HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-14, Page 1Vol, 29, No. 88
W. H. K,ERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
End Dorn—R, K. Ross.
Looal—W, J. McCracken,
Wall paper -0, A, Deadman.
License District -3, R. Miller,
Spring goods—ItIuliiunon & 02,
Horse for sale—R, Leatherdale.
"Perfeotfon" brand—D, O. Rose.
Spring goods—E. 0. Danford & Son.
Spring term—Central Bunnies Ooliege.
Cie/e rave.
• "Eduoationai Sermons" will bepreaoh.
ed en the Balgrave circuit by Rev. D.
Rogers, of Binevale, Chairman of the
District on Sunday, March 17th.
Cern nee roole.
A big mop of flax will likely be put in
next eeaeon in thio tonality.
A. number of onr Foreetero will go to
Bruseele on Tueeday evening 26th inst.,
to pay a fraternal to Court Prinoees
It is said a wedding is on the tapir,
Cranbrook..to furnish the groom and
Mooirton the bride. It is always safe to
leave a level headed. "Seaman.".
The old fashioned days of tea meetinge
were well illustrated on Wednesday
morning by the arrival home of two of
our boye in time for breakfast, 7 o'olook.
The "blinde.were down" all right.
This week Mrs. Jae. Slemm•m and
children, who have been visiting here, left
for their home in Pasqua, Man. Mise
McDonald also returned to Calgary N.
W. T. on the Dame day. We wish them
a safe journey.
Rob, Henderson spent Sendoy at Thee.
Mies Eliza MoOatohen, of Elma, ie
visiting her eieter, Mre. White, let of
Mies Nichol, of Mildmay, is visiting.
her eieter, Mre. Wm. Willis, on the
Mise Maggio Ireland, of Bentiok, and
Robb. Hayes, of Howiok, have returned
home from visiting friende in McGilliv-
.A. few
cGilliv-rayAYew of our young people in Grey
drove over to Andrew Hooper's, 2nd Don.,
Turnberry, Thursday evening of last
week end spent a very pleasant time.
A Sunday wheel social was held at S.
Snell's Wednesday evening of Int week
and a very enjoyable evening wae spent,
in whish the Jamestown Glee 0'nb took
a very active part giving a number of
very line selections. The next imolai
will be held at S. Shine's. An admission
'of 10 canto will be asked for and the
fonds used for building the future Hall.
Ethel Bebool report on page 4 of THE
Mre. Fraser is visiting her niece, Mrs.
Jas. Osborne.
Robt. Morrison, who has been harness
maker in George Mitchell's shop, left town
last week.
Juo. Stemmon i0 borne from Stratford
on a visit. Some people say it is a wed.
ding trip.
S. S. Oole's mill yard ie well stocked
thio season and a large quantity of loge
yet to come.
Noble Milne le home from Manitoba.
He will probably remain here and perhaps
get married.
Mien Ida Oole has gone to Clinton this
week to take ap dressmaking. We wish
her a pleasant time.
Ooneiderable focal interest wae mani-
fested in the law case of McDermott ve.
Lambkin at the recent Assizes at Goatee
rich, The former was awarded $100.00
and coots. It was for assault.
For Sale at
Notice to Creditors.
All portions having claims against the es•
tate of Thomas Wright, late of the 'sown -
ship of Grov, inthe County of Eaton, shoe -
prelim., dammed, who died on the 25th day
of December, 1900, aro notified to Bond or
deliver to Ann Wright, Jamestown P. 0., the
Executrix of Bald deceased, en or before the
Brd day of April, 1901, a statement oI their
duly verified, and after the last men-
tioned dato the assets of the estate will bo
distributed among thoseentitled thereto,
having regard only to such claim, as have
then been received. And the Executrix w111
not be responsible for the assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose maim notion
Shall not then have been received. This
notice is puroueet to the Statute lu that
Dated at liruseele, itfaroh 7th,1901.
04.2 Agent for 73xeoutrix.
s rf TL.' O t,
Ano 100110nt time to enter our tobool for a
course of treiuieg. Prepare now Yor the tit.
'nations that await you next Pall. This
popular College enjoys a large attendance.
booaueo it is doing the belt work in bull-
nose education In Canada to -day, Write: for
special Spring Circular.
W. J. ELLIOTT, klrinaipat.
There was ne eervioe in the Presby:
teeien ehnrohhere lath Sabbathafterngori
en account of the oommanion at Oren -
Township Council will be held here on
Friday of next week, 22od. The Hall
drain in Court of Revision will aleo Dome
ap for review,
It is said that George McCurdy, who
has had the Gill farm rented, will ge to
Manitoba this Spring. Will Gill will take
charge of the term.
We are sorry to state that Postmaster
Spence ]e on the eiok list with the after
effects of la grippe bat we hope he will
goon be all right again.
