The Brussels Post, 1901-3-14, Page 3SETTER TITAN A ria$CR, Kew a FloceR of 314tt1CPyA 11'0ra"tltired at Strullu ,. Le "A Spoa'tswomen in India" Mise i=avoa'y writes e'nteetainiugly od the Monkeys In bh!eateo14lAllls of tbe�Itn#•' nlayas.l lion cool impudence and anelaoity, slip- sage, these hill -man- keys Maud unleveled; they slip into the buugalowe at Dalhousie, and car- iry off enybhieg from the breakfast or tea -table, le the room is empty. il`aey spring erera tree to tree, from nous& be,house-.-a mother, it may be, Keith two yortiug once.olinging to bee, a loaf pf bread in one hand and e 3iaan.ch of bananas in beg omenta, which t'1he had just "sneaked"- from a din- ing -room, ' 0f course monkeys are vory trouble, home in anantations. Few men pan )Shoot a monkey; they axe too human- like and (potlhetie when wounded. Wo. met an Englishman :who was trying to protect holt pglgar-oane patoll with a (great trench and a palisadecovered "1 All to no 1 With hails. pumpose. He walked down) to it ono morning, Bud found a row of monkeys seated on the palisade, Who moment he came within reach they threw his own yugar-carte into his face, after which they got down and strolled away, leisurely ;munching, • Such thongs were not to be borne. Our frieed chased a flock into a tree, felled the true, and caught four or five young monkeys. The ]parents waited near, in great consternation, anxi- ously watehbig while their infants were painted from, head to foot with lireaole and tartar emetic. On being allowed to go, they rushed off into the fond and welcoming arms, and were instantly oarried nip into the ;woods, and there assiduously licked &loam, from bop to toe by their affec- tionate parents. • The natural effects followed. and the pitiable condition of the old mon- keys can scarcely be ilmagined. That patch of sugar -cane was never rifled again. — KING EDWARD'S AGE. Some Enropran Soverr,Igna finch Younger Than He, Others Older. ' Edward VII. succeeds to the throne of Great Britain and Ireland in his sixtieth year, being 42 years older than Queen Vlotoria on her acoession in,1887. In the matter of age the new monarch represents the average of European monarchs. A number of the noted sovereigns are much younger than King Edward. The Emperor of Germany was born in 1856 and is, therefore, 42. The Czar of Basset was born in 1868 and is, accordingly, 83, and Queen Wilhal- mina of IIolland was born In 1.880 and is 21. • The mew King of Italy Victor Em- manuel 1TI., ovals born in 1869. and is 82. King Charles of Portugal was born In 1863 and Ls 88. Alexander, King of Sarnia, was born in 1870, and is 25, and Alfonso XIII., of Spain was born in 1880 and is; 15, the government of Spain being intrusted during his min- ority to his mother, the queen re- gent. On the other hand the European sovereigns' 'ho aro advanced in years are for the most part old men. Thus the present King of Denmark, Chris- tian IX., is 83. He was born the year before Queen Victoria. King Oscar of Sweden wan been in 182U and is '72. The King of Saxony, Lo 73, King Leo- pold of Belgium, is 06, and Emperor li'rancis Joseph of Austria Ls 71.. About the only European sovereign lwhu is of tnidelee age is King George of Greece,' who was born in 1845. He is 66 and wee, fox many years one of the youngest monarchs of Europe, healing 'been chosen King of Greece 4n his 18th year. The present Sultan of Turkey ;some- times included among the sovereigns of Europe, and sometimes considered 0e en Asiatic potentate, is 59. The King of Roumania is 62 and the minor here- ditary German princes vary in age from 17, the yon'ngest, to 84, the old- est. :The present King of Bavaria is 53. CURE FOR OHILBLAINgg1 Chilblains are a regular affliction of many people during eold weather. When once the feet pr handg have been frosted, they entree more readily a second time, en that the habit of chil- blains is easily established. With Dare they can be s0 far cured es to give little trouble. Obilb1ain9 are a blood disease. • The cold clots 0s a blood poi - hon upon some persons', and chilblains are the result. To ours them, reme- dies for this condition of the blood should be taken nus soma use any signs appear. Calcinan sulphide is prescribe ed by pbysiotu,n2 for this