HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1901-3-7, Page 8T A B
Par the Teeth, 1
We belle lately e0el7e11 0 nioe
tieleethen 0 QOMa Whet WO
belleVe to be the beet and handiest a All
preperationa for cleaning the teeth. We
belie also 50. nioe powder for 0hi purpose
whith We een glee 'ou in Any qgentity,
For the Hair!
We have a new elook 5160 of Hair
Bendiest, imeerted for 00 and have them
from 200 to 61.25 ench. We are alwaye
on the leok•inte for good value in Hair
For the Bust!
We have a large assortment of
Whiske and Clothes Brushes from 10o.
each np,
28 Different Soaps
We bave recently added to out etook
o Toilet Settee and now have Aboiee Of
28 different Mode. We have an exeellent
athortMent of 59 and 10° %lob In 6 and 0
OftaeS 477 201). The Stook 111201E00 Olive
011 and OPOI1411201), Glycerine and Oar.
baliC), ButterMilk. Infante' Delight, Cada •
mere, Wroth, jeekey 010, Peau D
Defeette, (eve
We have a Make (specially for doge
oo 11 you have a dog dale Will Mgt you.
Ooe Vfeilld think et the petite we dell
our Soepa that no one would be guilty of
stealing them. Whether it wee a corn
Aliment to Ile or not thole one W50 SO
ritual taken up With them that they
walked of with three oboiee egkera We
are quite Imre iG paver page
eopeohelly at the price we sell Soaps. We
aim to give oar thatoneere plauty to eebsot
from no matter what it may be.
Druggist, Optioian and
Trains leave Braude Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOING 6021Tis, 00100 NORTH,
Express 7:18 0.133. Mail 2:10 p.m
Mmed 0:45 a.m. I Bxereati 8:17 Pan
rata' 346Th items.
A. °hies among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
MACOABED supper on the 19th inSt.
THURSDAY, April 4th, next Horse Fair.
Seinen Board Friday evening of this
THE los harvest continues. Sample is
Very good.
Tan new bell for the Pablio school
arrived here this weak.
Lome out for Ewaa & 00e. new advt. of
Spring display of wheeled oonveyanoes.
Tan week a oar of lumber wae received
by P. Ament and a oar of briok by Jae.
Reeve li•oss and Win. Thomson were
curling with Wroxeter on Wednesday
agaiukt Harriston.
Smyth open fumed watch found and left
in my care. Owner may have it by pay.
Mg for tide advt. T. r`LETCHER, Brussels.
D. Eine bite purohthed a new Taylor
safe for the custody of documents
and oath in connection with his oarriege
TEE Matioahee Lodge of Brussels
have deoided to hold a tea meeting on the
evening of Tuesday, 19th inst., in their
Lodge room.
WEDDINGS &Mineralog this' eeaeon. A.
Brussels tailoring establishment bas taken
orders for sine matrimonial outfits in the
past two weeks.
Tan local Orange Lodge is making
preliminery arrangement for the coming
thlebratioi, of July 12:11. in Breath's.
The 12th oomee on a Friday this year.
Sootex..—Tbe Ladiee' Aid of the Meth-
odist Church intend giving a ethial at the
home of James Oliver, the rookie reel -
donne, next Tuesday evening, 12th inat.
Admission 10 cents. A. good program
will be provided.
Omen to the unavoidable absence at
Toronto of Ioepeotor Miller, the prose-
cutor in tbe liquor oases set down for
hearing on Friday of this week, a further
adjournment will probably be ordered
until some aftermath of next week.
CHIEF tVtl. MARTIN, of the Sone of
Sootland, and W. H Kerr, of Tax Pose,
were honored with complimentary tickets
to Burne' annivereary supper at Gode
rich Thursday evening of this week bat
both had to decline with considerable re•
RONALD Brining Womn.—The London
Free Preen of last Monday says :—The
amount of stook sttbsoribed for the bring
ing of the Ronald Fire Engine 0o., of
Brussels, to this city, has about been ex.
beaded, and the promoters of the projeot
are quite oonfident of olosing up the deal
within a few weeks.