The cattle guard at the station is le
trap to pedestrians these days owing to
being filed up with onow, No one has
been hurt yet however, by their Budden
The Temperance folk, who went to
Trowbridge last Friday night had a good
time. Home coming wae attended to a.
bout 3 a. m. Saturday and a joily crowd
they were.
Jno, McDermott, daughters and eon
will remove to Harrietoo shortly. We
will be eorry to Hee them go from Ethel.
Robt, McKelvey will move into the house
to be vacated.
VPaleon. ..
The sawmill will aommenoe operations
neat week.
A laundry agency has been opened in
town by Jae. Humphries.
John Stark, of London, oalled on hie
old friende here last week.
Mies Ida Smith, of Elma, spent last
week visiting friende in Walton.
John McArthur will bold an auction
eale on Wednesday next March 20th.
Mira Dot Johnston, who went to the
U. S. last Summer, hoe returned to Wal.
Duncan'MuKinlay and Dan. Campbell,
of Seaforth, spent Sunday at John Mo•
A little boom is in the air in oonnao•
tion with Temperance matters in this
eeo1ioe of the country.
Rev. Mr. MacNab aeeisted Rev. D. B.
McRae, Orarsbrook, ]n connection with
the oommnniou eervioe.
Mre. Ohae. McDonald died this week
at London and the remains were brought
to Seaforth and interred alougeide of her
late husband who died here a few years
Rev. A W. Dever has not been enjoy
ing very rugged health this Winter but
we hope the corning Spring will aid in
his reoruitiag. He has been taking hie
Mre. Burteon, who has been vieitiag iu
the neighborhood of Walton, has been
serionely ill but is now oouvaleeoent.
Her eon while with her had an attack of
double pneumonia but is now recovering
nicely. Their home ie at Staffa.
We are sorry to report the death of the
infant daughter of John and Mrs. Bolger,
aged 2 months. The little one took
bronohal.pneumonia and after an illness
of 6 days died on Friday at Henry Ham•
ilton's, McKillop, whither tbe parents
bad taken itin attending Mies Hamilton's
wedding. Mre. Bolger is a daughter of
Mr. and Mre. Hamilton. The funeral
took plane on Sunday afternoon from Mr.'
Bolger's home, They are deeply eympe,
thiend with in the loss of their baby girl.
( rev.
Heavy roads in some plane.
Robt. Bell, 3rd Don., was laid up with
la grippe teat week.
Min Jessie Liviogeton has been on the
sick list with la grippe.
Court of Revision on Hall drain will be
held at Ethel on Friday, 22nd inst.
Angus Shaw was away to Michigan at-
tending the funeral of hie mother.
Misses Carrie and Laura Mitohell, of
Molesworth, are visiting their ethane,
Mieaes Jessie and Susie Livingston.
Mrs. Henry Bateman, 6th Don., has
been rialto i11 for several weeks but is im
proving quite nicely now we are pleased
to state.
John Brown and wife have been away
on a holiday trip among old friende
They took the overland route with the
aped of grays.
Auction eale of farm and farm stook
at George Shiele, 15th con., on Tneeday
afternoon of next week. F. S. Soott, the
well known auctioneer, will wield the
People were eurprieed last week by the
scene of two young men in a cotter, at.
tanking a slab pile in the absence of a
whip. They have reason to be thankful
that the big white briok wait so far from
the road.
Blies Sadie, daughter of Dongald Mo•
Taggart, 16th eon., left on Thursday of
this week for Gravenboret, Out., where
ebe has obtained a eituatiin in the
tailoring establishment of H. P. Kohn,
We wish her a plateau time.
Joseph Bowman, 6th con., intends to
make a number of improvements in his
residence. He will nee metallic siding
on the onteide and the work to be done
will add both to the appearance and Dom•
fort of the home.
Mies Bremner and her friende of S. S.
No. 9, Gray, intend holding a concert in
the wheal on Thursday evening Marsh
glut. A good program of readings, regi.
talions, dialogues, moths, etc., is being
prepared and a good timeie anticipated.
Edward Speraic, who gold hie 50 aore
farm, South half lot 26, con. 11, to Moses
Henry, of Ethel, for $2,700, lieu leased
Hugh Foreyth'o farm, 6613 line, of Morris,
for a term of years and will move to it
shortly. . Mr. Forsyth latende removing
to Manitoba.
FARM BOUGHT.—Laet month Wm. H.
Raker Paro naee
d the 50 acre farm'
lot 38ioon.,10 from John Young. The
price e said to
be 9500. Mr. Baker is a
benevolent young man and, we geese, is
on the look oat for the bird au hie 'n
poesesaboo will give bim a plate to plant
hie new habitation. We wish him 0000000.
A Grey bachelor Saye if he could find a
maiden willing to wed with as thrifty a
pedigree au the 9th ton, housewives epok•
en of lately in Tun Pon he would be
quite willing to pop the question at eine,
Why ie it, Mr. Editor, that so many
Grey bachelors gq to Morrie or Enna for.
their wives 7 Our Grey girls ehould be
ae good an.the bast,
Bobt, Dark tows leased the Wm. Rand'e
property, Grahemville, and will reside
Mrs, Danoan Livingetone le home from
Bolfaet where the has been oaring for the
sick. She will go bank in a few days.
