HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-14, Page 5MAI'. 1
, 1901
1 ONNy VO LOAN etre 6 PER
pont, F, H. 80O'r'P, Ilruesele.
• Ieeuer of MarriageLioenees; 01.
fine at(roear'y,iLurnborry, tGreet, ]sreSeo1e,
rtl.u• Tonsorial Artist, 8110P• -•Nest door
North of the Standard ll auk. Ladies' and 1
Ohlldr0u'o hair outtiug.a speolaltr,
na08laxzn has several good Farina for
Bale and to tont, easy terms, in Townships
of \loafs mud Grey, If S. S00TT.Bruseele
Issuer oI' Marriage Licenses,
x crssr�z s,
L. O. M..'
Academia graduate of London Conserve,
tory of Music, also Member of the Aeeociated
Muelolana of Ontario, le prepared to reooive
a limited number of pupils for inetruolioa
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil e for
the Principal% Form iu the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
-CI: Cleric of the Forth. Division Court,
Oo. Huron ; Conveyancer, Notary Publio,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent ; Auction.
eor. Funds invested and to loan, Celiac.
tions made. Mee in Graham's Blook, Brns-
eels. ,
0En, will sell for better prices, to
better mon, in less time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in Fast Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always he arranged at tbls office or by
personal application.
(1001SME100Y 01' 65500031000)
Graduate of R. C. D 8., Toronto ;• Post Grad-
uate course at Haskel's School, Chicago, in
crown and bridge work. It --Prices same air
in s.lrrouoding towns. 21 -
()Mee over A. R. Smith's More, Brussets.
t/T . A000r ;10Ju0.o of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all.die-
ette06 of domes leated animalsin a compet-
ent manner. Parti,ular attention paid to
Veterinary Deottetr Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North. of bridge, T'irnber'ry at., Brussels.
Aarrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, dos. Osco—Stewart's Blobk
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bunk.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solioitor for Village of Br118eo00.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solioitor, Oodeliob
Ont, Ofliae—Hamilton street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel,
n.D„ C. At.,
Trinity Uuivereity, Fellow Trinity Modieal
College, Member College of Physician') and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col -
logo of Physicians mud Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. IS'Telophooe No.14.
Residence—Mill street, Brussels,
Important to Breeders and Horeemon.
Veterinary Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
t oto„ eto.,in
Horses and Lump Jaw
- 4t- -5.....'ss,i in Cattle.
TRADE MARE "Soo pamph-
let which aecompauioe every bottle, giving
soioutiilo treatment in the vorioua Maumee."
It can be used in every ease of veterinary
praotioe whore etimnlating applications and
blisters are pr'eeoribod. It has no Kinsmen.
Every bottle sold is guarauteod to give satis-
faction, Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country atorokeepers. Pre-
System Renovator
—API OTn18--
For Impure, Weak and Impoveriehed
Blood, Dyepepeia, BleepleaenBee, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenr.
01gie, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
eumption, Gall Stoner, Jaundice, Sidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manaraoturer.
Sold by Sas, rex, Druggist) ltruesele
Feed Corn
and Bran
• Beaker
i$tritt fetus.
[intended for last week
Milt. MoArter, of Brugge's, is vieiti ng
W. Innes for a couple of days.
Mr. Ferree from siiahigan iewisitin g
his many friends in Morrie,
Mies Ella J, &rote:haereturned homo
from visiting friends in Moleeworth.
Andrew Mann hart returned home from
Listowel Business College air it ie closed,
Mae Rebeooa Wright, of Morrisbank,
is visiting ber'sieter, Mre. Thos. Simpson,
Ice in being stored away in large
quantities , by some of our euterprieing
Ed, and Mre, Smith were visiting the
letter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. McIntosh
at Molesworth, .
Lot, i to
Geo. B. Ballard hair moved hie stook of
boots and shoes from Kincardine to
The Morrie Piano Co. has reaeived an
order for another carload ofpianos, be-
side several smaller orders.