Fon JEWETVILLE, N. Y.—Thureday of
thie week Rioh. Roobe, the well known
horse trainer, left for Jewetville, N. Y,,
not far from Buffalo, with five rase
boreee to be trained on the covered half
mile traok in that place. ,The equines
are Bessie X, Berl Ferguson and Fred.
Wilkes, owned by W. Kidd, of Listowel ;
Lord Oohed% the property of Inoe Gen
tlea, of Kincardine; and a Slander oolt
belonging to Jae. O'Leary, of Petrolia.
There are three panes and two trotters
in the string and they will all be entered
in races this coming season.
MRS. ROGERS hag engaged the servion
of Mies Livingston as Milliner for the
coming eeaeon. bliss Mamie Sample will
tumid Mies Roddiok again this year.
A. alga of Bruerele curlers went to a
boniepiel at Lnoknow on Thursday after.
noon between Huron and Bruce oonntiee
for a trophy. Our players were D. C.
Roes, J. N. Gorden, W. F. Soott and W.
House FAIR.—The last monthly Horse
Fair for this eeaeon will be held in Brus-
sels on Thursday, April 4111. Thie will
probebly be the biggest1Fair of the eeaeon
and likely tbe best. Brussels leads them
all in monthly horse fairs.
CONTRACT MM.—Druggist Fox hae let
the °entrain for bis new residence to Jno.
Hunter, of Oranbrook. The various de-
partments of work will be undertaken as
followie—Stone work, A. H. McKay; briok
N. Purcell; wood work, Jao. Hooter;
plastering, D. A. Lowry ; plumbing,
Wilton & Turnbull ; painting ; A. Sample.
Arohiteot Binning will be the inspector.
Work will be completed by Oot. 180.
Oen.—The late Rev. Robert Hendee.
of Auburn, and until recently pastor
of the Presbyterian congregations of
Blanchester and Smith's Hill, Huron
Presbytery, wae oalled to hie rest and
reward on Tueeday evening, Feb. 26511,
1901. He had premised morning and
evening on the Sabbath previous at Hen•
salt for Rev. J. B. Henderson aid had
jest returned home about noon on Mon-
day when be was prostrated by a very
severe attack of abdominal pain wbioh
euded in death the following evening.
D,00aeed had been suffering more or lees
at different intervals for three or four
years previously from what hie medical
advisers pronounced to be a kind of in.
digestion, but with indomitable resolu•
tion, eal hereto fortitude he bas struggled
against its painful and enfeebling effeote
and oontinued hie work in the gospel
minietry which was so dear to his heart,
Lill the Master called him home. After
teaching school for some yeare, seven of
which he wee Principal of Myth Public
sobool, he felt constrained by the call of
duty to prepare for the work of tbe gospel
ministry, and graduated from Montreal
Presbyterian College where he had taken
a high standiug in his °lasses and had
won robolarships. In due time he so
cepted o sail to Bayfield emit. Bethany,
Huron Presbytery, where hie work wae
greatly blessed and after two years and
four months of very diligent and suooese.
fed labor there he was nailed to Blanches•
ter and Smith's Hill, which pastoral
obarge he demisted on January 20th of
this year on account of continued ill -
health, baying been eight yeare and four
months in that pastorate. On August
15th, 1898, he married Mies Annie B.,
youngest daughter of Alex, Young, er., of
Colborne Township, and sister of Revde.
Jobe Young, of Hamilton and Colin
Young, of Prince Albert, N. W. T., who
proved a worthy, and efficiient helpmeeb
for him in his work and who has the
warmest sympathy of the whole com.
inanity in her sad and sudden bereave.
meth. Two of bin brothers also are
ministers of the gospel, Andrew Render.
000, EL A , now of blagnetawats, formerly
of Atwood, and John G. Henderson, of
Ookeeburg, South Carolina , U. B. A.,
and hie three other eurviving brother°,
Huh David, of Whitechurch ; William,
of Bervie, and Thomas, of Toronto, are
Elders in their respective oongragetione
and Hugh D, was elected Grand Chap.
lain of the Oanadian Order of Foresters
at its annual meeting last week in
Sarnia. The funeral, which took plaoe
on Friday Met from Auburn to God's.
rioh oemetery, was a very large one, a
large number being unable to gain ad.
mission to the church with* was draped
in mourning and had many beautiful
flowers about the pulpit and platform.