Mapnrnrovrar,.—Tneeday of Ellie week
Rev. D. B, McRae of Oraubrook, tied the
matrimonial knot at the residence of the
bride's mother, between Garret Maly and
Mies Lizzie eldest daughter of Mre, A.
Duncanson, That their future be happy
and peoeperone i0 the wish of many.
Thursday noon of thie week Rey, R, S.
G. Anderson, of Wroxeter, spoke the
magic worde at the residence of Joseph
Shaw, brother in-law to the bride, making
David Rae and Miss Annie McDonald, of
Wroxeter, hgeband and wife, Many
good wishes will be expreeeed for their
The contract for the new two story
brink cottage to be erected by Doagald
McTaggart, lot 21, don. 16, this ooming
semen has been let as follows :—A. Mo•
Lead has tbe etone work ;. Alex McNeil,.
Bennett, the brickwork and plastering
Aron. MaLean attends to the carpenter.
iog and W. J. Johnston, of Wilton, will
do the painting. Work is to be oomplet.
ed about Nov, let, Mr. MoTaggart has
a good share of the material hauled now.
The Exeter Advocate says of George
Orr, brother-in•law to Jae. McKinnon,
8th eon. :—There passed away at hie late
home, Exeter North, on Tueeday morn.
log, George Orr, at the age of 73 years..
The deoeaeed has been a long sufferer
from pulmonary trouble and bas been on
a gradual deoline for some months. He
leavers sorrowing wife and two (laughs
tare to mourn hie demise. The funeral
tookplan to the Exeter cemetery on
Thursday, The sorrowing family have
the sympathy of all in their sad trial.
The following item speaks for itself :—
Card of thanke.—To the officers and
members of Court Pride of the Weet, No,
31, 0. 0. F., Londesboro' :—I with to
thank the members for their kindness
shown to me during the illness and death
of my late husband. Also the officers of
the High Court for prompt payment of
cheque for 91,000 Insurance. I also wieh
to express my thanks to the many kind
friende of Court Oonetanoe, No. 156, who
rendered us each generous help in my
late haebaod'e long siege of illness, their
11104000, ]e very highly appreoiated in
deed. Signed, Mre. Annie Shiele, Win.
OBIT.—Reeve Tomball arrived home
last week from Ayr where he had been
attending the funeral of his uncle, Henry
Manson, an old and highly respected resi-
dent of North Dnmfriee, Waterloo• Co.,
who passed away on the 27th ult., aged
75 years. Deceased Dame from Ohiltree,
Ayrshire, Scotland, with hie parents, in
1833 looting in the bneh, where by hard
work and economical management fertile
fields were moo to be seen. In 3891 Mr,
Manson married Mise Margaret, daughter
of George Findlater, who with 4 eons and
a daughter survive ho'band and [ether.
The children are :—W. G., of Miseouri ;
Robt. H., of Nebraska ; Adam L., of
California ; Jno. A., and Mies Bessie 3„
on tbe homestead. The subject of this
notice was a faithful member of the
Presbyterian ehnroh, a life long Liberal
and well to do in the things pertaining
to this world. Funeral took plane to
Ayr cemetery, Rev. John Thompson, of
Knox ohoroh, conducting an appropriate
eervioe in the absence of the pastor of
9tanloy church, who was called away to
the funeral of his own relatives. The
pall bearers were Thos. Easton, Wm.
Riobmond, Robt. and Jno. Findlater,
brothers in-law, and H. Hollingeband and
Jae. Turnbull, nephews. Reeve Turn.
bull made his boyhood and young man-
hood home with the deoeaeed and has
nothing but good to say of one who wae
o footer father to him when hie parent
paeeed away.
alto r 0,880.
A few weddings are on the tapir
Townehip Opened next Monday.
Movinge are the order of the day on
the 8tb.
Miee Mande Code, .8th line visited
Blyth friende laet week.
Geo. Pieroe, 7th line;left 00 Monday of
last week for Manitoba.
Jno. Brown left on Monday, with a oar•
load of boreee, for Manitoba.
Smith Boo entertained a few friende
on Monday evening of last week.
Jae. 0 Dnnaan has secured a Sohool at
Golden Plaine, N. W. T. We wish him
Jere Sherrie, 4th line, ie laid op with
]nmbago but we hope he will soon be all
right again,
Jno. MoCall and family, of Holyrood,
have moved to their new borne, lot 10
con. 9, Morrie.
A wood bee was held at John Sharrie's
on Monday afternoon when 19 hande out
split, and piled between 25 and 30 cordo
of wood.
Next Sabbath Rev. D, Rogers, of Blue.
vale, is expected to preach Ednoational
(sermon at Snnehine Methodist ohuroh.