purpose, at can bo bought at a drug store in tab- lets of one-eixtih' of a grain. The dose lei one tablet after eaob meal, and the remedy should be continued until the chilblains are improved. To guard against their rattan the calcium sul- phide should be resorted to promptly and taken for three or four days when- ever any intlication8 oe them are felt. i ' 1 MialtlID Ul?. i Mrs Ilardheod can always toll Willa kind of a wife n roan ]las by his yiews on the woman question. , \Stranger -i leave all sorts of views, Mrs. Ilandheitel -'.Cham you aro n Chi - cage man, • 1 4 y r o '—leaelleinitanaleen Ou the Farm, 14 WHY GUERNSEYS Alt11l'NOd' POT'U'' Tn oomparleon with their rivaie, the Jerseys, it is somewhat remarkable that Guernseys havo not .become more Millar both for profit and for fancy, especially as tapir claims in these re - smote arc so well founded. Being gen- erally of a rich orange Dolor, with white markings, having a yellow skin and gentle expression, their general appearance is,' at once very striking and attractive. 'As utility cattle their elaimsl are undoubted, the cows yield- ing a generoun amount of very rich milk, from which butter of the very best color and quality is obtained. This exae)Jenoe is much' in their favor and is very often taken advantage of by th'oge who keep cow of other breeds for the production of milk and butter and find it necessary and benefloial to have a Dow or tw(o in the herd In order to add to the richness of the milk, and the quality and appearance of the butter. For such persons as keep, or 'intend to keep, a cow or two the Guernsey is eminently suitable,. being not only a good producer but a moat economical feeder, Crossed with' the Shorthorn many splendid anirnals bavo been brod,whose performances in public milk and but- ter tests hay° amply demonstrated the wisdom of such breeding. To those also who desire to obtain cows com- bining size with the production of milk of the highest quality, and object to the Jersey on this account, the Guern- sey should be the first recommenda- tion and choice. But, notwithstand- ing all these advantages, which would seem sufficient to insure a great mea- sure of popularity, the fact remains that the brood does not extend its in- fluence to the satisfaction of its advo- cates and admirers. Tho reasons for this are evident and worthy of consid- eration. There .is a lack of compactness and VIGOROUS ' OLD AGE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE 0l DR, WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Mr, William :Gray, of Newmarket, Tells How Ho Became Hale and Hearty at .the Advanced Age of Seventy, After Having Suffered Great Torture from. Sciatica and Rheumatism. From the Expree.s, Newmarket, Ont. Itir. William Gray, who is well and favorably known in the town of New- market and vicinity, is rejoicing over by release from the pals of sciatica, and rheumatism through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A reporter of the Express called upon him for the purpose of obtaining particulars of the aura when Mr. Gray gave the folloel ing story for publication:- " About two and a half years ago I was seized with a very severe attack of rheumatism, The pain was simply torturing. At times the .trouble was. Seated in my knees, than in my hips. For nearly a year I suffered along, working as best I ;could, in the hope of being able to overcome the dis- ease. Duriing the -day the pain was less severe, but at night it wag just 28 bad as ever. To increase my tor- ture I caught a cold which resulted In an attack cf sciatica In my right leg. If I walked a short distance I would be seized by sharp plans in the hip and in time I beoamc a used up man ; my appetite failed me, and I could not rest at night on account of the pain. 1 tried one medicine after another without avail. I also con- sulted, doctors with no better result. I was beginning to think that I was doomed to suffer the rest of my life when one day a friend strongly ad- vised. me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took his adlvint and procured a supply cif the pills and, began tak- ing theta according to directions. Before the third bps was fiuishod I noted, a change for the b*ettor•, so I� continued the use of tlw pills till I bad taken ton or twelve boxes when my trouble had, entirely disappeared.