Three varieties of Clover. 21 $e.. •• Lucerne and -. 1 roc , earnee. 22 Five varieties of Grasses. 23 Three varieties of Field Beane. 24 Three varieties] of Sweet Corn. 26 Fertilizers with Corn. - ..• 26 Fertilizers with Mangolde. 27 Growing Potatoes on level and in hills, 28 .Plemting Potatoes the same day and five days after being out. . 29 Planting Petatoee whioh have and which have not been coated over with land plaster. 30 Pianting " ' Wag Corn in rows and in squares (0.0 excellent variety of Early Corn 'will be.• need).. Material for either number twenty-five number twenty eix experiment will be y, express, an or eao e sent b d f hof thothershieJohnle it will be forwarded bymail. - &oh er in0 'who• h son uteri° ens es to cc . . P.reading, num an experiment and ie willing to nee great oare accuraoy in a - the work and report the results of the test as soon as possible after harvest should seleot the exact mperiment, desired and apply for the same at an early date. The materiel will be forwarded in the order in whioh . .men; the applioatione are. received until the .. ie hmited supply exhausted. It might be well for mob applicant to make a second . °home for feat' the first could not be grantee. 0. A. ZAVITZ, Agrioultural College, Guelph, Ont. ;91' f 4'1 i'f it D ill id . ,1444," ...„) ""uf•• --. - Perth County. Oretnetroolle. • Miss Lizzie Atones left on Monday for her Millinery position at .Blyth. We , wish her encoess.. Inoe Raddatz has taken a position ie B. T. Pima's blaoluenith shop, Brussels, . Hoes a good, meetly going young nem. Mre, D. McQuarrie doee not regain her health as rapidly as her many friendsmillinery weed wish but we hope she will soon be ae well ae ever, Cameron Bros. talk of patting up a eatT of weigh smite at their fax mill go in to add to the oonyenience of their patrons and themenves as well. A. number from this locality attended the PerrieetdoNair • wedding on Wednee• day of this ,week. Rev. D. 13. MeRae • performed the oeremouy. ---. The re I V' of the Stratford gn or mee ing, Presbytery was held In Stratford last week, 13t. 'Marva Creamery Co Li ;red Co, in , shipped 69,732 pomade Of butter tit Great Britain last week. B.H. S. Andereoa of Goyvanetown, has Joined Baden Powell's' oonetabulary, and is on hie way to South Africa. By the first of Mee, next the Preeby. thriv' Methodist and Baptist charebee ' in Mt. Forest will be entirely free from debt. Wm. Sin:anent St. Marys who Ina been with the spade! service. regiment at Bali. fax for a year is bomeehis terra of mint. meet haying expired. en many sentient; about St. • Pdarya there Me been a scareitY of water einoe Winter set in, but the. recent mild weather has made a satisfactory incirease in the water simply. ' The farewell banquet tendereih bto e. and Mrs. Orr at Stratford, previous to hie leaving to accept the position of for. eigu representative of the Manufacturers Limited wee alDna,.ioasatdeiano joyable /motion. ' - -John Grammes, who it will be rernemb. ered was Med $200 or thirty daye, at the 1898 eleotion trial for taking a bribe, and who iramediately fled the country, re. ' . . turned some weeks ago and wee arrested and token to Stratford to serve hie thirty day eentenoe. Cornellue Kennedy, the oldest roan in St. Morys district, died at the residence d W ' • of eon, enne v, est Missouri, on Tuesday, March 5. Mr. Kennedy had reaohed the remerkable age of 104 years, having been born on April 18, 1797. He native• was a of Ireland, hie birthplaoe being near the celebrated Killarney Lakes, and came to Canada in 1847. Hie wife died over a quarter ole, century ago, • W. White, of Hibbert, came very nem. ly having one of hie beat working teatn killed by a passing train on Monday afternoon. The team, while beiog bitch ed to a eleigh, got &way and ran off down a lane toward the tailway, and ran right