He's a good preacher.
Mies Kirkby has gone to, Stratford
where associated with Mies Ritohie, of
Gray, the will -engage in tailor dress
making. We wish the young ladies
0000000. They epent several seasons in
Toronto so know their baeinees all right.
A letter wae received by Jae. Duncan
from Frank Lambie, now in Grenoak,
Scotland; slating that he had been quite
ill with influenza and inflammation
whiob bad redaoed his avordupoia con
eiderabiy. Mr. Lambie hopes to sail
shortly now for Canada and will be' em•
cloyed by Mr. Dunne again on hie farm,
4th line.
BEDDING IN DAICO0A.—A letter was re.
owived last week by THE Poem from Thos.
Rands, of Tripp, South Dakota, former.
1 of the 6th line,Morrie, He says Y 5 •
"Tho mope here last year were very good,
prima fair end times are good at present.
Have had a very flue Winter with only a
few light falls of snow which only lasted
a few days at te time ; not enough enow
to make 'sleighing et any time. Stook
has ted out in fields all Winter. Ou
the let and 2nd of this , month some of
the ferment were working in the fields
and some have wheat sowed already but
it looks like forcing the moon yet,"
Feast Sozn.—Simon Forsyth hoe die.
pored of hie 100 aoro farm, Ote lino, to
James Hell for the ram of $2,800, and
the purchaser comes 11810 90800/01011 at
once. Mr, Foreythand tensile intend re.
mgving to Manitoba where they new Den
broad soros,
We are sorry to report that Thomas
Maunders' condition has not improved
daring the peat week. A oonealtatien of
physician's wee held but the outlook ie
not very hopeful. Robt. and Ernest
Maandere, who are attending Belleville
College, and Mrs, Dobson, of Hamigta,
Mao„ were telegraphed for on Thursday
of this week. Mies Maandere' going to
Zurich has been delayed owing to her
father's poeition.
SAD AMIDE 'S. •- Wedgeeday of last
week Charles Purvey and Joseph Robb,
let line, were (shopping in William Tam
vey'e bash; A falling troeoaught another
tearing off a limb and threw ]t beak bud
in 110 fall etraok the former a revere
blow on the book of the head fracturing
the skull and for a time rendering bim
unconeoione 00 soon as possible tbe injured
mac wee taken home and physicians
called and the patient is doing as well
Hoe meld be expected and hopes are enter.
tafnedof hie recovery. His left arm is
in the meantime paralyzed, enppoeed to
be canoed byipjury to the nerve centre.
Mr. Torvey ]e a married man and has
CMG child: Hie many old friende wish
him complete restoration at an early
date: It was a marvel he was not killed
on the spot as the limb wae 8'feet long by
8 inches think and fell about 50 feet.
He wore a heavy nap which no doubt
saved hie life as a portion of the head
gear was driven into hie head by the
force of the blow• Mr. Robb was not in.
jured and wae thereby ready to lend the
needed help to hie unfortunate comrade.
WEDDING BELLS. A joyons company
comprising about 80 gueeta, assembled at
tbe commodious and comfortable 0001•
denoe of John and Mre. Mooney—"Cedar
Lawn," 5th line, Morrie; on Wedoeeday
evening of this week to witness the tying
of the matrimonial bow between Peter
Barr, a well•to•do young gentleman of
tbe came line, and Mies Atelia Chambers,
adopted daughter of the boot and bootees.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Jno. Holmes, at 6 o'olook, W. R. Mooney
playing the Weddiug March. Mr. Moon•
ey gave the bride away. The bridesmaid
was Mies Annie Chambers, sister of the
bride, while John Barr, brother to the
groom, filled the important post of
groomsmau. Gowned in a costume of
amazon cloth, satin finish, trimmed with
white satin and pearls, andcarrying an
elegantboquet of flowers, the bride looked
charming indeed. The bridesmaid wee
moat beoominely.attired in a costume of
fawn with pink satin and applique.
After very hearty congratulations the
company eat down to a most enmptaoae
dinner, arranged in Mre. Mooney'e beet
style, to which ample justice was done.
Wedding gifts, elegant, neeful and vale.
able were mode bespeaking tbe popularity
of the contracting parties. An enjoyable
time was spent by all, reprogram of vocal
and instrumental mooio, congratulatory
speeches by Rev. John Holmen and W.
Hartry, and a good supply of social
games, filling in the happy hours. The
home was neatly decorated with
evergreens, flowers and myrtle. The
happy oonple left for their own home
followed by the hearty 000gratnlations
of the company, whioh will be cordially
seconded by many who were not at the
wedding for their future happiness and
prosperity. THE Poem throws an edi.
tonal slipper . atter Mr. Barr and bride
wbo'abmmonoe married life under moat
favorable anepieeo.
There will be a new election in the con-
stituency of West Heron for the seat in
the Local Legislature— the Court of
Appeal having March 12th, dismissed the
appeal of Hon. J. T. Gamow, who en-
deavored to tweet the judgment of the
Eleatioo Court, which nneeatdd him.