H: B. 'Morphy represented Rob Roy
Tent at the meeting- of the High Tent of
Ontario, K. 0. T. M., at Berlin.
Geo. Stevenson, of AfoKeever & Steven.
son, had the misfortune to have hie knee
kuooked ont of joint while handling ioe.
Mervin Hey, of the Imperial Bank
staff has been transferred to Galt, where
he will take the position of ledger•keeper,
S. Forbes' chair (artery 18 eroding 12
hours a day. The orders now in will
keep the factory running overtime for
the next two months,
Listowel Bneinese Coliese woe re open•
ed on Monday in therooms inns/leaver's
block, Wallace street, The College for
the present will be under the manage.
merit of Mr. Millhouse.
.t. Itorrlble Outbreak
"0f large aoree on my little daughter's
bead developed into n ease of scald head"
writes C. D. Ishii', of Morganton, Tenn.,
bet Beeklen'e Arnica Salve completely
anted her. It's' a guaranteed mare for
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimplee,
Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25 cents
at G. A. Deadman'o.
Blyth lodge, No. 303, A. F. & A. M.,
have had their hall re -painted and re.
The Reeve and Councillor Milne go to
Carlow on Friday to a meeting to diecuse
the pork packing factory.
Mre. Jameson, Mies Jameson and
Ernest Jameson left for their new home
In Barnookbnrn, Hastings poanty, where
Mr. Jameson ie already established in
the lumber business.
• Augaot Beebe), father of Mre, 1. G.
Moser, of Blyth, died at his home in
Fullerton. He had been sick only a few
days with is grippe. Mr, and Mre.
Moser and Ella attended, Mr. Saekol
was in his 81st year.
Cowan and McGill have been awarded
the contract for the emotion of a brick
school house for 13. S. S. No. 11, Hallett
and East Wawenoeh. The aontraot
prioe is 51211. Edward Haggitt received
the contract for digging the well at $1.75
per toot, and Robt. Medd, jr., of Weet
Wawonoeh, will erect a Page wire fence
around the eohool grounds for $38.
A very pleasant time was %Pent by the
Ladies' Aid eooiety of the Blyth Metho•
diet church at the home of Mre. T. J.
Hucketep. The occasion was a farewell
to Mre. R. E. Jameson, who has been a
faithful and valued member of the
seedy for the poet ten years. Mre.
Jameson wag the recipient of an address
and group photo. of the members of the
Goderioh could get along nicely with a
Y. M. C. A.
Mitchell shipped a car load of maple
rollers to England this week.
Thos. Laoey has aold hie home and lot
on Widder street to Philip Holt, the price
being $800.
Becker & Myers, furniture dealers and
and undertakers, have (Reported of their
stook to 0orneil & Son.
John Oraigie has purchased the ioe
business of his father, Jamie Or0igie, and
will oonduot it in the future.
Wm. Perdue, of Goderioh Tp., lost a
valuable horse from an attack of brain
fever. The animal was a valuable one,
the owner 130viug recently refused 5160
for it.
A cow that bad evidently been looped.
ing clothes linea, wee walking down Mon-
treal elteet on Monday of last week, with
a towel on her horns. The owner of the
the towel, not the cow, will probably
think it was stolen.
On1TrtnY.—Tho illness from which she
had suffered for years, and which two
weekeago developed with unusual sever-
ity, terminated the earthly life of Mre.
Jag. Mitchell, wife of one of the proper:).
tore of the Star, Sunday morning, 80
hist, The call came after patient waiting
on her part, and she passed peaoefully to
the world beyond. The deoeaeed lady
was born in Goderioh, being the fourth
daughter of the late Oapt. P. B. Bluett,
and during her life had a boat of warm
friends, many of whom strove with loving
and tender hands to help her in her last
illness, Her amiable and personal ober.
aoter, loving sympathy to all iu distress,
especially to children, and her quiet but
einoere Ohrietian life, bad endeared her
to all who knew her, and se a wife and
mother she leaves a memory sweet with
all the grace)) that these moat moored
relations imply. The funeral (whioh was
private) took plaoe on Tuesday afternoon,
Rev. Mork Turnbull, rentor of St. George's
o(tloiating, and the pall bearers were
R. C. Hays, 0. F. Carey, A. M. Todd,
James Stewart, Mujor Beek and J. T.