The procession of persona taking a tare•
well look at the remaith oontlitned for
fatly twenty minute's, many eyes being
wet with tears. A lovely wreath on the
coffin bore the worde"Our Pastor." The
ministers taking part in the service at
the church were Reside, Sewers, of Bruin -
field ; McLean, of Blyth ; Hamilton, of
Goderioh, and Whaley, of St. Helena,
while Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Goderiels,
oonducted the servioe at the grave.
Rev. A. McLean, of Myth, who bad
known Rev. Mr. Henderson for over
twenty yearn, gave a very beautiful and
sympathetio address in whiob he referred
to him as an ideal teacher, hie exampm
and influence being always on the side of
what was pure and good; a true man
and a fitithfal and devoted Christian.
He had always helped hire in hie work to
the utmost extent that lay in his power
and ae a minister he bad given such an
uplift to Bayfield and Bethany that they
were dill feeling its good effeote, Hie
ministry in Manchester and Smith's Hill
was known to them all as a faithful, af•
feationate mod successful one and he him.
self had remarked to the deceased that
he had heard nothing against him and
that there was 00 000100 bat hie ill•bealth
why big oberge ehotild be demitted. His
memory was sweet to laim. So paeeed
away a most faithful and devoted
minister of the gospel ; an insinuative
and able preacher; aud a kind and eym.
pathetic pester who "being dead yet
"A. few short yeare of evil pain,
We reach the happy shore,
Where death—dieided friends at last,
Shall meet to peat no more."
purposes entering upon a vigerons oam
peep to olear up back aubseriptiona,
aome of them long pain due. With the
big inoreaee in the cost of paper, type,
seppliee, &a., and the relmposition of
postage it becomes a matter of stern n8.
meshy to every publisher to get the oath
for their output era promptly as possible.
Several of our subsoribere, who were in
aereore, have been squaring np for whiob
we are very grateful, bat others are very
widen about it and as a otheemienoe we
have hundreds of dollen Buttered
through the aountry instead of in our
pocket to enable as to pity our way in the
world. The address label shows the
standing of the eubeariber and we would
kindly ask each readee in arrears to take
a look 01 10 and promptly remit amount
to balance. In some oases we fear we
will have to adopt (more severe measures
to get our own bin we will try to avoid
this an far ae possible and hope these in•
dances will be few. We know enough
of a few enbeoribers, however, to express
the opinion that the Courts will have to
aid us. THIO Pose is anxious to extend
its °incitation, and ewe are pleased to
state we are doing so, but dead heads
are neither ornament nor nee on a mail.
ing lid and wet good money every week.
Will you phew aid us in thie 20th Cen-
tury movement to thorns up thereby add-
ing to our convenience and your owe
happineee at being out of debt, to thy
nothing about expenee neoesearily in.
ended in 0 Mooting atsounts. A. dollar
or so is nth meth to the individual sub.
athiber but when it is multiplied by
hundreds it becomes a minter :of settees
impedance to the newepaper men.
A Mt ot cattle was dapped by 4,0,
1)00108 001 Thnroda
TAM week 19, Eine & Co, sold a tine
tQp boggy to P. „Holmes of ado pleise,
Jee. Wienxita bae SOW prnniMon
to 8, T. inee, of Breesele, and Thoth
aeOtt, Of Morriei
Coledeithli vieLetestimei galte too Pato
who did sot know how to este foe them
bone, on Thursday, 00 short "(Mee" eX•
98;186007008.e Howe heti rented the store re.
thinly vathted by 13. C. Denford b Son
And will keep a etoels of tweeds, blaneete,
Yarns, &O. He will also boy wool or take
it in exchange tot' geode.
Mite. WALKER tits remeith of
Mrs. John Walker, who died in Pennell.
yards, 17, Se last Senday, aged about 80
years, were brought to Brathele on
Tuesday and interred in the oemetery
hate alongeide that of her linebend, who
died some 80 years ago of blood poieon.
Rev, R, Paul concluded the eervioe.