No written judgment was handed out.
The•jndges of the Court of Appeal held
e aouaultation, and when the court opened
Tuesday Chief Justine Armour made the
following annonneement:—
"The judges who beard the appeal in
the Weet Heron one are ananimooely of
the opinion chat the judgment of the
court appealed from is right and should
be confirmed. Theappeal is therefore
dismissed with costs."
Mr. Garrow was unseated became of
the corrupt practices of Walter Vanetone,
who was held to be an agent. Mr. Gar.
row contended, upon appeal, that Van.
atone was not anagent, but this evidently
failed before the Court of Appeal.
[Oontinded from last week.]
McDermott vs. Lambkin.—This was
an notion for assault and battery brought
by John McDermott against Edwin W.
Lambkin, both puttee being of the town.
ship of Howiok at the time, There was
a quarrel between the two in regard to
some property, which resulted in the
assault complained of. Anson Spotton
(Harrieton) for plff. ; E, L. Dickinson for
deft. The jdry brought in a verdict for
plff. for 9100, to which his Lordship ad-
ded costs.
Allan vs. Allan.—An action for all
mony. The defendant, Wm. Allan, of
the township of Howiok, and hie wife -had
been eeij'11iarkted for emoted years. W. H.
Blake (Toronto) for plff. ; E. L. Diokiu•
n for f. the nalusi n of t
eo o deft. At o0 o the
heating a deoree wae given in plaintiff's
favor for alimony with ooete (party and
Party), with reference 10 Master at Glide -
rich to fix the eum
o bepayabley weekly.
Logan et al. vs. Logan et al.—An ao
tion for the oonetruotion of the will of the
late Wm. Logan, of Bayfield. Philip
Holt, K, 0., for piffo. ; W. Proudfoot for
adultdefte. ; J. T. Garrote, K. 0., for in-
fante. Judgment wae reserved,
Stewart vs. Stewart.—An tuition for the
reotifloation of the will of the late Thos.
Stewart, of the townehip of Ashfield. 0.
Seager for plff, ; Philip Holt, K. 0.. for
deft. Mie Lordship ordered judgment to
be entered rectifying the will as asked ;
coats to all parties out of the rotate.
1 0lnle0 vs. Ming.—An action for the
prise of some apples, was postponed to
the next non -jury sittings.
The following ie the report of Brunie
Public Sohool for the month of
February :—
P. S. L.—Examined in Comp., Arith.,
Bookkeeping, Spelling ;—
A Ross 433 B Scott '147
B Mollelvey ..424 B Howe 346
E Funeton ....400 N McGuire'288
L Rose 873 G Thomson....270
R Zimmer .,367 Fr Ham 35
H Gooding ....348
l'RlnrAl13'.—Dxamined in Oomp., Aritb.,
Latin, Gram. :—
L Holmes 369 I Williams ....264
F Armstrong 853 I' Buchanan....920
M Skene 294 0 Ziliiax 202
L Nichols 263 0 Rioharde .... 66
ENTnataca,—Examined in Geo., Phys.,
Spell., Hist. :—
R McKenzie628 .S Scott 391
B Geddes 606 H Ainley 852
N Irwin 502 W Ament 834
W Zilliax 494 A Smith 932
B Bone 454 0 Mainprize....302
M Thompson 446 ' P Rioharde ....291
E Wilton 444 E Baeker 211.
0 MoOraoken ..416 W Hayorof1194
M MoLenohlin 398 M Scott 59
Spelling metoh, P. S. L. and Entrance
—Ada Ross.
J. H. Oatnaov, Principal.
Boots 2.
JR. 3Ro.—Examined in Spell., Gram.,
Arith., Geo. ; total 600 :—
E Adams 496 L Leatherdale 43e
V Blashill 495 J Bloomfield ..413
P Leatherdale462 E Colvin 407
T Zimmer ....457 J Burgess 388
0 Wilber 442 E Ament 386
SR. 3nn.—Examined in Spell., Geo.,
Hist , Arith. ; total 500 :—
B Rose. 500 R PRgh 402
A Rosa 498 E Carrie 879
L Danford ....477 A McQuarrie 877
J Armstrong ..473 A Scott 375
R Deadman.., .458 G Zilliax 3611
E Cameron 448 R Sinclair 382
J Mooney 443 L Edwards ....380
N Forbes 417 W Roche 297
F Thompson ..405 R Lowry 270
141 Ament 402 H Riohards....257
J. 4111 —Examined in Hist., Geo.,
Arith., Spell. ; total 500 :—
V Danford 494 0 Hingeton....429
G Roes 471 A Lott 380
A MoMillan....458 B Megaton 378
M MoArter ....450 J Thomson 857
B Beattie 447 W MoGuire....352
O Mooney 439 R Ainley 527
M Rose 439 K MoDougall..313
R Plum 431
Miss M. L. BROOK, Teaoher
xoom 3.
