HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-14, Page 8alio ata A little early some may think to talk Wall Papers but judging from what we are sellA fns many believe in having their Ra 0r Hanging clone early. As usual we have a large selection purchased from both Toronto and Mont- real, We have an extra var- iety of 3 rain Papers ers � All with Borders and Ceilings to match. You can make no mistake selecting your Wall Papers from our stock. For the Teeth ! We have lately 7908ieed a nine selection of Teeth Brushes and what We balieve to be the beet and hendieat of all prop9ratione for °leaning the teeth, We have oleo a nioo powder for this wpm whish we eon give you in any cjuantlty. For the Hair ! Wallace a new stook also of Hair Brnehe9, imported for nil, and have them from 26o to 51.25 eao11. We axe always on the lookout for good value in Hair Bruebee, For the Duet ! . We have a large assortment of Whisks and Olothes Bruebea from 10o. eaoh up. GG. A. M /+ N Druggitlt, Optician and . p�/p / $ ' Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. e017T9EBN EXTENSION W. O. & 9, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, aefollows: GorseSMITH. GOING NORTH, Express7:18 a.m.I Mail 2'10 pan Mixed 9:46. a.m. Expreae 8.17 p.m goal Rebar Pius. A ohiel'e among ye taken' notee, An' faith he'll prent it. A Fain roller top deck has been pieced in Alt. Beaker's office. Tan official notification regarding hotel licenses in East Huron may be read in another column in Ada bane. Bn0es0L8 flax mill will complete the manufacture of Iaet seaaon'e crop in about another week. Arrangements are being made for the distribution of seed for 1901. Tan G. T. R. snowplow was over the W. G. & B. on Saturday afternoon and again on Tuesday: morning, Wednesday afternoon and Thnreday morning, olear• iog the brook. AN enjoyable time was spent at the Ladies' Aid sooidl gives at the resident* of James Oliver last Tuesday evening. A mueioel'and literary program was well rendered and the treasury improved by about $9.00. Tan new kohool bell was planed in the tower last Friday by Thou. Newsome and bae sham bees chiming the sohool houra. There is a fire alarm attached with the necessary rope on the outside to get at handily in case of fire. RAILWAY engines have experienced diffi eulty in keep up the necessary supply of steam owing to the very heavy roads. Halts bavebeen made at different eta tions to get op a reserve supply of puff to take them through heavy oats. MEeens. Mimes & RiTOaIE have about 70,000 feat of logs at the station yard here, a large proportion of it being maple. They have about 800 oord8 of wood to de- liver yet this Winter if the roads will permit. The loge will be shipped to Wingham by G. T. R. Dn. TooLE has laid information before W. H. Kerr, J. P., charging McKenzie MilIR, of Hamilton, with the forging of a note with hie eigoatnre. The warrant is in the hands of Constable Scott. Billie comes up for trial on another charge at Guelph this month, being out now on bail. Tao Clinton Raoord Saye of a former Bru.eelite :—James Danford, Dietriot Deputy of the A. 0. F., paid official visite to Comte in Seatorth and Blyth Monday and .Tneeday of last weak. There was a good attendance of tbemem- bere on both occasions by whom the Dietriot Deputy wee greeted and treated in true P08881ria style. 0. 0, F.—On Tuesday evening, 26th inst., 0o0rt Princess Alexandria, C. 0. F., 3rueaete, will give the closing social evening for the season so far as admin• cion to non•msmbere ie oonoerned. These gatherings have proven most enjoyable and the last will not be the worst we venture to affirm. An energetic com- mittee v the program in hand. •t ee have mit p g MILLINERY Openings Dome next. A can of hogs was shipped by A. 0. Dames on Tuesday. BRDe8ELB Horse Fair Thursday, April 4t1. This will be the last Fair for this aea8on and should be a boomer. BILVEn open faced watch found and left iu my care. Owner may have it by pay ing for this advt. T..e'LRTauER, Brussels. THE Poor