tip against a passing train. In wheeling °round after coming in contact with the train, one of the animals wee streak on the flank and fearfany oat. The tail was nearly torn off ond one of the hatne laid open. It is eastroely likely that the ani . mai will live, and will be a lose of about $125 to Mr. White. The Stratford Beacon says :-J. C. Henry, dealer iu modem' supplies, Gamed a writ to be issued against Dee W. Graham, S. W. Shaw, W. Gunn, of Olin ton and Dr. J. A. Rotterteon, of Setae. • . ford, tor $10,000 damages. The gentle. men named are the provisional directors of a company in proems of formation to • supply dootore with materials' required th • f • Henryble in ,. eir pro melon. Mr. enrsays a re oA reed t bake over hie basinese and t o pay him for running it, but they Mae not so Masers eloPherson & • Davidson, solioitors for the provisional directors have accepted service of the writ above mentioned. Their clients are not at all dieturbed over it, they saying no snob agreement wee ever entered into. ' G''''''''''" ' Tovenhip Gounail Friday of this week. The auction eale of 'Wm, Pollard will be held next Tuesday. . , . _...1._ con., oae Mies Maggie "I I le hThe gone to vielt reletives in Waterloo Co.(1) Mrs. Thos. Driver, of Bt. Marys, ie &Feting relatives and friends in • Grey townshie. - 'briumph Mies Winnie McKinnon, who bee been vieiting her parents for the peab 6 •• e months, lute gone to Buffalo. Arehibeed Elielopetle P.P., haeheen sp. pointed a member of the Agriculture Com. mittee in the Local Legislature. Wednesday of this week Simon and Mrs. Grant, 5th con., removed to Br me field, where they expect to make .thelrae home for a tirne at least. We wish them 9n00888. • It is said that Fletcher Sperling, vete and eon, lOth con., may move to Brussels for a while until Mr. Spelling settles on whet he will follow for. an oompation ae he lam sold his farm, Hugh Mustard, who wart visiting at his uncle's. Jae. Fergneon, hate returned to hie home'in Gladstone, Man. Hie friende here hope that he will'pey themof another visit neat Winter. Thos. Straoban atteneed the Liberal Convention in Toronto last. week, HeChristian woe away this week at L nadon on Mee - nem with the eentning tenths. Mr. ie the Commiesiooer for East Riding of Huron.,° The echo& teacher on the 9ch wbo en. o •joe,e a joke on other young people, Mouth be very °Reef& to tell the truth even if itment be only a joke, or he may get left es they say the young lady he appears to be so attentive to don not care for a person who fibsEte ' • John and idre.Dolg left on Tuesday of ' the week for Solomon City, Kamm,per • where Mr. Doig expels to take a anna- tion on the railway. Mre. le the 'Doig' yonngeet daughter of Reeve Turnbull, They carry with them the beat wishes of a large oirole of friends. Wanom A. PEDICIRne.-A, young lady who lives in Grey Bays the, read what that young bachelor had to gay about get ling married and while the maY nOt have the "pedigree" he talks ate& sheoan batter, feed calve 'ilr o e and . with best6' nil ° wof keep home the record yet the 9th In the meantime she does not • , ' wish ber name made public, but applma tions might be made to the Editor of Tim Po Twhowill be able togive fuller infor. 8, . minion. MATaillioNTAL.- Last week TIM Pon lade mention of the marriage of David Mies Annie McDonald at the Rae and"' home of Joeeph Shaw, 5th line. The , ,, bride was very neatly attired in a me time of blue pastel cloth with fiche of white Liberty Bilk and had pink end white earnatione in her hair. After the oeremony and (congratulations, the 00m• 'pony, whiob combated of near relatives, -lett death to a well prepared dinner. Mr. and Mee Rae were tendered a reoeptioa 'rib the residenee of the eroom's parents • at Wroxeter an tlie manilla of the sams day. They have meted to Belmore wiled they purpose making their home. May happiness and enema attend them. HEALTH Itienovni>.