JR. Sine—Examined in Geo., Arith.,
Gram., Lit., Dict. ; total 500 :—
A Martin 420 W MoQuarrie ..348
J Wilton 413 MMcNichol...,312
J Doll 402 J Kerr 287
A Sager 392 J Moore 253
H Brothers....384 L Sinclair 285
Geo Ross 862 V Barrett 211
So.2Nn.—Examined in Arith., Geo.,
Diot,, Lit. ; total 500 :—
P Basket 486 V MoKonzie....294
G Armstrong 428 W Scott 290
A Jackson ....413 F Stratton 283
M Brothers ....897 0 Gerry 281
C Soott 386 W Richardson -272
A Thomson375 L MoArter ....263
V Wilbee 372 J Ament 257
C Bell 368 Al Jaakeon ....242
F Oampboll368 K Harbottle....230
W Strachan347 W Hendereon..217
K Deadman345 0 Holmes 211
S Campbell ....328 E Grigg 194
W Turnbull....322 A MoMillan190
F Scott 814 M Miller 187
A Dowding ....310 F Miller 175
F MoKenzie....300
JR. 2Nn.--Examined in Arith., Geo.,
Dict., Lit. ; total 500
0 Simmons ....430 M Birt 290
J Wilbee 427 0 Denbow ....276
8 Ament 414 W eloOraoken..268
T Armstrong 403 W Wilton 251
8 Walker 397 T Friendship ..237
W Bell 384 E Grigg 218
E Ewan 362 E Currie 200
Mise M. T. DOWNEY, Teaoher.
Jo.2en.—Exatninod in Writ„ Arith.,
Lit„ Draw., Dict. ; total 375 :—
H Barrett 283 J Wilton 189
E Colvin 269 H Moore 149
E Good 212 F Mainprize .. 77
E Wilton 180
GLASS IV.—Examined in Read., Arith.,
Draw., Writ., Diet. ; total 300 :—
F Scott 284 B Currie 206
M Jones 273 V Walker 203
O McMillan....263 O Ament 192
E Wilbee 250 V Mo0utoheon 140
E Forsyth 237 K Ament 133
F Oakley 237 L Denman .... 40
W McKay 236
CLASS III.—Ext mined in same sub.
jeote ; total 300 :—
A Roes 288 J Cooper 156
W Adams 286 R Rothe 147
I Barkley 273 0 Jackson ....141
F Gerry 240 W Ainley 1I9
W Lott 287 N Ewan 110
J Henderson ..219
Caen I — xn ll nt—J Armstrong, ,S
Fox, E Deadman, E Mni'adzoan, R
Haist, E Gilpin, V Ainley, H Campbell,
E Plum, Goad—E Somers, 0 Lowry, W
Long,F Friendship, W Long. F
Burton, ➢ Edwards.
Ouse I.— Ilxoellent — G Oakley, S
Gerry, M Burgess, H Mooney, W Ham.
Good—G. Wilbee, S Burgess, J McNichol.
Fair—G Jamieson.
Mise JEAN RITCHIE, 'Teacher.
Arthur Little, a woodman, was driven
out of camp by hie foreman near Genial('
River, Out., and was found frozen to
death in a snowdrift,
ttraeaoloSohool hoard,
The monthly meeting of Brgeeele Pah.
lio So11oo1 Board woo held in the Beard
room qn Friday evening of this week.
Present Chairmen Turnbull, J, G. Skene,
W. Bieehlll and W. M. Sinclair.
Minutes of last meeting read and pees.
Accounts wore presented es follows :—
D. A. Lowry, wood 9 112 00
S. Wilton, new bell 47 9$
Thos. Newsome, planing bell6 00
Moved by W, M. Sinolair, 90000504 by
J. G. Skene that shove a000unte be paid.—
Moved by J. G. Roue, seconded by W.
Bleehilt,that the eum of $225 be borrow.
ed from the Standard Bauk to pay teach,
era' salaries for querter.—Oarried.
Principal Cameron's monthly report
for February was es follows :-
1 ,... 39 38 751
2 .... 62 57 1133
8 .... 69 55 1092
4 .,.. 61 44 891
Board then adjourned.
Service fn the R. 0. ohuroh next Bab.
Good Friday April 5th and Eaoter
Sunday April 7th.
"Obrist and Pilate" will be the theme
of next Sabbath's Sunday Sobool lesson.
See helpful notes in this issue.
Rev, Jno. Holmes preanhed het Sab-
bath morning from the text Ie. 44 and 7
and in the evening the subjeot was "Why
men are not more largely represented in
church work 7 " Matt. 20 and 20 was
the Boripture eeleoted. The exoa000
offered were taken ap and answered.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Roes,
B. A„ gave a short Missionary address
on "Holdiug forth the Tamp of life," be-
fore the regular sermon. The text
chosen was Jer. 22:29, "0 1 earth, earth,
earth hear the word of the Lord." At
the evening service tbe topic wae "The
thorn in the flesh" showing Paul's ooh.
fidenoe in God's dealings.