Dethased's maiden name wae Mary DWI.
ley, she being a sister to Jae. Dudley, of
tole lociality. Mr. aod 51re. Walker were
former residents of the 12th thee Grey,
and were identified with early Methodism
in Brussels. Asthma and a throat
trouble, coupled with old mem, was the
Mine of death, after an throne of several
moullera She had been a very hearty
woman and left a large family. Mee.
Richard Harrison, of Walktertoo, who
was here for the funeral, is her daughter,
Mr. Harrison and her eon, Jerry Walker,
thoompauted the remain to Bruesels.
for March by the Rev. Ira R. Enka are
as followe :—.Tbe let and 2nd daye of
Mardi will be oolder and olearing iu
Western extremes of the eountry. The
higher barometer cad Awl) change to
welder following these storms will rapidly
subside ins the approaob of the 5011, and
from tbe 501 to tbe 7011 -d,aided storm
oouditious will return. Within forty-
eight hours of 5 o'olook p. m. on the 50,
no one should be eurptheil by the op.
pearanon of depend storms, with poesibie
hurrioane to the South, with counter•
part of a great boreal storm of rain, wind
and enow from the North.weet. The full
moon on the oele.tial equator on the 5th
and tbe day following is a time to b.
prudently watched by all whose interente
and safety are liable to be jeopardized by
dangerous storms on sea and lend.
Lightning and thunder will visit .most
'notions during the first stages of these
perturbations, but a blizzard of no paean
proportioue will likely come out of the
North.weet on and touching the edh and
7011, Watch and see 1 From the 9011 to
the 18th is a regular storm period.
From about the 9th to 18th, abnormal
eleotrical phenomena, mob as aurreas,
eleotrio winds charging objeote on the
earth's endues with electricity, earth
oarrents disturbing telegraphic Menu.
ments, thooder storms and volcanic
seismic, dietorbenoee. Tbe Venue per•
tarbation, which is central in April, 8.1-0
000100 10 au a disturbing teener at the
crisis in our Mardi disturbances. Ex.
°apt, therefore, many very decided storms
and other happenings of peculiar, but not
necessarily dangerous character. The
Lith to 17th will cionstitute a reactionary
time of atone, and generally unsettled
and unpleasant weather whioh will
eoarcely subside until we enter what we
believe to be the greatest storm period of
the mouth. Thie period is shown by the
etorm diagram to be from the 16th to the
95th. Oar own coasts especially in the
South, will hardly be exempt from a
share in the disturbances cine at or near
this period. Hem/ ram and thunder
storms, with possible torpedoes, will
vieit many interior amnions, and snow,
sleet and blizzard will wind up the
general turmoil in North-western, central
and Northern puts of the oottatry. The
last storm period runs from the 26th to
29th. March clothe fair and 000l.
Next Sabbath, Rev. R. Paul will preach
in Bluevale for Rev. W. J. West.
Rev. Jim. Roes B. A., and D. 0. Rose
attended Maitland Presbytery in Wrox.
mar on Tuesday.
"Whet people lose who attend cherish
irregularly" will be Rev. Jae. Hames'
evening subjeot next Sunday.
Bev. Jno. Ross, B. A., preached last
Sabbath morning on the "Poolof Siloam"
taking the Phyviohm ae his subjeat He
had (1) Keen perception ; (2) Tender
pity Power to heal. II Oor. 12 2:7 was
the Soripture selected, Paul's revelation
in his Christian experiethe at the even.
ing eervioe.
Melville March sent a good delegation
to the W. F. U. S.Preebyterial gathering
in Wroxeter on Tuesday, the fodowing
ladies being in attendances :—Mre. (Rev.)
Roes, Mrs. Geo. Thomson, Mrs. D. B.
Moore, Blre. Jae. Kerr, Dire. A. MoGnire,
Bin. P. Amain, Mts. N. M. Richardson,
Mrs. Walter Iunee and Mine Bate Smith.
The load upset near Breathes cheese no
tory on the outward trip and Mrs. W.
Martin wag thrown against the wire fence
receiving a out on her faoe which mem.
palled her ratan home. It was fortunate
others in the party were not injured also.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Holmes' sermon was on "The Betrayal."