Publishing House last week supplied 3 seta of wedding invitations for three matrimonial alliaroes to eventuate shortly. READY RE0Po08Ee. Tn2POSTie greatly obliged toa number of subscribers who have squared up during the past week. There are others we would like to take the hint. BARRIeoz8 BLAIa was palled to Toronto on Tuesday toatteod the Divisional Court re the appeal in connection widh his brother's snit heard at Parry Sound a few months ago. Roy. Ian Mars, DEAR SIR,—We give you credit with hitting the weather prophet buaineee to a T but for pity sakes don't bury os altogether. If yon aresatisfied we'll take your word for the balance. Pau BOUGHT.—James Shaw, jr., of Brussels, has purchased the 60 sore farm of Jamee Ball, 13th aon., paying $2,000 for it. The barn was burned on this property last year. There is not much doubt bat the new proprietor will do well with it as it can be conveniently worked with the home place. Tao information against Btretton Bros., Qoeen'a Hotel,oharging them with introation of the law, bite been dismissed, the Magistrates deciding that the objec- tion raised by Mr. Meyerson, at the Court, viz., "That a general information laid on a previous 000891on against de- fendants for a•fendantsfor violation of the law on the o i sed bythe Ma is• same da and diem a g Y tratea forbade a second charge being tried for said date;' Last Friday after- noon the Court was adjourned until Wed- nesday owing to absence of Inspector Miller. OBIT.—Friday of last week Jas. Dad• ley received a telegram from Alpena, Mich., apprising him of the sad iotelli• genre of bbe decease of his sister Lucy, Mre. Alex MoAnley, aged 62 yeare, who departed thie life on the 8th Met. She was born in Oxford Co„ Ont. Mr. Bic. Auley died 4 or 5 years ago. They bad no children. Aire. Walker, another sis- ter, was buried at Brussels, last week. Three brothers, George, of St. Louie ; Ozise, of Brown City, Mich. ; and Jas., of Brussels, survive. Mr. Dudley was linable to attend the funeral. FIRE.—Early last Sunday morning the house in which Mrs. 'Amigo Wallace lived, John street, was discovered to be on fire, said to have been occasioned from ashes pat nateide with coals in it. The flamee got Pooh a start that the building, which was frame, wan nearly oonsemed by the time the fire engine was got to the water tank, so no water was thrown. The most of Mrs. Wallace's household effects were destroyed by the fire. For a while the house of Jno. Simmons, adjoin• i0g, was in danger but with a few pails of water and a wet blanket, aided by a favorable breeze, the danger was averted. The house burned le the property of Robt. Inglis, of Grey. We do not know whether there was any Macrame on it or not. A STRAIGHT CHALLENGE,—Editor BeUa• ane PoeT In the late liquor ease against the "Queen's" I was in the on. unfortunate position of being s witness, I suppose from my own foolishness in being e. party to a breach of the law Because I dared to tell the whole troth I now have the ill will of the proprietors, the Stratton Broe. While I was spend. ing my money there I wee all right and ail far as informing on them, had I so wished, I could have done so dozens of times during the lest few menthe. Tbey are telling around that I swore false in swearing it was the 20th of January the other witneeees and I were in their hoagie, as it wait, they say, the 13111 of January. I hereby oitallenge them to swear out an intormation against me under the Liquor Aatfor parabaeing liquor as they Bay I did on the afternoon of the 13th of Jan - may and I will waive all right I have to objeot that it was not laid within 80 days as the law requires, or let them swear out an infotmation againet me for perjury and I' will very soon show the public (as I had no obanee in former trial, being only a witness) who are falsifying and who will be guilty of perjury, should any of them or their witueaeee eo swear. Let them oome on and proceed agein8t me on either of these °bargee or atop yarning, Thanking you for the apace, 1 am, yonre respeat>?nlly, D. M. Seen. rev J,, le 0 Ei B. K. Roea received a oar 7d feed Dern 11119 Week. 4. C. DANEa Ohipped a oar Of. 0100 on Thnreday of this week. Ii sT Saturday about 11000 N. Auetia, who was 110atler at the sale stable of A, 219W111, aoha street, wail Wolfed In the aide by a borne and had e. few ribs damage ed, Be might have easily beep killed. Tao Nov( BUT°1185.