-4. 0, Gerry, form- erly of Grey, writing from Bello Bay, eaYs .. - "Efave had much better health eines coming born and have been able sortie to do work since New Yeare, enpply. hag three Sabbaths for the Presbyterians and helping a Methodist brether in a series of revival services at hie Tarbott appointment. Was able to preach every • d tl t Lord hi d h k toof night an enee t e *or the salvation of ills. While in Tarbutt w I Wes entertained at the home of Thos Nott, formerly of Grey, but lately of Hallett, and brother to John Nett, V.13., a one time resident of 13theeele. Mr. Nott h ' a b atlut hom here and is ea 1 e the pioneer Short Horn breeder of AI- gotne. Had tee. one evening with John Artnatrong, Reeve of Laird townelelp, and br Ohm to Mr. Armetrong, East of Brueeele. Thanking you for continuing your valuable paper, lam, Yours truly., Tag Poor is pleased to know that Ur. Carry'e health ieso snob improved,.and hope he- wilestion be as well as when he was et his beet. , , ,, Leadbury. .. ' Times are good around here thie Win. ter' . . John Rae hae gone to Strathroy to spend a ample of weeks. We wish him a -please& time, Wm, Vance, of Bright, was visiting at She home of hie anole, Samuel Maher son, 14t51 oon. oi MoKillop, for a maple of weeks. ' Wm. J. Elathwell has retailed from a vfait to Palmerston. Be is looking well and we were glad to se him, Wh Y could not the attraction be brought here and save these tripe I' A number of youngpeopleth d t ga ere a the home of Archie C.ark en Friday night aud a tenjoyable' pen a very time till the wee ma' hours. Arolaie knows how to entertain and make the time pine pleasantly. - Om night Ise week two sleigh loadsor went to the home of Robe Strang, Lead. Miry line, and a gay lot . they were. A. good time yeas spent and all went well till the hour they were to go home when the.ezeitement &erne. Robes, blaukets,and whiffietreee, nealt.yokes and drag bolts were gone amd it was broad daylight be. fore they got home .all safe end touted. They will have to have a night watch on guard after thia. • . lett' et I co es, The marriage of mies Violelte Victoria Campbell, of Chicago (formerly of Wal. ton, Ontario, Canada) and Wm F. Me- Naughton, of Mimeo, tock place 'elire. day evening, Feb. 14, 1901, at the tenth, Preebyterian olieroli, 46th tweet and Emerald Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Rev. Daniel E. Long performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mre. AloNaagbton will be at home at 6700 Morgan street, Chicago, Ill. MATIOHONTAn..--• Tueliday of last week Rev. Boioneon ' Cleaver performed the marriage ceremony in Grace thumb, Winnmeg, of white be ie the pastor, be. tween Andrew Blair MoNabb, of Thorn• hill, Man., and Mies Attie, youngest daughter of John H. Swallow, a well known resident of the locality. e h 2-e bride was one of MoKillop's popular young ladies and ale and ber husbandStruchan will have Many good wishes for a happy and prosperous future. , aueneetewiel e A robin has been seen. ' Mies Eliza Fatima and James return. ed home from Be grave last Sunday. Elijah Jacklin and wife, 5th line of Grey, were visiting the 'former'e parents on the Bonndary. ' Will. Hayrien, of Fergus, has returned home after spending memo time with hietakenoffat friends 1» Tornberry. Frank Smith is moving hie household effects from his fathertin.lawai A. Sitnp goo's, to the Morrow farm which be hag rented, neer Wroxeter. f • Lest Monday a number of armee in Grey went out to Salem to assist in tear ing down the oharoh which they hey° perahmed for the purpose of baildieg a Hall at Jamestown. Misses R. Wright and M. Sinapeon, and • • . S. Wright, from the Lowlaude, mina friends iu the Highlands last Monday. The revere storm did aolt prevent them from retureing home. A. wood bee was held at Geo. lefoDon• ald'a cal Friday afte• noon when 40 halide sawed and split between 85 and 40 cords. He entertained the boya in the evening by giving them a sooial hop. LeXeilillop. RAND TARE 0 W N Tr.