• To -day I am free from pain, and feel that life is -worth living, even at the ripe old age 'of seventy. I can now do a day's work withmany men who aro twenty years younger than I. I' thank God for my restoration to health through ltbe agency of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, .and I ,trust other similar sefforors will give them a trial, for knowing what these pills have done fox' mo I Am sure that they cannot ldetil being un benefieiol Ito others simllarly,lafflioted. If the] blood Ls pure and wholesome disease cannot exist. The reason'Dr.I Williams' Pink ('ills cure so molly fornix of, disease is that they act, dir- ectly upon thc,bloodl mei itorves,'thus reaching the root of the trouble. Other medicines) act only on the symptoms of, the trouble, and that is' the reasons the trouble always re- turns when you cease these medicines. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make per- manent cures in .kidney troubles, rbrumetigm, erysipelas, anaemia and kindred discasee, Out be sire you the genuine which bear tine full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale temple on the wrapper around every OEYLON AND INDiA TEA., GREEN OR BLACK, Xfa 3PezeilnecrtWoo,. It Is Perfect, Because It Is Pure, Wholesome, Clean, Delicious. Ic reachesOtt in itS natural, state. Prussian Blue, Soapstone, etc,, are not used, as in other teas; to hide defects. It has pore. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on recent of postal mentioning Which you drink—Black, Mixed, or Green Tea. Address SALADA," Toronto or1Vlontreal. symmetry, a heaviness and coarseness of bone, especially about the shouldere and withers, badly set tails, and a general absence of that smoothness, neatness and sweo;tnese of expression 20 completions in the bet type of Jersey.IAnotber groat weakness is. the imperfection of the udder, which 1.4 in need of considerable improve - meet. IA. large, full bag, level at the bottom,_ running well forward and of good length and fullness behind, set firmlyand closely, to rho body, with even teats widely and squarely placed; ie all too rare. The fact that the in- stances of different anirnals of simi- lar breeding distinguisbing�themselvos In the show -rings are so few, indi- cates that sufficient care and judg- ment have not been exercised in selec- tion and breeding. Ideas of breeders generally havo not been suffioientlyt well defined. .The concentration of blood of the beet animals, by which means great families of cattle are pro- duced, has not been adopted and fol- lowed cis extensively as results of a similar course with other ;]reeds ap- pear not only to justify, but afford every reason to expect most gratify- ing results'. The size 'wllicll many animals at- tain is strongly dwelt on by Guernsey breeders as being a great advantage be respect of the value of the carcass for the butcher, but there are excel- lent reasons for regarding this breed- ing for size to be a Step in the wrong direction. The Guernsey is essential- ly a dairy bread and,should be special- ly bred foe dairy, purposes, and the production of beef left to those breeds whichfurnish meat far more econom- ically and of vastly superior quality. Quality, ton, while not wholly incom- patible :with size, is generally found to suffer by increasing the size of ani - male, and by attaching more import- ance to quality and less to bulk,Guern- sey breeders and judges would great- ly advance the interests of the breed. BRITISH' IANIEEICA 'ASSURANCE COMPANY. The Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Shareholders et this company was held, at its offices, Toronto, on Thursday, 28th February, 1801. The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, oc- cupied the chair, and Mr. P. H. Sims, who waif appointed to act as Secre- tary, read the annual report, of which the following is a summary: - Your directors have the honor to gresent the annual report and finan- cial statement of the company's sixty- seventh year, duly vouched for by its auditors% It wilt ,be noted that there had been a considerable inorease in the premium inoome for the year, this being; mainly due to the business derived