—Mr, Mann, of Lie• towel, who was in buainees. here for the pact month or 80, quietly removed from town, book to Li9toWel, Mae folks say. Bruesele is hardly large euougll to beep three butoher allow going and so we are book again to our 88001 number. Duiuoo the coming Summer J. Leokie may Greet a new modern residence on hie fine site on the bank of the Meitlaud. He talks of mgving the proaeut bowie to the Westerly side of hie lot and putting the new straotare nearly on the old site. Mr. Leokie and family expect to return to Brussels from Toronto in the course of a month or two. Their coming book to town will be a eonr0e of pleasure to many.' WORE ALREADY OUT OUT roe 1901.— Thos. Newsome, the well kuown eon• tractor of Braeeele, has the following contracts in the building line for the coming sermon and will get to work a8 soon es the weather will permit :—Thos. Stevenson, 9th Grey, new 2 storey brick reeidenoe ; he will Also pub up a building 80x40 to be used for driving shed, poultry and pig house. Harry Sperain, ammo line, a barn to split and 20 Leet to be add. ed. Jobe Henry, of Logan, new barn, 50x66 feet. Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., 15th Don. Grey, new bank barn, 50x76 feet. Peter MoNeil, 14th Don. Grey, a new driving shed, 26140. New brick residence for Mr. Lowry, Mogillop. Jno. Searle, 9th line Morris, new brick reeidenoe, Wm. Phalen, 8th line, Morrie, barn to split and 30 feet to add making it 60 feet square. Driving shed, 26140 feet, for Robert Currie, 4111 line, Morrie. Rem denoe to remodel for Wm. Wilkineon, 4111 line Morrie. Briok addition to Downing Bros.' shoe store, Braseele, 14x18 feet. Straw abed for Edward Armstrong, 13th aon. Gray, 86144 feet and probably other jobs. CURLING.—AB intimated in last issue of Tam POST a rink of curlers went to Luoknow on Thursday afternoon to Don• test in a boniepiel for the ownerehip of a pair of stapes. Tbere were six Hulce in the count, three of them belonging to Luoknow. Two of the home teame de. feated Winghem and Kincardine, Brue sele won from the Sepoye Thnreday by the following score lViA.>Il', 14 1901 Fop Bar,r0,-4 meeting of all interest. ed in the .r9•orgenl'4atlen at Brueeels rest Ball testa for 1901 will he held In the Oounoit Ohambee at 8 o'elook Men. day evoniu i, 26th heat. VODLo yet; like l0 080 Ole :WWI boom If so laytet a few hundred dollars along with °there who want to Bee Bruseele ad• vunoein tbe'propoeed furniture f auto' ly. It taken more than good wlehee to 001 an enterpriee•of this kind on foot, however, MR. Ilnanoll, who bought the Oitutpbeil Bankrupt Stook, informs u0 than he bee deolded to remaip the balanoe of this month and leas made further rednotions 'goods ae.re re nlet ot all e heoll illl romonth the move the entire Stook, — nil I kn some ting working P RUC lug, Quite and sig be enough ourselves Dupla mat every ter at t adva BOeB will Company take Publishing future few prove y any bold yfup Huse than public, DEAT B beim of B h from With e fa Spring shortly and warmly uta re a Hope sorrowful not gime til. ntell old at In Dol and w e au Will. W that objeot the p Father. r den o Dred nobly stern erg ft eft al sympathy funeral . vies, Hilton Leslie $ bee Among Holden, nheim of of uhei wtiinh BRUSSELS LUORNOW J. Hewitt, T. F. Oslo, W. F. Scott, A. MoPhereon, J. N. Gordon, J. Hunter, D. C. Rose, skip..28 Dr. Tennant, akip.,17 Our curlers wanted to go right on and try 0000lusions with the other Luoknow rink and thereby get home on the next morning's train bat the local atooe twirlera deolined to faoe the mesio and oar rink was compelled to remain over. Friday morning a