- e regret to hear that Will. Elo I le' f h d gg oet le le 0 an last Friday while feeding a straw cutter. It wee e wris severe elite le, tb ' b I b ing made.before the meohine was stopped. Withplunk worthy of note he had it dress. .P ed without taking chloroform and is now making favorable progrese. The maoy friends of the young man will be eorry to hear of the imaident. bicRillop ie getting an unenviable notoriety for this kind of amputation. Tow Imre 001INOW--Oonnoil mot 'make Jon la" W b '' Hotel' Dublin,Mao1" p e er a, on. die, 18th Maroh 1901. 'Members all tee - , . P , ent, except Arobtheld McGregor. Min- utas of former meeting read and adopted. A By-law was eased a, ointin mind . .P PP.g P keepers reueeViewers and peenmeetere. tale read and eased amonntin to Amon. p g 826.00 werepaid. A notice of a By law he .. . Logan Township for a dram to North per t ing a short disianeeOn Boundary and nun . . aseeseum MoKillop 3152.00 for benefit and outlet wee alienated. Io the South Logan melon MoKillop take their water sed provide outlets and in the North they ' try to make MoKillop help then m tie their own outlets. Connoil adjourned to meet in Joneseliall, Lone/entry, on Mon. day, 27 MaY, at 1 o'clookt as.a Collet .of envision. . Jen. 0. MOBillscM, Clerk. Ontario Liberai Association. Shortly after the Liberal victory of 1896 the Liberals with the view of lessening the work of their Central Organizations office for the Province in Toronto, divide 0 th P ' ' t t'with e 0 rovince in o sea ione anauxiliary. Eastern Association having an office and 1, • for1-. 'aland eeadquarters in Ottawo L.,e....ast, subsequently a Western Aaeociation with a burean in London was established. Tho divieion.of labor for ordinary inter- election nurnolies has been dianeneed with e e.- . . and the work for all the Province is On d fromand dthetheyng eote the central head bo y, Ontario Liberal Association. Of this . . • Aseociation, 'Grander nut , 8 adoredone• A S ' h 4 V" ' street, Toronto, is secretary, and he bee •at his direction a number of maistants who attend the Organization in the ma. WW1 enigma to thee. At a recent meet. ing of the Federated Liberal Clube ib waa felb that the work of the Ontario Libercil Anooiation could be largely aug. mented by enentraging young Ltheralseto organize Clubs, and as a result of this feeling the Federated Clubs were given representation on the Council of the Ontario Liberal Ae000iation, and Duncan Marshall, Thornbnry, Grey Go., and W. A, stewere, martintown, Glengarry Co. will organize Liberal Clube throughout the Province. Every' Liberal who desires to ale in he/ping along the 3000 00.000 whether as a speaker, organizer of Clubs, organizer of a Riding, Municipality or Polling Divi. sion or engage in the very Mendel work re tang e o e vi • th -V t re, Lists can receive instruction& directions, and literature from the office of the Ontario Liberal Association. The number of guides, pamphlets, hooka and other useful corn- pilatione issued by this Aeeooiation total in the millions and now with an inoreas. ed and efftoient staff, all this splendid material oan be used with telling emits. The Ontario Liberal Association as everyone who has taken a proper intereab in the.parby knows, was formed by the Premier of the Province and sir Richard Cartwright oallingrepresentativeLiberals from eath Oentstitlienoy to meat in Tor. onto. The gathering wee oompooed of those who were the Provincial and Dom. inion candidates in the preceding elm. bions, the obi& officers of the Riding AelloaildiOne and delegates elected by each Riding Association. The Central