In the evening there woe a platform meet.
ing on Temperance instead of the usual
preaohing service. The pastor presided
and cooduoted the opening and closing
exercises. Miss Minnie MoNaughton
oontributed an excellent reading entitled
"The story the legend told " ; the ohuroh
choir rendered "Marohing to (Janette,"
"Lo 1 He etandeth knocking," "Rally all
for Temperanoe," and "Where ie my boy
to•night, ' Mise Ella Ainley baking the
solo in the latter. Blies M. L. Brook
gave an interesting, well prepared and
very practical address ou "The effeote of
Intemperance." The [subjoin was we.
eidered ender the heath Peysioel, Menne,
Moral, Political and Spiritual. After
giving the percentages of alcohol in the
various brands of liquors it was ebowo
that alcohol did not prodthe warmth to
the body in the increase of oiroulation of
the blood. Nor is it a food, It deetroye
the seen of taste and ie not nutritious.
It doeo not inoreaee vitality but deetroys
the eironlation by imposing 17 beats to the
minute upon the heart more than normal.
Aloohol le a deterrent to brain power 08 11
coagulates the blood so that capillary
oaten ie largely annulled and leavee man
a physioal wreok. It effects the intelleot.
Robt, Borne Byron, Gouge, and others
were quoted and some of their experi•
noes noited, King Alcohol ie no recipe°.
for of persons:, as kings, potentatee,
elergymen and the brightest and beet
have been °kilned by this tyrant. Char
miter and moral worth will outlive time
bathe Shakespeare was correct when he
said "Who steals my purse finale troth,
&o," The MOM who parleys with liquor
tekee a eerpont 100 big boo= Whiolt 5011
0110 day de.troy 111111. Men t God'a
nebleet oreation and We hold 'be Netlee's
degany le our band% Aloolud deeiroee
prinelple and will poem. 1111111 ehortly
reathal le dethroned. 9.11te Mester grive
oor pewere ivith tbo temeetion "Oceepy
till I come" and It ehoeld be eine to 00
our God given wore bet the liquor MOM()
RailGES dniinnetity, and obliterates oplf
rasped, Greet men of the pest isnot) tie
ficiontes, DeutoethenesiStheee, Gt, Aetie•
tine, Pliny and many others have heeled
their anathemae against the traido, nuni.
thous quotations being given by the
'speaker, Figures were ginned to Phew
than in the rtaim 'of polities and ae a
matter of othotneree the trent° was a
fraud Re the expenditure exceeded the
reviews) and wee the fruitful came of
peopling the oraylume, orphanagoe, re.
formatorlee, jaile'and houses of refuge in
Addition to Ste long trate of sin. Judges
and lawyers were free to kitty it was the
chief °mese of arena, and Wherever its
sway is felt direful and disastrous, both
for time and eternity, were ite resting,
Mier. Brook oonoluded an bailee addreee,
of whioh the above ig only a very brief
outline, by allowing the toes to the oburoh
and community spiritually from the
traffio, and called upon the electorate to
exerone their franchise for God and
Hoene and Native Land. Tbe disouthion
of this important topio should do good.
The large congregation paid close heed to
all that WOG said.
Business L9estiS
Cent for butter and eggs. A. Coueley.
Box wanted to work oo fai to. Must
be able to drive a team. 301105 Robb, Blec
Lot 26, Con, 7, Morrie.
ANY One wanting MOM made ready for
raieiog on have Same done eatiefaotorily
by Haw filer BleGreger, Brussels Beet.
WANTBD-1000 bushels of timothy and
clover seed ; 100 turkeys ; also dried
tipples and butter
G. E. RING,Wirightim.
Beim store in Smale block to rent,
fitted up in first clan shape, suitable for
any business. Possession at once.
Apply ou premises. 68 2.
CARPET WEAVING.—Am prepared to at.
tend to the wante of the paella in the
weaving of rag earpet. Setiefiiation tee.
eared. Rom. ANDERSON, Elizabeth et.
ANYONE needing sews made ready for
rasing can have .ame done athiefitotorily
and chargee will be returned if prizee
cannot be taken with same, Yours, for
fast add they coining T. MCGREGOR,
SAW gummer and filer, Brussels.
Brussels Council.
The regular. monthly meeting of Brun -
eels Council was held on Monday evening
of this week.