close game was played, Luoknow winning by 4 shote. The rinks were IIHUBeRLB LUOENOW J. Hewitt, F. Johnston, W.F. Soot:, W. Treleaven, J. N. Gordon, M. Oorrigee, D. 0. Ross, ekip..15 W. Alija, skip -19 Brussels curlers not being able to get a train until Baturday mor0i0g homeward, then attack off to Kincardine and bad an enjoyable match with the koighte of the etane and bosom, they being viotorioae by 2 pointe, the soore being :— S. 0. T. M. bot sapper will be held in the Maooabee Lodge room, Stewart block, Brussels, on Tuesday evening of next week. Supper will be served from 6,,to 8 o'olook. An interesting program of muni. oal and literary eeleotione ie being pre. pared and addressee are expeoted from some of the Supreme officers. A good time will be assured to all who attend. GONE TO CLn1TON.—Owing to Mfrs. Wallace being rendered homeless by the fire of last Sunday morning, together with her enfeebled health and the absence of relatives to provide for her, Reeve Rose Bent her to the House of Refuge at Clinton on Tuesday afternoon's train, Constable Long accompanied the old lady to see that she would get safely there. While of a vary independent spirit Mrs. Wallace ie getting well up in years and is not so well able as formerly to provide for her owe necessities so she will be placed in comfortable quarters at the above mentioned institution. She was an in. mate about a year on the opeuiag of the House but thought afterwards that she could paddle ber own canoe. LIQUOR LICENSES.—We have before a8 the report of the Inspector of Liquor Licensee for the year 1899.1900 as issued by the Ontario Legislature. From this report we glean the following partioulare The number of hotel licensee in Huron county in 1874 was 150, in 1899 the number bad dropped to 84 ; number of shop licenses in 1874,38 ; number in 1899, 6. From West Huron the government received as its share of fees, fioee, &o., the sum of $2544.20 and from East Huron $873.68. The expenditure for West Huron riding, inoluding of6oe rent, poet. age and stationary, printing, advertising, witrees and detective fees, &o., amount. ed to only $68.87 and in East Karon the expenee in that lite was only $60 02. A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE.—The Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. is re• cognized ex one of the moat progreasive commercial schools in the Province. Within one year students from over one hundred and thirty-seven oitiee, towns' or villages have been fa attendance, end this wide•epread popularity shows that the inabitutioe mast be doing splendid work. Business Colleges in St. John, N. B.,oltawe,.Ont., Huverhill,Ma8e., Dover, N. 31., North Adams, Mass., Minneapolis Minn., Detroit, Web., Bodeen, Mace., Savannah, Ga., Hartford, Conn„ Alpena, Mioh., Salt Lake Oity, Utah, Akron, Ohio, Waterville, Me„ Spokane, Wash., Celnmboe, Ohio, &c, have lately applied to the Central Bnelnees College of Strat- ford, Ont., for its gradnateo to take sit- uations as teachers in their schools. This shows that other oollegee have strong faith in the work done in the Stretford College, W, J. Elliott, Priaoipal of the O, B. Cl. states that many new students will be enrolled at the open. Sieg of the Spring Tom on April let. Tung0Tonto FAd7on0, • Leokie, of Toronto, an old and well own former Brueselite, aseieted by . of oat' toWne, people, bae been interne himself dor. ing the past week ie wD g up a joint atook Ooeopany to roe nrture factory in the woolen mill build which le now owned by B. Gerry. Q a novae of the town has been made about $10,000, of a desired $15,000 ie inht. Here the matter mete in the meantime to'give some people en opportunityto ooneider. the matter and to bear fromnon.reaidenbe, but the matter will not allowed to drop if there i8 euterprlse e h 'among our citizens to grasp this mostfavorable op. portanity of aiding our a and adding to the industries and p tion of Brus- sels. This should be a ter of personale practioel interest to eve nsineea mam. and every property