Goldthorpe. Among the floral tributes,
a wreath from the Star staff and a oroes.
from the Saltfbrd Sunday Sobool, wore
4., El l! Fa 1".
espeolaUy appreolated. The sorrowing
ttlsbeed and family drake to 05 1588
heir deep appreoialion of the many 10v,
Lug words and aute'ondered by synapar
thetio !deride, teotifyiltg in the highest
degree to the loveable oberaoter al her
who is now so el080 ply mourned,
Mise L, Motaao hliu, of Salem, is visit•
iog friende here thus week.
Mr, and Mre. Stokes, of Conn, whero
visiting at 'W. D, l8ammond'e this week.
Two oars of bogs and one of cattle
were ehipped from thisetatton on Monday,
The Police Troeteee have permed a by-
law to tax the doge of the village. It
may result in the death of a lot et ueeleoe
The high wind of Sunday caused rime
little exoitement by the burning out of two
or three ohimneya but no serious damage
was clone.
W. Doig, who returned from High
Court C. 0. F. repent)y, baa gone to
Brantford and will go from there to Nova
Scotia in the interests of the Order. Be
ie a header.
Some of oar sporting men went to
Wroxeter on Monday to try their hand at
the "roarin' game.'" An unruly Wee
and broken cutter added to the exoitement
but not 10 the plea0ure on the way home,
Last week Fordwioh news contained
a statement of the number of care of live
stools, &e, shipped from that elation that
is amusing to those who know better.
No doubt the anchor of that fiotiou was
seeing double when he penned the item
90131011 accounts for the wonderful exagger
Strikes A Iteek Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debility,"
writes F. J. Green, of Lenoaster, N. H.,
"No remedy helped me until I began
using Electric Bittern, whish- did me
More good than all the medicines I ever
seed. They have ileo kept my wife in
excellent health for years. 8138 eaye
Electric Bittern are just eplendid for
female troubles ; that they are a grand
tonic and invigorator for weak, run down
women. No other medicine oan take its
piece in our family." Try them. Only
50o, Satisfaction guaranteed by G. A,
t! ee,etlor tit.
J. H. Broadfoot inteode to visit the
Glasgow exhibition next Summer.
Angus Brown purchased the 50 acre
farm of Alexander Gorden, 4th con. of
Tukersmith. Mr. Gorden iotende going
to the Northwest ehortly.
B. B. Guam has sold hie dry goods stook
to W. C. Learoyd, of Galt. Mr, Gann
will continue to run the gents' furoiehioge
and groceries department of hie businees.
While working in Broadfoot & Box's
furniture factory W. Duncan had the
misfortune to get hie fingers badly out.
One of the fingers had to be amputated.
Harold Broadfoot bee eeonred a situs•
tion as bookkeeper in the abort of the
Canada Furniture Manufaotmrde at Tor-
onto and left for that place on Monday
of last. week.
Olin ton.
The dog poisoner is still around.
Harold Steep returned to Indian Head,
N. W. T., wherehe is employed On hie
tether's farm.
W. J. R. Fowler, V. S., formerly of
here, has bought ant the practice of Vet.
Gillies, of Seaforth.
Electrician, F. Barber, installed 23 in•
candescent lights in "Glebe View", the
resident of S. S. Cooper.
Rev. Mr. Gunn, of Parkhill, bas signill
ed hie acceptance of the reatorehip of St.
Paul's church here and resigned the
pariah of Parkhill and Greenway.