Preeenl• Reeve Rose and Councillors
Henderson, Turnbull, Donaldeou and
Gerry. Miuntes of last meeting read and
A000unte were presented ea follows :—
Alex leformuohlin, salary 6 20 00
Wilton & 'Cerebral, Town Hall18 87
Jno. Broadfoot, dumping grouud5 00
W. El Kerr, mithelloneoue 4. 00
F. Gerry, wood Mrs. J. Blashill 2 60
D. 0. Ross " 2 00
W. Denbow, work on road 2 00
Wat. Ainley, Fire Dept.... 1 On
Joseph Burton, road work 75
Ino. Cousley " 75
Moved by J. Donaldson, seconded by
R. Henderson that tbe above amounts be
paid except Jac,. Broadfoot's se the
dumpiog ground wae 001 01 his plane MA
Tax Collector Creighton reported all
the taxes paid for 1900.
Minister Sinclair addressed the Conn-
ell relative to the a000unt of Dr. Ma.
Naughton Realest A. Forsyth and family
for medioal atteutlanoe. Laid over for
further oonsideration.
Council then adjourned.
ST4X1).4.1?,1) .84,1VE OF C.4.W.04,
OAPPPAL PAID UP (One Million Dollare) 01,000,000
RUT 6700,000
in 011 PrinciPia Poll* in Oniqrio, Qttebee, Manitoba, Unitat States vt Enviatul.
A. General BankingBusiness Trartheeted, Verniers' Notes Ullsoounted.
Drafte Issuid and Colleotione made on all points.,
Interest allowed OD depoeits of 81.00 and upwards and oempounded half yearly.
Seams, Amman; Ones mo TISK Oommorion• or Palmetto' Sas NOTES,
Every fitOility afforded OttlitoMere 'Whig at a anthem
payable at any bank netted 'Under 610„ ,. 8o, e20 to 850., —120
Money Orion at the following rates ;— Ifid to $20., ..10o. 80 to 40,...140
MONDAY, MAI= 11TS.--Parm stook,
implemente, &o., Lot 20, Con. 16, Grey.
Sale, unrenerved, at 1 o'olook. Fletcher
Sperling, Prop. ; F. S. Hod, Ago.
Tuthethe, MARCH 14ea,--Farm stook,
implements, &ra, Lot 24, Oon. 7, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, ab 1 o'olook. Robt.
McKelvey, Prop. ; S. Soott, Ano.
TUESDAY, MARSH 19 --Farm, Farm
stook, implements, &a. Lot 20, Con. 15,
Grey. George Shiele, prop. ;F. S. Sant,
WRDNESDAY, MARCH 20.— Fenn otook,
implements, &o , Se Lot 25, Con, 9, Mor.
ria. Sale, onragerved, at 1 o'olook. Jno.
Ma/tether, Prop. ; F. B. Soon, Auo.
THURSDAY, MARCH 21.—Farm stook, im.
plemente, &a., W Lot 14, coo. 5, Grey.
Bele, unreserved, at 1 °Wools. Peter
Bishop, Prop. ; F El. Soon, Auo.
TUESDAY, MAUCH 26. — Fa, re, farm stook,
implements, dsci , Lot 19, 00e. 6, Grey.
Bale, unreeerved, at 1 o'olook. Wm. Pol.
lardProp b' S Seed Ana
I .
Tams bead of anti° rising 2 years,
for sale, NI Lot 117, Con 8, Morris. MRS. A.
CONRAN, Bruesels Post OOeo,
ATM° and Howie Painting done in
Workmanlike Manner and on abort notice.
Have had three 085000' experienoe in eity
work. Terme reasof able. Give me a ciell.
26 072. 301155 87011. Walton.
9 to 14 months old, for sale, awed by
ninottish Chief," 120001.) whose sire Was im-
ported by D. D. Wilson. of Seaforth. For
further particulars apply to
A. SMITH, 8 4 11000 07, 68,000.1, Grey,
81.4 Treworiclee P. U.
i DEM/GRIM will offer for salable 100 sere
farm, Lot 16 Con. 6, Grey, ou width there
are 90 pores under cultivation: good frame
house, bank barn, 45500 feet, nine orchard.