from the new fie1dsl in whioh the company has established business connections, and also to the improved conditions that have prevailed in the marine business. Two half -yearly dividends have been declared ate the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, amounting to $60,323.66, and the reserve fund has been increased, to $581,457.22, In view of the abnormal fire losses on this continent during the year 1900, including the disastrous conflagra- tion in April .last in 'the cities of Hull and Ottawa, which involved a lora of property to the value of about ton million dollars, your directors feel that the statements herewith sub- mitted most be regarded as satisfac- tory by the Shareholders. The capital stock of the company bas been increased to ono million dol- lars, in accordance 'with the by-law passed at the last annual mooting, the $250,000;00 new stock authorized to be issued at a premium of 15 par cent. having been all taken .up. ]Summary or Financial Statement. Total cash income. . . $1,951,233.3.4 Total expenditure, includ- ing appropriation for (los- ses under adjustment. 1,890,8.17.57 60.885.77 Dividend declared, . . . 80.383.26 Total assets. , .. 1.770,006.45 Cash capital. , . 1,000,000.00 Reserve fund. . . . . 581,457,22 Seourity to policyholders 81,581,457.2e The ('resident, who moved the adop- tion of the report:, wliinll was second- ed by the Vico-Pxesidont, referred to the exceptionally heavy losses' by Eire on this continent during the year Miller review, and said that, although the report just read did not present so favorable a showing, as far as the hokum between income and expendi- ture xpenditune for the year was concerted, as Lao preceding annual statements w.haeh he. had had the honer during the pant eight years ori inebinitting td the shareholders, he felt that there was par$aps as Much matter tar con, gratulation in the figures elmbraced In the aocomnts for the year 19001as in those od some preceding Statements wheat have shown a more favorable balance sheet.. It was gratifying to observe the coaatinuod, increase in the volume of business; transacted. While than had been a satliafaotory growth. of, income from fickle in, which the company and for years past b0era car - bolt, vying on opoa'ations, lite wRs glad, to be able to say, that, from the agen- cies recently established beyond the limits' of this continent, vary en- oonraging returns 'h'av'e been re- ceived. Th'e' prodiotlonu that the di- r'ectors ventured to Make a year ago as to a probable improvement in con- ditions of marine business had, he was pleased td say, been realized, and, as result of the better rates which, speaking generally, had prevailed both upon' inland lake and ocean risks there had been a fair margin 05 profit upon thus business ;wirlitten in that branch during' the year. But what in his estimation was more a matter of congratulation than any of the fggares 164 wlhieh•1 he had referred was the fact that at the.c1020 of a year inn which the fire Lasses in Canada and the United States have been very largely in excess of those of average years they were able to present a bal- ana,e sheet which showed a loss of less I,tflen case per cent. upon the premium ibncoano as the result of the year's un- derwriting transactions - that is, ignoring the income derived from 10- te,rest and rent. Tlue report. was, on motion, adopted, and the to11'owing gentlemen were re- elected to serve as directors during the ensuing year;- Hon. Gee A. Cox, J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. Wood, Thos. (,ung, John Hoskin K.C., LL.D., 11. M. Pe'tllattt, le. Jaffray, A. Myers and E. W. Car. sequently, the Hon. Geo. A. Cox was re-elected President; and Mr. I. 3, Kenny Vico-President, Afore than twenty millions of gold have been assayed at Seattle from the Arctic regions. . , gAre.