Victor Frenob, eon of the Manager of
the House of Refuge, baa eeonred a good
location in the Weet for the eetablieh•
meat of a paper. He bought a plant iu
Winnipeg and has picked upon Wataeki-
win, situated at the foothills of the
Rookies, the liveliest town between Cal.
Bary and Edmonton and growing rapidly.
The country round about is good and ie
being settled last eo there ought to be a
eplendid opening for euoh a thorough
printer and induatri000 and reliable
young man se Victor French.
Joahus Cook, T. H. Cook and William
Oantelon, jr., have returned from Toron-
to, where they had been engaged in cold
storage for over 3 months. J. Cook 80ye
that the shrinkage on apples was about
ten per Dent se oompared to at least
twenty last eeaeon blot that the establish
meat handled forty tbon-and barrels last
year and only twelve thousand this year.
He gate that Ibe fruit which had been
picked early did not stand inspection
nearly so well as that barreled towards
the end of the season. Much of the
barreled stock which had remained about
etatione, eta., wart pitted. The picking,
he believes, could be much more carefully
and profitably done,
A. Pelton, of Inberkip, ie spending a
few weeks with relatives in town.
A. H. Wynn, Newry, is slowly recover•
iog from hie recent 1110888, we are glad
to report.
Johnston & Crnmmie, well drillere,
have decided to engage in the pump mak-
ing bueineoe'in Milvertou. Jamee Bell
will manage the business.
Mae. Small, of Kincardine, has been
appointed G. T. R. emotion boss at At.
wood, being made vacant by the death of
W. H. W ileon. James Brown,of Atwood,
will take Alex, Outhberteon'e place on
the road.
ELMA'e FINANOE0.—From the abstract
statement of the receipts and expenditure
of the township of Elms far the year
ending Deo, 31e1, 1900, we get these
figures 1—Total reoeippt0, $48,126,89. In
the receipts are included 520,755.27 bal-
ance from 1899, and 521,385.83 taxes on
roll for 1900. Total expenditure 537,.
738 ad, inolnding 55,257.97 paid for
bridged, 55,319.87 on debentures and
coupons, and 58,902.85 paid on Boyle
drain. Cash on hood and in bank Deo.
31, 1900, $10,393 09. Total aseete, $58,-
307 85 ; total liabilities, 570,560.00 ; ex,
woes of liabilities over meets 512,252.15.
Wm. H. Niohol underwent another
critical operation in Toronto lent week.
Mrs. Nichol left to wait upon her hue-
band. He did not survive the opetatioo,
which wag performed on Thursday, dying
Friday morning. Hie trouble Wee
thickening or closing np of the gullet
where it oonneote with the stomach, with
the rednitthat he had an operation in
Guelph hospital some weeps ago, and
ever ehoee then he has had to be fed arti.
Soially through a tube inserted at the
month .of the etomaob, Title gave only
temporary relief of course, pending
another mere radical operation alien hie
01reng5lt permitted, within a0000di igly
wad performed on Tllgrd'1ay of last week.
'fide latter proved tqo much ter bine, and
he died to a few hogrs after moo above
stated, Mr. Nichol was of the opinion
that his trouble was oameed by a kick
in the stomach from a horse many rouge
ago, and that ever 01000 be bad felt sore
where he had been struck,
19541'5 Fag Iter 'Ferrer.
"1 world cough uearly all night long,"
writes Mre. Oboe. Ap;i eeute, of Alex.
andria, Ind., "and coifed hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption eo bud 1)301 if
I Walked a block '1 would trough fright.
Miry and spit b'ood, but when alt other
medicine failed, three 51 00 bottler of
Dr. King's New Dieoovery wholly oared
me and I gained 118 pounds." It's abso-
lutely guarauteed 10 ogre Cooghe, Coude,
Le Grippe, Bronobitje and all Throat
and Lung Troubles, prioe 50o and 51.00.
Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadman'e
drag store.