ow in the place' and a rallying of ferries this j,nature may turn the tide most ntajooasly to allo0noerned. It thea nary capital S8 enbeoribed applicationbe made et once for a charter, a Co Ity organized and work begun. A listof those who have already agreed to hold may be found at •THE Poso P shing House. Have you faith in the f e of Braeeele 7 If you have, 10veet a dollars with others and thereby pro our interest. It requires each to run business. It was not deemed beet topublic meet. loge until the 0eoe8ear ds were pro. mined a8 personal ca answers the purpose much better t ublio dismis- sion in the meantime. a outlook i8 favorable. NOT DIVIDED IN a.—POC some months both Will. andell, eon and daughter of A. Bewtin er, au old and well known resident ru.eel%, have been in failing heal: that fell disease — known as white man's plague—coneomptio8. th heroio de- termination they foughtgainet inareas• ing weakness and badeit to survive until the opening of B but quite sud- denly the end Dame. Saturday evening Will. passed away oho after 8 o'olook and about au hour half later the sister, who was so w attached to her brother, entered i et, both dying very quietly and with resignation born of tba resurrection's . It wee a most unueal yet rather oo•in• oidenoe that they werelong separat, ed in death. Both claimed Brussels as their birthplace and withodd exceptions epeut their years he Of a rather more than ordinary i eotual bright. nese, coupled with an beaded, matter of fact way of lookingthings, these y000g people grew up beloved by those who knew them. the Methodiet Church, Sabbath Soh and League they lent their asaiatanOe a were most raga• lar in their attendant til weakness of body aeaerted itself, was a good meobanio but hie heartas set on the ministry and with t in view attended College at 6 Thomas prepare. tory to entering upon holy calling. Failing health forbadefurther study and, with oonsiderab e disappointment at first he came home, but soonaccepted hie lot as Doming from the r. The demise of Mre. Bawtinheime and other older slaters threw the bur f home keeping upon Bell and to her it, through sick. nese and health, she stood at her t Mr. t al rest. t elle Dulled o pee u Bawtinbeimer, now b of wife, eon and three daughters, is I one and ie well worthy of the practical of the community, The fn l took place on Tuesday afternoon. Jno. Helmee conducting the ser and the pall bearers were Ira Gerry,Will. MoOraoken, Jas. Thomson, Hunter, Wen- dell Holmea and Lee err. The two hearses followed one another to the Deme• eery where in a doe grave the i0ter• ment was made. A relatives pree- eot were Mrs. H , of Stratford, sister to Mr. Bawti er ; Mrs. Hea- ley and Mrs. Golding,Guelph, slater in•laws ; Mies Grave Paris, a Heine ; and Churchill Bawti mer, of Eentryn, a nephew of Mr. Ba eimer'e. BRUSSELS EINCARDINE J. Hewitt, W. Barvey W. F. Scott, M. MoPhereon, J. N. Gordon, Robt. Roos, D. 0. Rose, ekip..16 W. Bishop, ekip..14 Saturday morning, by early train, our martens arrived home. Tbey are fully persuaded that there area few things the t t learn about -t have a o natal e8 Leak Y managing boniapiels. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—At the close of last Babbatb'e morning service in the Methodist ohuroh, reference was made to the feat that Thos. Bielby and family would be removing from this lo• oality daring the coming week. Post. master Farrow was called upon and read the following kindly worded address to the oat going friends and B. Gerry made the preaeutatiou adding a few words imitable to•the 000aeion :— To 112r. and Mrs. Bielby and .FavtillJ. DEAR FRIENDS,—AB the time draws near when you expect to remove from us we de- sire, as a congregation, to ea a few words of parting. For a number of 70010 you and s porters ohave our church andSundayschool Through storm and sunshine your pew was always wellfllled, whichllas been an inspir- ation to both pastor and people and showing thereby a good example to those who are more or less careless