PERSONA 4 PAItAt4 RA ('118.
Rose Beattie is holidaying at Seaforth.
Fred. Hayoroft, of Seaforth, was in
town over Sunday.
Mr. Clark, of the American Hotel, was
in London this week.
R. Rose, of Toronto, was visiting at
Jas. Jones' over Sunday.
Watson Ainley and wife spent several
days an the 14th of Grey.
Thos. Newsome wae away to Moorefield
this weak on a bneioese trip.
E. 0. Danford has been a little out of
aorta this week with la grippe.
Mre Wm. Cope, of Vauconver, ie the
guest of Mre. R. Leatherdale.
Allan Rae and Henry Smith, of Wrox-
eter, were in town on Friday.
Mies Sadie Jamieson has returned to
town after a visit of several weeks.
Barrister Blair 80880 in Goderioh for a
few days last week on legal bueineee.
George Roes was holidaying with hie
grandparents at Ethel for a few days.
Mre. Alex. McAllister and eon, of
Ethel, are visitors at Mre. D. 0. Rowe',
Mies Lizzie McRae, of Oranbraok, is a
visitor with Mrs. J. H. Kerney, Brussels.
Muir Thomson, of Listowel fe visiting
at Jno. Tait's, the latter being his anole.
Jno. Putland and Mies Annie were in
Brunetti on Friday, driving over from
Harry Downing baa gone to Glenboro',
Manitoba, where he expeote to name a
Jno. Leckie wad Master Charlie of
Toronto, were 010111ng in Brussels during
the past week.
Miele Dore Shaw is visiting her eieter
Mre. Davey, who reeidee at Seaforth and
is in poor bealth.
E, B. Creighton, of Hamilton, took a
run up on Saturday to visit hie parents.
He returned on Thereday.
J. H. Sperling, of Whiteohnroh, is
spending a few days visiting relatives and
friends in Brneeele and locality.
Mies Livingston, the new milliner at
Mre. Rogers', arrived in town on Tues-
day. We hope Che will enjoy her stay in
Will. Leatherdale and Howard Earthy
were visitor0 at R. Leatherdale's, comiug
on Saturday and returning Monday
Mrs. 0. Wilson, of Berlin, and Miss
Lizzie Zilliax, of Listowel, were visitors
with Mrs. and Mips Zilliax during the
past week.
Mrs, (Rev.) Holmes left on Satnrday
to visit her stater Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, of
Exeter, who has been in poor health for
some time.
Alias Minnie Moore has gone to St.
Thomas where ebe will remain for some
time after a eitort holiday under the
parental roof.
Mise Jeanie Howe has been on the sick
list this week with pleariey. Mies Geor-
gia Howe has been taking Mies Jenoie's
eohoot in Grey township.
Geo. T. Shaw, of Great Falls, Montana,
and son are visiting at the former'o
father's, James Shaw, Braeseis. It is
10 years 01000 Mr. Shaw left here.
The Teeewater Newe of last week
soya: Jno. Shaw drove to Wiogham on
Thursday evening to enable biro tooatoh
the early G. T. R. train on Friday morn.
ing for Morrice, Mich. He went in
response to a telegram saying that his
mother was seriously 111, The old lady
passed away aged 90 years,
Rev. R. Paul P
enjoyed three upsets last
Sabbath afternoon while attemptingto
drive from Bluevale to Eadio'e ehurob
along with hie grandson. Unlike hie
omenta! namesake he could not say
"None of these things move me," even if
he does plump the scales 01 over 200
MOB Annie Young 10 book from an en.
joyable visit with friende at Mitohell and
London. She will leave for her home at
Moosomin, Men., next week, visiting
Km. 0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, on the
way. Mies Fonnghas been engaged to
teach their borne 0ebotl for the ooming
term so will moraine the pedagooio ruler
on her arrival.
ADDiTSONAL 1,115AL NItiv8.
Nim, Monday evening a meeting of the
town Oonooil and Chief and Captain of
the Fire Brigade will he held to diseneS
matters of interest Go both.
A Moats== of our townspeople spent en
enjoyable time at the home of Ju
Mooney, Morris, on Wednesday mottle;
in connection with the marriage of Peter
Barr and Min Atelia Chambers.