„ This aignatare is on every box of the gonnia9 Laxative Gromo•Quinine Tablets ,the remedy that cure w cold in ono asp IT STAYS. Shoot folly as it flies, quoted Spattse But folly ,neves' flies, replied Blcc- bulnpeir. Kinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, The convicts in the Texas peniten- tiary have contributed largely out of their earning toevard the relief of their earnings toward the relief of the Galveston sufferers., FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS AIRS WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRVP has been used by mothorefor their children teething. It eoathee the child. softens the gums allayopaln. cures triad colice and i a the beet Comedy for (diarrhoea, 25o a bottle. Sold by ail druggists throughout the world. Be cure and ash for "M s. Winslow o Soothing Syrup." Erastus A. Barnard, at Chloago, nes given to that city a tract of land valued at $200,000, to be used as a public park. Messrs C. 0. RIOHARrD,S & Co., Yarmouth; N.S. 1 Gentlemen, -In January last Fran- cis Leclaire, one of the men employed Vme working in the lumber woods, d a tree fall on him crushing him fearfully. He was:, when found, plac- ed on a sled and taken home, where grave fears were entertained for leis recovery, his hips ,being badly, bruised and his body turned black from his iritis; to his feet. We used MTNARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain, and ;with the use of three bottles he was completely cured and 'able to return to Ins work. SAUVER IDUVAL Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que. May 26th, 1803. Last year there were imparted into the United States, &Ter 1,000,000,000 grains of quinine, costing over $1,- 500,000, CANADIAN WOMENeal i LOYAL AD- DRISe TO QUEEN ALEXANDRA. The opportunitiedgiven for signing the address to Her Majesty express- ing the loyalty and appreceation of the women of Canada, have been largely taken advantage of in num- erous places throughout the Domim- ion. A.s there must, however, be wo- men here and ,there who have not yet learnt kit at they are all ask- ed to join itt this move- ment, 1.1 is now announced that there will still be time; for those who have not had a chance of ei,gniug the signature sheets to (send in an appli- cation to have their names added to the roll. (Che usual signature, with- out prefix or adllrees, sent in an en- velope with an authorisation to havo it copied in fac-simile, and eaolosing not lees than a two bent stamp to cov- er expenses, will be in time if reeeiv- 0d by the Secretary, at the Central Offioo of the National Council of Wo- men of Canada, f'1 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, up to the 21st of March. Af- ter that date, the Address, Which is being artistically and beautifully i11u- ntinated will be bound in a large vol- ume, together with the signature sheets, in a manner (worthy of the Women who are so enthusiastically t)ayowiog themselves into this (50lenne. A I'iddOTIDAL LI'0TLI1 WIP' belghber--"Tou'ya got a lovely hod- ream now with this new carpet. 3ust glut it down, didn't you" i Hostess-' ss;' just through. Neighbor - I thought so, from the taeks scattered around the floor, You 'ought to plat them up before night, or your husband will he stepping on . them, 'Hostess -No, let them stay, lkiy, husband is a newspaper humorist, and every time iia steps on ono he'll think of some new joke about it, I hope he'll make .enough out of them. to pay, for the carpet, "MINE HOST DAK, 1 E 99 •n --- ; ,, Relates Eis Experience for the Benefit of Others. _ 1 ; Proprietor of the Dalte House, S1. Thornes, Losec an Enemy That IIad Troubled Him for Over Five Tears, land Is (clad. St. Thomas, Marsch 4, (Special). -Mr.' L. Dake, of the Dake House, to this city, 7s a proud mean for the has ht last forever disposed oe a foe, which has given' him a great deal of pain and annoyance during- the last five or six years. That foe was Kidney eircuble and Lame Back, Dodd'sKid- ney Pills drove it out, never to re- turn, and now Mr. Dake is happy. This is what he says: r'I have been troubled with my Kid- negs and pains in my back for over five years. Nothing Icould get helped me in the least. Finally, I was told by a friend who bad tried them, that Dedd's Kidney Pills would cure mo, and I decided to; try. They re- lieved me from the first and even- tually guyed me completely. They are a wonderful medicine." There are many people in St. Thomasand vicinity who have vary kind things to say of Dodd's Kidney Pills. The local druggists report a very largo sale, and thio is not to be wondered at, as many very re- markable aures are reported in the city and