It's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Tither Makes
Your Life a Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women lite ie one round of
sioknose, weakness and i11 health. To
attempt even the lightest household duties
fatigooe them. llfaoy of the eymptome
a000mpaoying this etete of decline are : a
feeling 01 liredneee on waking, faintness;
dizziueee, Oinking feeling, palpitation of
the heart, shortness of breath, lose of
appetite, cold bands and feet, headache,
dark circles under the eyes, pain in the
book and aide and ell the, other aaoom•
panimente of a run down and weakened
All these symptoms end conditions are
simply the result of a poor quality and
defeotive circulation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve forces.
By feeding the system with
You strike at the root of the dinette and
lay a solid foundation on whioh to build.
Boon the weight increases, the sunken
cheek)] and flattened boats fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vlbrateo through the
50 oente per box at all'draggiete', or '
Toronto, .Ont,
For Sale by C. A, Ileadmau, ltroesele,
ea.13•',# tt,l ,t:a
License District
East Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern -Keepers and Others
whont it inay Concern.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Application for Licenses
for the Sale of Liquors in the
for the License Year 1901.1902, which mai-
menace on the 1st day or May next, roll] he
received by the undersigned from the pres-
ent date up to
Monday, April 1, 1901,
10010381v8, Applicants must furnish the
names of two good and sufficient Burettes as
bondsmen at the time of making applica-
tion. Any applicant for a new license
must furnish a certificate signed by a maj-
ority of the elec tore entitled to vote at elec-
tions for the Legislative Assembly in the
Polling Sub -division in which the premises
sought to be licensed are situated, and the
Bald majority must include at least one-
third of the said electors, who are at the
time of such applioatton residents within
the said Polling Sub -Division.
Jamestown, March 12,I9oi.
woliong 98 1110u9s A ►lay. I .q.m....,.
Ther0,a ne rest for these tireless little tom?
worker,. 1)r. 'Ring's New Lite Fide,
Mllliune aro alwgY0 busy, goring Torpid ., GASH
Liver, J.,wnlioe, Btliogeneee, Fever and
STORE Ague, They beaten Siok ci4adaoha, McKinnonr
dr)ye pus Malaria. Never gripe nor
weakeo. Small, tanto nice; work won.
tiers. Try them, 25e at .G, A, Desch
• lighted and u u. of rooms rk n o Y 1 31) miau'o and the, Rogerblockea, G. y o t, man's a1.
Apra. Rogers' attires. Apply to h', 8, S00`<'T.
Vt for sale, being hot 20, Ooo• 7, Grey.
House suitable for two families if required.
Schoolhouse, 01301813 and part of the Ylllage
of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to 305350
OOB3R, Ethel Carriage Works, 24.
•. Lot e, con. 12, Grey, containing 100
acres. Good stock or grain farm, Good
frame house and bank barn; two good we'le;
eight Gores 01Pall wheat and 10nd all u 0
good state of cultivation. 500 partieulara
apply to 1011N M0FA UDEN,
2041 Brussels P 'J,
801,5.—Lot 17, eon. 9, Township of
Grey. 100 acres more or loss. Situate 41
miles trona Mussels and 2 miles from village'
of Ethel. A11 cleared excepting 6 01000 of
hardwood hush. Buildings and fences in
good repair. Good wells. A11 Pall plowing
done. Price and terms of payment onap-
plication to W. M. 8IN0LAI0,
20.11 Barrister, ,vo., Brussels.
▪ wen.—The property of the late John
Elliott, consisting of a solid brink house,
with frame kltohou and woodshed, good
stable and) acre of land, all fu drat-olaee
condition. If not sold will be routed. P0s-
eeoeion 0,1 any time, For pa+ttoulars apply
to Wm, SPENOE, Ethel; ALEX. 5Aa°0E01.0031
Galt ; or DB, MORELYns, Mt, Forest, 20tf
for sale Lot 15, Con. 3, Morrie, consist.
ing 01100 scree, more or less, 05 cleared, 50
acres seeded clown, 30 acres Pal] ploughed, l2
mores in Fall wheat. Barn 50x70, with atone
()tabling underneath. Also dwelling house.