office le maintained by sobsoriptione obtained from friends of the party throughotit the Province. Theit • thief idea le to maintain a Genteel office well stored with iatormation so that no . ., matter whether MUMese abides or rebore overtakes the ParliamenterY contingent them will be a place where Liberals le every Riding may be supplied with infer to ena e em to oontinue bl - th ' theW.X, work in the Liberal cause, Members of the Lope' Legislature end ,anee of the Ilouse of Gommoneare represented the 0011neil of the Anoolation, end dynamite. Premier Rose the members of hie Cabi. any net and the Ontario members of the GoV. of Sir Wilfrid Lauriee arti also ()Womb°, membere of the Connell. .Thounh the aivay. If.) an net e ken N ce ets, in. ran on armor name an asee B clf--dV T 11 was killed by a bull. At Baie St. Meal, Q h k ne., a aoo of earthquake was felt. The late Dr. J. D. Macdonald of Ham - Ilton 1891 80 eetate of 879,000. Nearly five hundred Ontario settlers arrived at Winnipeg last weelc. The by-law to booue a flax mill at 3711. bury was carried by the electors. Mr. Aretiason, pawubroker ' of Craig street Montreal, shot and killed himself. Jacob McGee, of Edgmondville, has pur- chested 94,000 of Seaforth town debentures at par. Mrs, Donald Nicholson, of Hatnilton, died suddenly while abbe:Ming a party ab a friend's house. Min Graoe Hall of Windsor amident. ally shot herself in the chest with is re. volver, and the wound may prove fatal. Aire. Gauthier and five children were burned to death at Little Casoapedia,Que, ae the recant of a coal oil stove explosion. The Northern P50180 notifies the lelemitoba Government that it meet be - prepared to take over the oompany'e lines before April let. Elk William Macdonald has jest pre- seated MoGill University with 3150,000, and Miss Jessie Dow Lae made a gift of 360,000 to the same institution. T. R. Slight, ot Sirnooe, bas been ap- pointed County Crowe Attorney of Nor. folk, to fill the vacithoy caused by the denth of the late J. B. &Ttley. Two dozen English pheasants have been sent to Ewa oonnty farmers by the keeper of the Povinoi dean for ro a ation al Park at Ron- , p p g inthe Marsh lande. Premier Roblin of /Manitoba has homed challenge to Ina° Campbell, K. 0. for , a public debate on the railway teentraote. Mr, Gam 1 accepts on condition that fair terms be arranged. A St. Magloire, Que., fermee stated that during the recent etorat upwards of a hundred deer, whom 0800.98 was made al. moat impossible by the depth of the anoW were ahot and gobbed in the parishes. The Port Stanley Railroad Board had aooepted the Walkers' offer of 317,000 annual rental for the road for the remain - ing thirteen years of the lease, and 320, 0008 forh t t e exbra seventeen years, At:tom-ding to Bradstreet the indhatrial outlook in COMM, ie promiaing. The de, maul for cholas eividentepeying &make oo the Canadiati ebook exchange ocean, ate with increasing eativity, The gaterel condition of Canadian eeenrity markets ie healthy ; there is a steady edvanoe in grolvteh v.D.I. t,.:.....,..1.1 4.......... kettatte1. Ton Poon gives the neve. • . , 00thioil meeting Friday tit this week. Kin Nellie CeutIon Is vieiting her eater ab Seaforth. .- . . . . .. Mrs. Thos.Driver is venting her teeter; Mre. Wm. Slattemon. H. F. McAllister and wife were visiting at Clinton for a few dept. Some tkinge poiot favorably to a wee• ding in tbie locality before long. The saw mill started work on Monday. There are 7 hands employed in the mill. Postmaster Spence hag not yet tally reocivered from his Isccc grippe experience. A. legal squabble ie said to be On foot between two well-known perilous of this locality-brotheis over property. Tueeday afternoon of nextweek is the date 01 Wm. Pollara's auction sale of bis farm, farm stook and implements. A new style of sleigh outfit has