Beetemoao —As may by seen by notice
elsewhere in this issue Miso Alinda (Liu )
daughter of Sao. Pathted, now of Blyth,
and Wilfrid Bremen, both of Chobham,
were united in the holy bonds of mer•
nage in that town on Saturday of last
week. Rev. Dr, Hannon performed the
ceremony, Mr, and Mrs. Bremen will
continue to reside in Chatham and will
commence married life with the beat
wisher of a large oirole of friende, Ton
Poem in the number.
trains were cancelleaftenood ori thioand linenight owing
to the snow storms. Early Thursday
morning the snow plow Dame down from
Kincardine rind opened the way for the
belated train from the East whish mi riv
ed here about 8 a. m. The eeme train
returned from Kincardine the same Pore•
aeon and we hope regales' oommunioa•
Rom will now be kept open. Going
without the daily papers, even for a day,
is regarded as quite a hardship these
days. In the long ago a mail
once a week was considered very fair.
will observe by the marriage notice in
this laser that Jno. M. 11. Young, of
Moosomin, Man., who was a one time
resident of Brussels, leaving here about
20 years ago, aid Mies Lucretia, daugh-
ter of James Oliver, of tbie town, were
united in marriage at Verden, Man., on
Wednesday of Iasi week, going to their
future home at Mooaomiu the following
day. Cupid bas thereby scored another
victory by the oonsammation ofa oourt•
ship begun in other days. That their
future may be fall of happiness and Sao•
oene ie the united wish of old friende both
East and Weet.
LEVEL BEanEn.—Your oorreapoodent
would like to euggect the need of reform
in the manner of conducting funerals, in
regard to which it is the fregaeet ground
of complaint that they do not leave the
house at the time oppomted,.and in the
severe weather of our Oanedtan Winter
tbone who remain waiting are liable to
take cold. Let arrangements be made
beforehand so that the eervioe may be
concluded and the hearse ready to leave
the hour announced. Another suggestion:
as a rule mention is made in the ohnrohae
of those wbo died duriug the preceding
week, and in many oases eervi008 are held
in their memory. This own be done in
warmth and shelter, and renders nn.
neae0eary long services cm the day of the
funeral. It would be well it an earnest
effort were made by alt religious bodies
and lodged to ehorteo if possible all forme
of eervioe for the dead on the day of the
funeral, remembering that the weather
is n0 reepeotor of persona and that many
oases of serious illness may be traced to
the viotim'e having naught cold while
waiting for a funeral to start.
WELL Keowet re Bltuosees. — J. D.
Stewarb, of Rosseldale, Follarton town-
ship, has been appointed to take charge
of Oauediten food products at the Glas-
gow exhibition. "Mr. Stewart will leave
for Ottawa on the 16011 inst., and wilt
sail shortly afterwards for Glasgow.
Appointment is an eminently appropriate
one. Mr. Stewart spent 16 years of hie
younger life in Glasgow, 10 of which wee
as a traveller in the wholesale grocery
trade. For 21 years he wae a traveller
in tde same bueineee in Ontario, at the
same time managing sucaeeofully a small
stook and fruit farm at Rooseldale, where
he aohieved a high reputation for his
Jersey cattle, fruit and poultry. For the
past 8 years he has been taking a reek
from commercial pursuits, giving his en.
tire attention to hie farm. With his in-
telligence, the wide knowledge he poseeeees
of the country, and his Glasgow memo -
tion, he should make a most valuable
official, and his many friende in business
oirolee in Western Outerio, as well au
the farming community, will be pleased
to hear of hie appointment. Mr. Stewart
its capable in every way to perform the
duties and ie possessed of an enthusiasm
for his adopted oonntry which will prove
to his advantage in drawing the atten.
tion of visitors to the exposition to our
food products and to the Dominion as an
nosurpaoeed field for intending immi.
ROOM FOR AROnmENT.—At a repent
meeting at Toronto of Fall Fair prompt.
ere the following doubtful statement is
given :—"F. Metcalf, of Blyth, said there
should be a fairer distribution of the
funds allowed agricultural associations.
"In our riding," said Ise, "the electoral
district show ie bald at Brussels. That
has a grant from the province of 9380,
while our township show held at Blyth
received 9117. Still our show is the
better of the two. Our gate receipts last
year, on the basis of 10 and 15 cents per
head totalled 4735.86 while the receipts
at Bruesele were lees than $500." We
have not the slightest objection for Mr.
Metcalf to say all the nice thine he
likes about their Fall Fair, which Der•
Minty does attract a large attondanoe,
bet hie oomparieone ebould be fair.
When be states that Blyth show is better
than Breeze's there ie room for a wide
difference of opinion. Gate reoeipls are
not the only criterion of the etanding of
a Fair, but even in thio respect Mr.
Meteatf'e opinion regarding our gate re-
turne (at 10 and 15 cents and every mem.
her supplied with two tickets) is wide of
the mark. A OonParl90n of prize lists
would prove interesting along the line as
to which 10 leader. If we are not mitt -
taken Blyth Fair directors only give one
tioket to eaoh member which will of
coarse lend valuable aid to their gate
money, bat jostloe the members for the
extra coin.
The' pootofiioe and A. 0. U. W. lodge
at Hespoler wore destroyed by fire, and
Mr. Lopeleyrn shoo Wick wee damaged,
D. A. P. Coleman of Torouto Deliver.
ally, hao been reoonsmonded to mooed
the late Dr. Dawson as head of the
GoOlogioal Seevey.