Possession to suit purchaser. For further
particulars apply on the premises or to the
proprietor, Price and terms reasonable.
THOS. FORBES, WinghamP.0
dereigned offers his 105 acre farm for
sale, being Lot 11, Oon, 17. Grey. There are
90 acres cleared and 19 acres bush, Good
house ; bank barn, 56x52 feet, with stone
atabling ; good orchard; farm well fanned
and drained. Artesian well with wind mill
and tank. Convenient to school, church
and market, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15
acres plowed, balance seeded 0) grass. Ap-
ply on the eremisoa or Walton P. 0.
34.11 ENEA8 ()RICH, Walton.
acres in the Towoabip of Howick, be.
ing Late 15 and 16, Oon. 0 ; 80 acres are
cleared and 20 soros in bush ; bank barn
with stone stabling underneath ; and frame
house with cellae A good thriving orobard.
Farre in situated 3 miles from Wroxeter.
also 50 aerie in the Towushtp 0f Turnberry,
beim, North Half of Lot 7, Coe. A ; 30 acres
in grass, 20 acres of bush; frame barn and
log house ; a good spring. For further par-
00ulane apply to ALEX. BI8005,
21.4m Wrose ter P.O,
n3310010NEn will 0Her for sale kis 100 acre
farm. Lot 19. Con. 6, Gray, on which there
are00 aoree under cultivation; good frame
house, bank barn, 45180 feet, nice orchard.
spring creek, well fenced, and place in good.
shape, The farm is nt a mile from school,
2 melee from the thriving village of Ethel
and 7 miles from the village of Bras.
eels. There are 10 acres of Fall wheat and
10 acres plowed. Possession gtveo at
once. Terme easy. Forfurtbor information
00 to yrice, terms and conditions apply to
F.8, SCOTT, Auctioneer, Brgesele, or the
proprietor on the premises.
Ethel P.0,
Lot 20, Coo. 16, Grey, 00010010g 100
acres, 75 acres cleared, 10 acres hardwood
bush, balance cedar and blank ash, 8 acros
in Fall wheat. The farm is well fenced and
underdrained, with plenty of good water.
Good brick house 20s10, with kitchen 18x25,
wood shed attached and good cellar. Large
bank barn with stone wail underneath, large
drive abed and workshop. Large pig house
and [sheep pen. Good orchard of choice
fruit, It to convenient to church and school,
store. and poet office. This farm well be
sold cheap, if sold before the end of March,
as the proprietor wants to retire on account
of 111 health. Apply on the premises or
3141 M000rieff P. 0,
TIOE.—In the matter of the estate
of William Batton, deceased.
Ae the Reserved Bid was not reached on
the day of 'tale herein, ,coders in writing
will be reoi ived for the purchase of the
lands and premises, namely :—The South
Half of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morrie, 100
aoroa, subject to the approval of the under-
signed Local. Master of this Court. Parties
desirous of making an offer for this valu-
able property may do so through the Imo-
tionesr, F. 8. Scott or the plaintiff's solici-
tor, and it accepted will be subject to the
same terms and conditions as settled by the
said Local Master, and announced at the
time 01 the Bale hereto.
Dated this 0011 day of March, A.D.1901,
Local Master at Godericb.
W, M. SINCLAIR, Piff'a Solicitor. 3itt
'She Top Notch of Binder Twine Perfection, Se-
cured in oar Iota. Prices the Lowest—Quality the
Highest. Order early.
Builders' Supplies
Nails secured in oar lots. Glass Imported, Prices low,
"Stayon" Flexible Door Hanger
Like the unfolding of a flower, you bollold mew beauty and dainti.
nes every day in our Mammoth oaeh Storo, New n000ltlee and fashion.