beats made by "Doss" Cele for house moving. He MIS several obs of this kind on hand j thie mann. Mr. Eadie, who purchased Robert Mo. Kelvey'a fine farm, moved here 'hie week from Brantford. Tall Pose oorreepond. ent bids thefamily a hearty weloothe and a proeperous eajourn. . I'll II It011 CHIMES- Zurich Roman Catholies will make a 38,000 addition to their demob. Will. K. Gormley is taking up colporteur work, handling a good range of etendard wore& - Next Sabbath's Sunday School lesson will be "Jeeue Crucified.' See notes on page 6 of this istme. The report of the W. F. 37.8, and BUR- land Presbytery may be read on TIM FM, eupplemenb this week. The Bishop of Huron will hold a Con. firmation service in St. John's Churob, Brussels, on Wednesday Illay 8th. There vim no serene in the R. 0, . thumb here last Sunday owing to the priest being laid up from an moident. '.The Moderate Drinker" will be the topic of Rev. Joo. Holmea, Retirees next Sabbath evening in the Methodist ohurch. Rev. G. J. Abey preached two helpful in St. John's thumb last Sunday, "The barren Ifg, tree" was the topic) in the morning and ',The Christian race" at the evening service. . The century ftind of the Methodist °Much was officially closed on March 16, and no further announcements will be made until the next meeting of the oom. mittee, on April 16th. The London Free Peen of last Monday sayso? a former Brussels meter ;-"Rey, 8.3. Allin aster of the Hamilton Road , p Illethodiat Ohne*, though a compare. tithly new.00mer among the pulpit .8 speakers of hie city, bas been heard gladly wherever he has preaohed. Hie own people think very highly of him, and he is deserving of their golden opinions, hping melon hi the man to whioh he.bas devoted hie life's work." o' ..1 ...1111 Pon seconds the motion, Rev. Dr. Garmangeneral superintend. ett of the Metho'dist (Murree reoelved from Gape Graham, the acting seotettary to the GovernmeGeneral, the following letter, dated Ottawa, Alaroh 11: "In Med. •- f I' 'elide to oonernands reoeived rom lieyear Majesty the King, bia exoollenoy the Gov. ernor•Getteral desires nee to convey through you to the Canadian Methodist people bis mejeety'a heartfelt thanks for the kind expreseion of empathy oontain. ea in your message of the 29011 of Jemmy last, which hag been gratefully eppreoiat. ad hulala MAiAate ..,,O 11,,, Ti........1 Po...MI. r/ Crentterliftu N e wits. - C. p. R. passenger rates in the wag have been reduced. Halton county bee forty -ale graduates of Toronto University in Arts and Medi- oioe. Sealing echoonere report the catch this year off the °oast of Labrador the best for many years. The British Columbia Legislature has Rased a resolution asking the DOMinion Government to subsidize shipbuilding. elm ',radon thinks the °median ire. migration Bele year will be most German, little coming from the United MIlgdO111. R. M. Bowen, teller in the Orangeville branch of the Bank of Hamilton, died Sunday night from diphtheria after an illness of less than a week. The freight department of the Grand Trrank report tout the amount of freight that paned through Toronto hist week was the largest in the history of the oom• pany. Smallpox is raging at Sudbury and the Soo. Forty mese are in the peat home et Sudbury, and about the same at the Soo. A large number of houses are oneranthed, with as many to 36 pereone in some of the homes, Application will be made at the Mee- ent Bowdon of the Legislature for an ad to incorporate a company for the pm- pose of oonetructing an eleotrio railway from London to Aylmer and thence through the township to Port Burwell, The Ontario Government has aei apart certaio. waters adjacent to the Indian re. serve on Goulais Bay, Lake Superior, an d given the red men the exolueiverieht to fleb therein. The Indians nee 3111 nets to meth the fish, tbe math object being to