in this respect besides fulfilling the Scriptural injunction "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is. We can assure you that you will be missed in our church and your family in our Sunday school as we have enjoyed your friendship and fellowship both in the church and out of it, the eame has, we believe, been mutual. You have had your troubles and trials Snell as are the common lot of all in this transitory life, some of them have been hard to bear butou don't sorrow as those having no hope. You and we look forward with hope and confidence to that great reunion in our Father's Home in heaven where all tears shall be wiped away from ajlffaces and where we hope to say Here am I and those whom Thou gayest me.' We trued youwill often look book to the Brussels Methodist church and remem- ber us in yourrayers when it is well with you that we al�may be found safe when the Lord of the harvest shall number up His Jewels. Wepray that God's best blessing may rest upon you. and your excellent family in thefuture as in the pact in the n0W field of labor to which you have been called in His kindprovidence and that you may in your new home and surroundings find the very pleatcannorelationships you desire. Lastly t express our prayers and wishes for you better than in .these beautiful lines written by H. Newman and found in our Sabbath school Hymnal ST4r/I D4RD .t-+✓.I✓YI OF 04X4D4, X", e'fi.a.`J8T+TrIEME10 0 9.W70. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO 04P10 .X PAID EP (Ono Miliion Dollars) . BEST Agencioa in ail principal points in Ontario, Quobea, Manitoba, United St iitaysss, os uaRJt"ler . A droneral. Banking Bpaineae Traneaoted, Partnere' Note Drafts Issued and Oolleotiona made on ail pointe, SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on depo8it8 of 51.00 and upwards and compounded half yearly, 01000,000 0700,000 • to* Bnalf►nd. Diaoonnted, BYEOM ATTENTION MEN Tp THE COLLECTION or FaRttgao' BALE Nero, Every taoillty afforded Cnetomere living at a distance. payable at any bank issued Under $10 , , . 80. $20 to • 128 Orders at plea following rates $10 to 920.. ,,108. 30 to 40. , ..110 007J. N. GORDON, AGENT. BRUMNAN—PUTLANn,— In Chatham, oil Saturday, Maroh'9tb, by Rev. Jae. Hannon, D. D., Mr, Wilfrid Brum. man to Mise Alinda Rutland, daughter of Mr. J. A Patland, of Blyth. KIELY—DDNOaoeori.—On the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's moth - or, :7th Grey, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr, Garnet Kiely to Mee Lizzie Dun• oaoson, eldest daughter of Mrs. A. Danooneon, BAwmtouez01on.—In Braeeele, on Murrill 9th, Wm. A., eon of A. Bawtinheim- er, aged 28 years and 4 months. BATTmaEIMER.—In Brueoele, on March 9th, Bella A., dapghter of A. Saw-. tinbeimer, aged 22 years, 9 menthe and 9 days. BOLOEB.—In Mogillop, on -Maruti 8110, Mary E., daughter of Jno. Bolger, aged 2 months. MANeoN. In North Dumfries, Waterloo Co., on February 27, Henry Marson, uncle to Reeve Turnbull, of Grey township, aged 75 years. MoAuLRY.—At Alpena, Mioh., on March 8th, Lnoy Dudley, relict of the late Alex. McAuley, aged, 62 yeare. SHAw.—Io Morrioe, Mich., on Marob let, Catherine Darrooh, relict of the ' late John Shaw, and mother to Angus Slaw, of Grey, and Jno. Shaw, of Tdeewater, aged 90 yeare. AVCTIOST The auction sale of J. Gans, Henfryn, was postponed from Wednesday to next Monday on account of the snow storm. Tcaenar, Maar 19 —Farm, Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 20, Con. 15, Grey. George Shiele, prop. ;F. B. Scott, ono. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20.— Farm stook, implemeote, &o , Si Lot 25, Coo. 9, Mor - ria. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. 700. McArthur, Prop. ; F. S. Boott, Auo. THUaoo0Y, Minos 21.—Farm. stook, Tim• plaments, &c., Wi Lot 14, eon. 5, Grey. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Peter Blebop, Prop. ; F.13. Scott, Ana. TDEen*Y, MARCH 26. -Fah m, farm stook, implements, 00 , Lot 19, Con. 6, Gray. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. Poi. lard, Prop. ; F. B. Scott, Arlo. "80 longTh power hath blessed us, Sure t still will lead as on O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent Till the night is gone; And with the morn those angel faces anille Which we have loved long since and lost awhile, MT1�em4 along asgthde morrow rugged putt Lead, Saviour, lead us home To reschild-like f forever after'hea they strife, God, In the calm light of everlasting life," Please accept, from the congregation, this framed pioture of our Church and Parsonage. Bigeet�cnbors ofBusslsMb the Brussels, March 10111, 11101. Mr. Bielby made a suitable reply in ex- pressing bis thanke for the kind words and the gift which would be highly prized and would recall many pleasant and happy aseooiabions. Rev. Mr. Holmes warmly oommegded Mr. Bielby and fam- ily to the community In which their lot Will be Deet and expressed regret over their removal ;from the Methodist con. gregatiou, Business Locals. Cala for butter and eggs. A. Coseley. CLo5ER and Timothy Beed at MOCRAoR- 2N'a. Box wanted to work on farm. "Must be able to drive a team. John Robb, Ni Lot 26, Con. 7, Morrie. WANTED -1000 bushels of timothy and olover Beed ; 100 turkeys; also dried apples and butter. G. E. KING, Wingbam. CARPET WEAVING.—Am prepared to at• tend to the wantsof the public in the weaving of rag carpet. Satisfaction a8• Bared. ItODT. ANDEneON, Elizabeth at. ANYONE needing saws made ready for railing can have same done aatiefaotorily and charges will be returned if prizes oannot be taken with same. Youre, for feet and easy tatting. T. M9Gnmaolt, aaw.Farmer and filer, Bruesele. mut'rrssmz.s 1.4a7a7F re. hall Wheal 62 63 Barley .. , 8 7 68 Peas 69 69 Oaba .,.., ., .. 27 27 Butter; bubo and rolle 15 17 17gge per Cogen 12 18 Flour per owt. .. 4 00 5 00. Potatoes (per bush.) 26 26 Apples (per bbl.) 2 00 2 00 Sheep ekine,eaoh ',76 1 00 Lamb eklne each 26 26 Salt per 10111„ retail1 00 70 Hay per bon 7 00 8 00 HHidesides triroll h mgmed' •0 6 Hage. Live 6 005 6 26 .Wool 16 1671 ONE CENT :A WORD COLUMN. Goon working horse for a 1e, cheap. R. LEATHp1R0ALE, Brussels. TEBBE head of cattle rieipg 2 yeare, for a ie, N} Lob 17, Con 0, Morris. MRS. A. CON AN, Bxuenele Poet Office. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. $1650 WILL BUY A FUR— NIs8ED Immo ' on Queen street, Brussels. It ie foolish for business men and retired farmers to rent .boueee when they can get a home of their own for so little money. Apply to MISS M. CAMPBELL, Brussels. T-HORO' BRED DURHAyi Bulle for sale, aged 1 year and 8 months, respectively. Good animale with good pedigrees. The first mentioned took 2ud prize at East Huron Fall Show. 1900 in a class of 9. Prleee right. SAS. BPEIR. Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris, Brueoele P.O. 23• BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep. for service on Lot 6, Coos. 10 and 11, Grey, a firet•olaea registered abort Horn bull. This animal was bred by Wm Grainger & Son, - of Mul- lett, whose °owe stood, at the bead of the list at the World's E'air, Chicago, in their class fur butter and milk Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms, .81,60 for the season, to be paid at time of 6e1v10e with privilege o1 returning if necessary. 94.9m CHAS. ROZELL. Proprietor. Gold in the flag .... ..,,-........-gin. Chest Cold h C 01 � the Cis Cold in the Thro Wt Cold Anywhere ova Can LAXATIVE QUININE TABLETS be depended on to cure it. 25c, a box. Fox's Drug L7, Store. APER HANGING, DECOR- '.ATmO and Houee Painting 12080 in Workmanlike manner and on short notice. Have had three years' experience in city work. - Terms reaeo, able. Give me acall, 20 W.J. JOHNSTON, Walton. Tenders Wanted, Tenders will be received by the.nntloraign- ed, tip to Saturday, March ma, 1001, for re- ppairin,g Enox Church Manse, located in the Village of Oranbroob. Plane and, apeelflea- tioue may be seen at Oranbl'ook postoiflee. The lowest or any tender nob neceeearlly BO• cep tad. Tenders to be addressed to - - 89-3 JAS. 0, MoN AIR, Secretary of .Committee, Urannrook P.U. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the, ()minty of Huron, in the matter of the estate of Mary MoLean, late of the Village of Bruesele, in the County of Huron, Widow, damned. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontarin, 1898, Chap. 129, Son. 98, that all creditors and others having any elalme against the estate of Mary 000. 118(18, tnta 00 the Village of Brussels, In the County 01 Huron, Wider", deneased', who died on or about the 8th day of January, 'A. D.1901,in the Village of Brueoele, in the County of Huron, are hereby requested to, sante by post, prapaiti, or to deliver to G. F. Blair, of Brussels, Solicitor for John Roes and Wm. Graham , Exeoutarv, on or before fhe 22e day of March, A. u., 1901. their full n am , addressee, and descriptions and the full partloul are of their claims, (verified by amdavit) and the nature or the eeouritiee, if any, held by them. A0d notice is hereby given that alter:the mid last mentioned date the said Exeoutnre Will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the p armee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given aa above required, and the said Ex- eeutore will 001 be reap�oelble for the 'Se- 6ete, or any part thereof, to any person. of whose claim notice shall not bave been re- ceived atthe time of snob dietributiou. G. F. BLA1R, Brussels, Out, Solicitor for Executors. Dated ab Brussels, Maroh 0th, 1901.. NEW SPRING GOODS 1503325. KENNanY.—Ill Blyth, on February 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Johu Kennedy, a eon, BTnzao8,—In Gorrie, on Merrill lab, the wife of the late R. H. Stinson, a daughter. TAIL 74.-10 Ballett, on March let, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taman, a danghber. OUR SPRING STOCK OF �Vouleus, Clolhiug,Ceuls'Eur�sVi��s,�ats & RAID—MODoNAID.-00 Marob, 14th, at the residence of Mr. Joseph Shaw, brother•in•law of the bride, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Wroxeter, Mr. David Rae to Min Annie McDonald, of Wroxeter, formerly of 4011 line of Grey. BAan—OOM,lBane.—At the residence of Mr, Jno. Mooney, on Maroh 18th, by Rev. Jno. Rolmee, Mr, Peter Barr to Miss Ateiia Chambers, both of Mor' rig. You0G—OLzvna,•—A.t Verdao, Men„ on Morph 6th, Mr. Jno. M. L. Young, of Moosomin, Mao., formerly of Bruesele, to Mine'Lnoretia, daughter of 1Kr, James Oliver, of Bruesele, 110 Is now Complete. We are showing a very Select line for Men, Boys and Children. Ordered Clothing g Department. Our stock of Worsteds, Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots and Venetians are the finest we have ever shown. Everybody should see our handsome Greys which are the leading shades for the season. Our Ordered Clothing ranges from $12.00 to $80.00. Ready-made Clothing Department. In this Department our stock is over -flowing with money -saving bargains. The "20TH CEN- TURY" BRAND CLOTHING, which is our leader, le the finest ever shown in Brussels. Our Beady - to -wear Clothing ranges from $2.60 to $15,00 per suit. See our Boys' Blue Suits at $2:'50. A. sam- ple of our Ready-to-wear Trousers at from $1.00 to $3.50 are on display in our Clothing Window this week. Gents' Furnishing Department. Our Furnishing Stock is,now complete. We are showing the newest styles and patterns in Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspenders, Underwear and Hosiery. See ourvery special line of American Shirts at $1.00. Hat 80 .Cap Department.- We have just unpacked our first shipment of Spring Hats and Caps. Our EnglisltEats Manu-' factored by Barrington & Co. and Woodrow Sons are the lightest 'and best fitting Hate on the market. ='• See our very special line of Fedoras at '$2 00 in Tan, Brown, Beaver, Cigar, Coffee,, Drab, Summatra, Mulatto; Bluetta, Pearl and Black colors. _Our Baden-Powell Hat at $1.25 is the novelty of the season. ' G. DUnford eke Son, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods, SMITH BLOCK.