county, Fitly years ago news from Europe reached America in two weeks. NOW ill comes in two minutes. Minard's •Liniment Cures Binns, etc, $100 Reward, 5100. The readers of this parer will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure' in an its stages and that is Catarrh. Halle Catarrh' Cure is the only positive cure now koowa to'. the medical lraternity. Catarrh being a cons- titutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter. nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and Restating nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith is its earattve powers, that they offer one Hun- dred Dollars for any case that 11 tails to cure. Bond for list of testimonials. F. J. CHENEY&CO., Toledo O. 1 ' Sold by druggists. 78e. Hall's Family Pills are the best The Buffalo! Bird Protective Society defends the Scotch sparrow, ascrib- ing to the birds the disappearance, in that vicinity, of the canker -worm. Kinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia: Afore than 150 new sohoolhouses have been built in Kansas within the last year. _-- AVENUE (SOUSEntaGIAA` igeAr rnue Zomily Hotel rates 01.50 per day, TEM .DEAR FRIENDS. Noll -Jack kissed me last thing. Belle -I ima'gi'ne that wontl:L ba the last thing he'd think of doing. Minard's Liniment for sale cv eryavliero isbrs. Many000ks, of Brooklyn -Mr. Sheldon advocates essociating with r.tees cook, Oscar. W. r. C. llos+i;!. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin aildieuts. J. C. Calvert & Co., Manchester, England a p � (Pp Teachers Wanted To send tor our Complete Cata- logue togas of Sheet wcheand Bates with 9eset. ratan of dlsoo4nt, WHALEY, 110(00,.naing IWmee and eddro 105 0100votl gement who I1OYOE & Co. e(re lmtnt0entel 1100 U 0,nG In th•er W pay expense.• 5015 rah Out. 6. e. 0002511 rrincipld, 75 naJor sh, 158 Yonge at. Vssnte, ora Taranto, tint From 'i'e8L GRrderr to Q snsurrlor, oayhlbN TEt, the Payne Pew se It always Was and still /behalf, poise P11015gea 20, 30, 40, 4 a ono. •rte p a%v lava k t'm' nesav by ti i^a ce,'Wzoi 3 Sk ,gate evi va..ct usrwa Every house should bepeintod, but it should be painted with ' high. grade paints. If you paint with cheap paints, your lime and money is lost. It is not paints that cost, it is the labor. Pure d paints cost' no more in labor thea cheap paints. • i$ 4F 11GIf- GR Di PAINTS. Ra m s ay's Paints are the highest grade pure paints at the lowest cost, Do you Want to learn all about pins ie-howopiahouse a to your r and see some beautiful homes Drop us a post card for Booklet. "K" free. A. RAMSAY .1 SON ' 1r ,. �,•, PAINT MAKERS IS MONTREAL, • � -Ea! tl 1 42 e 1,�, ,�.yttb wvod°di''m '®nafci'ge, ®'i9• Rs-'Ow®•^0•TwllifierGYO'ova^sl.'®r O +m-1IY•'®y,'. i8sec. 3o, 1899. (Doe. 31, 190"0, „ TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT —OF THE - North m j if, f i Nor t 1 Assurance Company. HEAD OFFICE : — (12.918 KIi1C STREET WEST, TORONTO. For the Year Snded December 31st, !goo. To net Ledger Assets .... ......................... 83,336,710 se RECEIPTS. - To Cash for Premiums $822,929 00 To Cash Income on Investments, etc., 183,041 55 DISBURSECIENTS. -- 1,005,970 S $4,342,680 7g Dec. 37, 1900. By Payment for Death Claims, Protits,ete $304,579 00 ` " . By all other Payments 264,493 35 569,072 681 $3,773,508 04 (Dec. 31, 7900. ASSETS. By Mortgages, etc $1,282,389 98 " Debentures (market value 5739,099 47) 729,8:3 t0 " Stocks and Bonds (market value $1,031,680 oo)2,013,799 9 " Real Estate, including Company's building 359,755 7 " Leans on Policies, etc 239,719 3 rr Loans on Stocks, (nearly all on call)...., ......... 91,580 ool " Cash in Banks and on Hand 26,473 934 53,773,505 o9 Premiums outstanding, etc. (less cost of collection)063,071 18 Interest and rents due and accrued 40,694 59 53,977,263 8y LIABILITIES. Dec, Kt,, poo. To Guarantee Fund $ 60,000 00 ' Assurance and Annuity Reserve Fund 3,362,709 000 ", Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc54,362 44 3,477,071 441 . Net Surplus ...