-) able (abt"os are being shown in pleaeiug variety, and no matter how often
you come come now fabric will attract your attention and win youradmir-
a'ioo. Now is the time to study the trend of fashions for Spring and
Bummer, Oorreet ideas can be learned to beet advantage in this store.
We are glad to have you come and will cheerfully show you anything you
wish to pee. Ask to see these goods the next Gime you come.
I New Prints, in light and dant oolore, 28 to 80 in0)180 wide, now 'pat.
terns, fast colors, regular 8o, for 60.
New English Printa, wide width, soft finish, fast oolbra, new floral
designs, et loo and 140,
Printed Sateone,wide width, soft fiuioh,in black and colored grounds,
at 16a and 17o,
Colored Setanas, in new blue, royal purple and black and svelte
• grounds, with teeny enrol, ['oral and polka dot effeote, et 20o,
25o and 800.
Golden Draperies in all colors, at 10e, 14e and 15o.
Art. Muelins, pew petterne, bordered, at 5c.
Bieck Brilliantine Ga0Gre9, bright silk finiab, new geode and beet
Macke, 38 to 44 inches wide, from 203 to 75o per yard.
( New lUomeepun Suitings, 56 inobes wide, two toned effects, a nine
rsnge of oolore, at 90o.
g,3 Blaak Poplins, 40 to 45 indorse wide, fine oard, suitable for mourning 1',
or general wear, 500 and 76o. �y
One -Way
To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest
will leave Toronto every 73(11MOAY during
March and Apr11,1001.
Passengers travelling without Live Stook
should take the tram leaving Toronto at
1:45 p. m.
Passengers travelling with Live Stook
should take the train leaving 'Toronto at
9.00 p.m,
Colonist Sleeper will bo attached to each
For full particulars and copy of "Settlers'
Guide" apply to Guy Canadian Pacific Agout,
or to
Assistant General Paesengar Agent,
02-4 1 King St. East, T0310NT0.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
/Se --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notioe,
Estimates Furnished for all
kiuds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
• i $ 0° -,r 18afl li(fife illiiftl!ff(IQUQttli!Rtflllf) !
y t�'4..,uriummmwuntnnmm.trnittnuie
_ -+,{Doti(Ui►N�Uliulut(tllRtilEfillllllllil'
lilllglllll�il�l, i ;-.1111611M11010
)men's gess Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape and
appearance till worn out.
Prices are right for right goods
3 Robes left, they will be sold for actual cost for dash to.olear.
Now for bargains in Single Harness. For 30 days we offer special indorsements
to cash buyers. Our Collars are all warranted and are made in different shapes to
snit the different kinds of shoulders. We guarantee a perfect fit.
A few Blankets left which we offer at octet to clear.
Trunks and Satohele very cheap. Repairs in Shoes and Rubbers fleetly done,
also repairs in Collate and Harness promptly attended to.
This hanger stands without an equal. Cannot be torn off the track, beetle
its name "Stayer)." The wheels revolve on steel roller bearings and are attached to
the door by a steel strap clamp over the top of door extending down on each aide and
bolted through. The material ie malleable iron and steel. The hanger has a loop
joint between the wheel and the top of the door, which allows each door to be raised
or shoved outward independent of the other, a feature not found on any other door
hanger. The door oan be held rigid by means of the stay roller when desired. The
track is heavy epeoial high carbon, stiff steel, 3/10 x lk in, supported by a rigid
bracket with egnare shoulder mortised through the track every 17 1n., thee making
a very substantial fastening and adds materially to the etiffeess of the track. It has
more than twice the strength of the ordinary track.
Cross -cut Saws, Ages, Lanterns and Cutlery.
To lease) eto0k.taking the balance of these goods on hand will bo gold et
reduced prime. To get the benefit of this don't delay.
McXay r�# Fit•
Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with
or without oven,
Every stove a double heater and guar-
anteed a perfect baker.
Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan-
terns, Hanging Lamps and Lain
Goods of every description.•
Wilton & Tomball