Bernie meek, well fenced, and place in good
shape. 'I he farm is of a mile from eolioel,
2 Miles from the thriving village of Ethel
and 7 miles from the village of Brno.
sole. There are 10 mires of Pall wheat and
10 acres plowed. Possession given at
once . Terms easy. For further inforMation
as to price, berme and conditions apply to
P. S. SCOTT, Auctionem, Brussels, or the
proprietor on the premises.
Ethel P.0,
t.lt I.
Mra, Thos. Taylor has been quite poorly
daring the past week.
Will. Whaley, of Belgrave, is coiling
on old friende in this neighborhood.
Wm. Milne spent a few days with ue
this week. He may move to North Bay.
Siim. Oantlon, of Brunsele, ie home for
a visit. He says he is out for hie holi-
The party at Geo. blitchilll's last Fri-
day night WOE a decided semen. Geo.
always does things up right.
The Misses Smith, of Wroxeter. have
opened a dress making ehop in rooms
over Geo. Mitchell's shoe raters.
Our Temperanoe people are expecting a
good time this (Friday) evening. They
iobeod going out to visit Trowbridge
Shipments at elation this week were
6 oars wheat. for Portland, 2 oars peas
a nd 1 of este for Toronto, and oar of hogs
for Hamilton.
Rev. H. E. Curry is putting in a sup-
ply of ioe we notice. Perhaps he pur•
poses treating us to a series of iothiream
parties when the warm weather comeo.
Mr. Greensides, formerly of this locali-
ty, who was section b me on the H. T. R.
at A.twood, rented George Howe's fat re
near Molesworth and moved to it this
The 50 acre farm belonging to William
Pollard, South half lot 25, con. 5, Grey,
has been purchased by Jiimes Peereon,
the price being 61,200. Mr. Pollard offers
hie 100 aore homestead farm for sale also.
A young gentleman of the 5th coo, bad
the misfortune to get hie cutter badly
Breathed s short di steams out of town
Sunday night and bed to walk home.
So bad the three ladies who (mused the
break down. Donald thys one girl will
be enough for bins next time,
GARNESS.—In Morris, on Maroh lot, to
Mr. and Mrs. John Garneee, a son.
BloPenteson.—In Bintoarth, Mao , on
Feb. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Morberson, a son.
Hionsegote--At Auburn, Oat., on Feb.
28, Rev, Robert Henderson, Probe,
Laden minieter.
Knaseg.—In Morris, on Month 6, Lorne
edifier, infant eon of James Kerney,
aged 8 months and 18 days.
Wencen.—Th Penneylvabla, on Maroh 8,
Mary Dudley, relict of the late John
Walker, aged 81 years,
Zusrom hotne on Queen
street, Bru mole. 21 10 foolish for business
men and retired farmers to rent housee
0W011181121110heLetlynEetAappliloyintoe of their own for
or sale, aged 1 year and 8
inentbs, respeotively. Good animate with
good pedigrees. The first mentioned took
2nd prize at Bast Huron Fall Show. 1007,10
O elass 07 0, Prices right. aaa, SPHIlt, Lot
80, Con. 6, Morrie, Brussels P.O. 21.
Tenders Wanted.
Tendon) will be reeeiVed bo the undersign-
ed, 00 00 Saturday, Mal oh 28rd, 1901, for re.
airing Knox Church Kansa, thinned in the
I 1 itgg!neely OPrlaannberoaold ptifitilittticoT.
The lowaut or any tender not Peoesserlly no-
cepted Tenders to b. addreeeed 10
94.8 -Al.,
Secretary of Committee, Cranbroak P.O.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 5, Cons. 10 and 11, Grey, a iirst.elses
registered Short Horn bull. This animal
was bred by Wm Grainger & Son, of Mul-
lett, whose cows stood at the head of the
list at the World's Pair, Chicago, in their
class for butter and milk Pedigree may be
peen on applioation, Torras, 61.50 for the
season, to be mild at time of eeivice with
privilege of returning if nommen.