peoonte food for themselves, and 0.03 800- plus is sold to the fish competes, John ea ere, a miOnneanve, 1 WU • Qoebec, Tutrryman, wan blown a die of 50 feet, and bad a good deal of Reale torn off by a premature bleat of 99 ie eepected he will die at moment. Leann] bamped the dyne. mite mainat a rook aeoidentally. Xavier who stood some distance VMS elan inirared. BILorrase. Wm. Miobie is able to drive oat after a lay up of over 8 weeke Clegg and Derain shipped a double deok of hogs on Tuesday from Belgrave. -.le m- . muangle Fraser, of the 8rd line, Me been visiting on the let and 8rd for a of . pie wens. Thoe. and Mrs. Russell were away to Str f I t ' 'II 5 ea at ord ow ng o the 1 nem o re. Raseell's eider. The °contra roads cannot get math e . . higher nosy tie in many Maces they are er lei h bbab the I g°noes. Geo. W. Turvey'e new driver died thie week from paralysis. It is heed Inok for Mr. T. as h• li d h h h t is le t e moon one e sesermons lost during the Winter. . . d • a.0 Wm. Smith atten ed theGran rangeas Le. dee at Stratford last week. Jho '„,, - . nen intended ...woo there ten bub' "`°°---, "-- --- - the snow blockade prevented. The 'Fore th and Pilettentcheon men ex.' Y P eat to leave for the Week next Tneaday,. to be followed later by the women folk. Their deetination is Alameda. &nett McCall has rented Jets, measepe farm at Holyrood, skew Co., and the latter'e two children will make their pees- ent dwelling plate at the old homeetead, 7th line, - • meteoma4e tee say a now 13 bit a' f ' to th b ohne a breach bag he'ett made in that Bachelor Brigade on the 5th line others' may • also, surrender. The 4th lineeney oleo ring in. . . New Curces.-Samuel Walker, Othline, Moe 38 little obithens hatched out telteady. He pinolesed an incebatee and 4 brooders and IS going WO the madam en 0. rather style. These young machine ab' kens' y well 883 'who aeras ,Pmeet for mother?" 4, 0Aun , 09 Theets.--Sarouel, Betas 6th ,bas,,bas,, who bac e „ eer.i ottely ill for say. ly oral weeks was able to situp this week al. still quite weak. Ile wiehea to re. hie hearty thanks to the neighbors trelseioner, frtende for their great kincineee to btm oommissionere his and hopes mune day to be able to it.. , . oornmenbing ' Flax 11 • . --.----"" Livingston & 0 ' ., _ , o. , ' nave a limited quantity of Beet Dutch See c; tor farmers iu the 01050119 at Brunets wee Mead raising Flat during 1110 0010158 sew! aou, white they are prepared to deliver in quantitiee to nit Flax Grow.ers. Oen begot at the Denote riax NM Seed given out at 51,60 net Meng aucl on the usual tonne. wee Max Brown from thin aced $10.00 PER *TON .wholegale yin be mice it of good growth, baryeeted luhatched trope semen, mod, delivered at the Flux 4111 10 8800 as 189 fob threehlog. - N. B.-Parmora are StrougIV advised 90 line ow their 3100 op gond land, well plowed ,hd harrowed, not 0e, low jamie, and the ked will be hem a Mt to a too and a half thOtigh neve per acre. Max groteu on low liana will burn tot grew Wire to give the weight, . end t'e flOGIble LITINIAST011 & Coo and Manarier. Proprietor& renav .. , e Bon, Joseph ..,Chanmerlain, oolonial tar ' has 'just' informed 'Parliament Here. YiCampbell that Gen, Beebe has rejected the peace) , • terms. Mimed. . Tile, Senate oornmittep on the Cook obargoe has engaged 0. A.. Ritchie, K. „, , as comae', and summoned Mr. look u.' to Ottawa on Tutelary. • Thee. BleeZard* &Let Peterboro's repro. eentative in the legislature for 22 years, contemplates retiring at the end of the parliament. , ( for' A. company for the packing of pot, c %natio° the littitiab market has been provisional. organized at Belleville, with Mayor Graham tie . Preeident ' Ale Blue, the Dominion Comae Gone' on hats. telegraphed ,all census to ineIrtlet the Benner- Mora to be vattoineted within 8 days of ornment their work.