$500,192 391 Audited and found correct. r` J. N. LAKE, Auditor. / The financial position of the Company is unexcelled -its percentage. torr et surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other Rome Company. Ile / insurance issued during x900 54,553,750 00/ Exceeding the best previous year (except one) in the history of the Company. • 'prance In force at end of 0900 (net) 24,883,061 0o+ PRESIDENT 1JO1-1141 L. BLAIKIE VICE -PR E6IDENTS HON. G. W. ALLAN. HON. SIR \VILLIAM R. 1IEREDITH, K.6' DIRECTORS ,HON. SENATOR GOWAN, KC., LLD., C.II.G. E. GURNEY, Esq. L. W. SMITH, Esq., K.C.; D.C.L. J. K. OSBORNE, Esq.,. D. MoCRAE, Esq., Guelph. r MANAGINQ 918EOTO8 WM. McOABE, LL.B., F.I.A., F.8.'s, SECRETARY MEDIOAL DIRECTOR , 1L, GOLDMAN, A.LA. A. THORBURN, M.D., Eche; The Report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held on January doth last, showing marked proof's of the continued progress and solid position of the Company, will be sent to policy -holders. Pamphlets explanatory of the attractive ,investment of plans of the Company, and a copy of the annual report, showing its un. to melted financial position, willbefurnished on application to the Head Otlice, or ane '.Lthe Cage ny's agenciOsl • Ibietaic SKYLIGHTS ouAnBs„. HaEnd1"IkLudi.e of SouCUnPTgs,A„,!,NS Toaoxro, ovx, LACE CURTAINS DYEL311i& n1eWNED Write tons about you10. BRITISH AMERICAN 0YEINC 01)., Box 158, Mootroal JUBILEE OF 1901. A Pan,dor Aisnnnl present- tnuyi, eapingsth forst nil that Is ubileo. toassistial, complete reaping the bal.- o Il- lustrated Substantial, cam Ill an t a,n27 50t. , ndre, ost.p n on Paolo Paper 100 ono', 87,50 per hundred, post•pnid. D, and J. S.madsa 1: Co„ MontrenL ROOFING and Sheet Metal Werke. r,00PING SLATD, iu slunk. Red or Green, S&shoal RLAonto).RDS. two tnpPir Public/uTar, Schools Toronto). (Bee Neri Pelt, pitch, Cool Tar, eta ROOFING TILE (Roe Naw Cay mild. Inds, Toronto, done by our fired. Aletol Collin¢e,.850. ntao,, etc. Pastimntoei,tmlehed for work compute or for D. 0CNate ehiyped to anyport of Ehe count's•, nne 1858. D. 00201E & 80N8,Attstaldo & Widmor✓ito., Tal'Onta BII_IO 0 I it Tn0 01)5 01 »00)50 TEACREIO ill UU O tl w a'ront IOVanllee Ire yrigbulll 5111:fa DD rf al t d 051,00 0otLod tat 6YLP TaaCt11\a LE SSONS to piny by note o PIANO ey Admixed C R E C H ginner uva 1100 and Inert y Adrnneea 6r . put 11 1 cru 'ar,,o,W 'mt modal ne L rel, 0.5000 5LTima 0,10-x sue Sher byy 100 NOMh 0,050)000 2Cb001 a7 11.16. Wtl¢I1 g,o 1111 ahbrtilned. 1b (1,01050,0. 01111 501 6101, instruct/am popular price 7:100) x111 bo 5001 rags 10 Xe ab Incubators, Brooders, Poultry Supplies ane. APpllaucos. Catalogue free. A J. klonoAN, Mb, London, Out, • It Will Pay You to oonstgo all your Produce to tho Dawson Commission On. Limited Cor. Oolba'no and wast Afnrket St., prlooe,Tm•onto. They Nisi get you highestpoaelbie AGENTS TS Oxon• MI COMMISSION. The 0,•obtoat agenic' seller over produced; every user of eon and Ink buys It on sight ; 200 to SOD per tent. profit: one agent's ealb, anlmtnted 1a 8020 In fit due : another 032 In two 1,01,0. Monroo Mfg. Co., X400 terror/re, Wis. Dominion Lire Steamships Montreal to Liverpool, Boston to Lirer- pool. Portland to Liverpool, V1a Queens. town., and Past Slennnh1N• Superior moron)Mattel FM MI Sasses of yoa)al"nota Saloons and Stateroom are amidships. Spcoinl attention has barn aivonlir Second Satcon and 'third -014M aceommodetlun. Pm ratesfpassa,05 e00 all particulars, apply to any 45.1 of the Demean, r Riahanls, Altll, k.Co. D. Terrance le Ca., 77 State St, Boston. Montreal and Portland. rLL WR' P- M t 1.� P ;� PE ���W� �•R�a PRINTED in one or massy' colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam- ples furnished on request. Spooial quotations for car loads or largo lots, Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPING PAPE1;, 0OI12PAI' 9' 75 ,A elaide-st. Want, TIME Fa'IOST NUTRITIOUS- ;•:. ;+�°,' � "•i1a� � Vie+ GRATEFUL -OO IVI FO RTI NG. ESREAKFAST-SUPPER- Pr mise To Pay A Debenture of The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation is 0 promise to pay the sum named thersin,whieh may be any sum notes than $too, on the date specified, 'which may be in one or mom years, as the Investor may prefer. The Coupons attached are promises to pay interest on the amount half ycarlyal four per omit. per annum. The entire assets of the Company, amounting to $22,. 696,885 are security for fulfilment of the promises. CORrrr3PONDENOE INVITED. O Ffirm, Toronto St., Tot'tonto, i