84.3m CHAS. ROEELL, Proprietor,
..1. dersignecl offers hie 100 aore farm for
sale, being Lot 11 , Con. 17. Grey. There aro
90 aores cleared and 10 acres bush, %nod
house ; batik barn. 00x82 feet, with stone
stabling ; good orohard ; farm well !aimed
and drained. Artesian well with wind mill
and tank. Convenient to sollool, ohnroh
and market, 10 times of Pall wheat ...nd 15
sores plowed, balance seeded to erase, Ap-
ply on the preinfeee or Walton P 0.
84-01 MBAS ORIOR, Walton,
TICE.—In the matter of the estate
of William Button, deoeseed.
As the Reserved Bid Wail not readied on
the day of sale herein, tondera in writing
will be reotived for the pnrobase of the
lands and m remises, :tamely :—The South
Ilan of Lot 20, Concession 8, Morris, 100
acres, raul.ject to the approval of tha under.
signed Local Master of this Court. Parties
deetroue of waking an offer for this Valu-
able property may do so through the auc-
tioneer, F. S. Scott, or the plaintlffie solici-
tor, and if aoceptod will he subject to the
mime terms and conditions as settled by the
said Looal Muster, and aunounced at the
time of the sale hereto
Dated thie 050, day of March, A.D. 1901.
B. L DO7L24,
Local Master ab Goderioh,
07,24. SINOLAIlt,Plifie Solloitor. 841f
R, 1,901
Cold in the Head
Cold in the Chest
Cold in the Throat
Cold. Anywhere
Can be depended on
to cure it.
25c. a box.
Fox's Drug Store.
Notice to Creditors.
415 perpono having Malmo against the es-
tate of Thomas Wright, late of the Town..
ship of Grey, in the County of Huron, shoe-
maker, dem:need, who died on 0110 00111 day
of Docember.19007are notified to send or
deliver to Ann Wright, Areeptown P. 0 ., the
Executrix of eald deoeased, on or before the
Itrd day of April, 1901, a statement of their
el aims, duly verified, and after the lust men-
tioned date the assets of the estate will be
distrib uted arcing those entitled thereto,
having regard only to such define as have
then been reoeived. And the liseoutrIx iv111
not bo responsible for the ansate or any part
thereof to any person of W0088 010101 notice
shall not then ' htlY0 been rtheived. Ttits
notion 10 pursuant to the Statute in that
Dated at 0,080010, Mandl 710, 1001.
84-2 Agent for Exeoutrix.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
Rayon, in the matter of the estate of
Mary MoLean line of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
Widow, deee.sed.
Notice is hereby elven, Univ.:salt to the
Revised Stittntes of Ontario, 1898. CT.up. 129,
See. 88 that all creditors and others miming
any claims against the estate of Mary Mc-
Lean, late of the Village of Bruseele, in the
Conoty of Huron. Widow, deoetteed, who
died on or about the 8th day of Januvry, A.
0.1001111 the Village of Brussels, in the
County of Huron, are hereby requested to
thud by poet, prepaid, or to deliver to G. P.
Blair, of Breese's, Solicitor for John Roee
and Wm. Graham, Executore, on or before
the Ned clay of Mareh, A. D., 1901.1their 1011
IMMO, &Mirages, and desoriptione and the
full partioulare of their otaima, (verified by
aftedavIS and the nature of the 0800110109, 11
auy, held by them. And notice 10 hereby
given that atter ,the said last mentioned date
the said Exeout 're will prooeed to distribute
the assets 05 0116 said deceased among the
p braces entitled thereto, having regard only
to the claims of which nottoe shall hove:been
given as above required, and the said Ex-
ecutors will not be reeponsible for the as -
seta, or any part (1180101. 10 any person of
whoee claim notice thall not hen been re-
moved at the time of stitch distrlbutiou,
0.8'. BLAIR, trusee te, Ont. ,
Solloit or for Exeoutora.
Dated at Br:easels, Marou Oth, 1901.
FRIDAY, MARCH 8121.—Farm stook, ine•
plemente, du, le Lot 22, Con. 6, Morris.
Sole, unreserved, at 1 o'cleck, Hugh
Forsyth, Prop. ; 01. 15. Scott, Ano,
•Y .6 •
For the Great ----+-
Bankrupt Sale
- Then we Close, Pack
Up and Move.
Now 10f MG GRA
Don't miss securing Goods at less
than Wholesale Cost.